HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-15, Page 7THE KE FACTORY. enininelphia Stners'i Where are the heroes. a Runnymede. • poet a speech tole LZriij o deo& Wito gala' King Jetta swim dreadfal 'whacks, la the tare, where. the chichen.get the ex . And wrnagatie.cieerter from Ms Otba • 0714014g ./tim in. the met abs • With atittnuentA thee they hoppenedl Mate. Were, backed by weapoutelm to datel • Where two the baronsi They, ail are path flut their deeeendante are iiving on In houses moderate, but .complete. L ee tease "wheee the mei. grows hi Om etreva" The eeee of the barons- Theineelves, Ita clear, IS like that ot the snows of eesteryear," •Diet .the noble Order of the Crown Pitiledelehiet end nouth ef Slorkeemal north of Pine. Fleerislies ie n levity line, • Embracing mimes. like Iimith and Jones, - And even. swim alurphee and Melones. e----7-omenlOPPen• THE EXETER FINDING OF A LOST TR,IBE, tbe witb.?'t to e Istailits? sw I: eil!;. saatetda fled gent to en English sea captain for Z2,0(10, Who, in turn, disposed a it to A HERMIT RACE JUST DISCOVERED a Jew for £12,030. From him it was purchased by laejelt, a Persian march, - IN ARCTIC CANADA. a,nt, who, in Amsterdam, when DR 1111$ Way frem England te RaSsia. met Its Ireepte tutmett a Lonely Island trt Untl. pewee oetoff. This prince, be order sea Rah, ;41.14 nite Never sere e White to regain, the favor or 0403a -dee ee., Neu nom 44 EW :Reams Ane--ertititti under whose displeaenre he had fallen, of si mimeo *meow'. earatue eeseght the gem teem the mer i hant to The Government authorities air Ot- the suur 4.4),°1)d a4(.1 ansn'IttY °'t Z4,000, and presented It to i his imper- tawa have been notified. a the discos,- ial mas" tress, who had previously de-• ay. on lonely island, in 'Judson BAT, cuniml the pnerehise ae. ton costly, but oE e. lost tribe of Esquintaux, cone- .now aceep,ed this truly royal gift muni.y winch ha a been for centuties ifrmu bet' ilinstrious subject - The "Orloft" diertiond ereighs 191 i. ut intereouree with other repre- cerats, and ite estimated value is see/olives of the bewail species and £039,8CO. siee it reeks first among wletse members ever saw a :white Eurepean gems, aad in beauty yielcla man euteo, a fele menthe awn, Taey Palm: in the "Slegito,t" °My. It. is • d that ik thicSee 'YOU TAgTED TIM "P'S should be cleaned daily and bedded with fresh, clean straw. In order to bring out the fancy points, the hair of the Peruvian and Angora. should be occasionally combed and brushed. In the case of the Ahrisinian a small flesh bra)lt may be used to good ad- vantage. As fax as housing is coneerned. the EN'I.ONI GREEN TEA? cavies may be Igept in any dry place fee Awe delicious dam Japer'. sold mar la that is Irrovided with sufficient light 7.414d- raeketf., and ventil ttion. They may be hem. to- gether families in large pens or in avian and Abyssinian cavies were pen- eingle hutches, dewed. Their least distinctive featttre • Cavies ore looked upon principally is their short, glossy coat, wbich en- as innocent Pets for children. hut It A titles theta e „ may be intereetteng to the reader to %an as ns iny fenciers are wontt" "1: kilOW that it has become quite them. Of the halglish cavlea "AM; 14 among business in to keep as office broken eolors are the most*Pentitar, pets. Mrs. Foyer has sent several and are found in nianY ronaldnatirans• hundred of these Sit tie anim a IS to he black and white esPeeianY. wnen prominent bueinees and prefessionel ibn Over the long distance telephone, are still in the stone age, knowing- no enistoastotiee evenly marked, ard, are the reest men in varieus parts of the -country. Don't ask foe! enestione or 8,19 aloue was suggested by this some and ghreeatriaairaorrliiir:sivetrbYe hand' afra. sdbi Ne, erctalvig ipseta. fri°Pnligalbalnada. swhweeg For on this subject no lead are meet In the town owbere the arises growa in the Metals. they grow no plants, and their mone. white and black, for example, being the pet stool, Lapey fleUrisheS Mare _ erfes 6,LH-got," lemeen ere buitt al the. Skulls ef very valu Able, it bred to pct ePethan b ere. 1e VIVO et Cavies euitable whales, KERB TOUNG WITH A E(013EY, ciaieDs- aPlironeh the ideal ti„be for exhibitioa purposes range between breeder beare let mind therr size. me Evideneee of Springtime, o$10 and 850 for single specimens. For The Itome of tine (Strange tribe ison Next to e 'sappy, Or at least a tole shape ceseer color in as mane distinct ern 0B111, here centes tho hook neut. an a, e ee. d . patches as poesibie4 drooping earsedaed , teetotal hiag prices ere offered, an d It; ! *be below, md, wen. on thn oeck pt.* eeen eoutpton III . a Pleee et watere letrably equal and hopeful mental state, mer distributer chap. tux the heathen sub. Maine. and situated at the north end ful spirit and demeanor is to hart dier, an tile wiro fence feller, an thegunue girt land 'least)! as big as the State et an active agent in suataining a youth- btgla sbnulder.ololow.1.11 te144 IQ Pr ttee many oases are refused. Champion ltob _ ve ... sithies did. _ 1 1 f . f t nor peen:tie, ;itiii... toeierviieneie.eeineis.0111 ...lino; i .. :1 The Peruvian cavy. a long silky- ehvAr.abrrttedef"s2e5i1 t ie r b ' Id i serintlen w'ataan• en the caterPwar ester"' of /Nilsen Day. Apparently tile pe�- keee interest in life- An eine ile r a e$ hatred pet. Is a aeec a avorriatset be. while roluator, an the man that cures chills Pie have dwelt `there ever atone the ' the mainspring of youthful endeevor. women and children .Tbe COtit While yon elmite, MI Of epriag ain't hero . . „ , - . . now att vvegi4 to sax 11.1_signs to wiallty pm.cohuublan times, and to -day they Yontle Is filled with interrogatiortS, stZterloniet, 4tbiladleigt hheeeTIngitileqsbeaisiastoedgireeaht IIIIITISII7ARICA Ste-SU-RANCE CO. , deevivin. Turn the key on lita an then go eulasiu in examiy the *mine way as : lege know e it ell. Youth is eager, age ' the smooth variety. wont(' not at first The s.x2y-eixth annuli meeting 01 lock yorself In the harn,"--Atlanta Gene 147 enuet have done then. Raving tive. oterieue. Age ia listiees, torpid, sight. recognize the Dernvian as a eavY. ehareholeers of the Pritish,,Am r.ca stitutton. Iteen isolated tor so long a period, it ,apathetie. Youth tette ite dreams and Its hair. fine and gleemy, falls.in a ant- A xsurence Company. Leld en Friday Om other Side, L3 natural tbet 'they elneald poseees enthuslasInee Age its rea,izetions and flea, fringe over the nose and In a ?rick last, devetopee a most setteeu-tory e .. AD, Bnglish lady, walking with her lit- WAY It il . . eequence end impoesible to rad -walla' upon the gi mind tri the rear. Length Ile girl, Rew a lento old tieggev bearing en their utensils, weapons of the chiSe clienge ,bnt4it can he largely -modified. hofeaccloant,Ainthieliecigenttetrnattiginagf hcabiraroanettehraii latfeatet:Yroapbarile:intsIneoaomr:pilateiroa tblirneeeitiEe,lairsitl!thleauesli°11';shes: eur% eaaltbf t:i. 4* APitrtil5litntelleiVevel."ise"ee"ET ntwe.4. his het the legend, "I Fought at Waterloo." and other olefeets„ was secured by a ',Cultivate a tad. 0- ilnilly. Study some- . weeks...limey. remenenseealetereouetin. WILLIAM ST,, TOROhITQ. to enve yeur country." said the lady "Olve hint Millie Malley, for he helped, thing new. Never imagine tliet yea ere ietics of the aillierior aualitY• Peru*. of the year enablee the nirestors to Ace .rding to Prof. Garriott. of the p-ouLTRY, BUTTER-. EDON, APPLES, whikfleet re gvi th tt reeoullY 7:eitee4 too old to lee= anything you TAU vians are male found in mieed colors, pay the regular As the ehitd droplaii, OHM silver leto their i land. but to the reOret et We wish to acquire. Education ends only , but Otero le e Intro., 'cl'i'" r"r"?' ;" cent. and add '7,000 to the reserve. In est point in America. 41-ri'lm4 "'-:.j 7 l'' r ' w4 her hure3g' CII;eag° i'i the wilacti- eedotheranonnen, tecesere test wssinstiensn a Ma ittuld die exeKidier bowed End exelE134` C dime authot Moe they have all with life and life is immortal. whose meet attiattive characteristics view or the yeer e reettits the me e. The Dawson Oomnrssum Co., Linpted, ad, "Went. illittlinuelsellut"-Srit-Blta iliSappOin Thlfl IS a rta,tural moue on elle.) side01 the head, tra putt from the meietore Li barb ba 00ir4OT TAKE OUR WORD. FOR IT. T V IT AND. SEE QR YO1JeSELr- Tura C EY LON TEA DESERves the NAeati A$ TelE $1,,est PRODUCED. IN PAO* IT la SUSI' WNAT YOU W var. tied pecka 25 30, 40, glare:400*. IF YOU'RE UNDER---„ww HE necessity of using hint for any purpose, you will be inter* ested - RAM SAY'S PORE MIXED PAINTS because they are the best paints you can secure, and all the best dealers have them. Ask for them. A. RAMSAY & SON, MONTREAL, The Paint Makers. R wereible WCa nur Carters °° CURE i9o. Ction M 44 0$ r. ppe COrTnagki Co, Agesite, 31ontresil. ry s:dewalke. sualiy thin tO THI1 DES MOISISS INQUSATOR-emitantioletapeee FOR OVER Ftnry YMARA 0 gendTti 4e awn:, fOr gbeDerniniell. k;;• ucl MRS. WINSIXIV 5 SOOTHING SYRUP has beso elituo tor '.0.41449. '.116t•Pata litMt*MOPUItal used le mozherr for their chddren treimea It isiathrs - 01e .11,1,1, settees ehe was, tow cures windHARR is 2Esuww eclie,end sada- test remedy kr overtax* Zu bet, 1.4A1), COPPER. nRikeS, Preenettou. "It's very wrene, to melte too much; The habit aerely terves, trelm 'tut spunky tedulged. We irritate the rtervee• "It'a e'rong to overeat youeself,•' The Kende trust exelaiewn. "For tine will venue on maladies Too numeroue to be timed slanweaug to gee too warneeluderd Nose people thoulti be tied About the way dint too much beet Same lead to bootie cold. 08o lieten to iny meg and heed. %Vim% rood and colt Are mneh tes,e likely to do berm If lef1 in my contra," The Carver 'taste tenough For All. There wee cure a OMR WII0 labored night and day verving and polishing it bit of ivory so that It might look like a grain of rico At Limonite!' nine years he deemed his work well nigh perfect A hungry lien the swallowed his masterpiece Thu ben mule no complaintnor did the ret of tbe world .1•••./•!•• Being Benet. "Do you mean to toll ino thnt tho mem- bers of our legislaturewill be ruled at. the bidding ut any ono maul"' "Well," answered Senator Sorghum. "they're getting rather particulan a must :say the man's got to bid pretty liberal, A Lazy Citizen. I don't keer much ter sprint/time Down whim I raise en bo'n, Per tv'en (ley has a Sunny day Day sots me hairpin co'n. knows de fish it thin En longin for de bait, But den it's "Bitch ditt mule em En plow dat furrow straightl" I 'bleep ter 'boy my orders En come up ter dciecratch, But, bless de Lewd, 1 travelin Ter do watermillion patent Confempied It Himself. ruddy- Heekla complains that after all his labor in behalf of tho public lie gets nothing for it. , Duddy -And that's more than he de- serves. Nothing is too good for hbn. I have heard him say so bintself.-Doston Transcript Hough on Him. "Oh, 1 knowtel I would get it!" said the man who had been fined for selling tainted batter. "And I guess I can stand it But it does seem kinder hard to have been fined by a judge with dyed whisk - ors." -Indianapolis Journal The Wear, House Hunter. I would not move in winter, 'When the ground ili•white-with snow. I would not move in springtime, When tbe nodding lilacs blow. I would not Move in summer, ' • When the sun's rays scorch the town.. When the dust is thick wherever One proposes to sit down. 011, I would not move in autumn. When the leaves begin to fall, And, in feet, ii•I could help it, I would never movjaat alll Like Mateo Like. "That last box of perfectos you sold inc ' was Very bad;" said Puffer. "Well," replied the dealer blandly, "you know the Havana crop has been poor for the last three yeers."--Philadelphia North .Aanerican. Everyth Ing come*. "Still writing for the magazines?" Be asked as one who yearns To learn his neighbor's ways and moans. "Well, what Mai the returns?" As one -whose voice did lack the ring Of pure, spontaneous glee The other said: "Oh, everythingl =Inv n.1,1 orunda talrox *apse, Papa's Idea. "Pa, what is a hero?" "A hero Is a man who , tries to read a newspaper in tho same room with a boy about your size,-• ' Itoinanpe Shattered. elseed hart She neither drew back nor turned red, And she did not deliver a slap on his eat. He kissed her! No word by the lady was said. She had ceased to he thrilled --they'd been married a year. . -Chicago News An Usual. •• "I understand Gotrox made his fortune' aut of a sinipie invention." "No; out et a simple invent,or."-In- iiiinapolis Journal, - , • Ban tang. She trips the light fantastic With the grace of ono from France And lin case which n'llite assures os She will maks hat husband dance. -41tiladelph1.o North Ameriooll. ' eyes and p late the poesession of pentane are its delicate pink agement rontemelate ineteasine tho retramo.0 sgh. iin Cape Celeny la i New Yetis. PRETTY' PINK. PAWS. capital by siaSOXOS, nasking it SIAN. oetrielies accompanying a rad - way train as it speeds an its way. Tneir Lues of skulls, more proper- ly as lettte, are built by put - 'Ling tt get her th great jaw i of is innee and thm eovering theta over witb elciue. In the middle of tile priuu- U dwelling i an elevated place, on 1' lett stands tbei The Angore, distinct ,u, toy tete f00 and explore new fields ft r mese .011.1•1•••••••• Terrible Suffering ream Asthma, Cor.Westelearket &Oltenia et...Toronto, Arm Strs. Weihean, of Iiinunt Forest, flttAjflPL I eleanIn 1 The rerort in detail appeare in an -11) aays: "For a number of ye ire, 1 fers from the Peruvian in having long ror ma tee Net mai 704r work r ' a e en uf eret' fr im As hula, other column of this issue. have be41 BRITISH AMERICAN IMMO CO, ..4 ...1-. their and a elean beda. 1 CAVIES AS Ph;TS. The Abyseinian, by relson of its land during that time 1 nave cies, utted nook ter *emit in 7411X W.% or met deed.. many dee ore on ray cise. and have montreajjoronto, Ottawa, nuebec, trange colt of short and wiry hair, , Catarrh Cannot be Cured ed many of the se -called cures for -- nernt late anti AtsrottOtrtiss Tti0 growing in numerous rosettes. attracts I Three litetinristnelei muelt :Mention. These little fellowe a re I' wIth /40VAlt 41 PlsicATIt'N$ ea thee court t A hula- but never g,lt rell'i. M times haw been so bad h tt 1 ft unit it ne- peratasectly curet 1, leech the a *I a .rsht,g Wool 1 Clued, et AVM, The breeding ot cavies xe the' latel9- found in white* red and 1?1" ken era."rs. or cone Ito end tt.eeetete and este to ewe sae nary k b.t.vc tim (tows ond Wine , ise throat eituraMt u. iIl eiiiiea s t lit it ti eon u t *aim lotereal reinedee, open to get uay lireetb. I had in A bOX. t VASt'L;Itilrg. VIM est fad of lovers of pet anienale. care compered with o, her animals. Catarrh van' is ISSCXX and xtvla d b Co..11361. Jataes44.. Montreal. INEVITABLE; SiTONLI LAX?. g.ven up in e. p f cutpb,sed bestine. cook. vious to their preeent incarnation, and, eathough a good fee "er, e(sto catarrh t t p jsi ;in ettiees aer te_ ever being cur- preseribt4 1..); ozIte,00ratuttN on eine. It wee net t iseerd of yaUe preparation- iiie A. Hato . reel onghebleed end remains earf drying, cintbes, ond cavies were sui tll rodents cleetely re- mere trifle to keep it. Experiments Moue', St.W.A.orcormo. oeititin arts. The Limp is nothing sembling tittle guinea lege. but in tbe, have Proven thlt two meal* daily nre 1(e:entry Pot Telt a. anti regularpreacripit n sufficient. One should coneist of hey, It isetaimo.eitoi the helm toot" known clan: w perieely cured -1 hanke to your to vredey Wee. tere.etr..rernov arrle zone. I h tee u ei it and am process of evolution they have 'teen oats and water and the ether (1 Teg" ' re, t y on the nuarnis sure'. The perrhet beim Ao 8ature,e, ecenil tItyteincooeitireutrie.o woo 0 td in fel, The whele Id LIM eMef wise mien is i! b lid black and ed in milk is also goad feT t 1 r. lee. . Q. • ting oi 40 , is tree or an oi her pet amnia e con in- Sold by tint -4;444. Wee 73Z. wane of SUbSiti:CnCe Of these strange English eolid red. people. They we the whalebane in The largest and fineet cavy ranch in ed In a smell space. their hutches Holed Faintly PAIS are the beet. a variety of surprising wart. Making aged by M__, irs Edith Kingman Power, of btu, d whit tfie beet bleed our.thet. he watiderful medicine. I act mraend it cum% caluotANonow wwc era' oil. with Iv"..0 Q. caters, black, while . lerench-red„ tor- 114an an °Ira, (leb.en,,„ate,:e'lletn„nier transformed into silken hells of many etables, sueh as carrot% beets or any !emelt-melon ct the two pgredtoute le w.at other fresh green food. Bread sonic- 'whim each wanderfoi result% In come • the United States is owned aud man - even their cupe and Ilueket`t of it. by Woodstoek, 111. 3rrs Power was 1(8.10 bending. 11 intu round shapes and sew - Years n Xiuccessful teacher in Illinois lees peculiar to tbetneelvea. and (Iwo school,. he has Mao been a freqpent mirk+ i bit empleyeS by any oilier Es' contributor to leading periodioale in log on Ole bottonts'e aians thr eithe West, and is au active member of Iiiipl:Lant'S are whalebone, and the ehicago press League. hi,boot tines teem, I he relate arliele thsY iks tne years ego her love o animals led her 'Await -like ;sleds. They itino menu- into a modest beginning as a breeder fee, ere sleds with walrus tusks for of rabbits, and, when that venture had runners arid ileer amities roe creels- asennied lerge propertions, she turn- ed her attention to cavies. In Eng- ranIld br' bard to rimi-,Inwq dar. land and Germany these little animals iug hunters than they are; the seal, have been raised es pets for some he walrum end t he wary earilein years, but Um. Poyer is the pioneer eon! ributing to fame hags. The in the cbusiness 11of breeding them in 11" wttlitrz"s unlY "Y"eight this count ty. Under her inepiration in•luala about illy divided bin ween ha sexes. Its members speak a dia- and direction the Chicago Cavy Club, the only organization of its bind qui to a ux. St rait s t birty in's broad America. was organized last year, and In :ape rate Southampton Island from tbe western sbare of Hudson Bay, where within a Sew weeks it, will liol.14 its a colony of Esquimaux, and. first regular exhibition. Sirs. Foyer there hi „ president ot the club. The object of OnCO in IL sera' lung wbile the stn"a tbe club is to encourage the raising freeze over. It is mild that this hap- of good. stock. to irlOrenS0 the tnarket hap - paned, seventy-five years ago, and then value of tile animals and to give a few hunters came over from tbo is- them definite elassifiesnion, •sueh as land 1 o 1he mainland, where they Were horses, dogs and eats now have. The much, surprised to encounter other hu- olub is nation:11 in he influence and man beings like themselves, h -""ng cavy owners in Leif the states of the doubtless imagined that they were the Union are members. register was only people in existence. There is opened last year and since then tbe now a tradition with the natives of pedigrees of thoroughbreds have been he mantle nd, NV4h.) say t h it the st ran- ' gers brought two sleds with them, but i ACCURATELY REPT, went away again and. never returned; i There are three dietinct kinds a neither before nor sine*, as far as can 'moles, the , English, Peruvian and be ascertnined, has a-ny news cisme ' Abyssinian. The first mentioned are from tb.e lost tribe until recently. ' the most numerous anrl the most wide_ On Southampton Islund there is no , ly distributed, being the original meepstone, whieh among theEsqui- ;stock from which the more aancy Per- maux elsewhere is the favorable ma- I terial for pots and kettles. Bence the 1-,-...eseetie-sseeeesei. ......eeteesessisetesteesesee people et the lost tribe are obliged, to rneke sun reaeptacles out of slabs of limestone glued together in rectangu- ATlmziNGBiso aTERy lar shapes with a mixture of grease I and deer blood. In ithe same way e they manufacture their lamps, d this fact Ls another evidence of the prolonged ieolaiion of the community inasmuch ae other Esquimanx, when they can obtain no soapstone in their own neighborhood, will take tripe last- ing several years in (quest of this rare material. RUSSIA'S CROWN DIAMONDS. entre Were 4,204 Gems *Ned In -Malting . Twee. of 'Them. The crown of Russia is at present presumably the richest in die:it:toads. Besides several valuable collections in the imperial treasury, there are I hree crowns entirely composed of these stomp. That of Ivan Alexiowitch contains 881, that of Peter the Great 847, .and that at Cathe.rine 2,5A6. One of its most .remarkable diamonds is the "Orloff," now set in the top of the imperial sceptre, and on this ac- count is sometimes called the "ScePe. tre" „diamond. The history of this stone has been much mixed up with that of the "Moon off the 1VIountain," another great 'themend in the passes- eion of the Czar, 'fbe most au then -- _tic acciient appears to.be that it form- ed one of the eyes of tne Hindu Iod Sri -Range, Le valsem was dedieated niainttieent temple slivated on a for- tified island in Mysore. „ Trench deserter from the Indian service, Who lead been at work in the neighborhood of his temple, heiaring of 'the idol's, Stiennx yeux," determined to become Cneir possessor. As no Chris. tians were permitted' within the pre- ciects of the pegoda, he, in eller to gain iiteccohtidence of the feeestie be- eaute a devotee and so inga a Lie Led him- eelf -yi h ehe Brahmins that they aon- fisted to hien the guaediaiiship- of the inner ,ehrine, which conbained the idol, Watching bus oppor Lunityl, one stormy night, he succeeded in foreing one of Startling' Decrease in the Num., ber of Deaths. from Kidney Diseases, Interesting Investigation' at Perth. - Miracle of Modern Science - Disease Being Wiped. 01.5 1»' nedtr's Kidney ruis-The ease et owen Byrne. Berth, March 5. -There has been a remarkable fallieg-011 hi the number ef deaths iti this district, of late. So noticeable has this decrease become that it had the re.salt af causing sev- eral interested persona to investigate az to the cause. This investigation has 'revealed the fact that the falling - off has been entirely in Kidney Dis- eases, This disclosure led to turtles in- vestignaion, to discovey why the num- ber of deaths from Kidney Diseaees should dedrea se, while those from oth- er manses remain at about -the same figure, especially as it watt knewn that nip out of every ten. deaths are cause ed by Kidney Disease, in some form. • This dispovery stet Had -the, investi- gatorg somewbat. For the decrease was ' traced, in every case., to Doeld's Kidney Pills. It was found that a few years ago, befove this medi eine was in- troduced, the recoveries from Bright's Dieease, Diabetes, Lumbago, Rh eu- inatesm,SCietfeet, Neuralgia, Parlay- sis GraVel, Stone in the Bladder, Urin- aryand _Bladder Diseases; Blood im- purities, Diseot.ses of W °Men , and Henet Disease, was very rare. 13ut Since Dad's Kidney Pills haye cenie into geneeal .use ,thege diseases never proye fatal, when the ;ill le are esed. In proof of thie claim, Owen Byrne of Perth, states that he was completely cured of Kidney Disease_ by Doclf,d'e Kidney Pills. Re suffered for' a long 'tieriOd, and no other remedy did him any good - His sufferings war- very distressing, and he wag in a. totally impelees shad, when he began to use Doda's Kidney Pil Ls, They ce,refil hIj in 0 few weeks. Teni is only one of hand reels of curee iti this, county. At, te vterne, 41/444 4,6 daeo. zAzipt itte„letidiend e..or. BritisMmericaAssuranceCompany ANNUAL MEETING.; The sixty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Sharehal iers of this Company was held ta its offices in this city at noon on Friday last, the eerti inst. The Presideot, Hon. Geo. A Cox, occupied toe chair, and Mr. P. H. Sims, who was appointed to act as Secretary, read the following ANNUAL ADDRESS. The Directorheve pleasure in pre- eeipts of upwards of one and a half senting the sixty-sixth Annual Re- minion Sollars. The most encourag- !port embracing the financial state- ing features in eonnection with the • ments of the Company to the alst De- past year's transactions were the °ember, 1659. steady and continued growth of the There has been a satisfactory growth Canadian fire business, and the very in the premium inceirae for the yeitr in moderate losses which have been sus - 1 he fire and marine branches. The tained in the Dominion. While the Canadian fire business has shown ex- general experience of companies do- eeptioaally favorable results, and there mg business in this country had beet has been a moderate profit on the ma- favorable, cawing to the fire losses rine business wri; Len during, the yearhaving been considerably below the In the trailed States, however, this average of preceding years, the ex- Couien ny MB, itt eomnaon, with all oth- perience of thiS company had been ex - era eining business there, sarfered from ceptionally so. From reports of the the. unusually .beeiey fire josses that business in Canada that have been ebrqvceitioecsrrred eeveial of the larg- published, it appears that the aver- age ratio of losses to premiums of The net profit on the year's trans- all companies reporting to the aotions, $62,,038.80, has beet' sufficient t4Dominion Government had been 56 per cent. The British An:prim. was 48 to pay the tame' half -yearly dividends at the rate of 7 per cent. pert annum, Per cent. In the United States, on the and, after writing oil an amount to otehlelia• as that 'chic eiliesnceataralpaexnpye,rheandiceb,eaans cover w depreciation in oflice furniture . much less satistactory, the fire loss and securities, to provide for an addi- ' Lion of hearty $7,000 to the Reserve havieg been far in excess of ,those of fund, which now amounts to 8577,087- averageyears, and the loss resulting 04. :Pile reeerve to cover the estimat- from the Company's operations in that 01 liability on unexpired Policies Sas field had materially reduced the total been increesed to meet, the additional Platt of the, year. In the marine amount at risk, and is 'more than an branch, he wee ple-ased to, say that ample provision according to' tho Cora- the' results oi the past year had- been panses experienoes, to meet losses that such as t� Austife" the action of the Dir- . will accrue upon policies in force at the ectors in continuing the ' business of end 01 the year. this department, notwithstandeng the In view the increiteed husiness of , adverse experience of previous years, the Company and the contemplated en- ! and so far as can be Stidgial from the largement of its field 'of operations; preSent, outlook as to rates ancli gen- the Directors deem the 'presentan op- ! eral bonditiinis of marine anderwrit- porteine time to. increase the cepital Mg, the prospects fcin the present year steck, as contemplated. in ils net of :Let* red encoureging Itt this branch. incorporation, to 181,000,0A A by- The Preeftlent also referred:to the es - law vtal be submit Led to the xneeting tablishment of business connections to authorize the issue of 0250,000 ad- at points beyond the limits of; Canada ditional stook, to be allottedpro rata I tend the United States, where favorable to present shareholders at.a premium 1 openings might presene-thernselves. a 15 per cent... . elem. was adopted; and a y- 1 The R b SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL SATE -1 law was passed -providing for an • IVIENT.,, • . crease of capital stock of the Company. Total cash income. e . • V.022,249,88 tto one . imon dollars, . lby TOtalexp en ditur 0., I the allotment of two loan- ing peppropreateon for dred and fiffy thousand doll are lobscs ander adjhatiMent. 1,580,210,99 , hundred .and. fifty thousand dollars new stock to, shareholders in the pro- . 43 62,038.89 . portion of one share to every three 52,500.00 1, shares held by, them. -; The folloWing gentlemen were ;re- T.otal assete . . ./31,47-3-5.88.; ' elected to serve as Directors for the Total liabilities. . • 145,849.01 , ensuing year :-Ffon. Geo. A. Cox, J. J. Kenny, Hon. S. C. Wood., Thomas Dieidends declared .• Su rpl us u ens '41.327,887.04 Long, John Hoskin, QC.. L L.D., H. M. The President in moving the adop- Pelted , R. Jaffrey, A Myers and E. Oen' of the report, eseid that it was mr gratifying to be able to refer to the ,, satisfectory growth during the year At a meeting of the Board holo sub - an the income of t4 Company which, i sequelltlY Mr. Geo. A. Cox was A- aftel dedueling Mounts paid for electea President and Mr. 3. 3. Kenny reinsurance, showed net prenainna le- , Vice -President. ae a peeiSively sure cure for Asthma." ; Calarrh-o-zone is a gueranteed cure for Catarrh, Asthma, and Broncintis. Sold by all drugenets. Trieit outfit sent fur les in stamps by N. C. POL- e',ON CO,, Kingaton, Out., Proprie- tors. The professional picture banger is nowt a regular adjunct of art atoms in large cities. •••• ••••••••• O'KEEFE'S MALT Invigorates, and St:. fmtbena, LLOYD WOOD.Toronto, GENERAL Aosta. To' Test Nutmegs. -Prick (hem with a pin, and if they are goad the oil wtll inatantly spread. around the puncture. TO CEEB A. COLD IN ONT DAT .TAke Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. All druggitte refund the money it it tails to cure. Sec. Oroviee vgaa.ture lean cads box. lloavy money ofteu pull a youag term down; an edtieation usually lifts him up. "Pharaoh 1 Payne. of Granby, que. Piot Maradaoturver. STRAWRERRY PLANTS, shippee in I. ntlislied lalIrS, wiib plenty ci teem. Vie te.te.e.ncon 1.11, n,tdrraa MiArb B. exow, 'earealterrs Sgarialit," Box a, LananIngs Mike, One ACENTS WANTED. We want vele nemeses:, !MUM-11171RO men la "unre3ren3itv.1 annarta them/Oa-at the imam en tt 0,41 our Wait for insentoient, I:Mammas/I goat oisble ads t yesti.. or adthog on est. taent; wee 40 2K40.10 Mdfiltd.lina tor went mane, Ws Pay liberal 1.01111113'2310W. Apply, Sun savings and Loan Company, Toronto. Michigan Land for Sale. 000 ACRES 0000 FARMIRC LAtios-ARERAO eel knee, tilta oreetera volumes. Titteece irdli ?Aria ?tract r ingg net:154 par we. These IAn. are Lies* to Iltiterionslog New Towns, Chamber', Schools, etc., and will be *old on co! reasonable tame. Apply to It. M. PIERCE, Agent, West Ray Lityk Mich - Or J.W. Cult.r1S, Whittemore. FOR SALE! THE Followtrig :0,.CoND HAND ZdAVIIINEItY t " ha% been tase4 but, little; is meth -any ua good at new; nil he r.old vhoer. 1 (rrvin I -land Miner; I Vinery Haul; 1 Lathe, 4foot bed.: 3, 1311saLlate Lathe. 5 foot ; 2 t,,,u -14s, 12 tn.; 1 Poser Hack Saw; 3 To Viers, 1,0, Pedestal : I Large Polishing Jack; 1 Stir _ 22 lion Pallcra of digervat sites: 5 Thecit Yuaera. Lathe; 2 Si clie Threading ilnehines; I EIrine I e To Care a Sling. 01 nee oe 'wasp,- ately to a, w NESBITT:, liroodatock, Ont. , .......... . Mix COMM= earl h with water and ape THE MOST NUTRITIOUS, ply at once. OIMONOOMMIN;M La Toscana, 10c, ItEdIANclil CIO•An A 011.Y.Montreal .1•1•11•111101111•• "I can't boom the market," said Farmer Hardhsad, "but I can lower the cost of the crop." ••••1.••••••0 E PS'S GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. 141ORTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. COCOA The "Balmoral," Free Bus Mora BREAKFAST -SUPPER. .,...,...0.0.,,,,,,,,,,,,a..............r..w............p.. *-- . Hotel CarslakeStem . Erciii O.T.R. Station, Moniyeal. Gem Carelikke& CO., Prop.. , Itilr"3817 dPalyana.pit",oympn, AVENUE HOUSE- l-felgitv"ua. Family Hotel $150 pet y. ST. JAMES' HOTEL...°PPosite G.T.R. Depot. Railway. First-class Commerelarlill?, Wirdnernail: proven:mats-Rates moderate. Don't gouge other people while carv- ing your fortune. -1111. Ir. C. 1014. CALVERT'S Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Oint- ment, Tooth Powders, etc,, have been aNvartled 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent infecti• ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists neansd free on application. F. C. CALVERT & MANCHESTER - ENGLAND. pONMON SENSE Kilts Roaches. Red 4) Hugs, Rats and Mice, Sold by an Druggists, or sai Queen W. Toren to. • •••••••••••.ar Music Teachers anted To send. tor our complete SHEET MUSIC CATALOOuE and SPECIAL RATE OF DISCOUNT. We are equepped to supply eeery MUSIC TEACHER In Canada Whaley, Royce ,8 Co., • ISEeYonge Ste . TORONTO.. ONT. • uecnirey STALLIONS FOR BAIN-4 hay two. .1 year-olds; coaChing tine; high notion size, faShionable breedifre; Prices reasonable, 11 11. cocb.. rane. Hilhurst Stitt -ion. Que. Ivey, vottations thieo 'English neap and Am -r goo1* at right pries. !raimil.saoggoeRseivagaSinaligab13147g0 ,PARX, saaokwate 4 00., Toronto. Bookeenostirlee, ere. otexote,tioaeuters, CMheilic Prayer Religious Pictures, Statuary, and Church Ornaments, Educational Works, Mail orders reeehie prompt atten- tion 0 &J SADLIER & 00 Montreal • Set; Stem Wind 01 • To introdnce Dr. Dents Tonic Pills for making blood for pale people, fernaM weaknesses, liver end kiciney disease, nervousnms, weakneis erne system, etc., we give FREE y.mr choice of a 14k Gold Plated Watch, plain or lograrsd, or a Gun Metal Watch- Ladies' ox Cent's robbale time keeper, warranted 6 years. • The pills are.,,ze per box --$5.50 for 10 boxes Send this aliment und you will receive 10 boxeS and the watch; or write for partienlare. Agents wanted in every town and city. THE DR. DENT PILL co., 29 Adelaide St, West, Toronto, Out "BEAVER 'BRAND" Mackintosh never hardens &lieginirantood Water! proof, Askeer reteeo no other: PO4, R-4 ter Rubber Clothing Co,,,Montresl, 'otoLNL.G-R' J.t4J • •ioiNorCAlot , . To the Odorless Crematory Cloiet CO.. ' Hamilton, Orit i DEAR 511V -About a year ago I benzin, from yon.on of your Odorless Crematory Closets and have nine° Ilhel 'it eOnstantiy in my private residence with splendi satisfaction. I am so well pleased WI h it that you ea ship me itnablier at Once for niy hotel. Yourevery.traly, U. H. March, Markdale, Oak - The fallowing -are the narnee of 'e, ' leer prominent citizens who are -using this closet, and from whom we have , very flettaring testimonials : Dr, D. L. Thompson, Toronto, Ont, Dr. MeGlaughlan, Bowmanville, Ont. Dr. .M. L. Dixon, Prankville, taut. Dr. C. F, Ferguson,..Ketaptville, Ont. Dr, 'Ulric Gabourg, Plantagenet, Ont. Judge A. C. Chadwick, Guelph, Ont. C1 3', Miekle, 13.A., Chesley, Ont: Rev. John Downie, Watford, Ont, L: Dampier, Mgr. Bank of Corroneree, Strathroy, Ont. Peter Hope, inerchant, Perth, Ont. Jas Meffatt, reerchaett, Areherot, N.$ Voixestalogue and prim list write iiiii The eetwinteramettey CloSet Co,. Hammett. tint