HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-15, Page 5.1, ;V1GNEY TO LOAN. At from, EIIOP GLADISIASTe, porristere eolicitors, SUM $e, =ester. MONEY TO LOAN. We have tinfinhtea pilvate Imes fer invest- ment Upoi. farm or village property at lowest ates. ot interest. Dicg$ON Se CARDING. -Exeter, •••••••^ 4712 D. S. D. ELS., 'eerier Graduate 'of Toronto University. Dentist. Teeth extracted without, jetin or bad after effects, Mice in Fan - sot's block, Wot side a Main trent. Exeter' DR ANDERSON, (0-0- S. O. S DENTIST. Honor terminate of the Toronto University. and Royal College of Dental Surge,ons of Ontario. An bridge work. Crowns. d Plate work (Imola the neatest possible manner. A harmless amesthetie for painless extraction. Thestrictest Attention given to the preservate ion of the natural teeth. OlIlce °mono Oen: teal Hotel. h.eter, Ontario. _ A HOOPER, Licensed .A.uo- . tioneer for the Camay of Buren. Sales con- ducted in all parts, and for convenieno can be enraeged fee tles Oleo, Satisfaction gitararr toe. Charges moderete. Exeter P. Q. FARM FOR SAL'S. The propeity of the late Conrail Miller on the Etta Von, Bay, Wee miles from Dashwood, good brick dwelling aud frame hank barn. AM well fenced aud la the bigbest state of culti- vation. 100 acres :nth° farm. Chianti and school convenient. For particulars apply to JOSEPH SNELL. Pashwood - ft OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. An eight -roomed storey awl a half brick house. on Simeoeetreet, for sale. Ras a Erst- e:bee woodshed in corinection. Alscs comfort- able stable 24 x 30 feet Goad hard and oft water. Intumitate possession given it desired. Terms cash. Apply to J. G. Martin on the premises, or to Hugh Oke, Exeter, P. 0, THE 111..EITER T.L.M.ES "Want of Watchfulness MARKETS Woociliarn road, div 3 iSe 4, $3,75. The eleek And ; Exeter Ste -ROB leth, 1900. gfahes Um/ • Wheat per butsbei .„ Se PO a 27 to 2,3 --AO to 45 ex° to 65 . sett to 2Q • 12 tse S to le councillor .J, 13 Bryan were instrueted I BrGEEs.---A. J. Ford is home again to preptiae plans and specifications for fronee business trip to Torouto. One the erection of a bridge oeer the river of his fotmer clerks, Wee, Neweomine Sauble on the row" between Claude- ; who worked in the store clueing the boye and l_aican and to send the sense busy seaepn has set tui a bueinees for to councillor F. A. Ryan where they hiniself.-Fred Gacike is around town can be semi. The council adjoUrned to again after an absence a aboot two rileet agent on Mooday the .2itel day of niCinths•-Albert Switzer sold a horse April 1000 at 10 a, to Joseph 1:10Oper last week. -A large W. D. STARLux, number from here attended Wm- Me- Kernen's auction sale on Friday lest. .,..estEICV6"rdWiniper, urisl The bidding was slow and as a restiit, *Vors. who had previoosly de- duce& the prides realized were not, very nigh, se purchase as too costlybut is thei. Mills driver of tie' Itlaj"tY'?. acep.ed this truly royal gift titles I rualls has bought a- handsome eel, m ,cer illustrious subject. ed." as light Sleighs from Mc-Kent:tan & Keep P4Oriofet (stamens weighs iss ton. -Miss _Fairless the new Illitlinose esee its estimated value is broke at .A. J. Fora's wAs an einpleyee AeIn size it reeks first among and H. Lofft's in St. Marys. We wish hersean gems, and in beau'. y yields The bl euccese.-B. Allen Insurtimas agent islim to the "Ilegeut" only. It is evenly going his rounds again. -Tuttle 51/113that Wilkie Oellia's novel. "The tracti , has gone on a visit to Centralia. --Alexstone," was miggesteel by this ,itswohree Sinclair is boine again from a vies', too friends in Wallaceburg. very tat to a happy, or at least a tol- YQUISG 1VITH A Fi°13gr" • • esbhirmeaei%in BlaIUSE.-Wre laeobi of St. Joseph, 7 equal and ho,pefel mental state, patch called on friends here last uteek.--Mr. !Ave egent in sustaining a youth- nigh and MPS. J°S'Ph DauneeY, 141'4";°,' sirit and demeanor is to have a stTled I and Mr. and qrs. Joseph Mel/mans, interest in life An aim iite haire_ • Sodom, spent Sunday last, with " Mr, and Mrs. John 0001d, Miesminspriug of youthful endeavor. wome Beatrice Warren entertained it few of .ith ie filled with interrogations, tweffl tt James Carrick spent „ Sunday „,;„,„,„. age liatle$3, torpid. s Ptt het friends on Thursday eve.oingimowe it all. Youth is eager, tte. s last with, friends in Sodom -Amos x'71,077euth 444, its. drew= and its Wildfong is making preparattotts to ssiasme. ge its rea.laations and tiro build a fine new barn 111 tho sPrIng pointments., This is a natural mane John Johns, Of Winebelsea, who etlela nee end impossible to radleallY upon 14SL KIIIMIler lti our midst. WII4 Arollnd fis ten he largely modified. of (ma renewing acquaintances, en a recent rate a fad, a hobby. Study some- head Sabbath day. -George O'Brien gave ak new. Never imagine that you are isties party to il. large number of hie frientle 14 to leases anything you ectay vises 11 ehort tittle age.—George Campbell. 'to acquire. Education ends only tett i of St. Joseph silts in our neighborhood lifo and me is immortal. Whose, a few clays turo.-Ttie Many frienite of Silas jeesne IsTorthcott, who was Air a melon, sigb? cau.s oniony is a are Itt number of years 4 faithful worker in 1f ()striates aceempinying a rail- The our Sunday school, will be pleaded to rain as it speeds ort its way. learn that her wedding is announced . . „ Many cases of poor health come from "want of watch- fulness. Dut if you keep your blood pure no thief can steat your health. The one effective natural blood puri- fier is Hood's Sarsaparilla. -1-f never ,(7isappoines, impure Blood,-"Ny wife soffered with pain and distress from an affection ef the teroat caused hr impure blood, She was almost in despair wben she turned to Rood's Sarsaparilla. Six bottles Of thia raediette completely cured ben" JOIN WECXXAB, On% Ont. titcrofula -"Bood's Sarsaparilla has cured me Of Ser0114. Was weak and de- bilitated but it made me strong and well. .after a severe eolel had catarrhal fever. Again resorted to this medicine and it cured me," &men E, DESOY, Annapolis. ef. S. fess ft to • strsi • take plAve on Wednesday the 210, cAVIES AS PETS. FARM Tit FOR SALE. of this month. stra The eudersigned Executors ef the estete of She lato Franele Etohlbeitt, offer ter sale, lot cencessiou se of Um towesbut et Ste. pimp, This farm meatus 75 aeree,alliu geed cultivatiou. There le en tho premises it 1179 - storey Prow house, a bank barn. conteining Ant class root house. with Windmill which Servos water into barn, 2 ever living wane, is all tee underdrattied, and well feneed,good beat - Ing orchard, 1 miles from echool. 31 miles from The fiourishing village of eashwood, fall ploughed. Address Edwin DetrieleSt. Clemons, sVoloneten CO . 11110 Frank flohibehe Dash - 'woe, 31,O. alarea 12tb. NEM Meat Market The undersigned bas opened up new meat market one door SOUVI 01 Garlino'g Store where be will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. AepALL SOLICITED. ..101iN T. MANNING EXETER • ROLLER MILLS ALWAYS READY FLOUR Mill Feed and Corn CONSTANTLY KEPT IN STOCK. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR GOOD RED WINVER WHEAT. WOOD WANTED J. COBBLEDICE & SON. To the Editor of Exeter Times. DEAR, Sm. -As we all know that serious and difficult questions are sel- dom settled without the assistance of female the sex, and as the "Boy and Girl" problem which is also a mat- ter near the heart of us all, shoald be settled, as it inight j -a -r the feelings of many of our readers if the discussion begun is not soon ended, is the reason for my asking space in your most use- ful paper. It pleased us all greatly, "Filius" putting a good word for ns, and 1 know of no one in a better position to do so. It was also a fortunate thing there was one in our village having had the experience such as "Finns" must have bad. But there is no getting over the fact that our village has not done its duty towards the young peo- ple,and it was a kind act inJ.A.R. bring- ing the question up, but talk is of very little use. What is wanted is action and the young people look to, and ex- pect, such heads as J. A. R'e, to devise, and see carried out what appears to be of great anxiety to him:. •• If this question is net now settled Mr. Editor, whose fault -is it? 'ONE GIRT.. . ' Fresh from the Press. ,TIi Illustrated Diamond Dile 11110 Book Shows the Handsomest . De- signs fo Door Mats and Floor Rugs A copy of this novel and useful little book will be sent free to any address Canada. It tells yoa how to make pretty and useful Door iVlats and Floor Rugs from cotton or wool rags or from yarns, and gives you fall information bow to procsre the designs which are on Scotch Hessian linen, al ready for hooking. You can't be happy entil you see this book. Wells Se Richard- son Co., 200 Mountain Street, Mont- real, P. Q. Russeiclale i, rerevian, MAO aeyselnlan. grot Three swat, tune breeding of cavies s the" new. toTi,3 ti of lovers of pet aniumls. +.. 31, ••14,,,N :11,14-1,,emmot. hromorm BatERs.---Wm. Robinson met with a very painful -occident on Ftidey. Vhile engaged shovelling snow oOE the kit- chen slipped he and fell abont tett feet breaking, all of his ribs on the left side also fracturing his shoulder. is in a very low condition.- The tenders for Mount Pleasant church, will be opened on Thursday the Iiith Mrs John Wilson, Fullerton, who has been confined to her bed with a bad attack of pneumonia will sonn be Itround again.- airs. James Russell who is in her 00th year, and her t•We daughters and grand daughter were yisitors at Sandy Coles's on Feebly last. - Rob Clark our enterprising butcher bus laid in hie stock of lee for the coming summer.- -Preparations isre being made and excellent talent ie - cured for it monster patriotic concert to be held in Fullerton Town Hall on Monday evening the 19th iiit., also similar one to be held here shortly. Bayfield (Received, too late for last week.) BarErs.-A grand Patriotic coucert will be given in the town hall on day, arch 10th. A. grand program is being prepared by local talent, such as military drills, solos, quart ettes, dialogues, tableaux, and a fitateclass orchestra, will also be in attendallee, The committee are sparing no pions to snake this concert a grand success. Don't forget the date. Admission, 25e and 15e. -Miss Taylor and Miss John- ston, of Sarnia, are visiting at the former's sister, Mrs Rathwell, of town. -Louis Wilds, of St Louis, Mo., and Joseph Wilds, of Illinois, were called home to attend their father's funeral. -James McDonald, of Goderich, is visiting friends in town. -Harry Tip- pett, of Chicago, who spent a couple of months in town visiting friends, returned home this week. -Miss Lot tie, Lily and Queenie Martin left fin, To- ronto on Monday last. -Chas Stewart and wife, of Clinton, were renewing ac- quaintances in town on Saturday Inst. MISS Grace Torrance, of Zurich, who has been spending a few weeks with her grandparents, Sir and Mrs Mc- Donald, returued home this week. - Fred Belanger left for St Joseph on Sunday, where he has secured a j.,b in the sawmill as sa.wyer.-John Harri- son, who had the misfortune to break one of his legs above the ankle, ahout a week ago, is, we are glad to say, re- covering again. -The funeral of the late Joseph Wilds to the Drysdale Catholic cemetery was largely ai end- ed. Eidd u 1 ph. CouiciL MEETING.-Thecouncit met pursuant to adjournment, the reeve and all the members preseot. -M Blake addressed the council with regeed to costs re the Oman drain. The clerk was instructed to advise the toe itship engineer of Mrs Harrigan's obje I.ons to the paynaent of costs ceri Hied against her. The county tree surer was instrueted to strike front his and book dog tax returina in 1807, Ora part of lot 7, N. L. R, against one George Betts, The following are the apt imp- riations for ordinary expenditure for the present year. Bralges over the River Salable and large streams and payment for gravel not included. Div - No 1, dir. work $150, new road weet of Lucan $50, London Road $125,. eiwn- linee $75, total for division No 1 $100. Div No 2 -div work $150, gravel eoad $70, townli o es $60, ()SR $60, village of Ciendeboye $30. Total for division No 2 8870. Div No 8 -div week $150, towulines $75, CSR $125. Total $350. Div No 4 -div work $160; townliiies $50, CSR $150,St MGR $25. Total $385 Div No 5 -div work $150, townlines $100, CSR 3200, St MSR $75, village of Granton $50. Total for division 5 $575 Total appropriations for ordinary ex- penditure for the year 1000, $2080. (Bridges and payment for gravel not included.) The following aceehnts were ordered to be paid: -Chas Chap- man, binding rolls, $1; John Fitton, opening road N Grantoo, $475; A Gibson, opening road S Granton, $7.50 Geo Armitage, rep roed, dip 2 $l.00; Thos Tracey, " " " 50c; S Ryan " 50c ; M Mead, 1/ soe ; E Turner, " " 50c ; Peper,270 tile- $1.85 ; • D O'Mara, tile drain and tile N moiety, $1.40; 11I Hogan, 5 dys opelaing Mt. Carmel AunuEss. - Presentation and ad- dress to the honor of Mr, and Mrs. John Hall, who are about to take their departure for Detroit. vleunt Carmel, Feb, 201h, - To - nigh e finds Mr. Hall and his family in the midst of more than one 'hundred of the young _people from this place and the adjoining neighborhood, who come to take farewell of those who have been long and favorably: known. MUSIC, song and dance were in order throughout the eveuing and continued so until an hour that roight, be called late. A splendid luncheon 'was served at half past eleven, after whkh, hn- roediately followed the address and presentation of a. handsome gold watch, travelling toilet, etc. ; this in itself being a teetitnenial of grettt value, expressing, as it certainly does, the sentiments of all who know Mr. Hall and his good wife and family, leaves the writer to say' but little. Of hitn I only wish to add that in the de- parture of Mr Hall from this commun- ity we lose an excellent artizen and an influential man, Following is the Ad- dress :- Deen FonsnOS,-We, the youug mon of the parish of alt. Cartnelaissemble 'toroth's evening to show you our love told respeot, as well as our serrow for your departure from amongst us. Little did we think a few months ago that the deal of friendship which have so long bound us together should, be severed so soon. We have known you Path from our earliest years, and looking back on these years that have sped. 04 silently and serenely away, nothing but pleas- ant associations coin° to our minds. The friendship that bound us -together in days pest has been inerenssed as years rolled by, nor were you our friend only, but it Mond to all worthy of the name, and now about to depart front LIS, there is not I am sure a single ono left who does not wish you peace and, prosperity wher- ever your lot be east. Your sympathy, kindheartedness, honesty and uprightness,have endeared you to us all, and ere feel that the de- parture of you and your family will leave a vacitney that will be hard to 1111. Your familiar faces will be sadly missed every Sunday in the churchin the social circle we will sadly amiss your cheerful words and happy s sites but more than all will we miss your hearty greeting every time we enter the little village 01 2.11. Carmel. It is then the sincerest svish of us all that, wherever you go you may be known tIS WO know you ; then we are sure you will have goodfriends and true friends, a blessing in time of need. And now, dear Mr. and Mrs. Hall we ask you to accept these gifts not for their intrinsic value but as a slight token of the esteem in which 3.9.11 have ever beenheld by the people of the perish of Mt. Carmel and we hope that often in tlie future we will have the pleasure of seeing your cheerful face and hearing your welcome voice orriongst us again. We wish you God speed in your new home and ask you toldndly remember us who now so sorrowfully say good-bye. Signed in behalf of the young men of the parish. (EDWARD HOGAN, MATTHEW REGAN -; THOS. LANE, D. L. O'BRIEN. l.MIORAEL v. DOYLE. REPLY OF MR. HALL. My Doan FRIENDS, -The kindly expressions just used in this address and the beautiful pros- ' cuts accompanying it do certainly manifeshyonr good will f. a' which my wife and /aro heartily svoll pleased. In the 01100 01 my wife 1 4incerely thank the young men of this community for the beauti- ful gold wtstch and chain syliloh shall ever be held as a souvenir anal as such It will be treas- ured the longest; day wo live. Furthermore when WO bet ; depart this life 13 18 my earnest wish that this jetvel shall bear inscription which will show to our children that Mt. Car- mel should ever hold a place as dear in their agitations as it now holds in the atreetionsof one who speaks, in part, for them. This watch is a lasting ornament and its use is two -told : besides ibs value as a timepiece it shall continually , call to mind this happy re - onion of hearts as well as our associations in bygone days wins friends both tried and true. shall' always he happy to return to mt. Oar - Accept sincere, thanks noty.for the special re- membrance of me as shown by the gifts,in this case-toilot utensils : those andtho beautiful gold watch and chain will be kept in moment' •of you and the address too, when framed, will form part; of the household furniture in my new home where 11 hearty welcome will ever be extended to you all. BEATS THE KLONDIICE, Sir, A. C. Thoneas,of Marysville,Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than hits yet been made in the Klon- dike. For years he suffered untold agony from constunption, accompani- ed by hemorrhages ; and was absol- utely cured by Dr. King's New Dis- covery for Consunaptiou, Conglis and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure ; would have it, even if it cost a hunclred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption. Sold at any drug Store. Regular size 50 dents and $1,00. Guar- anteed to cure or price refunded. 1 , Never Disappoints Iteod•sijtls ease ever Ills; Ibe noicirritstingarell oely esthartic te note welt Heed's Situistsritla; 'rho fonowting persons lett Seaforth oe distant pointe last week ; John Steele. Seaforth, to BAY City, to attend the funeral of an aunt, his mother's sister ; Thomas Beattie, 'Mee Killop. Sheldon, North Dakota Win and Henry Agnew, Blake, to La, Riviere, Mitnitohe ; Joseph j Einnev. Lead buey, to --goose Jaw, Assinih, ; Carroll, Seafori h. And John Priee, McKfilop, to Victoria, British 'Columbia Theso are all steady, well doing yoong men, and will, no doubt, succeed in the respective states and provinces ter whieh they have gone. ‘10991•9, G. E. and IL NV, Oresswell. tik Rot Springs, Arkansas ; Mrs T Cole. enart and her mother, Mrs Robertson, lo 510ittreal, the latter is rettlelling to her home t hero; Miss Mahe' Steele, of Constance to Caltunet Mieltigan A RcKs, of Leatilutry, to iMinuedosa. Mattitobt, and J Tretnaine. of Con. stance. to Martiton, Manitona, Natirislitlic ficrvos and tionsc tlio Blood, 1r hen this is Dome You Se cure Perfect Digestion Good Appaite, Restful Sleep and Full Health. Paine s Celery Compound Nature's Spring ,Wledicine Makes People Well and Strong. Troe, vigorous health is the portion of men and women who have pure, rich blood and well nourished nerves. Poor health and disease means dis- eased nerves and impoverished blood. Paine's Celery Compound fally sup- plies the needs of the ailing and run. down in spring time. It drives all clogging matters and impurities from the life stream, Making it course with freedom and vitality to every part of the body. Paine's Celery Compound braces the unstrong and weak nerves and fur- nishes a nutriment that builds up the entire nervous organization. The tired, thin and wornout body takes on flesh, pain in t,he back is banished, the skin becomes clear, the kidney's and liver are free from disease, the diges- tive organedo theirworkwith unfailing regularity, and a feeling of new en- ergy and well-being take the place of nervousnese, despondency, irritation and melancholia. Nourish the nerves and cleanse the blood with Paine's Celery Compound, and a new, happy and healthful. life will be yoars. • FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS AN OLD AND WBLL-TRIED REMEDY.-11f1s, Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been lised for over fifty years bymillions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain, cures wind colts. and is the best remedy for Diarrhosa. 11 18 pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents alsobtle. Its value is incalculable. Bo sure and ask for Mrs 'Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. HOUSANDS OF YOUNG MEN are s troubled with nervousness, despon- dency, exhaustion, loss of memory, • rt, aching backs. and kiclueys, painful tutees i» don, bashfulness, sediment in urine, losses qi at night, impolen.cy, headaches, varicocem, if! penples, racers, bone pains, -The results 10 lot evil habits in yoUth. or to rir mseesses. t Our Vitalized Treatmeet cures the worst i 33 eases. 5„ Emissions 61.x ifarieocele sap the vigor and tality arxd produce %) A weak men. D en. Our e Aar Treatment re Vela. qi Stricture and Cleet, 'No matter how dhronie, yield to our Vital- S ized Treatment. No operation, eo pain, 1. no detention front business. All -drains 13/ OS cease. Our Vollar Treatment will %) E) Cure Yon. lood ae, Sexual Diseases -4 cured forever. No return of the disease. No Mercury. No Poison. Our Dollar Treatment will Cure You. We Guarantee Cures. 9 OLLAR We treat and cure ail dis- OF D eases of men and women for s Examination and Consultation Fos. Writo 331Qual.:. List for Mime, Thinned. BRIAR DOOTORS 47 Michigan Avenue Detroit, Mich. 61ININK40)EneeetereetatfifEesietseerereeee Barley. - Butter -- Turkeys .„. Geehe... chickens per Di Ducks.. EU 7 e • .,.,Oto 7 13 to 15 nneo Apples- 5 10 e • Pork dressed • • • 2425 to 6.5(i ...4.4-sas•asaas • .onion 31A,11,014. WO, Wheat per ousilltd, tie so 47 ak b.- • L./ 40 Jar Peas.. •-47 to tall Burley. .33 to 40 Buckwheat AS to 46 Itye • _51 to ect Corti 42 to 47 Roue ...t5 to 70 Better .-. -14 to 14 bgge Ducks • ....see to 70 Turkeys per a... 10 to 12 sese pss s 0 to 10 l'hickense A 54. to 75 •t items° r to 10 i'otatoes per :14,.? - P, 75 Bey per ton ,e softte 7-50 Pork per 4wt 0.00 to 25 00 News From Kirrsberly. The buttet new- 11) HelliegraPh. itevi:IVett it",Itt41tAtrter41* ; It i OW 1 so.cs go many ways - s'. good new tome. All through Iles lir'. ish Empire tinW The oh I, news is received, That latrnbertey mei Ladysmith Meet+ lately been relieved. The glad news. Lord Behests' men ilits never met defeat. That Crowe has surrendered An4 the emirs htve been bekr. The seil newels. and neeil I say. It gel es our people miln, that ihiriy brave Canadian boys Arta numbered with tbe slain, When 10.1)' thousand British. troops, Mari:boo o'er those cregge bl'ae94 It was the Vutooliali volietteers That wee cite greatest When Britisb 'lights requireil their aid. As latiey laas been seen. They left weir binnee here undismayel soldiers of the Queen. Down by the odder river now 14.ilti muund appears, IN here thirty or Otlesoidiers rest tAur ereve pouter velImieters. taseresvilsa March 5. 'We. _ PYM-111 E lunette 011 tee felt lasts the wife of If. J. l'On. 01 850.,. 13 US. 011a -1st zst. Marys, on WeiliteSday. Feb. 2. tbe win; 0-te. W. Afs, Butcher. °Se so.t. MARRIED AWRENCk-1AV1S-At. the residence of the brlde'e estrous. March 1, by the Rev. J. T. Emirs elev.) Lewrintee. Legan. to Miss Sole Mary Atice, daughter Of Jelin Davis, Mitchell, SigliNER-ItQUINSON- At the reeidenee of die bride's percale, Mar 7, by Rey. R. Whit - 13 A nr. Emelt Sumner. Logan, to AM me, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm, Robinson. lilLebell. FISIlElt-THOMts.CIN-At the UIPUSQ. Kippeu. on March 7th„ by lien 8 Aebusen, note:ate Fisher, or Dailey. North Ualoata. to Miss Ag; nee. (laugh et- ot t te late tseereerTittintS011, of the Lyndon ltead, IMED ANDEISSON-In Ushorno„ on the Sth twee Framed /aldose% aged 62,s'ears, 7 Month% IIRETHOU is -At Iiirkton, Ilarch 3, the wife of August Brothour, aged 41 yoans. 3 menthe COLLINS-in Aneaster, 00 Um Oat tot, Mrs. atorhkhones Collins, aged 47 years, 7 mouths. TOOLIEY-At her residence, Roman Line, Ilia - en March 13111, Margaret, relict Of the late W iiutuii Tos hey aged 73 yeare. REYNOLDS- In Haat, ou Mouday, Mareli 5, Mary Weigh, svife of Dominick Reynolds, aged Gs years. •LIUNTE1O-s1n Tuokersmith, on March 3, 'Mar- • garet AleGtegor, relict of the ante Role. neu- ter, aged 75 ye,arsand I month, W.Ellt-lu St, Marys, ou Monday. March 5 1000,Fanny Moore, wife or Alr. John Weir, aged SO years, 10 months, 8days. HILL -1n Stephen, on tho Sth inst., Martha Bill, eldest caught°. of the late Walter 1:1111, aged Sti years, 2 months, nud 20 days. 4. OAR» OV TIIANKS.-We desire to thank the ninny kind friends who assisted us during the sieknesu and burial of our dear sister, illarthis Hill. Signed, theBrothers and Sisters. London anti Toronto papers please asopy. TO THE DEAF. -A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums has sent 41,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Ap- ply to Dept. A. S. V. the Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, New York,I7. S. A. GIVE A YOU resolution and ts course lnl Business and.Short hand at tho fir. A:Ztellr and who shall place limits to his career. Catalogues free. J. W. W STER ELT, Principe QUESTION Constantly riursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices.) Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suitino•b We show GI, big range at moderate prices in Scocch and Canadian tweeds we cary a large and well as- sorted stock. Prices to suit all. A large stock of the lat- est goods voa oerefor singt from $10 up. GIVE US A CALL ancl see what we can do for you. J. H. Crieve. MERCHANT TAILOR 1 Destiny Changed The "Slater Shoe" is closely watched dur- ing the process of manufacture. Thtery Shoe undergoes a careful examination after leav- ing the bands a each operator. The slightest fiaw in the leather or work- manship -a stitch ini.ssed-a slip of the knife, only discernible to an expert condemns the shoe that started toward the Slater " goal to the ordinary, nameless, unwarranted army of footwear sold, to whoever will buy them. The "Slater Shoe" is made in twelve shapes, all leathers, colors, widths, sizes and styles. Every pair Goodyear Welt- ed, name and price stamped= the spies. $3.60 AND $6,00. SP 4 CKIVIA.N, SCHOOL BOOKS A FULL LINE OF NEW BOOKS FOR hoot Opening 'sssiaslis ,NI) ALL TifF,. CHB RE.N's E:I4 AT Brownings here the :-•ebolars are used Reduction( 'iFo Cash PRICE, Suitings oweeds reamed from $18 to $10 In " 14: e s i 13 a 11). Plain Worsteds e 1. 00 a 19. Twill s 0 . 18 0 15. Pantings Tweeds reduced from $4.50 to $3.75 Blaek • fr it 30,00 to $4.50 With all suits we give the best of trimmings and gutwantee to fit. ;Call anthexamine these goods rbefornbnying-yonr suit. W JOHNS The Teller COVERED WITH SORES. LH. cured little Harvey Wino nls0 years ago and he has nova had spot on him 41F1011w Tispractically impozsible to or Wars, enleCillil chronic hied, with onlinaly rune igo wadi r hew large or of etanding they may be. however, tbe tin readdy auil stay healed perm en 1311cl0313 Veva Bittera is used. beeI up Lbe old a CUT THIS OUT and send us• with 5' cents in silver, and You will got by return mail a GOLDEN BOX OF GOODS thst will bring You in Moen .;!clONEY, In ono month, than anything else in America. A, w. KINNICY, E. T., Salem -Yarmouth, N. Five Packs of Cards Free - One pack, May I. O. U Home: Otto' 'Escort, onepaek 'Flirtation, One_w nack Holds to -light,' One pack 'Otr SofaJust Holds Tm Samples of 20 other styles with book full of no- tions. Sena 5c. silver for pesttose. A. W. KINNEY, E. T., • Salem -Yarmouth, N. S. CALL AT • THE FAMILY , I HARVEY DEL1N E. Mrs. E. Benne, Arden, out., proves thle in tho following account elle gave of ha little boy's case: feicsben my little son Barvey was one year old be broke Out in ores all over his body. They would up for a time, then break out again About twice a year, till he was past four; then be seemed to get worse and was completely prostrated. When doctors failed to cure him I gave mill Burdock Blood Bitter and besides bathed the Boren with it. "It is nine years ago ulna, this happened end I must say that in all tide time he bas never bad n spot on his body a eiy signet the old troeble retereing." 1 VW'S Every Mother -Ammo how Baia:sets. us Craup ,iS. On thellret sign of tar .t.'nzetpy taitigh use Hagyard's 'Yellow Oil. lose111 mire tilts tisteg• orous disease when nothing* talsta aOl I'rico 25e. ••••••.,1,1111......••••• 1 LIVER COMPLA1 T. 1 lisvo used laucceLiver Pills for a serlialas sts tack of Liver Complaint, they .1 11 11.0 is's•orld of good and mode me smart und healthy, Mrs. Goo Mullis, earldom Place. Det, RIIEDSIATISM Is eionpletely driven from the 1-121001 Ly 3111- burn'8 Illteumatie 1?ills. They giro relief from the pain. limber up I te eel's Joints and cure • when other methods of treatment tail. Better stop that cough now with a few doses of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup than let it run on to end perhaps in Bron - Mat Market chitis, Pneu- For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, • I LARD and SMOKED MEATS. A fine selection of , BEEF, LAMB, and all kinds of FRESH PORK, Fresh arid Salted Meets on hand. Note the address, One door north of The R. Pickard Co's store. LOUIS DaY9 PROP czema orture Chil • About three years ago I had to leave 'school with sore hands. Myteacher said it was Salt Rheum i or Eczema and told me to see the 1 doctor. • Mother got Some medicine, but it did me no good. After .I had suffered with the itching and burning about three "months, mother thought she . ? would try Burdock Blood Bitters I only took two bottles, when . my hands got completely cured. 1 1 —Emma Sheridan, Parry Sound, Ont. monia or Con- sumption. It's awonderfullung healing remedy that cures the worst kinds of coughs and colds when others fail. Price 25c. & 50c. Ors WOOIPS Nos -way Pine Syrup. All dealers. 1 v R act AX:. Cure constipation, biliousness, sick h adache and dyspepsia. Every pin guaranteed perfect and to swiletkheonuint :neyfregcdtsp.ing, .scw. aeatkng auenior thrus. PILLS gists. Buy the Best ignore the Rest In the end you will .fincl it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room 'Setts, Tables, • Chairs, Etc. GET SCIE,Tiiitie We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line of FURNITURE and you will find what you are looking for SCtDLEY SON FURNITURE AND 'UNDERTAKERS Opera. 'louse Block. -