HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-15, Page 3THE EXETER
The British Completely Routed the
Boers at Osfontein.
despatch from London, March 7, maiming easualtiee will be telegraph-
itaoe:—The War Offioe publisheel at ed to-morrew.
naidnight the following dem spatoh fro"Gans. DeWet and Delarey come
mantled the Boer forces."
Lord Roberts:a
Earlier in the day the War Office
"Poplar Greve, Wedneeday, Maroh received the following from Lord'
7, evening.—We es
had a very seeesRoberts
ful ooszootein, efereh 7, A.30 p. Me -Our
day., and have comPlelelY routed. the operations to -day promise to be a
enemy, who are in full retreat. . great suecese. The enemY OcouPleci a
"The position which thee- occupiedpottsiosu
nottirrrailles tor tdhe r alvelerl event
ext renielY strong and cunningly ar- place' d Gen!' otUte
AoaColville's divielon, inelud-
eatiged with a seeond line of entrench- ing the Canadians, on the north bank,
meats, which would have orsueed ns aud Generals Kelly -Kenny and Tussite
heavy loss. had a direet attack hem el.'s' 1i"s1"5" with cavalry, on the
, seut h. bank.
made. i; "The cavalry divisien succeeded in
"The tortillas movement was neees-o turning the enemy's le 1 flank, open.
eerily wide, owing to the nature of bag It read -or the sixth division* whirl
the ground, and the cavalry and horse
obrged: to eine a shot. up to tha artillery horses are much done up. ' ent time. The enemy are ht full re,
"The fighting was practically curt- treat towarde t be north and east. They
fined to the eavalry division, whivh. tire being closely followed by eavalry,
ao usual, did exeeedinglY ; and horse artillery. and mounted infaxitry,
whIi Tueker's eeventii die ision, Col -
lien. Freneh reports tlatit the Horse vows ninth diViSfoli, itild the Guard's
Artillery batteries did great totem- br.U4410. ander Pe1e-Va4.0w1 axa
time among the enemy. 'mg their Ivey avroes the river at Pop.
Ilar'e drift, where propose to place
Our caeualties are about.0. 1re- I my beadquarierti thie eveniug,
gret to, say that Lieut. Heswitsk was "Oar casnealties will, I trust, be few,
kiiled and Lieut. Bailey was :severely as the evenly Wag cm to as-mice:teed ler
wounded, both of the 12t1i Lowers. I being al Welted by t I0Vault n1"1 "ring
Lient. de Crespigey, of the end Life the cemmaoioations with Bleem on-
Guseda, was severely wounded. Re- Lela thiustened."
The British Government Will Send
hem l'here orthwith.
A deeletteli front Lo.elon, Thure,
dey, yo—el re Dues, the Pa eliasuent-
ary nen. relative of the Daily ewe,
says thee the Uovieetnient his de -
Need to se:4 Goa. Crorele, auti les fol-
lowers: to Si. Helmet foram ith.
The coire..pondeni. of the Olorn-uo
eMt, Lrealt 04o:stein, under
itilo4 alareii 4, elainie to have I,051
11V taltienialion that the agitation sit
the Peare Potty In Groat Loa= is
intosesseing the Uoere' determination
to pruners use ear, they bolung that
the, teaveeioneat will be defeated.
A. market:el:dent of the Daily News
who wee ceptureel by the
whe us now Sterketroom, lie haviug
been released at Utuentitiate.n oy
capture, cables that, while at the ea Is
int ot the Orange Free Siete he had
4 intervlew witOre:dam:it Steyn, wbo
eaid that the Boers would. tight to
tete List, man,
lle admitted the poesibility of Pre-
toria capitulating, but said it would
bet preceiled iy eveatri that would
arstontah Jeurope.
He added tilat tIllt Struggle in the
Free Susie would he child'e play come
paired 'with, what, would Sallow in the
Transvaal. The correspondexte says
that Mr. Steps has apponited a de-
puty Pre.sidevat to renmin in. Bloera-
footein while he visits Pretorizu m
the mtereets of the Free State.
Lord! Rebores lia,s chosen; Lord Ba-
thurst, colomel of militia at .the front
to conaroaud the escort/ to pt. ;Helena
wineh was last month placed in cable
communication, with Gape. TOWD and
London. it, ts also asserted that the
Cabinet resolvetif neither to propose
nor to entertiein the propoeal at the
?resent juneture for an elle:triage of
The Boers Are in Full Retreat From
A despatch from Dordrecht says:—,
Following Stinday's success General
Brabant again engaged the Boers on
Monday with advantage, holding the
position captured Sunday. There was
some smart fighting, the British los-
ing five or six men, and capturing the
Boer fort, thus natty improving their
position. The Boers fought tenacious-
ly, oontesting every inch of the ground
but ultimately tthey entreated sudden-
ly, carrying off their guns and wag-,
gons. A mounted force pursued them,
but the result is not yet known.
The British casualties durbag the
, two days were 12 or 18 killed, 30
wounded. The Boers' losses were 'un-
kn,own. Throughout the arduous fight-
ing and severe fatigue the oelonials
have beha.ved splendidly.
Five Thousand Kaffirs Employed in
Building Them.
4 despatch to the London Daily
News from Lorenzo Sfitrques reporta
that 5,000 Reifies are empluyed in
building trenches round Pretoria.
minty Deur lioxitis Tnice0 Oril area silkily'
snit Entombed.
despa,tel frout Fire Creek, ! Va.,
says: --The ,most disastrous raine ex-
plosion ever known 'in Lite New River
district oecterred at the 1.Leed 'A elx
mine shortly alter the Miners went
to work on Tuesday morning; Al-
though! the most heroie work of the
reseueng! enety has been( going on Sn-
ceeseestlyi tilt day it is 'inapo8s1l3lo to-
night to estimate the full extent of the
Lose at Rfe and property. 'IVfore, than
50 dead 'bodies laave already been taken
oat, and the number M the deed may
reach 75 ar more, 'Ile is Shought to-
night thee at least 4,5 miners are. yet:
eettoanbed In the wreckedmine.
Newsy Items About Ourselves and
Our Neighbors—Something of
Interest From Every Quar-
ter of the Globe.
The hfasorde 'remote in towline will
be, rebuilt.
'fits North-Weet 'Legislature ()Pens
about March 30.
Christian Sharp drcpped dead while
shovelling snow at Hamilton.
The issue of three, six and, fifteen
(sent stamps has been discontinued.
It will wet 833,23) to run the pelice
depactreent of London. Oat, this year.
'The Montreal Street Railway direct-
ors unanimouely voted 81,000 to the
Canadian Pal ri et ie Fund.
Glen Ctimpleell. ot Winnipeg, atis.s.
ing for over two yeare, has marled
Edmonton from the north.
A Montreal despateh says;—Mr.Geo.
Reeve, Geoerist Traffic Manager ot
the Giand Truok, hes resigned,
A company of Manitoba Cellege etu-
donts hes been organized in conneetiou
with am nth inaspeg held Bee -
The Canadian Geneva). Electrie Com-
pany is applying for letters patent in-
creee,ing tri cupital from 31,200,000 to
1.Che late Mr. Walter Drake of Monte
real left over 800,000 to °burettes,
voloni essotiet.one wad edu.eolonel
it is said thot th3 Grand Trunk Rail, -
THE TJEEN ..r1,8ITS LONDON Vidclitttgi:4,7rtintveLtied''tNti,
11RriTAJESTY REVEIVES AN ENTHU- Th3 C4rb(411te QemPanY, lacorPorat-
siAsTic led with a capital. Mack. ot $1,009.000,
WALVViit w411 maelufaeture oaleittm earbide in
MeUarn: autilat on.
eit by Iler te•vetril suldects. Vine, A by-law to raise 4800,000 for a civic
steeit and steeple CeverceleTiretunie plant for light, heat and power, iu to
scone,.1111 the 4'1t) Nirt be submitted to the ratePaYera of
.4. deripmelx from Lotickm nape— W11144)04' in initY• 1
Td," QUaetesi entry into Leaden on Ar William Macdonald has preeent-
ersett)% the "'Itte°7ement 01 1,/,T7,Zifitt=tulleliettli== elIrg.
Ilea, LC, OW ndeNnlwils. was Onkrx"'S St To throne Hone. man a
by scenes of entliusiaani &s1rUte Another profaesor is to be 'appoint-
ed Nam the eesh.tee eelebrattori. ed to the faculty of theislogy la Queen's
Thiuughout tile deltic/11Si ratiouu thi re Univerlity, to relieve Pvtxuipa1 Grant
predraninated a note ot triumph, end, , etZ a pert of his duties,
the (omelet teat made the murky .3layor Teetzel says he wilt have the
weette ring v, ere almost us :ouch in :Irish flag hoisted on the Hantiltou City
hualour of the British vielories tit. Hall on March 17 4 ihe Irishmen will
lietioui Atli= as they were rociferouis provide the emblem.
t lobutes s 'oral PcoPla to a mon,' • Al the annual meeting ot the West -
area whose wornunlY sYlal3a‘111' haa ern Cenada Press Aesoulation at Win-
bolsa O strtkingir ahowa Who° the nipeg it was decided to levee an ex -
war began. cureien during the coming etuatuter to
YzoaLI• ' Y's dexirtuae Aomo nd at onto.
Windsor was marked by more than ; The Hamilton Patriotic Fund has i
ueuatt interest. For hours before the reaches 011,tatee, notwithstanding
Quoit even .1baxted for London, titat at 10, 00 it wa. announeed t
crowds gathered in the streets whiela have beim closed. The local Red Cross
heel beea ennonnced us her route Fund ernounts to 4038.20.
through the metropolis, and which ! „„ „
were deoorated with flags it was Lee.% anadian Order of Vorestere in
foggy rued cold, but no one seemed Leaden have atrered- the Masonic; bro.
to cere. therhood the use of. Sherwood Hall
T1101U.SA,NIOS, WAITED. until definite arrangements are made
by the Masons for new quarters.
At Peddington the railroad station C. B. Somerset, Principe' of the In -
had been cleared of the general pub- destrial Slehool at Red Deer, Alberta,
lio, but outside thousands of people offers $1.(109 reward to anyone who
wilted patiently. will restore Miss Maud Lillian Wald -
When the train from 'Windsor ea:- brook.e to her friends, or $500 reward
rived at. 1239 pm., a tremendous to anY person or persons who will
olieer went up. Her IVIajesty came give satisfactory esroof of her death.
down the elopleg platform leaning on
the arm of a turbaned Indian at -j,• g A
in which sat also PrincessopEl for the amalgoination of 'the :Leyland
a ad At [antic T r neport s t ea Lash ip
The Grand Theater at IsItegton'
where Six Henry Irving and other
stars have been in the euthit a be -
gunning provincial tours, was gutted
by fire.
Synopas of Proceedings in the
Ottawa liouse.
Mr, Pettit was told by Mr, Fisher
that the Gevernraent bad under con-
sideration the advisability a introduce
ese legislation or the inspection of
apples and the protection of the apple
Mr. Richardson, learned front Ur.
Sutherland that the C.P.R. has been
allotted in 34aeitoba. 1,876,785 acres. for
its main line, and. 500,0a0 acres for
breneh lines.
T. Roche was told by Mr. Fielding
that 31J0 saddles were bought froin
Adams Bros. tor the cavalry of Cali -
axle at $35.50 each.
In reply to e question, by Mr. Fos-
ter conoerning military regulation
Mr. Fielding saii that the regulations
In 1898 as regards!, the service limit of
commanding teficers at itadependent
seenaciroem battereee, and comptinies
were as fellowis;-411 appOintmeets as
commanding °alma are for a tenure
of tire years 401 exteasion •ten-
ure wilt be or three Years, and will
only be granted upon the recoramenda-
Hon of the D. O. „ who should submit
his recommeadatiou one month belore
the expiration of the teaure.
Mr. Tarte deelined to say whether
the Governmeot intended placing in
the eupplementary estimates a sure fer
deepening Collingwood harbor to OD
Mr, Paterson said that the number
of bushels of grain brought to Coiling -
rood by water last year was 3x..3,131.
In reply to an enquiry by Mr. Gauv-
rte to the menuer in whiell in-
speotors of weIghte nod measures are
paid, Mr. ,Fielding said Met their sal-
aries varied according te the import -
matte Of the office, and. that all fees
eollersted by them are paid in to the
Ur. Moore etiouireti Whether the
Government intended to put elevators
in the Parliament buildings.
"Sim 1 took office," said. Mr. Tarte,
"I. have endeavored. to serve my
Queen to the best of my ability in the
matter of suoplyiug elevators for her
Majeety'e subjeets." (Laugbter,) Mr.
Tarte indicated that the matter would
receive consideration.
plan Invisiox.
be firat division 01 the
taken on Thursday. It was upon an
amendment offered by Sir Chariee
Tupper to the redistribution bill. The
Goveruraent s majority was 40.
Blittenberg and Princess Victoria of
Schlesavig-Holstein. They ale wore
black, and round her neek the Queen
had a sable collarette.
From the packed sidewalks and from
every available window came a con-
tinuous roar cet cheers, while hun-
dreds of little flags were waved all
the way to Buckingham Palace. Charles L. Davis (Alvin Jostin), the
The side streets were packed ten, actor died at Pittsburg, aged 52.
twenty and sometimes a hundred deep.
But it was around, the palace itself The Plattesville, Wis., powder mills
that the chief throng gathered. By were wrecked by an explosion in which
nine in the morning carriages,1 cabs three men were killed.
and vehicles of every- sort, people from
the city and the west end and distant
parts of the country congregated in
6:t. James' Park, on 7,rtioh the palace
roe a.
Boers Abandoned Ambulances Full
of Sick and Wounded..
Lord Roberts reports to the War 01-
fice as fellows :—
"Osfontein, March 6.—Gen:Bulier
reports Natal as practically clear of
the enemy, and that he cannot hear
of any formed body of them any-
where. The Boers left some ambu-
lances fall of their siek and wounded,
from which the mules had been tak-
en for transport purposes."
Boer Element' Highly eteascd With Con -
duel or ItrIit,h.
deeptach from Simons Town, Cape
Colony, sayse-Tventy-fiveof Gen.
Cronits's officers are due here on Wed-
nesday. night,. They will be confined
aboard the transport Mongolian. Four
transports, -with 3,700 prisoners, are
now anchored off here; and there are
800 prisoners in camp.
Gen. Cronje andstaff express them.-
selves„as well pleased with their treat-
ment. The general says he has simply
been overwhelmed with, kindness.
Anxiuos for Peace, and Request the
Intervention of the Powers
A despatch from Rome says :—The
Agenzia Libera a :matinees bit the
Italian Consul at Pretoria has tele-
graphed to his ( overntuellt 1.1).11 'Presi-
dent Kruger tnd President eY 0 are
prepared to [rec;ept peace tho, bests
of the
. (.51 U. (11,(0 a11te-1)1;11ton, and
that they request the intervention oe
the powers to bring about that end.
Hawaii is to have a territorial form
of Government:. The United States
Senate has !passeth the bill.
The proposed combine of American
steel and iron industries will have it
caplafl oe one billion dollars
The will of the late Philip Da Ar-
mour, jr., at Chicago, disposes of an
estate of 88,000,000, of whiehl 86,000,000
is personalty.
The steamer Homer, from Santos, is
in quarantine at New York. She lost
two of the crew from Yellow fever dux--
ing the voyage.
The U. S. Court of Claims has de-
cided that the fleet destroyed: at Man-
by Adruiral Dewey was' inferior to
the United Slates fleet, Dewey's con-
tention to the contrary, and awarded
the Admiral only 89,570' as his prize
money. ,
Honolulu. hes now only 51) cases of
plague. ,"
ek, British •syndicate has obtained an
important concession in the gold min-
ing region of Abyssinia.
The Danish Government will not ac-
oept any offer froin'AmeriCa. to ac-
quire the Danish „Coast Indies.
The British cruiser Pomone and gun-
boat Sphinx are watching the Russian
cruiser now at Bandar Abbas, on the
Straitof Orrnus, connecting the Per-
sian Gulf with the Arabian
FOPCIII011 And 1A11011•1.1.s1 Ite
eetre au Extra Ten Cent, l'er Das.
A despatch fromMontreal sa.ys
The min gement of the Grand Trunk
Railway System has issued instruc_
tions making effective on April 1 next
an increase in the rate oft pay to sec-
tion forenien on lines in Canada at 10c
per clay, and a like increase of ten
eents per day has been, granted to all
track laborer,s who are receiving One
dollar per day. 'Ibis increase will it -
feet a lei go majority of the section
?Tien on his portion oL the Grand
Trunk system',
The House spent some thin, in com-
mittee on a bill introdueed by Sir
Wilfrid Laurier to amend the Donaine
ion Lands Act. .41 present a settler
tzxkixtg u.p land itt Ouaada inusi. comply
, with certain conditions, and do a core
I teen termof work before a patent
us granted. Soanetimes be died before
ail the coedinons have teen. fulfilled.
The resent hill pr0visles thut,h
caseesi his 'heirs or his legal represen-
tatives shall come in for the henefitS of
his Labor, even though he may not
hams been 'naturalize& before his
death. Another elauee of the bill hae
1101 eye to the Canadian soldiers at
the front. The time they spend in
serving the Queen will 'be taken in
aecount in considering their homestead
ss• -s -s•
Signalled to the Enemy From Kim-
berley during the Siege
An elderly Russian Jew niettedBen-
jambe Silpent, who is alleged to be
a naturalized American citizen, has
been sentenced at Kimberley to three
years' imprisonment at hard labour
for signalling to the Rome from a
housetop duriug the siege. His plea of
insanity was rejeeted.
Wishes the War Office to Make a
Suitable Acknowledgement.
A despatch tes the War Office from
Laelysinith says General Bailee re:
Ladysmitial says General Buller re-
quests the, publication, of the acknow-
ledgmen,t of his gratitude for' the con-
giratufatory messages wheel' are pour-
eng tn from, Indict, the colonies, and
towns, and from ,British associae
itonts in all parts of the world.
The lialldna I Theater —Vast Crowds
`Watch Huililaze.
despateli from Paris says,— The
fire whieh destroyed the Theatre Fran -
cats broke out at about noon, on
Thursday, but Was not discovered un -
mediately, and the theater was burn-
ing furiously before the fire brigade
got to work. Elven then the appli-
ances were quite inadequate, and by
1 30 p.mthe interim' oi the building
was a roaring furnao*,
The dense column of sraoke rising
from the fire iit tnieled crowds from
all parts of Paris. especiall3r when the
news spread that it was the Theatre
Francais, which Wafi rega.rdee as ane-,
tional institution. ,
The theatre stood almost isolated
with' a square in front, and •the Gard-
ens of the Petals Royal behind."Both
these spaces were thronged with peo-
Based on a total population of 3,-
546,700, the Australian authorities have
depided that the respective colonies
).1•El entitled under the Federation
scheme to the following representation
in Parliament ; New South Wales 28;
Australia 6; and Tasmania 5; a total
of 62.
The Hero of Ladysmith, Gen. White,
Going to Stormberg.
4 deepatch from the London Daily expeeted that Passenger traffie will be
New .e from Ladyeskitbt reports that resumed on Saturday, but it will take
Gee. Buller's force is now ready to, adt bridgs seel'a-141:°° "'Mkiet°the tex4PPrarY
its future employment is unknown.
but aSeQraeniUthede TtruogrotaltbreiToer side
vance after a muelt-needed rest,
Sofro readjustment of the commands stthhtreLkut stgiloier Efetio.gst-gre4turhesobjleer'etiattilijitiFttiatnlaSetiT7leet
18 leieg arranged, and, according to . north 0. Dundee and Gleueoe is stile 111
the Standard's correspoodent, General their hinds.
white is gang to etoeeeteseg, esellei desp itch from. the Boer oofd
Geo, Hunter will be given ovnunand elar.g ,f.ollentelleoneloevarriscorir otalltaarciezir
af the tenth didsion. Gen. Wliite and appointed Louis Botha iieutenariteVa-
Gen.Efunter, by the way, were unable erect •c r N real. with Lucas Mayer
eoateend the recei,,elop to the Goessee Seh alcbuig Der;s1 .3-mtber. Daeiel
f al owittg to ineiskosition. eErrAsem. etteg40434pdp ,brtearlaatsa 8a7eisi,jaa:r-t,,,,ggelT;
Col. Ward, wawa Lien. 'White the ly end -teed by the burghers. Viet
other day described as the best coat- such Prumlooni• leaders wut he in Nat -
:et Rriont. heccirtts'..c.'r since Mcses' 5' in al0- is taken to show that a la:go part
the armm
y reeins to gaara the
souhern mountain barrier to the
The naval brigade, with the gnna Tratievaal, A British te•port *states
that eeved Lauysmitt,. has guile teet.h. that the Brers are stro g y massed at
Rewire to tite rat.way as far aft Nelson'e isop behind the Drekensherg
(eleneo are nearly eorneleted, 11 is mulantailta.
ERKETs oF TAA mini) yeliew, 890; No, 4 yellow, 38 3,4e; No.
2 corn, 340; No. writ. sa Ode; Oats—
. s Firro. ; No. g whites. 2S to ea 1-4e; No.
3 what>, 2 -to; No, 4 white, 2:3 I -4c;
Nee2 iniexJ, 20 3 -to; No. 3 razed, 26-
Itye—No. 1. 04e; No. 2, on track,
Chicago. Mereh 13.—roeseed eltieed.
-Nortia-Western and South -Western
ppiQes of Grain,. Qattle. Cheese.
I3 the Leading 4aro.
r.Coroxite, Mar 3.—ReCe,:pts wer,
email here to-aey, as only le or IT ear-
1Qada cense to head. thsega mere were
ea the, road but blockee, text steal/ ae
was the supply we h,4a, w.tb weat was
upside fin the I/ g ening -of the
eek, mote L4cu sloes.
teepert mitre es to 4.gut demand.,
and plie,es are easy at ',moot 4 14 10
3-40 per lb., with Oa as an eeeeptienal
price tor seleuteit lots.
vie better gratie of butcher eattLe
es Id, well at Lona, 3 3-4e to 4 1-40 per
Ib., but we laid Liao little oe IL; medium
cattle suld at renn d lee to la 0-8r per
lb„ end, interior to eountiun SCIAL trim
3 1-84 .down. to 2 5 -Se per lb. ;Furze *Ate
tie remained here unsold.
Not many stockers came ia. The
enqpiey is easy, unit prices are un -
chat gsd at fronal 2sr.4 to 8. 14e per
A iew talkers sold at LLOUI 23 10
815 each.
There is a eoutiuued demand fur
cheice veal eatves. and the z gni sem
well sell tip to ten or Le els e
dollars each.
Tnere t so change und: little en-
qu.try tor feeders.
.Neutter dote "email stuff" show any
a,Iteratere. oueeia ere quoted. etc 41-4
'o lo per lb., unit tafelbe t, from 1 1-2
to 5b -1c,, ;telt ocettemeriey Uo wee toed
tor efew Ounce 4,e/delegate liu.oee
are :needy et trout 21-4 to 2 U -le per
Cheme Lambe are wanted.
liege are nominally u,nonerigedhut
have a. downward tencteney,
,Vor prune, hogs, stralieg aeons 160 to
200 lbs., the: to prize Is 5 8-8c; light
and 1at hogs are bringeag 43-4c per
dfollawuag is the revise or quota-
Shippers, per cwt. . 425 85 00
Butcher, cuoice do. , 74 4 2o
timelier ated, to good. 3 2i 3..0
Buteuer, wiener. . le st.0
!Smokers, per cwt. 275 350
Sheep and leanbs.
eash, $1.6); Mny, $1.58; September,
41.10 1-2; Weber, SLOB 1-2.
Detroit, ?Vane Cleesed,
No. 1 'white, 72 1-2c; No. 2 red, 72e;
May, '72 3-4o; July, 71 3-4e.
Boers Blow uP Norvars Pont Bridge
Behind Them.
deTateh ;rime Loudon, Friday.
&tarot 9, baysi•—Lord Relents aires
foLowe to the War Olfiee;--
"Gatacre reports that he lute:Weer-
cupeing Burgueredorp to -day.
"Repeire to the ream -aye towards
both Stormberg and Steynsherg are
beteg pueluid.
"(laments now oevupies Nut vele
. punt on the south banki of the Orange
river. The bridge was blown tes Murcia
6. and the enemy are holdiug the mirth
benk oi tbe river, bat ItOL, ik,i6 believ-
ed, in any great etrength,"
A :pedal atm lIoltesto says that tbe
BIWA occupied Burghersdorp mum-
• ps, ed last night.
Beyond the 'acts that the Doers ha..e
withdrawn north of the Orange river
at Norval's pont, and that Lieu. Gat-,
aura has occupied Burgliersdorp. %hare
is little news from that distriet, and.
nothing has been received enabling
judgment to be formed as to the pro-
bability of the Briti it crossing the
river. It will be seen tire the Boer
reports claim thet they here repttleed
the British. Ne.hing lute been heard
I trout elen, Brabant for two or three
deys. Gen. Gatacer's headquarters is
now at Stormberg.
98 Boers Slain by Concussion, Their
Beards Turned Green and
Their Faces Yellow.
A despatch from Durban, Natal,
Sheep, per cwt. . 300 375
SAYS :—Lieutenant Anderton, who cora-
Lambe, per cwt. . 4 50 600 roan,ded a section of the, Natal Naval
Bucks, per cwt. . „ 2 25 2 75 Volunteers at Ladysmith, has arriv-
. Mitkers and Calves. ed. here. In the course of an inter -
Cows each. . . . 25 00 45 00 view he said that towards the close
Calves, each, . . 2110 10 00 of the Pieter's Mil engagement the
Dyspepsia and Indigesti
conlmon diseases, but hard t40
• . .e
cure with ordinary remedies!
yield readily to Manley's
Celery -Nerve Compound.
was treeless/I with Dyspepsia ette
ledigestion ler tong time, and
*could ges no relief matt I tried.
Mentey'aceiery-Nerve enepountl,
which cured me, end I csitur4
_wens See blehlif Peeler."
Mre, Youngwife—Setne of the neitOts
bora tell me you; always put obeli; in
your milk.
T•si.ilkinan—Thet ain't me, lady
ars. "rsurtgsrits*You closet do it tik
ell, Olt
Ilallenian—Weil, Of ocint'ee, we have.
to Once in a while; for instaace, after
a. heavy rein, when the water's ax
Childrea Cry for
The Itieer, Man Walt leelti Els
Wittsee feelinge have you bur
was asked.
My eephew'a, he Sid, USA's Pat
sent lure a letter aslang Mai to aceept
tile inclosed hundred -dollar check as
a little birthday ffitt•
Bat where does your specialty (tome
Itt on ettob a proposition as tbatt
I didn't put In any cheek.
Aornew's Ointment,
Ife June% Getters, inerebentSrlIkeeberre.
Pee writes :—For Ma* 'ergo _ bete*
disfigured with tetter on bands *Nd feglh
But At lait I bare taped core in DX,
Agnew's Ointment. my seta te new
smooth and soft and free from every lee
tele Sais Atilt appucation gave welter.
Solo to- t-`. Jane, klecter.
Choice hogs, per cwt. 1300
Light hags, per cwt. 425 175 , the place was evacuated by the Beers
S_ ows• • . . . . 3 CO , 825 ; therein ninety-eight dead Deere who 1
S flagois, 0. n
Heavy hogs, per GSM 4 25. 475 1 he visited the trenches and counted ,
to', likEtie'oh 13._- 2 Le 225
Hogs. ,
5 87,1_2 - a kopje, 2,590 yards distant. When
' navel guns threw lyddite shells on
I had been killed by the concussion of
prices are unchanged„ Business oon- I wound of any kind.
Wheat —Local . the lyddite, nik one ot them having a
tinues quiet. Quotations; are as fol -1 Lieut. Anderton declared that the
low-so—Ontario, red and white, 64 1-2 fumes of the lyddite turned the hair
to 65c, according to nearness to the and bear& of the dead men to ape -
mill, Western Ontario points''and 65
freights to New York; spring, ease, 65
to 65 1-2c, east; goose wheat, 69c, low of their side was a strange yellow.
culler greenish hue, while the colour
; e Fifty-two Boers were oaptured in one
1-2c; Manitoba, No. 1 hare, 3,
ing in transit wheat scarce. 78 „,20, of the trenches. They were unable to
North Bayand at 80c, gleGrind-
flee, having been p.aralysed by their
fear of the lyddite shells.
elour — Dull. Outside raillers offer
straight neler, in buyers' bags, middle
freights, at $2.65 per bblyand ,export
agents bid $2.50. Sales of, straights, in
wood for local account, are made at
$2.85 to $3 according to brand:.
Form a Home Guard to Enable the
Burghers to Go to the Front.
Milifeed--Searce and firect. Bran is
816.50 to 617.50, at the mill door A• despateh from Pretoria 5 A. R ,
9 Am i a f •
March 3, noon, via Lorenzo' Mariese,
quoted at $15 to $16; and sh6ris at
;nixed at 41o; Canadian corn scaree
Peas—Quiet and easy. Car lots, 61
1.2. to.620, north, sttd west ; end .62 1..., no diminutioe, end everyone is will -
and firmer,. at 11c, track, Toronto.
under ig'ood eepost de_ 1111 (1155.1 ing 'to give his services to aid the, C4ov-
the patriotic spirit of the people shows
reports of Boer re.verses,
;of NthotewsiiIiitt-
Corn—Steady. No. e et c n y e - saaeYi ogn:-Tsk ovnefect hopefultiiedhveireesv.
through Western Ontario.
tow, quoted at 42c, track, Toronto; and et."liung the
ma nd. Car lots, No. 2, middle feted to form!, a 'home gaard in order
A monaber of Boer wqmen have of -
is quote'cl at 44c outside. " , performirg (bit duty to proceed to the
Rye—Quiet. Car lots, 510 west, atui" fr°11t'-'
12e; and cast, at 43; No, 1 to enable the beighei.g, who are now
52°tOaelL.Iss—•Dernand qUiet. White oats,
nort h and' west, 261-2 to 27c; middle
freights, 27 to 27 1-2c; and east, 27 1-2
to 2c. , • 1
,Buckwixeat--Quiet. Offerings light.
Car lots, outside, quoted at 40 to 50e.
! Minneapolis, 1ST a r ch 13.—Wheat—
Mani 61 3.-8 to 64 1-2; ;fitly, 633-8 to
63 1-20 ; No, 1 hard, 66 1-2c ; No. 1 N orth-
earn, 64 1-2c; No. 2 Norther:, 1,3... iriour effect a junction with Lord Roberts,
—Stel-5CIY ' f46t; PatniM, '5--r'5; seao'hd but how is uncertain. It is held by
do., 83.3e; first clears, 2.ee ; second
do,, $2,05. 13rosne-QuieL'• 1 i bulk $11 't'ule Lhat he will eleve thrcligh 'Van
, I, ,
to $11.25. ' , , Reenen's pass while others believe his
Buffalo, Mauch 13,. --Spring wheat— men vvill be transported from Durban
No. 1 bard, rotund lots, 76 340; No. 1 by sea to East London, thence by
Northern, round lots, 76c, carlots rail to a jUnction with General Gat -
75 1-221. "Wdriter wheat—No sales. Corn acre at Stormberg or Port Elizabeth,
—Firm ; No. 2 Fellow, 39 1-4e; No. 3 and thence by rail to Norval's pont,
Speculation as to Manner in Which
Un ion Will be Effected.
A despatch from London, says
is conceded that General Buller will
DO Leading Specialists of Arne*
20 Years in Detroit.
2501000 Cured.
Thousands of youne and middle-aged
mart are troubled with this disease—roat
unconsciously. near else have a slue
int; etesationj small, twisting strenn.
Aare euttine piens at times, tingle die
charge, didioulty in comrameing, weak
oreans, emissions, and all the symptoms
of nervous debility --they have STRIC-
TURE. Dmetletdoetersexperimenton
le% be patting, etre/tater, or tearing
you. Thiswill net cure/on, as Ib will toe
turn. Our law METHOD TREAT-
MENT absorbs the stricture there;
It can never return. No paln,no suffer-
ing„ no detention from business by our
method. Theaexualorgansareetrengtj;t-
enetL The nerves are invigorated, and
the bliss of manhood returne.
Thousands of young and middle-aged
on are having their sexual vigor zed
vitality continually sapped be this dis-
ease. They are frequently unconscious
ofthe cause of these symptoms. Generei
reekness, Unnatural Discharges,
ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor mem-
my. Irritability, at times Smartie? Sen.
sation. Sunken Eyes, with dark mules.
Weak Beek, General DeeraSston, leek
of Ambition, Varioncele, %runkest
Parts. eto. SLEET and STRICTURE
maybethecause. Don't consult family
doctors, as they have no experience In
thesespecial diseases—don't allow-
Quaoksto experiment on you. Consult
Speoialists,whehavemado alifestudyof
Diseases of Men andWomen. Our NEW
*rely cure you. One thousand doilanj
for a case ire accept for treatment and
oannotoure. Terummoderateforsoure.
We treat and cure: EMISSIONS,
ES. KIDNEY and 13LADDER Diseases.
FREE. If unalile to call, vrrite for
or. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St,
K 45.
" 333.49kISIM
:aa41 FAtkr., GRP 2FfEllrgl
- • ,erel Ton
••flwit flier