HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-15, Page 2THE EXETER TIMES
Barrieters. Selene:ars. Novariee, Cenveraneeee.
Vonmatal etc .
Nona to Loan at 41 per cent, weer) pnt. 0-mt.
n. ceRLINei.E. L L Messes.
member of lte lirm will be at Re13-3all ou
Ileurethey of each week..
R. FL cou4Ns,
Barrister , Solicitor, Convollaucer,
OFFWE Over O'Neire
5 I
Barristers, e1ioitar, Notaries Pablio,
Copveyamers (i4e, O.
oney tu Loan,
E. V. F. W. ntannete•
For Love and Fame.
CIE(APT= 111.-Routioued.
AL. de Vidoelae leekeel, at h.m tor a
moment, as it he weke untitled tu ask
hies what businese it was ea. hs; bu.
he thoug1t. better or it, and ineteau
with a ecewl, "It is not so. ver5
uttranal either for astrotogers t,
meke reletakees,"
.lin'to.teits," the man ba black said.
"I quite agree," m. de Vidoehe re-
plied, with. ea...ele politeness. "I ac-
cept the torkeenten.'
'Yet there ie one thing to be said
even then,' the aetroioger continued,
elowly leaning .orwarci, and. as ,f
cbmue•et in fee. th.: canktlee
3.4' to bring =t aizectly betweee
inildumen and te.nteelt; "I have exeleed
Alene.eur Vidoehe. '1114 Da 13:- CHAPTHli, IV.
naleteles sometimes in ereuie-i- 6 Oa the site of the old Petals dee!
.3. IL, RIVERS, M. B. TORONTO ILTNI 'IrlliekVat and even WritIte. tint Pe%e Aurt-.lies, where as held the tour-
V/testrlit. at C.St. euaty tnever 1 in preinellaug-deatits." • ha ultieh Ileury Ile was kill.;
• 4 ee-,ton Oni Xt. de Videante, who may bave bad d zany IV. built the Place ilet5•ale.
uomaz;s4ASIUSS rats keg in hue aWlit breest width ou • 1 tet fin1 'fl d by that
lege tee suet reeenlug a. the otleeett me in any met, or paris ekeedayi
tie anktetameee, R 4Ldelan 4}.0.,k. 4 n& zts fl mo Cern France. which has UR
Ildteu '4, Milos: sp.; aroma butittoe. . Whatever be reen thah t edizions, or eel erenee, has carefuely
:Oil, notelet %AMOR% L.4.WILICV:7, 1:10TVIL
cr In, Ames' %eine beitenge hence See; 4tbecoentenence which the rentev-eri 1eh ; , • -
Banner. t)04 end wh.01 tb,„ e.ye„ Loratag eiai.:-11 isle awl soa).-boil..rs. teat for all
eantille telly revealed to lout. Inn. creeye owl ber journal,
tea Itehlesten USX., 4. Ante% et.
13.Q.OWNING vote4eoraeefoloarloelintey.a.live, thetidee eti. and though the Place RoYaie
BiA look diet, p.el.Y, ash now lost even its name, in the
10 • I*. sn teredueto P.OLQ1 _4.,1•51fy Even a nate tit b.gb color lett ,r,'rho
teiten of tnter he thirteenth Louie it
eek was
-voice nu,t rect1SAMP. POSUSASAI JAMS'S" chcefaebion. feuartier , Exeter. Ile went on with his meal in!
6iIence. The feur tell eautitee titled d , n ich etood, opposite
ilYNDMAN, coroner foe the turned dotty on the table. Hut to "1" de St. LnetiS, was then the
4:001111F ef Buena. entice, eentosite
tee teeeneee a. 1:eocce,
Notredarae ead, kindly. "I found neY
compeny good Rnattan., This
i:tor de V•doehe IS or this vountre.,`
and. a rich man, Understand."
"Through, his wife," the host said,
0=401151Y- "Aid SO rich that she
could bui'd our caetle itere from the
ground egain."
**Madame de Vidoche was of Pina-
"To he sure. Monsieur knows
everything, By JurriZegee to the
north. I have leen there once, But
-he his a h ;use Pais besides, and
estates, I hear, in the south -in Pert-
'II 1' tbe attrologer muttered.
"Perigord again. That, is odd. new."
.241% enewal fai-
•eeseel *wet•rer sabot i..uxtaticoul,
15. i -tit sInctior giusi:antecii. Camino
ate. Beesca 0,Out.
10,1,11Elt Licensed Nue-
0E tau Ulu enmities cif 11.44111
0,ALL1,19LCA 114.:0 -ti•
C9. at Peetettilee Ore
V El hIlles; AllaS
Tennent & ennent
nee OSSr.
Graduate et tbe n Veterleare Co
1. dice -One deor Uth Town Hall.
IqUIP INstiteein e .
Eastalslishosi in 13633
lois ettneeev over Tw.litiv-oish
3411s in sacressital epee diem in Westara
%nip. N....timers writtempAISt ItPIS
&xi use hy 1:1331.imss, Alerstain less
II lnieltiora un.1 all other descrintious 3f
item/able property. lawn lilts insurers u'
tt option ce mane sem au the rrouno in :Zeta xr
1/LtriL.:14 1he ea,t ten years this company has
till 947.'7.1 0' NI Leit”.. tULTAItlif 1.11A119fLy LA t0fit
11/1 .111_11 01 041,,,42.”,g: LI1S1 P:11.1 IR 101191.0000
4LS,.t lb. lh 744.$00,00, cousietine or Cash
313 .111.13 tom mitetit IlL1.9‘1 8.11.1 L.le
bt 4 1 :semen :eines et, lintel and in !urge.
I iltsident o 31. i's rims
tt r.14117; 1, 111 Lusa. sre..ear
/ALI, Agent for Exeter and
t ulellated every Thursday morning at
lints eant Pri ting House
aeci n tercet, nearly opposite Fittmegjeweiry
*gore, Exeicc, Ont., by
,JOHN w.urrk; :Anis. Proprietor&
bet hisertion. per line
10 calve
Bea RiLseqUelit ini-ertion, per line3 cen tta
lo isaoura! an,ertaun, ad% ertistanonts shourd
be EeLt 7n nut luter :mut Wednesday morning.
r 1 Ile largtet and be,..t equappeuin ttie Couuty
01 Luzon. Ali wort: en ruetect to 1/1 will re-
t vest tun. prompt attenton.
Orris. ow, ItvgardIng Newspapers.
1 -Am 1190.01 nix/ tokesa piper regpIarly
tram the lost Miler, whether directed in his
name or eautoces,or wz.,ether he has subt.cril-
Lei or not, rew,insibto so • payment.
2- tf h per -on ureters his paper euscontinued
he nut -t pay ill arzesra or the pub !slier may
vOnt inue to send it, until The payment is nur.d.o,
and es en codect the woo e amount, whether
the p ists.en from th..: ottLax or not.
3- n s 1.17, for :.-au-crIpt on, the suit may. be
inst.tuted in tee pia.ce senores the paper is puts.
honed, a,though the su secriber may reside
bun reds of miles away.
4 -The court,. have deal 7ed thut refusing to
take sy.w-papers or periodicals fro n tne poso
stare. or removing and leaving them nacaned
for, e, prima fatie evidenze of intentional
Sick Headache and rel eve all the troublesincl•
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, dtc. While theirmost
reraarkuble success has been shown. isa curing
Headache, yet CARTER'S lame Liven PILLS
are equally,valuable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomac ,h
stimulate the liver and regulate the boweet.
EVE711 if they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless tO those
who suffer from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be wining to do without the=
But after all sick head
ifeelie bane of go many hives that here fri where
O t, 0 ilia
we make elle. eena ore Our p cure it
:while others do not,
and very easy to take, One or two pills make
a dose. .They are striedy, vegetable and do
mot gripe or temp., but by thee- gentle action
pieeee an who ese them. Tn vials at g6 cents;
lave for $1. Sold eiremeliere, or sent by med.
CARTg1111101310/1111 CO.. NW Tort. 7
loll lilt, Small Dm Imall ?fin
_. eit.zitrNzai: el,„,„:1.,,:,,,,,,...t.b. de ymietehanta tieitiatleilhubatist-tallsoy it lon:ti:til•Ireuoftegnotennduvertiolieue.roonsegoto
ile tie, oabnicli1 tYai
querter. It eaw CUaglies Fmate
ream houvi,",,itb auk. 0, twee ,,-,„,,i ,v.ai nitanY other queer thinge, suc/a
to coo,urt quarters in those day e looked
fleutt covered form on it -a CAI Ill
back stairs of the ralace, hew-
thethu NI1V5113;11fs$3.-iro.iretrP—t'latirilsg‘'s14-all:"1-14 evTet:.e. are selkil'al an l vinOr
C,eatly, tbe astrologer wa.S no ordine brillient plare; or ir there 'cra°uliegsaid
r.S' matt.
Ile :teemed to take no notice, innv-1 is of A 800A " What Wall And h
to kit Teri:Sant at all. their brightness
ver, of the, effeet hie words 11441 pro- eharacter- The king's emu:temente
otd. indvc,4, bit tto tong"-, nig el -very royal awl naturals no doubt,
' areteat.atte oet ee, de \Ideate. lie and, when viewed from the proper
ned polite.y to ea:dame, and made quarter, attraetive enoue,qt-have an-
eteawee tweee aeeeeetwn ou the riIIr side; and 10 84,4fl3. nstitii,411:olterv .1;:titt•Ild
*he answered it inattentively.
" a"' hs'lliag a'11. LVY t°31' ' bl' 4.0n- -th--:11 (ItTirk"rt01141gnildsidir 01iUtrhatr1471.01 n1211074
tuendelorr.eur.1./eliTglAw'a:thy.agirini:htillenledie. 44- el sle,itt the MONS, the cancer no^
Kiri ler 8
fal'einated gaze his muter st every ntt'erretilsoe there...tionoena, so 11 bas
act elect ineeteuent, "I do 3,101. wonder bten. Titian no Thou ,11,1 oot holm
that be attracts the ladies' eyes."
"Ile is a band:novae thild," File atis- ahxiceleltrmoalatilmsso'rdosnity8s
lug.ruee.Telidat, were
ey tn. the
were& smiling faintly. ' court under -world knew all about
"Yes, be is gt od-lookingt" the man that mysterious aiseatie or wilich Grab -
in black rejoined. "There is one rielle d'Estrees died after eating a
thing which euen or 'science teal that citron at Zaraers-all, more than we
he will never need." know now or has ever been printed.
"What le that?" she asked, curl- That tittle prick or a knife Which
u-ly, looking at the astrologer for mole the second NVednesday in May,
the flea time with. attentiou. 11110, a day memorable in nistory, is
"A love -philter," he anewered, cour- gossip flown thoe n raonth before.
Sbe colored, trailing a little sadly.
nridame's will Henry of condeet death,
birth, were no mystertes in the by-
eously. "Ills looks like
always supply its place."
uluthage• Dklon's sex., Cagliostro's
ways of the Louvre and Petit Trian-
"Are there emelt thinge?" she said. "Is
He V. wrote, "Linder the king's
it true? -I mean, I always thought ou.
e are many cockroaches,"
t et. they were a child's tale." eat h-st on
k his se:
"No more than poisons and ante- vewous, dangerous 1S011,1-•-a1S011,1-•-aInay, ugly
dote,e, madame, ' he answered, earn-
stli, "the preservative power of salt, any street in. the Paris of that
day belonged to it, the Rue Touchet
or the deetructive power of gun -
did; a little street a quarter of a
powder. You teke the queen's herb, mile ,from the Place Royale, on the
you sneeze; the drug a Ilaraceisus,
verge ot the tluartier Itiarats. The
nu shell; wine, you see double. 1,Vhy !louses on one side of dm street had
is the powder of attraction more won- b
3 they were devided'only by a few tares
uneorivinced," he continued more oe foul foreshore. 'These houses
lightly, "look round you, roadtune. wero older than the opposite row, were
You tee young men loving old women., irregularly built, and Idled high with
the high -Lona allying therre•elves with gables and crooked ohimneys. Hera
the vulgar, the ugly enchanting the and there a beetle-browed as ,
Want nut. -ion see a hundred inex-1 led beneath them to the river; and one
pin:able raatehes. Believe Ines it is I out of every two was a tavern, or
we who snake them. epeak without I worse. lA lencing-sehool and a gam -
motive," be added, bowing, .,for ma..! occupied the two largest.
dame de Vidoche can never have need To tie. south-west the street ended in
a other philter than her eyes." la cul-de-sac, being closed by a squat
her regards on the table, sigbed.
Madame, toying idly with a plate, 'stone house, built out of the ruins of
an old water gate -way that had once
stood there. The windows of this
"And yet they say matches are made
bouse were never unshuttered, the
in heaven," she murmured, saftlY- door was seldom opened in the day -
"It is from heaven - irom the stars light. It was the abode of Solomon
-we derive our knowledge," he ans-
etotredame. Once a weak or so the
veered, in the sante tone. aserologer's somber figure might be
But his face 1 -it was -well she did seen entering or leaving, and men at
not Lee that! And before more passed, tavern doors wouid point at him, and
M. de Vidoche bloke into the conver- slatternly women, leaning out of win-
sation. "What rubbish is this?" he does, cross themselves. But few in
said, speaking roughly to his wife. the Rue Touthet knew that the house
"Have you finished? Then let us pay had a second door, which did not open
this rascally landlord and be off. If on the water, as th'e back doors „of
you do not want to spend the night the river -side houses did, but on a
on the road, that is. Where are those quiet street leading to it.
fools of servants ?" M. Notreda.me's house was, in facts,
He rose, and went to the door and double, and served two sorts of '
shouted for them, and 00M0 back clients. Great ladies and courtiers,
and took up his cloak and .hat with wives of the long robe and city ma- l
much movement and bustle. But it dames, came to the door in the quiet ;
was noticeable in all be did that he street, and knew nothing of the Rue I
never once met the astrologer's eye Touehet. Through the latter, on the I
or looked his way. Even when ho bid other hand, came those who paid in '
bim a surly "Good-night''r-oasually na..taL if not in malt, lackeys and wait-
ing -maids, and skulking ape/rano:nes
uttered in the midst of injunctions to
and led-captaine-the dregs of the
his wife to be quick -he spoke over his
quarter sodden with viee and. crirae
slsoulder; and he left the roora in the
--and .now The house was
same fashion, completely absorbed, it furnished accordingly. The clients of
seemed, in the fastening ot biS cloak. the Rue Touche.. found the astrologer
Some, treated. in this cavalier fash- room divided into two by scarlet
might have resented it. But the man visitor a partial 9i819 of the further
in black did neither. Left alone, he half, where the sullen glow of Et
remained by the table in an expectant furnace disclosed alembics and cru -
attitude, a sneering smile, which the cables, mortars and retorts,. a multi -
light of the candles threw into high tude of uncouth vessels and vials, and
relief, on his grira visage. Suddenly all the raysterious apparatus of the
the door opened, and M. de Viclothe, aleheimiet.f • Diamedeately about him
cloaked and covered, came in. With- the shuddering rascal fonna things
out raising his eyes, he looked round still more striking. 8. dead hand
the roona-for something he had mis- hung over each door, a skeleton peep -
laid, it seemed. ed from a closet. A. stuffed alligator
"Oli, by the way," he said, suddenly, spratyled an the floor, and by the
and without looking .up. wavering, uncertain/Sight of the fur -
"My address?" the man in black in.. nace, seemed each raeruent to be awak-
terjected, with a devilish readiness. ing to life. Clabalistite signs and
The end of the Rue Touthet in the -strange instruMents and skull headed
Quartier du Marais, near the river. staves were everYwhere., with Parch
Where, believe rae," he continued, I:dent -scrolls and monstrous man
with a mocking bow. ban give you drakes, and a farrago of such things
madame's boroscope with the greatest as naight imitose on the ignorant ; who,
if he pleased, might sit on a coffin,
Pleatsure, ex. any other little matter
you may require." „ and, when be would •amuse hinaself,
found a living toad at his foot Dim -
112k you are the deifill" inf. de y seen, .provcied, together, Hi -under.
Vicloche muttered, wrathfully, nhiS stood, these things 'were enough to
cheek growing pale. ;
otierewe. the vulgar, and often struok
"P°sablY," the astr°10ger allse terior into the boldest ruffians . the
leered. "In that 01' any other' case -
3341 sreVOirl" - From this mote a little stairoase
ti:116 Tonehet could boast.
When the lasadlord came up a little Closed, ,at the top- by a strong door,
later to apologize to M. Solomon led to the chamber and anteschamber
Notredazne de Pelee for the ineonveni- in which the 'astrologer received his
ence to Which he had unwillingly pui real elients, 'Here all was changed.
he found his guest' in high good- Bol roonas were hung, cemented,
humor. "It is nothing, my friend -it carpeted with black ; were vast, death
is !nettling, friend -it is nothing," M. like, emPty, The ante -climber con-
Lhor maks to the river, from wi'elt
d 1 I h
tattled two steols, and In the middle
of the floor a large erystal ball on
a bronze stand. That was all, excel:A
the silver hanging lamps which burn-
egloobmhzeosf tthirtedroaodmde.d to the funereal
The inner chamber, which was light-
ed by six candles set io sconces reuntl.
the wall, was almost as bare. A kind
a altar at the further end bore two
great tomes, continually open. In
the middle of the floor was an astro-
lo.be;''on an ebony pillar,. and the floor
itself was embroidered tit white, with
the signs of the zodiac end the twelve
houses arranged in a circle. A seat
for the astrologer stood near the al-
tar. And that was all. For ewer
over such AS visited him here. Notre -
dame depended on a higher range of
ideas; on the mere subtle forms of
semerstition, the influence of gloom
and silenee on the consciertoes and
above all, perhaps, on his knowledge
ef the world -and them.
Into the midst of all this ceme that
shrinking, terrified little xaortal,
ban. It was his business to oeen
the door into the quiet street, and ad-
roit those who ealleel. He was forbid.
den to speak under the most terri,
penal.ies, so that visitors thought
hien dumb. For a week after his com-
ing he lived in a world of almost in-
tolerable fear. The darkness and
silence of the house, tbe funereal lights
and hangings, th.e sknils and bones
and horrid things he sew, end on
which he name when he Itetar exeected.
them, almost turned his brain. Tie
ehu ktiere,t, and crouehed luther and
thither. Hie face greu white, and
his eyes took a strange staring look,
so hat the sourest might have pitied
hint. It wanted, in a wards but a
little to nuke the child, sterk mad;
and but for hie lierdy trainingend
out -door life, that little wonld not
hatnet been wanting. Ile might have
fled, for he was trusted at the doer,'
end et any maman Mid have open-
ed, it and escarveti. But admit never
doubted Lis master's power to find
him • and bring him back; and the
thought did not enter his mind. After
a meek or so, famillarLy wrought
on him, as on all. Tilt house grew
less terrifying, the darkness lost tts
horser, th' ate of elle.nce and dread
tits first paralyeing tuflu.ncet. He
began to eleep better. Curiosity, in
a degree, took the place of fear. Ile
fell to poring ever the signs
of the zodiac, and to taking fur-
tive peel's into the creeeta. The
toad became his playfellow. He fed it
with cocicroaches„ and no longer want-
ed employment.
The astroakger saw the change in the
lad, and perhaps was not wholly pleas-
ed with it. By and by he took steps
to limit it. One day he found dehan
playing with the toad with something
of a boy's abandon, making the un-
couth creature leap over his hands,
and tickling it with a straw. The
boy rose on his eutrance and Om*
away ; for his fear QC the man's sinis-
ter face and silent ways was not•in
any way lessened. But Notredarne
called hint back. ;" You are begin-
ning to -forget," he said, eyeing the
The boy trembled under his gaze,
but did not dare to answer.
"Whose are you V
Jehan irked this way and that. At
eugth, with dry lips, he muttere ,
"I"-oNuor.s;u are not," the man in Ma=
replied. " Think again. rou have it
short memory."
jehan thought and sweated. But. the
man would have his answer, and at
1 t J 1. whispered, "" . •
That. is better," the astrologer said
coldly. "Do you know what -this
He held up a glass bowl. The boy
recognimed it. and his heir began to
else. But be shook his head.
" It is holy water," the man in
black said, his mull, (trust eyes, de-
vouring the boy. " Hold out your
Jellan dared not refuse. "This win
try you," Notredaine said, slowly,
" whether you are the devil's or not.
If not, water will not hurt you. If so,
if you are his forever and ever, to do
llaiiksealinlrleainod pleasure, then it will burn
At the last word he suddenly sprin-
kled some with a brush on the boy''s
hand. Jehan leaped back with a shriek
of pain, and. holding the burned hand
to his breast, glared aL his master
with starting eyes.
" It burns," said the astrologer, piti-
lessly, "11 burns. It .is as I stall
You are his. His! After this I think
you will remember. Now go."
Johan went away, shuddering with
horror and pain, But the lesson had
not the precise effect intended. He
continued to fear his master, but he
began to hate him also, with a pas-
sioante, lasting hatred, strange in a
child. Though he still shrunk and
crouched in his presence, behind his
back he was no longer restrained by
fear. The boy knew of no way in which
he could avenge himself. He did not
form any plans to that end, he did not
conceive the possibility of the thing.
But he hated; and, given the oppor-
tunity, was ripe to seize it.
To be Continued.
Children ury for
ion, might hare been hurt, and sothe itaifeggs, se arranged as to afford the IA
C ear es
Observations by Mose • Doyle, the
hack -stand phi 1 osopher :
The guy that dyes his hair don't fool
anybody but himself.
Sometimes youwouldn'L wonder veby
a man stays onall night if you knew
his wife.
IL don't matter hew modest you) are
if your shoes squeak.
The guy that ra,isen cain with the
old lady because he has to wait live
minutes for dinner is likely to be the
saline guythat couldn't pass a dog
fight if there was money waiting for
him down the street. -
The only ,woman I ever known]
whose face. was her fortune was a
bearded lnd,y,
What the Legislators or the Province
are Doing at 'roronto.
Darirg 1et9 the total receipte of the
Province were $4,000,494, while the ex-
penditure totalled 0,710,420, griing a
balance of P86,674. The total bell -
eine on hand at the ead of the year
was §,574.7t6. Compared with 1898 there
was an increase of ,S449,141, while the
expenditure decreased 802,061.
Some of the halgese items in re-
ceipts were;-Ceown. Lands, 07,286;
Rent. 4'111,168; Woods aid Forests,
S1,01,2,848; Licenses, $'43,803 ; Law
nSitellnult ,15:,55142;311'ielik3derulee:,t1a410,04DON:lit
enue Bill, 0217,09; Sacceseion Linty,
§15,5„11.1; Casual Revenue, $257,9713;
tiiale of Lands, Teronto Aeyhun, ItV46
Pa'al o Ins.itutions, *-74;-g. These
ana,onts were paid by the Cernordtions
under the revenue buu.7--In4aranegt
ceetipattiee, §E0,435; banks, ;
trusts eompanees. Alai; J0411
p.toieS, ; railwa,y eQmpanieS,
.034444; street railway mpanies,
$‘,0114; express cempauiee, §2.7:=5;
el,e0 and parlour car companies.
$etes; net oral ges companiee,
attd eleeteec light Ceoenanies.
ntie.01; telt geaplt ctinepattiee, til,"04;
lelephoete ettrupatlY• kNe-4,5l
Seirleinai. The. Lageee stun eontrarat-
ed by any li_e or it.r4 insUr41100 0001-
VAny wee nlielL4, paid by the Canada
tete Aseurauce Comp kny,
O. the tetal Sleeteti. in succession
duties, York Count.), contributed
StUa.06, the principal allAt•AntS bei. g:
P. Drieei.11, n711.64.1; ()Aver blitnta,
W,tit11.1A? ;Many A. Ketkeettlyt ttet0;
Rebeet inepstne. 440-411(Wr
Leith. 0,1,fiti.e5; ▪ 4. iteatrew,
T. A. iik..,:iitzatau, *zia.; 4.
4X4‘.012.trolv ox,1§'Lit.;001.14; tlifazoty0i;
oiatiou ▪ Veinier, 4,7134.11.do ;
.alary L. Parlow,
lueae tteme eifis AUtOng the inieeele
!Reeves expenal.ure: ny-elegnious,
§inz44; A, 4,4,01,ou4alin JUlten3US
;try SS $01.4111.01' /1110eSS1011 011t1...8 14511
4;04,i(g); er-Pro, nem at t 4'4 lion,
Oteltill Puree:lase °Lateen). yaelit, 'tett-
Om; pork -reit Hon. •n4a..1;
Lewis helneettion, enniax4 pseveutatiu ta
' the export, of eawtogs, ,471.
The estimatee far the eurrent year
were laid ou the Loom. The total
amount, askee tor is eieoa,elet, undin
Inueonit,it oitlitem4ca;
administration ue jus• tice:, 4110,StuNr;
euuostuote sier,1,0.8.e4; Pupae iu4tAtu-
Liotle mulritenaMie, §13414)-1; th-aillgra"
tient Iri,1115; egg semi ure, , nun-
alS and cuarkites, S.tieeeeetie; main -
1 tenet:Ice and reeuirs (11, Governmeut
taint cicreir %mental laulcilugs, 6tie,,e4.te
a Publie 4bui1einge-(1) fesjuiCs,
dieital accounts, $6.1,tieti.o.a. Jeublie
I works -(i reeuirs, t2) eapi-
; tut accuunt, $a4et2le.71; eulunleation and
newt tan xuun., CitargeS 012
erottzt lamed, §sleste,5; refuwas tic-
oount, $ineteatetle; natscuilantente ee-
pentikture, 4.‘7,otit/; untoreseen anti en -
provided, SeJ,000. Total-teetzteet32,61.
A number of the heads of deettrt-
ments are given inereauee, but few of
tint aterke recei e int:Amen, iu eat-
art- s A totel of etr'" eau is sou •ht for
colonizat ion and Mining- roads. The
vote tor coionieation ourposes amounts
to 45AA11), 111.1 inerease of .S1e,500. The
sumof 64,700is tasked for the maiot en.
;tem ot 14 patrol tug ill the northern
lakes. These items are also asked
Contribution to the lettriotio Fund,
010,04; tuwatde paying tbe stuerme
olfieials in the Canadien tontingeuts,
§4,000; U.1. Loeali.sts, for copying ,
papers in archives at Weshington, een).1; I
tux ther contribution to the. Red Cross '
&meaty, 6t5tith for the exploration ue
thee part of Ontario between the C.
P.R., and RudsooBay, 40,00l; towards
cempilation of Imperial statutes in
force in Ontario, e1,5b0.
Eon. Bite Dryden'ts bill to amend the
San Joele Scale Act provides that
spraying and fentigaiton may be sub-
eituted tor hurninge and when sueli
treatment is ordered and the ewer
refuses to carry it out, it shitil be done
without COmpepitttion to him.
Hon. Mr. Davis introduced a bill to
consolidate and amend the gerne laws.
It provides the 1 when game anima's
and migratory game tilde are in clan-
ger of extinetion or require protec-
tion, tine Ineutenant-Governor may, Ly
order-in-Councli, Lake the neclessary
steps to extend such protectioxt. The
killing of any COW IT1008t.., fawn, or
yeu.ng deer, , moose, or eariboo under
the..age on one year is „forbiaden: The
eranefer of a license to kill genie is
made a aeu.nishable offence, and in -
valves the ettnentilation of the lieense in
addition. The fee for a licenee to hula
moose, reindeer, and cariboo is I o be
510. The (naive game warden is ena-
Dowered to lesue licenses to game
dealers to buy, and sell cittrieg the
open season and for 20 days during
the close season, game birds and ani.
mats lawfully killed and procured. Tbe
license fee in titles'. of ove:r 100,000
population is ,e50 in other cities, S25;
in towns and villages, Ii.10; and in
townshins, 5 In reSpect to deer
hunting, any person found masked or
disguised and in possession of any gun
or firearm in eloee season' is liable ie
imprisonment fox three months, with,
oat the option of a fine. I
Sala Mrs. Gadabout, who 'rad come
to spend the day, to little Edith:
lkre you glad to see' me again,
!Yes m'ne, and mamma's abad too,
replied . the child.
Ifs she ?
Yes, m'ne. She said she hoped
you'd come to -day and have it ovee
„ -.teens reeranNtffliON
What is
4 ,
Castoria i ilte. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmlesS substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil.
is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and
allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sorm.
Curd, cures DiarrItt2eat and Wind. Colic. Castoria relieve*
Teething troubles, cures Constipation and klatulency.
Castoria assimilates the Food, regplates the Stomacti,
and Ik)wels, ivin healthy andoaatural sleep. Castorlit
is the Children% Panacese--tho Mother's Friend*
"Caetoria, is an eareelleet medicine for
ehildreu. Xothers nave repe-atedly told me
Otte goon effect upon their children."
Int. O. inseecon Lova, Afass.
"Ceeterta, is SO NV9i1 adapted to ehltdrea
that recommerne it es superior to any pre.
scription krzewn to me."
410 IL A, AAQTTUR, ef, re, Zuntlytso Sin Se
iM344 9 1+11•ANY. 1 1444POIN Wri
Hon. Mr. Davie introduced an Act
to amend the Act relating to thepre-
eervatloo of foreets from destruction
by Lire. It provides that where !ands
ere not under timber licenses the Com-
missioner of Crown Lands ma.y ap-
point as many persons as he sees fit
to not as fire rangers. When Crown
tenths are under timber licenses the
Commissioner may appeint as many
Inc rongere as the licensees request
or the public interests require, and
In eizeh cases half the remuneration of
the rtmgers shall be paid by the 11-
censeholders and half by the Commis-
eioner. The latter may pa); the whole
amount and charge half of it against
e Iiecensosebemwaoo
fire rangera cept or reject them. NE RA, nr,avr. A
Nervous Debility, Lest Visor an4
t. of
Is to give effect to the order -in -Calm- BEANS
Another bill by the sante MinIster wealmers of body or mind CL,
ewes of youth. 3.13in Berard, *la
oil, compelling the manufacture cl *clews sees the most obstinate cases yarn kit othst
pulp -wood in the province. Another 117,teTsT411.1=1,1,1,g1r17„nerrel„re,,,,r/deLdina'
provides that spruce hemlock, black -svelter gen te sedreine Tr r sews MB WO,
and yellow larch, cedar, black e.sh, and. '1'. "
tainareok ma be out: in the Al nquin Sold at Browniou's Dreg Store Exeter
Immo:lumens nee
all 1.1,NO DIS131.1iltd,
dPITTINO or 1010011e,
OP .41'1•1111firl'Ill,
nzoirirri, the. beaten t • or tine article
are moos Romano.
By tbe aid of The D. & Emulsion, I have
gotten rid of a hacking cough which bed troubled
me for over a year, stud bavo eaizzed cotudder-
ably in weight.
T. H. W1E011414, C,E„ Ifontreal,
30c., and $1 per nettle
DAVIS di 1./..WRENCE CO., 101L01Lea,
list to the Commissioner, who may ace COLC17 that cure ti team
National park. At present only pine
can be eat.
Dr. Barr, of EUfferin, asks for an
amendment to the Assessment Aet, al -
"There goes a woman," said the girl,
'who hasn't a thinght on earth 'ex-
lowing any town, village, or township
, same
take the assessment between Feb- cept dress. I know ihat superior mart
ruary 1 and July I, The sae mem- at tribut
I es this. peeuri.tr veakness to
tobeoropireetpseistosottonoginacnhdme aelnlotwaes(ktintog thoart. aeollurwseomaenre-
bnilinteitIta orntemill.d'ofasonaalet
134tbre• -4.Per.,, Wood's Phosrhodine
Ve4.4reat English, Rowdy.
Sold and recommended by till
druggists in Canada. Only reti-
e -lee medieite eiseoveredsiz
packages guaranteed to cure ell
forms of Sexual Weakness, all egects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive ese 0 To-
baceceOplera or Stimulants. Mailed 011 receipt
of price, one packs gc. en six, $5. Oka teat pktme,
six xei/l owe. Pamphlets f,ree to any address,
Wile Wood Company Windsor Ont.
Weed'e Phosebedine is sold in Exeter
by J. We Browning, druggitit,
row money for current expenditure be -
estimates of women."
fore or after the passing of the by-law
She conquered a refractory button on
levying the taxes for the. current year. her glove before she contioued: "But
GENERAL TOOTH INSPECTION. that woman who passed us is, without
Principal Willmott, of the Ontario doubt the most dress -crazy woman 1
College of Dentistry, Dr. Herbert have ever met. She knows no topio
Adams, wild others, interviewed the save dress -can speak of no other sub -
Government and advocated the corn- ject. She spends one-half of her time
prule,s000rtyltils.pection of echoed child- at her dressmaker's, and the other hag
is used in exploising the handicraft of
CONSUMPTIVE POOR. the modiste,. Goodness only knows
when she maneges to get anything to
A deputation. waited on the On- eat. She's dead to every . feeling, lt
t a:1%0e sGovernmenttson
awoi with ihe nrap
e„f000lnlsiewnag. believe, except that which hue to do
with dress. And what. do you 'think
tweH poore-a-she said Saturday? I met. her as (WO
I. To adopt re,gulations for aidingt in were going out of the house or mourn -
the. establishing antral sanatoria for nig. A young women where we boot
the consumptive poor, similar to what knew had died -and we had been at
is now done in connection with (he
the otjfuneral.
tiy friend but
poor. sorrow was too fresh upon me to pe1'-
2. To grant the same per diem aliow- mit anything more than a nod are -
atm for the consumptive poor treated cognition. Then I said: 'Poor, &tax
en the atoms sanatoria as: us now Clare -alive and well one week ago,
givers fax the care and 'treatment of' and now -now she's gone!"
the poor en existing hospitals, with "'Yes,' answered my friend, bland
the addition, of extending the time gy, ; 'but Wasn't she dressed beautifr
tor, winch eunh pretivo,ts are( to re- ly V Really, it was a treat to le
cave mid.. her 11"
For Infants and Children.
Vas an-
It on
" Ivory
Large feather fans are, once again
bang worn, (hough 1 he small ones bre-
dominate The bl tek eagle's feather
is coesidered very -chi°, sprinkle(' with
diamonds; it nlso proves very expen-
sive. From Paris come most dainty
little. eventful:5, with exquisitely paint-
ed, views of favorite resorts in one
corner on .,chacken skin such as Aix,
Pan, Monte Carlo, or Nice. The rest
of the fan is covered with Sparkling
paillettes in bzInks of color, and the
Landlt;s fire tied with a bunch' 0f the
tavern° "flower of Lhe place.
/vIyer-Don't youkriove that the use'
of tobacco shortens your Slays
.(Syer-yes, I'm Sure it does,'
Myer-'lleen why 410 you Use it ?,
Gy.er.e•Fox that very reason. I once
triedto. quit . it, ana t.he clays were
about a. week long.
•fleTow, William, isn't this soffee ee
good as that v:our znother used td
It is better than that she 'made at
home, Ellen -much better. But it
isn't as good as that she used to make ,
for church. socials.
EnlIAPS he Was 0
cynic, but some one
bas laid that in thin
age there are nO
hea ithY .women, The
age has • many AVal
ram etrobg nee
noble physically, 90
they ere 'mentally
ead.morally; but.
Is true'nev.erthelessa
that a . large hees
ceatage of the, Wet,'"
mon GI the couutr)
suffer f ram nervolit'
ness and•genern1 eld '
bility. They die .
ant a weary existence, and each day 1
dayof pain and suffering. Tbla 'Ka
the cnse with laIlss Annie Patterson, o
enekvine, N. B. .. She ,suffered terriblin
from Indigestion and neeveuseeNa. She wee
Influenced by some , one, 'aemehOWI „10 tr
South American Nervine. Of course. I1
like 'hoping. against tope-anotber pateet
inedielne. But she had taken' only (me bottle
when her system began to take on the
health. of earliest years, ens] -after uslet
three . bottles she was eompletOJY eurel
No wonder she lm stragg 111 her Nonfiction ,.
that 'there IS no remeee 1ti,io gouda Amore ,
tan Nereinc-29.
Sold by; C. Lutz, Eleter.