HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-15, Page 1TWENTY—SEVENTH YEAR NO. 29.
Bishop11 Oil D' %01l'OGGG dear y-�llmvilis
# t f
G. J. Sutherland, N atarp Public Couv4y BRirik'B. Jnslaua John:4 is at present
SPECIAL anter, Commissioner, 'ire Insurance agent laid'up with a severe attack of sciatic.
and Insurer of MarriagoLiconses. Legaloou
2a`alia CAN Or GOLDEN meets carefully dragon at reasonable rates rheumatism and Ls r onfmned to his bed,
Money to loan ea real estate at low rates of in —0 Coates a not t s s,an
DRIP TABijb SYRUP r ii . Office at t o1 better and but
tt► e t fti h Post office. Hensalk,
New /'�1.� . sli 1 0 V tt ix es .e to • 4141 are i a
*1.00 J.D. COOKE. g Pn t nu d for had rt.
�. coyery.—sirs Itobt Coates, of London,
(Late with Garrow tic Proudfoot) Barrister left for her home on :1londay evening,
fPEOIAL PRICES Solicitor, Notary Public. Piensall, Ont, ;;tiled there on account of her hus-
r a l / % %i l F. �. Sellerv, L. n s„ D. D. S.,gonor Orada- band's illness Gco Miners, of 'Exeter,
ate or Toronto University. Dentists. Teeth
extracted without� ppain or lead effects. (Nike
in Petty's Block, Hensall. at Zurich every
„c . a .
�— ,- , _ _.- _. visited. ,4141-_. ____�-,._ „_-..r,.,..o,,,,:,.,,._
:BUTTER & EGGS, day last, --••B J Brown, of London, left
conamencintr'tI v90th for lass home on Saturday last•.--mr
AST WEEK we were busyopening upshipments of BrFFs,--D urquhwt is ski , in guests
airs Ed Treble, of Exeter, were
p � p g r MmsspAlme� guests at the patrsona(;c on Sunday
Dress Ooods,Prints, Ginghanis, Lace Curtains Window
♦ . {
Shades, Tweeds, i]sllns, Etc. We are titre that the
ladies will be delighted with the new styles and colors. Ba -
low we give a list of some of the uew arrivals.
A large range of plaiu and figured blacks.
'Complete stock of the new plaids and colored goods in plain
and figured.
Beautiful new figured goods in shot effeast,
special this week 25e.
special this week 25c.
Beautiful plaids with silk overeheek,
We are offeriug lona very special
bargains in this department for
this week.
Cream damask table linen (la in _
wide ?ro,
White danuask table uatpkins. , 750.1
huge quantities of lamb; .- - i
Petty has secured the position of ma -
liner with Messrs Smaliman & ngram,
of London,—Miss Duffus, of Thames -
is in the village visiting friends.
—Mfrs Cl A ;eeDonell was called to For-
est last week. owing to the death of
an aunt.—F C MeDonell bad the mis-
fortune last week to lose his pony, the
second within the Inst six months.---
lllr' McGilkprecentorofCarmell church,
led the singing on Sunday,having re
covered from his recent llness.—Mr
Render, late with the R. Pickard Co,
has secured it situation in Toronto.
Mr. Stoneman of Tuekersnhith has
purchased the fast of John Glenn, Us -
borne, the latter haviug bought his
his brother James farm,consistingof 200
acres.-- Mr. Kruger, merchant tailor,
accompanied by his wife, left on Tees -
day for Manitoba, where he will melt
Iris fortune, Ile had been a resident of
of the village for a few months.—Rev.
Jewitt preached at several appellate
mats ria Tackerstnith on Sunday,
while Rev. Mr. Thomson occupied Mr.
Tewitt's pulpit on this circuit. --John
Ayers is working on the Denfield see -
tion of the L. II, & B. and will likely
receive the appointment of section
foreman there. In such an event Mr.
Ryekmnnwill hake his place here.----
John Norris, wife and child, of Dnun-
vilfe, are visiting friends in the village.
Mr. Norris is a former Hilbert boy
and has conducted a successful tailor
in business in Dunnville. He mur-
lot if l poses leatV ing fee British Columbia In a
�. Eery weeks.---�1, rev. Mr. Balla{antyue
We pay special intention to this de-
al, large stock of beautiful new ties in partnmentand guarantee lit and qual-
flowing ends. New stripes and plaids. Ay.
This week see our leader at $4,25.
ocoupied the pulpit of Carmel
church on Sunday last. --Last week R.
Northcott sold to T. J. Berry a two
year old colt, by "Kilburn" for $100.--
J. F. McDonell spent the past week
on a. business trip to Toronto. r
Berry left this week for Clmatlutm,
t will buydriv-
ere he a car load of dr -
ing horses, to be shipped here.—Robt.
Tanker returned home last week from
Manitoba whither he had gone with a
Having a larger stock than ever bought at old car lo(ed of horses, Mr. Luker likes
prices, we were never in a better position to oder our CUs- the country well, and is thinking of
• towers low prices.
We have a very heavy stock at prices that will sell them.
Having contracted some time ago for the famous barrel churn
at a low price, we can now show you a large
range of steel and wood frames
in different styles.
'White Wash Brushes, Mixed Paints, Alabastine, etc.
Special Prices for Butter, Eggs, etc.
BZaitrs, AnotherofMitchell'syoung 1
•ladies made a life contract on Wed- I
nesday evening, Rev J T Herrinper-
forming the ceremony. George Law -
recce. son of William Lawrence, was
.married to Miss Susie, daughter of
, John Davis, contractor. The happy
,. ,. young couple will reside on a good
, :.fain just outside the corporation.---
. ',On Wednesday evening a marriage
• p
.ceremony was performed by Rev R
Whiting at the residence of Wm Rob-
inson, sr, when Mi Summers claimed
• Miss Eliza Robinson for a life partner.
A large number of relatives were pres
sent to witness the ceremony. They
are a tine young couple and it is hoped
;their united pathway through life will i
• the pleasant and long. They leave next
week for their new home in Manitoba.
Miss Nellie Nethercott, from Wood- i
ok is coming to town to end a
-stock, spend g
few weeks with old. friends.—John
.Skinner is bringing an action agaiest
the Hardin; Engine Po. for $5,000, for
• ...the Ioss of his son's hand that was so
badly injured that it had to be ampu-,
stated.—Messrs 13 .F Kastner, Joseph
McIntyre and James Nagle have been er
Pre -appointed license commissioners for
:South Perth. -McGlenu Oampbell,who
•has been organist of ..the Methodist
church, has resigned as he has ac-
•cepted the position of organist is the.
Methodist church in Goderich. John !
'Whyte was home to spend • 'Sunday.
He expects in: about a month to"reside
.` in Stratford.—Mrs. Burton, from Man-
itoba, has returned home after a visit
•of two monthswithher m
er Mrs.
.Stoneman. •
Fullarton. •
lentos: --The friendly game of check
,•era,, which was played on: Saturday
evening between Oth .line: boys and
Fullerton players, resulted in a vic-
-tory for the tormer, by 14 to 11. -One
• evening
last week the neigh
hors andd
•Friends of Mr. Wm Phipps gathered at
his home and presented himn with a
coat and a. niceclock,'.
•good fur , as a
mark of esteem for him as a neighbor,;
and cit'izen before his departure for
his new hoine.—Miss Mary 'Wilson,
wlbe as been ;visiting for some weeks,
is at home again. Mrs. Wilson, who,
•has. been very all for some time, is now
on a fair way to recovery. -Mr. Mark
'Clark has .placed a power mill in his
barn, and -will now do his own grind-
ing.—Mr. J. D. Stewart, of Russeldale,'
lost lost aa'valuable ;;Jersy cow a few
.days ago. Jerseys are a great favorite
with T. D. aostthe.loss will be keenly
BRIEF$.—.Mrs, Thos. Ryan, of Hib-
bert, has gone to Peterboro, to attend
her sister, Mrs. J. Robinson, who is ill.
—Mrs. Lerner and family, of Hibbert,
have moved to Hamilton. — J. Craw-
ford has returned. from London to re-
side with his brother, Thomas Craw-
ford, of this place.—Geo. Crawford,has
removed his family to Clinton where
be has a lucrative position.— Willie
Dorsey escaped a, serious injury last
Wednesday owing to the depth of the
snow. His horse ran away and threw
him out._His cutter wasdemolished,
but; no further injury was infaicted.
4141 .
BRIEF6.—Mr. and Mrs. D, Park, sr.,
entertained a n
umb er of the villagers
last Friday evening. -The Medicine
Co. who were here last week left Mon-
day for Hensel). They had very poor
success here as the attendance was
small, it is about time these frauds
were exposed, and stopped going
hrough the country.—G. T. Hamilton
was home Saturday and Sunday.—
Miss Lizzie Hamilton, second daugh-
ter of F. R. Hamilton left Menday en -
route for Manitoba where she pur-
poses spending the summer with her
sister Mrs. D. Allison,'
Baners.—Mr and
Mrs Hodge of
Mitchell, were the guests on Sunday
of John Hodge.—Miss Maggie Ander-
eronis .yisiting in St Marys.—D A Cam-
eron leaves this week for the west,
where he purposes to remain for the
sumnner.-Miss E Robertson, of Toronto,
who has been spending her holidays at,
home, returned to business on Satur-
clay.—On Monday, evening. Mr and
Mrs Johnr Nethercott celebrated their
crystal wedding by giving their friends
a party. High tea was served• at 7:30,
while the younger of the guests spent
the evening in dancing and other
amusements.—Will Ratcliffe is laid up
with la grippe.—One day last week .as,
Wm Chowen and daughter were on•
their way to St Marys their horse took
fright and ran away, throwing them
out without any injury, however. The
cutter ways broken.—The. League in-
tend going to lfirkton on Friday
ingand will take charge othe meet
ingther ,-On Tuesday evening aload
f n people drove to St Mar
af�yoi young P Ys to
Josaple P arns, and spent the evening
ye ry enjoyably.
going west with his family in the
last, --John Johns, of Zion Inas pm -
chased the blacksmith shop here and
has moved into the house. We sere
tainly hope stir J will do well, as he
comes ltigiilyrecommende*1 :tnd
villa should lie a good place to make a
start in life.—S J Py in wears a troad
smite these days itn4 is the happiest
moan in the township. No wonder, it's
a bouncing boy. One evening Iast
week about 25 of Centralia merry mak-
ers, with well filled baskets and aye.
tern galore, took possession .of the
house belonging to mr and sirs 5 .An-
drew for a few hours, and did ample
justice to themselves as well as making
the poor oysters suffer, until the wee
suisa boors of the morning. Andrew
Hicks, grain buyer, •was marshal of
the evening:and saw that all enjoyed
themselves to their heart's content.
Hamm. Miss Lily Howard, of Ext.
ter, spent Sunday here, the guest of
Mrs Wm Down. --arms Hill. of Strat-
ford, visited her brothers, Win Elliott,
last 'meet .—Rich Elliott. of Toronto,
visited his brother Wrilliain on Friday
last, and in favor of the doctor a very
enjoyable party was given at the rest -
dame of Mr Elliott, of Fairfield, and a
large number of friends and acquaint.
antes spent apleamsanttime. —A goodly
number of the young people of this
burg gathered together and drove to
the hone of Mrs Sidney Andrews, of
Elinivitle. The members of the choir
were also among the party. Mr and
Mrs Andrews are to be congratulated
upon their hospitality, and an enjoy-
able time was spent,--Ideasrs Taines
McWilliams, Sara Slowdown, James
I;Iearnan, Raiph Handford and Thomas
VV'ard left this week for Manitoba,
We e wish t every them c c } success in their
various enterprises.
DE.LTII or Miss Hist..—The cold
hand of death has again yisitcd our
community and claimed for its victim
Miss Martha, Hill, who passed peace -
folly away to ,the great beyond on
sprang.—Sleighing the past week has 11 Thursday morning :f last week. She
been good, and business likewise,— i was orn January, 1t16l, and died
A troupe of magicians have been hold- l 8th, 1900. When about 1v years
ing forth in Coxworth's hall nightly.
The attendance is not very large. —
The patriotic concert held on Tuesday
evening was a grand success, the hall
being filled to overflowing, The chair
was occupied by Reeve Arnold, who
in a neat address opened the program,
which cousistmng of some 1$ numbers,
was rendered in excellent style and
elicited hearty applause. The man-
agers, Messrs. A. Murdock and G. 0.
Petty, deserve credit for the successful
completion of the program.—Mr. Hem-
ming, of Exeter, took part in the pat-
riotic concert on Tuesday evening last.
—George McEwen was in Clinton on
Monday. —Miss Vera Murdock visited
her aunt, Mrs. Hoover of Cliuton, last
week.—B. S. Philips has taken out an
auctioneer's license.—Mrs. Holmes and
family have moved to Ingersoll,—Wm
Elder, of Barrie,was in town last week
on business,—Rev. Mr. Milligan, of
Toronto, on Monday evening lectured
to a fair sized audience in Carmel
church. The lecture wab of an inter-
esting character and enjoyed by all.
This concludes the winter's series of
lectures. — The residence of Chas.
Hawke, occupied by Mr. McMartin,
was badly damaged by fire one dayre-
cently. Mr. McMartin's household ef-
fects were munch damaged.—Lizzie
Love, of Seaforth, who has been visit-
ing Mrs.' Edward Gardiner, of the
Hamilton Road London has returned
to Hensall, where she will spend a
couple of weeks—P.Bianey, bar -tender
at the commercial has been ill the past
St. Marys
BRIEFS. --We regret to chronicle the
sudden and untimely death of Mrs
John Weir, at the family residence on
morning.Deceased, who
59 years old, was in the best of health
up to a short time before her death,
and her sudden demise was a great
blow to her family and friends. John
Adams, one of our "popular business
men,w•as a aon,and Mrs G McLean,Mrs
Alex Beattie and Mrs Joseph Stafford
were sisters of the deceased.—Toni En-
right, the victim of last Thursday's
shooting accident, is now getting
along nicely.—Wm Coleman has open
ed up a new meat market in the shop
once occupied by Chas Allen.- Mr.
Hannah, of the Argus staff, left Friday
evening for his home in Sarnia, having
been called there by the death of his.
father, which took place Friday morn-.
ing.—The patriotic concert, held Fri-
day evening in the Opera house, ' was
certainly the ° event of the season.
The receipts will be added' to the St.
Marys portionof the patriotic fund,
which now almost reaches $1,500.
•There. are a large number of scarlet BRIM'S.—The death of Mt•s Wm Too-
fever cases intown, but none have yet hey, occurred Tuesday morning after
proven of a serious nature. -There is a lingering illness. Mrs `Toohey was
slime alk about• town
tof forming a ,
the a P C Michael Toohey's moth
late a em
Y ,
strong fel, the purpose of aud.one of the pioneers of Biddulph,
getting up a baseball tournament here having come there from Tipperary,
during the early part of May.—At last r b53x ppera ry,
after weeks of delay,the covet;Ireland, gears rhgo. Her husuand
d osi- died years Three.sons.---homers
tion of night watchman has been filled y ago.'
W. H. Page being the lucky' in ivid William and:Patrick, of.Biddulph-
ua1:-•R.l1. Moir,g brother' of H. M. and Eche claughters7Mrs T Merkin,
oLondon; errs Camnai,lien, -Detroit, sand
Moir, of this town, left Ottawa yester- misses Maryand ie, at hom-.sur-
day :for South Africa as private secre- rr gg e:
tar to Lt. -Col. Steele, of the Strath wive. —Avyoung man named bile chop
conn Horse. Mr. Moir has been in the w'lio lives near Granton, while chop=
employ of the.:customs department for .ping wood on monday, , , cut his foot
the past six years. with an axe, and hand to have a toe
of age she was converted to God, and
joined the Methodist church and prov-
ed faithful unto death. Miss Hill was
a woman of but few words, but she
was a living epistle. She was always
ready for any gond work or word.
She took a deep interest in every de-
partment of church work ; she was an
efficient member of the League, also
a teacher in the Sunday school for
many years. In revival work she was
always active, zealous and efficient; in
the prayer meeting, class meeting or
love feast she Was ever prompt to do
her part, and when able to attend to
these duties and means of grace; her
place was seldom vacant in the church,
and in the community she was a bright
and shining light. Her last illness
was brief, but'she was ready. When
informed that she might not recover
shesaid, "It's all right," Sister Hill is
gone, but her life will not soon be for-
gotten and her influence for good will
long be felt in the community, taut
more especially by those who knew
her best. The funeral took place on
Saturday afternoon from her brother's
residence to the Fairfield cemetery
and was largely attended by all her
sorrowing friends and acquaintances.
Rev. S Salton preached the funeral
sermon on Sunday evening, in the
presence of a large congreeation, who
were moved to tears at his very forci-
ble and touching remarks upon the
deceased, whose calm, trustful and
prayerful spirit gave abundant evi-
dence that she was ready when the
call came to enter into that eternal
home that our Heavenly Father has
promised to those who love Him. May
ea all live so that we may meet her
again when we shall never say fare-
well. The remaining sisters and broth -
era have the heartfelt
sympathy of the
itin thisthe y hour of their
bereavement. The followinglines
were written on the death of Miss
All the loving links that bind us,
While the days are going by;
One by one we leave behind us,
While the days are going by.
But the seeds of love we sow,
Both in shade and shine will grow;
Ancl will keep the hearts aglow;
While the days are going by..
One by one earth's ties are broken,
r e r
see our low rte .a
As we decay.; •
And thehopes so brightly cherished, '
Brighten but' to pass' away.
oneohoe ' row bri h r
One by ours to
yP g
As we near the shining shore '•
And we meet across the river,.
Ail the loved ones gone before.
4141....:•' gid"d'ulP h.
Dr, Low's Worm Syrtmp is pleasant to .take,:: ,Turkish Scalp Food stops tailing
always oSectnal, and as it carries, its owmi•.
fair; removes dandruff, restores faded
�J d
r ikon 'n
cathartic, there a need of giving alter Uilc
g K
ei�Namy'puiaativC attortvards. � and grey.liar: to its.naturat color.
ins d irvyt t.Mix3.,,r
BiRZEFs,--Owing to the heavy snow
fall the mail was unable to get through
last meek.. One day there were as
many as thirty then shoveling the
snow between Staffs and Dublin.—
Miss Maud Bryan is spending a few
days with her brother in Iirkton.—
Mr, and Mrs. 1~Vm. Fawcett. of I�'uilar•
ion. spent Sunday with the latter'; go,nrng.-,What, became of the young
;rents, Mr, and tiles,. Joseph Morris - man who was seen out Sunday night
Will JeflFer intends to build his uew with g
�' t th iioah s Ark, looking for at r
laoatse. He swill draw the Brick from aide v-- g Petty NEW SPRING GOODS
plight, He starts for horne,he had not A Fine Ass.rt"ellt of
gone far when he was seen wreathing
mn snow up to the neck, The good :
samaritan seeing the danger of suffoca
tion, carne to his assistance and rees-
cued him from his perilaus position
and sent hint on his way rejoicing, he,
declaring the next time he carpe down
this road it would be better, It was a
hard struggle but there is a better da I
Crediton, --John hell is;tt rasent on g The horse business is loral;ttt,g
P up as Wm. .Brock George Brock and
the sick list. Stamm. J. Broek disposed of several val-
uable animals; lately; -Burns & Co„ of
Hibbert St. Marys, hove purchased several cat-
tle in this neighborhood for the Toron-
to market.
Smoot. Harem—School report of
S. S. No. 7, Hibbert, for February,
This report is hated upon weekly ex -
...4114 -1!
itniittations and attendance, Navies Crediton
in order of merit:—Jr 4tb. Edward 0. ST NBUIty, n..A.
Smale, Alice Heckman, Harry Ooucb,,
Johnilea, EthelMeters,Myrtle o Iy re
Maud 3ritnell ;S3rdRobert,
garth, Henry Smale, Ww. Norris,May
McNaughton, Lorne McTaggart ; Jr
3rd, titin. Warden, Lottie Hoggartb,
Maud Drover,GretaMeNaughton,Vera
Ulenn,Nellie Venom' ; 3rd, Mable Swale,
Myrtle Maudson, Luella Brintnell,
' (Late with McCarthy. Oder St Co,. Toron-
to.) Barrister. Conveyancer, Notary. ofIieos
over OWTeils Bank, lately occupied by ("olilns
BRIBPS.--lti'e are sorry to cbronicle
the death of Miss Hill and the funeral,
which took place on Saturday after-
noon noon was largely attended, -The in
Fant child of Mr. and Mrs.Harry Wind
Bella Denver, 1 died on Saturday and was laid to rest
Arriving Always
All kinds of Farm Produce for wlmiela
highest prices will be paid,
R. F Banca, teacher, on Tuesday forenoon in the Evangen. Grand Bend
t'itasou or ilt-sitm s.-- Seeat s1ai1ghterini.•
boot and shoe sale for 30 days. We have bought
the mammoth stock of boots earl oboes of !r.
Kibler ata low rate an the dollar. tbts places its
in a petition to sell all kinds of toot-wearat
Prices never known in Zurich. Note it tow et
emulany bargains weare offering:27 pair
men's shoes regular larice;2 to 31, now $1.00;
52 pair Ane women's shoes sizes 23 to s aconite English lllethodist church held a Piet- i who is ver stela—.Noble Baker is 011
$2.su to 60 holy;1.00; 3G pair women's too S'
slippers oxford ties sizes 2} to 4 regular riotmc meeting an Tuesday night,—
ight,— i the sick list. Hoge sooty to hems' a14
pnee $1 to $225 now 75ets. ;S3 pair boys and Jinanmey Hill and Jacob Holtzman are his recovery.—neva Mrs Corriere at -
stria wear cut shoetree. etas toes ea nor,. 50e tryin �; up tended the funeral of iter taunts :firs
to a tta ; $5 pair children s cease see et a to 41.70, ng to et a patriotic concert for
now arta A (aline at Kip and common boots the benefit of the tv.ir fund, Let its Hunter. of Clinton, on Tuesday^ -Mica
at a anal,, also a fail lino of mens, .women's and give thenen our hearty support and Tilde Brenner, accompanied by flet"
htld bb all h d eel
duction to cash buyers. Coale one tomo a and e 1 a gran fiticce59, -The i'.,ut]mes , Essay, li
secure bnrwt Os w la rho snaps last. Yours
truly, 1'. onder 4 Co., "bible ;s old stand."
i? fa. Watch our north window tinily for soaps,
Zurich, starch 12th, 1000.
BUM P:. --Council met on Monday. --
The news of the relief of Ladysmith
caused quite an excitement in one vil-
lage last Thursday. The school child.
ren paraded the streets singing patrio-
tic songs and cheering for the Queen
and our Canadian boys. Anvils and
guns were tired orf and the Union Jack
was raised at variorms business places.—
J. A. Williams has now installed his
new dynamos and we now have a fine
system of lighting. Twelve lights
have been placed on time streets in var-
ious parts of the village.—Quite a num-
ber attended the funeral of Mrs. Fee,
Gosben line, last Saturday.—The roads
aromul, Zurich are in a very ,bedesit:ct(} :, 41,41.
cal cemetery. --The bricks are moving
and by all appearance there will be as BRUcrs,—A sleigh load of yuuug.
lot of building ready to go on as soon people drove out to the .home of Jerl'y
as spring opens. --•.o lfred Bedford has Brophey on 'Wednesday last, and
purchased a lot next to Jack Eilber spent a pleasant•evening.--J Welsla1 of
wirer; he instends to lauilci a dwelling Southampton, spent a few days here
this spring. --Messrs. Wentzel & Fritz last week renewing old neiluaintances.
have sold their famous driver to Wm. —Tom Farrell spent, a few days in
Heddea for ;t handsome figure.--The(loderiehlast week.visitinghismotiherr,
c rotten ers, ti other s at srf re. mak -t • d brother, Esse are visitin fr]endi its
Aid of the7,(ou church gave a surprise East Greenwood, Mich.—Mass B1auehe
party to Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Litt and Willie has returned to her home in:
presented thele with a fancy name East Greenwood, Mich., after spend-
qurit.--Rev, Mr. Sauer, of Dashwood, ing at month w ithfriends here.-4oseple
will preach in the Evangelical church Gill delivered on Tuesday a fine horse
on Stmdtty,—etre we going to have a to Mr. Berry. of Hensall, for which he
band this summer ? We think there received n, handsome sur..—Whera
are enough members to form the body word came of the surrender of Cronies
if we es.n get;the lmead to lead. Who'll the high tension of anxiety was relax-
elaxmake the move' Don't let our thriv. ed and as at result our little burg nearly
ing town he without sweet strains of went wild with jay. Fags and
bunt -
music when we can haveit —tl
r, ings were hoisted and everyone ne t
Ritchie, of Brussels, has secured it situ- peered jubilant. It can't be said of
ttion with the firm of Fritz& Wentzel. our little burg (Boer town). and what's
—Chris. Eilber, of Zurich, was i:, town the matter with our Canadian boy's?
on Monday.—Wm. Lewis has gone to They're all right.
Bracebridge as a delegate of the Orange
men'ssoeiety of this district. ' The death occurred on Bentley ford
----- noon of Miss Lizzie Cameron, daughe
ScierlOce 'Hill , ter of the late Hector Cameron, of
at present, fete farmers being 'elle • to,%'V•sstminster townsblp, Mies Cameron
come to town.—B. Faust is home. He B1Lthi's—George RRundle imams disposed was a trained nurse, a grae]uate of
intends to work in • his father's store of a raising three-year.old mare to Sarnia hospital.
for the present. --0. Bihtaes is also en-
der the parental roof at present. --Same
of our boys attended the patriotic
carnival at Heasall Tuesday evening,
—C. Eilber was enable to make his
usual trip to Dashwood on Tuesday
last, owing to the impassable state of
the roads.
Kl rkto n
BRIEFS,—"iss Tessa Stewart return-
ed home to St Marys on Friday after
visiting Miss Etta Fletcher.—Mites M
Bryne, from Staffa, paid her brother a
flying visit last week. Robert Davis
spent Sunday at hone.—Mr Thomp-
son from the States, was here for the
funeral of his sister, on Tuesday, the
dth inst.—Miss Chapped, from Staffs,
visited her brother, John Uhappel, last
week.—J Davis visited friends in Exe-
ter last week.—Mrs John• Elliott and
daughter returned home en Thursday
after a, visit at her brother's, John Bal-
lantyne, Georgetown.—Rev Martin
and J G Stanbury were in town on
Sunday. Rev Martin preached in the
stone church,
(Received too late for last week.)
BRIEFs.--Mrs Augustus Bretbour,
whose illness has been mentioned in
these columns many times before, died
on Saturday afternoon, March 3rd.
The funeral took . place on Tuesday af-
ternoon, March 6th, to the Presbyte-
rian burying ground, followed by a
large concourse of peoople. We ten-
der to Mr Brethonr and family our
deepest sympathy in this the hour of
affliction.—Miss Lena; Jamieson is vis
iting on the Bose Line, Blanshard, this
week—J Wall.om visited in Mitchell
on Sundaylast and did not n
get the
until Tuesday, being, delayed by the
George Eendrie, of St. Marys, forS200, ""
—A surprise and presentation to lair.
and Mrs. Doupe took place Monday
evening, and a pleasant time was
spent. Mr. Doupe was presented,with
a. gold watch and chain. and Mrs.
Doupe with a dozen each of silver
knives, forks and spoons. The
amount collected was $44. The col-
lectors were Messrs. George Rundie,G.
B. Webster, Rev. Mr. Switzer and
Robert Henderson.—P. Pickard is un-
der the weather. . He will soon be
around again.—Mrs, Sleaford is me -
covering from her serious illness,
Testimonial of A Shetler,Dashwood,
to the value of English Stock Foots,
manufactured by 0 Lutz, Druggist,
Exeter; "This is to certify that I have
used English Stock Food for my road
team. It bas kept them in better
condition than they ever were before.
They have improved in flesh, sliekened
in coat and are in better shape to do
their work I would heartily recom-
mend it to all teamsters and those
who work. horses. 1 think it a very
cheap and valuable food."
A, SIIETvER, Dashwood. •
ae If you make any purchase at tais store which prones unsatisfactory, bring
it back and your money will be cheerfully refunded.
BRIEFS. —Mrs. Johns nmoved to Elim-
villeon Thursday of Int week to keep
house for her son John, who we learn
has leased the blacksmith shop in that
town.— Wifliam Brocklost a valuable
breed sow last week.—Parties and
gatherings seem to be the order of the
evenings for some time past. - A
few evenings ago Master Willie Mor-
ley and hip sister, Minnie, entertained
a number of invited friends, having
spent :the evening
very pleasantly.
Games,'bf various kinds where indulged
intill he
smallh P o r
u s ah''re aired to
their homnes well •pleased with the
evening spent. --1 Tesley* Hern spent a
few clays with friends in this vicinity
before leaving for his home in Mani-
toba,‘ having spent some two months
with friends in Ontario.—One evening
hest week Mr. and Mrs. Jacques enter-
tained (i number of young friends.. A
most enjoyable time was spent, games
of various kinds .being
itidulgedi till
the early hours in the ,;morning. All
repaired to their 'homes well pleased
with the evening spentwith the above
named host and hostess, --A select few
met the next evening to enjoy ah -
other treat of the same kind at the
residence of Wm. Tiaylor.—A young,
tnan from the north made a call at one
of the frame houses at the lower ex
tremity of our town .one evening last'
week on an errand of special' interest..
The time glided so swiftlya the
"Good Housekeepers Demand It"
SAP :sUrJx�rs s��P
- Buy now and be ready foa� the first sugar day.
Closing out balance of stock below cost.
4141 { •1 4141 i ' -4141 SUPPLIES
, � UT�,HE�i,S
r `"
kinds), S
t.., l..d p �n
T2 gl d d by mid
storm raged without that ho dare not
► morning 'vsutare crit, The mon dawned he
g AN
thought ht he must o. He stwited off
g fi
het oh! the roads' were in an awful •t dOOr north of IR,. Pic1:aid o7s S+t