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Exeter Times, 1900-3-8, Page 8
T a. E EXETER• PI ES W Mrs. \ i )aliuin, of 'Toronto, isvisit ing her sister, Mrs. B, Buckingham, l John Many; of Usborne, while chop Li Pickard C - p ng wood the other day accidentally rut• his toot. IliE S1Miss. Ida Johns has commenced air other course in music at the London Conservatory. CiAL ant theLENTEN SEASON .. �,. ...,.0f f. )io't est i.ialils just eee t xv:el l lute wogs kllla'liee-t Voti Lake Superior - t,t'it', Like Superior Taatria• I lei view; it keep. . ttr to. talo.• *ted Coil ^h tine s :•' i '# P n,.dt'ia ity to t' .t Vi.h Ste:, - 1=. e• ktYt- tltiet� (\-1J 1• •tel! sieve $ter t lataar• Led S ksi •r. * bars 1+•:! •'i, - ed Fi•eelr Finnan 1l:t+itlit a, .,: �4' rt i �`.r• a*Aivest . Kippered fleet t g iu ton: a:.imce•, S1t>ri ug Lobsters +..err lir • Sartinie's French and t .etY.t:t` :,; ;,,n,, t,- Grigg's BOOkii A full stock of School Books TO ADVERTISERS.. for Public Schools. i lin• e,pv for ehittiges roust be left a *Durr ,Haar than Tuesday noon. Casual ,.cave.+ti:•enientJ accepted up to noon A full stock of Sunday School v. a 111e:id:LW of each week. •---^-'' Library Books at wholesale prices March carne in rather rough for the •i e i • • Look over cur list k. keep nothing but the hest Cer- t t - 1!r ,= m•atey tutu buy our list. in- R .9'=•d Oats, Granulated Oats. e r! llulieraa Whe;Lt, Gall .1 ° F'1-tle .Birley, Put . h ,,,• Peas. eel t t, r tried Grape Nuts. i": a . 1• ,ri,atgt• we always. haaveitfresh. !'• rrrj:,hr+s always in stork. Sas _•., 1• t,utd makes very tine porridge. Genoese is +rue of our leading Cer- eals. Upton's llir>,r•alade in 5 lb pails very :Inger iziug tor breakfast. j ikw!(r T lr T ART Fa uarriage Licenses, Wectelling Rings: Westchcs, Giociesa, Jewelry, Spec topics, Etc c'ts I.I. oy R. HICKS „arlr R: pairing a, Sneeistlty. a i i • ) a Biters nmarmagyegone i5Sa ah i EI Lan t Bat, of Iiippen, is vis- iting friends in town. Family and Peachers Bibles Miss Ellen Brown has taken a situ - a full Line. inion hi the postoffice.. J. Reiland, late of Russeldatle, has purchased Robt. Brown's residence. :'1, e• 'otto be Everything in Stationery, n fi t is made to start a branch of the Red (.rocs Society in wholesale and retail. Exeter. The corporation snow plow has been kept quite steadily at work during the ej Oh "I �,t past htt rdwie tbl oiisbs . Twentieth ntteth Century Y l Fund is reported hy Rev. Dr, Potts at I $i020.027,95 on Feb. 4. BX E.v.r E, L. L. Wn1per, of London, was in ,,,� - �, ,, . town last week, Mr. W. intends sell- .- -_- -m --- ' tug his farm by attrttina On the 21th . • INSURANCE. March. E Warren Ross, who has been engaged I.LIf.)Tforfosome time as atssistant postmaster,postmaster,1f' it S. t::;'I' l,L.4 - has taken a sitwiti:in with H, Bishop A,ien for the WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- & Soo, PAN', at Toronto; also for the Pace= Fine Nsvnaarere COMPANY, of London, England ; The Electric Light Co. expect their ho 47G:.r.tvice INSURANCE COMPANY, of Eng - engines and boiler this week when and. 1 they will soon be ready to supply elee rrc light. t THURSDAY, MAR( -1H 8th, 1000 imtss T. White returned from the - - I millinery opening in Detroit on Satur- 9 `O AL HPP 6S R Rogers left for Winnipeg last week F. J. James, of London, England, is a guest at Levitt's Fair. Mrs. Win. Jeckell left for Toronto on Friday tity to visit her daughter. Miss M. Willis, of Sarnia, spent Sunday visiting her uncle, James Wil- lis. Messrs. Pickard, Stewart and Spack- man, arae in Toronto this week, attend- ing the spring openings. J. G., Martin has purchased a farm pear Seaforth, and will move there shortly. He offers his residence in Ex- eter for sale. The auction sale of J. P. Clarke's t hold effectswas held Tues- day. se on T , day. -The attendance was not -very large owing to the bad state of the roads. Mr. Pfaff, of Dashwood, who recent- ly pdrohased the farm of W. -Harris, on the Lake Road, has purchased the Penhale fano of 100 acres adjoining. This gives Mr. Pfaff 200 acres. It was an Irishmen who went to buy a clock, and when shown one that "would go eight days without 'wind togs" asked: "Be labers,bow long would it run if ye wound ibl)" Canon Richardson, The Re M.• A rector of SI. Johns Church, London township,preac1ed in Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, on Wednesday even- ing, March r th to a large congrega- tion. Monday's stem: was a record -break- er. The countryroads are impassable. The trains on Tuesday were cancelled until the afternoon, owing to Monday night's •freight - being stallIed in a snow batik `below Olandeboye, IL Cantelon was in Mildmay this Week negotiating for the purchase negotiating of a hotel.: IIe intends vacating the Metropolitan shortly, to be succeeded by Capt.: Geary, who will conduct the hotel in future. day, and left Monday to attend the openings in Toronto. The Huron Uniform Promotion Ex- aminations will be held on March 20th and 30th. Teachers should send at once to their school inseector for the number of papers they require. ()has Shute, of Lion's Bead, ie. visit' in, his sister and .mint, Mrs T Oke, and other relatives in town, end coan- try. Thomas Farquair. Rill's Green, re- cently sold. .L, fine draught horse to Jas Berl, of Uensell, for the handsome stun • ofd. Harry Shields atnd Miss Lizzie Allan, Of Dunlop, were married in Dungan. uon on Wednesday Best, by the Rev R Fairbeirn, Christopher Silber, of Zurich, dis- posed of his' tine driving mare to Louis foster proprietor of the Commercial hotel. Mount Forest Confederate Mrs. f.lauua: left, on Wednesday. for Exeter to visit her mother, who is very seri- ously di. T. V. Seli & Co.. St. Marys. leftSat- urday for their new home in i'S alker- ton, when' they will open up a dry goods store. ;Diss Elsie McOnllum who has been visiting friends in Seaforth for the past two weeks returned to her home in Exeter ori Thur tlav last. Joint Baker, au aged and respected Lu1rct0ner, died b'ridaay last at the age: of 85 y cars. tie had been mimed. for tuatiuy years in the butcher business, :dm Andrew Bell, Rippe% on Mon- day last, was in iipt of a telegraitn • from her brother, Benjamin Blair, of Algoma, aunouneing that he is dan- gevutl;sly ill. Among the Exeter nuillitters who at- tended the London openings last week ss ere :--- eissses Addle Morloek, Rdith Beer, Itu:line Howard, Jessie Miller, and B. Horne. The Rev. A. H. Rhodes, of Hyde Park, wid (D. V.) preach in Trivitt Memorial Church on Thursday evening next, arch lith, at,5o'clock, Subjects "Burnt Offering'," All are invited. The Rev. G. B. Sage, B. A. a D., St, 'ClY London, n tn1 t1r+Cbui Rectorf t tat „ and History Professor in Huron Col- lege, will preach (D,V .) in '.I'rivitt Memorial ;.'htarch on Sunday next, starch llth. Services at 11, a.m. and 7 p. n*. All conte. Arrangements have been made by the Tucket'surith council with Thomas Daly, of Eginondville,. by which all the meetings of this year will be held in a hall which be bas recently had fixed up over his grocery store. The date of best meeting is IV ednesday, March Jath at 10 o'clock. On Saturday Mrs. William Sykes was buried in Trinity chinch ceme- tery. Mitchell. This is a sant death, as she was only twenty-five years of age, and leaves It, little child six months told. Death came from blood poisoning. She had a ,large circle of friends and a very large number attended the fun- eral. Those who know report quail very plentiful; but if cold weather sets in with this deep snow, it will no doubt mean serious loss to our game birds. If all sportsmen and farmers, who at some seasons of tri • year t , > t i�- 4} ,r ai .t it. ious to preserve game would share a handful of grain this severe weather, quail wottici not be a bird of the past Jur wine tittle to come. J(r*. Beck, of S.Lltfur(l, along with where, are contemplating starting a tanning factory, at e aliford, if suffi- cient acreage can be obtained through- out the section. fu all they will re- quire. about 1o,p{ll) acres. devoted to the };rowing of corn, tomatoes, peas, beans; &c., and also all kinds of small fru,ts, as well as pears and apples, and it may be possible they will be al,le to handle potatoes also. A very quiet but pretty wedding was celebrated at the residence of Mr. Andrew Reid, 7th con, of Bullet t, the contracting parties teeing Miss Mattie Reid and Mr. Wen: McBrieu. After the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. E. B. Smith, was concluded the merry party salt down to enjoy a At a meeting of the representatives of the different agriculture..1 societies of the Province of n taxio held in To- ronto last week, James Mitchell, of the Star, Uoderich, was elected lst vice president. The Exeter Auxiliary of the Wom- an's Missionary Society will hold an open meeting in Jaynes St. 15fethodist churchon'l hnrsday evening, March 8th. issPreston a missionary from Japan will address the meeting. Also a . musical program will he given. Meeting to commence at 8 o'clock, sil- ver eat the door. The literary society of room I. of Exeter Public' School report the lowing officers elected for thequarter:' -: President, Lulu Dempsey ; Vice,- Pree., Eva Browning ; Sncv-Treas., Evelyn Gill ; Editor in Chief, Herbert Gregory ; Critic, Laura Jeckell ; Ques. Drawer, Cora McPherson Organist, Edith Rollins ; tTsher, Nina Oarling ; Stage Manager, Ruby Treble ; Com- mittee, Bert' Ross, Mervyn .Huston, Vercy Hardy. The paper manufacturers of Canada' met in Montreal the other day and formed an association for the control of prices. • Eighteen out ofthe twenty- two firms in the Dominion were repre- sented, and it, is expected that the re- maining four who, do not represent a large amount of capital. will also join. The Hon J. F. Rolland, of St. Jerome,. acted as •chairman. The first step of the new association was to advance prices- twenty-five per cent. on - news, wrapping, note and other kinds of paper. This increase in . the price of paper must greatly increase the cost of newspaper production. The Grand Trunk raiiwayllas issued a circular'appoitlting P J Lynch train master over the twenty-seconcl,twenty- third and twenty-fourth districts, the territory over the Northern Division Georgian Bay, London; Huron &Brce' and the line to Harrisburg from South- ampton. The appointment went, into effect .March, lst, Stratford being his headquarters. Mr. Lynch was aformer conductor on Ilis Northern branch,bnt lately has been acting trainmaster at Belleville. eA number of other changes are in contemplation and will shortly be announced. The ntany friends of Thos Farquhar, Jliils' Careen; will be sorry 10 learn that while drawing wood from the,lksh of J Monsso, and when corning out of the swamp witha load which was about to upset, he jumped to savo himself and had one of the small: bones of his foot broken and his ankle sprained. Turkish Scalp Food stops falling' ,lhair,removes dandruff, restores faded and grey hair lo its natural color. -�xe�ker. ,000 E �_mtiittttttttit�tttttt��ftttttt�ct ttittttt�tit��ttttmitttttttttti I CA RUNG BROS. a, :4E- NEW COORSasart. We have just placed into stock a, quRntity of Pairs 1E . ne f0aods, suitable for spring trade consisting of:— �'�► '`�S v , Prints, Gin hasps, Piques, Dress Goods, Linens, Ladle's whitewear, Wrappers, Shirt Waists, Table Covers, Curtain poles Window Shades, Boots & Shoes, Etc, We have 1,000 pairs of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes to clear during the next 30 days, and we have made such starting reductions in price that it will pay you to lay in your stock of shoes for a year ahead. SUCH PRICES AS THESE - 5UOL LD INTEREST VOU too Pairs Ladies' Fine Button and Lace Dongolz shoes, made by the best makers, regular $2.5o and $3.00 shoes while they last for.,..., .,.... ..,,., ..•.••1.50 too Pairs Ladies' Fane Button and Lace shoes, in correct styles, and regular $ t so and 400 qualities, while they last for 1 . • , • • • , • • R . • • • • • R w • • . .. . . . . . •. • • . 1.00 s. Pairs Children's Fine Shoes, the regular 6Q and 7o cent kinds, while they last for • . , . , . , . . • .. , .... • • , 425 All our Men's, Youth's, Boys', Ladies' and Children's Shoes, in fact, will be sold during this sale at discounts varying from 10 to 6s per cent, in our stock but will be sold Remember not a pair of shoes 1 at a reduction during this big sale. Bicycles • • This is just to remind you that we will Handle the Col- umbia Chainless,Columbia Chain, E &D., Hartford, Scots- man, Fay Juvenile, €IIItI all other wheels made and handled by the National Cycle and A1ltomobile Co. ra: A large quantity of Men's and Boys color- ed shirts at 50, 75, 90 and 1.00 each, all new designs., You goods. re invited to call and inspect the HIGHEST PRICE FOR PRODUCE Butter 18, Eggs 15, Tallaw 5c:, Lard g , Tureys 8; Geese 7c, Ducks 7c, Chicken Sc CARIL JNG 1 3ROS a 1 Death of R. H. Colons, The death of Barrister R. H. Collins on Thursday morning last, lurch 1st, dict not come as a surprise to the pea - tale of this neighborhood. For fourteen mouths he bas lain on aL bed of pain, slowly'sinking in spite of the hest Hied- (oPPostTet PLANING MILL.) ic:tl;till that could a procured, and his i x c red t 1 I long illness bad become the subject of We have in stock dressed and inatcllied sympathetic comment, throughout the county. For once nucrnths 1a<ope l Sit ng, Flooring & Ceiling fled fear anti erten despised fatct in tiro t a i� belief that so llrflliant a Career would 1 also dressed pine 1,1, 1's I not so speedily' be Cut short, .4. mar- l .ansa'«'• ine nes, vtalitms constitution and an indolnit• - able will alone kept the spark of lite Shingles, lath and cedar posts alwztyt• from flickering nut. But death came on hand. A targe stock of calmly to the exhausted frame at last. barn lumber just arrived. and the clever lawyer and orator moss- CALL and EXAMINE EXETER LUMBER. YARD EAST ST SIDE MAIN STREET. eel the sands of tune to the shores of Eternity without lLstru(;gh�. Richard henry Collins was born at JAS. WILLIS, PROEM. the city of Bandon, in the County of at t y � � Gartree to Canada with !1]s xnotller and � •° r inspection Y11 t f©� • M � 1. your 1 . cti n `L � Our samples l . will c ready for o I ll _ )c o l C'� F 11I) e �' C) 1 settled at Rockwood, it1 Weilui„tnn 0 iS S,tS Cork, Ireland, on the 19th of August, f days. Tile 5. ?i6KdrU Go., • 18,31. When only 7 years of age he Dina Importers= Two gentlemen from London will take the Matt shin House after May 1st. Thos. May has solei fifty acres of land in the 4th concession of Stephen, to Albert Box. (WViner's Liniment is an invaluable household remedy for sore throats and for internal and external uses. EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL. 11OXt)1L nom, pont I•'1s`Illtteene. Room L --eines A, I+.vs. Browning was was Rogerville, in this comity. While Lily Itolnnsnn, Herbert (lrel;ary. 13. here he entered upon the study of law, Clora iIcl'herson, tViley iui1 yard, and with unconquerable perseverance �� hllie Hies NIOII Clu'1flll;. Ncr, o„ prepared himself for his profession. roll 33, average attendance 3`r He entered the law ofllee of II. NV. Chas. Itydd, of Dott„las, Asan., tvhef 8. •1. A. 13oz n, Trio. Hall, in this village. and from time to spent. a few months visiting friends Room 2 -Sr IV. Winnie Carling, time attended at Toronto to pass his liege, returned home nn 1lionclay. Millie Martin, Ruby Davidson and examinations. In 1887 he was granted T: iebard Ir ifiart.t, of St. Pani, 111nn., Winnie Howard equal, .Jennie Mur- the diploma of barrister and solicitor, formerly of Exeter, is visiting his racy, Dolly Dickson, Ruth Rollins. Jr. and upon the death of Mr. Hall took brother, Will, of Centralia, and friends IV, Clara Ross, Mary Parsons, Louise up his business. Young, vigorous wind in Exeter. Mrs. John Murray, of Rockwood, who has been norsing her son, the late R H. Collins, for sometime, returned home Tuesday. Miss Annie Collison and Miss Edna E. Babb, Mitchell, won first-class honors in primary theory at the recent examinations at the Toronto Comer- count where he attended the Acade- my for some years. From childhood lie gave evidence of remarkable clever- ness in both speech and intellert. Wk --TED graduatedjrom the Rockwood .laude-' g nip when but 17 years of age and took the position of teacher of the Shake- speare Palette school at the youthful age of 18, Ile was afterwards en gag - ed to teach the Stratford High tithnnl at a time when no other teabee could • be found who eould manage the unruly element there. Subsequent ly he taught at different places, the last of which Carling, Alvin Brintneii,Ethel Ia'rurner, Frankie Weekes and Ethel Armstrong equal, 'No. on roll 43, average atten- dance 37. C. 'VosiLR Room 3 -Sr III, .John Crardiuer, Hazel Browning, George Some, Roy Howard, Edna'bow, Flossie Taylor. sumptuous wedding sapper. s)r. Jr'III, Fred Trevethick, Elmore Sen - Smith proposed a toast to the bride. t atory of music. for and 011y Gould equal, Berrie Halls, and groom and Mr. John Scarlett re --Thos. Tapp, of Virden. Man., who Fred Smith, Jamie Ba wden, Olin sponded on their behalf. The happy :Sas Been visiting friends in Exeter and Hooper. No. on roll 49, ay. attend. couple .went direct theirit home in surrounding ding townships, leaves for 42. MAY GILL. Ulirhton. home in a few days, taking with him' Room 1 -Sr 3rd, 011ie Quance, John 14Irs J t t .. i i f horses ' ! Barton, Edith Moneur, Frank Hunter, as. Mills 1 i s, tw ro ns a prc:sen ' tv- caLr Hat n iu with her son, David s+ills, on the Ed H. White, of Brandon, Man„is' Annie Reid, Martha Carling, John 8th con of Blanshard, a few miles from visiting at his grandfather's. John 1 Ross, Ida Armstrong, Martha Snell, St Marys, is now in the 114th year of White. IIe has been assistant Editor ('Lena Hunter, Dolly Davidson, Walden her age, and has enjoyed good health of the Brandon Daily :tun, and has (trews. No, on roll 51, ay. 40. up to two or three years ago. -LTp to now accepted a position on the Globe l H. E. WALlie)ND that tune she bad done her own house staff, Toronto. Room 5 -Sr H. Berta Snell, Millie Work, Ilirs Mills had been as actrre as A pleasant event occurred Wednes- Bassett, Ernest Pick° 1; Flossie, Sweet, the most of persons si oula be at -t0 day evening, Feb. 17, at the residence Willie YIeteer; Maurice Bohlen Jr II, years ofage, up to some two or three of Mr. T. North;•raves, St. Marys, _Eldred. Elliott; Bert - Muir, Rothe, years ago, when that harbinger of age, when his daughter, ' Miss Erneline, Brown, Loney Heywood, Ira Taylor. rheumatism, crept npoo ber. airs and Mr. R. MeArter, of Brisse 1c, were N on roil 00, average e at t 40. Mills also possesses all her faeuliies in united in marriage.. H. T. IalxmLE a ESeter cemetery • on Saturday was a very clear manner ep to the present.. Mrs. Jackman; widow. of the Iate Room 0 -Sr II, Emma Heideman, ',largely attended. Altera short service 1 took ,r hue the Masons t r lc eh 7,u e iL 11 house, Winla • tt e b , G rence ]Jastorbr ole frank Bait 1 n, o vc e Exeter on , i� m Mills, who carries: the'mail from John Moorshead, died , in I1 a of rye remains anclwith dna honors Exeter to St Marys is her son. Thursday morning, t1arch 1st, after a Jr Il, Albert L• ang, Emma Hall, . Mar - laid their brother in: the roc R. B. b d illness, a t the age Moret AIa](ins No on roll 01 aver. at 1,g ,. a We e lfare this week received s circa romewl'at prolonged astute he forged ahead with irarvel- lous rapidity. His silver tongue and splendidpresence an the platform, soon gave him the reputation of being without as peer in Huron county as a political stamper. He swayed his audiences as he moved juries and con- vinced judges. It is needless to say that he built up a large practice here. A year ago he took into partnership J. G. S.anbury, B.A., of Toronto, who will now continue in the offices occu- pied by Mr. Collins. In. politics lie M WaS a strong Liberal.. ail. tt r s Y bee In 1887 1r. Collins married miss Jessie Bonthron, daughter of Robert Bonthron; of Rogerville, who, With a daughter of 0 years, survive hila. His mother, Mrs. Mneray, still resides at Rockwood, and be had two half- sisters -and a half-brother, who. are alert alive.- The deceased was a very prom- inent Mason, having reached. the high position of Past Deputy District Grand Master. The funeral which took place to i Hess L e g lair from the Canadian Branch of the of 89 yeahs. She had been a resident 21, J. M..40DERTso:t Hun„eiforcl, Deputy District Grand M Red Cross Society, accompanied by a of Exeter for many years, and was ROOM 7= -Se II, (IFlorence Anderson, !Mister, of London, conducting the report -of the ofiyioial fxnapncial; state- highlyrespected. Gertrude Sheere, Harry Rendle, Irene services, p Haandford Ida Cotter Frau es Davis,I The bereaved, oues have the syI•n- meat since the outbreak of the present Rev. Geo. lerotvp, of • Toronto, who , > e .crib of a large circle_of friends. South African war. The committee has been here for some weeks assisting Mid II, Lizzie Goulcl, Lillian Antos, P 3'g asks us to open a subscription list in in the special services; in James St. Mabel Brown, Nellie Hatter, Elrnoro Among those who attended the fa • THE TIMES for the .benefit of' those church,returned home on Wednesday, Lang, Lily I3odgert.: No on roll5tr, av neral from a distance vere. : who wish to contributd towards the bearing the esteem and good wishes of alt 43, A: W. Beni:, Judge Masson, DanielMcDonald and whom -he has made in South Africa. As the Molsons hank this community. Owing to thecountry roads being has opened subscription lists it, Will = The concert and lecture' on Tuesday im assatble the past Gla s a consicl- not`benecy esSar for us to do so, and evening was of an -excellent character. p 1 y the peoplehowever, have aim ost reacheci their 1rmit•of contributions to the Vi'c'ar fund. . TIie heaviest gales Exeter bas for a long time experienced have taken place the past week: Oa several occasions the wind reached -a tremen- dous velocity, and the air was filled constantly with whirling masses of ' . snow -.E1 serious drifting resulted. ,The wind brought with it a most de cided change .of . temperature, the P thermometer going down to three de- grees below zero during Saturday night, whilethe belated pedestrian surmised that an honest mercury would show - some 40 degrees worse. The result was in seveeal instances, cold church auditoriums and small congregations. Monday night a v chan e , set in and after a seVCTe snow storm; we were favored with ' 'sleee t then raLn. Railway traffic has beet1 seriously interfered with. ' r You will tind local news on ever .. pa e. a Philip' Holt, olt, Goderich;; John Ferguson o n and R. B. llungerford,of Loudon; A. Yotn -and M.. Y. McLean, Seaforth. aid ekor h.aid of the sick and wounded soldiers in many 'friends enable part of our country cerrespoe- The lecturer, Rev.: Mr. Forster,: of To- dente -has been delayed in tritnsit and ronto, gave a very interestipg ect is isure. is too>late for thssue. One would not tire to sit' and1 listen to , o him for in(.re than an hour. Those 11IARIZIED who : were not present missed' a rare treat; .he is both witty and eloquent, am" well. worthy<•of his reputation. The musical part of the program was -well carried out, and each number was loudly applauded. The attend- ance wasnot as Large as the program merited. The enthusiastic loyalty. rilust have waned considerably since the relief of Kimberley, the concert being given in aid of the Patriotic funcl. .1,7 TEIE LAIJIES: -Mrs. W. South- (cote wishes to inforyn the ladies of Exeter, that, on and after March 20th, she will open a dress ane] mantle mak- ing businessMelia': residence. The " of the ladies: of Exeter and' patronage Ape ` solicited. -, surrounding country is p prentices wanted. Apply to Mrs. W. Southcott, Andrew street. Sly ARLING-MILLS--Art Wheatley. VSrecl nosciay k eb. 21st„ y e 7.T.ey. C ` B)otch- ford, lobed E. Slrarhn;,.to•.ilvnbeth 1t., eldest dattgbtor of Mr. and Alis. Thomas DIED COLLINS—In Exeter ontlxe lst, lost., lt. H. Collins. barrister, sed 16 years• $100.RLS73DdU-In 'Exeter on t;lYe-1st lost-.,` NTrs. Ja)ceiriaa, relict of the late John $Moores - head,. aged 88 years and t months. ARMSTRONG -In St. Marys. on Sunday, Feb•, 25, Mrs Cornelia Armstrong, aged 84 years and 7months. CATI•ICART—IuSI Marys,on Monday-, Feb .. 26, David Cathcart, aged -91 years 'and 1 months. McT PLOD—In Huron Township, On Feb.. 16, Mrs. Donald McLeod, aged 78 years. -on Tuesday, L a• Feb. 27 AL DR In Hamilton, t y W. Fred Walker. JONES -In Olandeboyo, on Feb. 22 .)ane Jones, relict of the latc'Sretnnel Tones, Stephen tp,' aged 63 years. E;ceter'Mun•icipal Council Council islet pursuant to acljourn n.ientatTown Hall, March 2nd, All present. - Mi lutes of previous meeting, 'read and confirmed. • E + -That h. the following o v,a.iis-Les cuts r t accounts be passed and orders drawn on treasurer for sante :- .Dr', Rollins,' certificate Mrs.Fanson 415,1800 account; Dr. Il nclinan, certificate Mrs,.:l+anson, y 55 1899 account; Geo.Oudanore•, snow plowing lowin 0 ; J. W. Creech 52,50 J. T.. Westcott,; charity funera:L1 expenses of Mrs. Moresheacl, 510. -Carried. T Levert-Armstron„ 7.hat this hist coun- cil build a cement culvert a Bross Maio street,: at the junction with Ann street and that measurements be merle and . tenders asked for as soon ars possil;le,- Carried. Evans -Muir -That counted adjourn to rneet March iiiih, at 7,30 p. •n... Car - 1 ried, i (:GEO:II. Blenrr, Cleric. 1 Highest Prices Paid,. CUSTOM SAWING DONE AT LOWEST PRICES. �-therland Air es CO LTD. Lite Gould's ill, Exeter, Cent Oh Yes o it's i iIte true That if you want. to be up-to-date you roust give us a. call this week and have a look at our stylish. aist Away Op in , quality and away down in price. Wedding presents we have in great variety and to suit all pockets. If you do not want to buy +give us a call we shall be pleased 'to 1 see you anyway,1 Levitt's Fair . CHEAPEST STORE d��1 E ' l f����at AGENT FOR. PAR•TSIAN STEAD! LAUND:Cty. LOUR andO PROVISI O N S Fresh. New and. Chea 1a At our House. We shall hereafter offer a special bargain ain every Thurs- day, PS- dayr Friday and Saturday. Changed every e! week.. i • lls .�. 1 week we are offering g and iraisins 4 ,. lbs. offilielas slbs 50c. T ' ° 111, %i' .lQiL111L'd currants •® v eveth@c