HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-8, Page 5r;fl EXE'llER TIMES , DIRE FAMINE Threatens cheloo iiht vie:, W•here Chinese Are Starving ny Hundreds, A letter recently? received from an Americae missionary etagaged traveling anew the outlying provinces -sow of this populous subdivisien of the ' Chinese Empire indicates that another great famine hangs over the land. During the pat two months the gen, Heinen in questioo hue gone, over 12 different countries, and in the price a food AA every kind higher than for more than 30. year. The great scarcity 1.11d high pricea ere dee to several causes. ,Erora Auguat, 1SP8 U1I 31Ine, 18i.:9, a period of eine or ten months, little or no an fell; consequently the wheet crop was almost an entire failure in many places. In July and August a great army of eaterpillars many places devoured the summer crops. Later, a hailstorm passed over a large seetion of the country and did im- mense danger. During July and other dieeaees overtook the, half usual quantity of rain fell, and since then in many districts there has been no rain whatever; coneequeotlY, the farmers have hem unable TO p;OW fieltie and sow the usual wioter wheat. There is the greatest dielrees in the counties' o Wentuu 1at olang, Chime', iheo Oho°atong the eastern Fee., and the same, distress is said W „prevail, in Chuching, Kin Oleo, end Ilarther soatia. Ilusadretts ot men, \w- eenie and childrese are fleeing from thee° districta trying to reaell hien- elniria or other 111,41'0 favored places before the stwere winter comes en, a the only hope a escaping etarvatio Many were already emaciated for want a nouri.shing food. The people gather the leaves of the willow, locust and other trees, also of the potato vine. and roots an the hills and mountable to use for food. So much sickness and 40 many deaths hive not Leen heard of for ars. When fever, dysentery and her dieeasea overtage the hal made by Prof. Herkemer..which Is to sterved people there seems to nebut lee used at Wolsla eleteddfode at the fut ore, wee "toe targest sword on re- cord," and doubtless it plated In the REMA,RKABLE SWORDS. Some ETKOISHY Made for Ousiness. 4nd Osisers Only for Shows We noticed with regret that the descriptions 'Of the sword of honor aneeeotly presented to the sarda.r. though they show that the weapon • in every way perfect and ePlendid value for he t 100 guineas giver' few it, cootain no mention a any motto or • inseription, havieg been engraved thereon, as was the custom of old, eays a writer in Chamber's Journal. It vvill he recalled that each of the 3 swords presented by the Kaiser to his tbree eldest sons bat year bore an inscription, such as, -ray strength belongs to the Fatherland, To my dear son Wilhelm, Christmas, 1897 bellow." While the other side bore the folloWing admonition: "Trost lu God, and bear thyself bravely, that thy fair name and h000r may be main- tained; for he who trots to God from the bottom ot his heart will eever be defeated cot the Held a battle." "Fear- less and True," was iuseribed on an other weapon, and on. a third. " leTev- or draw this sword without a reason, and neve re retUrn it into It a sheath until honoe is sotisfied" which was the ittliSeT'll rendering a relate, very popular once upon a time on Toledo blades, eviOele rale. Do not draw me without reason; do not sheath me evithout honor " For a wealacen PneSeoted by a mon a peace to a schVer the legend once engraved an a ll'e.crara blade, "My value variee with the hand that holds me," would be Tether appropriate; hut another Ine aeription, "When this viper stings there is no euro in any dootor's shOPs," would be hardly suitable tor one who values his own prowess at so modest a figure as the Sirder. Sorate littti le me ago it was en- ced in a vontemperarY that the 4.-swoRD OE CEREMONY " little hope of recovery. Many who in ordinary years have sufficient say they catemenage to live only to the end a the year, and after that, un- less help oemes, they must die. * LEANNE&S AND OBF‘SITY. There are very few people who are entirely satiated with their personal 11. Pp a ar (Luce; one Is too stout, another %too thin, a third too tall, and so.on. ...,• Leanness, like obmity, is often here - (Wary but eireumstances will Often keep one slim, such as excess of worry, loss of sleep, living in very hot clim- ates, irregularity of txteale, temper, elan Those suffering from attenuation should try to take life as easily and. Outsantly as they cart, and sleep and rest all possible, while fresh air is very essential. Take exorcise in moderation, avoid • excitement, fits a tat:open such as • jealousy, envy, eto., and do not give •v ix -fit() grief or worry over things. • Fgr diet, take meat and vegetables cembined, eAtenty of butter, good bread, milk, milk puddings, black ‘ gra pe.s, bananas, sweets, chocolate, i\ ' and such foods. "e. A, glass of milk to which are added ila a new laid egg and a teaspoonful of sugar, taken daily, has been proved an excellent flesh producer. •Milk is invaluable for fattening pur- poses, and it is well to take a glass of warm milk just before retiring. Do not drink it down, just sip it, and rest • between each sip; then milk will not disagree with even the most delicate stomach. If milk is swallowed. hastily It enters into the stornach and. then forms In one solid curdled mass, difficult to di- gest. If, however, the same quantity he sipped, and 5 minutes at least oc- • cupied in drinking a glass of milk, then, on reaching the stomach, it is so ,divided that when coagulated, as it musi be by the gastric juices while digestion is going on, instead of being in one hard, condensed mass, upon the outside of which only tbe digestive fluids can act, it is more in the form of a sponge, and. in and out of the en- tire bulk the gastric juke can freely act4 Take plenty of time over meals, eat slowly and. rest after dinner. A nap 44,10 or 15 minutes will be of great benefit. For obesity, just the opposite rules must be observed. 'Sleep no more . than is actually a necessity for health's seke, drink very little of any- thing, fluids being flesh -producing. Eat toast instead of bread, take only brands of a tender* te'odfooY do Bouil- lon -who, it will be recalled. with It wo-baud,aid _word oleaved a Tonkin - to halves, from the shoulder to the hips -its eix feet two inches ot length would be quite long enough for sallY who had a business engagement with it. But although it exceede by two .lehes the thirty-peuocl, avoirduPoia, weopen used by Henry • the Pious, Duke ot Silesia, and is, probably more lengthy than the femone two-hand- ed sword of Arelelhald Dell -the -Mt or Exoter's sword ot state, it is still ten inehee shorter than the seven -foot ceremonial sword, weighing eighteen pounds, that. was mode tor nelward IIL, and is now preserved in West- minster Abbey. On the accession of George IIIas nor- onation, the eevord of state, says Efor- aoa Walpole, evaa forgotten -they do these things better nowadays -tied file Lord Mayor's sword woe borrowed for the oecasion. Although nothing is said ooneerning its identity, undoubtedly it would he the celebneted pearl sword that wAS utilized. "There Are four swords," sad a writer at the begin- ning of the tent:tiny, apropos of the Lord Mayor's-" the Meek, used on Geod 'Friday, Jan. 30. fire of London and all fast days, when his Lordship ought to go to S. Patens; the common oword, to go to sessions, courts of Aldermen ; . . the Sunday sword and the penal reword, which used to be carried on very rare oecasions only, but is now exhibited at any time." The office of sword -bearer at that tirae was a valuable one, the last hold- er of the post purchasing it, giving 47,000 for the office, whioh he could have sold. for £9,000, "but was pre- vented by the corporation," who made •it • lean mean no gravy, no potatoes, rice, • milk, sweets, fat, butter, eheese, and such things. • Plenty of active exercise is necessary • and sleep on a mattress. Eat no more than will just serve to satisfy e appetite. 1 Take Bovril, it is trengthening, but not fattening, Avoid all sweet things, esp eci a lly &agar. , Do not tight lane, for t� squeeze in the waist virill soon produoe embon- point, - Walk all possible. • Thin people are, as a rule, excitable lively, easily agitated, etc.; still it, is no use to grieve over your thinness, for remember bow light, graceful, and easy are the movements of thin people. Sweet, things, sour things, also very hot or cold drinks and foods, are bad • Lor the teeth. Seven hours' sleep, if it be a peace- • ful sleep, free from dreams and dis- • turbances, should suffice for any • woman, and 10.20 or 11 o'cicok is quite late enough to sit up. ESSEB,Y OTHER 11/1AN KILLED. the Bett le of Hastings, A. D. 1066, the weapons being swords and battle axes 600 fell fatally wounded eut of every 1,000 soldiers. HAVE YOU TASTED cevt„om OREEN TEA? It's far wool delielona than Japan. Sold oaly Load Paciton, ITEMS OF INTEREST. Eow ParazraPhs WhIchi WM he found Worth Rendtuti. iMARA A OXMAN ROLE. Delagoa By, around. witioh so much The Manner bullet makee einem Per- 1sillhatt8sthartsorju tn. rgwo :ten"; s floors; ttion of hono and =Sole, Soldiers Shot through both elenele bonce b.e.ve practically' the key to the Transven.l. seose of smell end taste, but Itbe thtseyvsoloniteidtnanumEboegrlarit ,amthoelatootte,eg It would enable them to cot off are otherwise quite0_711. Moest of wounde OX0 in the hande and. armee. Possessions will be readilY understood, Batarrhozon gonna Be Beaten, tr staPPIe of Boer war Stores. which Ur. Radio McDougall, of Vankleek therorig"httiLgoutierselcaoroMealrifrnvie:g to Pa" Hal„ etrys; "Caterrhozene has doue me more good than any ot er cine 1 Wirer need. It hen eured me et ran tarnia. Others may prase their PrOPAreations but Catarrhozooe can-' not he beaten an aeure for 'Catarrh." Catarrh -a -zone ts a new method of Aoting upon the hallucination teat treatment guareeteed to cure the most. ekronto cases of Catarrh. Asthma Broneinns,, Coughs, Colds, &e. Sure eefe and pleasant to use. Sold by an druggists. Trials outfit sent for Ida Kioltronp,Ont, by NI; C. ptOLSON 00., ta his relatives were trying to get pos- session of his money, Porter 1L Ken- aedy, of Center Paint. Ind, drew 85,- 000 from a bank and at (mots put it beYond their reach, He burped the Mouey. William Johnson, ot Kokomo, Ind., is known an the horseiess farmer," For thirty years he has ran a farm of six aeres, and done all .tlee.work hire- selt„ withont the aid ot a heree. Ile trundles, hie erope to marlee.t ailk wheelbarrow. lloreee ie the Fiji, niaoide ane fed. with moleneee. ,A, realm oonsists af fifteen Pomade of neoleeses mixed with three p000deof brao and foorpounds Q( maize. Tine food eeeilla. to OrKTOO kitellen in the ever .e with the .anirattla, keepiug them in ene iee deity prepared the food for the 4,000 A GIFT PLACE. Besides apatrtments in the Old Bailey and other privileges, the sword -bearer derived emolument from granting ad- mission to two galleries during the sessions. Apropos of the sword of state, we learn elsewhere, with regard to the coronation of her Majesty, that "the Q,neen, riding up and. going toll* al- tar, offers the sword there in the scabbard, delivering it to the Arch- bishop, who places it on the altar. -The Queen then returns and sits down in King Edward's chair,and the Lord who first received the sword offereth the price of it, and having thus re- deemed it reeeiveth it frona off the altar by the Dean of Westminster, and draweth it out Of the scabbard and carries it naked before her Ma- jesty during the rest of the solemn- ity." Lord Melbourne wos the sword - bearer at the last; coronation, and the ptioe of the redemption of the sword was; as was always customary, 100 shil- langs. • Of ,goa•geotte Sviriards whieh are not so onneh wet -loons as esttings of pre - in sstones, the most variable in Eng- lond Is shid to bethe one presented by the Egyptians to Lord WoIseley and valukd at 2,000; but' the sum is comporatively little for a bejewelled sword It the value of the sword. brought over to Europe by the late Shols,of Persia on his first -visit, name- ly l0..000, con be talre.n as a standard of what a di ibraOlid-hilted weapon ought to Cost. Those who oan eecall that wondertul sabre will be some - whet sceptical about ,the existence of the Goickwar of BarOdan gorgeous blade, which is supposed to be. worth more ,then twentt. swarcie of equal beauty and value to the Shah's; but it roputiarly supposed that the dia- monds, rubies end emeralds . evitli which it is thiekly incrusted bring up its -value to about £220,000; wInch af 4 per cent. would repre,sent an income, of almost £9,000 a year, and renders (he ese s ssion of suchttsword some - l, thing mons than a Mere luxury. , repro ors. • Italy and, Terkey will not gd to war over Sylvia GeretelPafter all. She was handed oven to her lather at Constan- tinople yesterday by the Turkish offie een who had placed ber ere Ins harem. O'KE EFEIS lans, M ALT Invigorates and Strengthens. Wall" WOOD.TorontowORIERAI: AGENT. is the "Bon Afaxelee" has the higgest The great department store in Pare 1 ot the reat stare. Railway Efo,t,at frora 0110 (*tient condition. emp oyes g disconded suitor in Washington, D.O., tried to annoy the young womau 1913. had giVell lier an a token of his et `448.4"a4thP'bl.'"Ined"Qr "rxr° 24e.43711:31 Datarrb cannot be Cared with LOOAIA APPLICATeONS as they cannet reach ttle 11. At of the dieoase, Cat %oh is a blood 7 c:ttinitutlonsItelsease, and in crcier to euro taleul-irhnuutte• teal taktItTn%nrs37,4;:rel. al* -101.r reette °exile blood and mucous surfaces. tialfs Oaterril: Lure isnot a qns.‘ Ir medicine. It was ggitt4,14e341Lbfe7,,Zouit,,Ii4rii,Putv,,,,skiiaiiprirton. composed of the best nip a m - bitted with the best blood purifiers, noting di. ifbeb OB the ISHOSCa surf000s. The .pert=es combination, of the two ingredients Li what odilena $110b wandnytill results in curing i'jatar.Ft!'./..-PkIndli,l`lf"El*YZesfitlurCa04..IPIrsopvt!Tolede, 0, Sold by druginsmprioe 1c. ffalre Family Ptlis are the heat,. • Two-thirds of the grime in London sperretrated between 2p.m. on Sat- urdays and 9 aso., on Mondays. oatroToRT. The o' Balmoral Free Bus 404o.kup, Hotei Carslake 'Eur"eaa Rine Boom. O.T.R.Station.Mantreal. qatfl!CworrtiSaki 04ftdiere.l: FP'POPOr AVENUE HOUSE -r...g447.--.17,41,4.,,v1,4. ev-isAmts, aca, y charging her MRS. WINSi.0 WS. SOOTRINS SYNC? bag bee ftro ir4"4"4 49" • 444 FOR OYER FIFTY YEARS with seteling th di used bY coMticre far their children teeth a it 4 "4"241-4134444""4"444 4.- "4114- amond ,ring Ise #10 Cbilik•lifient the gains. allafa cu 4"-13" who bad deserted b 8. fection. Thto e ledy wee honorably ace Sere ond a for" nra Winalowk*d0e4117= Me. tigla b 41 dniggets Mum omit quitted, and the only displeased per - aeon in the court erne the plaintiff, The YeArlY lose LA vahle a gold Cath5 len elderly lady, ridins Le a Neat amounts to about ;2,000 in every Kw by wear and tear while in circulation York atreet car, waa ooreinaed to oliog 000,000. to a strap. Most of the passeogere , Pharaoh 100." rtri:;;CTItrai:. were men. mul enjoyed, their seats, while they Wel their IaCeS behind their of the car politely offered his seat sr you knot I'll tell nil ,Tour other to tee lady. "No," said. she. "1 will creditors that you have paid, it. not take the Nat et the only gentle- man in the Car.' DOWSpaparS. regro at the far end I can't pay that bill 'now. Yr LONDON'S BATHS. Wits for Ahlstion Are Many ,ind Are iteing inereased. Trinra. Lykins. is a Prominent lawyer It IS no fault ot the authorities a in Oklahoma City. She graduated at the Carlisle Indian Academy in 1F98. the metropolis If any conehlerable pro- • • IN PO • I TD CrItE A VOLD IN ON DAT Take Laxative Wrenn fletaitto Tablets. All drugglentettiod themonor it it fttile to cere, 7.5e, if. W. Groves Y4We is Oa each. bon A holt-blood Indian woman, 5Iiss portioa of the people, of Leyden con- La Toscana 100. unaanelen oinAR At2101tY.Ziontreet Witte to merit the deeeription of "the great unwashed." Facilities for abbe - nee area of. Tim Aransvaal Lion are many, ;and thee are yearly square ninon. being increased. At present there are 3, parishes in Lendon where the bath and evashbouties act has been dopted. and in most of these there, are one or more of these establishments in Aull working order. In 18.8 the number ot bathers and %N.-11)144re reached the respeotable, total ot 5,000,t00, and, a theee 4,.t3 .01 Were baohers who used the private or SWIM - ruing bathe, and the remaining 687,t81, evoraen using the washhouses. The number of hours paid tor by the lat- ser were 2,054,33, or an average of 33 hours per washer, Of the bathers ueng tbe private baths 18 per cent, were females, and of those using the hwiTming baths 10 per cent. In no instance is any establishment carried on so as to produce a surplus over expenditure, though; in a few oases there is no actual charge on the reees. The total expenditure of the whole is 4:1158,-671, and the total rev- enue 175,311, so that the baths of London ele.ogether ecost the ratepayers an annual sum of 113,360. , . NATURE HELPS. THE BOIDRS. Kind looks, ,hind words, kind acts, and warm handslaalre.s-lbese are the secondary means erg:race when men aft,„ig trouble, and are fighting their unseen battles. -Dr John Hall. 1 IDLE SOLDIERS Only a *Wan Portiolt of au Army Ever In Action. Modern war is such a complex busi- ness, and so many things besides fighting h.ave to be done, that a very large part of an army never fires a shot. Even of the soldiers actually opposed to the enemy, only a portion came into conflict in any battle. For instance, General Buller must have had some 24,000 men at the bat- tle of the Tugela River, yet we are told that only 10,009 troops went in- to action. The explanation of ehis apparently curious fact is that armies don't fight now in dense masses like long ago. The terrible hail of bullets from magazine rifles and Maxims; as well as the destruetive power of shells charged with "high explosives," would annihilate an army in dense formation. Hence the fighting troops have to scatter themselves over a line 15, 20 and even 301'miles long. Gf course, the chances of battle bring it about that, while the fight- ing becomes very hot and fierce in certain spots, the troops ixi other parts of the line don't comet into con- tact with; the enemy at all. This is why certain battalions lose an appall- ing number of men, while others come off with a few casualties. In the great battle of ICoeniggratz - the biggest battle of this nentury-it is said that 92,000 Prussians and 80.000 Austrians did not fire a single shoe TYPE AS AMMTJNITION. A.t the time of the Maori war in New Zealond ti,newspaper correspon- dent had a strange experience. The publishing office of a newspaper was close to the scene 01 SUMS,. of the hot - Lest fighting. During the struggle nee Maoris ren short of anernunitiort paper offices, cliarged their guns will) tor their guns, and, raiding the news - type and stereo blocks. This novel ammunition proved very effective. One of the white invaders was severe- ly wounded with a patent medicine advertisement,' and another was crip- pled for lif e by a church bazar an- nounceinent, arid the editor, who ha cl • taken refuge with the British troopa. ha d a narrow .escape of 'being hit with one of his 'rvvri poems. "Bi I ki n's clothes elways fit taloa ika a, gen Hainan." "Well, he don't pay for th'eirn LiJe one." N 119,000 ^ALVERT'$ Ottriaolio Disinfectants, Soaps, Writ men*, Tooth Pews:tars, et, hove been awarded 106 medals end diplomas for superior replier:co. Their regular use prevent infeeti, us diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a 1111/7. Lists mail:Art free on application. F. O. CALVERT 84. COtif DRANGHESTErt , ENGLAND. To send ler Musino ctstISIC CATALOGUE and SPECIAL RATE complete SHEET 11 OF OISCOUNI. We ere equipped te h Ileac ors. remilnicUlg, Whaley, Royce Wonted Ita4o., TORONTO. ONT. 158 Yong* SL, . . ' carters 001.0 CURE 10.1. Curtain A loffi P. Ike emoace A Co, Agee% Montreal. Tilt DO 11011193 MOUOATOR -Dolt and cheapest 0. Rolland s.,.{i agent fortheDconnion, li,nd sag t p for catalogue. 3I3 St. Paul Gum. Montreal irti„, CAA., 07-0-afee; Jew ottadee, ditivez4 iitt„ Dec. 31, 1898 Dec.„380, lt1,99. AlsINTJAL STATEMENT OF THE NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURA.NCE COMPANY. Head Office: 112- 118 King Street West TORONTO. For the year ended December 30th, 1899. To net Ledger Assets ........... - ... . . ......-.... 12,977,451.0,1 RECEIPTS. To Cash fot Prerniume $744,885.58 To Cash Income on InvestMents......... 148,656.81 DISBURSEMENTS. Dec. 30, 1899. By payments for Death Claims,Profits,etc. 008,081.50 " " By all other payments „ 281,189.82 898,522.89 13,870,974.08 584,268..82 Balance net Ledgeltsu r Assets . 83,336,71.0,21 Dec. 80, 1899. 13y Mortgages' .... ....... .... . ... 1,416,982.08 " Debenturem (market value $608,985.65) ... . . 579.O39.87 Stocks and Bonds (market value $587,891.50...... 559.998.62 Real F.state, including Company's building Loans on Policies, etc Loans on Stocks (nearly all on call) Cash in Banks and on hand 44 41 It 41 41 ti '- 14 984,651.79 '221,665.87 194,821.42 28.705.96 18,386,710.21 PremiuntS Outstanding, etc. (less east of collection) 187,298.24 Interest and Rents, due and ...... 85,074.76 Market value of Debentures and Stocks over cost 58,894.16 18,565,477.86 Dec. 80, 1899. To Guarantee Fund 1 60,000.00 " Assurance and Annuity Reserve fund 2,929,552.00 " Death Losses awaiting proofs, etc51,507.85 • 8,041.059.85 ThIs Is en age of improvement. What was best yesterday 14 a poor second te,,lioY. CEYLON TEA of tode ne and fife. •heumatis o o ,A ',hod is sure and 113$ cured thousands-So:Ile PrOnOunecci incalable. Write at once. Gooklet eon PrOof on request. Ateirorso Thi*SWISS-AMERICAS CO Windsor Oat" Canada NEunAt.41.1, SCIATIGA, Mt./50.01-aln AKFLAMMATORY, OUT, 1.GatG4GO, RNIGualaTI9 PARAIMII; kftTkIMA ured ANGIER PETROLEUM EMULSION A most efficient substitute for cad -liver oil, pleasar,i. t to the ia,ste,, and agreeing with the most semi- tive stomach. Used by physicians in the treatment of all throat an lung troubles, and — if results count for anything --,almost no limit to the good it can do. vowel bade tailed kb any adcirela 10 centa to cover postage. Angier 'Chemu rIt Confederative •„ mato k KILLS Sosehez, B end glee. Sold, by glitenWaoront. Net Surplus... .. ......... .... . .. ................$524,418.0 1 The financial position of the Company Is unexcelled -Its per- centage of net surplus to liabilities exceeds that of any other ffoine Company. New insurances issued during 1899 - . 1 4,999,140.00 Exceeding the best previous year by nearly one million. Insurance in torce at end of 1899 (net) .... . ... .. .. ...........,.....128,045,408.00 PRESIDENT: •' JOHN L, BLAIKIE. VICE-PRESIDENTS : HON. SIR 'PRANK SMITH, K.C.M.G H?N. G. W. ALLAN, DIRECTORS : HON SENATOR GOWAN, Q. O., ' E. GURNEY, ESQ. LL.D ,. C.M.G. JOHN N. LAKE, ESQ, e L. W. SMITH, ESQ., Q.C., D.C.L. j. KERR OSBORNE, E8Q. D. MoCRAE, ESQ., Guelph. • HON. SIR WM. R. MEREDITH, Chief Justice of Ontario. mANAEllTila DIRECTOR: , • WM. MeCABE, LL.B., F.I.A., F.S.S. SECRETARY t OIRDIonn nonnomort! L. GOLDMAN, A. I. A. J. THOR13URN, M. D., Edin, The Report containing the proceedings of the Annual 'Sleeting, held on January 30th, last, showing Marked nroofe of the Treat progress and olid pros- perity of the Company, will be sent to the policyholders. Pamphlets explana- tory of the attractive investment plans of the Company aud a copy of the annual report, shelving its unexcelled financiel position, will be furnished on applica- tion to the Head Oilic6 a any of the Company's agencies. e usagiCasings—Ll'ilVterva% unog Caa.an-rellsble r. --„ods at right pm*, PARR. RIAC557.104I,a CO., Toronto. Catholic Prayer :04,torielpstinb Relicloas Ectures. Statinny, and, chino Afrnsalants, El:us:Iona Worts, Mail orders mein:prompt attest. Con. n. a SAOLIga& 50., Montreal, + Itee HARRIS '-`"1.'-'1" LEAD. t.OPPER, BRA S. whotemaeonty. LooentxtemoTaletteoerM. WILLIAM ST., TORONTO, POULTRY; BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES, and other PRODUCE, to eianue bt,iis3L, Witogga It The Dawson commission Co., Litnited tor. Weld -Market & Colborne et., Toronto, WET—ITS We hara the bon Waal; gClut oERf year. "BOERS Ili A ORN Something thei you can makes:ma wages at. Send rQr parsionialv of bow to nen go WATCH FREE eadeample shale, un. trapper Bros., OS Lombard It., Toronto, Ont. WE ARE OFFERING TO INVESTORS .1:40•1 Stock, SnoranteGing large dividend;; aho &a ta• stahnent nook payolde in monthly instilments, drawing cosh dividend,, half yearly. Portia wanting Imre MK profitohlit izsestment ahould correspond with The Sun Savings and Lorin Co., Toronto. Money looned on forOrable tonna; .0.814 Malted I* narepreonted districts; write us. Michigan Land for Sale. Q 00D ACRES GOOD FatIMINO LANDS—A.RENA.0 log Imo. °mune and Crawford Counties. Title par. feat, On Michigan Central, Detroit a; Mackinac an Loon Like Railroads, at prices tonging from ,32 to pet oar*. These Lauds aro Close to Eaterprising Ned roans, Churches, Schools, etst., and will besot:ion on reasonable CMOS. Apply to R. M. I'IE8011, Agent, West Ray City, Bich, Or 1.W. CURTIS, Whittemore, mloh. FOR SALE! THE Following SECOND-HAND MACIIINERY ; • hos been imed hut little; ia riractically as good as flew ; will he sold cheap: 1 mho Hand Miller; 1 Emery Stand; 1 Lathe, 4 foot bed, BIlsadole Lathe, foot ; 2 Cuffeks, 12 in 1 rower' Hack Saw; 3 Tube Vices, Iron Pedestal ; 1 Large Tolishing Jack: 1 Speed Lathe; 2 Spoke Threading Maehittes; 1 Engine risthe; LI Split Pulleys of dilterent Sint,: 5 Block Twiny& APO] ton, NV NESSITT, Woofhtock, Ont. MAIL Do iliiiii0r1 Line STEAMSHIPS • Portland, Me., to Liverpool. via Halifax. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Cambroman. Rates of passage :-Virat Caine, $50 tumor& ; Second Cabin, $35; Steerage, $25.50 and $25 50. For furtber information apply to local agents, or DA.V1D TORRANCE It CO., General A.gents, 1785, Sacrament St. Montreal. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. BREAKFAST—SUPPER. Hales _r_lataramtc..rettaaved Weiley_VtlEs., Rich. 004.3t, W..Toroato. _ Dyeing 1 Cleaning I thaw Ter, btat ienft pair wvrt thit 6$ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEIHR HO.* Loot for *gent az your town, or aenri diced. Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. To the Metiers Crema C.oset Cs., Hamilton, Out 3:MAU -Abullt ur no Thought ii`011 yam au of your Odorlela Cremotilgy ("met, lline. hole z•Ince it constantly in aw pro, ate rvidenen with splendid aotisfact on. I am an well pleased WIlit thation oittl slop me another at ours for my hotel. ourarery truly, J. If. Ranh, Markdole, Out. The following are the GaGlea of a few prominent citizens who are using this closet, and from whom we have very flat tering testimonials: Dr. D. L. Thompson, Toronto, Ont. Dr. 111cOlaughlan, Bownao.nville, Ont. Dr. L. Dixou, Frankville, 'Ont. Dr. C. F. Ferguson, Hemptville, Ont. Dr. Ulrie Gabourg, Plantagenet, Ont. Judge A. C. Chadwick, Guelph, Out. C. J. Mickle, B.A., Chesley, Ont. Rev. John Downie, Watford, Ont. L. Dampier, Mgr. Bank of Commerce. Strathroy, Ont. Peter Hope, merchant. Pertb, Ont. Jas Moffatt, merchant. Amherst, N.$ For catalogue and price write to The Odorless Crematory Oloset 00.' Hamilton,Ont. JAIL R. mum, Manager. JOHN J. MAIN, Supt. and Treats The Canadian Heine Safety . BOILER ' 06 EsplanShorbourneStade, Toronto Opp.. ., Nigh Ctass Water Tube Steam Boilers, for Ail Pressures, Duties and Fuel. SEND POR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. { ReeorcEEalteociNco.Liigliti?:.d Limited. IngfigeS Er 14 assaegITLarrta Co., Limited. Th: kilttr.avragieilirl6)cl:t Mf. (All atTorooto, when, bai va atm/ 1., ..,........,,,w PAINT !----minniron WATCH THIS SPACE I v. I • • 6 I 1 I NM I • I 1 NEW ANNOUNCEMENT EVERY WEEK A. Ramsay Sz Son, MONTREAL, THE PAI ir MAKER 4