HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-8, Page 4• TH1 XI1iR.. IT I
Sarriatem. Solicitors. Notaries, Conveyancers,
Cerement lace, Bee
etc:nolo Loon at, et per cent. 31115 per vett-
CARL1b10•13- =geode
member ot he firm wet be ae Ilneatt on
ThertneY or each week.
II. a, col,LiNs,
Barrister Solicitor, Goav y aircBr ttek
een.F:Trat, otne.
FIOE 1, Over O'Neira
Barristers, tilidtors, Notaries P10114
Couveyaucers &a, t550.
reek -Money to Lome
. v. W.PleenMAN•
„It117FRS, eL, B.
ele Y. et P. C. rd.
- nrceiten, Outs.
eel; are le Oilices, Residence eanie aa former.
Is Andrew et. thetas: epee:males: etteetnes,
For Love and Fame.
other way."
The landlord Dilly gaped, beet his Me trembling inn -keeper said lea
wife and a eerving-wenoh, who bad weull do teat, and d d it. And so, ween
come to the door out of curicaity, wed the men in bite* rode into Rouen the
were listening and staring witb. ell next everting, he did not ride alone.
their might, ereneed themselves indus- L ever:a attended at a respeetful die-
triouely, " am tern" the strauger 1artee 4y a good-looking page clad in
csontinned after a brief pause, " to eable velvet and mounted en hand-
some gray 'horse. -
conetrunt the horoscope of hes emu-,
enee the cardinal, of whom it has
been predicted that he will dee at
Yvetot. Bin I find the conditione un-
propitious. Tbere is au adverse lune. -
ewe in this honse."
The landlord teeratchetl his head,
and looked helplessly at bis wife. But
she was quite tan up eith awe of
the etranger, whose head retarly toe b-
ed the (Tiling ef the hew room; while
his long, pale fare seemed in the ob.
seurity-tor the day was dark -to be
et an urearthly pallor.
"Au adverse influenee," the astroe
lager Mutinued, gravely. "What
more, 1 110,r0V aee where it is. It is in
the statie. Yon heve a gray horse."
The landlord. somewhat astonished,
said he bad
" You Itad. You have uot new, The
Skeet s Leeson emee.ss twine -eye norm••t iv4 tbis a ste acting 'lee
tater 10eAtiseeseeme unieloge. Name doer, 'set n ell I 0 We u
elete.lettataan u., T.d. Mee it. 3!neer.
Exciter, Qaz• " gray horse'?"
, The atranger Inclined his bead.
. 4Q \% IN' t M.i),, t. C., I S. there you are wrong ! the
tiredonte V1Qtu1 no-, rattybot 'etoted hrtskly, " hanged if
renitence. OS8111$.00 lettere- as! For rode the horse this
and it went as well and
I vi
IYND.IIAN. coroner lot the
matey ot Hertel °teen opeosite
Iles:noon 01.11:NOtOr.
SSENBEItilY, General Li
kowit Aneseseem SalOS 1.1.11IIIW•61
Y:i Mts. isetertemeeuranteen Oilers -e
1ezate. litmenZO. Oat.
TIIII.11F.11.1„,ioeneed A.nel
entier for tee co nittee of lessee
e, :fees; SSICP Vat11403GIVvi t4.4.
vkifit.(salt00 1.40 t•
nnent & ennen
tt dueteof the enteric) leoterluare ode
1. Itee.
teee-On dear et uth er Town Hall.
• tIkrsTf.RMIC I. 00 .
pw brs been owmu
e ler-nen
ev. :wrroested eireeetioe ie tvestora
t ,ee,.etinues insitreeeitrist IGiS qt.
, Vire. itieteinze. Ilereettelise
el 1.1tnnoroes n00.1 ell other de.ierietioaa Of
Suitable property. Wendel= insurers here
petits: tn inpuriment the Preiniuntelotose
ajiJi ;.....9t1i.11:•
VUritig OP past ten years slits eumpaey eas
nee:eine er cintriric in -mercy tu
sm. u 41.1,4141,1.^.,01: mai paul iu hisses noels
neeeits, elete100.00. consistiog of insh
iu I me t.eventhrent Imeesiratel ere
sett Ilea:nue ernes on baud an,
J. .11 A t.a President--
secretary r. it .
BELL, agent for Bee
, M. tenet
specter . CRAB,.
• and viclnite,
le rubliebed every Thursday morning at -
opt z. as O'er i t n s 0.
" Send and see," the tall man a
The serving -girl. obeYing nnod*
weat eff reineteetly to the stable,
white her muster, casting v. look of
sea:liking at hie guest, walked uneas.
iL L anleaeane thieg. tee be warmly
eled, and vie lie .softly„ aud at night
to be in eleelter tied, in the dayto at
extendrible. But, att. Wee- things MaY
be cleerty bought, and :so the Loy
jelean de Bane, eseon, found. wss
o longer beaten. chained, ois eta.rvedi
he lay in a trusk.e bed instead a • a
"able; the wta k heeler:4 to do wee oe
the liginest. Bee he paid tor all tle
tears - in an ever-present, abiding.
neesteriug ,fear ef the *en behind
whom he rode; who never • ecolded,
never razed, nor -even strode him, hut
wlinee ligh.est word -and rattele more,
tds long .silences -filled the led etile
dread tirtil awe utispeale jade, S'Alle-
thing einteter in tbse men a face, ted
foend; tut to Jeltan, whe never doubt-
ed his dark peniere, end who slieuuk •
t'reue hie eye, and flinched at h -s
Yore, end eowered when he epoke,
there was a cold malevoleuce in the
face, an evil knewledge, 'thee made
the boy's flesh creep tied theined Ilis
soul :with dread.
The astrologer eaw tbie, and reveled
it, -and went abetit to increase it
after a fashien of his owe. Hearing
the by, on all occasion when he had
turned Whine euddenly. ejaculete "Oh
tly to the window. In a moment the Ihets 1he stud, with a dreadful mune.
girl casne bark. her face white. "The "You 4101,11d 0014 S',.1)' that! De You
gray Is in a fie," she crie& keeping know wily ?"
the whole width of the roma between The boy's face grew a shade paler,
her and the stranger. " Et is sweat- but ha did not epeak.
tug endstaggering." e "A,k :ne why 1 Say, 'Wby uat' ?"
The landlord, with an oath, ran of "'Why not?" Je/aan muttered. He
to see, and in a Mittute the appear-
anee of an exeited group in the square , i40.,ueldyel::Imaiten I_w_o,,r.ld
no notioe ot tt13.
thing was nneere,b,T,thv:vetrra.en-eolreroft t;de! ' =Orr telFvus,* 4741' .1-thceu tb.tall7r soldlt ifiS eYt1(3. 1;8;111:1 Cie l]
under t he window ehowed that the . ..a , out '4"
etuLorioluvseretteundittav.erelanZlogitinacileous fit t. Ind n'sel 1 yt'onY4uhlmvanY sold " yellalsaetie-ia
door at the room, calt at him. Re /1' .°111" and Writ. You C3°1° °I
waddd nit 1111,4 down °an ro,„1.0 with Your OWei accord, and climbed. on the
i black hor.A. And now," be continue
hie 4,y0,04 lowered.
has got o
the agger;" he said, re,sentfully.
inbft, utastenee, answr my qutions,Wht
awnt peasentlyt .1 els, _d.;.1...!olura ptonerenele,villiell always compelled
hs fao lack as thunder, e
Tito tandiord came
" It hal got the devil," the stranger ' _ _;:tlierviterlinegBoaiullt,:buteettorinyg.whisper
answered. !coldly. "1 knew it wee in ' li- %Loud 1„
tilt! house when I entered. If you
doubt sr" 1 will prove it." - de Haat."
"Ay ?" said tbe landlord, stub- "Repeat the story yoke told at the
fai "
The men in black went to hie saddle ! "1 ant Jehan de Bauit, Seigneur ot
! heg, -which had been brought uPand ; _i, non not where, and Lord ot
I hid in a tanner, and took out a shal-
neevertteen lordehips in the County of
' low glass bowl, euriously embossed ; Perigord, of a most noble and oe.ee
with a eros and some mystic', Vine sant family, possessing „the
hots "Go lo the chureli there," he said, i awake, the Middle, nn t
" and fill tide with holy water,"1
e , nes veins rune 11,
IWIN away the astrotogene, e„ she's of !Franco. I stand here, the
went on be$trange errand'. Whilealee,---- ' ' my torefethers were three mare
The Lest took it unwillingtve sine i ond • .,„. blood of Rolanu,
ur last of my race; in token whereof may
1:0 ''''' locikeit out idly. When 1 God
preserve ray mother, the King,
aw the other returning, he Vve ' Eremite and t.his Province."
the order. "Lead out the home."
"11111 In the county of Perigorill"
IThere !was a brief delay, but pres- the astrologer said, with a sudden
ently two stablemen, with a little lightening et his heavy brows. "You
t -
posse of wondering attendants, par
ly urged, and partly led out a band -
ensue gray horse. The poor animal
trembled and hung its heed, but with
eome difficulty was brought under the
Times teartiu. Printing lions e Vialdmw' N"' and again sharp
M. n street, nenne opposite Eittenniewelry tered the spectators right and left.
Solomon Notredame leaned forward
out of the window. Trk his left hand
he held the bowl, in his right a small
bruele "11 this beest is sick with any
earthly sickness," he cried, in a deep,
eoleinn voice, audible across the
square, "or with such as earthly
skill can cure, then let this holy wa-
ter, do it no harm, hut refresh it.
But if it be posse.ssed by the devil,
and given up to the peevere of dark-
ness and to the enemy' of man for-
ever and ever to do his nen and plea -
spasm convulsed its limbs. and seat -
etneN et lies 'SON, Proprietara
luaus or ADVElerieette:
.11'01 Insertion, per title'.l
. se...10 cents
t militeqslent Weenien,Pee llll 3 melte
ailment inseetton, areertieemente ehoutd
emit in nut later than Wednesday morning.
el tee largun and beet equipeedin tee County
et Buren. Alt work en rustedte us will re-
eeive our prompt atten ton.
Der rhions nettertling Newspapers.
1 -Any patina whe takes a paper regularly
from the post office, whether directed in his
male or anothereeor weather he bas subscrin
ed or , p sure, then let these drops hur.a and
_ 2-tf a porton orders his paper suseentinued consunin it as with fire. Amen 1
he must pay all areears or the pub letter may i ,,„„ 1.,
continue to send it until the payment is bia,de, "`"' -
and teen cosiest the •veluee amount,. whether With the lest word be sprinkled
tit c impale taken:earn the °Mee Or not. the boree. The effect Wtla magical,
3 -in teetstereubscript ono, the snit may be The sniranl reared up, as if it had
bsloed,aebough the suoscribert'gay reer 15 been feiriously spurred, and plunged
hun reds of utiles away. so violently that the men who ,beid
enure, have dad led that retneing to it were dragged this way, and that.
Wepaperor rededicate from the
place, or removing and leaving them uneaPif:d
e I The eroevd fled every way; but not
e ssentes h
for, ie primfacie evidenm a intentional so quickly but that. a hundred eyes
fraud. had seen the horse smoke where the
water fell on it. Moreover, when they
cautiously appronehed it, the hair in
two or three places was toured to be
burned off.
The 'magician turned gravely from
the Window. "1 wieh to eat," he said.
None of the servants, however, would
etnn,.. into the room or serve him, and
he landlord, trembling, set the board
with his own bends and waited OD hilDA,
Mine noel had begun by doubting and
suspecting, but, simple man! his sleep -
deism, ,was not proof against the
holy water trial and his wire's ter-
ror. By Fula by, with a side long
glance at his guest, he faltered the
question: What should he do with
tbe horse?
The men in black looked solemn.
"Whoever mounts it will die within
the year" he said:
" I will shoot it," the landlord re-
plied. sbuddering.
"The devil will pass into one of
the oilier horses," was the answer..
" Then," said the miserable inn-
keeper, " perhaps your honor would,
accept it ?"
" God forbid" the estrologer an -
ewers& And that frightened the otb-
er aore than all the rest. " But if
you can find at any time," tbe wizard
oontinued, "a beggar -boy with black
heir and blue eyes, who does not know
leis father's name, he mike take the
horse end break the spell. SO 1 read
the signs."-•
The (landlord cried out that such
e. person was not to be met with in a
life time, but before he had well fin-
ished his sentence, a shrill voice call-
ed through the key -hole that there
Was each a boy' in the yard. at that
moment, offering poultry for one.
"In God's name, then, give him the
horse I" the stranger said. "Bid him
take it to Ressler -le and at every run-
ning' seater he 00MM to say a eater
Nester end sprinkle if tail. So he
May eerape, and you, to, 1 know no
flee Headache teed reeve all the troubles inci-
dent to a bilious state ot the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Fain In the Side, &o. While their most
remarkable success less been shown hi tiering
are equally valuable in Constipation, euring
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
earaule.te the liver and regulate the bowels.
EV0m if they only cured
Ache they woulabe almost pricelesa et those
.arbo suffer from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and these who once tee them will find
these iittlepills valuable in so Many ways thatthey will not be willing to do without theme
hut atter 50 eels bead
le thebtom (Aso twiny lives that here towboat
vse make our great boatit. Our pills cure 18
selele others do not,
Cenetaes emelt Lryna Pees are very small
end very easy to take. One or two /sills make
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and de
..-7-.Qtepaer peer% but by their gentle action
intense all who use, them. In vitae at Re eentS;'
itvo for Sold eversewbera or sent by mail.
CAlleee nmnonni tiaw lark.
have reraembered that V"
"Yes, I heard the word t Ire -
"And all that is true ta
"Who taught it you?"
"I do not know." The boy's face,
in its straining, was painful to see.
"What is the first thing you can
"A house in a. wood."
"Can you remember your father"
"Your mother?"
"No -yes -1 ant not sure."
"Umph I Were you stolen by
"I do not know."
"Or sold by your father's steward?"
"I do not know."
"Flew long were you with the man
Item whom I took you'
"I do not know."
"I do," the astrologer answered, in
the same even tone in which he had
put the questions. And the boy never
doubted him. "Beware, therefore,"
tee man 'in black continued, with a
dreadful side -long glance, "hoer You
seek to deceive me 1 You can fall back
now. I have done with yon for the
I say "the boy never doubted Men."
This was not wonderful in an age of
spells and diablerie, when the wisest
allowed the reality of magic, and the
learned and curiousi could cite a hun-
dred instances of its power. That
La Brosse warned Henry the Great he
would die in his coach,' and that
Themassin read in tile stars the very
day, hour, and miuute of the catas-
trophe, no man of that time question-
ed. That Miehel Notredame promised
a crown to each of Catherine de
lelediens three sons, and that Sully's
preceptor foretold in detail that
minister's career, were held to be fact
as eertain as that La Rivieee oast the
horoscope of the thirteenth Louis
while the fixture monarch lay in Ms
cradle. The men of the day believed
that the Concini stvayed her mistress
by naagio; thatWallensteln, the great-
est soldier of his time, did nothing
without his familiar;. that Richelieu,
the greatest statesman, had Sasepla
always at his ellew, I suoli an age
it was not wonderful that a child
eleellid :tempt without question the
clainss of thie Mat, WhO ' was ac-
customed to inspire feae in the many,
and in the few that vague and subtle
repulsion whieh we are wont to aSSOCi-
ate with the peeeence on evil.
Beyond Rouen, „and between that
city and Paris, the two companions
founcl tbe road well frequented. Of
the passers, many stood to gaze. at the
tratreler in black and seine 0 rew 1 o
the fuether side of the road as he
went by. But none laughed, or found
anything ridieuleus in hie appearance;
or ifthey did, it needed but a &nee
from hie long, pale face to restore
to sobriety. Al the inu al- Rouen ne
was well received ; at the Grand Ceef
at Les Andelys,where be see,Ined to be
lsn own, be was WP I corned with f u s -
ion. Though the house was full, a WHY WOO IS NOT LEAP YEAR.
separate chamber was aseieeed to him,
and suleter prepared for hen with the
ntmost speed.
Here, however, lie was eat destined
to iat Zt ic:0:ztx.. 81:4,1:at ,Psaz l'hvelhkaeerYcy: ,l.s.00nusgit isti di silting (71!
bis meal, with the boy in atteut
voice of ecerte one rating the landlord
in me eneesured terro,e beceerie Pa411''e,
the noise growing louder as ine speak,
swi 111:147 4:i7 intotclit ssnel 11 the at°11nVege :its: ;alai •grnse'll, tl lalea;geee;
harui was laid on the latch, the door
that laA Was deerrnlyvvi 011:"X' meet
ids 1'004111g- A ladv, reestred and '11 a
travelinitehribit, renewed more reline.
13'; and in the beeleeresend centil be
seen three or feur servents, toseether
wieh the uneortunate lenelerd, who
was ver v evilently divid-d between
cleiene of tlia
fear of hie ravs'erieus guest and the
jar 30nT: :It: ebe. n.; rs:t 1.tp,31 er tee au: ern1:,r :0 oisaisn, 0,11;
never falle4 imereee streneers,
henetated, end rex-rem-log hie hel•
gen to utter n tarey nO"loPY.
gep orrearv.ct uelv•-ouiele r.s,14po:_ivIr:litsinro,e rselineir 01 Tr: :t 4:r
writ even a degree of emPlioe's
frhev tell us there in ri,„, elbnr £11,,11[111PT
"r011 are mdceme, l‘dentieur
Vitoebe." *Ire men in Heck en, leered.
The retruder !-terted epd ereareed•
IsTo!yintoolzkorre.e.e.buumsni:ne.:3,t,bnleetr,oe.s. ii;n:out)::dv.ise110,‘Ipi4sih:
a sit' Triol el; en: n el'svv8etrile(:18sufninelfrinesndw..""dat'li'll
no"- Mademe he • rated?"
The /edit hawed, erd trikinfr off itor
little, diveleetel a fr. citing b fare
meek evi,h fin r0ors wh-eh term' 1P41
nt h:r vt crenzeides417i-beb,r :Int* ellPter:E:tlill'h'r.ei.alQ7i411A's(;;;efinif)
ieta;lrfnas:i butri: fee p
She h ek from Ilse estrolesseree
glee, awl. Fitting dewn as far fr`sr.le
•Is m etrnio fed. Preten'lee
ia busy Iterseir in felting eff her
levee. Ile wets accustemed to newest
eitilerie: intitt'emaei bat ,nblitlys, itiandileeivde not
shrill* also at
theFttlInd Of her heeneeens voter., and
sten be ,-ricc, "le6ene4 wile the eiti-
ful :dr of proeleintion which entiv to
Qt0t4n in a whipred dog. She eves
I d be' the side or her heel -lead
e7n4 n•terlalii7leyk (VI:11ra e /sniffle° "esx tact Inn alrn,
derk-heiree and hneeeeent, with a
h.'gh. Ire b complexion n sneer'ng;
Ito. Ifie them; eves in the eetreme!
I10 t' - 'n, his felling collar van-
dvkeil, and Me breeehes open below
he knee, where they weer edee 1%7.1
.4rn ,
wide.meutheil bee' t t
grea plume
Attie Wee ten neer new wunne One of
These Prletiegeti Inieregen•
; Not annoy persons are equipped to
enswer the Puzzling e,uostions wIdeb.
have elready begun to be put as to
why tile present year is not a leap
Ykur. Lea.it year, as everybody knows.
Decors orioe in four YenTS, R is four
Yenee eince the last one. Then why
ItoeuTid: the "tette)" be missing 9rom
Here is the einnotle solution.
02 courea it is not enently true tbat
there are a0.3 days in the year. As a
=inter Of feet, the number ie 365.-
242250. This amounts almost to an exe
tra quarter of a day. Judius Caeser•
believed that he waa evening reetters.
ine when he estianoted that this extern.
time, enacnounted for in the calendar,
wild le four years amount to one
dee-, he therefore originated leap year.
oinr tfitolrinyeeeorrtsio.ia of an extra day owe
This wns all very well, but not qaite
eozre6cst., seeThaant dais, Itvoassauyi,s aeLcoardil.diendg to CaesardParrangement, .001744, of a daY,
every year. After 129 years this anl-
cittn.ted to one whole dey„ Aa the con -
tars piesed, tbe erroengrew larger,
until Brolly, in the atxteentit cote
tulrY. it amounted to twelve days. Then
Pope Gregory 'XIII. undertook the re-
vision of the Juliau Caleudar, and got
rld of these twelve days by suppress-.
in.; lane years 'for three conseoutive
eenturee, and deciding that every
fourth century. Should be
There were note ePpoeition to the
new calendar ; in. feet. the Greek
Church still usees the old One.
Thee yeare 17f0 and 1800,, whir& by
ordinary rotation a four years should
les leap, were not, so the year 19r0
will only have 301 days instead:of 360.
deits. But the year '2000 will be a lean
Everybody knows that a yeer is leap
an soon as the two last figurate of ita
tleausands are diviethie hy 4; 1872, lird,
2. 19. 0, were leen year's, the aume
Itue;s4,,, Te, 88,93 and 00 being divisible
The yeers 2100. 2200, and 2301 wtel
not l b:a.leap; the years 2013 and 2400
This Gregorian eaten& d will 'keen
the eeoeons accurate eraugh tor all t
preetleal purposes for a hundred thou- Xt Wm; SIM le FIglutudTritulllirnTsudu
After that we rime' have to make new
Children Ory for 'bo•Ti0 elapsed between the tiring of a
elralt and lie explusion is 44 years. Ree
The !aligned time that is known to
Out of the Water.,
Sand years.
Tn), R IA d
to the Russian harbor of Sebestopol
witty. a, &sell which had been fired in -
ling Crauiea.n War, at least -44
DIPLOMACY WON THE DAY, olyelna.teltna. gaon.d.wittt selxvgjleddedugnhybeSirglot afkiselth-
"That's another agent," mid Mrs. trout the water, killing one at the men
NITaples ate she heard the, bell ring. and wounding several of the others,
not na tiding the long pai iod et, hieb
"Now, I'm golug to open the door my- had elm ed since it had. left the Brit
:self and give him a freeze -out be'11 telt gun Whieh fired it. Finds of
remember. shells aro emeeedingly dangerous, if
She went to the door. with a stony ni)7,tiinlhillailr''PeTecIftelt unite:41:01V nOirfonags
look of deterraination on her facet and since at Bolton -le -Sande, wbere
confronted a man carrying a eatchet, tail:Vet niegdfiNeritginettle714tig11:14
and. before he had time to speak ehe
snapped out: "Well, what do you attempt to break it cost him an eye.
Want?" foot and. a broken head, besides cents-
eautP at Bare, and toot it home. An
For the first time du, his experience Ines serlous damage to property.
that agent lost hie cue. He had in-
tended to ask hen if her ,eldest sister TRY LO.VE'S WAY.
was at home, and was ready to address Mankind is still in its age of child -
her as "My dear youngj lady," that hood, the childhood of fear, of anger,
being his formula, for lany wartime un- et hatred, of vanity, of restlessness,
of selfishness, and egotisna. Nearly ell
dee 50, but one) look into thai frozen of us are nothing more than grown-up
countenance made him forgot Ins own children in our passions. Too many
name. Be cast his eyes' an the door -I
increase our capacity for sorrow, grief,
of us, as we grow older, seem only. to
mat, and they topic in a gray and black
tabby reposing there. Re waie saved, ures
Pain, disappointment, regret and fail -
"Beautiful catl" be murmured, stoop- I We have dwelt so long in a state of
mg to caress it. "Marked likei a tiger. unhappiness that we have eome to
Never saw one just like itl" think there can be no other upon this
'earth. Even our strongest men fall
'You did not call to nee, that cat, did , victims of their own lack of self-con-
vyooluc?e': asked ears. W. in a„ petrified !trot. Life, as nearly all of us live
"My dear lady, I did,not know that It must continue to be a failure Sc
lit, is then a downright failure.
you had a cat, much less such a magni- long as we do not know the full mean-
ficent feline specimen se that! May ing of the word love, which is another
I ask ite eget" name for all genuine success. Love's
Mrs. W. gave the first sign of a way is the panacea for all our trou-
thaw. "I think Marc is three years bles. Try it.
old now; he was a kitten when he came Try love's way, because love begets
to us,"
"Oh, you have his pedigree?" around you and puts, you in communi-
• rove. It draws the. whole world
"No, indeed, he is only an ordin,ary cation with the best it has, white hat -
cat. We: love him fox t hes gentleness red and fear drive men away from -you.
and because we raisecl him." I Try love's way, because with love,
"Noble creature! Beautiful cat! Ex- , with good will in your heart, you
mese me, but you+ have a treasure avoid friction and conflict and can do
there, and he should have a histortc, your work with half the energy and
pedigree." And he emoothed down force. Try it, because it gives you
the old doorstep loafer and seed he enthusiasm, momentum, courage, and
dtstant. in your work.
reminded him of his home litany miles spirit
and asked her permission to, cal[ some
ties Thenot haa nawsd kMtursd.,Worapsilelvsefro
day witto kodak to Lake a pietere of
the beautiful cat, and she has been
o" feather,. s rs bst. and ho ear -
riot' a
, 41ch as well as a sword.
istrologer read the story et a
"Ultimo, Is perhaps fatigued by the ,
journey," he said.
"Mademe is very easily fatigued."
(be hueleend replied, throwing clown '
his het wi'h a savage sneer, "especial-
ly when elia is doing anything she
does not like."
"You are for Paris," Notredarno
anewered, with apparent surprise. "I
Oltrilseht all lediee liked Paris, Now,
if madame were leaving Paris and gos
ing to tbe country-'
"The country 1" M. de Vidoehe
olnzmed, with an impatient Path. 'VIC
would bury herself there if she coulel"
And he misled sometlinig under his
breath. the point of which it was not
verv difficult to guess.
IVfine. de Vidoehe forced
striving, wriman-like, to rover all. "Tt
ie natural I should lileo Pinatel,"
ehe snid, timidly, her eye on her bus -
band. "T have lived there so much."
"Yes, madame, you are never 1 ired
of reminding me of that 1" AL de
Vidoche retorted, harshly. Women
who ere afraid of their husbands say
the right tbing once in a hundred
times. "You Will tell this gentleman
in a moment that T was a beggar
when 1 merried you! But if I was-"
"Oh, Charles I" she murmured,
"That is right I Cry now!" he ere
claimed, brutally. "Thank Grid, how-
ever, here is supper. And after sup-
per we go on to Vernon. 'The roads
are rutty, and you will have some-
thing else to do besides cry then."
The man in bleak, going on with 'his
meal at the other end of the table,
lietened with an impassive face. Like
all his proeession, he seemed inclined
to hear rather than to talk. But when
supper came up, with only one plate
for the two -a mistake due to the
ereweled state of the inn -and Me de
Vidoehe fell to scoldine very loudly,
he seemed unable to refrain from say-
ing a word in the inn -keeper's de-,
fenets. "Ti is not so very unueual for
the husband fo share bis wife's prate,"
be said, Cooly; "and sometimes a good
deal more flint is hers."
To be Continued.
The Brnisli. Gomernment need. 124,000
gallons of oorn 'whiskey last year in
the manufacture of smokeless powder.
stelnATION Or
35' CENTS,
ft Is a =terve-nods cure for all seitch dis,
fleeting add disfiguring diseases as Ee
roma,. Salt Rhein% Totter, Barbers' Itch,
Scald !load, Ulcers, Notches. It cures an
eruptions of the fillatt and makes it sofi
and whito.-27.
Sold by C. Lutz, Eeeter.
9 , I
similating ilieTood andReg
fing the Stomachs andBoweis of
ge<4sandRest Contains neither
OpuoiXorphine nor Isimeral.
NOT IsTdat °Tic.
Funpkin Sea-
-drise0resce *
.110 0/40/I4o
09.4 0,4 0rayar
onavyrAw- flavor.
ApertectRemedy for Constip,
tion, Sour Stoningh,Diorrhoea,
ness. and oss SLEEP.
TaeSimile Sidnature of
04/, 4,41-44,24
detente, 10 pat up In °amigo bottle* only, It
Is not sold in Don't allow anyone to sell '
you anything else ea the_plea or promiee eat lit
10 "jast an goela and "will integer every par -
Poe" dalefite that yea get 0-Aeil-T.O.B.I.A.
The world is very full of sorrow and
trial, and we cannot live among OUT
fellow -men and be true *ithout shars
heard to say that, the freezing -out pro- ing. their loads. If we are happy, we
cess was a dead failure: ' must hold the lamp of our happiness
so that its beams will fall upon the
shadowed heart. If we have no bur-
den, it is our duty to put our shoule
ders wader the load of others.
0 Sel-
fishness must die, or else our own
bearrs life must be frozen within as
We soon learn tnat we cannot live for
ourselves and be Christians, that the
blessings that are given to us are
really for ether people, and that Nye
are only God's ministers' to carry them
in Christ's name to those foe ,whoni
the,y were intended.
Ni tee -tenths ce the eiar(bly punieh-
ent man rereivee hie in elate an
What more had we to do Isimesele
Than to make her eo, and send her
away with him?
Children Cry for
"She to gone; and .the houses is chang-
ed and thrilled and dim,
There is nothing to say
Now that she is away;
Let us all bei quiet, and think of the
wondei tut day, -
The moon in the orchard walks, and
the world is white.
Shut: tb.e doors; the ehild. will not come
home to -night,
•She was kind, she was good,
she was true,
Pore. AN' Toca's Phosphoairte,
Canada. Only retie
SMART 130A8, -The Great English Remedy.
Boas, or fail neck ruches oe chiffon (11 .. sold and recommended by all
d.ruggists le
for street wear, are sometimes finish- able medicine discovered. en
ed with long strands of black chenille, fc'y
mb of Sexual Weaknees, all effeets ot abuse
packages guaranteed to cure all
each having a jetted ta ased The or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To.
strands are so long that thee reach 101'711(3), Poinu'II3' ?terkSatr 11$11IlifF,jeSrtoal,1(.1)1i2;d roA171,41ii,Fet,
tvoertyhefti,kini,eeiss, eadngdeathweitrhu othhee,nwinhei,clai nids 1 81X °164)to' 6. '''aielehle6
men long enough to meet around the WoodT'eRILIWo:od
sOldin.inasEmx.'Ont. et
by ,T, W, lerowieng, druggist.
The D. &. L.
pr limbos -tend most isalatable preparation of
Cod Liver Oil,agreeleeesithtbe most delicate
Is prescribed by the tenting physkilais of
is; rasetilous Resit producer ond wUl glye
you nu appetite. 50c. 451 por Bottle.
Be sureyou got DAVIS * LAWRENCE
the genuine l CO., Limited, Montreal
ore 5 nor ,05-
cover7 that curo tbe worst Ca=
Nervous Debility, Lot. Vigor an
Failing Manhood; seldom this
weakziram of body, or mind calmed
by orer-tvork, or the errant or em•
coats of youth. TM& Ittultdy
solutey cures tho moss obstinate cues when all other
SARAT)ICTITS ha,Sia110110YeAtO relieve. :eel retiree.
ewe s t por parimsN or sir for $3, or sent by =Woo
-reelpt of price 1.7 addri,tracErT1111,..1tM1,4 eieretaNn
Llold at Broweine's Drug Store Exeter
"A girl should never marry a man
that she may reform bine," writes
Minaret Sangstee, in the February
Ladies' Home Journal. "If he hi in
need of reformation lel him prove
lumeelt by turning from evil, and.
setting Ids fast steadfastly and
perseveringly to good, before he asks
a. girl to surrender berself and her lif e
to him. N.= should, se girl be too im-
patient with lather, mother, and
friends if they counsel delay in decid-
ing a matter which is to influence
her whole, career end her lover's, when
they, with clearer eyes than her own,
perceive in him an unsuitability to
For Infants and Children.
The fac-
k on
-ata VralVOI.
A well-known cleric was addressing
a congregation of seamen at a water -
.side mission.
I Thinking to be impressive he pie -
tared a ship trying l'o enter it her-
bournagainet a h a d-wi.nti., Unfortun-
ately for the success of the metaphor,
his ignorance of seamanship placed
the ship in several singular positions.
I "What shall we do next?" he cried.
I "Come down off the bridge," cried.
an old. tar in diegust, "an, lename take
command, or yeell 'aye as all on the
rocks in another earf a seconder
"The world is a markei where ev-
erytning is marked a.t tc settled price;
and whetever we bay with our time,
labor, or ingenuity,--wnether riches,
ease, tranquillity, fame, integrity, or
knowledge -we must stand by our de- •
,cision, and not, like obildren, when we
have pueehased one thing, repine that
we do not possess another which we.
did not buy."
The beauty and freshness of a veil
oan be preserved for a long time if
it ie 'properly eared for, After wear-
ing it should be sinoothed out careful-
ly and rolled between paper or over a
rod. A. piece of broemslick makes an
excellent roller, A veil which bas be-
come limp can be' freshenecl by dip-
ping it in weak gem water and pull-
uig II straight before it dries.
Begin a honk —ac;e-o-unt. 11 will 'rne.
courage you as a meet egg sloes, a hen