HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-8, Page 3f
.44 foto Ai to OX, Apply to
Barrieters. Solicitors, &e., Main St., Exeter.
we ve unlimited private. funds for invest -
Mont upon farm or village property at lowest
atoe of interest,
D. S. D. D. S, Honor Graduate
'of Toronto 'University. Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects. Oftleo in Fan -
son's block. West side a Ilefain
treat. Exeter
DR ANDERSON% (D. 0. S- L D. S )
Honor tGraduate a the Toronto University.
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Daturio. Allbridge work, Crowns, 4z d Plate
work done in the neatest possible manner. A.
harmless inuesthetic for painless extraction.
Thestrietest attention given to the preservat-
ion of the natural teeth Office opposite Con:
bat Hotel, Exeter. Ontario.
A. HOOPER, Licensed AlJe
Omer for the County alit:moo. Sales con-
ducted b aU parts. and for convenience can be
arrauged forat this Wee. Satisfactiott guaran-
teed. Charges moderate. Meter P. 0.
and send us with gents loodIver. and you will
g'ot bY return mall a GOLDEN BOX OF
tiOODS that will bring you in Moan Moxpv,
In one months than auything else in. .America.
t.ialem-larmouth, N.S
The property of ihp late Conrad Miller au the
31tit Cop, Bay, three tulles front DoshwoOd.
zood bricl . dwelling and frame bank baria
.411 well fenced melon the highest state areal,
Tnasn. wo acres in the farm. Church and
school conventeot. For particulars apply to
JOSEPH $NE,1414. Dashwood.
An eight -roomed storey and a. half brick
tense. on Simeon street, for sale. Ilas a first-
daos woodshed in eounection. Also comfort.
.7,18o stable 26' x SO feet, Good hard and soft
water. Immediate owsession given if desired.
'ern. cash. Apply to J. G. Martin, on the
pronthes. or kr* iugh Oke. Exeter. P. O.
Meat Market
The under igned has opened up a
new meat market one door
&WI ot Carlin s Storc
where he will keep the choicest of
meats constantly on band.
mill Feed and Cern
Hitentarr 111„tuanT Pawn PAID Fon
in jFoi ash
..weeds redcuced from $18 to $10.
11 11 11 la 14.
II 11 18 a 10,
Main Worsteds 22 a 19.
Twill tr 18 15.
Tweeds redueed from $4.50 to $8.75
Black a' a $0.00 to $4.50
With all suits we give the best
of trimmings and guaaantee to fit.
Oall and extunine these ,goods
before buying your suit.
The rirediot-
School Opening
Where the Scholars are' used
Children Cry for
Exeter Publie SChteol Board
At the last meeting of the Boerd
held in the Town Hall, the felioning
is the order of business duly submit ted
and approved, ' •
Per Chainnan-Minutes of previous
meeting -
S. Senkr.-R, N. Rowe-- Thet IL
Huston and W. J. Carling be a, tow-
nait tee to prepare a detailed valuation
of the school property whieh anal be
held as a basis for further insurauce.
Per R N Rowe and J Senioe that lt
Huston and the chair be a Tier's
Supply Cone with power,
Per W. Trevethiek and R N Rowe
that the purehase a all sChool rekittis-
ites be it referred to the Supply
Per W Carling and J Senior 4 bat
tbe following acre:aunts he paid; - J
Clarice, broonis 00e,
Per R N Rowe and J Senior, that
the Snbstit tate services a Miss Trove -
thick be paid for pro rata with the
salatry paid in the department sub -
Adjournment carried per W.3 Carl -
J. GRIGG, See'V.
Ds, -.--Mr. Winer died on Toes -
day last. She leaves a grown tap fem.
ily to mourn her denuse.,-Ort -Sattne
day morning Mrs. Whalen, tiled
at the, advanced age of 90 years. tier
•rentains were Interred in the I.
burying ground on Monday.
Iltuus...-On Sunday morning the
wife of Jetties Stanley, presented him
with another son. -To Die and Airs.
Ileively was born a. smolt Wednesday
evening of last week, -An •errtir in
Met week's iestle.in statieg J. Ander-
son's Mimes instead of Mrs, Andersons.
--Al iss Ellis homed of Mrs. Ellis is still
.confined to her room withtyphoid
fever. Several physelans have been
in attendance. - The celebration in
Luean of the retell! of Ladysmith can
scarcely be described 8$ 8. greater
demonstration could not be gotten up
.in sowe of our lax -ger towns. NN, ard
was noised abroad at an early hone of
,the relief of Ladysmith and all the red
coats that 140 ilatert awav for long
period in the drill shed were Iv.,...nioet
forth and all that e0111t1 lie Ilitgio to
look soldierly donned a uniform. and at
hour of two o'clock in the afternoon a
proeession of sleighloads following
life and drum. bugles and flogs to no
,end„ altogether the Scene was us mor‘
able, Theprocession at time o'r 008
wended their way to the town hall,
where spetehes by the time clergy. of
of our town .tlid good work.oSong
and reeiiatious WOl e aleo taken part
in and the day wound up with a bon
fire,and a flag with the words written
'Our Soldier Boy, J Riper, who b. a
resident of our town, one who is on
t be Battle field in Africa." -The roads
here are in a had vondition.- J. Ross,
who left bete some few weeks ago to
tireept a position on the road 88 trav-
eller for a London firm has resigned
his position and: has returned to Loran
and is again in his Old place ns elerk
for J. Park. Mr. Ross will niove his
fatuity bete shortly. We welcome Atte
R. back again as his sinillug face was
very much missed from among ns.
The women who is lovely in face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would be attract-
ive must keep Iter health. If she is
Aventk, sickly and all run down, she will
be nervous and irritable. If she has
constipation or kidney trouble, her
impure blood will cause pimples,
blotches. skin eruptions and a wretch-
ed complexion. Electric Bitters is the
be$t medicine in the world to regulate
stomath neryeS, bright eyes, smooth,
velvety skin. rich complexion. It will
make 4 good-looking, charming women
of a rundlown invalid. Only 50 cents
at any Drug Store..
rse Winan's Cough Balsam for
conglis, colds arid brOnchetic troubles;
especially -useful for childeen. Sold by
o Lute;
Palpitation of the heart. nervous-
ness, trembling, nervous heahe che, cold
hands and feet, pain in the back, and
other forms of weakness are relieved
by Canter's Iron Pills, Made specially
for the blood, nerves and complexion.
lin Dile tor the Worl(I
For over a quarter of a century
Diamond Dyes have stood the severest
'teests in millions of homes, and have
won a fame and pupularity that has
made them the .world's standard home
Speculators, for the sake of large
profits, have endeavored to imitate the
Diamond Dyes, but their productions
have always proved miserable failures
and deeeptions. There is as 1111.1C11
difference between the Diamond Dyes
and the imitations as there is between
a genuine hank note and a counterfeit.
If you wish to dye successfully,
protita,bly and well, avoid all imitation
patkage dyes. Ask for the " Diamond
and see that you get them.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over fifty years by millions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect success
Itsootbes the child, sof tens the allays
pain, cures wind colicand is the best 'remedy
to Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is • incaleuleble,Bo
sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing
Syrup and talce, no other kind.
T, Milburn's So Co. :-Your Rheumatic Pills
cliel me more good than Any other remedy- and
I consider them apereeet cure for Rheumatism,
Mrs, Joseph Pearce, CollingwOod Ont.
I gave Dr. Low's Worm Syrup to nfy lilile
girl two and a half years old ; the result was
that'she passed 15 worms in 5 days. Mrs. B.
Rey, Itilmanagli, Ont. •
Will' happen in the best regulated.e"homes
Scalds, Burns. and 011;s aro of frequent cedar-
TeL1CO. There is nothing for cases of this kind
equal to Ha gyard'S Yellow Oil. It takes out
pain and promotesrapid healing. -
"I.suifereclwith DySentery for four weeks
and could got nothing to cure me. I then tried
Dr. Fowler's Extract, of Wild Strawberry,
whichoured me when everything else failed.
John 7. Carter, Ilriclgetown, N. S.
A Native Qanacilan. '‘Winte r Finds Out.What
Summer Lays By
Ed. H. Clarke, of Oaliforniee brother
of MiS. M. J. White, Exeter, who is
tgliting Or the Queen in South Africa,
is a member of Lord Dundonald's cav-
alry brigade, who were the fit'st to re-
lieve Ladysmith. The advance is des-
cribed -as follows t -
"During the afternoon of the 2$th
Feify, cavalry brigade pressed for-
ward from Mill:410a to Bulwana
under Dundonald, in the direetiun of
Ladysmith, the Boers firing en the
advent:lug troops with artillery ata,
tinned ou Bulwana.
'About 4 p. in., Major Gough's regi-
ment, whieb wee m advative, Nivel
that the ridges sorrounding and c.ort.
cealing Ladysmith, were apparently
unoceupied. lie reported this to Dun-
donald, who thereupon determitwd to
ride through the gap and reach the
town with two squadrons of the Ina-
perial Light Horse aud Oarhineers.
When we started for Ladysmith there
was only an hour of daylight, left,
"The troops galloped on swiftly in
spite of the rough ground, up • and
clown hill,through (Images and scrub
oak, till they could eeee the 13ritish
gams flashing from Waggon Hill,
Then it was faster till suddenly there
Was the eluillenge. A ekiruatsb took
place butsotat the troop5 were on their
Way and reached Ladysmith 000etrong
in good order.
Anonnss.-The members of the con.
•eg• ) the illettaudiet (demerit met
at, tn.' aeon: of W. J. Tufts, to ehow
their appreciation of his serviees as
organist, by presenting him with the
following address, read by E. N. fibler,
manager of the choir ;
To Um V. J. Tis. Xut Km, Osr.:
Eear Is the •oxpressio
joy the Jews celebrated their victories i
soug, from multitudinous voices and dewing
heerts wool. ascend ascriptions ot praise to
To he blksscd with the faculty of sou g is to
be richly endowed for service to God's lkouse,
This world would, be cheerless and Friritle3
That man is to be Pitied who bas no faculty
for singing, no appreciation of the service of
swig in WO worship of the Lord.
AMMO is sacred and like all sacred things it
bus a tactizet tom a magle spell a Well rh els the
tor, au:haunt am brIlls the heart.
ana bntsilte snena tdodea depths et ext,tee,
COVIAtnilin ON CV and up.iftilig the
splrit, m a glow of saavdness. to the loved
neusle er on. 'wisdom heoi a lends in
south, to charm, ,to melt down, to soften the
wilder passiens mid mote the generous and the
It lifts on wings for upward flight the sorrow -
Mg. and plants the tea on the hetglas of loftier
mations. and gives the eoul brIghter
and the been huller en'oyments
There is no part let turtne worship so pleas -
and so thrillizwy beauttful,so rich iu Influence,
and.stimulatlir•and melting in eifeets as the
service of song". It seems lite nmest earthly op.
eroach to the perfect worship, a the °erred
Temple service, among the perfect Apirits.
To lead a congregation m such a ?Owe re-
quires skilLskut in the selection, an,'
ment in the rendering,
bathThis you bate rhown from Sabbath to $400.
Tit.o eftorts you have put forth and the sated -
Ace of time on have made to roper/ohm for
serviet have. not only tcou cojto ed hot highly
valued during' tho so.en years you have been
We aro met here toonight to show °neap.
predation or yourserviee in some utuelble
form, wo ask you to ae, eta, this secretory and
easy choir, not on account of their intrinsic
value butes evidence that we have appreciated
you service.
And otir prayer is thot you may long be
z•partd to render service to the (Introit, atur
that when you cease to lead in, or enjoy the
service of song in tho earthly Temple, you
may Join the choir of tho blest in the city ot
Signed in behalf of the oongregation,
nor, J. F. Stinson, David llazIewood. Hobo
Fletcher, R. It Copeland, W. T. noadhouse,
Edward N. Shier, W. 11. Marshall,
Air. W. J, Tnfts made It suitable re-
ply. After which all sat down to a
sumptuous treat prepared by the la-
dies., the evening being spent in games
and other amusements, which broke
up about about 12 o'clock, all going
home well satisfied with the evening's
en tertain went.
it me's.
Paine's Celery Compound
Has Virtues that meet the
Most Obstinate Cases.
Its Virtpes and Powers Act
Directly on the -Nerves
and Blood.
Paine's Celery Compoend excels all
other combinations and preparations
as a spring medicine because it works
directly on the shattered and nnstrung
nerves and impure and poisoned blood,
from which so many diseases have
their origin.
• Paine's Celery Compound must not
be confounded with deceptive, worth-
less and short-lived remedies such as
saisitptu•il I as. nervines, tonics and pills
that have little or no 1.5ower over
disease. '
Paine's Celery Compound has virtu-
es and strengthening power's that
quickly beace the nerves, cleanse the
blood and restore perfect circulation
and digestive vigor. The special mis-
sion of Paine's Celery Compound is to
accomplish what thousauds of doctors
fail in -the banishment of old and ob-
stinate disorders from the system, such
as kidney and liver troubles, neuralgia
rheumatism and dyspepsia. All these
serious afflictions rapidly disappear
under the cleansing and regulating
action of Paine's Oelery'Compo• und
If you desire renewed and true life
in the early sprieg season take Paine'
Celery Compound. Firmly and decid-
edly refuse the SOMETHING jUbT
AS GOOD that may be offered you by
some dealers. Paine's Celery Omen
pound " m dces sick people well."
A deputation representing the var-
ious districts of the On tali° Poultry
A.ssoolation waited on HOn. Mr. Strat-
ton at Toronto, to ask that. each dis-
trict, of which there are eight or ten,
be given a grant of $800 for the pur-
pose of fostering poultry shows in var-
ious parts oe the province. The fol-
lowing were the delegates : Messrs.
William Collins, Peterboro' ; Dr. Bell,
Toronto ; John Chambers, Toronto ;
John Ramsay, Owen Sound; J. Mc-
Fadden, Hamilton ; J. A. Wilson, Sea -
forth ; J. lo Corcoran, Stratford ; A.
W. Tyson, Guelph:*
Be it spring, summer,
autumn cr winter, .someone
in the family is under
the weather" from trouble
originating in impure blood or
low condition of the system.
All these, of whatever name can b
cured by the greet blood purifier,
Hood's SarSaparillaeltneverdisappoints.
Bolls -"Z was troubled with boils for
months. Was advised to take Hood's Ser.
Trsaptiarrol,INIa.„ sai:d after usirca fere:etthtleysehaanvye
not sinee been bothered; B. If. Gramm,
apCpeCittliteklanNdoteoSulledenpot-s1 dindat night. Was
so tired I could hardly walk. Read about
Hood's Sarsaparilla, took four bottles and
it restered me to perfect health," Miss
JEssin Tomo -auto, Crenbrook. Ont.
good's rills euro liver Ills ; th non4rthating
010Y cathartic to take 'yank snit.* Sarssonvilfx
Soldiers of Thee Ort0SS.
A Little Reminiscence of t:
Present War.
(By --reeneste
Wily do they fight? Yet fight they
will, with determination to light and
win. God grant that strife may soon
be over and that our dear ones fight no
Poor mothers' hearts are rent in
twain to part with those who, to hin-
der, was all in vain ; but if in God they
put their trnst, He will bring them out
inore than conquerors at last.
Our dear old Qneen made many a
wish that. peace would reign for ever
(her days), but owing to loyalty the
pence has been broken, and this day is
war mid innnorality.
'Tis said for our country's cause they
fight, yet their wives and homes they
left and to South Africa's sunny soil
they went, all for Brittania's fame.
Yet, for his country's sake, a man
leaves wife and child and sallies forth
his country to protect. Poor wife, for
lorn, may sit and think of him who's
gone to war. May God protect that
lonely heart and take her where war
will be no more.
They talk of wars in distant lands.
Why, war is at our doors. We fight
with opponents daily, for satan rules
the sway.
Poor boys, they're sick of the scorch-
ing sun and the desert stretching for
miles away; yet they are longing to
get at the foe and sweep the rand with
their swords to -day.
God is watching over those at home;
God forgwe them for all their sins.
When the bugle sounds, leb them
mortut like men and away to battle
and fight to win.
And when the battle between Eng-
land and Africa has an end, God grant
that peace and harmony may reign
unto 'the end.
Lucan, March 1st. B. H.
Laxa-Liver Pins are easy acting, non -irritat-
ing and purely vegetable. They aro the most
Otteotive remedy known for Constipation,
pnrsTepoelp5sei.a, Biliousness and Sick Headache:
When yellstiO talked of war and basenese,
'When lou've vented all your spleen.
On the man who sees not with yoa eye to eye.
Will you kindly think of those who are
True soldiers or the Queen -
And who also have a -Captain in the sky.
Your son -his son -son p1000 far away -
Each, one doing the Master's work,
Many a weary day -
Give them your help, for the Jearire dear sake
Malan-ay, piety, pray.
We have eonntryinen by thousands
Far too proud to sing or speak
Or the Lord who bought them with
His precious blood-,
A041 they live their lives of pleasure,
Of mutt greed, and selfish ease,
And scarce lift a hand to do e neighbor good.
When the rainbow crowned angel whose
Fair face is like the sun:
Clothed with cloud -with feet on laud
And on the sea
Whose loud voice is like a lion,
So diet nil MY beer Mau speak -
And ery with thuntlerluee dread awl loud,
That tbne no more.shall be,
411 1 what then of men's warrineef
Teel ohatl bawl who would not slug -
T..4.7 shall gis,on who wonld not
Own the Lord most High -
0. resit mortals, turn ye. turn ye.
Before that dreadful day,
When shall piss away the earth
.and sea and sky.
Viten the Xing of Vivo and peace in
• Far Bethlehem's town was born-
• There %OS no war on earth.or Heaven, orsea;
wed -will Ind mice the angels sung
That olessed natal morn -
Above the jarring, longues of men
Boasting great, &hinge to be,
God'. son -Heaven's glum Ithi down
His life one clay;
dear work His eoldlere
*;:.:44.a Tar
Give them ye.. for our
'apta ins sake
- 4:pa pray, pray, pray,
Exeter, :slareh it. 1989,
"lbw. xts, 2,1 M. '1('K.
Il olO4HOUSANDS OF YOUNG- 111517are
2 troubled with nervousness, despoil-
denoy, exhaustion, loss of memory,
ff'sachtug backs and kidneys, painful urine- S
3 don, basil fulneas, sediment in urine, losses e
at night, inepoteney, headaelles, varicocete, q,e1
9 pimples 'ulcers, bone pains, -The results it?
(11 of evil qabils in youth or later etKr08,518. e-')
Oar Vitalized '3?reatasent :turns We woos: i'•4
af' Egnis,-1,1orn,-,' 7.,',1:l.it'In.`"!,'6' i"..3
• tap ilio vigor and viiii1;iir aud. prodetrct.)
le weak men, Gar .f.3-.r.,Xz.e.,' l'r,:ewl.er.v.,,Ixt Ix)
„ volol Cure Yo.
6 tr*-as'Al-e ciri
g C.V a art . g. ' a T..
NO Matter hta'N' diatonic, yield to our Vita:- 0)
0, ised 'Treatment. No operation, leo pain, ''P
ea nodetention front bum ness. All -drains 9
cease. Our
i Care You.
'Dollar Treettmcort. ,,-.•171 1
.Ifillood.41,:., Sexua1
4) Guarnu teo Curer.-
cored forever, lifo return of the di:sense. trf
V.-.,til:icureI No r;,(iT'Zi'L (6)9': ''','I'''.:”'::. X
., &-L- , r - o . ..i
44 We treat and cure all dis- ..,f' 7,., 7 of I iiii ...;•'',
eases of men and women for Veit ,,Aittilli;
Examination end gonsultation Free. Writ:. fc.:-, Zuizilizet •T
List for fame LT/In:aid.
DOLIAR DOCTORS 47 'Al°'-''''' '4.-''''' 9
... , . DOEMii, &itCh.
stt• itt. 4.4111
Exeter MARCH •th, 1900.
1rVheat per bushel ,66 to e9
BarkeY. • • •-•
Turkeys ... • --• • s
Chickens per lb
Dried Apples;.**
Pork dressed ;6.24 to 0.20
• •- 38to 40
60 to 60
-20 to 20
14 to 1
9 to 1_i 10.0
• t
to. Se
louden, MARCH Sth, 1900.
Wheat per bushel, .,.. . 06 to 07
.20 to 40
Peas 0
Peas., 17 17 to 6
Barley- 48 co 40
Buckwheat: -... ....46 to 48
ItY4 -61 lk
-42 GO 47
65 to 70
Cora ., . , .... ....
Beans...... . . . .....
Butter .... ...... it to II
Eggs ...-e id to 16
Duok-s s ..„,..60 to 70
Turkeys per lb,. . 10 to 12
Geese pertto...- 0 to 10
Chickens- .... ...... _5( to 75
Cheese. . ....... t to 10
Pottetoes.pii ba- -*
. .5, to 70
My per ton ..........$ 6,00to li LSI)
Pork Per cwt.. .. ga.50 to 80.f10
Wzts the result of his splendid health,
Indomitable will and tremendous en-
ergy are not found where Stomach,
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of
melets If you want these qualities
and the success they bring. nse Dr.
King s New Life Pills. They develop
every power of brain and body. Only
25 cents at any Drug Store,
To Telex DEAF, rich lady cured of
her Deafness and Noiees in the Head
by Dr. Nieholsous Artificial Ear Drools
has seut 41,000 to his Institute, SO
that deaf people unable to proeure the
Ear Drums may have them free, A
ply to Dept. A. S. V. the Institute, 7
Eighth Avenue, New York.U. S. A.
resolution and a course In Business and Short
timid tbo
Nat Glk W, "I
ASOPT, v•I t4i4. 0
' .1.":4,1,..iie:iii.M. 1‘• '1,1
• :;.r.••14it 47*
•:,:cymb. 4
.,....4. MONTREAC -cANoec•P.,
. . . .
° Irecli.SAS car Ado
:r iresiv4/0:I4/N.N,7.14z7/41t7
rx0,/la scde,rek:ith0P000
fi Co ko4,,A
Every box of our Native Herbs is
stamped with a, registered 'limber,
and contains it guarantee that, if
• taken as directed, this remedy *
cure all diseases arising from impurities
the blood. The name of every purchaser is
registered, with the box. Should the relate -4y f11 t
benefit him, he has only to siva the guarantee slip and mai
it to us to get back the full price of the box,
You will not mu the slightest is in using
It is purely vegetable -contains no mineral
whatever--au4 cannot possibly do any hart% even If it
fails to cure you. And. if it does not cure you your money
will be returned. There is no reason, thereforeovhy you
should not (and every reason why you should) begin treat-
ment to -day, if you are miffering in any degree trona.
and whet:ball place limits to his =ear.
Cetelogues tree.
4. W. W WEB ELT. Prind a
Over corn -plaint
nerteas affect ioa
Howl poison
female troablo
ere,' plies
con -0 elyetetne
acre tom
Our Native Herbs tablets is sold by druggis at $x.00
a box (also in powdered forxu). If you can't get it of your
druggist, we will mail you a box -200 days' treattuent-o
receipt of price.
THE ALONZO 0. BLISS 00., 232 St. Paul Street, ftlealmal, Can,
Constantly iiursiies arr419-
it is easy enough of solution,
thOugh when you are able to
avail ydurself of our offer. We
are showing a fine range of
Black Worsted intwills, vene-
tians and clays (boughtsbefore
the heayy advance in price
and selling at the old prices.)
Nice suits for $14 in fancy
worsted suiting We show
big range at moderate prices
in &moll and Canadiarttweeds
we cary a large and well as-
sorted stock. Prices to suit
all. A large stock of the lat-
est goods voa oercfor singt
from $10 up.
GIVE US A CALL and see
what we can do for you.
J. H. Crieve.
Try as you may, you cannot
escape the weary, worn out,
dont-care-to-work feeling that
accompanies spring weather.
Brain is not as clear as it
ought to be ; there is languor
and listlessness instead of
energy and activity.
Burdock Blood Bitters is
what people need this weather.
It sets the liver, bowels, and
kidneys acting, whereby all
poisons are eliminated from the
system; cleans the tongue,
improves the appetite, purifies
and enriches the blood.
Miss MARY J. IRwIN, Hol-
land, Man., writes
I have used Burdock Blood
Bitters as a spring medicine for
• three years now and don't think
there is its equal anywhere. 'VVhen
I feel drowsy and tired, and have
no desire to eat, I es'et a bottle of
, • .
I think it purifies the blood and
builds up the constitution better
than any other remedy."
Destiny Chan ed.
The "Slater Shoe" is closely watched (lur-
ing the process of manufacture. Every
undergoes a careful examination after lea-
ing the hands of each. operator.
The slightest flaw in the leather or wol
mauship-a stitch missed -a slip of the ku,.'
discernible to an expert condemns
shoe tliattl' "sped. toward the Slater "
to the ordinary,
nameless, unwarranted army of footwear '1*.`'
sold to whoever will buy them.
The "'Slater Shoe" is made in twelve
shapes, all leathers, colors, widths, sizes
and styles. Every pair Goodyear Welt-
ed, name and price stamped on the soles.
$3.60 AND $6.00.
Five Packs of Cards Free -
Ono pack. 'May L C'. t Home,' Ono naek
'Escort,' One pack 'Flidatiou, One pack 'Hold.
to -light,' One pack '01r Sofa Just holds Two.'
Samples of 20 other styles with book full of no-
tions, Sena de. silver for postage.
Salona-Yarmouth, N. S.
It Mrketn
For first ekes
A fine selection of
and all kinds of
resli artd S alted Meets
on hand.
Note the address, one door north of
The R Pickard Co's store.
LOWS Da y 9 PRO*
Many persons are in a condition to invite
Pneumonia or Consumption by reason of
inherited tendency or other causes. The3
catch cold easily -find it difficult to get ria
of an ordinary cough or cold. We Would
advise all such people to use Dr. "Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup.
It is a wonderful strengthener and healer
oi the breathing organs, and fortifies tho
lungs against serious puhnonary diseases.
Miss Clara Marshall, Moore, On.t., writes:
"I have suffered several years with weals
lungs and could get no Clire, so became
discouraged. If I caught cold it was hard
to get rii of it. I started using Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup, and as a result my
cough haa been cured and my litogs greati;
it 5% NIVOit3tir&
Norway Fin
25o. and 50o, a bottle All droggists.
When you find yourkid-
neys out of order, when
your back aches are7.
pains and gives youn......e
less misery', when
have to nse -often in•
night and endure tornir.
fileaci;s- -advice. Get a
130X of
There are lots of people in your town,
who have been cured by this remedy,
Mr. T. Sarchet, merchant tailor, Brock-
ville Ont., Says they cared him of a severe
attack of backache and kidney trouble.
They cured Mrs. E. Ford, St. Thomas,
Ont., of dropsy.
Mrs. Wm. McNeill, 93 St. James St., St,
John, N.B., says they cured lier•-of°Aileo.,
tressing backache, from which she suffered
for over she months.
From nearly every city and town in the
Dominion we get statements similar to tlic
above. People who have used them are
alwaysglad to say a good word for Doan's
Kidney Pills.
B the Best
a n d
11) the end you will fii
it Furnish that va-
N111( loon) -with (-)ne ()I- Our
Bed Room Setts, Tabes,
Chaits. Etc.
51E1111,38 Hi
have it. yo4 Aanst)
Take a locik at our full tine
IMENITIT E and you \
ftnd m -bat you ayo looking
Opera House Block.