HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-3-8, Page 2CLORIOUS VICTORY Imm Ladysmith Relieved and Britain Goes Wild Over the News. London, March. L -Tie War Office Save the Queen," and to eleeer. Buse etas received the following despatch 10"s °;"81d'eA at 1 6'elack' No "te iseanted to Ueda en sueh a day as this. store e on up their shutters and out Geri, Duller: " Lyttletooes Headquarters, aLereh 1 Dundonale, with the Natal Car birteers and a ceirmeAte regiment en tared Latlysmith last night. The ecatn try between roe and Ladysmith is re parted clear of tee etiemy. Iam ITIOV cza to Neltborpe." LONDON MAD WITH JOY. A despatch frcm London says:Wett the new -. the reiief of Lady - amid; Lem e generally known London literally weut mad with joy, and ehottialiout England tlee scenes nit, messed have ne, iu the ntenaor- lee Ed this. geueratioaa. Tlie penteup ju- bat at tee reltef efleiluitteriey and tbe defeat of Cronje cottai no longer be cord robed, an with ti elayes crewn- ing ttiumpe the natienai trait of eelf- reetratut V4113 tiaras% re to aim wittele. CONGRATULA.TIONS WIRED. L./rd Mayer oe Lettgoa inimedie li ttagiapte cot grittuletioes to Gene. Waite are!, ami the Queeti rime:Tee the newe Watil. sor bs it.0oit curaw tewer of tbst ceatio were rutfg in teater or. tbe even t. EVErYBODY. Tide 644.442.1 O.C. th- 4at ;Alit ey neon, te eta „te SiaW:.1.1 ati 110 tit .p.t gf,t44, eo eiso. la a, ea.-a:ass 24?•13. ).10: y e. tram ceireetag teriteu data; a Neseer taeare Leze ea.Li a 4.1.1. 4 u-d.ay. -Ittw.pnaid eie erice • 1.1 4. ag 4.4.":14.! Voir, 4:142,y 4.4414 steeetter viten to ta.t.ere, and ie., was n..1.e.e./, by t2 Liu. ees fte at t ast tve,t. Ad/ tra.-tv etilee etirectiene eita e.ellet fur hours. idelt -111E Waal:MAL. Tee oily way to g-vt pest ehe Mau - sten Hon:iv w os ey mauninig tee Luesea, watch. seen begeu to resemble caittiets in a triultroutint Sasek broaers, bazafere. elidirs and workingmen clanifeiredintep, and, ite tieu-see Itinthetetipeet tite hisiaric but Leiria lbey sremi up. we; lug fete bate anti Lao k ached' , al caaints f r ciieere for Beller and Lai tate. A. mien- ty eta to. auewertel them Initar the CroWkla iitrough with they wereisaed- i 144. A.N ENDLESS PROCESSION, Tim Kee:enema, became continuous, yet tee crowd never tirei of cheering every tiuie tbe mune of White Buller and Roaerts Wee mentientel,. and eff came hues and up went the ha Grave tad financiers WZIV:eii its vigor- - cusy and yelled as frantically as the urcians Nene heti eeimbeal the aLtn- satin Hem* steps, their jay that Eng- land's honor had been saved. THE NATION RELIEVED. a he strain het for 138 days bad kart the nation iu anxiety was removed. - The Lord Mayor ehowed itimself at a window, out of Witi0h hung a bug city imperial volunteer flag, and the erowd strained for a louder aid magnates grabbed flaring posters from newsboys and brandished ."Lady - area h R:11dVei' to the roaring throng. BUSeNiaSS SHUT 'OUT. All thought of business was for- gotten. Nothing comet be done on the Stock Exchange,. except to sing, **God lgave their emeloyees a holiday. Great Mr. Siocn announced that it was the NNE What the Representatives of the PeQPIe Are IlOing at Ottawa. REGULATING GRAIN TRADE. Mx. Davin introdu.ced a till to regue late the trade in grain in the/ Nortleo West. It embodies tbe provisions of the measure oil last session, and, in delition, provides for the aepolutment a general imaector, wbose duty it will be to ireaect all wales and weights, and that all elevators teat kereafter meat te provided with mz- *hthery to enable grain tc. be weigieed and cleaned. ioeisegne eloa.ej nil the sunagbt from inttuta) of tt t s tb BOERS CONCENTRATING. Remington's Scouts Have Already Come in Touch With the Enemy. 4. despatch frona Paerdeberg says: -Itemingten's scouts are stated to attve come in tome)/ with the floors, who are estimated to already number 7,000 with artillery, and the concen- tration is eontinuinge There is also a report that Boers are to the south-west at Gen. Rolaerts, which apparently indicates an attempt to barns bis communications. desaatch from Kimberley, dated Feb. 28, states that pdrties of Boers azerat ng an that act bacurhood It g • is stated that they are [oaten Kips dam and other petees. Reinforcements have beeu sent to Barkly West, where an attack is expected. Tbe &sere are , hurl :reds of builoings and lade Late n e 0 apemen • a . said to number 4a0, with two Hetet .30: Jaeles lie tee, Lae inuray city wine re ,nit a the investigath,us a the eta- glees, end two maxims. Zolve. vator commies:on to deal with this ' Thr Daly TeLgtiaph's correspandent RTIIER rAirriet. LAtts. • cave -ea erom Llaysn.f.th says: - A pei.Lta tizi oireee of eiesa Ruder. 'ire ;dee by L, Det, d matire .kee tali .erca ti ite aoliat t erbiatecree end. eeven e -eat „ male them eeme Dualat latettaers ana Laecaen_res, icaeo ve.rebsit th.s city aed. eel. elege. auey dime tie the it acres the enver and • ,dateserai itutaitere 3e.e.i.rdey ruereenet ertieetio itileatue in ta.a. Bieliar es, teeteti relieve the garrieien within da beers. ame V4a44.44,144:44 45: 444.4, 14,J,44: 144 was (Tee. Waste weer prep..rattene 4 Li oat tkiet ectiauce ea UL Iteitiele, le it lateeetee la:robs:try. rt etory. '' Mee attadre t end.* :1341.UN.LrIED Tit 1104tttS. itut.i.144.441a tnat turn the a 1.4.1 kir-tete fiat .Lueq, Litt,ev..eue. tee Deere ely- e-ae taut, zee „re....euee, arta b. anetled train. I.Xtee t 40. ilte tlie.ug men a et e 14.1tea. laue Becre, ..atte the teteture et. V.eter Dile ;au easedity, tide. Dail° the 4,1ih14:Sa .t-4,1,444 :4444 4NN ti:41.14..11Urtti i 4-n: 441Zevatta te, ferte eo.vey. Tek.-te tee:A:eel rke,,Ite ftiO4...tuo."4 t 03%.11. r01,14 Lacy atc.1 :Lc Ltr.rtiiel1 itue earetee.1.4.0.e'ree eetteei W:Ab ttAtl3/4,1o".ed and . nese. feer:ar,t 1.1 s eeeetea to be seatireiy eiventaateiel, with ta's trop of leiree, • seut e. sect:tat:3g vale/di:len to V....zon on Tucstia3/ :night, and rtcon- .4teLeil ',fa n gilt, W. dtareelley 4144411fig Le rei ortea th cou.d xe h .Letieereit h. and the aa 1 te• invitee wAtit ;It leusiliere anti Lan - tree, ev.tb s verai falter ei•meanies, se at. pi .14 ed under lite eautniand- Titee' hid ti!tio dafieully mating.. around the bate to be evatiewest of titer way theteigh t raeines anti i the city, and la -t evcdtag croesed the plebe feliowing tLe raigued t reek anti entered the eiry. neject by legislaticea. P. R. TAX. , Mr. Rielietrilsen introduced a bill to determine the tanestion when tbe twenty years" exempt iou f rent ea,xat of the Car:adieu Paeifie railway,lands eleal -ire. The Government tlae !, other day said this questioet would leeve /0 1' eettled by •be eourts. Mr. Rielterdeou &sites that Inaaiement i sheuld de a a 1 tbe metter, and t.1i; '1 19;1 es the year wben C. R. iaude must pity ralmicipal aua .cither taxes. INdiel;LATION OF DAWSON, Mr. Foster was told by. Ur, S:ftoa: es the ipreFtat estituatiel pepulAtion - 1.1wson City Titv Govern. tit had no offitial advice that the Latinos. decreasing rapidly, knew nutting about RI beyoud had been printed in .the news. 01 w !rollere. The roaalitm of aiount PaLee now sa the Yuleou dietrIct w LABOUR TROUBLES. M. Mellines waetber t Government aaa been reouested to tar, Alen Ltbaur Act in. a: Meader refer. in a deepateh dated Feb. 2e, deacribes the arr.val there of Commandant Crouje. He says thatRafthe .* ,r eers. but the trocps made no demonstration. Cornmendant Crauje and, wiee look lunch at the b.oel, arid lea in the a.ternoon on a epeciel train for Cape Tewn. the Brit- t h treeps present:tag arms and the, bugles ,seunding a generaPs salute as Crioje bearded the train, Ttt capavee leeked profoundly mis. ereble. NEW OPERATIONS, ••••••••••• Roberts' Plan to Found Bp th Enemy Cape Colony. A &wadi from Loudon, Thursday. sayst-Lord Rab.rai sierday cabled the War Office as feelows:-"Iteus- berg was re-occualed Yesterday by Gen. Clements:1- S:yond this brief Met:Ilion notbIng• ea official has been receivea, but a report .8 from Capt Town that Gen . itehener is lima at Arundel, and abet Boers are retreatiug towerd Nor- ' 1.4)114. U this le so, tbe mitvemeut seem to be a voters -miry witted drawal in accortiarwe witb tbe Baer a, °an of defence. Lord Ruherts' obeeet et is ernhabiy to force them north, cut - th retreet, and summed them he did Cronja s array on the Mod- e- der. se Au official deseateh from Stet*. ce strom, dated Tuesda,y, says tbal int- o portant operations are develoaina, in is Oen. Clemente et:Ariel!. His Intelli- gence dtgar meat rerorts that 40 Ire were haled during a reconnais- sance on reb. 23. dteartet of Itritieh eolumbi and so, what they ltd deem abit P, Premser rel•Lei thet mile r queei Lai Leen neale by erre 'nt a : eotdaDons of ruiteers, nut that asp mat ciunmeeuort been appotutel t envie. egite the alien. matter. Th 001141114S10:4, 110.1 UM yet reported. Pill'OTEtaTION FROM PLA.01The Col. Prier ratite] attention to furthe deal:, he from bulionie alague lionoe lulu, HiS I ei liief the Government wonal etc Ilan the quarantine offteere • tool" every precaution in Beatielt. untb e with reggra ve,sseis contir from 1 he affeeted islands. The P 'emter env! Mr. a abets aw /mei/tint of ilineast but a l%1111 ''*11 bie atteatitel to the nottee t.70T Ole CONTINGENTS, The alitrioer of leal OA 111 BAILED- Willi JOY. '1 .Their arrival nee bailed with Ina i tie joy ay the besieged. Ai first it weal .. cug t they mete the edionee ot : LWOW., mein farce, but Iles wits not ; el W. Buller, nwording to the relieving fore., es ralidly mining no*Ili the rtutroall from Pieter's Station, and to occupy Nelt liorpe. four mime south of here, by In -night- It is (deemed Buller's main eointan will • reatte here le -night or Itantoinow. The Boers have not mede any &moment -a tion from Dulweyana this ruornieg. und n ahataftft14 if t bey are aware of ; the ent ranee of Bundonald into Latiyad .ruf . Th unquesTionany 'Ave re- tired in greet riumbers front the coun- try surrounding Ladysmith. for. ac., cordiug to Bundonal/as reports, the hills 1 int heti been cdteutied by the terenny to the southwest were bum Of ; Boers yesterday. LA.DYSMITI1 IN DIRE :4TRAIT.S. BOBS" THANKS THE QUEEN r rtiatesty'S T-t7e. germ and the Famous Genera's Reply,. e In her .ricepatch to Lora Roberte, -• following' the immune' euent the • sarreuder of Oen. Creole, her 11.1itjesty ▪ - tab'. tbe Irmat a eletelitel state welt of the wit. of the -1 wo eontin geat - to South A.frieet. The tote • "Alicept for youmelf arid for ale un- der your ct=nand ray wermesa eon - au. ate 0.Aireltel as required is $1,-. f470.01, Inv I h • (a vertinieni ieleng; at v. e fur :be round two inalleize itt cid z I. I r aide for no ore eon items, The pia nee WM be aaa 617.21 for the fir-. centing.•ni. eleae 5 10 .'or (in. • n Menet I re. $.34,6N for • h • R y. 1 C.inatli in Art llsry. lb e tw.. 1..gstlier forming the eeeonit con- tingent. T1, n.ses purehesed cps! 81.63,350. Traneperts by era mime to 7,221, and tee:lee:NA 11,1rafts' antherka tam ap4,250. feeperetien allnwanees to: 110n-roir o f,rersend *I1 1 ot a I 12,000. Tit: all 'wanefp; in of deers for -oui fit are of leers f.rst contr ngent , at 81e5„. ota.1 $5,621; tie oftieers, end eontin, gent, at $1:!,0, tutal ae,60itf four nuiees And tem:argent. at *30, total $1e0, making in all ale:745 allewell to alit - core Ana muses fer Th o cost of elothing is: -First ton- tingent. ae9,74I; •teet second centingent, seett,a77; rifles, revolvers, ire:munition Duntionald came just in time. We t were in despera e raits vei er o rink= and fevers of var.:ens kinds were making sad havire among the members of the brave garrison. ee - THEM COIMUCT spLEriDID THE NIGHT IS PAST." 111•10.41.0 Comments of London Evening Papers on the News. A despatch front London says :-The afternoon newspapers voice the exul- tation of the nation. The Globe says: " The night is past; :duce Havelock and Otztram fought their way, inch by inch, through the crooked streets and alleys of Lucknow, ma such thrill of exeleement has gone through the na- tion. The credit for our success rests with Lord Roberts, as luny as if he bemself had ridden into Ladysmith. The sufferings and privatione are over, and the Ernpire tenders a tribute a gratitude and admiration to General While and hes immortal garrison." 'The Bain Mall Gazette says it be- lieves it is impossible to forecast the remelt of the relief of Ladysmith on the duration of the war, "which may yet cuinainate isia protracted struggle before Peetoria.' The Wesrmineter Gazette says: - "The news this morning obliterates for the. moment full memory of the Long and costly and, we fear we must add, wasteful operation tb'at has gone before. Thanke to the admirable strate.gy of Roberts read Michener, the whole situetion is revolutionized." THE BOER PRISONERS. Important Prisoners Will Be Kept on a Warship. A despatch {frorn Cape Town says : - The Boer prisoners captured by Lord Itoberts include Commandant Weiver- er's7 a member of the Transvaal Eese- eutive Council, two merabers of the Volksraad, and two sons of zlerr Fi- oher4 member of the Oraage Free State trecutive Council. General Cronje and Commanaant Wolverans are Prestident Kruger's firmest and closest saisporters, Wolverats attend- ed the Di f t 40110 •PS Times' Correspondent Zeseribes Canadians' Work. A! despatch to the London Times from Paardeberb. dated Tuesday*. , says: - "The perrormanee of the Canadians undea an absolutely withering fire. which caused them to retire 50 yards until the En in- • d d es, was splendid. The dim moonlight and cloudy sky alone rendered the enemy s point blank fusillade ineffeetive. "Thei Canadians held the position until dawn. The greatest admiration es expressed for their valour, and, it 2 is felt a new era hail been opened to a the Empire now that Canadians have avenged Majuba," t MESSAGES FROM MONARCHS ' IN tent s. e.to., $54,291 first contingent. and $111,817.65 setone contingent. Sundry articles of rquiement are vitt down at ' . • I, DU • , tegnir 141 Fj4, OU t the two forces and keep them going to a une all, 191)0. et. further amount of ai(13,090 is put down as sufficient to itay the bill un.. (11 December 31st 1900. These two amounts make up the grand total of gratulatimis on this splen lid news," Lunt lichens replied as followte- "Ali tender nay comae:end are deep- ly grateful for your alejest's remit grac;ous message, ete.gratulatioes, trout. their QUeta.4 are honour tae epithet's dearly prize." Goa. Buller hoe wired his thaaks the Queen fax her telegram of grecums eyanpailly snd eacouragement. ATTEMPT TO RUSH Boers tal•porked with wavy Less. special from Cape Town says a telegram has been received there from Mafeking, announcing that the Boers made a severe and protracted assault on February 170. but were driven( off at all points. Tile trnee, which, is usually observed Sundays eras brok- en en the Itith. by. another{ fierce at- tack, but after deterzniamilly fight- iqg the Boers were repulsed with a loss of forty killed and wounded.- The *. defenders,. wao were able to take ad- vantage of the shelter of (earthworks, • mist only 4:WO killed and three i wound- . 41,859,653.61. COST OF 13ARRACKS. Mr. Foster was informed that the otal costs of the military barracks n the Yukon tad been $52,953. THE FIRST CONTINGENT. In answer to Mr. Prior, the Minister Militia stated that the number who 'ant from the different provinces vith the first contmgent was as fol. ows:-Ontario, 18 officers, 3177 nava; uebee, 16 officers, 240 men; Mani- oba, one otfieer, 53 mert; Prince Ed- vard Island, one offieer, 30 men; ova Scotia, three officers, 31.1 men ; en Brunswick, three officers 106 European Sovereigns Send Con- 1671 gratulations to Queen Victoria. g A despetch to the London Daily (t) Telegraph from Vienna says tbe Em- I peror Francis aoseph has congratulate' ed Queen Victoria/ on the British vie- f tortes in South Africa. A de...vetch to the same paper from Rome states that King Humbert tele. graphed. to Queen Victoria expressing Ids and Qu.een Margheritaes "Glad- ness over the good news front Ledy- smith." The Rome correspondent. of the Daily News says that wben the Pope was in- formed of the; relief a Ladysmith, he exclainted, May this be the begin - ring of the endl" ON A BRITISH FLAGSIIT.P. despatc'h from London, March 1, says :--In the House of Coramons to- day Mr. joseph Powell. Williams, Fin- ancial aecretary of the 17ar Office, an- nounced that, General Cron je and 'hie fan -lily would be taken aboard t.he flegehip of the Britieh fleet. at Cape eerra eh) conference). Ton. ert; British Columbia, two officers, mete. Dr. Borden was unable to are the number of non-commissioned fficers from each province because hey were not appainted at the time BEARER COMPANOS. Mr. Ellis was informed by Dr. Bor. den that, in accorda.nee with authority already received, four bearer 00114. panies and four field h.ospital corps are now being organized in connection velth the militia, and provision will be made fax organizing others in the near future. • 'I t TROOPS IN THE YUKON'. Mr. Foster was informed by De. Border,. that the expenditure to date Lor transport, i?ay, and maintenance of Canadian troops to and from the Yukon had been $543.989. PENSION SYSTEM, Mr. Gilmour was intorrned tient the Government has now under considera- hieri a plan for forneulating a pension eysterre fax officers and men of the Canadian permanent corps, and of the headquarters and district staff, who e not under the civil ie.ervice. liet TRADE WITH JAPAN. Room of a Delevotrton'a Visit ra 041,4Nra. A despateh frora Ottawa says: -When the Japanese delegates tit the Phil- adelphia. Comenernial Cologress visited Ottawa; last October they had ant In- terview with several oathe Minsters. Mr. Fisher, among others, strongly urged them to andeavotrie to further trade between Canada anderapan. The Minister of Agrioulture htes now re- cetved &letter from Mr. K. 'Yamamoto, president of the Kobe Chamber of Commerce, one of the delegates who visited the capital, regoesteng him; to secure samples of Canadian flour for Gte Kobe chamber, and to put the body into commannicatien with Cana - din millers with a view to seeing whether a trade in flour can be work.; ed up. SETTLERS FROM OHIO. Five Anunred Looking. Fur Lana ea Canadian. Nor 411-We5t. A deePatch Irene Ottawa, says -ii Irundred Ohioans from all maks of life are looking fax lama in thei Cana- dian Noll:II-West, where they may locate their famillee and start a col- ony. Fifty families, of them now re- side in Toledo. Attorney O'Hara, 'of Toledo, is in the city to see the im- migration officials as to the terms upon which the intending settlers will be admitted. afte W. j. White, itt- vector of immigration' agencies, leaves in a few days to visit agents of the Interior Deprirtment in Ohio, and other States. ,r sTRDyspepsia and Indi‘zrestiOn, Terrible Condition of the Boer Camp After the Surrender. A. despatch from Paardeberg says Gen. Cronje, commit:tier of the Orange Free State areny, has eurrenilered un- eonditionally to the British forces under Lord R.oberts, and is now a prisoner in this camp. Cronje sent au oftieer through the British lines da.vn on Tuesday morning with a flea of truce. The officer said be had a message from the British general commanding. He was taken. to Lord Kitchener, to whom he said Croiaje was willing to sure render, having fourat his position un - tellable, and only defeat and caoure in prospect of eoutinual fighting. Ile wished_ to avoid ueelese shedding of blool, and to save his women and eheldren. H. reques.ed taat they be given safe conduct. Lord Kitetaaer grantei the request as far au the wentati and chiairen were concerued, but requeeted tireer eurreted. of:;a4aartereode.pi earl, arms. Te this Tito. Boer commander at ()ace:eft Ids :eager, escorted by balf a dozen alit', cora, and entered the .British dnee. was met by Lora laucitener, who lute media.tely brought Lim to tbe bead- auartere a Lord Roberte, The greetings between the rival geese rais were kindly, extremely eympa hetic era the plft af Lord Roberte, wale bee a great admiration for ble captive, and brave anti dignified on the part of Cronje. , Tate condaion of aafairs tlae cain of the Beers waa sometldng frightful Thee bail run ea erely out of food, ex capt tbeir cattle. and the -'e were eaten a rep! °Iy: ae they were Wiled b lab sh ils. Their arrimuni ion lied Oen rmit,eks•,ittii otb;heitroriitrilititryb rt ot their wagoris own. burned. !eager was Strewn with couiSe of the dead, lying In the blued light an url and fo,tering. Time wounded were in an awful plight. The haspita carps were lasufactent to attend to . y •y yut tbe lager in boapas some crying piteously, otbers WI Vine h pita, a hie irony ell gaily entturea their agi.my. 7.11.1e Eritolie troops. Immediately ma tastirtg posseeeion of the, !eager, were ordered by 1.f.,r4 Roberts to devote all their atteutive to euecouring the elvvholio:tdpaedule,aosdiabwti:y4in:tuthieindetxaptl;;tjtate ::0,e1111 as caries tor the weaten an e eleildrou. of 'Lame ewful pueishelleat. euela aen- ie be iatitwed to accept kindness Of from tbeir ceequt rare. The. comardssailat 'was taxed to tire vainest to gve leameamte relief to the eviler- ecare;titz overythieg poesible is being clorie la alleviate tile coeditioa a the 'rue Canadian motingent and the Goreoa. Highlaadere took a romalene part in tlie cperation immechate.y pre- cedi ree the k remit r. They rti h •d ,he trenclios tbe enemy, after %llama a wane flag aepeare 1. and there b:?gare the negotta noes whath re: ulted in the naconditional, eurrentier of the Boers. SCENE IN CiiONIE'S GAME'. In a despaacit from Paardeterge date ed Tuesday, a staff eorrespkaulent says • Oa .3ny first vt to Gen. Cronje's camp, was admitted inside. even le- fot-o the British su4rd, At ..rery ten pews I came upon the swollen care ceesee of lioreee or mulei taiutiag the air. It seems informable that the thousands coital have endered such a frightful stench. • The river banks were boneycotella ed with trertobee, such as never bad leen seen be.ore in war. Thetas wore *0 lily underground dwelliegs. Un - shell were to drop straight down into the Evening, it woull not reaoh tae interior. Etat trajectory projee- Quid bouud to fall to touch "alio Biers were lying or eating on II the grcund. their fees igger4 and • wen Tea eal 1 here was ot dre e of spirits in th• 1 t.egier. Every oeuntene atto,4.littw,V,,ily at tit end dread - u .•., . , 1,11.1‘ , ma:" th heped w noon got vwv- bulk ;,sirglixt bu elitoo isrewto‘sFtnaotteras word about lighting or liberty, tha 3 (tele' expressions being these of jay , 0.03 tile ince-eat torence. "Oao man, ebalting his fist in the I direct am er. Genera Catena.. exclaim- ed. *Tine man de 0IT.;'S to be shitta Not a WOU4341 or ciala cerop bed been hurt, except oue girl, \Vita .bowed 111 • injured finger-tip. There were beert- 3 re,nding gree ing. between emieral men and. their wive.azeleera 1 you* hi of , Crean 16 to 18 y.errs were in camp. "The Tranevaalere appeared to have .lost their former truculency." MARKETS OF HE WORLD, Prices or Grain, Cattle. Chem, iicc. In the Leading Marts. Toronto, March 0. -There was an uue due proportion of pew* lembe among the receipts toatey. About one theueund bogs were re- ceived; prices are steady and uuchang- ed. Fax prime hogs, scaling from 16e to 200 lbs., the top price is 5 3.14; light and fat hogs are bringing 43-40 per Ib. Following is the range of quota- tions:- ttle. Shippers, per cwt, . ,e 4.25 Buteter, ehoice, do. . . 3.75 Butcher, Medium to good 345 Butcher, inferior, ..., 2.75 Stockers, per own .. 2.75 Slieep and Lambs. 5.00 4.25 3.50 3.00 3.50 Sheep, per cwt. . . 3.60 3.50 Lambs, per cwt. . , 4.60 5.25 Buck.s, per cwt. . . . 2.25 2.50 alilkers and Calves. Cows, each. . e5.e0 50.00 Calves, each. . — 2.40 10.60 Hogs. Choice hogs, per cwt. . 500 5 37 1-2 Light b 1, per cwt. . 423 475 Ile tvy hog:, per cwt. . 425 475 Sows. . . . 300 825 Stags. . . . . 00 225 Toronto, Mateh G.-WI:teat The demand is slow and the market is dull and easy at 64 1-2e to 65c fax rod and white west Spring wheat is easier at 65c to 660 asked east: Goose wheat is steady at 68c to 69c the latter on a low freight fax export. Menitoba wheat is easier at 80c to 81e asked for No. 1 laard grinding in tran- sit Sarnia, 68e afloat May Fort Wit- ham and 7gc bid North Bay. 1?lour-eThe market is unchanged. Cars of straight roller in barrels are quoted by buyers at $2 85 to g2.90 "Mstillfeexl-Is nominal at 316 to $18 for shorts and 815 for bran west. Barley -Is steady; 'No. 2 is quoted at 42c, east and at 41c west. Buckwheat -The market is quiet at 49c east and 48c west. Rye -Is steady at 51e east and 50o weCsoir.n-Is steady at 551-2c for Can- ada yellow. west, American is quoted at 43 1-2c for old No. 3 yellow and 42c , Lor new No. 8 yellow Toronto. I Oats -Are steady. White on the Midland are quoted at 28c; mixed are quoted vvest at 261-2o and white at I 2601-artnteoal-27ies' quiet at' $3.20 for cars of bags and 83.30 for barrels here. -3 P.eas-Are steady at 68o east and 62e I wMestontreal., March 6. -Grain - The market is lquiet but prices are steady.1 On spot oats were quoted at Ble to 31 1-4e, peas at 71c, buckwheat at 53 , 1.2o ex -store. ,, For May eelivery afloat Ontario sewing wheat 75c, peas 731-2e to 74c, rye 62e, oats 33c, No: 1 barley 51c, No. 2 49o. Flour -The. foreign demand for Manitoba flour has improved and some fair sales have taken place, There Is also a fair local demand. We (Mete: -Winter pa len t s, IM50 lo $3.75 ; straight relicts, la.25 to 63.35; in bags, $1.55 to t1.60; 1VIanitoba patents, $3.80 to $4; strong bakers', 0,50 to,$3,65. Meal -Business was slaw at $3.35 to saAo per barrel and at 01.62 1-2 to 61.65 per, bl',1g!. Item -rho market is active but firm. We quote :-Manitoba bran In bags $.0. shorts al7, mouille 81d to 824; On- tario bran in bulk 816.50 and shorts 4318 per ton. Bu.ter-Owing to soaroity of sup- plies, eraaraerY field as high as 24 1-2o antt 2'2e was ofteeed for freea western dame I Eggi-Thaete is a, geed deurenti at stietay prices. Wt quete-New laid 18u to 20a, Montreal limed. 14o to 15e, western kilned 13e to lie and held fresh !lam to 14.o pf..r dozen. Provailons-There is a good demand nati prioes are tirua. Canadian shirt en. mess perk, a15 to $15.50; short cut back, $14.50 to e15 ; heavy, long cut mese, $14,60 to al5 per barrel; Pune Canadian lard in pant, 7 1-2e to Se per lb,, and compound refined at 6 1 -lc to 6 340 per 1b lierne 10e, to 120 arid ba - eon lle to 12o per lb. Cbeotse-In the absence of business pricei are nominel tit, 12 $-4c to 13c for finest. Buffalti, March G. -Spring wheat dull; No. 1 hard, etti Lad 7.1 3-4e, r u: d has 75 1-2c; No. 1. northern, earloads 74 1-2e, mind lots 74c. Winter wheat, nothing doing. Corn, No. 2 yellow, 380; No. 8 yellaw, 37 3-4e; Ng. 4 yelo law, 37 1.1c; N. 2 'cairn, 37 1-2c to 87 3-ic; No. 3 corn. 87 1-1c to 87 1.2o. Oats dull; No. 2 white, 29° ; No. 3 while, 28 1-2o to 28 3-4c; No. 4 white, 28 1-4e ; No, 2 mixed, 26 1-20; No. 3 mixed, 26c. 'Rye nominal. Flour etotidy. C.P.R. LAND SALES. A despatch from Winnipeg', Man., says :-The C.P.R. land sales fax Feb- ruary amounted to $75,771.59. For the some month last year the sales rea- lized $43371 for 13,747 acres. - There vvill likely be new election in Quebee before the Federal elections. The pried' of gas in Winnipeg has been reduced frona 42.50 to 82,25 per thousand feet. *The Hamilton Board of Health re- quests that all sohool children in that city be vaccinated. The M.attitolia Legislature will be called some day during the week be- ginning March 12. Montreal Harberar Commiesioners are asking the Government to estab- liala. an Admiralty Corurt there. The estate of the late George E. Tuckeet, of Hamilton, amounts to be- tween $8a0,000 and 44,000,000. James McShane, ex -M. P, for Mont- real Centre, has been appointed har- bourmaster ae Montreal. Brantford hopes to have a new in- dustry in the shape of a branch of a Milted Slates electrical concern, A pro -Boer workman at Brantford was compelled by his fellow-eraployes to kneel and apologize to a Britieh flag, and -was also soundly thumped. ft is probable that the Leinster Regiment will remain on ga.rrison duty at Halifax, so the Canadian of- fer to supply their. place will not be accepted. case of yellow fever has reached New York harbor. As the result of a, fire thate broke out at St. °nen, a suburb of Paris, in a eallection of alcohol andt oil 61:ores a series of explosions occurred, spread- ing the flaraes until a block of sir im- xnenee warehouses was involved. A large number of people, eome feremen, were naore or lass injured cOrnmon diseases, but bard to o , cure with ordinary remedies, yield readily to Manfey's Celery -Nerve Compound. W.II, Duckingham, see Kings. East, Hammon, Get, seys:-e was troubled with Dyspepsia met lailigestion for a tong Uwe, and . 'conld get no relief until I tried illanley's celery -Nerve compound. width cured me„ and 1 cannot sneak:ton loarfdy - Fire lees destroyed tea houses in A" aquinee, Spain, , Thabill °X. eadi rtg Gte nrodui vivendi on Lb.! lerencia treaty store hes pees,. eel th- iLixitIetages ia birth klouseu ries New_euedland Lei lature. According te ma de•petch from' Roane,. France, a factory tbere has re- ceived an order trona the Tranavaat Government. tor 15etal ara lery ebeils. Gales awept the Spanitsh coast, 34 sesunen Lave beer& drownedaeieeseeis are cid sing aid two ships ^.vith 48 men on beard are believedju bave fou.dered A. Monte Carlo pielorteket reeently relieved Sir Charles Iiivers-Wilegee pee 1 tont of tiv Grand Trunk RaUway, of his peele,..,book, contaleina al ,200 in cads, and '3431.10 V4411,141010 Davers, A. Leipzig cable says a new substl. eute for brass has been invented, be., log, a new method of,plating oast iron wilt bra by 14 gelvitolzing procese. 'Die pia ing le eo Oliva tint a casting (bus treated cannot be distinguieleed from solid brass., IRVES IN 30 IVIIUUTE A MAI:11071.1. 1,1Fe.8/4,VER., The most protterieced symptoms heart disezere are wept:a:len or flutter- rif the beart. shertpess of breath. weak trregular Ilene, smothering spells at nigIt tains Is regieu or evert. 'rile brain toe be eoneested, causing headoehes. dlz mesa or verepa. In thole. utinever Inert nuttere. GAWK or paitittates 1 diseased, anti It lite ti valued treat... must be lotto*. I)r. eteuvere num for Beast is the outy remedy yrt idisrovo which will always eivo refits!' In HO nett, and cUre abaclutrly,--23. Solo by C. Ltttz, Exeter. Att,ft VRIGES Of, A Book for Young and Olt 2509 0 00 CURED • YOUNG MAN nRien'unel abenignoraut of the torriele mime 'ytou werecommitting. Didycnionlyeensider the fasoineting allurements of this evil habit? Whereto° late to avoid the ter- rible mune, trcre sour eyes Allotted te your peril? Did you later ou man. booecoatrootanyPRIVATEor111,00D disease? Wereyoueuree? Denianow and then see some alarming symptoms? •sr, Dare on marry yorar preseot eon. dition? You know, "1,11 FATHER, LIKE SON." urearriadearo you con - saintly livingia dread? Is marriage a, failurevithyoitonaccountof °apnoea - nose amused by early abuse or later ex- cesses? Have you been drugged with mercury? Tina bookletwillvointont to you t bilolowroeusulr iuts of these crimes and point RENT will pOsWitividelEyTliegeD y011uEIt A, seowshowthousandehave been saved)y our NEW TREATMENT. It proves bow we can GUARANTEE TO CURE : ANY !DURABLE CASE OR NO PAY. We treat and cure -EMISSIONS, VARICOCELE, SYPHILIS. GLE131T, STRICTURE, _ IMPOTENCY, SE- ORET DRAINS,TUNNATURAL CHARGES, KIDNEY and IILADDER diseases. CURES GUARANTEED "The wages of Sin" sent free by enclosing 2e stamp. CONSULTATION FREE. If unable to call, write for QUESTION BLANK for HOME TREATMENT. Yerawes. KENNEDY& KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and,Shelby Si. DETROIT, atAD-filliKER'8 Vi° lirMIAASIC Huss Bee 'el OW eAtrtrAtgl iploppoiq foR 0iniok gN 30___suc-6 , ._ ,.pozp): ,iiirla p svictis§ LAs1.0 Dos ili E BESTAtall NEJOL---614. PLASTER MADE R• -, 6C,:i PIASTErilel Etlee CM E bviEBAz - 03,x_PRICE25mLsoli:; eetterinirt1) Nol. l'RICE-81.00 — DAVS&EARNCECO I. TECE K2!, VIUMOTURMRS PICIfThela.