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BIROD &SOO Drll 0000S Groccrics ilaralildre! Crediton Mooresville.
BRIEVs.-We have had very change- raBs:a7es, *--owleg,"teocistAreize%hilvyeetnioluiv-
• -- • able weather lately. Did Marph come drifts. -Rev Mr Pair, of Luean, is bold-
in like a lamb? Our concessions are ing revival serviees at Norsery choral,
Latest News
- If You Want the Latest
badly blocked with snow drifts. -No Mooresville. -Miss Harney, of Craig's,
Inail was received at °M. c)fg- ce on!
the T. (5 visiting friends in Luca.n and B-
Tuesday morning and none received dulph on Senday lest. -D Edwards, 4:lif
in evening, ai the trains failed to McGi.livray, has rented his farm and
get through to Centralia. This does
intends to reside in London. --Mr and
se plaire-A aereat, patriotic demOnetra- • "
visristingefsirinds °inbl3idluPpitilvaest week.
War daaaevenina last, when it was officially
1, 13c1.Cen
ews tam took place in oar village onTherfa ...rap. .a,,,,,,
not ofte...1 occur, so We nutst not cons -
announced that Ladysmith bad been .
relieved. A large bonfire was kindled 211114M -last Tuesday evening quite
a number of young folks, by request,
assembled at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Dunsford:to celebrate pan-
cake day. Everyone enjoyed themsel-
ves immensely end speak in the high -
Let. terms of Zlie manner in which they
tvere entertained, Mrs Duusford leav-
ng nothing undone that would add to
the enjoyment of her gueste.-Arthne
Ford took a number of the young
people for 1.1 - sleigh ride Saturday even-
ing,--Uiss Jessie Creeell was the guest
a Misses Eva and Emily Penhale en
Sunday, -Miss Hetty Sweet was the
guest of I\ Liss Ellen Ford an Sunday. -
Mrs, 4,Spolin isvisiting friends in this
Usborn.e Council
Connell met at, Township Hall, Mar,
3rd. All the members were present.
Minutes of Feb meeting were read,
approved and sigued by the Reeve.
By-law No, consolidating the By-
laws relating to the area and lioundate
ie s of the school seetions of the town-
ship was read a. first titne, carefullY
considered and laid, over to next meet-
oir -Hawkins --- That considering
pleasantly entertained at the home of ,
Mrs C Beaver last Friday evening.- the proposed aption of the Ontario Leg -
council met in town hau Monday islature it is advisable to continue the
old system, of Statute labor under
last and transacted routine business.-
Our local member, II Eilber, M P P, Patlt,nl,asters, for the Present year --
has introduced a hill in the Legislature, Varrteu-
on our market square and the night
resomided with cheers for Buller and
our Queen. Oom Paul was burned in
effigy. Tremendous enthusiasm pre.
IF Yur WOULD LIKE TO REAR THE LATEST NEWS OP 01; veiled for a, time. We no longer need
to tisk where the sympathies of °red-
ca',1 tlispicrs (1oFtlevlonellgystaillTedmetPlatr,
W4S a great succese. There was a
4 large turnont consideriog the stormy
was of a high order of merit. Rev.
^ton Ite.--The concert and lecture given
READ THE LIST /34LINV. night, Bvet7 nuraber on the program
SPECIAL 1::)RICEs tor PRoDucE Forster, of Toronto, delivered an able,
__ logical and extrefnely interestittg tea,
tine on "Take a little wine.' Miss
Shaeffer, of Hensel), and Iliac Vincent,
of Exeter, rendered solos to the delight
jof all present. Our local vedette
We have still a
few left to clear
�t cost.
eSt styles,
t makers.
aReala \Ale
This season's
styles from
frr •••ev,
1.4.401I ES'
Regular $30, t ! We have left a few Coats, Jackets,
i 'Capes, ete., WIliell we selling
,elear at. :Ma 1
I strictly at COST to clear.
Fully guaranteed
reg, price $17, to
ear $11.09
1W, to clear
P 91
We have but left a few pleees of
Ainerlean Percales, 3i.1 in. wide,
and English, Pietas toedefee at 8e
English and
- Washable.
We cannot
this offer 1
These will go
less than
SpetrAa; Prices for Butter, Egg.s, etc.
1eib purchased a, fine thoeoup,hbrecl
Varna beagle bound. -Wm. Pfaff has per.
cliri6ad the Penbale farm. east, of town.
BitinFs. R Beatty and Mrs W The 100 acres on the north side of tbe
Clarkewhohave been absent in Pontiac, rlad
attembng the funeral of Mrs ,
Davison, sister of Mrs Clark, have re-'
. -0.
' turned. The deceased lady was a fre-
quent visitor in these part:, and will bet a
,Amoot. REPORT. -The followingis a
remembered by many. -Mr Read, who correct report of S. S. No. 5, cGil-
has been clerk for Mr Cairns for a eon- livray for the month of February. Re-
siderable time, intends to leaye far port is based on work and attendance
Dakota in the spring. Mr. Read's . of the pupils. Nanaes are in order of
place will be taken by Geo Andrews, 'merit, - V. Nora Coughlin, Ettie
son of the Methodist minister here.- . Coughlin, Clover Short, Pearl Wilson ;
Varna will soon have a new citizen.. Sr. IV, Cora short, Lilly Lightfoot,
Sam Reid has bought the hoop iYlti Tommy Lightfoot, Willie Lewis, Jos -
lot, formerly owned by 13 A HIggIns, ' ephine Conghlin, Georgeda Scott, Ed -
and will Lake possession abont the hrst ward Faulder, May MeGrory ; Jr. IV,
of April. Mr. Reid's son, John, wilt : Sam Scott, Rosetta Lightfoot, Lee
take charge of the Old homestead about : Coughlin, Olive Short, Garnet Cock -
the same time. -R 3 Richardson, B.A , ; will' Harry Lewis : III, Pearl Short,
who was recently awarded a prize, of i ;rennet Maguire, Nellie Lewis, Gladys
three hundred and -twenty-five dollars , Short, Erwin Scott ; Sr. Pt. IT, Mabel
by the ;University of Toronto, to be 1 Lightfoot, Adrain Coughlin, Itaymcmd
spent in study abroad, will leave I Coughlin, Adeline Hoffmann ; Jr. Pt.
shortly for Berlin, Gertnany.-We are, /I, Feed Lewis, Edward iiines, Fran -
glad to hear that Wm Clark, whose i cis Glavin, Clara Lewis, Erin Scott,
case was pronounced ,,hopeless s•orne Eliza, Hedgine, Chester Morley. Num -
time ago, is recovering quite 1:apit:117. ber on roll 37. Average attendance 31,
-Frank Johnston, of Dakota, is visit- 3. 11, LAN, Teacher,
ing friends in this neighborhood. -Geo
Weeks and W Agnew left on Tuesday Greenway.
for Manitoba. -Mrs J. T Cairns received ' . •
the sad intelligenceeon Monday night Biermes.-We had great rejoicing
that her mother, mrs Adana, Murray, last week.when we heard over the wire
of Forest, was dead, -Joseph Wild, of of the relief- of..Ladysinitli. Our flags
the Bronson 'line, Stanley, died on I were run. up at. full mast and kept fly -
Tuesday of last week. . ' ing all day. -Rev J W Baird, 33, A., is
to preach a Patriotic sermon an the
Dashwood. "British Empire and the present war,"
and a good collection in aid of the Red
BIMIIVS.-Mvs. Treen, of North Da- dross fund is expected. --There is. to be
kota; is visiting relatives around here, an Epworth League, convention in the
--2•Mrs. L, Sinion and Mrs. 0. Esch, of Boston ,Methodist church Thursday
' Elmira, are visiting friends and. rela, afternoon and. evening (Mar. 15th),-
tives in and around the village this Joseph Dickson, of Olandeboye, is vis -
week. -Harry Hoffman is wearinga iting friends in this .vmnity,-James
bread smile. Its a - girl.-Prederick Wallace has a lamb a week Old that
. Shottler, of Sarnia, is back again, and weighs 21 pounds. -F' Bossenberry, of
has sec:tired a situation on the Buffalo Zurich, repaired the ,org,an in the Meth -
street railway, Buffalo, as conductor, odist church this week. --William
-Daniel Schaefer, '6f the Goshen line, Wallace has gone to work for George
was in town last -week, and expects to Glendenning, .out near Lieury.--Mrs
Move to our village . shortly, haying Jennie Arthur and her mother visited
sold his farm to Joseph roster -John 1 B 3 Arthur, near here, last Simday.
. Dialers is on the sick list. -This week .
we chronicle the sad death of 'Mrs. MORD MARCH WEAVIER.--The St.
'Philip Lem, t of this place. -Messrs.
Hoffman Brothers disposed of a large
quantity' :of furniture.-- The 0. IN,
Snell OyCle Company have moved to
their new sale roOms • in Christopher
Willert's block, ..opposite Hoffman
Brothers' fifruiture show rooms,where,
they will have a display, of Canada's
best bicycles,' 'manufactured by. the
National Cycle arid Antomoble Com-
pany. Os.car has the travelling agency
. .or Huron Co,. foe this 00.-15, . Hart- all the kinds 01 weather hp Mentions.
Louis weather prophet, gives t1ii-4 fur-
ther forecast for the month: -0 to 8
warm ; 8 to 11, rain and snow; 14,
15 and 10, a blizzard; 17 to 19, cold; 10
to 22, stormy; 25 and 26, weenier, with
rain and rapid changes of tetnperature;
29, violent sleet and snow storm, the
most destructive storm of the winter.
Prosts are to be feared in May, Rev.
Ira Hicks must be mistaken in his
prophecy, as we have just experienced
club gave two splendid se ectiona
;which fairly. brought down the house.
They are always well received, Rev
I' Litt acted as chairman, The Royal
Templars are to be eongratuleted for
the treat they furnished the people of
this vicinity. -Miss AI Hill, house-
keeper for D Mawhiney for the past
month, is very seriously ill with liver
and brain trouble. Her recovery is
considered doubtful. --The lumbers of
the choir of the M E church were
roviding for huprovemente in the -1-• gunkin-No seemier-That the
weipai Act, with special reference Statute Labor eystem be abolished.
to Police Villages.-1111ss M Shaeffer, A few orders wDre granted and man-
or Hensel!, spent a few days this week cll adjourned to meet April 7th, at one
in our village, the guest of Miss Lewis. o'clock,
F. Montana Clerk.
--The adjourned meeting of the Ladies'
Aid of the E church was held Tues-
day afternoon at the home of Mrs 0 Zion.
Beaver. The attendance was small,
owing to the weather or lack of inter- waxes & feraNntatty
est. -Miss Hmuble, of Carlislei is visit-
LaW OFFIVES. Money to Limo
lug Mrs It E 'Walker.
(Feen enamor correspondent.) EXETER, ONT.
Bwrers.--The cry of Fire Fire: 13IttEIVS.,-On the trvening of the 2Ist
passed through our village oae night ult„ Mr and Mrs John Batten eelebrat
last week, and the bucket and fire ed the thirtieth anniversary of their
brigade were out m a short tune, even wedding day, by inviting a large num-I
before the alarm was rung. Where ber of their friends to an oyster sup -
was the toiler But after a thorough per, ‘sinch was served at six o'clock,
investigation by the chief, it was found After all had done ample justice to the
to be only a mad chimney, which was many good things provided a splendid
spitting forth a flame of fire. So the program was rendered, with A Me -
engine was again stowed away, not Pherson as chairman, He could not
even being allowed to show its worth, MI the large armchair that, was among
the presents, but he spread himself as
well as he could; we thought by the
amount of oysters he ate that he could
till the chair. The program which
consisted of readings, recitations,
speeches, dialogues and singing was a
long one, but it kept up the interest to
the last as many were sorry when it
celebrating the relief 'of Ladysmith came to an end. Mrs Pomeroy, of
and the surrender of Cronje, Where London, played the organ very accept -
is our holiday ?-Quarterly meeting ably, while Ernest Pomeroy rendered
was held in the Evangelical church pu several of his comic songs that were
Sunday. Rev Mr Wing, presiding much enjoyed. Mrs Nutbycombe and
elder, conducting the serviees.-The her four bright children, also of Lon
boys should givy Ben a hand m sawing don, delighted the listeners with songs
his wood. --What's our proposed foot- and music on the violin. The home
ball team doing? Let it make faster talent also did well, and all the young
headway by organizing at once.-- men paid particular attention to the
Harry amused the crowd with his dialogue "How he Popped the Que.
horse, which threw itself down after tion"; fact the young ladies %vete
having shied .at some ice in front of very attentive, too. After the pro -
the butcher shop. -The snow plough gram was ended the retnainder of the
done good service in cleaning our side- evening was spent in playing progres-
walks.-Orediton is organizing a vol.- MVP crokinole. Attu) early hour coffee
unteer corps of sturdy young men, ;and and cake were served the large crowd
the connuands of right about Wheel departed, after thanking Mr and Mrs
and others COM already he heard as Batten for their kind hospitality and
they are given. Private Hill and wishing them health and happiness
Faist are already instructing, the boys, and many years to still enjoy each
and are already getting along nicely. other's company. They received many
Have yon applied to the Government beautiful and useful presents, which
for uniforms and arms yet? If not, expressed in a slight degree the esteem
why not ? Messrs Shigner and Metz- in which they are held by their large
man gave the boys a wood bee on Fri- circle of friends and neighbors. -Wal -
day last. --Miss May Wolfe is on the ter Batten, of Detroit, came home to
sickiist,-Mr and. 51rs ,Taceb Heist are attend the thirtieth anniversary of his
both very low, and We wish them a parents' 1.1, edd ing day. -The roads run-
sneedy recovery. -Mrs Wildfong, of rting north and sonth were nearly
Elmwood, is the guest of Rev Mr Litt. blockaded by the recent storm.
--The temperauce concert on Monday
night was very good, and Mr Forster
cannot be praised enongh for the way
ho kept to his text, It was a very
good subject and we are sure every-
body eppreciated it. We hone Mr
Forster may egain appear in °LW
Tlie singing by the tplartettes and also,
of Me Vincent, of Exeter, and Miss
Schafer, of Hensall, were well applaud-
ed and appreciated. -The fancy name
quilt in comiection with the concerti
.was sold to Jacob Holtzman for a hand -
'some figure.
Stephen Council
The council of the township of Sten -
here couvened the Town Hall. Ored
iton, March 5th . at one o'clock p.
Al 1. .th n hers Dieser] t. M in u tes of
previous meeting read and Approved.
Yearley ----Willert-That the Audi-
torr's Report be . accepted aud that
they be paid. $3.00 as their tees.--70av-
IlickS-LSweitzer-That lets 10 and
23, con. S. 13, be plaped on the conces-
sion for Statute Labor-Carided. -
Clerk was requested to Write to lima -
:her couipanies as to prices for cedar
13n,tEf-rs.-Mrs Robb Walkee, of Lon -
visiting her da6g,dtter,
The following order§ were, pasSed:-L don, is
Who bas charge of the junior depart.-
Gottfeted Gaiser, putting in box cp1-.
yore; $1. tee ; marl" ment of our Public scbool.-Miss Olive
af Thieter, spent Sunday .here,
tionocnelno)l.ilssTio9 owene.HisatlEll1R1;,Ws3m_,0Ps; Mun :tEb.1101:,t,
guest ot her cousins, the Misses
iepal World; 'XiluniCipal For m s $l1'5 ; Lily and Eatie Elliott of Faircield
Doyle & Brekensbire,' Auditor's Fees, Mrs tSi'en, of LoP€10,
John DeVine, filling. in ciilVerts sisteri Mrs jPlan sP.----1111-as
Cobleigh, fair eriterprleing hog, dealer,
on 22nd nen, $2 Mrs Devine, work en
eleee ez ev, $2 ; Henry wing4 spikes le disposing of all the stOck and imp -
Lor tp,, 59c ; Matthew Morlecle,t1e for .Ments on Inc farm at Shipka.-4onah
SIMS, who has for the past few. years
along Side of road, $3 00 .t Buchanan
licientzmail, rebate in dog -ax; $2, bean bilgagea. with: N'ST,ni gserY,
• Connell to meet on April ead one in the future be engaged with F ins,
P• In • 1 ITENAY EMB\ -Tu, "Clerk. of Orediton: We wish him success.
mueh to the chagrin. of some of the on-
lookers. We think there should be an
alarm attached to the engine to warn
passersby and teams of its presence,
for at the rate it went out it might
cause a serious accident and maybe
loss of life, -The boys of Orediton en-
livened the town the other night by
SCROoL Rteou'r.-The following is
the report for S *No 4, Stephen, for
the month of February, based 'on the
result of examination in all subjects
for senior classes Jr IV -Freeman
Morlock, Russell Bastard, Senior In --
Arthur Amy, Fred Amy, Pearl Rest le,
Garnet Amy, Albert CVein, Wilbert
Rowe, Chester Rowe,lontniy Roeszkr,
Ezra 'Wein, Herbert, Mot...lock, Mabel
Clark, Manna Yaeger, Leslie Prose-
catoz Sr H -Elgin Amy, WinSenith,
Roeszler, Wes Wein, Annie Hart,
man, Cecil Rowe, A E VVhitalter.
II, °lass Brown, Ide Smith,
O Kestle, August Hartman, Minnie
Kestle, Cora, Clark, M 'Either; Aaron
Wein, W Moi,lock Class IF. -W
PresZcator. Sr Pt-, II-Mernee.Eilber,
Jas Olmapmnnn, LOC) Ilarimutul, Edwiti
Wein, le AV.ein: Jr Part, --4 Scbwarz,
L Schwarz. Part 1- G Ke.stle. Nape.
ber • on register, 41; average attend-
ance, 33.
--Thomas Ward Who has for the past
six years be a resident of this place
intends leaving this part for Manitoba
on Thursday next, the 15th. Thomas
has been a faithful, obedient and
respectable promising young. His
many friends join, in wishing him sec
cess aed prosperity wherever hie lot
Ina he east.
4111101 4.
sutheriared, 3".T.,tarY CouVeY
ancer, 'Commissioner. Fire Xneoranee agent
and 1- O1' marriageLieenses. Legal dosu
meets carefully drawn at reasonable rates
Mone to loau real estate at tow rates 0 in
terest. Mee. et tile Post efece.litiesan-
ILate with OarroNv .& Proudfoot)Rarrister
o c otary Pub c. ensall. Ont,
FSeltery, P. D. S., P. D. S..ilonur Oradri
^ ate et Toronto University, Dentists. Tectil
Alt Petty's Pluck, email. At evens
Alensley.cenunericher May 30th.
Blunes.-The patriotie carnival on
Tuesday evening WAS quite largely at.
tended, a lame nuraber accompanying
the volunteers from Exeter, who gave
an exhibition drill on the ice, under
command of Sergeant 'laxness. The
two and one mile races were won by
NVillie Sheffer, of this village. -Ross
Bros. of Rodgerville last week sold one
of their stallions "Royal Renwick." to
Hugh Bowman, of ,Allsa Craig, for a
good figure -The R. Pickard Co. have
engaged a milliner for their store here.
--Nearly all those from Manitoba who
have been visiting here have returned
horne.-Robt, Bonthron, who has been
ttencling npon the late R. If. Collins
during his illness, returned home from
F..'xeter this week. He will now
prosecute hi duties tl$ asssesor. -
Me recent storm blocked the roads,
and. thus interfered with hossinessa-A
number frotu here attended tho funer-
al of the late R. H. Collins. of Exeter,
on Sa.turdaya-G W Turner, of Brum-
field, was in town on Tuesday. --It is
reported that one of our hotels N
about to change hands, --The carnival
on Thursday night last iVa,9 a success.
Tne costumes, though comparatively
few, were glutei representattve of their
several characters.
extracted without or a e ee
sermor. REronT.--The monthly re-
port for Feheuary for S. S. No. 2, Kay,
ts as follows. Names are in order of
merit, Firth -It M Russell. sp. iv
v Jtmuston, Hat vey, j R O'Brien.
Jr R Northcott, K M Gould, 13
O'Beien, ale III-Oora Mann, Daisy
J 1,1 Jt
Johnston and B Northeott equal,
Bertie Northcott, Mowat Ballantyne.
Second Olass - Mary Johnston, E
Gould, A Carroll, Second Part -W
W Nortlicott, C Aortlicott, Tommy
Ballautyne. First Part-Rnth Wild -
fang. The best spellers in the monthly
spelling matches were: Foorth-Gertie
Harvey. Sr III -Cora Munn, Jr III
-.Albert Johnston. Second -- Mary
Johnston. Second Part -Carrie IsTorth-
cott.-W Jonxsvrox, Teacher.
Corse -Ir. -Council met on Monday.
the 501 inst, all present. A notice of
Canada Company in regard to cleaning
out certain portions of D were laid
before the council ; the council decided
to attend to the matter as soon as cir-
cumstances will permit.
The .A.rditms report was received
and found satisfactory.
The Mowing were appointed Muni-
Cipai Ofileerti for the eurrent rear, 1.
Path mast tees, Div 1. H Dill i Sohn
ease 'Rohr, 13 Ross, 4, 1) afeEwen. 5,
A Jolmston, 6, Rol% MeMordie, 7, Win
Russell, 8. Wm O'Brien, 9, A. Ingram,
10, Munn, 11, 13 Philips, 12, D Kyle,
13, 0 Aldsworth, 14, .1 G'otild, 15, W
Coletnan, 15a, A Munn, 10 and 20.
\Val Dignan, 17, W. Xtilholland, 17a,
13 alters, 13, J Berry, 10, Jas Howard,
21a, II Daters, 21, °has Redmond, 22,
G. Reichert, 23 anti 21, 'McDonald,
25, W Blackwell, 20, Jas. Green, 27, 11
Reichert, 28, E Teoyer, Foster, 89.
HeY,,30a. S Martin, Si'., 31, D. Wit-
mer, 32, 11 Bender. 33, W Schwahn,84,
3. MeBride, 35, E Broderick, D
Biugerich, 37. J Weido, �. F. Schnet-
tier, 39, Ch Baechler, 40, S jacobi. 11,
tieo Sehroeder, 42, Ch Hohlbeht, 4,3, J
Ortwein, U, J. Penner, 4,5, 3, Geiger,
46. Gerber, 47, Messner, 48, G
Eisenbacb, 48. 13 Pflle, 40a, D Surerus,
50, 0 Schoch, 50 t, JGabho, 51, 0 Roeh-
rig, 52„T Schnell. 53, j Schroeder, el,
Howahl, 54a, I ty Kalbfleisch, 55, R
Denomie, 56, 'Radom,: 57. S Spencer,
58, 3 Jacobi, 53, \V Schad% 60, Th
Turnbull, 01, Taylor, 03, inc Coen..
rano, 61, 0 Troyer, 67, J Thomson, 68.
J Leslie, 69, A. Thomson, 72, \V Pfaff,
73, II. Reynolds, 74, Pb. Beaver, 75, G
Nadiger, 76, jos Snell, 77,H 114 Wi1(ert,
78, J Willett, 70, J Kennings, 70e, R
Turnbull. 2. Road commissioners, R.
Carlisle, W Criklwell, 3 Weld°, 0
Roehrig, 0 Troyer, M. Desch, j
,Broderick, J Wagner. 8, Feneeview
ers, W Russell, W °aid well, W Chap-
man, It MeArthar, Thompson, F
&elk, J flatterer, °eschew, Si'., W
Heyroek, G Edighofer, W
30 1(101, Wagner •4, Poundkeepers,
J Paterson, A MeEwen, R Northcott,
Johnston, R ThOmpson, J Dealer,
H Magel, A Thomson; D :Spencer,
T Tornhull, W E Koercher.
The following amounts were rmiered
to be paid : Caldwell error [18 D
taxes, al neicipal World sphscriptions
and stationery $10.25, J Hall, .spikes
.$1.8Sa MeDonnell Bros, :nails $2.20,
J A Williams, flonr, indigent $3.0.00; J
Vale, culvert and nails side road 32.75,
I Williams, hAuling lumber $1.50, J
Mellick, work andstone con 12, 015.
3 Peelle work and gravel' 31.14 , Mrs.
13 Witeel -relief $10.00.' J Merner,
Auditors salary $6.00, 1114 Johnston
do 36.00. The council will meet .again
on 'Monday the 2ticl of April at 10
o'clock a.111
Fnut• HESs, Clerk.
:Are grand, but Skin, Eruptions. rob
life or joy. Bucklen's Arnica. Salve,
cures thein ; 80 Old, Running and
Fever Sores, 'Ulcers, Boils, Felons,
Corns, Warts,: Cnts, Bruises, )3urns,
Scalds, Chaped Hands, Chilblains. Best
Pile cure .earth, Drives out Pains
and AcheS, Only 25 cts a box. _Cure
gnaranteed.' :Sold by all DrUggistS.
vvir„-in e I sea
&wool. RgP4,1.T,...7., Sal001 re-
port of S. S. No. 0, LT,shorase, for the
month of February, is as folltms:- V.
Ethel Godbolt, Linda Hunter, Dora
Delbridge ; Sr IV, (Robert Wilcox
Miners), Alice Berryhill, Charlie
Miners; Jr IV, Lucy Conch, F. White,
Mabel Sawyer ; Sr 111, Enos Herdinan
Wilbert Herdman, May Delbridge ;
Jr III, Olive Berryhill Berrvinil
Flossie Francis ; Sr II, Willie Veal,
Listle Worden, Wilson Ira.wkirts ; Jr
11, ictor Sawyer, Priscilla Penwar-
den. Othello Heywocal Sr Pt II, Clar.
Heywood. Everett Skinner. Alce Miners, Elattie Router, John Arriving ways
Kellett; Jr Pt II, Addle Johns, Nellie
P. Gaftnixant'
E. E. 11.-sats,f Teaei4"8. A L STOCIC OF
lA Fine Asstrtment of
Ktueee,-Harry Hicks left on Wed-
nesday afternoon for Ottawa to rrjuiii
the contingent for South Africa.
There was a large erowa at the station
to see him off. -Mr. Raffleman, one of
our merehants, bas moved his stock to
Acton, where he will continue busi-
ness. -Another of our old settlers pass-
ed away to the great beyond Tuesday
reaming, after a Wog and lingering
illneass, when Wm, Watt died, havin
attpned the age or 67 years. He had
resided here for a long time, and was
well known in this community The
funeral took place Thursday afternoon
to Knox church cemetery. - What
might have been a serious accident
happeued to Drs. Hurlbut and Arra.
strong on Wednesday night. Owing
to the storm and deep snow, tney Luis -
took the road and went down a bank
nearly twenty feet. After unhitching
the horse, and with some trouble they
got: on the road again. -Mrs. Charljs
Grifflu, a former reskient of Mitchell,
died a few days ago at Cart:Wulf, N.W.
T. She had attained net, "Nth year, -
Dr. Shillinglaw, veterinary, of this
town, has been elected president of
the finenn and Perth 'Veterinary As-
sociatton, which met at Clinton last
week. -The Parkhill Baeket Company
want a new location and would like a
loan of $0.000, besides other ptivileges
from our town or some other place. It's
a pity business can't be eondueted with
out, this bonus business. -The Patriotic
Fund for alitehell now amounts to
nearly $310. -Rev, J. T. Korvin gam'
an interesting address at the Methodist
All 'kinds of Farm Produce for wli
highest prices will be paid,
0,f4E1 •
80ii001. Rarairr.-The following is
correct report of the standing of the
pupile in the school section No. 3, of
Stephen. Names are in order of merit.
-V, Edwin Beaver, Daniel Sanders;
Sr. IV, Stella Penbale Jr. IV, Vera,
Sanders, Herbie Ford, LatiraJore, Asa.
Penhale, Chas. Sanclere, Frank Trieb-
Tier, Homer Bagshaw, Marshall Box,
Iva Box ; Sr, III, Roy Parsons, Elsie
Handford. Viola Penbale,
' I3eaver, Sadie Willis, Hattie Willis ;
Jr. 111,Minnie Sanders, Alonzo Ford,
Willie Triebner, Jewel? Sanders ; Sr.
II, Nelsou Sanders. Herbie Dearing,
Edith Parsons, Eddie Willis, nerbie
Beaver, Lizzie Sanders, Mitchell
lis; Jr. IT. Harry Parsons, Seined
thcks, at 11, Tilomas
Sanders, Ralph Willis,Ilarry Triebner.
Annie Hicks, Gladys Bissett, Garnet,
Craig, Int. Pt, ILFred Beaver, Cieelia
jowl, ; Jr. Pt. IL Vinnie Cookson,
Lillian Stanlake, Sam Stanlake ; Pa I,
rominy Penhale, Earle Parsons. Vic-
tor Sweet, Hilda Preszcator, Maggie
Biggs, May Sanders. No on roll 49.
Average attendance 39. Parents are
iiit,1le,yinvited to visit the school at
T. Hoovnit, Teacher.
• =olib 41.* Ow v-i•c•
Mazes.- Harry Dr.thmen has again :
resumed his business, after his bong ill -
!less, ...james Deane is now employed
at Mr. Jewett's null as head sawyer. -
Miss Lillian Martin left for Toronto
on Monday,. We are sorry to learn of
the death 4)1 Joseph Wild, who, after a,
short illness, passed away at the ad-
vanced age of seventy -ti tee years. Mr.
Wild emigrated from 1,Vaterlon. Ont..
and was one of the pioneers of this
place, He was a good friend to all,
and It prominent member of t he Stan-
ley Branch Agrteultural Society. He!
was also - .eleeled councillor for this
place for several years.
TeAiinoelal of A, Shetier.Dashwooa„
to the value of English Stock Focal,
manufactured by 0 Lutz, Druggist,
; Exeter : -This is to certify that I have
used English Stock Food for my road
• team. It has kept them in better
condition than they ever were before.
They hivi improved in fiesta slickened
in coat and are in better shape to do
their work. I would heartily reeona-
mend it to all teamsters and those
who work horses. 1 think it a very
eheap and valon.hIc food."
Fmk Jennings Coldwater. Out., sass :
W3 troubled for some time tvitb. hare Throat:
and Weak Lung, but Dr. Woad.; Norway Pine
Small enred me when other rernediei
The trustees of the Police village of
Dashwood have decided to provide the
village with fire protection.
• If you make any purchase at tail; store which proves unsatisfactory, bring
it back and your money will be cheerfully refunded.
"Good tioqT1sekeepers Demand it"
mr A
Boy now it.tei be ready for the first sugar day.
tr•cwineswarrraessr•-•••....,.. VM.135.3.0.M.SIM=
Closing out balance of stork beloNv cost.
door north of R. Pioktir Co s Sore