Exeter Times, 1900-3-1, Page 7yr HE E/E11111`Bit,
Ca 4. and cement:us Have reeved
1: Ore valuable Teen Howitzers.
Queen Victoria ia a very old, lady, SEN B
but she does not neglect these gentle FROM
courtesiee that have caused her all ENVELOPES AND GUNPOWDER
her life to be loved by t,hose who know
her, Old. servants may grow very old
in their attendance upon her before eeuveetemt‘ se Times -
she thlieles them sufficiently aged. te
One a the most remarkable fes- be set aside for younger attendant
, tire's in the world is that held annue ,sigalty_e.we is a good, ripe age for. a
9.11y at midsummer in the oity of San
housekeeper, but Mise Thornton, who
Domiugo In the Weat when
hashen the queen's housekeeper tor
every inhabitant deeina it ineumbena
over fort
upon Lim to decorate his house Wth
fort)! yea weuld not have felt
called. upon for so small a auAe to
the sheils--ef ten riehly gilt and gaa-
xesign her position, -Unfortunately she
landed -of the
Sew Itrarerime keno!. Dellvery 1040
LARGE LAvE.ItaRs ' (grew deaf --too deat to hear the orders
that were given, "I could. not say. I
se aboedant in the neighbeurhood. The
women -folk also throng the Streets, lbaesufor g ran9a:rd:e4Ir kt:tmajestybh:repo
repeated." and
attired in their beat elothes,0 sat . In apea tag
and wear' ; hers If 'd ' le' of her reason
in as jewellexy- gold and silver repro, or reelseteg.
ductleus a the ungainly oreatures; How mut* real care the queen as
while, to erown all, a huge specimen !for this old servant was shown by her
used, until quite recently, to be led F theughtfalness at the time of the last
captive through the principal More jubilee., In the midst ot all the cora
oughtares, the inhabitants seluting it .fusion and exeitement she did not for.
as it passed with respeetfal and reveie get. to order that tickets should be
entiel gravity, The origin et.this furnished to Kies Thornton, Admit.
traordinary eastern is eald to have !ling liereelf and a friend. to a privele
been the goed service once render- Irwin in the palacea room where
ed to the eitizens by the Progeeitors, 'there was a window in full view of
sm. ea body of Englieh cavalry, the Here the two old ladles could pit aad
of the =ha in questioe, in searing lithe jubilee pageant.
clattering of their olawe and simile he- vetch without fatigue the departure
ing mistaken tar the sound made by I of the queea aud nor .gorgeoua wort,
Spanish cavalry, 'end her triumphal return after her
A eoniewhat airailar story is Ono progress through the city. )3y the
told concerning the gigantic trenical :qeeen'e speelel order refreehmente
fixefliea which amain in tbe tereete ' were aerved to the houeekeeper and
end cane -brakes of most et the larg- her friend. and they were treated ae
or West Xudian lelands, A. body of hue.: honored guests.
cancers, headed by . tbe noterieus Othere beelde Mies Thoreton have
Thames Cavendish, were contemPlat- bon& when Um' caw° In contact
hag a descent upon the ooat-towns, with tbe Queen a England. that she
of Hayti, and had adtually put off in WAS a womea peseeseed a that kindly
their hoots for that purpose. As ttlAY tad and. coueideratical for ethers that
noproeclied the la,nd, howeverrowing made them see in her the woman as
with muffled oars, they were greatly well as the queeo.
surprised to see an infinite number The late Mrs. Keeley used to tell
ot moving lights In the wooda which with pleasure of the time when she
fringed the bayou pwhieh they had had the honor of being reeeiveil
to, ppeeed, Alva concluding that the her majesty, On being presented she
Spemards knew a their approach, excused herself front making a Iew
they put about, and regained their coartesy by aitying;
ships without ; "Your majesty. I have rheumatiara
ATTBAIPTING TO LAND.in my knees and =nail courtesy."
"Mrs. Keeley," replied the queen. IX
Ostriches, when seen at a distance, mu% either..
look exactly like irregular cavalry 3.1rs. Keeley was at once ante at her
scouting in open order. It was this ease by the /meanness a the remark,
peculiarity in their appearance which and the touch a nature ramie the two
saved an entire British toren trom an- women kin
nittilation during the Door War of
I84L The Royal Inniakilling Pusiliets
were advancing in column across the
veldt, near where the town of Dur-
ban now stands, when a flock of these
The idea of using a bombehell as A
letteer-box (s tea new one, .although--
Probably owing to tbe vastly increas-
ed, lunge of modern guns, -'the device
.ieema to have beidA more often resoTt-
ed to ding present Neer than wee
ever the ease previouslY.
The besieged Ladysmith gexrieon,it
will be remembered, sent tbe Boers fa
Oleristreas-cerd, enclosed In a fifty -
pounder, on the Teexeing a Deeereber
2.5th. Not to he outdone, in polite-
ueas, the enemy, on the evening of
tbe last day at the eld year, fired
two plugged Palliser shelle luto the
British camp. On one was insoribed
the com,pliments a the season, The
other, on being opened. eras towed to
matain a reel Buglieh Obrietinaeplum
pardding aeeemeanitel by e -for a Deer
-facetiously irouical letter of greet-
Tite above is 4,n3 the authority ef the
preeentative WI the spot af one of
the lexgeet a the international pew
agetteleae Another correspoedeot
mentioned incidentally that important
tleapatehea had been forwarded Lu this
rive need meaner from Genera
bite to Geueral Buller, the elielle
containing the decumente baying been
by arrangement, painted red, so as to
he easily TecOwniaabla by the recipi-
e t
A modern big guu, giveo euftie
eiet elevation, will fire
When a girl is born in Korea, she i
ungainly birdwas descried in s
tbe not even dignified by a name. See-
distance, moving in and out among eral names aro written on slips of p
a cluster of kapjes on oar right front, per and placed ba an urn before mule
favorite diety, wad when at is neces-
sary her godfather tailcoats cam with-
out seeing it) and she is known by
it until she reatihee womanhood mu-
ms the members of her own family.
and apparently bent on outflanking
us. " A Doer cavalry patrol!" cried
everyone simultaneously; and the
regiment promptly proceeded to form
Imager. A little later the true nature
of the supposed" cavalry pi trol " WAS
discovered; but simultaneously the
main Boer army, whieh had. been lying
concealed in the bed of a dry spruit
about ft thousand yards ahead, opened
fire, imagining, of eourse, thet we had
somehow been warned of the trap
whieh they had prepared for us. .A.S
It happened, the Boer' were in over-
whelming strength, and but for the
lucky -and, under the eireurestances,
quite pardonable -mistake, the Innis -
killings would almost certainly have
been mat to pieces. As it wee, they
had to stand a siege of many weary
weeks, and were only reseued at last,
in the very nick of time, by reinforce-
ments sent round by sea.
The Dutehraeas were, then, a couree,
not nearly so strong numerically as
they are at present, but their method
of fighting seeras to have been numb
the same. Their skill in taking advan-
tage of every bit of cover is described
as marvellous, and tame as a revela-
tion, to our officers and men • as did
also their wonderfully accurall shoot-
ing. Indeed, just at first the Irish
Iads could not believe it possible that
their being struck so often, and near-
ly always in a vital part, was due
to anything but a series of unitrelty
aecidents. Afterc the first day or two
a the siege, however, they lea.rned
better, and. grew very shy of showing
them.selves within view of the Boer
Every reeder 01 - this article hes
doubtless recalled for himself the
hackneyed story of the geese that sav-
ed Rome, but compare Lively few prob-
ably are aware that the city or Que-
bec: was warned in a similar manner
of the approach of an enema's, by the
opportune cackling of the same noisy
birds. The incident ocourred in 1775,
when the town was being besieged by
the ieraerican provincials, under Mont-
gomery, and the details are still pre-
sarved in the municipal. archives.
Indeed, these stories of besieged
towns warned by birds of the approach
of an enemty crop 'up again and again
and are no doubt for the most part
true. Every species 01 fowl -I -and es-
pecially every speoies of waterfowl -
is able to detect the approach of
Orange footsteps when ya 'very fax
off, and invariably gives noisy notice,
trait in their charaeter well known
to all park pottehers. A carefully -plan-
ned Mooxish a Itaele against Vallado-
lid in Spain, failed for this reason; and
a portion of the Castle of Garve, In
Sweden, built by Valdemar L in cent-
neemoration of a parallel incident; is
„called the Goose Cloiveeir to this very
day. During the American Civil War,
too, the sereeching of a Dook of gui-
nea-fowl effeetually wartaed the in
s of the little MississiPpi town
of Greenville of the approach of Quail
Alva the merciless Spanish gover-
nor of the Netherlands, concerning
whom it was said that: in n tong life
of warfare be was never beaten, or
surprised, failed, nevertheless, to de-
tect. the importance attaching to the
„..t.nties of a number of Storks whiela
welre ivaditig- in the water in front
of the beleagured oily of NIaest richt.
The -long-legged hipedS proved conclUr
si ye.) y to the burghers that a lagoon,
wheel) stretehed between then, and the
SptInisli general's camp, was fordable,
andsallying forth in the dead of night
thoy sttoreeded in inflicting enormous
enege on the besiegers,
There is a Furl (len dearth ef hospit
21 IllI Many have gone to "be
frint, arid the, reinainael• are busy with
liefluenza piitierte at borne.
Strangers designate her as the wile,
mother, sister or daughter of suth A
Mall. This is not merely the result
of a cuetoen. The laws are strict in
this matter, and hold a woman of lit-
tle mare consequence than a domestic
animal. In the higher cheeses of so-
ciety the girls are separated from, the
boys at the family at the age .ot
years. They oimapy the apartments
a women, and are forbidden to cam-
munieate with anyone outside.
The great loss of life inourred by tbe
English troops is Mainly attributable
to the charges they have had. to make
across open spaces in order to dia.
ledge the enemy from the sheltering
kopje. In order to minimise the death
roll it has been suggested that just
before a eharge takes place smoke
shell:: should be fired, which would
temporarily bide the Unglish soldiers.
There is no surer raark of the ab-
sence of the highest moral and intel-
lectual qualities than a cold reception
excellence. -Dailey.
Floor Walker -Hurry out, madam 1
The store's afire! Mrs. Purchase --
Oh, is it: ? Then XII just wait for the
fire sale.
The most feznous mule episode in his-
tory is probably the celebrated charge
of the mules aftes the battle of Mis-
sionary Ridge, in the American Civil
Warr, when the mules, finding them-
selves no longeir under the lash of a
mutely, started on a wild run, and,
soon breaking loose from the waggons,
stampeded ditreetly toward the enemy.
In the darrkness the Southern soldiers
took the onslaught for a oavalry
ehatrge, and in turn stampeded, leav-
ing the male Actin% in the possession
of the field.'
Toronto, Deo. 331h. -The following
paragraphls eontain truths as vital as
any elergerman, ever uttered, and they
should receive the earnest attention of
all who read
Thousand Island 'Park, July 22, 1.299.
The Arnold Chemical (3o.
Dear Sirs, -At the beginning of this
monthl my constiLtftion was so nauoh1 About my age? • ' . ,
tun down thlat I had to get IRO any trouble' with "lira at all?
leave of absence from my con- Well, 1 ceen't say I have. •
gfiegation for roar months. I left 1 Close-fisted screw, ain't he?
Now York on the 10th inst., and while , &me people naight oall him so.
in Toronto •I saw Or. Arnold's Eng- I Ah, well! If I get on hese and he
ash Teills advertised in the News and 1 tries any of his nonsense on me he'll
bought a box al' them. When loom- rget : his head' in the sugaaebin. Just
inenced taking them ray eouctition was, give 'him my name, will you?
such that I conic' not sleep and ray ap- ' "Well, if you're epplyheg for the
petite wee i;ery, poor, but before I had : situation 1 m taking on the new man
filitehect ,the box 1 ooulid sleep well and By Jove! You are? Now, I should
like fo get this ,shop, Think yen could
mime to, an immediate decision if I
maide if worth your while ? '
Shoirld,n't wonder.
Ah! Now 1 s'pose We may consider
it settled, eh? as he slipped a half -
sovereign into the meek' young, man's
Tees, said that individual, as he quiet-
ly pocketed the coin. Somehow I don't
think you'd suit.
Thunder! Not snit; whyhow's
Well, you see, I happen to be the
guv'nor ;myself I
tywhere between nine and eleven
miles, or far beerend the remotest out-
posts of the Boer army new Investing
the Aldeesiot et South .trim
A 'Angle shell, landed OP emne spot
en the veldt previously agreed on by
code-sigoal, could be made to carry
whole budget et letters and des-
tches,-more, in taut, than eould he
sent through in In,any days by the or-
dinary heliographic or iiearehligiat
method of aignallies.
Nurtherous letters liave bee ti fired in-
to and. out of gafeiting by bombshell
post, and roost of the shells receut-
ly used, by tho garaberiey garrison,
have been inscribed with Cecil Rhodtes
compliments. The latter idea. was
probably borrowed from the Germans,
who, when liorobaualing Strasburg,
during the last Franco-Prussian wer,
atamped a number of their solid shells
nikve You TASTED
Ni ter more del/does ;bee .Teesee Bout only te
lead rikeroo.
woke vote, etoutue Adds Whin Eat Bootle „
to irteees. eierve Pills have done my sister eta
Much good that in grateful appr.eoitie
lA strange lake exists in the eentre tion I told Mr. Tully, the druggist, I
of Sulphur Island, off New Zealand,. woold gladly give a testietontel urie
as to their merits, Xy
13 50 acres in extent, about iS feet "nelted e, vo
iseleuttere,oilLygro: othfoangezxhuagslitroeae
in depth and 145feet aboVe the level of an an
the Ace. The most remarkable clear.. very poor health; lost all celour was
auemie, her blood had on vitality, and
she had no physical strength she W-
ine extremely nervens, so much eo
that$ha could not stand any exertioe
or excitement. and, it was unpoasible
far her to get resttut sleep, she lost
ioviti4a. Douse ocm js 01 5u :phone shz caopuptei litle4.017yr hltre:trIAt ebaect atinhee sivIegrhy„
weak palpitating so violently that
tnnieS constantly roll off this boiling itest eaertion. When ehe cemmeneed
oeldrote end care has to be exercised' taking Dr.; Ward% Wood. and 14..orvo
in approachtieg thie lake to avoid tbe 11';'13 r"1"133 4gQ 414 "8
tate of co
risk et, ButtocatIon, 04 the el „site complete physical audneoua
prostratima. Her blond Was scan y
moideoe(30.r:beloblirk4wroleaey, bwob iseer wt.r, 111'417 swilotceh no n ku2i. nor osrc.reluvailizlo aw a and
fuli blast, Present an evee-beepiring Nerve PI,Is she hail bean rapidly mend -
eight. The roar 15t the: stle4111ii ttlug. her appetite has returned, she
ruelles forth into the air is deafening sleeps well her nerves are atronger,
and Oft ell IBMS, bOWItieTS and atones nod Joe heart gainecl etrength so that
are. hurled out to a helot of several 't is able t P fulfill its functions. Prior
hundred feet by the various internal co caking Dr. Ward's L'ele she bad
fieeure:enitedefenTkte"lea.e,A.anhciaaailf elemnophers taken inanv medicines without any
care be observed, the very
edges 01 liepeele.vi:Ipbiounsetiat.reDr.ce‘rVtaaridniey Bitohoedo'anilyd
o4(ideaothestrehotaiact foretakinraemaevasgeittea-
eatureted water ef this lake
roaa' be weaker, ber heart and nerves losing
gathered teem the fact that a boat strength daily. Sines she had began
almost drceped to pieces after all
the passengers had been lauded, as 'he takiog there she has daily mid cea,
rivets had corroded undor the item. tinuously gained health aod strength,
of the acids. CLa81014CoElleig•Lei°er.
Peterborough. Ont,
ors have
golden is neto
When one of the enemy is sent with
a flag a truce, be is blindfolded' and
taken t� the officer commanding the
outposte. It he brings a letter, be ie
Given a receipt, and tramediatelY con-
ducted outside the lines. Ile has there-
fore oot ranch opportunity ef carrying
away valuable information.
Sicitneete Baniebed-Realth Festered
Gentienseu -Dr. Ward's Weed and
acteriatie et this lake, is that be wa-
ter contains vast quantities ot hydro-
chloric and sulphuric ad sbiesipg and
bebbang at a temperature of 110 e.e.
greet. Fahrenheit. The dark green-
colered water Jooks particularly un -
. •
TbIi hs n
ge of Improvement. W at wa$ yesterdey ti ooly,,
& poor se oriel to -day.
fa a produet of odie.
LEO PACKAI:014. ekes,
XtVobae Hallam, of Thames,
Cured by Boddie Kidney
etrevea with TM:Dotes 'and Oadmehe
for evera Year -Watt ttilytied to, tee
Dodd's, glilue,y 3•111* -0‘ Saved Front
1114 Gra Tr."
Our an
iron age;
led t
11111AMMATONV, *our„ 1,MatgAn.n.,
PNEUMATIC PARRLY411/., it11711/ea
ow et 104 IS Sure AO Ina cured.02ouseeclea-feefle Prialtenneed
tined* able.• Write At On0.0, lio93.00 an4. need' reeeest. *Wee
The SWISS.AltERICAN 000111adsor, Onto .0.anade
A most efficient substitut.e for
od.liver oil, pleasant to the trute,
an greeing with the most send-
Uve tomach. Used by physicians
treatment of All throat and
ung troubiei, and - if results
count for anything --almost no
limit to the good it can do«
SitaiPle Utile th any addrese onr2pt ct ifs
cents to cover poenigee
Angier .aemica1 Co.tette.. Toro
O'KEEFE'Sulna' MALT1714411e4
rseigenree geTeieVens, :1°031165810ne•L°S1.11Ocxro7senasa" Pr"
Our greatest glory is not In never
failing, but in rising every time vire
Tbotnea, Feb. 10. --Nowhere in 31118. WINSI.CWEI SOOTHING SYRUP has been
Bright's Disease and Diabetes a seed
highly valued than in the neighbor- letrec.h„gfe'lfra,e';:,„%gr,,,,torm,tz•
boo,' a St. Thomae. Tbey are lemmas We Bold by all-iiruggiatt tprougtonn world, Be
Lor having lirst given aufferere from
to safety, for previous to the diacov-
pine more siscd by mothon for their children teething. It 'teethe,
POTOODITIO are voiceless
Th • f•
e girai e, the-rmadillo and the
Ontario are DoiltPa Kidney
ery of Dodd's Kidney Pills these dis- - '
ea.-ta 'were invariably fatal.
Michael Itallern, farnaer living Take Laxative Brame Quinine Tablets. An.
near St. Thomas, is one of those wile Arno -isle refund the money if it fails to cure.
tally appreciate I he worth of Dodd's lea. i. W. Orovree •ze,leture is on seat box.
with the iroeie message, ' 13erhn.
This was, of course, the cry raised
by the frenzied Parisian populeee on
the eVe of tbe deelaration of war.
Later on, during.the investment of
Paris, hundreds of plugged shells fill-
ed with letters were fired from the
laeleugured eity. Many of these were
captured by the Garrottes, not a few
went astray, and. were lost Irretriev-
ably, but SOMie were picked up by
Wallah peasants, and reaehed (went -
telly those for %whom they were in-
The worst of these letter -filled
bombshells Is that they are liable to
bury themselves in the ground by the
mare force of their own impaot. One
such was unearthed not long sinee
a wood near Vincennes. It contain-
the dates upon whieh showed that
the receptacle containing them had
been fired -probably from one of the
outlying forts -during the early days
of the siege.
The earliest recorded instance of the
USS a the ordinary letter -filled borab
at to -day was at the siege of Tourney,
whin the garrison hit upon this ex-
pedient for opening up communica-
tions with the outside world. It was
owing to one of their aerial post -of -
floes, filled with -plans and despatches,
falling short, and thereby coming in-
to our hands, that the discovery was
iniadie of .the exaot position of that
vest subterranean store of gunpow-
der which was afterwards known as
t"Great Mine," A portion of our.
camp was found, to be well within the
dianger-zone, and on .the night of Au-
gust 25th, was removed to a safer 'lo-
cality. Our allies, the lintel, however,
refused to take warning, believing the
whole affair to be a ruse, of the ene-
my to get us further aiway from the'
town. The result, was that over four
hundred of them were blown to pieces
in the terrifie expiceion wlaieh, took
place early on the morning of the fol-
lowing day.
Marnin" Guv'nor in? inquired a
eenfident-looking stranger of a 'weak
young man who stood weighing su-
gar in a grocer's shop.
Yes, Sir. ,
Um. You're advertising for anaana-
ger, I believe?
Yee, we awe. •
Present manager about anywhere?
Well, Tire manager at present, sir.
Ab! That's good. Now, what sort
of chatp may the" guy'nor be ? Old ?.
enjoy a.. good Meal, and nOw I feel %tike
a new Mau. In tha ,Eirst place I fedi
indebted to the 'Toronto Netws , ter put.
ting me on thloright track,, and in the
second•place 1 think 1)r, Arriold's Eng-
lish' Pills the best meAleine I ever
took. •
.gnolosed Nease Cud two dollars for
wh1i cb pale will please send me three
boxes of your pills tO the,tarddress be-
low, "
Yours most respectfully,
0, GL.ASS,
Itev. j. 1.. Glass, .D.:D,
Thousand Island Park. .
Eldney Pills. Ile has good reason to.
He Nees cured. of Diabetes by their use. Every man's task is his life -pre -
Th admits tbat but for Dodd's Kidney server.-Braerson.
ill i be woula, be in his grave to -tiny.
Diabetes is a lotal disease of the kid- I seem or Omo, CITY' 4.10 ToLEDO. )88.
nays. Dodd's Kidney Pills are there-
LtroAS VouNrY.
Flusx J. (WENDY makes oath thhe to
fore the only medieine o.f the slight- 8,,zior partrierot oh, tint of r, J. cliatrso.r t
eSt use in the treatment of thlit (US- Co., dialog busine•a In the City of Toledo,
ease. The kidneys are the only or- County and Suite aforssald, an la iudd tlrrn
pins wilt nay the .unt of ONE BUNDItlen DOL.
gans effected, and Deddis Kidney LAft for eaoh and every case of OATANON
are the only Modieine that oan reath the Knno I' o °urea by the use et BALL'S
the kidneys with any benefioial effect, CATARRA (k.1 RF...
There are rooreover a number of „, 'before Ire and subscribed in my
other diseases which are cau.se_d ..1.??' prerectiene,Itottte 6th day of Decerahor. A.D. lege.
disorder of the kidneys alai leaaei 0 :•-•****: A. W. GLEASON;
Kidney Pills by curing the kidney 'dia. : MILL :
. • Notary Pubtie
order removes the cause af these
other troubles. Thus it is that
Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only
radical and permanent cure for
Ball's Catarrh Ours is taken internally. and
itete directly on the bloc' and mucous surfaces
of thesystera. Send for testimonials. free.
F.J. CHENEY & CO., 'Toledo, 0.
field by Druggists, 150.
Dropsy, Heart Disease, Itheurnatasm ewes pemyje pine are the beat
Lumbago, Seiatica, Bladder and. Urin:r
ary Complaints, Female Disorders and People seldom improve when they
unhealthy condition or the blood.- 1bave no model but themselves to copy
As for Diabetes the statement
signed by Mr. Misleael Halleria, of St.
Thomas, and witnessed by Mr. E. E.
Ostrander, of Dutton, will prove that
the claims made for Dodd's Kidney
pills are absolutely true. The state-
ment reads
"I have been troubled for one year
with Diabetes. My back was in the AVENUE HOUSE- yr111-College Avenue.
Hotel rates 1116
worst kind of pain all the time. My per slay.
was getting very seriou.s. A friend eta w ui rn
!Wm!! 1102,EL:01Etrolsoteecprlyril:
urine Ms very dark and any oondition 81.
of mine told me to' try Dodd's Kidney provements-aattes moderate.
PLUS. I. have now used one box and
urine is at its natural color and Tay
back is as strong as a board. I can-
not praise Dodd's Kidney Pilla too
highly for I am certain they have
saved me from the grave."
after, -Goldsmith.
The "Bamoral," Free Bus ititfat:
Hotel Carslake, Europe" ri"" le"343°
from 61 a day up. Opp.
111.T.R.fitsition, Montreal. Geo, Ceiroleke Co.,Prop.a.
am already completely cured. My The lie indirect is often. as bad, end
always meaner and more cowardly
th:an the lie direet.-Pallou.
NIV. P. C. 11012.
Lift tip thyself, look around, and see
something higher and brighter than
earth worms and earthly darkness. -
Men judge us by' the success of our
efforts. God looks at the efforts
Cannot Recommend it Highly Enough.
1VIiss Ethel Wildman, of West Lake,
Ont.. says: "I am pleased to say that
Catarrhozone has given me the best
of satiefaction. No other -remedy has
been able to do as ranch for me as
Catarrhozone has done. It hae cured
a backing cough -the reinit of pneu-
monia and I feel 1 oannot saY too rnt1:031
in its ptafse. It is everything .you
guarantee it, to, be."' Catareteo-zone
is warranted to cure Catarrh, Asthma,
Bronchitis and irritable throat. Sold
every,where. Trial outfit sent fax 10e
in stamps by N. C. POISON & CO.,
Rtngston, Ont, 'Proprietors.
The Boers are said to consider the
.appointmenD of Lord Roberts a great
complainant to the Transvaal.
Carbolic Disinfectants, Scopn, Dintment, Tooth Pounders, etc.have been
awarded 100 medals and diplomasfor superior
excellence. Their regular use prevent inf
ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a
supply. Lists tnailed free on application.
01 Pharaoh lee 7:::;4=174r
Evil is wrought by want of thought,
s well as by want of beart.-Hood.
La Tosoana, 100 BRUANI'S Clean
Tomatoes bays leen cultivated for
only one hundred years.
0.0101,10. ..W.I1Veri.10111.1.111YRIWOMMIINOWII
T.ATIO income Pleasant
Position- Fey prompt. Like positions tunkieg 111,0 tier
woo, 'Write quirk for uartvetere sea tenegh rttcr
soi McKinnon ouitatier. Toronto.
Carters 001.0 CURE 10o. Cum* in a lilts P. Mc-
Oormaca . Aorta*, Idontreal.
0. Rolland, elle aRSIII, for the Dismialon. Send Set.
tamp fer cantoreo. 378 FA. rinasititealuonton
sausage Casingo__NewunportotIonallnam
English Sheep and Am
°Neon Hog Carings-rellabie 10043 81 tiLlitprier
sax ,
P mAcicwer.
rt co 'Taronto
Catholic Prayer 3`131:61..,"gritiCarrtel
Re -Mauna Picturco, SletlunT, and. Chime Ornamentr,
Educational wets. MaiI miler1 rct tire prompt atten-
tion. 0. Sr, .1. SADLIER & 00., Montreal.
Aehostco Cootie,
• Plpe Covering,
Or °elms, etc.
hai been need but little; is practieally me good us
new : will 1.c sold cheap: 1 Garvin Hand :
Emery Stand; 1 Lathe, 4 foot bed, ; 1 Blissible Lathe,
6 toot: 2 Cintelis, 12 in; I Power Reek Saw; 3 Tube
Vices, Iron Pedestal ; 1 Lame Polishing Sack; 1 Seco&
Lathe; 2 Spoke Threading Machines ; 1 Engine Lathe;
12 split Pulleys of deroreet sine; 5 Block Tu,less.
APPLY to E. W.NEriBITT, Woodstock, Ont.
Dominion Line ST EirSIRLIPS
Portland, ale., to Liverpool, via Halifax.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Cambroman.
Rata of esterase s -First Cabin. 650 upwards; Second
Cabin, 635; Steerage, $22.50 and $23 50.
For further information apply to loud agents', or
DAYID TORRANCE 000., General agents,
17 Bt. Saersment St. Montreal.
ITo toed tot oar
complete SHEET
aro equipped to
supply every RUMP
Whaley, Illeyr.e
S Co.,
158 Tonga St.,
IJ Huge, Rats and lace. Sold by all
Dregglete, or 581 Queen P7, Toronto.
EZAVEN SPARC" Maeltbitee11
inerbardenii ik kg guaranteed Wine*
1. t 5 T it,toto ie cease Ran
C7oUl4ng 00.. Montreal,
wb Menai* enls. ideas Dlatenc*TelophopelTA
sue other mama. to emir* ben result* oolielen 141
The Dawson Commission Co., tinpted4
Car. West. M arket & Colborne at., Toronto,
TORONTO Cutting Colteel dem spatial advantage*
• Go 811 deolrour of acntiDloe a ;borough Itocetledte 01
Callen leta rniinl tientierWe Garment*, Write for
113 Yong* EU Torent0.
permanently torso
Catanb of non,
throat, noicetio
and bladilor. Noa*la box. Write, Inc pertioutere, The
Indian Catarrh Dem (2o..145 St. James•ot., Mutual -
Mille, NM gi Hales
to WeeleY Bldge.. Rich,
mond St. Vr..Toront0.
RooFfue and Shoot KetaInfork%
a• RoorING SLATE, in Black
ad or Green. SLAT)/ BLACTIEGAltnii (We suppl
anti onilIIIOSI Selioolcaoronto). ItootIngtrat,Pac
Cool Tor, etc, ROOFING TILE Glee New City Sulfa/
tags, Teresa°, dont by ourArml, Metal (Wham Car,
Om, eta, Ilotirouten furniched for work complete orlog
inateriale shipped to any part of the country. Phorosil02
O. U TH IE & 30 HS, Adelaide/kV/lamer fite„Toronto
Dyeing 1 Cleaning
For the very bent send your work to the
Look for agent in your tOWD, or cend direct.
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
Men or women In all parte of Gonad'
to bundle our trade. Liberal cou77.
Miemian or salary and exclusive ter-
ritory to right parties. Goode (strict -
12 -girt and great sellers. Par.
Automatic Steam Cooker Co.
295 College Street,
Cheapest and Sint -Covering In Tho VforbS.
Mica PIPEBAZER Covering
Steam and Hot and 0o10 Water Piper, Cold Storage
Pipes. Kitchen Boilers, eta.
for particulars apply to
Toronto, Montreal, and rename Fag.
That Beautiful Stock and Grain Farm. cornsoord31
known ea the "Glen Farms" it is one-half moo Irons
Innorkie station onthe C.ItR,, and six miles front
Woodstock; 300 odd acres; splendid hardwood busk
about 15 Sett& cedar: firit-class bcildlng1. 'no further
partlenlars inquire of
Box 334, woodetoelt, Oat.
apociarstook, guaranteeing large dividends; also an i
BREAKFAST -SUPPER.. raiment stock payable in monthly imtaimeute, dravai
lash dividend., half yearly. Parties wanting sato an
.Fartners int nding to Seed
Corn Not This.
IVItueral Extract 1 the OhoSpoat and
coloring corn to
pracoat acg.°..olint
of corn V
IsaS 14 orn latet year on my 135-aore farm and
ta eking nit corn when planted. 1
bad the seed all colors 1 and had notone anti& destroyed
by crows. I also Walla 11 as good as a heavy ooat of
manure for making corn grow nob, feeling so well
pleased with it that 1 bore taken the ageney for IL
Farmers who .405 1.0 buy Only a small box should send
in their orders not later ths.' ieb. 1s5. Small box
colors 20 bushels, 171'1008250; large bat colors 00 bushels,
prioo es.00; will be sold for 64.60 if ordered by Feb 5555.
Terme, cash with Orders. No orders taken after .1darch
1st, in order to get Smut all packed ,und shipped before
April let directly at G.T.R, and C.P.R. for shipping.
etory box of Extract guaranteed to sire satisfaotion or
money refunded, . •
ANDREW KAUFMAN, Fergus P,0., Ont,
Lean wad. Savings Company.
ectORPOTt TZ,I1 1055.
The Oldest and Largest Cariadiett Mort.
gage Cdrperation, • '
Paid-up Capita) - $2 600 000
Reserve Fund - - 1,20o,000
Head Office--Toronte St., Toronto.
Branch Offices -Winnipeg, Man, Vaneouver, 11.0
DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interat allowed.
DEI3EINTURE8 ISSITBD tor 1, 2, 8, 4 or 5 years,
With Interest emmena attached.
MONEY LENT on security 011eal *nate nortgapek
Gevernment And Munloipal Bondo, etc.
For further particulars si1114 te
Managing Dirmoter, Terento.
pro tab c lnt.uitrnonb should correspond with
The Sun Savings and Loan Co., Toronto,
Money loaned on favorable terms ; agents wanted in
vuoteresented districts ; write us.
Michigan Land for Salo.
a 000 ACRES 0000 FARiAiNti LANDS -ARENA°
we Tosco, Ogemtim and Crawford Counties. Thieves'.
feet. on illiehigan Central, Detroit is Mrsokinao an
Loon Lake Bauroade, at prices rouging from 62 to Ofl
verdant. Those Londe two Close to 'Enterprising Re
Towne, Churches, Soliools, etc, and will be sold CM WI .
reasonable terms. Apply to
R. M. PIERCE, Agent, We nay elle, Mob.
Or IR'. CURTIS, Whittemore, Mint
JAIL R. ARNETT, Manager.
dOHN d. MAIN, Supt. and Trees
The Canadian no
Heine Safety Ph
Esplanade, Toronto
Opp„ Sherneurtia St.,
Bign Claes Water Tube
sonars, for AB Preseures„
Duties and Fuel.
Toronto Eleetric Light Oc., Limited.
The T. Eaton Co, 1,iinticii,
Rgigiglltg's ,It,,,,i,,,...T.,,i.kyd.1,,ib14111g,i. 0o.
The Wilma Publiehtus Co., kihoited•
tati awesome, There emieeealee lie seen rtorkinet