Exeter Times, 1900-3-1, Page 6T HE EIXETER TIMES
wili teeroe, gresped a otillteg ererperit
with her right eau& No tears'
coparades of the Mae one mune inane
wept ever the coffee; eeighbors (tame
inand the ntoment they eew the
still tette, of the child the Shower
on Our hroket No tears for tier. God gives
tears eta ehe.supataer.reen to the'earolt-
tie soul- but in all the universe the
To tee, philosopher who ruminates
over the effort.% men make to have
their ideas carried out after death the
Will Made hy the late wellahnown
tan eaterer a New or City, Pompeii
Maresi, hi unusually suggestive. From,
emelt begiueinge, thritt awl by e
terprise. this, matt an:teased. e. for-,
• Wilt. ge WA a family whieli lielceet
L n comfort but witb osteutatioa ot
"wealth, awe it is the future ef his
femile rather titan the dispoeel
bis monee that be eeents to We a
levine affections. if one ot you he a tYre of the tchelt. It 18 vary ennee.
fon money alone. A., a ,further :tele- ednek of 3,eur home. and read a few verses in the eventual around the Lit0Vt,„ or the table, or in
fie, ena teen knoed down and rod.: the nareerv or parlor, te have the has-
gelrirti aitd"ghter*:1111FJ:.3116,t'..1" (i,„e As individuate, we are fragmenta. tzetnuee eyetteree-ennetteetiann‘‘-thO sitteth the hand y. 'u Mime nothing a.hout
erten a- expev,at.otie seeuei ees wee 0,04i. to.soxes the raze na parts. amt te,ee steolitarn- in fatalities I want to teL trouble; You ought to be int the etore
die tettiare him wi. bout chiteren. The t tee entdeetty puto ut, together. What you that the destroyittg angel passes hatf-an-hourel SPlinallaY et oecuteee
sores education is eltauteta for. the - i Ida 3ott aane utr, what yoa lace 1 by without toucbing or teetering tee tkett 1 . If the husbaudet woek cover
;40er-fleet sprinkled with the blood oe Mot woh the. beet of the feretace, or
4°18: " AL* /134‘,;:ti 141M 31re
'-lre'CUoilleYq Fere5,...i re tke ett; our detente and eurpt.tteest.°I. t the everlasting Covenaut. Wlay is it odore of leather, or seep faotories, let
P'Ir7I4Ittt° "' "'s uet''''s v 4"4e.*‘ ''' iii chereetter t.e.ag the whet'lh 43 1'44' : that in tineae fanXiiteS they never aet not the wife ee eseile diegueted at the
attet erial le iteu he re whet his ..tritit- i greet teein weeinetete, eve peison i atone. and le otbere they „1„.art 'get
eufeelent to attract suitors wbo ettre
fluite and eternal wouteut wheu christen). let nen one take the Bible ing after the vexa.tions a the day;
Dr Talmage Speaks
Domestic Affairs,
dryest, the eottest, -the most Soorch-
ing. and ceneutoing thitig eine mo- oil -the atuesa a Haptenees there s
thee's, eeart if she las eegleeted her therein:6 gaunt form of A.nguieh, with
child viten mice deitd. God mey fere bitter tintandetmehen eye, and ashes
1..._ v........tisr ,gine. _bor. h_.ta.t .she win oiror
. forgive,. in jw. Jeer. The romp -of the dancers.
Ditkrent Temperaments and: Tastes in tu., ....".".7 Aerwt, ,TAylzuwaory mu..,stnic Iti4e' Wilt> bkt,Ve, left seentsecetunblingl yeee
. eyes. deeper teno tbe noel -etre and Like earring, thunders thet titmice the
., Advice to Those Who Aro About to Establisn rattte the gtantes of the teast
pouth the face, awl whiten. the hair, fteor eta
P wriggling rep -
queen; live for evert" But the gink6ts T .0 er at the door. Such a. orowd some&
inett elash of the impetient beetle are IIE SUNDAY SGIIOOL
I to. Ile healed mente This phrttee
'depart. the tette.% are brestieless, the a. 0 to leave nobody in the hotnes.
hi:fern in. the destitute, and. the twala ideas• not mean that he left any that
of the hoesehold come bach to see the INTERNATIONAL LESSON. MAR. 4p load ePitlied unhealed. Por "(levies
queen of lialniinesse on tefs throne -Iread "demons." Notice that Jesus safe
;tract the, perlotir neer. But, alas, att .fentsin Ne*IJ* 'Nene; ft. entre Wed net the derkloUe to speak, .01.
thentoome baok, the floWers have lade " ° it°- Per would %eve no indoreethent.fronr„atfoili.
ed., -the enfejett odeure 'leave bebe the
smell. cif e eharneentotteeratid: ',note"'
New Homes -,"The Dr. Advocates the Law of that will not tie satisfied', for ever ta 'the WiTh2t °e the
pureeing deeper their troll beaks. Oh, floor titres into bloodt The wreaths
of lush have become
and eat up the beart with Yolturtts
Yee wanderers from your honle, go tine, Terrors- catch taaigled ie t)ae
most at heart. The distribution of Forbearance and a Religious Life, battle to your duty 1 Tbe brightest canopy that Overhangs the couch. A
that is off to a time when these 4, deseeetee prom Watthington eayat first course tint bantinet het flOweea 911. Lilo earth ere these streng gust ot wind comes through the
he eared for will be either dead or ma- th
Bete Dr, Towage preached tram, the and 1 tell yea *het you, how as ,".1:4441 grow in ale garden of a Chris -
lei household, olandoemng over the _
hall, tted the. drawleg-room, ana the
tore men and eremite% with their well as e do. that wrong, notions on bed thamber, which ati the lights
folicreing text :-"Leit thane learn T. ,
*tee subject of Chrietitte Marriage are 'Perch ot Chrt9t4an balne° go nut. Atocl from the lips of the wale-,
tent eeeme to lieve been to ward oft f
,,, v. 4. tee cauee at tins day- of more VI ' hI advise yeu also to evativa,te sempa.
y beakere tome the word% ileppmees
from Ids people, as long as possible the ,,.. . .
a. eaureh within, a, eltureln a world other caese.
outrage before Gee and Teen thee Any •rt ,," el aeaUration. Sir ;fame, Wen,
Boca, things teat ewanilgazasycken putt ever .11v. ed. evinite
itoste one en the most eminent aied elet
steetneg let Otte very hmght or Ms Pond; "ft is not iri, met" And the
is, not in Met" And the arches rose
elleneed InStrUMentS ce eatutie, thrum -
teed on- bY invisible finger.s, answer:
"iianliillese, is. not in mei' Ana the
frozen tips of augaish brink open. And
seatee tel. tint throae of tvilted fleeter&
oho otrikes her bony hands together,
les Already formed. The ete first to ellow piety at tionte."-e.
are those, a you who have bred hoinea t ° *114 to 0 groat oohafartY of
eee i0.1tolare; "My wife made me.' The
••••,,,,..• i they go rigbt everywhere; it ,things sot ent for 3 groat ni3n."ears, 044
tee eardsuie,s ea twlfe Ought to be tee advisiun pert -
A very matt- prev:sion is raede for I go wrong the, they go wrong ev.. not Wit hhtquding firm, She ought to be
tbe wite. The u -e ilf tee home and a OrYwhere. The door-eitt cfc the dwell, i. trials that come to there you would lit:treitteeeivevY
aot surrender them; an then there l'e ell the leSse au(' galus
,zodest yw.ey itinerate are left to tier; 1 ingehou,se ie the fouadetion. of elettrola '
leixgei'icitsciel e.utielingeney thet many a :hue. ',' other life. The motet entee, of eel. eelves.4:101;4. lev.b.il:;i t''et. hilt !or them' :Is$on7Xrectlitt "Iltra'Y dePer4 Iblit be
evils of weelzb. lie bad to Sed40481S '
struggled to accumulate. within WOria Ls spelled by tour to bring before you. know there teminetto •
tem -Home! If things go right there,
listed their ho -"'f-eTiva a'rr-gee- t-ef if e'rene. at:ehe °14ighte 400:7
luottratroreotnitre yti_ten , he_has a right to kuow ev..
hand% heti goes
uarry tigetin, but in that thaa bis 0•Witi gerret " gets big
event she must leive her first litts. k Own etilter. In etla.'e7 tlto.ovhrlls' °lea= been . in it a eite temente or a
her i are thcitie bere, who have ' el "DP 4(4 StC1'
the asteeme zontinues if she slaall it and state. A. man nes
_ 0 ovilsorilutn. .tti h displeasure. but gress is ate domestic.. arrow; the root. eit_eltosuplisrpt:tokeioii:itutstepielteltateIrtselcilett,:bisste.v‘e: liTtItteirlittriet_trt-Nsultliinfe.ellYNit:ei;totte.71:koiotoonlbtit'ailuilrallbciclictioot
choose to
dau,32teri.ert 4bsolut ely f roD, bis Pen fel. him. If e emu ehouid at Bethalle-ber .1v4e liras 0 gil"t ntur:" V4111,110,uotile r°114 c't disct)X"
1_4_12 reanosta. selution ie to plaee, ingiehair in the uureery in higher than j oattonour new home,
duot 1 In ;14e waive way weensee a. throne. Chrystoetomet mother made he'raues• 0 let
wieble,,t3 remarri. 4 tie itif,4 ovoructel 4014 uukiericu, ute 1111Are- The° there are thtese who Itss traneaction that he dare net tserl
the Divine lolessingelIrtrsebeidi let I bend 011gln to be esrytahli3a41‘.111 the
itn.u.g „etre. apparently to siity with start out axid run tieventy years iv. 4
11 In then maerie when they StraiglA Iitte lie etelle not et tit TioveerY bge' end f/leu oloatiport year nni? Witers (miipatiGii, rt. ise *e with
reeve 1z/tonere,. e iriceme eneugh to im.rotTaetni4,41.4e“ tlet.hreeidtonwe o:v.n eei-vtilve a:Tritehav:°(1•U0040.dg' 5,704t,lenar411:XPlywetialitu" 11:1.111'etaillitilt0ftth:h1.failre'gravi;14it n,t4citstie'reeti'Llolea:211hr teilru'rr.c:toi.iiim4a6a;
tt Until worn out by liouan'Ialetale
thitt heorning a 44 a ni
euppert them respeeteley, but not attor eg band the engageruent ring of the egemene Tbere are a thousand rear.
begrimeti hands or unsavery Aroma,
IF 4-'113 bt‘ w151 SU'IU nee the eatteute. euteber has the aloag well? 1 have eteieent ;de% YonoettrIgaciitte asre one, your interesteiia.re
etert tam husincis or , „ titer the placidity., Eases anti hatte come to a conclusion, eo er ineses ere tale; _lay etok, of
1)14. tfierJ, la the tirst instuuce., 'nothing seem. WOrK it.e eith both Wends. -tour
414' 4 "444:"'ale ----------- notiter ties tee entbusititext ; thet 'ea to, go pleeeently. and after a NVIdie InAndS to fight the battles. Four oyes
tea uVit`I'l evel uouttatl4totr-1 i$ veining lit 0130 44p there came devastation. domestic dis. to watele for tbe danger, Four shoo,
will be elicited emend: tee ,;,,) ettoteer414. lint- ,aster„ or estrangement. 'Whyl tyre on which to. eerier the trials. ft
r3t. a mg
and trials, and some things that had It is 0. very sad tlelog for a piantst
to he explained, still things went on when blie has a huebao4 who does not
pleettantly until the very last? Why t like music. It is a very sad thing
They started right. - when a wife is not suited unless her
ds ; lThey started wrong. In the other is a; very sad thing when the painter
ebil.)ren, mere. 11 eisa beeauee teteet iu he. e• hi lute a 'wire wbo does 001. like picture&
sante neat .sal mute he suede of it. then ,Ltept. reusatiattitturill7a71-
grew. lie naieuties eteietyneltie conservative
and ttutt radio! keeping things eveu.
fr"111 lc/ 41%1* 11° ferlitue e Anted tine*. It lb IX1 this tsa.y that
0 Every skip must have its cut.
113' Parl)'-"7" seen13 eteetie to be to t weter tafentil eallaeto 1 have ne
hold ferrety lee -ether and la tbe mote triglit le:lente rite zint tiatnivfiporg
e'aooiu lUe it held during the fae tplil!etrAgle'altigt the troll shalt
like to protect its members from , that huhis 7-3 2 0 the centre, jehn 'Wesley
W,1,14t. EMA ar the s3me nine not to al- balances tentetes institute. De en-
illeologv. Dr. Guthrie clothee
Irian 1111144 1b6r brit: :kth thrubbiug heart mad
t :it- family weal° h to prevent them One. gives to eeettaud the titrone
"Y" Whfil blve telPhr41 :am riese. The difficulty ie that
needle life, whether they It.tve tailed ve are not battened with, just the
er !exceeded in 33.4.!' I)wn effort e. their vork abet Gotl liae given 44 to do., 'The
and greens: "It is not in met"
That very night, a clerk with a-eat-
ary ot tt- thoueaad dollars ri tear -on y
one tbousend-goes to his 'Wine, set ,etteeded eervecee in the synageguee nett nett a bw T,,,,,,a., with n tg ,
uP three Menthe Ages ilPt atter tba :until ,At lebgth be Irtigi driven oat Of X round a small boy, Cast asleep.- %
mortgage -day. Love meets hire at the (th .
'e Ithn wha c°111° our u"ti to save; iL7:irbe:il-ar;e11.14113;ated.18;n:x.gntligaZedwiZsil:kltPr ralitft4tilathataZIAttiet1000 :Pita:1147,
.00 tahes down the Bielet awl. reade In
vrctLitiihiegy_ilerilgileetehiantilizatt.veipileiointeeyroicillet ootos., it was 1134tiitut'od, either der, room to geese tuet ue was, maybe,
on tbat plain carpet -411e angels ol lag or Atter -eaptivity, and brought re-' or 10 years old, and of genres n eould
God build. a throne, not out ee flewers liglous truth ileaner W the cOMMail 500 that ee wee eleeplog lu IAA 13100.4t
that P°rtult it'ed tide swhYt but Out people titan the, temple ttervices could erei beet motitor awey somewhere, and
wroadh, amarauth 00 amaranth, he. 4.nA04,44,* A440, reateng of the he oleening thewe beeettee alcl'ot .-
gariands or heaven, wreath on ten ee, e„,_ .„,_,. „,e e,
tattrpils. tahte otolitireonoeuilswedar atin.4Tshutitindeltxhiye latelvcclarendottheisraparogopvtateetswoWrAsetot,labouctliaxtet. fer.00l. geaoterioe.r and safer there while fele
"N thin in that roam, and X wont
• len. .4;e1alen Text, atarlt; - .
Verso 21, They weat into Ceneritiet,
um, "They" angels fin- e•esue, Petere
Andrew, James and .jolie; Hatt,ing
Made Capernailia hemeA atteue
promptly made it the oeutre er his
al Oeuree,
A eeeittutetnir Eiteeriettee 'With litARIR
and Nervous Wind- Nan. •
c'T have told you," said the .ietiredi
work. The. town thus hteam'ecl eb`we burglar, "ot one little. experienee
alt others, and, as WO leave front a build ome_this is atiother.. I had
eizionatemoubetttxtttdooftzietse: ibio-hyo. jtbitaseiikettopuhltduse sFeseIrtati teetm:te.0:01:4s, (14.40oeae:::,istie°athramevaheterttYfieni:Id:ingoeibuaito:7te:dil:aZoagabnai
JS,14,tt 11, 23, Metered. mom than
got epetairs. liadett nwee'n strut*
1°ti 1.1„ adtei ett Uno:ar»;:t e t t:sir80108 al ti feu:et:F:11 is4g7i lanbGtheeae:ln.ti thtt le n8:13;31 floor
at 3 IbbilQ01 :;:teb .1P emiTttFtIbli di aim ttt 1:t uiopta
e word characterestio of Mark, whot nue a idnd, Z,.t electricity thet yen
more than the other evangeliets, notes oao 00, and, when there leitet it teele
the promptness anal energy, the holy dell mad dead.
euthieteasm, a the Saviour. On the
atthh" lo opoArParortlYliehteontlett on.0"*Vellni'a oIrgtolttisiallocketeaeternendtfortrerl
tato smagoett Jesus regulairty btuoidiwy tve4herie:ieasr 14I Anthir bt.arcicentra;knx, no-
door; love ette with him. at elle table; 1
love talks over the worlt UM day; enti tiorrup-ion die ttot prevent Ins re- hut could see wen, enottge, by a„
put the. bullseye on hive.
telt, Misunderstanding aud relig dein t eare
My second advice to you in yonr hus!deed has what 48 eaf". a "geuteol-
home is, to exercise to the very last buentl'ess'" . Car .°3 oodel'elOod
poesibIlity or your nature the law Soltes" "Awnless." et is something to
or forbearance. Prayers in the house- ,tub-hexonliturariceiligatt, ;tired seoloatostehno.too'beleaiteet•wino
(hold will not make up for everytbing
some or the woe in the world are 'or three o'clock. in the efternoofito,radnod.,
the. hardest tilt get along with. There IP!" a 1°1-ge elnoho" of UtckneY
re people who stand up in prayer- ing nothing. That is, believe, a
meetings and. pray like an Rage', who "genieel businesel" end there has
t scbalymj.eust yarsoesv. you
ItoF owant thnial get.,svoeal , beenbuluissbtatFuir 011111.3100 ntgiVn up 1110 idutolgt tt to eat
tames it will be the ditty or the the hides, or the turning' of the traw-
ld soreentees or ult. wile to yters, or the building al the walls, and
.1. oil put himself in circles where he has no -
there appeared one who mounted the
throne, with eys so bright, and. brow
so, fair, that the twain knew
it was Christian toe. And
they igneit at the foot of the
throne. and Putting one band ou eerie
head, she blessed, them. and saidI
" ILIPPItleas "With Mel" And that
throne of celestial bloom wltheree not
with tee paesiug years; and the queen
left not the throne till one day tbe
married pair felt striekeu in years -
telt thesuselves called away, and knew
not wide% way to go, and the queen
bounded from the throne, aud said;
-Follow me; and T will shots- you the
wan up to the realm of everlasting
love." And ao they went utt to sing
songs of love and walk on letvernents
of love, and to live together in Innate
sloes of love, and to rejoice for ever
the truth that God is love.
1 elber's fortune will route to their re- water -wheel wante tu roltlz i -4 the -.- __
lite or to teat of their ehildren, Being i 1 n ,your rights and you will have a . thing to 410 but sznoko cigars and
Waterexi with no Stutter coming up ;drink wine, and. got himself into hub-
; tent eta grind the grist, and. the eet i RI
I;aq"I''' anl'Ing. where the (441 n"11213 1 tiiifte)-liev,ttleri. Ourg useittluess and the
r v. uts to ri out and dabble ix:
at roginfall to decide tbe• connive.; tui that upset him, going down in the
Wel.. 1,1! "pa tria potestas" are still i welfAre of socielY dePerld 3P,0,_..r1 °..1.1r Never be ashamed to apologise when t umeletrora. tAking his wife and chil-
eirong, it is likely tbet the testetorts i eteeing in just the Place thet God bas i you have done wrong in domestic at- i dren with him. There are a good
or intended we should, occupy. i
I fairs. Let that be a law of your . maoy trains running frOra earth to de -
int entieve will receive a fair trial. i Peel tl*'' The beet tbing I ever !struction. Tlitty start all the hours
nor more cora,paotuebs, and thee 11 household.
d. 1 It h rs oir the
There o.re fist)Me odd. ethnographic. pe- ro,y he more useful, we are g
ounarinet in the bequests. Tbe daugh- in etitl entailer ciroles in the home
p. And there TOn have the :Tim:
erre receive so much pin money a :day, '
end a ixrother, too, is provided for by v t d'avt.381111g:ilfu' batiltitilltrttt017, tem -
ii dilly allowance. That is a thorough- p'eurantelinte and tastes. It is fortunate
ly Italian way of reekoning„ To most that it bheillid be so. le the hasband
b aliens a Igiven etun 3 year or month be all impulse, the wife intuit be
Le meaningless till they hive figured Prudence. If one eistee be sanguine
ten what it makni a day, and then,
whether it be ene lira or twenty or
3 hundred. they try to live on itk and
bave a little from day to day. A sister
le to ba.ve not only an income for life,
but also a first-eless funeral after
death, a. quaint bit of thoughtfulness.
The legary to an Italian ethurett foe
a repast of speci.lied viattds for the
prieets on a. given date tarries one
back several centuries. The will is
an instructive document for the study
of Italian character. There was
lot of hard sense in the man who made
beard of ray grandfather, whom I _a,
never saw, wus this: that once having night. They are the freigbt trains;
unrighteously rebuked one of his h hey go 'very a,nd very heavl..
children, he himself having post his ; and there are the acoommodation
patience, and, perhaps, having been 1 trains going on tawards destruction.
misinformed of the chiliPs doings, land they stop very often, nnd let a
found out his mistake, and in the man get out ween he wants to. But
evening of the sa.me day gathered all genteel idleness is an express train;
bis family together, and said: "Now, iSatan is the stoker, and Death is the
I have one explanation to make, and !engineer; and though one may come
. .
menthe. are one thing to say. Thomas, this tout la front of it, an stung
• I. h tic Mary and
in her temperament, the ot er
morning I rebuked you very unfair-eflag of danger, e a
ly. I ani very sorry for it. I rebukeil iGod's Word, it makes just one shot
you in the presence of the whole fame into perdition, coming down the em-
ily, and now 1 ask your forgiveness benkment with a shout, and a -wail, and
in their presence." It must have a shriek -crash, crash t There are two
classes of people mare ofedestruction;
rase those who have nothing to do;
eeconcliy, those 'tylo have something
to do, but who a.re too Lazy or too
proud to do it,
Ot neceseities. There will be no dinner
for Christ if there be no Martha ; there
will be me audience for Jesus if there
b no Mary. The home organisation
is most beautifully constructed. .Eden taken sotne courage to do that. was
was it not Never be ashamed
luis gone; the bowers are all broken ;eight,
down; the annuals that Adam stroked ;, to apologize for domestic inaccuracy..
when Find out the points -what are the
with his hand that morning
they came up to ge
have since shot forth tusk, and sting,
and growled panther at. panther; end
midair iron beaks pluege, tilt with
clothed wing an.d eyeless sookets the
twain some whirling down frone un-
der the sun in blood *me fire. Eden
but there is just one little
ter the muting VMS exponuded.end
appereatly any rabbi might he celled °ht aad 8egee. the ittirU int *1. r00UL
n the
the hoy
e first
.11 45:21i2:1 3:10.,1 huTtic: 000l 7:ryi eitkl wererp‘prva:i utiro taat:mt tieu koatmt a nikh:i tit usti but 1 le:a.ttiapbeibsf atosi (Ito: r tfti :4°171;115'i gitt‘t el;asd:Itl°1 x‘e ,f8sbo onoppOsitO tioeol; lioIhotrrt:til‘etgl:Aebli
trine. " At his toebine." He Klatt
L t13 not
ad 1
xIug »p
WA Of the pantile themes of the seribes
ttled for Cooking," but livieg trethe just the leaet tcbit thtooe world,
i„, ,IniZrtietritetn: then .1 heard wheever it
at Jews 1°°ted ts 111""' was. in the bed, =Ad it was mates
opine; and be spoke as orie that had
Evitnisted at 8,008,000 *AVIA la Ninety
tieetre-Iticreine or (imitate.
A statistioian of Venezaela has just
made publie an interesting fate re-
garding the popteletion or that amnia
try. e.lis figures show Diet in the
past ninety years Venezuela has lost
2,900,000 or ite inhabilanta In war
aloe°, and he prediets that if Buell
losses continue the repablie anothe
ter century will he in the control of
foreign nallett whose people are set-
tling there.
To -dotty Venezuela, has 4 popula-
" ines
fragment left. It floated down on
all exhausted, do not let the wife un -
the river Hiddekel out of Paradise. It
is the raarriage institution. It does neeessarily tepee his temper; but both
teak peiets, if I may call them so-
ot your companion, and then stand
alociE from them. . Do not carry the
Lire of your temper too near the gun-
powder. If the wife be easily fretted
by disorder in the household, let the
husband be careful where he throws
his slippers. If the husband comes
home, from the store with his patience
e proraise the everlasting sound of the
"Two days after the battle of Glen- up" - . , rib
t as at the beginnina take away Your life will be spent
cite we were suntlexaly told to get what • l'Iovit iTti is an add- warewhoont
to you an unmitigated eurse. Cowper
t ro in making up, and, marriage will be
1 tion of ribs.
lhings we had, as we were going to I This institution of xnarria,ge has
niaroh to Ladyamith," writes a British . been defamed ia our day. S
-nal/diem' "The kindest and the happiest faith
private to London Tit -Bits. "We had 1
and PG.4g°1113.' and moemonism, and
Will find occasion to forbear;
t the most cursed of all things, free:
hardly left the camp when the Boers . layeasm, have, been trying to turn And something every day they live
To pity and perhaps forgive."
started shelling it., again. They did ' this earth Mee a Turkish harem or a
, I adv, also that you make your
not know we bad shifted. The whole I
great Salt Lake City. \elute the put- chief pleasure circle around about
-were raarching all night until about novels -then- cheapness only equalled is otherwise. If the husband. spen.ds
thatt home, It is rifortun.ate when it
brigade was about two miles long. We [pits have been oomparatively silent,
edit° the most of his nights away f rout
flee (Meek in the morning,. weer, we by their nastiness -ere trying to
bad three hours' rest, and then start. t tate; they have taken upon thenaselves home, of choice and 'not of necessity,
he is not the head of the household;
ed again until five o'clock in the it.t. to educate this, nation in regard to
ternoon. On again at night, then 1 hole marriage whieh makes erbeeake he is only the eashier. If the wife
another rest. On again at six o'clock for time and eternity. 011, this is not throw the cares cif the household in -
next morning. till three o'clock in the i a mere question of residence or weed- to the servant's lap, and then spend
afternoon.. Forward again. at six I robe, It is a question c.herged with nye nights of the week at the opera
o'clock, roerehing all night.. The gigantic joy or sorrow-- vvithl heaven or theatre, she in.ay caothe her chit-
' f C or e Sand. Alas, for this dren with ,satins, and laces, and rib-
bons that would oonfound a French
milliner, but they tare orphans. Oh,
1.4 is sed when a child has no one to
,say its prayers to because mother
has gone off to the evening entertain-
ment. In India they bring children
and throw thera to the crocodiles, and
it ScerO8 very cornet; but the jaws of
New York and Brooklyn dissipation
are swallowing clown more little ohil-
dren to -day than all the monsters
that ever erawied upon the banks of
the Ganges. have seen the sorrow
of a Godless mother on the death of
a child she rieglected, St was not so
mucla grief that she tett from the
fact that the child was dead as the fact
that she had neg-lected it. She said:
"If 1 had only weached over and car-
ed for the child, I know dna would.
not have. taken it." The, tears came
nob; it was a dry, btiseering tempest
-a ecorching simoon of tbs.
When she wrung her hands, it seem-
ed as if she would twist her fingers
-transport kept losing the path, and
could not keep witb us. Raining all
the time. Through drifts up to our
knees, nothing on bet khaki.
or bele Alas, for this neve dispense -
mingling of tbe night• -shade with the
merriage garlands. Alas, for the
"We reached Ladysmith about eight venom at addxessispit into the tank -
o'clock leext morning, rery nearly kards. Alas for the white frosts of
dead. Most of our fellows were walk- eternal death that kill the orange
Ing while feet asleep. Others fell out blossoms. The Gospel of Jesue
and dropped to sleep directly they Christ is to assert what/ is right and
touched. the ground. I don't mind the to assert what is wrotig. Atterapt
fighting, but I never want ea got has been made to take this institution
through such a march again." which was intended, for the happiness
and elevation of the race encl. make
HIGH.1611 EDUCATION, it a mere commereial enlerprise,---an
exchange of houses, and lands, and
Boston Matron -My love, you should equtpage-a business partnership of
/Wile domestic as Well as political two. Stuffed upl. with the otoriee ot
eootamay, Ifor in the extgencies of romance and knight-exrantry, and tin -
mundane existence no seer eau prog- faithfulness, mad feminine angel -hood,
masticate the future. Yon have al- the two after a while have roused up
reedy diebureed ail of the, present your to find that, instead of the Peraeise
Small Daughter -I know, they dreamed of they bave-got nothing
uncle pave you.
but the money wias all in new owns,
mother, but a Van Anabttrgles menagerie, fill-
ed %vith tigers and wild oats, Biehlt'
and the, designs are so inertistie that tiaouaand dtvorees in Parts in one t, ea
IC disliked to retain them in pay nos- proceeded the, woret revolution that I from teeir sockets; when she sheet
seem.. France ever saw. 14 1108 only, the l her heir, it seemed as 14 she had, in
have one more word 0f, advice to
give to those who would have a happy
home, and that. is: let love preside'in
it. When your behaviour in the de-
mesne circle becomes, a mere matter
of caloulation-when the earess you
give 1.5 merely the result ot deliberate
study of the position you occupy, hap-
piness Ues stark dead ort thethearth-
stone. When the husband's position
as head of the honsehola is maintain-
ed, by loudness of voice, by i strength
ot arm, by fire of temper, 'the repub-
lic ot domestic bliss has become a des-
potism that neither God' nor man will
abide. Oh, ye who promised to love
each other at the altar, how dare you
tommit perjury? Let no shadow of
nespiefon come on your affection. 14 18
easier to kin that flower, than it is to
make it live again. The blast 'vire
hell that puts out than light leaves
you, In the beteknees of darkness., for
votee, say *lg.
21 13144, With ati unelean eat eowee teore wasp% any ansv,Nr
Lb: we:II/doe" uerTe'leeetne;o‘gsv."34 eetetrobby It: to ibis, becautte Willie was fast usleen;
nek kiedly provision VIMiS Made for tee a gaiu z
trO4r6j4srat.ysse"elt ; ilhimut inthebeduaztaalattnituatte'whaea"
law forbade, and kere.oua with whole
seclusion et limatice and irresponsible sitotlivagm:011toin bed and listening ealled
he must not associate. In those dela
porsanu, and this poor oreature. see- "When he get 00 answer this time*
ing the crowd. enter the sYneitit.que4 ito started to get UP, as I eePeettel 14,4
POS4C9SiOn a Immo bodies, is tile tirea'it- ine:eidttrog.hett het made the bed
followee it. That the -re are evil spinits, would.
plain teaching of Scripture. Ine oried out et it I etepped
ttacl that in our Lord's day •they took.
put. " The loud cry otten aten.tioued hibeallkabtlteaggiste31;ttiltdieteill'‘t:inulaluitittuctathitela6edlolot$11;i:teirnglii
Artlettilfzi4ehrusei awas.tou dp,oulliltlett." rsottyasiii>t% tbtet . &tot orowliciyit.n,t elsoeo etebaget:tien bend as a
that light
indicate elte presence cif the foreigu ia twee. bet e ewe, sat taa
agent speaking either through or melee. and way of moving, In tile
tion of about three milions. 13egine
ulna with the war for independenee
in 1810, it is figured Una more thee
100,000 Venezuelans met their death
10 thet struggle. Then in the five
years' eLvil war, whiob. began la 1859,
another 50,000 men were killed. The
other losses that make ip the 2,000,000
occurred in the many revolutions
whieh have continued to the month of
Ontober last, when another rebellion
was started by Gen. Jose Hernandez.
Of the foreigners in Venezuela the
Germarts predominate, and if the re-
volutions which he.ye so greatly re-
duced the population eoritinue for an-
other hundred years it will be no dif-
ficult task for the German inhabi-
tants, who., ettorease et a greater nate
than the natives, to acquire ontrol
of the country by reason of their
greater numbers.
ever. ,
Here is a man and wife; 'they agree
int nothing else, but they a,gree they
will have a home. They will have a
splendid house, and they think ehet
if they have a house they will have a
home. Architect's make the ple.n, and
the mechantcs execute it; the house to
cost one hundeed thousand (lanes. It
is done. The Carpets are spread;
tights are hoisted; curtains are hung;
cards or invitation sent out. The
horses goid-plated harnets prance
at the gate; guests come in and take
their prams ; the flute sounds; tbe
da.noers go up lied down; Mad With one
grand whirl, the wealth, and the fast -
len, and the mirth at the 'great town
wheel. amid the pictured walls. Hal
this is happmess. Float it on, The
entoktng viands; sound it in the in.usic;
whirl) it in the dance; case it on the
e,now of sculpture; sound it up the
i Ulan stairera y; fla,sb it in the chain-
deliere. Happiness indeed! Let us
betild on the centreof. the parlour
floor a throne to happiness; let "all t he
goeste, when come in, bring their
flowers, and pearls, and diamonds,
and tb r 0 ,c7, the m on this pyramid, and
bet.' it be a throne; ane then let Hap-
piness, the ceueen, Mount the throne,
an,di vaill stand. around, and all
chalioes lifted, we will sayi "Drink, oh
witlaout the organs of the man Poe- way he ea mete eta head axtd,11,13 11{10ada;
24, Let eie atone; what have we to but he made. et raight for Willie'530om,
do with t hee, "Why should you Utter- perfectly .
just as well as though he eould eee
the blind man leas going
fere?" The person that speaks is evi- to loolr. atter Willie.
dently not tile efflioted taunt ened he get ih there an right cud
inside him: found the. boy all right -I don't
but the demon
that Jesus is bis enemy, and destruo- from whore, 1 was,
well know' how be told it. I eouldn't
but natetbe I
anti this demon knows
teen is his destiny, Our Lord had touched tint boy's head, or stood nu
not uttered a word respecting nhe listened to his , breatang, but any -
judgment or punishm.ent, but guilt how he satisfied himself that the boy
even eit ern recognize the uniineas et SmYaigshatnharli,:ittg-070,dut, ti:in:: es:at:stet:
eicouses and coutheams itself. The Hely
One or God. 1111° 104-9181. Will* bath for hie own room, I suppose 1
nesus, the, youngster's room, but it would,
accepted the testimony of demons, do.
Jesus hev" have been a sorl. of 'clumsy thing 10
he'd have been almost aertnin to nee
25. Jesus rebuked him.
men. Hold thy name. Literalle.
uttlred hear me, and, though 1 tonid hove got
away ail right, I. didn't like to go in
though he weloomes that of
"Be muzzled." Come out of 11101. Jesus that bunglieg wity, and thought I'd
does not speak to the tram, but 49 the let hint come out and get back into
invisible spirit. , his own roora and go to sleep before
26. Had tor» him. "Convulsed himaI started; but he gave me a great
Cried with a loud voice. "Ate.orY, in shake-up before he did that.
retge, despair mad fear." -w hereon. enho door to his oleo room was al-
of the power of our Lord.
and most directly opposite the door of the
room 'where the boy was. A little
Re came out. Against his will,
plies that the evil spirit: dashed his his own door 'wits the head of the
toward the front of the house from
Luke's, description of this scene 410' toward
enoleriely to the ground. stairs leading to the flooe belovie
St They were tell amazed. They When he came. out or the boy's roma
had wonder on tep of wonder. Hero he didn't Make" straight envies to ;Ai
was a rabbi egttioet, whom the dein-
, °evil doer, imp be tOOIC 0 diagonal
0113 . were PartioulterlY bitter; t-ot. course 1 oward the head of the stairs
rabbi had Power to expel demons; and I thoaght he'd lost his way, but
and., raore wonderful yet, tee demons the distance was short, and he was
recognized him` as God's Holy One. there before I could realize 1.1.
They questioned among themselves. "It made my lie.ert go down to think
Talked over the matter by themselves, of being found there in the house with
thief Note the excla,mation of wort- a blind man with m broken neck, or a
broken leg, or something of that sort,
in groups and apart. • What thing is
der at Ohriet's word and work as but he didn't go over. He went plumb
given in the Revised Version. Will to the verge of the stairs and halted
authority conabtandeth he even the there. as thonge it had been broad
unolean spirits. ne. does not resort daylight and he could see, and stood.
such as ordinary jetvish exorcists there for a minute and listened. It
wasn't Willie -what could it have
to ine(031,41. i MIS aud ceremonies
used. , been? Es didn't heer anything; and
he turned and went. back into his '
ms28.famline inspectreisadte.layb.pos'd'StTraiiiegiminiti,Tfoie` own Teom and got into
bed and sat up
called attention to the new teacher in it again for a minute as he had
and excited a spirit of inquiry whitili done. before lie got uv, Ond then lay
prepared the people to accept. his ut- down.
terances. Neither of the evangelists "And I waited for him, and when
„wee record this miracle says that it, he'd got to sleep again, I skipped, very
was the first, but they imply that it gently; going down the stairs so as
was the first which exeited general not to make 'em oreak under my
attention. All the region round) about , tveight, and Igoe oul. and glad to get
Galilee. "All the region eof Galilee aWaY.' 1 don't wanti any run-in wittt
retied about." .
Nearly trerySoldter1114 a talnerent Wny
to Show 11,
ef you bake e dozen soldiers as like
eaoh other as peas, so far as height,
weight, strength, age, ceurage and
general appearance, and wound thdlet
all in precisely the same way, you will
Aind that scarcely any two of them.
are 'affected alike.
One man on receiving a bullet in
his leg, will go tin fighting as if .110 -th-
ing had happened. He does not know,
in tact, that het now contains a bul-
let. But perhaps in two •er three min-
utes he will grow faint and fall.
Another man, witeout feeling the
slightest pain, will tremble all over,.
totter and fall at onee, even though
the wound is really very slight.
A third. will cry out in sway
frighten his comrades, and will for-
get everything in his agony. A fou.rth
witl grow stupid and look like an
Some soidiere weunded in the slight-
est manner will have to be carried -oft
the field. Others, although perhaps,
faeally injured, can easily walk to the
timbulanee. Many die quiekly from the
shoek to the nerveus system.
A very curious eaee 45 recorded in
the eurgionl hist ovy of the American
Civil War, in which thr,ee officers wr.-re
int just at the ettane time. One had
lies leg from the kn,ee' down calcined
ttlway, hut he rode 10 males to the hos-
pital Another 'Lost his little finger,
and he became a ?raving lunatic. While
o third teas fih,ot through the body,
and, though he did not shed a drop
of blood externally, dropped dead.
from the shock.
a blind man." •
29. Itorthwith, "Straiglatway,"
again, The houits of Simon and An-
drew. See Matt, 8. 14. These disciples
had net been long "sei tled' in
eruaitniliim.n's wire's mo'ther, This
passage end 1 Cor. 953)3016 that
Peter was a. , married man. Amon.
"Straightway," again. They tell him'
°calif IllrhiegerlixP. fCeSvntElkfrili.dilenlItclethanatsthlthe4tpo:avIler Xl 1;:le't1 at t aches himself very firmly 1)1/31Read Luke's aceo,unt of this
miracle. Par.; "immediately" read 'oletiaZheehseehitemgsl apparatusfverf ir 11,Yr abnYgneY (n)::
"straightway," She miniptiered unto the top of tie head. The fisherMan
them. Doubtless prepared the even- then hauls both turtle and sucking
tag meal; an& as pr. -Buell suggests, fish ire
this may have- included grinding aut
the meal and going to -the publie time- '
tteiu foe water.
22.. At even, When the sun clid set.
The setting sun brought the Sa,bliath
to a close, and immediately crowds
who were conscientiously restrained
from odeeng his help on the Sabbath
carioue mode of .ca teeing turtles
34 practiced in tee, West -Indies. -It'
consists 11.1 ,atitiething a ring and a
'tine le the Lail 'ore species of sucker
fieh, which, is thea thrown overboard,
and immediately tualtes fee the first
turtle he Oah epee to which be at-
Are yenr new neighbors nice? Mrs1 brought- unto him all that were dia-
Skinner. ea,sed, ante them thnt were possessed
they are pretty near nice. 33, All the city was' gathered togeth,
teeette not exactly nice,
• De eat ,helieve you will sueceed:itt
havlog your m an a cqu i tied? a sked one
boven't given much thought to
tha 1 phase of the nueetion, arks -we -red
the other. But 1 ana eb,solutely con-
fadent that we can have the trial post-
' roned otterk enough to prevent a COSI.