Exeter Times, 1900-3-1, Page 57 4'
from 4i to Y:ea. Apply r„o-
• Barristers Solieiters, $te, Maio Ste EntOX?
We h aveunlimited private fonds Or „invest -
Intent -Oen fatal or -village property at lowest
rates of alto:est. . . .
-rx KINSMAN, L. I). S. AND
-es- DK. A.R. ItINsmAN, L.
D. S. D. se Heuer Graduate
of Termite Univemity. Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
had after effects, Oftlee in Fan.
smell block. West eiele of Main
'wet, Exeter'
Afloetrsou, (D. o• S. I,- 0- 3 )
Honor InGraduate of the 'l'orotito University.
aud Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario. AU bridge work. Crowns, it d Plate
work done in the neateet manlier ' A
harmless auresibetic for painless extractiott.
The strictest attendee given to the preseryat,
ion of the natural teeth. Oillee oppoalte aen.,
taut Hotel. keter. Ontario.
A. HOOPER Licensed Auc-
tionver for the County el Hume, salei, yea_
ducted in all parts. and for convenience can he I
arranged for at this office. Satisfaction Gamma -
teed, chereee moderate. Exeter P. O.
-vv. SOUTH AFRICA" by Joint Clark Rid -
path, L. la la,.edward S. Ellie, A... J. A,
Cooper, Managiug ittlitor of the "Capatilan
Magazine. Toronto, andar. A.then, of on,
dolt. Ont., who has returned this week from 12,
travelling in South Africa, for tea We
Aro the only Canadian Publishers. who ve' had
Alganch in South Africa for nineteen years,
giving us an immense advantage in proeuring
photographs and enacted. teir auttionene.
IetterPreis and rograviiias arc, superior, and
CanadLm Contingentahetterlilitstrated than in
any dal Work. So sure aro we of this that
eve will mail tree for comparisonour prospectns
to anyone possessing a Vivra prospectus. Circu-
lars auti terms free. Apply. ‘VorIci Publishing
Company, Uuelph.Outorio.
far ,7 7 1
"nee call:eau 4
vu trft-za
nos aanoscro
Meat Market
The understgned has opened up a
new meat market one door
South at 6ariing' Stare
where be will keep the choicest, of
meats constantly on hand, •
C.A1.I.-OI]( 31 ED.
Mill Feed and Cern
in 1For Cas
• •S-8.-iitings
Tweeds redcuced from.,$18 to $10.
R 14.
11 '
Plain Worsteds • a 22 lc 10.
Twill e -u . 18 n 15.
'Tweeds 'reduced from $4.50 to $3.70
Black -11 $0.00 to $4.50
With all suits we give the best
of trinerninas and guaeantee to Et.
Call and examine- these goods
before buying your suit.
- The Tenor.
troubled with nervousness, despon-
dency, w.-haustion, loss of memory, so
• g aching 'backs and kid neys,painful urine- W
an, tion, hash fulni
esS, sediment n urine, 10$Sus Iri
ta% at night, impotency, headaches, varicocele, V
gt pimples, ulcers, bone pains,-Thc results 15
of evil. habits in youth or later excnszcs. *V
Ger Vitalized Trealment err-. the -r, 4 P
1,a,missionQ 67_, VEirECiSstar:l-,EC"1
..sap the rigor and vit:tlity ard -
weak raen. 0.ar S.3c;,c4 o,r.• '1"3've,r'',MV
witt core Yati •
St r atm n r
No matter how eironic, y ield cw:e
ized Trea.tn2ent. No operation, 1.0
no detention fror: 1.11191114"PF.. a -V -i are, ,-
cease, Otve /i9oXi'mr:
Cure You.
Blood 84
clued forever. No return of tat', diser,P,'
No Mercury. No Poison. 9-36%:41.1•1..;
irsesaitseacott wiii ets.t^o
• Gulratt tee CVP.ret.4.
- We treat and Mire all ens- nv,y,; poi!
• eases of men and wontou for ,
Examiantion and flomeltAtion Fral. frr rzasSI
List for Roma Trestinag.
DOIIAIDOCTORL ,41 gilit11, %
' WEODIVO Batenee---At 0 p. nt mi
Wednesday 21st, a quiet Wedding 'Wile
solemnized at; the cert.:Impales w • rest.
deuce of Andrew Turebell, Winched.
sea. when hie daughtcr„ Miss late.,, Cita.
eame the bride a. w. R. Diitiegi:(,' eif
Farquhar. The kin* was e.c.iirely, tied
by Rev. 0, Eleteher Ilia mond, happy,
manoer, Only. the near relativea of
the cooteacting parties were presetit,
'The young Couple are highly reSpeeted,
May t hetr barque sail gently down the
stream of time is the wish a allele
many friends.
Beiges -Mrs, II. Miller joined her
Intsbaud in Duluth last week.--Mrse
Ed. Litt is on the siek
J. •Jordart ore mute happy try the
• arrival of a, 'dee lill Le girl. -The Sisters
tif Charity front London, tnade quite
a successful trip. fitntuoially through
this towut,hip !net week. -Joe. IJiteloge
is the- purchaser of J. -Jonlan's fame,
on the seetnal conceesion of Halbert,
foe which he paid at good_ • price.- iss
(alley. of Haile -el., went to live in Mrs,
I. 1 -lackey's house on Monday of last
weeta-Mr.- Nit's. W. Neville, of
Mount Venue', spent a few days of
last week .with Dr. and nrs. Alitchell.-
--.Mr. and -Mrs, Frith!: McConnell spent
Friday evening in Staffit tettenditig the
WM:vs.-The literary mteUng of
the Spider Li -Niglio. was taken rherge
,of by the Junior Teensite members litet
Teestley evening in the presence of a
huge torn out of friends %dui Weve,
luterosted in the exereisea by the
children. whieh were eonducted in a
very pleasing manner. -On Wearies.
day evening at the Presbyterian par-
eonage, Vromarty, Mrs. Armstroug,
of Fullerton vilidge, was milted he
marriage to harry Weghorn. of Crem-
twee-Win. Armstrong is eugaged for
the summer at Motherwell with Air.
Sterritt.--Newe lute reaelied here or
the death %if Jae Gottrley, who has
lately been living at Windsor. Mr.
Gourley was a captain in the 28th
Batt. about the time Of the Meilen.
Reid. but was not called ante Friends
In thls seetion have the sympathy of
the continunity.-Any of the neigh-
boring hamlets svhose citizens have
any ambition about elteeker playing,
shoulkt ciimittnnicate with the checker
players of Fullerton if they want their
Morels taken away or a friendly game.
Bilaties.-The snow Storni of Satur-
day and Sunday was the Sevecest of
the seaeon, mid has left, many of the
roads in au almost, impassable condi,
tion. -A greet many from this vkiniy
;Molded the Scotch concert given un-
der the auspices of the Sons of Scot-
land in Cromarty on Friday night of
last week. The concert was a decided
success:, as t he hall was erowded beyond
its accommodation. Everyone was so
highly pleased with the singing of Miss
McNichol, of Toronto, and H R Mc-
Donald, of London, time they each bad
to respond to several eneores, while
Prof Gray, with his class of Highland
dancers, did not fail to interest the
most sanguine. The proceeds of the
evening anion nted to $120. -The many
friends 'of \Villain Duncan will be
pleased to learn that he has taken to
himself a wife, in the person of Miss
Turubull, eldest daughter of _An-
drew Turnbull, of Witichelsea. The
marriage ceremony was performed by
Rev 0 Fletcher at the borne of ,the
bride, on Wednesday, in the presence
of a, few of the immediate relatives of
the contracting parties. The young
couple have settled on the beautiful 50 -
acre farm lately vacated by Mr &An-
son, We all wish Mr and Mrs Duneati
Ob long and hapoy married life. -Mrs
James Vance, who for many yea's re -
Sided with her son-in-law. John Mitch-
ell, of Qranbrook, has removed to
Farquhai, to live with her daughter,
Mrs David MeNicoh. Mr Mitchell has
disposed of his carriage business hi
Oranbrook endewill in the.future live
in Winghana,.wbere he hies purchased
a similar business. Mrs Vance did -
not like to go -so far away from her
family -and consequently has -come to
live in Farquhar: We, welcome her
to °Qv village. -Messrs D Minoan, 3
Don can, -Jr, AV Gardiner, of Mau i te ba„
Allison; Jr, and W Monteith, with
their wives, attended a family gather-
ing at the home of V' R Hamilton, on
Friday of last week. - In the evening
they all attended the. Scotch concert.
and it is needless 43 say that they all
went home well pleased. -The infant
child or Archie McCurdy, Thames
Road, died no Saturday last, froth the
effects of an Detrick of beonchitis.
John Dencau, Jr, sold two very valu-
able horses one day last Week,•one to
Mr Westcott, of Exeter, and the other'
to 3 White, of St Marys. -The boys' of
S S No 3, Usborne, w ent Over to Kirk -
ton on Friday of last, week and played
the boys of that school a friendly game
of 'football, The game resulted in a
draw, each getting onagoel.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has aeon used for
over flf by years by millions of mothers for their,
children while teething, With perfect success '
It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al
pain, cures wind colic, mill is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea..It is.pleassait to the elate. Sold
by druggists hi every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. • Its value is incalculable Be
sure . and ask ,for Mrs Winslow's Soothing
Syrup and take no Other kind. .
TuAng lifiamta
Coevetiamrs &c.
Aayone Sending a sketch and description 3naY
quickly ascertain „Mr opinion free whether an
invention 18 probably patentable. COMIIIIIPliefle•
tioris strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn Co. receive
spectal /tattoo, without'eharge, in tlie
Scientific American,.
A handsomely illustrated weekly: Largest cir-
culation of any scientific 'journal. Terms, $O a
,year ; four mdnths, $1. Sold byall newsclealers:
MUNN &C0.381Broadway, New York
• Itraneb Oiace. 625.7 St. 'Washington,
:of touis.Vester, or sim.b 23 :1 It C wife
N%°U, 7:tectro',17.nthtei:013thr4ittlIti.t,,tshmoolviair,ifree'tioft
John Fuss, of a datighter. •
tattle, o e.c ana. ter.
Tuakersuoth, en Feb. 151b, the.
wifa of Etaward Waimea of daughter,
E -In mieh, ou le oil a
DUBCAN-5URN1IJI.14-At the residence of
the bride's father; on Feb• I, bY the. itev- O.
Fletcher, W. It. Duneam. of Farquhar, to
Turnbulh of Wineheisea.
salloNtts-•JOUNS-At the residence et the
bride's "ei-aer. on Feb, dlst. by Rev. W'.
Waddell, Robert Sanders, of Stephen, to Mies
Betide Jobus, oC Usborne.
PAGE-tatlitaNO- At the residence of tbe
bride. parents, Feb. 21s1 by Iter. Non' Shaw.
David Porter Page, of anittale, N. Y., to
Annie. a fourth daughter of Mr. anal Mrs.
Alex. C4rdt10. ofSeaforth.,
TAY Lott-sere:nes:Ns-0u the 21st. inet,, At
the residence of bride's parents, ,by flee. la
Clement, Joint F. Taylor. of Tueltills • ith, son
of George Teeter. of 4cippen, to Miss Annie
1., Stevens. daughter of William Stevens,
HARIlle-WILLIS-In Exeter North. on 28th
ult., at the residence of the bride's pareptaby
Rev, W Martin, iss tary. dKaghter of
James Willis, to Richard. Barris, of Bree-
den, Nap,
FOLLIOlt -In Exeter, on the 2Ist, flamiltot
;Marti -
STORY -In Tuelterstulth. on Feb. list, An --
drew Story, aged 71 years. 7 months aid i9
nenDIFF--ta Morris. rsu Friday, Feb, sue
etillard Eric Carder. need In years and I)
CASSADAY-At Aeburn oa Feb..120, Caroline
Matilda Alear. relict of the latelanies Cassa -
da$. aged Ge yearal month avid 15 daye,
BAJANii-In liruesels on 5.10ildny, Feb 1211i.
Horrisoo lirnre, son of Mr. owl Mrs. tieorge
Backer. aged It years.3 months and 26 daye.
1411134E -in Teekersmith, on Feb. 121h, Mat-
tnew 14111e, Agee 5 years.
Jelintagg, Coldwater. Gate says
woo troubled. for Sow(' time with tiatre Throat
and Weak ',wigs, but pr. Woods Norway PiRo
81'rult otired 109 MUM other remeaics
Price tNie.
BurvoLK Fon Suit.es-A second hand
bicycle, in gond order, for tette. Price
$12. Apply to W. Hill, Carling Bras,
Alie R. P. Olivia, of Bercelena.
Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S.
V. Weak nerves had caused severe,
pains in the bacI nl (he head. On
using Elect rie Bin ere, Animas great-
est, Blood and Nerve Rentedv, all pain
soon left hint. Ile says ibis grand
medicine is what his country needs,
All America, knows that, it cures liver
and kidney, trouble. purities the blood,
tones up the stomach, strengthens the
nerves, puts vim, vigor and life !tato
every muscle, nerve and organ of the
body. If weak, tired or ailing you
need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only
59 cents, Sold by all Druggists.
. _
To the Editor of Tnz
The writer of a, letter in last week's
Aelvocate to "a certain claes of our
boys" Were the following suggestion ;
That a suitable romn, properly furn-
ished be secured in which these boys
could spend their evenings, engagmg
in innocent mulles, =ale, debattee,
addrestes, etc. The suggestion in it,
self, is an excellent one and might he
the means of accomplishing much
good, provided that a certain part of
the public and the boys themselves
would co-operete in a proper tnanner
and in a proper spirit, but this is sim-
ply out of the question. Wore J. A. R.
or any other person to attempt to give
practical effect to such a project, they
would be met with indifference, oppos-
ition and ridicule.
The different suggestions offered re-
garding respectfrd deportment an the
part of the Public School pupils and
that they should be regularly maract-
ed in drill ; also that a suit-
able building be erected Ort
the school ground to answer
several usefid purposes, should be
adopted. Why not, also trythe effect of
the curfew by-law, it is said to wore
well in surrounding places, such as
Parkhill for example. If the very
young boys and, girls could be kept
from off the streets at night, it would
be eertaiuly most desirable.
They Give the Richest, Most
Brilliant and Most Last -
ting colors.
Ninty-five per cent, of the rags and
other metals used in the manufacture
of home-made mats, rugs and carpets
are colored by the Diamond Dyes.
Why? Because the Diamond Dyes
always give to wool and anion metals
the fullest, brighest, richest and most
lasting colors; son, soap or washing
cannot fade Diamond Dye colors.
Mrs. D. Davidson, Covey -Hill, P. Q.
writers thus:
'I nave been using your Diamond Dyes
for manyyears, and they have always
given entire Satisfaction. 'To -day we
emptied two packets of yeur dyes and
I am obliged to bay inore, ae we are
making sixty yards of rag carpet. I
have used your cotton colors and I
think they are beaatiful. The stripes
in My carpet-black,green red and yel-
low --aro sich. I cannot sucffiently
praise Diamond Dyes; all my DeignsPeak well of them.
Children Oryfor
Dissolution of Partnershipi
N°T,Trtteli'sshbipel'ebbeYregtoivfoerne thatexis tintb;
between John Williams and Joseph
Cobbledick, carrying on business at
the Village of Exeter, under the name,
style and -arm of Cobbledick Ss Wil-
liams. has this day been mutually dis-
Dated Jen. 20th, 1900.
'‘Wititer Rnds Out WhatMARI< *h:T .
Summer Lays B,y. PP .exeter MhtlAftY,2.3re,otio..,
,it spring., sommer
autumn c7 winter, someone
in' the family is i"under
the weather" from trowble
originating in impure blood or
low condition of the system,
All these, of whatever name, can bo
cured by the great idoed punder,
Hood's Sarsaparilla.Zenererclisappints.
$008-"X was troubled with boils ter
months. Was advised to take Ilocid's Ser.
saperitia, and after using,a fewbottles base
not since been bothered' E. 11. GIAMT4s,
Trur0, N.
Could Not Steep -"I did not have any
appetite and could not sleep at night, Was
so tired I could headly walk, Read about
Hood's Sarsaparilla, to* four bottles and
it restored me to perfect health," Ursa
3e,s,sw Tominetz, Craw:brook% Ont,
rats cure that oat thenon-lnliaijpgael
'WY eatbarricL 18 teat, with .licc4ta SA1.4447:4114
Want Shorter Hohuays.
111roligh thets representative, sev-
eral of the sehool sections of Busts
Zorz'a are petitioning the Minister nt'
Iiklucation to shorten the simmer hol-
idays in . 'ural schools. The seamier
velvet:len IS now seven weeks, and
some of the eeetions wish it •eedoced to
three. Among other reasons assigued
it= the faet. that the schools 112 the stun -
mer ere attended by very young,chi1.
dren. and that the summer month:sure
the best time for them to get. to sebool.
The following sections have passed
resolutions in favor of going back to
the shorter vacetions: 2, 8, 7, 9, 11 and
13. The trustees of the schools referred
to express a desire to have the subject
discussed iu ot
her school sections,
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart, of Groton. S. D. "Wes taken
with a bad cold which settled on my •
lungs; cough set in and finally term-
inated in Consumption. Four 'Doctors
gave me up, saying 1 could live but a
hbort, time. I gave myself up to iny
Saviour, determined if I:could not stay
with my frienos on earth. I would
Meet my absent ones above.
husband was advised to get Dr. Kilns'
New discovery for 7.lonstunption,
Coughs and Colds. I gave it it trial,
took in all eight bot tles, It has cared
me, and thank Goth I am saved and
now a well and healt hy women," Sold
by all droggiste: 50 ets. avid $1.00.
Guaranteed or price refunded.
On Friday evening last it nurnber of
Lite members of St Johns chureleVarna
waited on their organist, Miss Lath)
Weekes, and presented her with a
very In& y complimentary address
flald a purse of 1100007 110 reeoginthin of
her services as organist during the
past year,
The remains of Mrs. Wallace, of Tor.
onto, who went, under surgical opera-
tions several times for -tumor, the hist
one being performed last simmer in
GOdericb were brOught from ber home
at Toronto on Monday to be interred
in Colborne cemetery where many of
her relatives rest in peace.
Paine's Celery Compound
Recommended by:
Rev. C. M. Tyler, a Methodist
Minister of Nova Scotia.
It Saves the Life of 'Mr.
George W. Parks.
A gain in Flesh of ,Thirty-two
Pounds in three weeks.
Amongst professional men who are
active and ardent advocates of Paine's
Celery Oompound, clergyman are
found who never weary in recominend-
ing the powerful medicine to members
of their churches who are alb:1g, sick
and diseased.
The true and honest clegyma,n who
has himself experienced the life-giving
power of Paine's Celery Compound
who has been raised from weakness of
body to full health and vigor, feels it
it duty to speak to others of the only
true healtb and strength builders that
the world has ever seen.
Mr. G. W. Parks, 'once near the dark
grave, but rescued and saved by
Paine's Celery Conipound after fail-
ures of his doctors, sends the following,
"While at sea I was taken sick,
which compelled me to aband my work
and seek home and rest. I consulted
the doctors who pronounced it typhoid
or slow fever, 1 soffered severely from
nigh t-svveats, and cold chills during
the day. Added to this l'ivas extreme-
ly nervous, which weakened me and
reduced my flesh until I was a Mere
skeleton. This continueci until last
winter, when my wife and I was n.rad-
unity worse.
"Through the influence of the Rev.
C. M. Taylor, I waS introduced to
give Paine's Celery Compound a trial,
and I can truly say it worked wonders.
The first bottle gave me great relief,
and five bottle completely cured nio
gained thirty-two pounds in t
weeks, and am now strong and Ilealtuy,
I would urge the suffering everywhere
to.give .Faine's ,Celery Compound a
Wheat nor bushel ..... .a9. to SO
Uals $". -V11
.-18 to 18
Boaciele:. • .4 .
YggS • -.
B915- It: 61;
C'Nr's (hu ookkei n.8 e. .1) Or.111 :o :7
Duck • . „ 7 tiF 7
Pporlrcleu rketig . „,,15.01.11? ;40,5.1565,
1.011,1011. MMULA tkb, 19011,
til behe.
at eer imsl. . tiii te 57
. 7:„'S ivi.• 41
P :it 40 01
.1411.114 ..... 14)10
buckwheat ... • • • to 15
ite .. - • -, II to ee
(awl, . a. ...,42 to 1,,
BMW.; 41 to 70
Butter . - . . ..14 to 14
15. to 10
Duck.:to 70
Turkey-. per : . 10 to 12
stieeso p,', 2,• ,... • ll to 10
t bwRiot • .50 .4., Ao
•• to 10
111), 0-.' te,i0
Polmi•,0-. p.., -„,;.: .,..s 't: 1111
Pork ee'.'''''.4.', . t, 40 10.55
Wien the burn= foot was
1rst introduced to shoes it was
actly as nature Lad made it,
It bas been revolutionized
from what it WitS tO the foot of
to -day by sixteen centuries a
distorting tightness and freakish styles.
"8/ater Shoes " are made to et
feet as they are to day comfort rst,
but good appearance never forgotten.
Twelve shapes, six widths, all
sizes leathers and colors,
Goodyear welted, name andprice
stamped on the soles,
E. J. gP,44,
To TH. DEA, A 's TEN C011 MAN
her De1444"..Sni14,0 ea.Jit 811s Ho 0L e00 s
hy Dr. N't-hol-tois A a' 0 fir
hzIN Seat 4,11.thit) 144 a.% la...tante, so.
l'Itnt deaf people nom lale uroettre the
Ear Dt It y ..ave 1 hetet f eta Ap.
Ply to Dept. A. S. V. *he 7811
Kighth Avenue, Nen York.V. 8. A.
-Use Dix Cohl Orr: for voids, halo
Za. avid la grippe,. Doty 15e i4 t/DX.
411(1 at laitz's Drug Store.
a. Elizabeth Fard„ IA In, lois been
or n•everitt yearr, tir-.4tetil ef 4 'how
died WSelueetlity night liner no dimes
ewes rat went hs. The eerea-ed n as
a daughter Of Ite lot i• Job!, Void and
FIK1,.1. of Nze,...:1" 11, Whim nod
John FOrcl of Cilium,. arid R. ami Al.
Ford of Hullett.
e-e-esesee "
irles;:rru7NAigYndOaljelo'Hurse In latr-int4•6 end Short
IG(I 11110 +41811 place lie 144', 4'(I'.
t'atalueuta fee,.
i .11 . ti
1'1A IS
Constantly pursues a man
it is easy enough of }..olution,
though when you are able to
avail yourself of our offer. \,‘
are ;showing a tine range, of
Black Worsted in twills. vene-
tians and clays (bought before
the heavy advance in price
and sailing at the old prices.)
Nice suits for $14 in Daley
worked suiting. Wc show d,
big range at moderate prices
in Scocch and Canadian tweeds
We cary a large and well as-
sorted stock., Prices to suit
all. A. large stock of the lat-
est goods voa oercfor singt
from $10 up,
GIVE US A CALL and see
what we eau do, for you. .
J. H. Crieve.
Two severe cases that
were completely cured
by the Great Blood
Purifier and Healer,
Sitsifered For over eleven years I
11 1 Years. suffered with Dyspepsia
and ttied everything. I could think of, but
was unable to get relief until I took Bur-
dock Blood Bitters. I had only taken one
bottle when I commenced to feel better,
and after taking five or six bottles was
entirely well, and have remained so ever
since, and feel as though 13.13.13, had saved
my life. -Mrs. T. G. Joyce, Stanhope, 1'.Q.
W ith Sores.
COVOPOIll yMeyarsli,ttlNevabs oya, age completezo
mass of sores, caused, the doctor said, by
bad blood. His bead and body were
entirely covered with sores, and We could
find no cure. Finally got a bottle of
Burdock Blood Bitters, and before one-
half' the bottle was gone he began to
improve and by the time it was finished
there was not a sore on him.
I used the B.B.13. as a wash as well as
internally, and it seemed to give geea:t
lief as soon as it was put ori. -Mrs.
l'hilip Mitchell, St, Mary's, Ont.
School Opening
AXJ) 1.1,, THE IL
Where the 1,7:Ow1:ars are used
Gives His Honest Opinion ol
Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills.
Mr, J. D. Robinson, a resident of Dun-
dee, Ont., has found these pillo do all
that is elaimed for them and made the
following statement of his case ;
"; Some time ago 1 obtolned a box of
lIfillranfe Heart and Nerve Pills, and
oan nowewithout heeitation say that they
have been beneficial in relieving ine of an
obstinate and long standing complaint
affecting my heart and nerves.
"1 was troubled with sleeplessness, dizzi-
ness, palpitation and nearalgip, for such a
long time that I had really given up hope
of a cure. Now, that others may learn of
the virtues of this remedy, X give my
unsolicited testimony.
"My honest opinion is that there is no
cure so good for heart and nerve troubles aS
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills,"
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50o,
a hos. or 3 for 1..25, at all druggists.
Five Packs of Dards Free,
dentThou shalt have no etherFrost.
hut me. -
i, IL non elsalt wet take unto Oise,.
, self any Britisher ; net on my lands or
1 under my Nude, or hy the natters
lab -eve. I am a jealous man, but- they
bate me ; end I ellen 'bow no mercy
I unto the thotiearale ilea mu:round ints
t anti not. keep U.y ennunund„
1 III. Thou shalt not tati,e the narne
i of 0011i Paul Kt tiger in vaita ; for / am
la jealous ntld upright man.
i . IV Remember to hoop open the Sala -
0 bath day, by -goieg to china; and
I take thy Bade with I hee; PVen though
i thou dost all matiner of work after,
' thou. thy Sen. thy Daughter nor thy
1 Kaffir. Lord help a lit it leiter hanging
wound toy time ; for this is ars Coen -
1 trv. ard 1 lien owed it.
'V. Honor Ooze Faul Kruger, pay
your taxes, and see that the Britisher
pays hie. that thy days may be long
upon the nonsireal. that 1 give thee.
VI. Thon elialt do ilk murder, to
bine own people -hut if a Britisher
roeees thy path.take your little
Nide in one hand, your sword in the
\'1'I. Thou shah 110( 14 axa:t thyself
y any depte of nia/iro or leered,
only when yeti .bliCAV 21.1' 'Whitt. rag.
VIM TIIVII eimit not revel anitingSti
1 (hint' own ,se elite- len n lit ei 6tlargera
' 00110 Within 4 -tit' 1,4ndelit lake all you
can, for iny eake tied the govere
ePt.8'Thou shalt bear fah
se se witness
against thy neighbor.
X. Thou Agit ovet thy neighbor's
1 house, also bis hind, Ids mines, his ox
, or bis ;tee.- 00 anything he has, if be is
• a B('itisher.
One pack, 'May 1. C. U. Home.' One pack
'Escort,' 0:lei:mit 'Flirtation,' One pack 'Hold.
to -light,' One pack 'Otr Sofa Just Holds Two.'
Samples of L-ro other t-tylas with book full of no-
tions. Semi Se. silver for postage. .„.
S.alam-Yarmouth, N. S.
Meat Market.
For first class
A fine selection of '
and all kinds of
Fresti tartd ettterd Meats
on hand.
Note the address, one door north of
The R. Pickard Oo's store.
The wife o President Kroger is ree
ported ill.
A very pretty and unique wedding
tool; piece at the reeidence of William
Brown, NI 111,314Vt. Sit vet, Myth, ,on
Wednesday evening of last week,
when, in the preeente cif about fifty
invited guests, his se t and daughter,
'Maggie A,'was unit ad in Marriage to
John eh Pollard, of MeRilleo, a pros.
perous Ilol MI of that ifen tubip
The Hoard of Health ot Stanley
township met on Saturday, at the tall
of tbe elmiunart, to consider What
course 14) pursue in connection with a
rai.e of st'ipposed 1-ntaliFoX at, Mr,
Toniliro.on s London Road. Murb to
.the sal iafaction of the Wald the meal-
heulth oaken Dr. Annetrong,
hunch d in 01. stattment that tile case in
quest ion had turned out to be chicken-
pox and he was given liberty to take
; down the platen ds at his discretion.
and send us with Vccuts in silver. and Yon -will
get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX OF
GOODS that will bring you in MOPE:3,4'0=y.
in, one month, than anything else in America..
A. iv. KINE. 13.1..
Salt rn- nn mouth, N. S
The undersigned wishes to announce
that he has opened up a blacksmith
business in Dayis' old stand, Main St.,
where he will be prepared to do all
kinds of
Gerliera 1 iobbirig
Jas. Russel
By the Best
A little tickling in the throata-now and
then a dry, hacking cougli--"not bad
enough to 1)other abont you say."
But every hack makes a breach in the
system, strains the lungs and prepares the
way for more serious trouble.
1Twould be wise for you to take Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup now, before the
lungs become pertnanently affected.
It is the most certain and satisfactory
remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Croup, Hoarseness, Sore Throat and
Whooping Cough.
Mrs. Geo. F. Foster, Lansdowne, 11/41,33
has this to say: '1 was taken suddenly with
a cold whinh settled on my lungs. 1 had
a terrible cough and it gave me great alarm.
Ali the remedies I tried seemed of no use.
1 then started taking
Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup, which
cured me so promptly
that it was a Pleasant
surprise. i shall
alwaye keep it in the
Ignore the Rest
In the end you will find
it cheapest. Furnish that va-
cant room with one of our
Bed- Room Setts, Tables,
Chairs, Etc.
We have it, you -want it,.
Take a look at our full line of
FURNITURE and you will
find what you are looking, for
Opera llouse Block