Exeter Times, 1900-3-1, Page 2TEEEXTE TIMES
For Sixty Days Horse Flesh Ha
Been the Daily Diet of the
la eepatau twat). London, Wednea-; personally rendered inveinable help.
daY, says :-A•mounts of tile privies 1 futleed, but for las encouragement
time of those watt were besieged iar /Id' infectioue good spirits it is doubt -
Number* of people from gietherleY1 A DELIRIUM OF JOY.
aro now tlecleina to the Madder river A truly remarks:tile echievemeitt was
amnia Tbe women and children. ere ibe amen_acture or the 28 -pounder gun
weak fr.= their sufferings dazing kneeen on Lens Ceell." lei maker vitae
44Ilel '''' °b* iLeclardiog to the ; aline a4livlueas rreceleatt.111,yarakedilledGebyciregeshelfxraolnxi;
the ' ea
Deily Mat:ash:Ws eorreeporidenteriveitles Baer,s' big KM), whicb but in liEs
allied that ot Paris. For sixty days 'room irs ant:rand hetet. 'Long Cecil,"
aoreeflesh was tlae daily diet of the was rated, id i. Axel enher sbrapitel
inbabitanta of the tenon ata meat 'Dr eolisMon eaells. L wee simply in-
valuable in helping to IteeP the Beer4
bad been consumed aud the horses at a dietance.
were starving. These whieh died
Kbaberley aro bozioatag to arrive. fouult Vietlier the town would bave held
9 long.
from starvation were Seized and de-
voured by Ms Kaftire.
It was after the Boers broaght u
their 100-poun4er that tbe mean b
elIM° w"6*'" This 81434 "(1' range of tles Freneki entered the town .near
8 inties. wed it was placed at Kam- the lererater nate. The euceolla Waal
tell the people not baying
evale beard et 'the British advauce.
sigualler eaw the, column ore the
move, and recognized it ail belug Brit.
win The eeeray'e toreee were melting
away, ad Gen. French% ca.valry were
corelog p setentled aleng a froue of
ten miles. Mr. Rhodes rode oat ef the
own, bat wt to tbe wreme Xtau
dinery artillery, hut not agamet the time ratesiug Gen. French as he enter -
LO -pounder. ed.
Censequently West of the wortieu • mataaRee HaReEe toseemeo teBAre,
and children. by Cecil Itlexclea' order,
were sent down Into tiset minee and die- On Fraley the British horses were
trituted along the variorte levels.. tlearla' dead trout the effeets of taeir
vi e.„,t.-4 to realize
lil march but notwithstanding
that •the forret
epoarlente de not exaggerate when
LF ay that ben. Eime'wet
r e
drew fonh wild denioustratioue and
reameteg Item the inhabitente, Med
that they stag -mid danced in a de--
1 "o 'QS for halt es3 (hour before
lfarrow Stolgood.i irony Towns mod
„Fat*" of Skiek Doneheion on Reeolps of
feradam, four Mies (hetet:it. tpoundr
eil telth eegreent aed earapitel ebell
were killed la this ugly borabardmeot
even these UVU U excavatiens- Those
burrows afforded eeeurity against ore
Om News er name
Tomato. Feb, 2. ,-- Not stare the
Northweet, rebellion or 1884, has
Sech a blow fallen upon the Donne -
ion as that which Sashed from South
Africa yesterday. The expected hes
happened, the 0421adia-PS Xuet the
enemy in battle, xted did not escape
scaehless. An Empire's victories are
dearly purchased. The news, though
uncouarmed, of the relief, of Lady-
smith, joyous as it, was, paled into
Insignilicance before the grim tidings
that Cana.deee sons were among the
stein in Sunday's engagement. The
news was received in the city with
universal expressions. of sympathy.
Many tiegs were flown at halfineste
d otherwiee there, wan evidence
that the seanPathiles9fToroutoeians
vorre at the front. .
Men From Ton:mere
The ellied 1 "C" Compaey were: Pte
J. kl, Fludlay, 3.1th Rut. and W, I. Man-
lon, Reeal Greeadiers,
The wounded In "C" Company were;
Ptes. er. hi, Stewart. Q. O. R,; 1ite
Useber, Q.O.nne rattles Reueedn
Z. U. Sutton, 13th Rettelion; T. re M.
(Alveoli). Q. 0, Re or, Ward, g•thate
11. alehatethlin, alai 3.1. Wooten
water, Q.O.R.
Miley SaW the San Friday for tbefirst
time lu weeks. They causetQ tbe. sure
fase pale and weird, beating like in*
habitants a another world.
Nevertbeless, it waS this residence
U the mitle Workluae that prevented
a heavy kiss a life. The De Beers
empany did evything fa fts newer
for the nM
on-cercbatants. r. Rhodes
this, Gen. Fretteh marh nortb nthe
direction a Dronfield, boping tocap-
ture the big Mar gun th a bed ao
harasteed Einelseley, bni be did not
seteceed in getting it.
The engineer rernired the railway,
awl the first train from the south ePe
tered the town Monday eveniug.
. _
Supplies and Forage Being Pushed
On to Kimberley.
A despateh front London, says: -
Friday, Feb. 23. 1.30 a.m.-The :War
Office hes lamed the following from
Lord Roberts:-.
"Paardeberg, Feb. Me -Methuen v1-
.110115 from Kiinterley thot supplieant
food and forage or being pushed on as
fast as possible.
"There will he enough coal to start
the De Beers tutees in ten days. By this
raaani great misery wia La alleviated.
"Ho pita1 arrangements there re-
ported perfect.
"I e hope' Prieske and the adjoin-
ing country will soon ba settled."
toered from the Iteth Battalion. Gib-
sonBelleville male -whose par
lints live here. He served in the U.
S. volunteers M the wer With Spain.
Bradshaw came bare from Picton,
He is a western mats,
n4,.sises tbese Inas. Torentenians are
meeretelly inteneeted le tbe death or Pte.
Chas, B• Jackson or Norway. who was a
member of "D" CompanY, and the faCt
that Capt., aamee C. etaeon of the Royal
Grenaaiers, serving as a Iteuteeaut with
"It" laealame, was wounded.
ott,,wa.* pen4t und wounded.
eneeten tees* ismer neatite..
)don, ()At., Feb, 22. The bit-
ter reality of War was borne in upon
LondOners yesterday tnerning, when
the fireis black-liet was pested, show,
mg the rtaneee of those wlea had giv-
en their lives or England. Tali emvs-
paper °dices were besieged all day
With an anxious throng, which block-
ed the street, waiting fOr bulletins.
From, public buildings flegs were
Ing gaily to celebrates the reported re-
lief of Ladyemita. but on the streets
the air was one tat glooro, Two Of
tbe three "II" Oonspany inert who
were killed were well-known London -
ere, and aMorig those reported wound-
ed arid sSing were beyS itneWn end
liked by everybody.
-Toilet A. Donegan, killed, haa levarl
in Lotalon or years and Vats veU
ittlOwn. DOrtegere's father is foreman
of the C.P.B. Locomotive Depart-
ment. His father ie now seriously
DI, and it is feered that the IleWS
Robert smith, wed. was 28 years generals, have been killed or mut Ull depends, not on Gen.4Buller's
()mutton oresen
his WM'S death may basten hie en4. eneneeee of,i(mr6. ileetexung pxnron, to Ito log t.
1.1-r4Xenegall IS prestreted.
Ottawa, Feb. 22. — The Ottawt.
quota of the first coutingent has loet
two niers by death and several
wounded. There is mourning id et
least two boiees, and widespread
sympathy is expressed for the bereav-
ed ones. rte. Zechariah Lewis, kill-
ed. was 26. For three years be was
a.umunted policeman. He was
nepbew of tbe Archbishop of Oie-
toxic). Oliver Burns, kilted, was for-
merly it member of the 43rd Battal-
ion. and was it rioted shot. He was
Tile following comprise the wooed -
d: Pte. Anaus 11Iatieuleo was the
oi Rev. E. A. Macauley. Pte.
W. G. Ritelde. is it son of the late
Clxief Justice Ritehie of the Supreme
Court. He is 28 years of age. Pte.
ries P. Clark is it son of John
Clarke et the Dominion Pollee De-
partment. Pte. Coleman, printer
by trade, is a former member of the
43rd Battalion. Pte. Laird belonged
to tbe R.C., 'Kingston, end was re-
cruited there. Pte. Brodshaw came
from the 16th Battalion, Prince Ed-
ward County. Pte. Gibson is a for-
er member of the lrith ArgYglo
Light Infantry. . Pte. R. N. Thomp-
son was Irish medical student
Trona Dublin Ifniversitey. He was
conneeted With Dr. Jameson in his
famous mid.
Pte. r. H. wood. Noo is mtptured,
s a 'former member of F Company,
efird Battalion. Ile is a nephew of
x-Ald. R. Stewart. Ile was it mem-
ber of tbe Capital Lacrosse team of
Perth at °erne Her Brave Dead.
L�ols As If Bis Army Will Be
Mr. Spenser Wilkinsou, reviewing
tbt military eituation in the London
Morning Post, says: -
"Lord Roborts, who waslonce velars
tillery officer, will take etre that tbe
artillery fire is properly ccementmted.
Prolouged shelling will conapelehe
Boers either to hurl themselves at the,
British anfentry as the hare ofiforcing
their way out or to ;surrender.
Should Serve to Impel Britain to
Greater EXertiOnS.
A. deepateh from Iseation, Friday,
eays:-The morning papers allude to
'he thoughtfulness of Lord Roberts
in sending despatch to the Earl of
Minto, the Clanadian Governor-Gener-
The military critic of the Times
urges the continuance of efforts to
send more troops to South .Africn, so
as to be ready for the merin difficelle
des that mustt be surmounted, even
after Lord. Roberts bas succeeded
against General Cronje. 31e adds
: -
"The splendid spirit shown in Can-
ada, width. has just received the first
news of losses incurred in the service
a the Empire, should serve to impel
us to greater exertions."
'The beet chance for GeneralCroaje
woula to make. a night attack, .but
the, bayonet will serve the British at
night as well as by day. Thera are, of
course, tat war all *carts ot chant:ea, A
party of Boers from the north or the
tieuth conceivably fall by sur-
prise on some point. of the,investing
rung, and tires gain a chance to escape)
for the beleaguered Boers, butt the
pre:liabilities. are that General Cronje
will ba compelled to surrender,. oad
that tines at Paardeberg will be effect-
ed the deetruction the first fraction
of the Boer army."
Ten Thousand of the Enemy Reinforce Gen.
Oronie and Endeavour . to Extricate litut
A &spate& fron Xantion, Thumlay. ,1411.14 end 61 vrenniaed. hut it ia assaatole
rroln' the Trap in Virbick lie Is Plapeede
sayee-The idea that the poem were , ar'ble to stIPPose that Commaudaet
dliestlutiouratlasizetibeeenildditetptottea oobyndtibtleonpub„of, !Karon/aim:7o uttatewitbretehen tritteorursctetet.bboyiwttereirese
;.eation a a serious casualty list ieviehtlrewn from Natal east have yet
eoexilwlaennetlieunoulrobZvecoxtr,wiLex:rtt:evirossov: 1p7fita.piteasivi:voldi:hbelealirae,fauat 1.,.:a. tit a:: :.
iroo:, Gen. Lord Rehe.rte without any T,...__4!4wiled °It'har 33:11n °17 331°411"nt6i34
trdrtlese:bnoyauttetthe,03;sz,tharfner.oeroatiteTrit;vereovaevoieupftat4tibi vh4111e.altutIbl:ttaso:breteuumrete*rtietioveepirrl.olytlheasattov,Terher.vagt:
retreeni waking hardly any roast.. 3, Greened lor the fourth time by the erits
allee, and .aroused the expectation ! rithie YBeoe4treerdtielrabutlatietilpeeizatilarTe:eattlal
jttIlleraat:tu:mree3711illtr tip? egsckmniwGanulddaTrcur4017, '1 Bdittth'aartvittanten°eUTuaYtf,4'5'ssibitibl'ir tlihen..
1 siege eet Teadyismita and thei Possesseero
Now. omens enn, news taet ueer4 ge of terrilor,Y in Natal. In otittr viOrda•
• tht'i etrielia in net yet passed Swearing
' d
catl, and a member of tbe firm of wounded! 1v4tle the lossea of the ,mak c-`,,l'744iga* which ii 11°w a4itle 153ue'
Smith 13ros., minufecturers of fly end file are not rimetioned. The cao oat ote Vele aoberte greut, dash at tbe
The best known name on, t'he. Bet be.
tniteell0"rtibtat.:4tFtrhe: .FrAe'o-Stiol.atez at UltallIght
papers tied novelties.
of wounded wae that of Sergt. Geo, slir:ltrPie oenteetettl, and that the Fede a9alleed that it had aeaeived laothla8
olpo, gee of Loteaeres most pore, ral 'tomes are elan. vigorouts tioh.te i5or publieation, and details have
iar Dr. Sippi, bursar of the asylum, '3.`tre lt.us been no definite informa- spendegta of the eperatioue in the
cora° from auy of the Englieb, eorree
anti best known young men, a, son ing tritn.
rid possessing 311, good poeitien. Ulla eoneereing tiae progewia of the Free State later thau yesterday
geere up ell to riot par his eoeutoy, Roberts-laiteherier Num/sego salve. mon:ails% deacriptioile, whica 'brought
Sundey, ie. whielt ID Canadiane were . the news up! to Saturday; eight.
Chester McLaren, all-round athlete.
Is another manlier of the 7th. who
was wounded. McLaren Woe one of
the cleverest amateur baeeball play-
ers be Ontario. •
• Private A. H. Whentcroft joined the
7th Fusiliers in order to *moue a
place in the contingent. He WAS 23
years of age.
There are two (=recites on the xnus-
roll of "W' Comparty. Orie of
era is a Londoner, a brother ol
icemeri 'Harry Greene. The other Is
ember or the 25th Battalion.
aue -itissoes tone
va. G. Adams, reported miesing, is
son of aerate -Major Adams of the
city police force. He was just, 21
years of age, and one of the tallest
men in the company, etanding over
SIX feet.
W. j. Burne of Landon. Is another
a the 20th Battalion.
Corbold, -who is said to have been
captured, le not known here.
‘veseipee nxottee.
Winnipeg, Feb. 22. — Great excite-
ment was caused throughout the
city yesterday by receipt of tbe news
from Madder River that the Cana-
dian ematingent, In an engagement
Colville bart seen the
Dyspepsia and indigtstionA
cornmou diseases, but hard to.
zuv .wriett doilr;int4ryiV.rieateleciYil
Indigestion -far 1ong asa;
touiel. got ne edict nntil I tried
speak, tno highly in ita praise."
Forty-three 4:euntne Caws nto.coveretl.
and Thirty -mei Destlii Have -occurred.
A despateb from Manila says:-Oot
total of 51 oases ot suspected bu-
bonic plague reported 42 proved gene.
'eine and 3.1 deaths reeulted, half of
ithem being Chinamen, There were
twelve oases during the past week,
;mostly within the walled city, and it
t hundred inspeetors, under the super-
intendence of it health officer, Major
Edi -e. are enforoing the sanitary rega-
1 Thl t of the inspectors am
Gen. Roberts Says the Canadian
Soldiers Displayed Great Bravery.
A. despatch from Ottawa says: -
His Excellency the Governor-General
has received the following telegram
from Field Marshal Lard Roberts
: -
i'Peardeberg, Orange Free State,
Feb. 22, 1900.-Cianadien Regiment has
done adroirable service since arrival
in South Africa. I deeply regret heavy
loss it suffered in the fighting on 18th
inst., and beg you. will assure the
people bow eteuteh we all here admire
conspicuous gallantry displayed by our
Canadian eonarades on this oceasion.
Signed, "ROBERTS."
Wiens. r y
Cbinanaen, who have been furnithed.by
the Chinese raerchants.
The health department census shows
the population of Manila is about
000, inoluding 31,000 Chinese. ' never belonged. to any voleitteer
corps before enlieting in the South
African contiteeet.
The only Quebec member of the
contingent who has given up life for
his country. is Corporal Alexander
McQueen, aged 22. He was the son
of Mr. Hector MeQueen.
The following are the details o
Montreal's wounded: '
Arthur Percy TSomus of the Bette
of York's R. C. Hussars was imen in
Montreal 22 tyears. ago and is the
son of Mr. Seems .,Thontas, contrae-
justified in going farther with.out the
cooseut ot Cape Celeny, which, tor pos-
tal parpases, was It Separate. Mine
try. Tile Cectearnefeent Was pew in
communteetieu with Cepa Coloey o
the subject.
ltr.ge,tutw,a introduced resnectiu
labor in ininee, M. Moleuee typifie
the British Columbian antagoniein t
The Troy, N. I., steel works„ the
Bessemer steel works and the Rens-
selaer iron works are being coosolie
dated with, a capital of el.7.t00e00.
Not eonteut with itts deep-lald plans
to rival England% naval eepremacy
Emperor William IIOW aerie to vetch
eV to her as aeolonizer. Re has a.%
nated 10.030 marks to promote German
erofgration to Palestioe,
William Van- Horne, darin4 a
haumert at HaYallee Cuba, said that
lumFolf and other monied men besi-
tatedl to invest their infamy in, loans
and mortgagee twe0.1140 of the ditte.
culty of eeforciug paymeut.
Iteeele'e preenfalory nete regarlitm
repatriation of Armenian refugees in
surprised *be Sultan oil Tura
key, who believed the metter bad
dropped. As compeusetiop for Oa
1iagclafl railway concession Baleen deo
Mends prior right on oettil terms over
all applicants for railway C01le0S5011il
in Aela north Of the German
mem Use grateful Omaha ot the' Geo-
ereiretut enti Barliatnent. a the Do -
Minus% fop the gullantry displayed on
the battlefield,
"'Canada warinle appreciates the
sacrifices made by her Naas, for the
hououro the. lanpire.
"The wouneed base our sympathy
or prayere for ,..-py-edy recovery.
"VOA() Nille have twee tile their
lives will ever be held in. renimilbreum
yellow labor. He hes a bill to lucre tw a gratekkg Veaphi,
the entry tax on Leauesei and aapanese Signed, "WIISFRID LAURIER:
d this bat, oleo, though it has to go
far underground o get there, aims at.
ths same peopl.e. The yellow man, it
s lamellas an insueeiciant knowledge
of English; he can't read printed
warnings irx mime, and lie La possetopd
oe au- allePeavadiPg fatalism wiii°b Prlees or Orale, Cattle, °fleas% SW -
makes kiln regard accidents RS Ullo011-• in filft Leading Alarm
trollable. in short, be has a, great-
er esteem of Kismet than of eafety
sure a greater degree of safety in miarke,t, bora to.dmv ae, the &due an
lamps. Mr. Molunes wants to en- Toronto, Feb. 27. -We had a d
mines lay keelaus Wainer' arid Japan- filth of the. eaty haat appal, ou y been
ese out of there.
fele do not OplItttlitt*
the words et joint 0,
Saxe. who saute "Gorl
bless the nom wee -
AM !tweeted Ottelikt-
am, oppreelMlon 10
aot wauttug to these
who here suffered MI
Mr& W'hite, at Mare
Townebip oat., wile
TRIBUTES TO VALOUR. dumped in the Weetern cattle yarde;
Sir Wilfrid Laurier bald: at too the attendance of buyere was small,
not be out of place at this Moraent end. thou who were here cleared mit
that we should interrupt the regular Gott as possible. There was little
t'5 tattles, and u, lurge pertiou ot the
oa,ttle, were left over tor the regula
market. to -morrow, Weeluesday.
Sell told 33 car loads of live eteek
tine in, edusitsting of 1.100 liege, 600
tattle, 2,50 sheep and lambs, and a fiva
milkers and calves.
Tee cablegram this morning re-
porting cattle lower at both Liverpuol
and London tended to depress the ex-
port, trade, and little was dune
about the pritea of laSt Tuesday.
Very little doing ie the butcher
un . course of business to wee a
thiekestf the light, and that ;the
serious, i attention to tlie newe from A.frica.
ctrolwilctilreaa311:nre wthoeunniole‘cl'ereinchesiel:,,. The news we balm received is of a eller-
wenetooten local men. The fact of teeter at 0400 to camer,and, eadden our
;hearts. It ia elteering in this respeet
Major Arnold being wounded spread I -it bringa the announeemeat tho.t our
Perth, Ora., Feb. 22. — Flags are i
. tn x
as to 'the etent of his Canadian. troops in the field bawl roe
ceived their baptism of Bre, aadhave
throughout the eity like wildfire, and
Ball. tire stations and the county , During thta evhole day the newspaper supported the ordeal in a manner
flying al half-mast from the Town inittries 1.\ 'as asked a hundred times -
buildings here, on a.ecount of the offices have been deluged with tele- country.
areditable to themselves and tt3 their
deaths of Johnny Donegan and Wil, plioue messages, while crOWds always The telegrapaic message
tient afanion, killed in Sunday's fight surroundeti the bulletin boards and i rev: issumwblutertevael r co; ssutitlillitieevse
native of Perth and the latter of the exception of lilajor Arnold, Sergt. 1 have dxl*Itydetilt' ldied at their postand that their
have taken place that our men
at Modcler River, the former being a, eagerly dismissed the names, With I whole),
Batiturst, adjoining the town, Scott of 'Victoria., Pte. Moleenzie of 't courage has been equal to evhat eve
Portage la Prairie, Pte. 3)tuicalfe and expected of them. But this es the sad -
Montreal, Feb. 22. — It. goes with- Pte. A. Alanndrille feW of the others denin art of it Seth is the awful
out 'x ing that the lava's, of Sunday's are known ere, a -.e ot ers aav- 1 etermiter a war, . that its nuatp
b '11 b g 11 . t t ' Its
Sorrow In nnacr.5.31.
battle at Modrier River, and the loss ing come from British Columbia. are always mixed wall tears an ow -
of so `Many Canadians has created , °teem to victoria. i eiver mush. we con rejoice at the vie -
sorrow in the commercial metropolis. Victoria, B.C., Web. 22. e 1 terries acideved by the Bridal. Arms,
saming the Montreal casualties, per- of the loss Of 40 per cent. of ,afetewrsa ! vietories in whitsh our fellow country -
baps the man nest known among 1 ia's volunteers in .C,he lust South Af- ' men are taking a part, still the an -
military men was Corporal Robert .rican contingent east it gloom Mrer 1 nouncement Is saddened 1 fact
Cooil'ellow of "E" Company. Era :the city yesterday. The Legislature ! that twenty of our countrymen have
lost their lives, and sixtp•nine are now
reilitstry family, and was brought up land flags were half -masted 'through- . Tbe aeleouneement is such as to,
lying -between life and death.
Was descended from aa old English !adjourned out Of rept fin- the dead
in Bengston, Ont. He marries 'Miss out the citY, even on the consulate , if it were possible, still more confirm
master -Sergeant Leden of the Royal us in our resolve of doing our full
Loden, daughter of fernier Quarter. - of the United States.
Military C011ege, Kingston, now Dv- duty in the present emergeney. We
ing in Toronto. Mrs. Goodfellow is 141 milig oti
at present residing at Beauharnois
with her only daughter. , I ma do nothing at present to solace
those fames which are bereaved, but
Private C. Lester of CorapanY.
1111,11\fitil we ean assure Omen -and this I am
II I fl
sere we do witb, all our heiarts-that
their loss is not their miin exclusively,
2,nd Batt., Rett.C.I., was a former' but that it is also oven and oar coun-
3xamnber of the 2nd Life aluards. There
Sir Charles Tupper replied as fol -
beceme wit)
erram) troubles Ont. to quote her bro.
tben Boweld McRae, a welelmovre rete
'Idea et Met Illustrious section or Norte
Oatialen "My *Islet hod riot slept etnight
for over tbree months. Mc could net have
OtOtld tbla talleh longer, and It WOO only
seen death seemed iretalatet that flotitit
AI:11000n Nervine became the gaed pits -
Celan. Atter taking tbe first dose of the
Norville ehe isleet all Plebe mei pineal
in flail until perfectly,well. anti has- no*
tie sign of nervousness.' Thig is a woollen
fel medicine In the seeerest easee of nen
vougnesa, and the greatest nosh -belle -et t
be found anywhere in tho
Sabi by C. E
!St.i-VC,,,.K 84 K
nts.rket prates are not quutably °bang-
There Was little doing with. feeders,
stackers, bulls, rie milkers; mut Prleas
ere not perceptibly cheesed.
The prizes tor sheep and Iambs ara
the stone as ou Tuesday; trade easy.
All round the, market was exceed-
ingly flat.
Hogs are steady and unchanged.
For prime bogs, scaling from 160 to
203 lbs., the top price is 1 -le; light
and fat hogs are bringing 45-8e, per
FollOwing is the range of quota-
,Cattle -
Shippers, per cwt. . .§ 426 § 50
Butcher, etioice, do. . 75 425
Butcher, med., to good. 326 350
Butcher, inferior, • 275 300
atockers per cwt. . 275' 300
Sheep and Lambs.
posed 'to be a mislake, for Private 'Ewe: "I desire to associate myself in i
Cecil IL Barrie, son of Mr. George the warmest. ma nner with the ex- 1 Sheen, Per owt. . . 800 350
Barrie, merchant. Private Barrie
. ileader1 the House. He has truly said 1
e jives fallen from 1 he Right Honorable
trenidy appropriate words that have TiBalatuekt, pPeeir, ecwwtt.. . 0. .. 427255 252550
e1lilkere and Calves.
Itesveciing the Canada and:Michigan , that the triumphs ot war ean only be OoWs, eacj.t. - . 250i/. 5009
Bridge and Tunnel Co. -me Eraser, of t ettchl6"(1the
Sate that involves enIs lives and car -
connection with the sadder ; Calves, eath. . . . . a 00 10 00
Lambton. ries pato and sat:Airing into the house- ' ChoiHogs.
ce hogs, pier cwt. . 475 5e5
Respecting the River St. Clair Rail- , hots qf e greet ninny of our people. Light hogs, Ter cwt- . 400 4.62 lei
.. e i , ,
way, ,Bridge, and Tann.1 Cb._0-1.r. i `Cho Cana no n Vont ngen1 , WITo have Heavy hogs, per cwt. . 401) ' 1621-2
realized on the field that Which Can- Sows- • • • • • • • : 300 BOO
Monte gue. 1 ado expected of them who have dis- atags. . . . . . . 2.60 , 200
es no man of the name of Barrie in
"E- Company. The -name is sup -
What IS Going Oil Our Legislative
Halls Down at Ottawa.
The Grand Trunk has secured eon-
trol of the East Itiehelieu Valley Ren-
The St. Peteraburg eorreepondent of
the London Times says: "It will not
do to place too inueb relta.nce upon
Russia's official assurances that no-
thing -will be done to embarrass Eng-
land in the present *situation of af-
fairs." Ruesian troops to the nunkber
of 20,000 are being concentrated at
Eashk, The Times says the demon-
stration fs probably intended to eaves
movementsitf a more. practical kind' in
other quarters;
12,000 Men, of Whom 2,100 Are Dead, Nearly .600 Died
From Disease, and 1,Z00 Were invalided Home.
MISSING -2,617.
The following report, giving the Brit- eneee__ 1,,rt
ask loeses in South Africa from the .„
despretele from London says: -
174 hate been issue& by the War °Ines:
commeneement of the war up to eel).
KILLED -1,6'77, Officers. t5e
Offioers . . 165 Meo. • 1,628
. • ,
DIED FROM DISEASE -576 Total Iceer . . .i196
The nee-ill:ere who Were captured at
Men. . . . • • • 563 son's oek axe not. inciveled tile shave ceived his Military' training at St.
aliflopts. wactL.Q:11368ff‘c);e1111ilejl,c)sPord(lannherillarin.oss, W. dill.(4°11'teefi'esti. a lietterilia Mau.
AVOLYNDED-5,401, addition to the emvionely published t
statement of the lessee ,at Peerdeberg Gibson .itrid F. Bradshaw, who Were
Men -- ---------------12 Belleville, P'eb., 22. — Charles A.
"G. P. Roberts was born at Ban-
bury Eng in 1876 but has lived
for twelve months in Montreal. He
is a son of Charles Roberts, at pres-
ent living at Sveindoe, nIng.
Allan O. Sha nc was horn at Que-
bec iri 1856 and leas been living with
his father, It. M. Shaw.
Thomas A.. Moore was born at
Great Grimsby, IAncoinshire, Eng.,
and come to Cana,de when he was
but 7 years old. He was private In
the Duke of 'York's Royal Canadian
Willitten iftalrer ie a lawyer who
'tooe his degree at McGill last May,
after 'having brilliantly passed his
Pte. A. J. Turner of 111" Company;
Montreal, wee a Quebec man.
Pie, A. Robertson, a member cf•
"H" Cempaery, is it Montrealer isr ell -
known in laerosso Circles hero.
Daniel Ma:ill was born at Lanark,
Scotland 29 yeare ago .He had
011ieers- . . . . • 13 or miesing eller the batin tle ot Nichol- seen service la the Velom. He re-
ACCIDENTS.I,LY ICILLE13-13. Ligures, Dor, of ttoaree, thoee eustaiened Sohn's Military School under Major
., . 27.27.
the Grena Valley Rail- charged. their duty nobly and taith- '
TorontoFeb27-Wheat -- Quota-
way Co., and to change its name 1 0 i fullY' vtle have fallen in the cause tloos are as followsf-Oritario red and
the Port Dovee, 13rantford, Berlin, and v'r° believe 1 o be it righteous one, have ' white, ila to 66c, according to nearness
: to the mill. Western °Atari° points;
... , eoraerred not only undYing Same and ,
honor on themselves, hut that same , ;leen 1606w1-sier atio, het? ,t oeast , goose ; swhealpring
Goclerich Railway t.. a •
Respect bag the Canada Son t h ern
Bridge Co. -Mr. ingrifm.
whiell stint them there. east, 67c; ataintoba No. 1 hard, 7re,
honor and. fame upon our court ry,
" re that every member of . North Bay; allci it 79 1-20, g,i.t.
el let Outside millers offer
'SU' lirla LAIIIIeL 'Arne 1148 , this House Will extend his utost hea.rt-
reller, be buyers' bags, -ana-
l:loose thet Canada's o far to garrisoni ts,t nytnpathy to the friends and rela- streighe
Special brands,
Halifax, so as to release{ the regiment t Lives of those who, still living, are in dle freights, sit ,iii2,65 per bbl; and' ex -
of regulars zloty atationed there, had 1 it sit million calling tor our sympatha. Isola agents hid, 32.55.
wood, for looaa account, sell around
been :received and aoknowledged he 1 The groat news that has glad.dened 112
the Imperial authorities, who, how- every portion of the Empire, of the $3. •
ever, had hot yet giVerl an Y answer. ileuteess attending British arms in the i Itilifeed.-Searce. Bran its quoted at
POS'.CAGE ON LETTERS. 1 relief of Kimberley and. the reliet of 415.50 to ale; and. shorts'. at e17 to
:Mr. Beattie brought 1113 the, question. .140.d1+strallai, tog'IAllor with the pros- 418, at the mill door through Western
of ft,NoeF,a postage on lettere coming 11188l. of mioxe decielve measures ailc,u- 0
from Soutb Africa. I I: appears that onlated. to bring this war to an end at ' Corn-Eirne, No. 2, Axnerioa,n, y.eee
when letters envie from, South Africa, " (16blat day, wC111, 'at the. alasat time, ' low' (1-u'utiad Al 42e'ltrac'k, Toronto; and
.wite insuffieient postage, the receiver he teeelleril tiled with a lefailig of (leen- ' al''d. a'L 41e; Pomdian. aorla searoe
ell the circlet-seta/acne, this charge on the field. of battle in ,the 'glorious ;Car lots, 02 to 62 1-2e, northl and, west;
te compelled. to pay ci foible the shor (:- est sympathy and comtnissereneu with and termer „at 410 track,
1.13,e friends et those Who have fallen 1 peas -Strong, and in good" demand.
age. Mr. Beat:tie though t tin) t, under
0 r fieerS,
367 on Feb. IS, that ra seetaio to"- 411230 wounded. in Sundey's fight, volun-
moo. 5,0e4. lieu( extents wei-e
Should not 13e mt-tde. In hie opinion it eeruggee tees have Made on behalf at ,enBea(13istyc0133xleixaer,teadtrav.a,ra keeps p
would' be 1:3eLLe'r sue,h letters we 1r e th•I'Va-unnotZt;a1;wiforuilecinasurhgrt 't a tora 51fsy. I wen. cheiee heavy maitin b, u_
envied free. g ey
Vir4 lattleck, replied bhat the agree-
ment PoStai Union, wlaich in-
cluded incest of the countries of the
world, ealled for this double eharge
when 'letters were insufficiently
stamped. The objet of this. rule is to
induce people to put enoitigh.' stamps
on lett:ere in the first place, because
.eath Country in Ile anion retains
Avhatever atetonot ie collects. The
Government has liastrueted poetmas-
ters not to make the double enar.ge
future on letters from South Africa,
but to collect only the amount of the
actual ebertage. They do ri01: "feel
44ge, reflecting title warmest sympathy
o this Rouse, and. of all the people
of elite country, whom we represent,
should be sent to Col. Otter tS it so-
lace to the woanded."
"I eetall have much pleasure," re-
lated Sir Veilfeid 'Louden in 'prepar-
ing a telegram, which I thall ehow to
ray Right Honorable friendts, est he has
The followingis a copy of the cable
inefisage, sent by the Premier tot Col.
Otter: -
'11 deefre, to eonvei td you/ and' your
in excellent enquiry. Car lots of No,
2, middle freights, 42 1-2c; and east,
at 431-2e; Not 11s quoted at '4e to 45e,
Rye-,Eirtn. eOar Iota, 51 west, and
52e e,aste
Oats -pirate and active. White oats,
north, and west, 23 1-2c: middle
freights ,28c; and east,e28 1-2c.
Buckwheat -Quiet. Offerings light.
Car lots, outeide, quoted at 19 'to 500.
During t1t3 east tleree menthe 2,50
demented soldiers have arrived at San
Francisco from Manila, and 20 there
will soon aterive.
IN Loading Specialists of Moil
20 Tears in Odra k4,_
SUN Cured.
Thousseas of young and middiette
unoonselously. They muse:we a MU
Inc sentation, email. twisting stream,
sharp cuttine veleta trees, slight dig -
charge, diffioulty in commeneing, weak
organs, emisaions, andel" **symptoms
of nervous debility -they have STItIO-
TORE. Doretletdoetoreexperimentan
you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing
sem Thlovill not oureyou, at hunt re-
MEIsIT absorbs the stricture tisen0:
It can never return. No yaireeo ago -
ins, no detention from business IV aat
method. Thetoxualorgensarestrenteno
The nerves are invigortace, and
the bliss of manSeed Taman .
. •
Thousands of young and middle-aged
men are having their sexual vigor and
vitality continually sapped by thindinease. They ere frequently unconsounts
of the llama° of these symptoms. Genersi
Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, Fail-
ing Manhood, Netvousuess, Poor Mem,
err, Irritability,at times Smorthla 13eo-
eation. Sunken Eyes, with dark circle.
Weak Back, General Depression, IAA
of Ambition, Varlooeelo,_ lihrunken
Parts, eta GMT and STRICTURE
rear be the clause. Don't consult family
dodos, aithey have no experience in
these. special diseases -don't alien,
Quacks to experiment on 703. Consult
Spcoialists whehave made a life study of
Diseases °Ilion andWoinan. Our NEW
tively cure you. Ono thousand &Mese
for a ease we accept for treebeenteind
cannot eine. Tennsmoderate for oaten.
Wo treat and. cure: EMISSION§.
ES, KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases.
FRP& If tumble to eall, write for
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St.
!IDS Mt til I1ifillierfilfel
seete ernes ,..ast
The Canadiaa Remedy for ail
Large Bottles, 25 cents.
DAVIS at LAWRENCE co., ters4to4.
Prop's. Perri Davie Pato Killer,
New York Montreal