HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-22, Page 8':_ Pi "IXTPER TIM}s A ". Cash aTduce. ��ty cine �r The a -rich azul- agcn for -sc is v nt any IiERE'S A BARGAIN W*.‘ thunk the best scalaie we ever otferetl scae�. rtreie wetlita,p:Az wt o), aheirnl,te' flannel in :a lovely shade of deep fawn, soft, fluffy finish and thorougiy nue shvinkahle regal ,alttee 40e they acrd,. Our epecial hargaiib p ^ while this lot la+,ts will he 25e he ,r.trtl'. Oar ads dela? is. eeee this h.arguin its the hi.:gost k^ -reel of is hig bargain. anneal worth 38c advertised by us only a few ends lent, Coxm early all gone The past n values are what did great pig saving when we ,stave you in furs an in men's fur coats, lain inc. ladies' collarettes P.::•s; ;n lamb cans ---Cc • e.- •j .05 FOR A FULL TA:RD DRESS 1 FINDS. i e offer this weak nexd until Oa full dress ends r tbz each faucy ehe.t•ks plaids and taweed effects. All good honest goods atrlcl easy double what we,°ask for them. take your t:holee of titin Int, foga` alert, Tide a` a bargain worth looking rafter :bard if you want tt; b.trgoice that is to bargain don't c e ;ty but cotoe3 quick. as record breaker in ou r fur sales --t to ,1.) per cent off regular prices means a ta;log furs ----25 to 1.0 per cent is just what we have still some nice goods to show you ftnt• coats, paries' fur capes. ladies' caper attics' and men's fur caps, children's grew ae and take a bargain. A. 5 fuli • 11 SO tir For Marriage Licenses1 Spccetrscles, et I ON R. HICKS Wald) Reoeiring •3 SneektItr. TO APVSRTIS-ERS. eopy for eltanges meg be hof (leigg le indisposed. to. Atkinson. relit* to ten early eariug. I (.. Motneion Bola, in a few weeks. II •Willeet nettle .i. ellipment of have Th.. ilenteion and ...Ifelrepo'itoin ho - Mise Mroallitin entertained a circle Pic:kind lei. :doze ;ye Hensall this bunday visiting het° mother, Mrs - .:" ea 330_YeiCF: ei67'. tea .1 zlocen ecrAte4.11V. of Ens; FEBRUARY 1060900 • HAPPEniROS T. W. Ilatorkelit-e.v'e rnatly friends are pleased to coee Iris smiling face on -the Miss McLeod, wbo has been visiting J P Ross, leavee this week to visit T. B. McCallum is on a, business te 4p to Toronto. Mrs Rundle, in Hensel!. Miss Williams, of Mitchell, returned tome this week, after a seyeraI weeks' Isit with Mrs (Dr) Anderson. Messrs W Hill, of Lexeter, and Fred d Hill, of London, intend leaving for Buffalo about the middle of March. A hockey match was played here on graph department, Winnipeg, is visit- s H. Hooper left for Toronto on Tues. k clay, na representative a the Exeter b Lodge of United Worktnen, to attend the Graud Lodge now in session at the si e everal days, but is now at the library Geo. Webber has purchaeed lama- t'o-ar business in Got/mech. 1 Revival meetings are being con- einued tide week in the Tame S J. G. Stanbury was in Berlin on Saturday on business connecterl with the suit of Schroeder s. Brown .uesc ay evening, between the Grand end and Exeter teatne. The score toad 13-0 iu favor of the home team. Mr. Couch has leased Ohas, Perkies' ottage on William street. 'Vie. Per - ins will move into the residende to e vacated by Samuel Martin. A few days ago, Ca;pt George HeolP ippecl on the icy sidewalk and injue- d his hip. Hewes condned to bed for • TheTrivitt Memorial bells were rano- s rr ay and many flags were heisted as tokens of rejoicing- over the relief of Kimberly. There was great jubilation c about town. Mr. Martine of Stephen,. has pur- hased the two residence properties n Sanders street, froth Mr, Geo. origins. Mr. Hodgins will live with ouse ear -tine will move into the vacat- d by Mr flodgins. A meeting of those interested in. the or anization a, turf club was held M evening, when the necessary of- h ricers were elected. It was decided to e hold a race meet on May 24th, for which liberal prizee will be offered, A pleasant entertainment was given h ley the S. S. of Caven church on Pei- is day evening last. An interesting pro- V gram was rendered to a large gather- th Mg, after whieh luncheoo was served. co „The scholars did themselves great so credit in supplying the program, many is of the o umbers, though difficult,. were di The Rev, Mr. Foster, of Toronto, Si. Valeotine's clay has passed and one. But the age is becoming so beieg swept out of it, and thus St. alentine's day now passes over and e sending of valentines is rapiclly ae- ming onel of the things that will on be forgotten, The age of chivalry dead, Even the comic valentine Lae sappea,red and Se Valentine's day A meeting of the officers of the Rule Battalion was held in Goderich °la onday when many rnatters of inter - t, some to the 83rd for the presett clasevely, were discussed. As the cl white cross and. eword belt are now out o ' ate it was decided to send the whole outfit to Port Hope to be ex- changed for the regulation browo touch with public opinion was tha,b the Battalion offers its eervicee for garrison duty; This will be at once forwarded to headquartere and the ohll 33rd may yet he doing duty at Halifax or the Bermunclas, At any rate the officers have exhibited the taue mili- tary spirit, will deliver a lecture ou " IKing an William the Third.' ander the aus- 'Tuesday evening, March flth. The pro- ex diven in aid of the Canadian Patriotic on or le se o anadiaa troops ia south Africa. On Tuesday evening a compliment- ry supper was tendered Mr. Sitwell, Who lime been connected 'with the Mol - eon's 13ank here for a short time, I.)y 1118 gentlernen friends, prior to hie leaving for tile branch of the bank at Port Arthur, lir Sita ell had won many friends cletrine his short stay here. tw pto Mrs T L Etsbop is visiting fri'•tad Toronto. Live hogs me worth ,'1,170 , olx Ilse local market. Miss Aka►u, of Clinton, le visiting Miss Cantelon. lllfss Charlotte Sweet. is visiting friends in l) aunvilfe. Ile„ Sweet is suffering from sk slight attack of xlieuuiutisaa, Mr. Mantling*, of ab$1) pent ci ay, visiting Will Erool:s. t r :and Airs Wm Wood speut a few days; of last week in ,t.,oudon. Miss Wiunie Hewitt, of f<efndou, is now visiting her cousin. M1w .L+'cuil'y �eaod.. 1!#r. az t ?!trs. `lJRleu. of GtSicota, i:3@ted nt: W. 13, J' son so the pst l we=ek, J. G. Jones will move to Winchelsea tetorch 1st, vshile :4tir. ('nude will come to Exeter. The Misses llustiun entertained a a neper of young friends on .R onttay evening. Xe. Robertson, of Sarnia, Spent ;i, clay lust week visiting his coosat, George Willie. Miss Borne nn Wednesday evening last pleaastutly entertained a number of young friends. A citizen hos remarked that wen gin, to set every hell in town ringing -stela thee relief of Ladyscb►ith carnes. s enured Haat the Doherty Organ of Clinton, last week cls,tuiss;ed e Wham's, rewind' to dull nosiness, vitas Ran left. here last Week for i daughter having +secured reside, schooher tittle ,3. D. Atkinson, while working with a �I ai er in his factory the other day, had tree tops of two of leis fingers tat - Miss Miss Edith Sanders left yFsterd ay to attend the millinery oleetnn;s in To- nle. itis t Hattie White leaves on 3iaree hinyiitg the story of the war ae;a vee thatFon g,ot• the rinse lzultlashae,t by the World Publish- iD-"9.�,. tc-- >osttu.tsteer Porte and his sister, Hiss ° Porte. of Luc:ans and Miss;Biggins, met, a°°alleea.Oa Mr. solei Mrseau let a'ttez vn Setudaay. eo elln:lginsdispa+scedofhiehouwe- Itnld eelfeets on S.btua'ei;iy Inst. We it°stets then 11r. ilotighte ititeeuds; gong ttl-eriliaai /peg 1.0l 3a nh Ina; :roil. J. E. 'roar hos been. eepp l►iateed on the alllie library h,e•u'el 'et tiodeeaiieh Jur rte. years, dr. Irvin+ for two y te;ar 7. Both were former evside rets of texeter. .l. t" Clarke lee ha a disposed of thae h;al- tibee of his stook to his brother Ham% lt• teolieurn. who will MOW the! gtioa s Gll6ere We learn that J. I. ei;arke in - ./ids going to IN'i*uiipeegto reeide. 't'laea t ireoty rttiv nari. ee of taax ex- ' o of Liner.`, P, built in Mani - having ahnoet expired, the • tax burdens now totrrue by the 'pit will tate greatly lightened by lug shared by the great riairway co_rLetit ion, Huron Comity, eut t'lln tree this winter that brought; him :iorne menu, For the elm logs he sold. he reveived ; $47,50, and tatimates that he will have. eight or ten write of evotel front the atop of the t.ree. elealli 1...1 Mrs., Garland tool pieta in Exeter last Friday, atm' tia• late James Garbo -id, who tlital :seine year.; ego. She was a sister of Wm. We:elate. t if Ideborne, and had been a resident of Exeter for years, Rev. Harold Sutton, the potation Veeter of Belmont, Harrieteville and Borcheeter Station, and sort -of Die James Sutton, ,of Clandeboye, was an - ^ted in the holy bonds cif matrimony -Wednesday to MiseAnna- Sheppard an estiatable young lady of Torbeto. Miss Anhui: Kinsinan, .who bas jest fioished a term at the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, has very creditably passed the first year's .extenlinaeiciza. having, although not there at the be- ginunig of the term, taken:first-class honors in theory, and highest 'second tiass in .playinge end taken third place theelass. the Century Fund which tbe Pres- byterian church has undertaken to raise will amount to one milliou dollars of which the ministers are to contrib- ute one-tentla or one -hundred thousand dollars. As they have already- raised about eighty thoosaud there is littIe donbt bat that they will eccomplish what they have eeb about doing, This is a little problem in arithmetic that our local mathematicians have been struggling with for the past few days A sells- a horse to B for $90, B gets sick of his bargele aorl sells him back to A for $80. A keeps him for a few days and eons him to a third parey for $100. What did A make by the trausaction ? Some hold thee $20 is the answer, while others say $30, and A "V" Campbell, Provincial Road Commissioner, addressed a meeting of Ifsborne township farmers at Eiirn vine on Tuesday afternoon. The attend- ance was very large. The addrese was inteeestieg as were also tbe discussions which folio wedel`hecon census of opinion it faVOV of abolishing statute labor. and it is expected that this, one of the finesb townships in the Prervince, will very soon follow the example of the many other amoicepalities which have relegated the old system to a thing of the past, A committee appointed by the St. Marys council to visit the Goderich electric light plant, with a view to council controlling the lighting system in St., Marys, reported as follows :—"A large saving in. expense might be made be the town assuming tbe proprietor- ship of all private electric lighting in the town, and its installation, as Weil as that of street and other municipal lo bear out this proposition may say that the town of Goderich has a revenee exceeding $4 000 per year from peivate users, and that after payinie all expenses' in connection therewith they have their street and other° municipal' lighting to the good, clear of itny cost. Not only would it be a great saving bnt it would prove a great convenience likewise se private users, inasmuch as they could then en- joy an all night service at less cost tbaO the present faidrlight service. HI lekard 11000 Pairs Boots Sz Shoes We have 1,000 pairs of Alen s, Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes to clear during the next 30 days, and we have made such startling reductions in price that it wil pay you to lay in your itoek of shoeR for a year ahead. SUCH PRICES AS THESE HOULD INTEREST YOU Pairs Ladies' Fine Button and Lace Dongol shoes, made by the best makers, regular $2.so and $3 ,o0 shoes 0 Pairs Ladies' Fine ButOn and,Lace shoes, in correct .les, and regular $.t so and $2.00 qualities, while they .25 so Pairs Children's Fine Shoes, the regular 60 and 70 cent All our :Men's, Youth's, Boys', Ladies' and Children's SI in act, n ;II be sold during this sale at discounts varying from to to 6s per cent, Remember not a pair of shoes in our stock but will be sold at a reduction during this big sale. Bicycles (1 W.4.Tre.n nod general sett., four in family, no children ; ove preferred. Address Allts. W.e.r.t.m. '219 Queen's owner., London, Ont. 4111111.-. AO— APT- 4111., ARLING EROS. NEW COODS. We have just placed into stook a Trutity o new Goods, suitable for spring trade consisting ofi--- Linens, Ladle's whitewear, Wrappers, Shirt -Waists, Table Covem Curtain poles Window Shades, Bo9ts & Shoes, Etc, A large quantity of Itlen's and Boys color- ed shirts at ,50, 76, N and 1.00 each, all new goods, invited to call and spect Ill -GUEST PRICE OR PRODUC Butter 18, Eggs 15, Tallaw sc. Lard 9c, Tureys 8; Geese 7; Ducks 7c, Chicken sc, This is just to remind you that N Vi 1 handle the; ria Chathiess, Columbia Chain, It D., Ilartfin.d, 800th- s nples will be ready fbr yam inspeetion in a rely! l'ireYeT,U Mot 1.1i4 seCond hand bicycle, in good reeler. for sale Price $12. Apply lo NV. Hill, Carling Bros. Mr Williams' on Sunclave—Afiss.lessie Willis ie home feoto Louden. ock of aroreries will arrive this week of choice teas will be offered at a bar- gain. Boots and shoes very cheap.— NV BRonBIttel.t. of St, Marys, is visiting his nucle,Thos. Tiarton, — Miss Taylor, of Taylor's Grove, who has been visiting the Misses Brown, has returned. home. - Thos. Tapp, of Verden, Itan,, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Treble, and renewing acquaintances in and around Exeter.— Messrs. Wm. Moore and Cecil Paynter of St. Marysovere gueets of the Misses Brown on Sunday. CARNIVAL,—There was a large attendance at the carnival on Friday evening. The ice was in prime condi- tion, and an enjoyable time was spent by all. Following,- are the natne<tof the successful prize winners : men's character costume, Lorne Cann; Allan Meyers, 2nd; Lady's character cos- tume, Ella Heywood, Loraine Eloop. er; Boys', rate, under 10 years, Frank Bawden; Alraore Senior.; Boys' race, under 14, W Sheffer; Free-for-all, Bert 'Howard, Percy Browning. have disposed of one of their stallions, the Scotch Olyd.esdale "Derry Bowl)," to George Coward, of .Usborne. The horse Was imported last fall by this firm, and is considered to be one of the best animals ever landed in Canada. He is perfection, eymetrically, with points most desired by breeders, and withal is joist the horse for the farm- ers. His weigbb is 2,000 pomids, aod he cost Mr. Coward in the neighbor - .1. S. Willison, the clever and genial editor of the Globe. in his early days taught school, and also labored. for a brief period as a "'devil" in the Exeter Mastee John Staples, son of .T. F. Staplee, Constance, met with a pecu- liar accident one day 'last week. Ile broke his arm above the elbow, evhile in the act of throwing a snowball. Geo. Watson, af Torotto, who is a son. of NV. N. Watson, of Seafortli,has been appointed to a temporary position on the mechanical staff of the Govern- ment Printing Bureau, at Ottawa. .,:Miss Pearl Ellis of Lucan is at pres- sent 'add no with a slights attack of typhoid, Her many friends will learn this fact with deep regret and wish her speedy recovery. - Ed. T. Holmes, formerly of Clinton, late immigration agent with head- quarters at St. Paul, Mineesota„ has been transferred to Indianapolis, with control of the State of Indiana, Last year aboutt6,000immigrants located in Canada, of whoin 12,000 were from the United States. R FI6kai 60„ Z Gill has rented his 81).aern farm on the 10th con., hlitua, to Win Jury for 0 tom. Air Gill will move into the farm lately bought from 1,..) Adair A women who is weak, arid sleepless and who has cold hands and feet, eau - not feel lend act like a well person. Carter's Into Pine equalize the eir- rengthand last. Mr, Patriek Regan, of Logan, sold of FOIlarton. It Was two and a half years old eand awned the settles at t 1,620 pounds. The price paid was t nearly $200, a AOPP Try DIX Little Lever Pills, sold by C. David Adair sold leis ram of acres on the, hOunaury, near Zionkton. Z E Gill, lath con, .Elena,, on Wed. red to Wm. Sprow4 Lueant• on Tues. • day night, While out dreeint; with :Anne foends be .stood up in the cutter to wrap the robe around, NVIIVU the out tax the road, etruele on Ws head, nod suffered a slight concave= of the brain. George Turner, of the, Weia End • ful.,-testi efficient service, Mr.Titimi, tt, member of the coutwil Lea ycet mai year. Ile will ninke a good official. Salary sm. James Dick, of ileniniller, di) be forepart, tif, the erk, ;edit/ Itieude Kifolled. Owing to" Ale. Dick hae been so unfoettuta es to have about 2011 feet of the lar T SIDE, MAIN sTRRiir. ' stock dreesedtued matched ig of 1, lee Silighea bridge on his ranch etwept away nail Jug eompaoy as to the relneilding ' looriag ale: sell pioe 11., Shingles, lath and redar posts alwaye hand, A large etock of J and 11 OS t of she bridal°, The pay 'roll of tho liddlesex County Councillors for the .1;131=7 ,SiOn ev generally have five days did mileage once. „if the slut May 28. All the outed he year 1000 will be the total eelipse The Greatest, event in astronomy int -ate-manners of this country as well as hose in all the universities of the old World, are already nenking arrange - tents to observe the dazzling- event. he governments of Great Hitain, ermany, France and Austria have citified the United L.5tates, that they ill send to this country observeti arties to note' the phenomena, of the . DONE AT LOWEST PRICES, Sutherland kiEB98 Oen LTD. ,3.1 y in excees of the sum usually _ -Late 6.°Wil..? ill' .11'''xi3eett!'„ Out and the adjournment for the East Middlesex election, each member hav- 1 pant. The increase was dine to the two days' fight over the •wardenship hug seven days' ',ay and mileage twice, 0 II Merryfleid, P, has completed t arrangetnents foe the remove,' of Mrs Philip Read, of Eltna, tn the House of 13 .Refuge in Stratford. The old lady has T reached her 91th year, and naturally 6'4 her health is &Him. publisher of the Stratford Beacon, and t who from 1891 until last August was Superintendene of the Death and r Dumb Inseitute at Belleville, died at A his residence in Toronto Monday, Death was midden and unexphcied. The deceased gentleman's death is ucti. velsttlanYnelaertienngteodf. the directors of the Blaushard Fire Insurance Co., held af- ter annual, meeting, Mr Sandereon was re-elected presielent; Themes Err- sec.-treas. Messrs Sanderson, Leslie ors. Robt Beatty and , McCausland in Underwriters' Association; Wm Web- ,,i One of the oldesteand most respected esidetets, of London Mes. Catharine . Longman, relict of the late James ognian, was called to her final res Sutalay, February- 11. , Deceased as horn in England be 1824, and. ben, about ten years of age went to ie'West Inches, where she remained r some time. She rerceaved tO Can - da, when still quite yoang, settling rst obinguacousy, but afterwards Moving to titillett, being one of the ery ,es,rliest settlers of this district. ti fo fi re MeDiarmid, a barrister, practice e, Lucare has beeu summoned to ppear before Squire Lacey, of Lon - On. On Monday uext on a rather Se- ous charge, preferred by le NV Daly, I..,ondon. It is allegea that on or out February 11th, 1805, while act- Connpaany, McDairmid collected cer- in moneys for the firm front JOhn reen; of 13iddulph, and converted. em to his own use. A warrant was asked. for McDairmid'n ptrrest. Through their repTeseutative,several of the school sections of East rtiorra are pelltioning the Minister of Education Lo shorten the summer Ifolidftys in rural schools. 'The" sumlner vacation is nOW seven weeks, atal soine of the sections wish it reduced to three. Aneong other reasons assigned the fact that the schools during the sum- mer months are attended—by very young children, and that the sununer months are the best time for them to get to school. The following sections have passed resolutions in favor of go- ing back to shorter , vacations: Nos. 2, 3, 7, 1 1 and 13. The trustees of the schools referred to express a desire to have the subject discussed in other ster, inspector of engines. of A very unfortunate accident occur- ab red at the home of Mr. Thomas Max. in well, neat:Bier, last Sunday evening. & After his retrial home from church he ta and his hired boy from the Orphans' 13 Home, proceeded, as usual, to do the th chores. The boy was leaaing one of no ie horses to watee, when the horse kicked him, striking hin on the side of the head, cutting it frightfully above the ear and breaking the jaw bone, The boy was kept tuider the influence of morphine until death re- lieved him. on Tuesday mornirog. one of the most highly esteemed resi- dents of St. INIa,rys, died Friday after- noon, after a short illness from erysip- elas, The deeeased, who was in his 81st year, was a native of Yorkshire,, England, and came to Canada with his Wife and two children in 18.15, settling in London where the family resided for a short tinre prior to taking up land on con. 5 of London township. tu 1850 Mr. Northgraves purchased a farm in Blaushard township, where he lived for thirty years, moving to St. Marys in 1880. Doring his residence in tine Stolle Town -he followed ethe occupied .Bef tion of a aoraeiler ether remedy. BewaTe,..proubt.it:Aites. 6' is cind s"oothes the lung4 cares. the worst kinds of AT 3`.,TIGIHT ore reliving taive Laxa-Li vex. Pill. It will ir while you sleep without a gripe or pain, ing Constipation, Biliousness and Sibk adache, ancl make you feel better in. the 110Y0 given Dr, Low's Worm Svrup to my dren,with. excellent results and I find it the t perfect worm inedieinn, as Yon are not ro- 'oci to give- any Cathartic with it, Mrs., 011 Of 2IEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS FOR SPRING 'WE.AR. Lace and Insertion, 13uckles, 1 Bead Necklaces.' , ',See the new -Rough Ridee Belts and FRESH OYSTERS, FINNAN HAD. 17. shades Brilliant crochet Cotton, L, AJDIES' HO0OARSSAE11,LNIN,:lelE_IBRalEz,es, & NVO,O.L alum's, Bins (silk) ONLY 12 ctee Beauty Pins. Levitt7s Fair AGENT FOR ' PARISIAN ST EAet FLOUR and PROVISIONS Fresh New and Cheap At our House. 'We shall hereafter offer a special bargain every Thurs.,. day, Fricla,y and Saturday; . Changed every -week. . This -week we are offering 3 lbs of fine raisins and 4 lbs ,-"learied currants fbr 50e.