HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-22, Page 7THE
When etoosiug geese arid ducks for
the table see thet they aave
Alamo beeasts, P,sid pliable, soft yei,
low feet. •
Equal parts a ammonia and turpen-
tine tvill take paint out of clothing,
no matter hoev dry and laard it may
e. Satarete the spot two or three
times, then wash out in soaitands.
Fora nelY one tv no taaes cold eaeily,
a niece ot scaft brawn paper taetted in -
Aide the back a a dress or slip-botla
LS nal/eatable, Taick cotton blousea
VU thee be worn wheu otberwise
thick dress would be required.
Belladerina or iodine liniment ia the
best remedy to apply to sprebas, and,
Lf the sprain is at all severe, the part
should' be fregoently bathed with hot
Warm baths will often prevent the
eno,st •virulent disenses. A person who
rna.yt be in feaa of baying received in-
fectiou a any kind sboula take a warm
bath, suffer Perspiration to eneue, and
ter rub dry. B is advised te dress
warmly to gamed against takieg cold.
ea. French deserter haviug. been are
reeted at Soutisamptou and, sent back
to his regimeut, the court-m,ertia.1 that
tried him accepted as sufficient excuse
that be wanted to laelp the Boers,
It 'would be of interest to know, says
ovar correspondent, if the Las ever
been a couutry ea diveSted o ittienale
atopulation es tbe Tzmusvital is at this
zeoment. It le it land a women 3114
girls, bees wader fifteeri or etxteeta
an4 e. few old men. Tie rest are at
the trout in Natal, or a.oross ttie Wes-
tern border,
It is said thee when the Navel Bri-
gade made mica a eueceeatal delsut,
Iredyeinith, No. 1 a Om 4,7 gun eatid,
ote being told to tire at "Long Tom,"
"Can I hit him at 5,001 yards'? Just
kilt a moment!" And be (ltd.
Even the educated Boer is wonder -
hilly ignorant. When at 'uncle in, tbe
house of a well-anowo Jolsaispesber-
ger, Judtte Idoele observed tbat Eng-
land mild not put mare Ulan 40,000
men in tbe Acid, even if elle brougat
her 'adieu army and the Volunteers
into aetion.
Tbe three Japanese naval and gun -
eery officers WhO are exPeeted in Eng-
land shortly to visit the various Gov-
ernment dockyards and depute, intend
to pey speelal attention to the trans-
port system, which appears to bave
greatly interested the Jaitanese Gov-
erureent. The clockwork -like mariner
in which troops baste, been got off wi th-
out hindrance to trade and without u
single hiteb is the admiration of the
world and the envy of the Continent.
'The Japanese are not efraid to show
their appreciation openly.
The regiment vehielt, not long ante.
stormed this Boer potation at Kimber-
ley at ,the point a the bayonet ela
ata only one in 'the asernihe entitled
to use the distinction, "Loyal," ita
full nanas being the .Loyal North Lan-
cesliire Regiment. It is also one of
the seven territorial regiments which
hive the blank line in the gold lace
of rose pattern. This black line was
reduced into the lace in memory of
taking of Quebec. in 1759, when this
regiment, tame known as Wolfe's Own,
/oet thear coramander, General Wolfe,
in the moment ot victory.
The bridge at Hopetown, over whicb
Lord Methuen's column, has recently
advanced, is the most remaekable
structure, of the kind in Cape Colony.
Its total length is no less than 1,400
ft. The bridge at A.lieval North is only
800 ft. long. Hopetown is notable as
being the last town on the Orange
River. A few huts or scattered fariare.
steads tare the only signs of human
habitation along the great waterway
for NO miles to the Atlantic.
By the kindness of the Eastern Tele-
graph Company, arid over the viser
of Major -Genera a Sir J. 0. A.rdagh,
Director of Military Intelligence, the
hon. Secretary of the Imperial War
Fund has been enabled to instraet the
officers commanding depots in Natal
to at once pay over to the widow of
every regular soldier or Colonial vol-
unteer kiIled in action the sum of £10,
these officers being empowered to draw
on Messrs. Cox & Co., the treasurers
of the Imperial War Fund, through
the friendly mediation of the Natal
In an article on "Women and the
Emotions," by Prof. Mantegazza,
there are some interesting statistics
showing that those modern sociolog-
ists who hold that women are men's
equals in the field of criminality are
wroxig. Here are sonae of them:
Man bears fate witness 100 times
to a women's seventeen,
3/I,an for forgery and counterfeit
coining was convicted 100 times to a
• worean's eleven.
In Eranceewemen are sunamoned be-
fore the tribunals four times less
In France in 1880 women delinquents
were fourteen to 100 men.
In Italy in the soma year they were
only 9 per cent.
In Algeria we have ninety-six male
delinquents and only fottr women.
In England and Wales' between 1831.
and 1842 ti3ere were twenty-four '11,0-
e/fell to 100 men, all for the more ser-
ious offenses.
In 1871 Dr. Nicholson found in the
prisons of England. 8,218 men and 1,-
• 217 women.
In Bevaria from 1862 to 186, in a
populatiee consisting solely •of peas-
ants, tie) wonrea who wee condemned,
were in proportion twenty-nine to 10
In the prisonof Turin from 1871 to
1884the woman in respect to men ere
represented by a figure of 13-67 per
Taking the whole of Europe, women
are. the profeesor says, five times less
guilty than men. •
A Vivid Acceout of This Terrtble Elptit In
a utter From the seat or wine
The tight we had at Dundee was a
terrible affair. On Friday morning we
fell in ma parade at 4.30 a,m,, to guard
against a daybreak attaole as weknew
arom. our spies tbat the Boers were
sonsewhean in the hills around tae
camp, We stood on parade wail day -
teak, 5.30 a.m., and then we were diss
Missed, and went to our tents. We were
all °batting and having a melte, when
suddenly shells fromeight guns start-
ed. pouring over our lieads, We turn-
ed out, to find the Boers on a bill call-
ed Telana, about one and a half miles
4\1111 CaMP- 0111' General at onee sent
U.6 011 t to atte.ele them in the follow-
ing order ;Thiblizi Fusiliers in the first
tine, King's Royal Rifles in the second,
and the Irisa Fusiliers in, reserve, also
twelve field gems,
We =robed toward s tbe hill until
we got about 1,000 yds from, it, when
we halted in a ditch while our artil-
'erg gave thema good shelling. They
eleetso straight that in 1orty minutes
they baa blown all the Boer guns to
rieCaS, SO that all We had to face now
were indiets.
" to get :across open groend
aboot NO yds, wide, and as We pos-
ed. over it the bullets fell like e hail-
storm, the men falling in all directions
ana aathough we orossed In about eigat
minotere we and at least one hundred
men killed and wouuded. Winne we
got to the other side of this ground,
there was a wood, watch we entered,
thinking the trees would give us ;a bit
of protection, but it WAS IMMO sUil
there, because we were nearer to
them, and they shot about another
thirty men, so we advaured again.
"M we lett the other side a the.
wood our General got bit in the stom-
ach and had to retire, and the next
senior officer warded pe to retire also,
but the troops tvould not do so, as
they stood as mutat chance or getting
bit in golug back as in going forward.
SO we kept acivancing until we were
about 200 yds. from 'the top, and thou
our troops lay beltind the rooks and.
peppered them a treat—we could see
them lolling all along the ridge, and
this so cheered, our troops tbat they
fixed their bayenets and. rushed up to
the top.
"As soon as the. neer ..ztolt dal, Wit
intended a (Marge they fled in all di-
rections, we firing into their backs.
When the Boom got to the bottom at
the hill they found the 18th II issues
waiting to (Marge them, so they hoist-
ed, the white Slag, and went on their
heeds and. knees tor mercy. All aver
the top of the hilt we found hundreds
of their deact and wounded. 1 shall
never forget the sight so long as
' We sent a few meesengers to the
laoers to ask them to (tome and fetch
their dead and -1,voueeled. Instead of
burying the dead they flung them
down a coal mine, where I suppose
they are still lying. They are nothing
but a lot of white savages. They ear-
ried their wounded into lareabouses
we lett them, and dressed their
wounds, but never gave them any-
thing to eat or a drop to drink; so
we took them seventy loaves and kill-
ed and cooked a bullock for the poor
fellows. As we handed it to them, how-
ever, they -actually spat at us, but wo
had to take no notice of them, as they
were in such pain and agony from
"I should say there were about
200 of thetn, wounded, and there must
be 200 dead. Their force was 8,000 at
the start, ahd our attecking party
were 3,500, so I think we had a glor-
ious vistory, and. I shall be glad to
get home to explain it to you.
"And now I think I have got worse
to tell you. On the day after the
fight, just as we. were &bout to bury
our dead, our spies brought4in informa-
tion to say they had seen about 12,000
Boers, with twelve guns getting out
of trains about five miles from our
camp, so we were at once ordered to
get ready for another fight. We got
ready, and ,waited to see what hill they
were going to take up a position on.
They placed themselves on a hill not
a mile from our camp, and our Gen-
eral made as stand by and wateh the
Boers get the guns into position ready
to shell us—he would not let us atteek
them until they had got all their guns
ready. Then he marched us about
three miles from camp, thinking we
were out of range of their shells, but
we 80011 found their guns were 40 -
pounders and their shells could reach
us six miles away—so we moved out
of range. •
"When the Boers found they could
not re,ach us they started shelling cue
camp and afterward our hospital,
where we had about 200 wounded men
so we had to go and fetch our wound-
ed away from the camp. While we were
doing this they pouxed hundreds of
shells into us, and yet not .one man
got injured, although the shells were
dropping all round as We placed our
wounded behind a hill Oat of haere's
way, and then went bark for tents for
them, but still not one man wes bit.
On the Sunday morning we went out
to attack them, but found there were
too nanny of them, as, besides, the 12,-
000 whieh had come by train, they had
the, remnants of the force we had dee
feated on the Feiday. '
"When weegot beck egain our Gen-
eral told us the only thing we, could
do was, le retire au to Ladysmith; he
also told us that the proper road to
Ladysnaith 1V1E1S held by the Boers, and
that we should have to go a round -
,bout way—about 100 miles instead of
sixty. All our provisions were in
camp, except a few tins of hiecuits and
bully beef, so we aelted the Genera
to march us day and night, so as to
get to 'Ladysmith as soon as pos-
"1 cennot describe the horrors of
this march to you, We had eaten all
our food on Tuesday night, although We
had, been kept as short as possible.
We were told it was our loet meal, and
no mere. till Ladysmith. That meatt
no food and a thirty-tagee
marca—all the time the rain was pour-
ing down in torrents. Well, we start-
ed at 3 a.m. on Wednesday morning
and arrived Imre at 9 a.m., on Thurs-
day -30 hours' mareising ou all manta
stomach, soaked to the skin, and up
to our knees in alma. But when we
got Item we had. a. reception that re-
paid us all for oer hardships. As. we
marched through the town the women
aed children carried, our packs and
rifles for us, and the men carried our
fellows who were footeore on their
baeles Judil we got into camas,"
Whea the menitens PI a Dutch fam-
ily dine, tbe daughters join their
mothers ia contributing to the plea-
sure of the occasiou. The dinner is
sleep's, but tbe viands are excellent
and well woke& Soup or bouilien is
served first. Fish is the next course,
which consists. of sole and gratin, with
rleb, brown sauce. Then follows veal,
reested, stuffed with caestents, and
garnished with rings of beet mot and
lemon. Sae coneludes with a. cold
sweet—some kind of pudding made
with eggs and milk, ornamented with
dated °berries awl alevored with pear.
The eervice of the table is Plein—uo
tlowers, but the oloth is Of the finest
&inmate and the eilver awl crystals
are both massive and sparkliug. There
is a great variety et vegetables, and
these are placed an little stoves oei the
table. Tame stoves centain ereraerk-
ably fine peat, walois has beeri 'brought
to e matter= state of heat and is en-
tirely free trora any visible SillOhe. Ev-
ery tea kettle awl urn which is
brought to the table is kept bot by
a simple apparatus of this kind, and
by the same meant(' tea and coffee
man be always had at any beer at the
day and always bet.
Atter dinner black coffee is hand-
ed roued,.rica and sweet, and served
be the daintiest of Sevres mina and
No domestios watt at this Duteli fam-
ily dinner table. The dauglitere at the
liouse perform tbis service, and, judg-
ing from their happy faces, dimpling
with girlish smiles, it appears to be a
delightful task, Evidently the small
table maids ara tbe pets of the house-
Lentils are cheap and cook somelike
split dried peas. They were combined
with lima beans in the oroquettes.
Soak one cup ot .lettalisa und ahara-
querters (meet lime beans, over uight.
Dram add tw,o quarts of water, 0130 -
half onion, one stalk at eelery, four
anew of =rot, nand a sprig of pars-
ley, Cook until soft, take out the sea-
soniegs end rub all through a Sieve.
Add one oup or dried bread crumbs,
one beaten egg and salt and pepper to
taste. Melt one and. one-lialf level ta-
blespoonfuls of butter, and one and
one -halt level tablespoontehi of flour,
and leen' on gradually one-third cup
of Lot-oreem; add this sauce to the
first mixture, and, if it still seems too
thiele add a little more cold crown.
Shape into eroquettes, dip in crumbs,
egg and orumbs, and fry in denp at,
Drain and serve with a tomato sauce
made with thole level tablespoonfuls
each of butter and. flour cooked to-
gether, and one and one-half oupe
steeved and. strained tomatoes added
with the usu•ai seasonings,
Mushrooms are oonsidered valuable
as a meat substitute, yet it is a little
uncertain how much of the protein is
digested. Wash a pound of fresh
mushrooms, Mks off the stems, peel
the. caps anl break into pieces. Season
with salt, pepper, and a few drops of
onion juice; dredge with flour and
000k for five rainutes in a frying an
with about three level tablespoonfuls
of butter. Add three-quarters table-
spoonsfuls of finely -chopped parsley.
One to.blespponful of butter, one-half
e•up of sugar, two whole eggs and yolks
of six more. Mix tbis well, then add
one tup of golden syrup or honey, and
one tablespoonful of brandy. • After
stirring all together well, add three
and one-quarter pupa of flout', two cups
of shelled pecans, two teaspoonfuls of
baking powder, two teaspoonfuls of
cinnamon, one teaspoonful of cloves,
and one-quarter cup of bitter °bow-
lates grated. Spread as thin as pos.-
sibl ein greased bread pans, and bake
in a quick oven.
Icinge—One•cup of gnanuleted sugar,
with enough hot wlater to diesolve it,
Boil until it threads from the spoon,
Beat the white of an egg stiff, to
whioh add the boiling candy slowly,
and add the juice of •one-half lemon.
Will keep for a month.
Some of the queens of lengland have
been in the habit of ehoosing a fine
and thriving oak or beech tree in
Windsor Forest to which they have
given their name, which, with the date
of the month, and year of selection,
is engraved on a brass plate, and
serewed securely to the tree; thus, In
one of the most beaatiful and retired
parts of the forest, Queen Anne's oak
may be seen; the oak, of the cousin of
George II„ Queen Caroline, the oa.lz of
Queen Charlotte, the oak of Queen
Adelaide, as well as that of her pres-
ent Majesty.
Larry—Norah hung hor jersey jac-
ket over th' .sthove an' it wuz scorch-
ed. Did ye hear about it; 1)inny ?
• Denny --0i did; an' Oi also hur-ruel
thot it changed th' jacket completely.
Lerry—How phas thot ?
? Deeny—Well, ye sae, p as a jer-
sey jaeket whin shae hung it thoo, but.
feith after it WO scorched it phas a
smoking jacket.
The sadden deaths among men are
eight times greater than those among
It's for game delicious than sleeve eo d oeir In
Lead Packet,.
Sir, said a fierce, lawyer, do you, QZI
Your- oath, swear that this is not your
I think not, was the sol reply.
Does it resemble your writing?
I can't say it does, the witness con-
Da you swear that it does not re-
semble your writipg?
I do.
Do you take your oath that this
writing does not resemble yours?
dr -e -s, sir.
Now, how do you know
'Cause I earn write.
The 'Truth About Backache Proved
By Dedd's Kidney Pills.
rs, nese Yesugeeca eaves anittenee-110
Doubt in the Winds or Me neeple or
Seenct-ItacitateieU 'Wane 14.14 -
may mile. •
Staples, Feb. la,— There Is no that she cupid not stand any exertion
doubt in the minds a the people of or excitement, and it was impossible
thie nistriat that the canton- for her to get restful sleep, she lost
lion that baokache is a symptom of ter appetite, her beart became very
weak, palpitattng so violently that
she could Molly breathe at the sligbe
test exertion. Wbee she consineuced
taking Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve
Pille two meths ago sae was in a
state of complete physical and nervous
prostration. Her blood was soanty
with no more strength than water.
Since taking Dr, Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pills site has been rapidly mend,.
Mg, ber appetite has returned, she
sleeps well her nerves are stronger,
and her heart gained strengta so that
st is able to tulfill its funetions. Prior
to taking Dr. Ward's Pine ste bad
token manv medicines without any
special benefit. Dr. Ward's Blood. aud
Nerve Pills aro certainly the only '
medicine that has done any good. Be.. s
fore taaing them sae was getting ,
weaker, ber insert and nerves losing
strength daily. Since sbe had began
tatting them she has daily and cove
Tbe statement that the Kaiser's
moustache has been trimmed after the
fasbion of the moustache of Charles
I, as depleted in his portraits, has
been inaignantiy traversed by
German monthly. Tbe "upturned
mousta.cate" Was really invented, ea -
cooling to this autaority, at the
Court of Philip IV. of Spain. Charles
I. set the fashion in England, and it!
spree. thence to Belgium, Germany,
Sweden, and France. Lana XI'S.
was the last monarch who wore this
type of moustacbe till its revival by
Willians II.
Feathers are now imitated to such
a flue perfeetion by the reaeufaeturer
that it is eaid, tbe eye ot the expert
is needed to detect the imitation. A.
silk sperially prepared in some way is
employed and is worked on to a stem
in tbe most natural way imaginable;
it is then dyed or painted, and the
effect is perfeet,
Sickness Banished—alealth Peat/red.
Gentlemen—Dr. Ward's Blood aud
Nerve Pills bave done nay sister 50
much good that in grateful apprecla.,
tion I told Mr. Tully, the druggist, I
would gladly give a testimonial un,
solicited, as to their merits. My
sister, 15 yeers of age, caoglat a vio.
lent cold—since then sbe bas been in
very tetor beeith, lost all colour was
anemic, ber blood had no vitality, and
she toed no playsieal strength, au) be..
came extremely nervoun so emeltso
kidney (Women Is literally and abso-
heely correet. It not, how Is it that
Dreld's Kiduey Pills, a kidney Medi -
elms, euro backache? For there is no
dispute about it that Dodd's Idideloy
Pills do cure backache, New casea in
this neiglaboraood are coraing to light
every- day, Mrs. Katy Lougheed 18
one. of the most recent, but there are
Scares more,
It has long been contended that
backaobe is really kidney ache, But
up to within ten years ago. when
Liodd's Kiduey Pills were Brat given
to the world, the fact a id never been
aetually proved, But Dodd's Kidney
Pills bave turned the theory into a
fate. It ono has backache one,'s kid-
neys are out of order, and no amount
of medicine which does not eel on the
Kidneys, will do the Slightest good.
How many people bave been crippled
with lanae hack and given up trying to
be cured in despair? alley were notItinuously gained health and strength.
aware that backacati ie but a eytep-
tom, not a disease. Oa College street,
The real Backache, about watch no- • Peterborougb, Ont,
body who ever experiences it can be 1 .....---0,.........—
mistaken, is not an ache of the tat k Twins are considered a curse by
at au. It is tbe male a disordered some of the superstitious tribes of Af-
"ktattease .:e eandoleidueys arem situated riIt is customary to put them. out
oppoltthe smallefadaiateentenet.oFi
ua existence immediately after birth.
use treating Backache, so called, lotale must not drink from the sprIng
the nein le termed Backtiehe. It, is.‘"i›-tanataanatanothezeaaaattaseeea
ly. Ita is the kidneys that demand Imaging to her relations.
treatment, That is the reason that
Doddei Kidney Pills have such a re-
pination for =bigT3akaobe.
Mrs. Katy Lougheed, of Siaples,
writ es mon N.B. ears: •"I have used Cater -
"I can Welly recommend Dodd's bozone for Catarrh and think it is
Kidney Pills as the hest thing for, the best remedy in the tverld for that
lame laack that I ever got. I aave disease." Catarrhozone is a new (vim -
only ueed two boxes and they cured tine treatment that cures Catarrh,
Asthma, Broechitis and irritable
me." tbroat, Very pleasant and effective
The bane hospital for our wounded to uee, contains no deleterious drugs.
Catarrb-a-zone is for sale bY all re-
in; outh Africa is in ataynbarg, a sub -
liable druggiate. Trial outfit sent
urb of Cape Town. It is formed on
for 100 18 stamps by N. C. POLSON &
o the Ohl military camp, the buildings
ebing wooden huts, well built, with CO., Itangston, Ont., Proprietors.
broad verandahs back and front' plac-
ed on a common soe hundreds ofacres' Japanese ladies are said to be the
in extent. most talkative of their sex.
Best Remedy In the World for Catarrh,
Miss Bessie McK. Kennedy, of King -
HOW SHE OVERiOAME IT Al%11) BAE- colic, and is tha best rernetner diorites.' 25e. a biel`l
FLED HE a TORMENTOR. , Sold by all druggists throughout the world. llo
; aura and DA for" Mrs. Winslow's soothe= Orme
Toronto, Dec. 26t11.—Aiiss Ida Hob-
Asbestos towels are among the
newest curiosities. When soiled it is
a young lady
kirk, of 184 Harbsovt Sits., ethx10See0d/itny,s gly
only necessary to throw them into a
red-hot popular with a very extensive circle ed -hot fire, and after a few minute
of friends, all of whom are rejoicing draw them out fresh and clean.
aver her recent escape from a terrible
danger. The story of .her experience O'KEEFE'Sn r.or MALT
is deeply ioteresting, told in her ownand
straightforward way. wenn WOOD, °ENEMA', AGENT.
linagerates Strengthens.
Here is her narrative: In 1890, I took
a pveition in a down -town store, My Without actually eparting from
week was not unusually hard, but 1 the letter of the truth, it is astonish -
soon found I could nto stand it, and ing what different stories two thor-
my health failed. I grow very thin, oughly respectable men can tell to a
had splitting headaehe continually,: jury.
dizzy spells, and extreme weakness.;
My tongue was thickly furred, hush TO eons A COLD IN ONE DAT
and dry, every morning, and I arose Teke Laxative Brame Quinine Tablets. All
tired and. aching. I VMS d1.111 0.ild low- druggists refund the money if it fails to euro.
spirited all the time. go. lg. W. Grove's seguature is on each box
"My sister ba.d used Dr. Arnold's •
English Toxin Pills with remarkable After a long and patient struggle
the women physicians of Russia have
benefit, and I also began to take
lM Oat immediately, till eecured a decree which places them
them. I candidly state that improve-
; upon an equality, both socially and
xn.e.nt begar, a
to -clay I am in better bealth, and 1110 Empire.
much' stronger than I have been for
years. To Dr. Arnold's English Tox-
in( Pills, am/ to thetn alone the credit
11:SillailS1iii,S. YS Eg oltirk did, should use Dr. will pay the rim 02 ONE ATINDRED DOL -
la and woman Who Stiffens Co doing isoirtows in the City of _Toledo,
Coolty end State aforesaid, and thaw. said firm
Arnold's English Toxin Pills. They " LARS for each and every case el CATArata
will give new life and health. that cannot ae cured by the uso of Ilete's
Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills,
the only medichae that cures diseases
by killing the germs that cause it,
are eclatl by all druggists at 75c. a box;
sample ,box 2,5., or sent post-paid
on receive of price by The Arnold
Chemical Co., Limited, Canada Life
..‹ng._l__..,___S-1.._____West' Toronto. 5.
by Druggists, 750'
RS , CE:NN la et CO„ O.
Hallek'amily Pills are the best.
Owing to the increasing adoption of _
ititomobiles, the horses of the Queen's The longest newspaper title in ex -
stables are being sPecially trained to lei ence is that of a Greenland pub -
become eccustonted to them. It is lication, which rejoices in the. euphen-
feared that 'otherwise the animals, ions designation of " Arrangagliotio
might take frigh te Nating,innavnik Sysarammas Sivik."
STATS OVL901110A0s, eCloTugNV.01,BDO, )ss.
rieAleIC J. Cuszunr makes oath that he is
snior partner or the firm of F. J. CHEICRY
Sworn to before rne and subscribed in my
presence, this 6111 day of Deccnibor AD. 1886.
518.18..: P3413120
: .... .„..;
Hall'sCatarrh Cure Is taken internally, and
sets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system: Send for testimonials. free.
1e41, steae61,'
a/r- ez,z4
ten, - eV-
YLODI '1 EA with. 0.,hp,rs sadyou will at o
The flavor of Loden& has roe
you like la
notice o Leaf PaeletHee.
It * fay Try AS, ett, ea, 80, Show
!coma is
id -fhod Is sure and has cured thousands -some /wampum)
ineernan Vette at 01;ICC, reelect and Proof en raceme Addros
ThelSWISS. .indsor Ord Canada
CO,s 5
N EtinALDIA, SCIATICA.. la lf *WW1*
A most efficient substitute for
cod -Jiver oil, pleasa9t to the taste,
and agreeing with the most sem-
tive stomach. Used by Ohysicians
in the treatment of all throat an
lung troubles, and -7 if result
unt for anything—almost no
ii&nt to the good it can do.
Sicilia* bottle Mailed ta any nddrese noel
cyan, to cover poienge,
Comets leave a t
believed to be two
fiercer than that of re
'Chemical Co. tin,fgr,..: Toronto
and '
" Pharaoh 10c." TIZ Cia7.2ortat'
Kimberley is the centre of the dia-
mond -mining interests in South Af-
rica which are valued, at 4100,01:0.000.
La Toscana, no. 1,-.4toty.uo,ti,
The most easily digested meats are
mutton chops, venison, sirloin of beef,
Iamb *hops, rabbit and chid:ten.
Free itt,44Pn''
lo Prayer
vacs, Statuary, lo*,•„2
Yorks. o-ders rer
higan Land for Sale.
Oienlser anti Crawford k:clatlea. Txtio ger,
e • Alet goo omen. Ilter:dr. BiSaillinta and
o o Railroad.% at prlros 4aviVis hem Vie's
'item Laaia are V'M to Merpraiiii Nitlf
Jr.tes, etc... sad will to aoiaoa.cet ' --„
nossnehl ena Apply ta
R. M. oier.en. Ascot, West Day 04, MIA,
Or .1, W. GURVIS, Whittemore. Mich.
artilirdon Line sTEArslites
Port' ad. Ale., to alvereeal, VIII tiatiliNw
ie• s Vancouver,
Hotel Carsi Europe** Plan. Seems
Iran $1 a day op. Opp.
ELT.S.Ststion, Montreal. eo. Caminito*. Co.. Prep's.
'AVENUE HOUSE—Ygg-attlellatts7111.4
per day.
St. JAMES' BOTEL....fi,
Railway. EireeleseCommerolaTAou:., tdo gltgitz1;:.
prone/tents-Retro moderote.
Shopwalker—She camp/eine that you
didn't show her common civility.
Shopgiri—a showed her everything
in my departraent, sir.
W. P. C. 1011.
Carbolic Disinfectants. Soaps, Pint.
tricot. Tooth Powders, etc., bare been
awarded 100 medals and diplomas for suearluf
excellence. Their regular me prevent infeeti.
ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a
supply. Lists mailed free on application.
To send for our
complete SHEET
are equipped to
supply every MUSIC
TEACHERIn °coedit
Whaley, Royee
16S Tonga St.,
Carters COLD CURE 10o. C tres in a jiDy P. Me-
Cornines is Co., Agents, Montreal.
THE DES MOINES INCUBATOR -fleet and oheaPoet
O. llolland, foie agent for the Dominion. Send 3et,
stamp for catalogne. 373 St. Paid street, Montreal
13,11 IVANM,D. west of Hamilton Must Ls clump
' Addrea CLVTTLE, care of Wiison. Publishing Co.:
• distrait, on the lake PhOTe, a valuable fruit farm ; o
iplenibd chance; satishotory reasons giVen for selling,
ler fnilparticulars address E. Theizenson, jun., North
Wholesale only. Long Distance Telephone179,9.
and other PRODUCE, to ensure best results consign to
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,
Cor. West -Market &Colborne St., Toronto,
R.ta4:1 permanently auras
W 4.latarrh of nose,
sse asi throat. storeneh
end bladder. &Jo & $1 n box. Write for particulars, The
Indian Catarrh Cure 0*., 146 Sk Janies-st., Montreal,
Large and feet
of passage :- First CoLlmStO
te,S.3.); Steerage. Iwo and 11.:3 36.
or turn= inbrmation apply to imal sg en or
DA,V1D TODUA.NCE &CO . General Ageent,
17 lit Sacrament St. Aloatreal.
; od
0 �A
Farmers intending to Seed
Corn Note This.
Mineral Extract 1,'117.`;7:11)41 aol
coloring earn te
proventcrows hem picking up corn when planted. 1
bad It acres of corn loot year on my 135 -acre form and
bad the seed n11 More . and Led not ono 55 4115 destroyed
by crown. I olsecinim it as good as a heavy toot of
manure for xnauMg corn =OW rich, feeling so well
pleased with it that I have taken the agent". for 33.
Formera who wish to buy only a small box should stud
in their orders not toter than Pcb. Lt. Small Leg
colors:A bushels. price $2.87: largo box colors GO bustalti,
Diwe 35.00: win be sold for 34_50 Lt ordered by Feb 13
Terms, cash nith order.. :No orders taken after SI
yst, in order to get, then ail pockrd end shipped befoto
April lot directly at G.T.E., and Oral. for shipplat
Lvery box of Extract sunrantoedra 5i00 atisfactiao or
money =funded.
Gentlemen, -"I have rnueh pleasure in recommend-
ing your Odorless Crematory whieh r purchased
frem YOU. It does its work weal and is perfevtly oder'ess
when in use or burning out. 'No family oan afford to he
without- it, os itis intlispensable to health, and it is with
sense of duty I certify to its great usefulness. -Yours
trtilyj DED
. . S. THOM PSO.N.
Hundreds of others who hose used this closet will
testify to the above. For catalogue and price list
writs is
The Odorless Crematory Closet
Co., Hamilton, Ont.
JAS. 11. ANNETT, manager.
JOHN J. MAIN. Supt. and Trona
Nails, Niciy dtio Zs
W sg Hales
to h Thanadiall
mond 131,„ tee Toyento.
yeing eleanIng I
For the very best eend your work tc tha
Look for agent in your town, or send direct.
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
special stock, guaranteeing largo diVidenda; also an in.
stalment atook pnyabi e in monthly inttalmoutti, ararinIS
cosh dividend', half yearllt Parties wanting Safe nod
profitable ineesthient should correspond with
The SUIll Savings and Loan Co., Toronto.
ezoneetomned ori fwvorable terms; osecta Wanted.
unrepresented districts weitc us.
11 LINAIGN SENSE KILLS Retches, 18o5
Ad Bugs, Eats and Mien. Sold by all
IOrtialste, Or 881 flacon W. Toronto,
Heine Safety
Esplanade, Toronto
Opp, Sherbourne St.,
nigh Mats Water Tube Steam
deitert, for All PressureS;
Duties a.nd Fuel.
Toronto Itieetrie Light On.. Limited..
'Me T. Eaton Co., Limited.
Niel lige Tg: t'gr 1"411.riiii1\,1.1"6`i?a,
'The Wilton rubhahlas Co. I, ,nalteri
Utli ist Toronto, where boilers tipsy be r4000 WarkilW