HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-22, Page 5' E tiX.4T,Elt TJE. S fONEY TO LOAN. ht from 44 to Z. to EIAppppy ,IiIO ' GCA.DbaCAN. Barraters Solicitors, eta, , Main St., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. We haveunlimitod private funds for invest- ment neon farrrw or village property at 'lowest rates ot interest. DICT SON & CARDING Exeter, 't . KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND. DR. A. R. l INSMAN. L, D. S.D. D. S„ Honor Graduate of 'reroute University, Dentist, Teeth extracted without pain or. bad atter effects. Office zn Fain- s0na block. West side of Main etreet, Exeter' Oit ANDERSON. (0.0- s- t- n•. 2 D1;iNTIST. Honor fGraduate et the Toronto University, and Loyal College of Dental, Surgeons of Onteri°. ,ML bridge work. Crowns, az d Plate work done in the neatest possible mariner. A harmless auoestiaetio for painless extraction. 'The strictest attention given to the preservat ton of the natural teeth. Omce opposite Ceu tral Hotel, E eter, Ontario, HOOPER, Licensed Auc- tioneer for the County of Hume. Sales cone sleeted lo all parts. and for eozeveniencc can be arranged for at this office. Satisfaction guaran- teed, Cherees moderate, Exeter P, 0; NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that 1 will notbo re. aponeiblo ter any debts contracted byenv per - sop or persons without my w itteu orer. eti0e1AS GORNI Woodham. Tan2Gth.1900, GEN'1 S wANTED, -- FOR "STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA" by Jelin Clark Bid - path. L. L. Pdwan1 Sd Elea 4 -ea C pper, A aging; di t auadieu Magazine," Toronto, ,and J. II, tlilzen, of Lon. .don, Ont., who has returned this week from le years' trtivellkng in a oath Airicafor 11% 11'D Are Ihe only t`artadien Publishers who have a. branch in South Africa for nineteen yore, giving; us an immonso advanta a in proeuring photographs and material. Vis authorship. letterpreps and engravings are superior, and Canadian Contingents betteri.Uustrated than in any zival work, So sure are wo of this that we will trail free for conperisOnoer prosp°ectus possessing 'pliflane anyoneto d tezna free.AthWorld prospectus. au.papy. Guelph, Ontario. NEDIN Meat Market The undersigned has opened up .new neat market ono door South 01 Car11ng's Store where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on, hand, A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN T. NANNING Dissolution of Partnership A"e*OTICE is hereby given that the -IA partnership heretofore existing between John Williams and Joseph Oabhlediek, carrying on business at the Village of Exeter, under the name, style and firm of Cobbledick iC Wil- limns, has this day been mutually dis- solved. Signed JOHN WILLIAMS, JOSEPH COBBLEDICK. Dated Jan. 20th, 1000. ' Having purchased the interest of .John Williams in the above partner- ship, we will continue the said business in the old stand. All accounts due the said firm must be paid to the undersigned. J. OOBBLEDICK & SON. Reduction in PRICE For Cash Suitirigs Tweeds redcuced from $18 to $10. „ „ „ 16 „ 14.. 13 " 10. Plain Worsteds „ ,t 22 „ 19. Twill „ „ „ 18 „ 15. ]Paratings Tweeds reduced from $4.50 to $3.75 Black „ „ • 56.00 to $4.50 With all snits we give the best of trimmings and guaaantee to fit. Call and examine these goods before buying Your suit. 43OHNS, The %V&1or SOHOOL BOOKS A •FULL LINE OF NEW B OOK. S FOR a School engin THE AND ALL .hHE CHILD- REN NEEDS DS AT Brownings. Where the Scholars are used well. Britain's Great Wealth. It would be d. ifltcult to find a harsh epithet which has not been applied to Great Britain by her enemies, but its worst enemy can never accuse John Bull of being in any way related to Shylock.John may. have his faults, but the fault of being harsh to his debtors is not one of them, But Britain's own national debt of something like 050,000,000 hangs heavily around her neck, but she could pay it off le -marrow if all the debts owing to her by other nations were called in,. In one way or another of late .years Britain has lent money to nearly every country, in the world, and at the present moment it is said there is not much less than two thous: and Williens sterling owing to Great Britain by various Governments. Some of the money is owing es war ineiemnity, but much of it -probably roost of itis owing to respect of loans. Nations, like jndivicluale, are often in the unhappy state known as impeeu- nious, and in such circumstances they invariably look to the nation they can best trust for help. In this way Great Britain has advanced money front time to time to not far short of a hundred nations, oe States or cities, and there are now some fifty-six debtss still un- paid, Turkey, probably the last country in the world with which we can be said tohe on really friendly terms, is Brit- ain's heaviest debtor. The Sultan's Government owes her something like a hundred millions sterling,. If Urn debt were evenly distributed aerobe the Turks, every one of the Sultan's subjects would owe her £3, and if the :money were to be plaid track at the rate of as sovereign a minute it would tette two centuries to pay the bill. Egypt owes Britain £'77401,000, which she is not likely to receive in this generatiett, As Egypt ewes alto- gether over a, hundred millions, and her total revenue is rarely overa01O, 000,400. John Bull nnaiy not hope to receive his money back for many s. long day to come. As the population is only seven millions, to clear the debt would mean as tax equal to 411 per head, Even America, the wealthiest nation on the earth, owes, f3ritdin X,2QA0,0Q0 but the poymeur of the debt to -oxer. Tow would not trouble cousin Jora,- thau> as the peltry sum of just over a dollar from each „etrneriean would satisfy this claim, Spain's debt is likely to remain unpaid for many year. to come, however. It is about thirty-three rnillious, and works out at £2 per heard, Poor hankrltpt Italy would probably be heart -broken if Britain insisted an irnrnediato payment of the £20.000,000 borrowed from time to time. It would mean a speeialltax of 17s 4x1 for every inhabitant, and its collection would probably be the signal for revolution in a epuntry wlilch is already taxed 80 heavily thet the poor can hardly fled money for bread, The Czar is reputed to be a span of enormous wealth, but he would want the assistance of many of his nobles to nay his British debts. Russia owes Britain nearly fifty millions sterling. It is a bigsum such as would appear crushing in many another country, but is merely as trifle when we consid- er Russia's immense population. Bight shillings from each of the Czar's subjects would clear oft the debt to. morrow. It cannot be said that Great Brit- ain's generosity is confined to coun- tries from which she can reasonably expect favor's in return, Mexico, for instance, owes her some thirteen and a half millions, while the ancient and unimportant town of Cordova, in Southern Spain, owes her a modest half -million. The little African.repub- lle of Liberia has a hill to pay of a trifle over a shilling per heed of the population, and Roumania is respon- sible for 4 shillings a head. Japan - cautious and modest in its borrowing -is satisfied with a debt of £3,000,000, which eighteen pence from every Jap would pay, and Britain is entitled also to half a crown per head from the Transvaal. Cuba owes Britain six millions; or 30 shillings per head; while the Greeks and Swedes owe £2 per head each. The French papers. when they refer to Britain in unpleasant terms, probably forget that France owes Britain £30,- 000,000,six million pounds less that the debt of .Austria-Hungary Holland has a heavy British debt of LO per head and another little country, Norwvay;'is low down in the list with £1 per head. It is strange that the American repub- lics should be so conspicuous on Brit- ain's list of debtors. In addition to those already mentioned, Chili owes her £10,000,000, or R4 per inhabitant ; Brazil, £7,000,000,10 shillings per head; Peru, £21;000,000. £7 per head ; Uru- guary, £10,000,000, £14 per head ; and Venezuela, £3,000,000, or 30 shillings per head. The total debt of these five republics is over fifty millions. It is in another republic, however, that the figures appear most startling, namely, the Agentine. . The govern- ment of the Argentine owes Britain an average of nearly £5 per head, but the people of the Entre Rios, a town in the Agentine, owes her £11 per bead ; while the capital, Buenos Ayers, is down on the debit side of Britain's. balance sheet for a sum equal to £15 per inhabitant Scottish American. To the Editor of TED TIBese. DBAia SLI , -I noticed in last eek's Advocate a communication, i t n which the writer offered the following, most commendable suggestions, with refer- ence to our Public school : First. That the teachers insist that, the pupils he, cleanly in person, howvever plain the clothes ; that they be polite and re- spectful in deportment,also that good moral and manly principles be incul- cated along with their regular studies. Second: That the papils boys and girls alike, should be regularly i n- ' structecin drill; the reasons set forth for this were so obvious and convinc- ing that no comment need be offered. Thit•d: Thata suitable building be erected on the school pound,' to be used by ; the pupils for drill, aa a gymnasium, etc., ,and alsofor the. convenience of the general public on cert - n 'Ll occasions. I.mo,S heartily il e t en- dorse th,,se three propositions. If a boy begins life, with good physical' health be -res ectfnl and d polite in his demeanor, be actuated by good moral. and upright principles, ,and possess a good Public school education, he stands fully equipped to battle with the world, rind as a rule will succeed. It is an unfortunate truth, however, that a certain minority of children, owing to various circumstances, re- ceive practically no bonze training, or very imperfect home training. Conse- quently, in justice to these children, it becomes the bounden duty of people,. trustees and teachers alike, to see that this defect in education be made good in so far as possible, This phase of education is a duty, however, which we owe to all children, irrespective of home training, Regarding the erec- tion of suitable building, it occurs to me that the Principal of the school. and the medical ,gentlemen cf the lage, could best pronounce as to use- fulness and advisability of such it build- ing. Were the trustees to consult these authorities in reference to this matter, and if after due consideration they concluded that such a building would be to the interest and benefit of the pupils, that it would tend to save the school property, would be useful to the general public, and could be erected at a reasonable cost, they could then take the first opportunity to consult the people, with every ex- pectation. I hope that the people would endorse their action and woeld favor the erection of such suitable building, PA11-13:,;T, BORN or 110"e1) --In inpak lewd, of atdaughtoFnst„tkto colter TERIT1°-.-in Brantford, en the 17th inst., the of G, F, Verity, of a daughter. 1.,, ,. seee•la Crediton, on Monday Fob, let, the ebe of August Ewald, et a x:on. 111ARIU D EAHLESON- STF,W.INS-.4,t the residence of the bride's tether ou the Beep 4ine (aoderieh township, on,aneedsy, Feb, That ey iter. ii. Clement. William Eagleson of Aberdeen, *South. Da ltotn,to,alnut, third daughter of Jas Stevens. BA.RBQUR-ifENE$ . At the residence of the bride's father, mos, Noyes. Varna, on Thum. day Feb. 15, by lice. Andrews, John ilarraour. Mount Forest, to ia rret ieoea. TAYLOR-WATSON-At I Methodist is par - nonage, i d t �. e o the t ih nonage, Blyth, l eb 14, by Rev..Penball, Wil* Bain Taylor. Sib line, aterris, theirs. Serail Watson. of the boundary, POLLARD -BROWN -At the residence of the bride's parents, 'Myth, Feb. ll, by Rev. Pen. hail,d. ,g, aUot ard lwXol iliap,to Slixs Mani e, second daughter et Win. Brown. orBIstkr. WA "`I'S-A11.11,1,00N-,A,t the resaideeee ot the bride's parents. Jan 31, b thiter. G. T. Abey, John A. Watts, of Me ullett, to Miss Tea sia miillduon, of ateleillop. IIIRDIE•-8U'T,H.tlhi,A1`.D—At the residence of the bride's learout,, Seatertb. en February 1Srlt 'William auntie, hardware rnereba.ttt. Seaterth, to Mita Mary Sutherland, eldest daughter ot Aiexauder utherland, DIED G4.W--In E£inondville, cm February Otte, Robe. (saw, ager. 73 yeara and 13 daye. [TTLF.- Tn Tuckersmith, on February 12th, , efattbew Little. aged 75 years. HARL NO --In Exeter,, en the IOth inst., Sus - arena Westlako,.reliet of the late James Gar; land, aged 77 years. MAXWELL--Tn St, Marys. Feb. 13. Dorothy Louise, infant daughter otbtr, and Mrs, 'banes Maxwell. aged 10 months LW” GetAN--Ip Lanclesboro, on February ltth, Oaathakrino A., relict et the late James .Cont;. man, 75 yearaa and 8 months, �an.► Use Dix Cold Cure for colds, influ ansa end let. grippe. Only 15o a box. Sold at Lutes Drug Store. A Blessing to the Homes of Canada. No invention of the century now corning to close has done so much for the homes of Canada as the Diamond Dyes, These reliable and never - failing dyes have saved more money for our Canadian families than all other combined agencies. Diamond Dyes, with their magical re-creating powers, give to faded and dingy looking dresses, skirts, waists, blouses, shawls, capes jackets, coats, vests, pants, and all fabrics, light or heavy, a second life -a condition of richness and beauty, in the majority of cases far ahead of the original colors and shades. It simply means that a new dress, coat, jacket or other article of wearing apparel is obtained at a cost of from ten to twenty cents. This work is now successtully carried on in tens of thousands of happy and prosperous homes in our Dominion. If you have not yet tested the re- creating and economizing powers of Diamond Dyes in your home, you. are losing money every month. To achieve the victories that come to others in money -saving, you should try what Diamond Dyes can do on your faded and cast-off clothing. As there are imitation package, dyes sold in some stores for the sake of extra profit, avoid these colors, as they are ruinous to, any material; see that you get the Diamond Dyes that make old things Iook as good as new. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS AN OLD SND WELL-TRTEP REMEDY.—Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarnccea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for lits Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. dpe>a AMOSSRP IDSPISCOS illi, altilstAlib i yaw- TO ;. i erHOUSANDS OF YOUNG MEM are If troubled with, nervousness,:despo despon- dency-, ,exhaustion loss of memory, dlachine backs and' kidneys, painful uritis--��ww5: D tion, bashfuauess, sediment in urine, lossesp � at night, impotency., headaches, varicoccie, 49 PQM :.c. ttP pimples, ulcers, bui:e a.,t The'ras:ltsSia P P, P ft., of habits in' youth oclatei e.;;en os " 4 i Our Vitalized li'reatdhentc.t;eathe ,.ora<'i .cases:;; u�? all Erni ii,oris» & V �'1'Eb✓ '�,. �...v sa the Tier and'.v:tatitr and ^ onsr ..: ' P g t� R C+P r�eaic rse,t. f4_ne' SieE..txz• Tart r,:t�^k�sx. sr_'� �k to=Ili Caere •feta, a and' , ie e$g"9Ctt5t"4�:�.rc� �•is'�`c;Ys«.7 ,,e No10 matter Chronic, yield to ' ,ir- 'Vital- J m err >�o wr 4, ill iced Treatment. No operation, no pant,; All ino detention from business. A11 drains i4 &cea e. Oar Do,.lar Tscataiaerat will AA Cure horn. as, "' l oe i x -a_ a a I t -'l' of S1 ek5ty°t cttLroo cured forever. No return of .the disease. • �r' r No Mercer ,: No Poison. Our flDoiam Treats ent vvitl.Ccirn Yoas. W,..; ;9' Gsiar•arattoe Curse. CP Wetreacure tandeur alldis- eases ° I easesof me men for ii uand.wvo ����•���L��... Examination and: flonaaltation-Free. Write. for Qaastion 1• 1 Lb; for llomo Treatment. IOr Detroit, Me .D DOLLAR DOC i 47Michi an Aeionto, tW ileseseeseeosesegaoseeoseee "Winter Finds Out What MARKETS. Summer bays By." De it spring, Bummer, autumn cr winter, someone in the family is `F under e the weather from trouble originating in impure blood or low condition of the system. em. All these, of whatever name, can be cured by the great bloodpurifier P , Hood's Sarsaparilla.tnevercfaacrppeittts,; eioila--"I was troubled wWa boils for months, Was advised to take Hood's Sar- saparilla, and after aging a few bottles' bast not since been bothered," E. B, GLAAw ni,. Truro, N. S. Could Not Sleep -"I did not have any appetite and could not sleep at night. Was BD tired I could hardly walk, Bead about Hood's Sarsaparilla, took four bottles and it restored me to perfect health. ldrss JP.ssns TleXiefeelit, Cranbroo)t, Ont. Pee 's Picts anre itvsrlris; the iron,-irritatlnxeat only cathartic to take with Bog,i'x SartaPerilii SALE- REGISTER, TirlSa'Ta tx, F1w1a'x 27771, 1000. -Farm stock. iurplemente, household furniture &e., the property of Thos, Bell, lot 24, eon. 8, Usborne. Sale at one o'clock, No. reserve. Thos, Cameron, A.uc, Ba�Gs� ALL SAD raouc�zs. Despondency and Melancholia Result from Kidney and Liver Troubles, Paile's Ce1e7 r COMp01111C1 Is the Unfailing Conqueror of all Physical Misery and suffering, Prompt relief and Speed Cure { Guaranteed. Dr. Phelps' Marvellous Pre- seiption Makes the Old and Young Healthy and happy. The Great Home Medicine of the Civilized World. When the great nerve centres are restored to perfect action by Paine's Celery Compound, then, and only then, can the liver and kidneys he - come healthy and perform their several functions with ease and regu- larity. Your sad thoughts, depression of spirits, melancholia ansl. hours of dark- ness proceed directly from a diseased condition of your liver and kidneys. The best physicians in the world have openly indorsed Paine's Celery Compound as the safest and surest remedy for your troubles. Thousands in the past have found solid health and happiness from the use of the great medicine. Do not accept any substitute for the great life giver. Insist upon having "Paine's," the kind that cures. John Robb, of the 2nd Tuckersmith has purchased the '100 -acre farm, known as the old Johnston farm (Huron Road Survey) lot 12, on the same con. It is looked upon as a splendid farm, especally for fall wheat. Mr. Robb will be kept yery busy as he intends to work this as well as the farm be liyes on. Stratford curlers beat London curl- ers by 14 shots in St Marys, in the finals of the Western Ontario Tankard series on Tuesday. ;fiElCll't� Ory for CTI.R Ie Burdock Blood Bitters The Best - as S,rii1 Medicine... Beinovea all p clic, system. Gives strep t r nd'I weaknessa a The most r, restorative and o science. Mr. Geo. Heriot,: "Two years a e spring, had no d nervous, not ables tired all the time. ,r I saw Burdock BIood Bitters highly Y recommended' got ottle ab "I started so taking it, and inside o: 1 e months I was as well as ever I was in racists,. "1 cheerfully recommend B. B. 13. as es splendid blood purifier and spring media Gino." Exeter, FiiIBRU$7lY20th,1.910- Wheat. per bushel .59 to 59 ,27 to 27 38to .38 se to 60 10 o 18 • 15 to 15 .9 ,to 9 .., 7 to 7 7 to 7 1'i'ors..,, 13 to 15 Dried Apples.. 5 to 5 Pork dressed $5.00 to 5.50 Oats- Barley, ,,.,.. Peas.., Butter.. Eggs,,. Turkeys , .. Geese,., - Weakens per w ,.., . Deeks,,,, . iondon. FEBRUARY 20 h .X900, a'i"heawt per bushel, . 66 to 67 slat+ .20 to 29.. Peas. ,...:, 51 to 60 Barley...•,. : ,.S7 to 40 buckwheat .45 to 48 Rye... 0 to (i0 ,,,,..42 io 4I 65 to 70 14 to 14 • .,15 to 16 .,,..,tial to 70 „ 10 to 12 9 to 10' Corn .-, Beaus, Mutter .,, Eggs Ducks Turkeys per lb, , , . Geese peri., Chickens Cheese. , Potattoes per b.ig. gay per ton • Pork per "wt• • r tit 10 (i(� .11 tot 00 , . ..$ 6.0Q to $ ,.50 $1.59 to *,5.00 To THE De:ale--A rich lady cured of hu^r Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums has sentZ1,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people enable to procure the .Ear pr tiros may have them free. Ala- Ply to Dept, A. S. V. the Institute, 780 Eighth .Avenue, New York,t,U. S. A. Hugh Stephenson and Mir. W. J. l3rekle met with as mishap at the Sea - forth foundry firs Thursday of last_ week, They were nesting to the moulding shop when some of the rnoltentmetalexploded, Mr.Stephenson wits burned on the eye, and although the iujin•y was painful, he is at work again. ,, 1tChowever,le, was :not so fortunate, Ile gots both his hands. burned and will be laid if work for a. couple of weeks. GIVE A YOU 211 resolution and a course in Business and Short Maud at the nd who ehell pied, a Maize to bis tgireer. G'atalo;;uea Is er J- aw. W +iTER, h1:7', i'rincipa. TH Clothing QUESTION. Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer: We are showing a fills' range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices.) Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suiting. We show c, big range at moderate prices in Scocch and Canadian tweeds we may a large and well as- sorted stock. Prices to suit all. A large stock of the lat- estoods voa oercfor singt g from $10 up. - GIVE US A. CALL and see what we can do for you: J. H. Grieve, MERCHANT TAILOR Two severe cases that were completely cured by the Great Blood Purifier and Healer, Suffered For over eleven years I 1 1 Years. suffered 'with Dyspepsia and tried everything I could think of, but was unable te get relief re zef until I took Bur- dock Blood Bit B oo Bitters. I had only taken one bottle when I commenced e c d to• feel better,. and after takingfive fve or six bottles was M entirelywell, and have remained' sog ever' since, and feel as though B.B.B. had saved, my life. -Mrs, T. G. Joyce, Stanhope, P.Q. • CoveredCoveredy little boy •a ed YO With Sores. years, was a complete mass of sores, caused, the doctor said, by bad blood. , His head and body were, entirely covered with sores, and we could find no cure. Finally I got a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and before one- half the bottle wasgone he began to improve and by the time it was finished there was not a sore on him. I used the B.B.B. as awe ash as well as internally, Y 1, and it seemed to give great relief as soon as it was put on. -Mrs. Philip Mitchell, St. Mary's, Ont, The medicinal property of each of this list oaf herbs and bars is a opecifie for some particular disorder in the humans system The combination of all these curative properties in one tablet prop duces a remedy for all diseases of the Liver, . Stomachz Blood or Kidneys which, for uieand permanent results, has never been equaled, RIANORARE JUNIPER SASSAFRAS SPEARMINT CANADA BALSAM PRI:a.1cLY ASH. LIVER WORT SARSAPARILLA YELLOW DOCK WM: WOAi BLECAMPAN€ BONESlT RHUBARB BURDOCK POPLAR RALMONY ATAGNOLiA is nature's grandest remedy. It contains no 7liz eral substance, no morphine, opium or other stimulant, Every box is registered. and num- bered, - hexed, and, contains a guarantee that in ease a purchaser is not cured after using one box as directed, the price of the medicine will be refunded. OUR NAT1Vl ITERBS is sold in tablets, also powdered. form, at $x,00 a 'box, containing day's treatment. If you can't get it at your gists we will mail it to you on receipt of price. THi; AL,ONZO 4. BUSS CO., 232 St, Paul Strait, Montreal. Canada. Se.wri // Destiny Changed-. The "Slater Shoe" is closely watched dur- ing the process of manufactur. Every shoe undergoes a careful examination after leav- ing the hands of each operator, The slightest. Sawv in the leather or work- manship -a stitch hissed -a slip o.£ the knife,. only discernible to an expert condemns the shoe that started toward. the " Slater " goal to the ordinary, _ rll : aa�.�t • ' r nameless, unwarranted army of footwear sold to whoever will buy them, The "Slater Shoe" is made in twelve shapes, all leathers, colors, widths, sizes and styles. Every pair Goodyear Welt- ed, name and price stamped on the soles. $3.60 AND $5.00, E. J. `PACK111A, SOLE Aensomormet OCAL AGENT.. tenimmukommilmilmool Five Packs of Cards Free - Ono pack, 'May L 0. T.T. Borne; One pack 'Escort,' One pack 'Flirtation,' Onepack 'Hold - to -light,' One pack 'Otr Sofa Just Bolds Two: Samples of 20 other styles with book full of no- tions. Senn 5c. silver for postage. A. W. KINNEY, E. T., Salem—Yarmouth, N. S. CALL AT THE FA GUT THIS OUT and send us with 51cents in silver, and youlwill 0001) return bring you in GOLDEN er. in one mouth, than anything else in America.. A, w. KINNEY. E. T.,'.,,, 'iso Salem--Yar mends, N, S. FAMILYNew ®Blacksmith For first class MeetShop CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, The undersineci wishes to announce LARD and SMO A. fine selection of BEEF, LAMB, FRESH and all kinds of Fresli•a maid �sait on hand RED MEATS' that he has ripened up a blacksmith business in Davis' old stand, Main St., where he will be prepared to do all !kinds of Gerierai �o aai metts1 BLACKSM1THING north of HORSESHOEIHG A SPECIALTY PORK, eel Note the address, one door The R. Pickard Co's store. LOWS DU PmmaA CALL SOLICITED i Jas. Russel sl Qle You can't be healthy if youry � t bowels are constipated and �� 3 your system clogged with kelb poisonous material. There if should benatural a na neral move- tai; ment ever day, the y, and t e best way to secure it is to take ke Laxa-Liver Pills. The rnotjQ obstinate mate cases yield to their. action. They neither gripe, es to sicken nor weaken are easy y 1,14 to take and prompt act. t. p tai 3 By the Best Ignore rthe Best J'r In the c end ati' will 1 Y �' i find it cheapest. Furnish that: with roomva- cant with one:O� our Bed Room Setts Tables Chairs, eta,. 13 CET SOMETHING NIOL...00- We have it you blra.lit' 1. ' ,,tee ,..:.. _.:.. ........... �.�. ,,. 'at Our Take a look t ®fin�� els and a ole a"ull Ixlle, of .... , ,.,.., Woodys , soothes the l FTJI� NITUAE and ou • wit! Morwa U find , Pio Ild ®L n u s what andyou. `a ' i 1wL' l 00 �11" b� :.. l f61 a cures Congas lis `S" yru� and Coldt S O'D. idm'S I the worst kind, after other remesdiesofFURNITtJR1C Aldi trNI3RT. tLIEI fail. Pleasant to take. Price 25c. _ d�p6rta t[nuse Block,