HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-22, Page 3Notes. and Comments,
•Several New yorle paper$ have of
late tahen mite of the oheerful xeadia
ness of the colonial populatione to
need troops eon to make ungrudging-
IY, even turther sacrificea in order to
help- the mother -land, They have seen,
that we colonials are ooe with the
neople pf tits Britiele I1 wheal a col:a-
lien danger threatens, and k nave given
pralee, in most instauees unstinted
praise, for this Eludication a how
znutual peril end isuffering leave only
aervecl to nnit the bonds of empire still
reore eloseIr. It is admitted that we
havel att
ned a positien, both pantie
eally and in the 000d-fellowshiP a
the -British public, which could not
have been reached ber any other means,
Anciwhich will endure wleile the eine
Piro existe, It ie et leaet certain
that in any eveot the Britten Date
Pine as much a onity as if it were
convened of one loyal oation ire one
land, instead of many peoples occuPY-
ing territory wilich encircles the globe
Ara corepreeee eontiziente.
Tea wonderful nineteentb entnry
willeivithoot a doubt, end in asgr
burst a glory as any of its mete -
sore; but it Seenaa equally certain
tbn.it will keep up the record er
other centuries for dying he the midst
of trouble. There are already name
awful possibilities in view. In we
pert of the earth there are iliffieul,
tiee and problems of a dauger
alielet( in history. The South Africau
war, whatever its outcome, will
turb raore or less severely the poll-
tice.I conditioo a the greet nations or
the world. Added to thia aeeious
queetion, there is the possibility of a
contest in tbe far Rant, between Jae
oan and Russia ; and how tbis would
result, and velat it would luvolve,
Is impossible to foretell.
no, if ttese two stupendous pre I
wore not euough to give the prose
century a royal send off, there are
other questionwith very SeriQue AS+
[met. There are insurreotions mad
rebellions in South America which
will apparently provide mare than the
usual bloodsited and excitement. It is
extremely likely that a decision will
be reached as to whether a canal will
be rut through Central Amerlea at
Dimwit or at Nicarauga. The Al-
askan boundary is still a matter of
disouto between Canada and the Unit-
ed States. Canada. and Great Bri-
tain have not in thia case got at all
what they want; and it Is extremely
unlikely that, wheu the quesUon la
again taken up, Great Britain will re -
core from her demands in the slightest
degree. The Exposition at Paris will,
it is said, be a glorious effort, far
uri easing all that have preceded and
o LI be a conim Tceal and inaustrial
triumph for the end a the century.
The last year ot the 19th tentury
also witnessed an example of expan-
sion, when the United States aseumed
imperial away, the results or wbicd.
are more extensive and serious than
was at first supposed,
, , ...i.ey,„ tbbuott rIt tAselltb:vrefLtn,,,e1;aaryer tr., . .
L 1 s you -some have foetid, it a -very rough
1 Orient h e v
coime. out at the right place. There
is a great !muse at the end of it er---. reody taken place, and probably Oth-
ers not reported isy the evangeliet.
will eee ohrist ready to greet you. At INTRNAT1ONAL Lf880N-FEB 25-- Luke 4.16-30 sCrliorepernoatueatbee Asemoito4mutbheerianZrthAveseeit -AN ENTIRELY NEW DEPARTURE IN
built for yoo. As you come up, you
the gate, you will find enough of the
waters of the Jordan to west the
sweat from your °boats and the ache
ing from your brow, and the dust
from your feet. Talk about castles
of marble and granite! Thie one is
left. of aMethiist, and chalcedooy, stre"hed- 41ong ths al°l'ing Bide at a
There is Danger to the Church From
Reckless Drivers.
'the Rev t Dr. Talmage Discourses on Church bers
Calling for a Wier -Spread and More Continuous
A. despatch from Waeleingtour says:
-The Rev. Dr. Talmage preaciaed frora
the following text: "The driving is
like the driving of' jehu, the Son of
Nineshi; for he driveth 1uriousiyet--
2 King% Ur. 2.
Joram, wounded in battle, lies in a
hospital at jezreel. The watelainen,
tantleo in the tower, looks oft and
sees agaiust the sky, horseman: and
chariote. A. emesenger h sent out to
find, ia coming. but does -net re -
urn, Another •Messenger sent, but
with the earns rate, The watchmen,
ittanding in the tower, looke off
ei the advanviug treelike, awl gets
mere end more eXcited, woudering
who are ceneiog. But betore the
eavaicade comes up the matter elee
Wed. Tile watehniao. canoot descry
tbe features a tbin approacbing man,
but. exclaims, "I bave found out who
it is; the driving is like tbe drIving
of Joliet, Um son of Nimehli or he
clriveth furiouely.°
By the nest) of that one senteuce,
we discover Jehire character. He
came with euele S.peed, pot becauzie
be had an errand to do, but because
be was urged an by a beadleng dieposie
Um), wbielt bad wan him the nam
reenless driver, eVele arolorig
Omen. Tbe chariot plangea
you almost expect the wbeels
cra,sb under it, or some of the prin
arty to be tbrown out, or the he
nae utterly unmanageable.
Waye vele so; and he become
of that class of pent=
he fOUnd lo ail the commanities, N
in worldly and in religious affairs ne
be styled reckless drivers.
To this el= belong all tbo3e
nduot tbeir worldly Weirs in
eadiong way, without any regard
prudeuce or righteousness.
YOU, have no right to shut the d
or your office or store against t
principles of our boty Tb
minister or Christ does not do
whole duty wbo does not plainly a
unmistakably bring the gospel ta.c,e
laoe with every style of business tra
section. Many a man sits in his pe
on Sunday night, and sings Rock
Ages, and rolls up his eyen very pia
ly, who on coming out at the do
or the servide, abuts the pew -door,
says, " Good-bye, religion; I will
back next Sunday!" A religion th
does not work all the week as well
Simple as the question is, it would
doubtless evoke very different answers
front different persons according to
thee information and. relation to the
subjeot. Shakespeare makes Falstaff
say: "Lord, how this world is given
to lying." Probably the, world ihnot
very different now from what it was
in Shakespeare's time. ;As he makes
another character say: "'Tis as easy as
lying," there were probably as many
peactitioners of the art then as there
are now.
One trouble in obtaining an exact
popular definition of what constitutes
a lie, is that so many people are inter-
ested parties. No person who lies
habitually, frequently or even occas-
ionally is a competent witness in the
case. Such people become, as it were,
color-blind, and do not know a lit
when they- see it, unless it is 01 heroio
size and very strongly marked. They
will not criminate themselves, A
certain man not long since admitted
that he had made in writing a state -
meat which was not true, but when
asked if it was a face, he said no, it
was "a'. bluff." He shrunk from say-
ing it wass lie, although he admit-
ted it was not a fact, so he Said it was
a bluff. That is a much less harsh -
sounding word than lie, and there is
reason to believe, if it should be ac-
scepted as a synonym for lie, that lying
would become even more common than
it is now. Most men would much
rathex be, known an bluffers than as
Whether th.e various grades and de-
grees of lies and the infinite shadings
„I of misrepresentation, deception, du-
plieity, evasion, society lies, business
lies, conventional lies, etc., could all
be brought under the term bluffing is
doubttul, and the merging of so many
wards in ons would tend to imeoveriela
the, language. Perhaps as good a de-
finition of a lie as any is that it is es-
eerting or representing, orally, in
Writing or by signs, as true that which
,pOTSOtn knows to be untrue, from
a culpable, intention to deceive or- riais-
lead There is reason to fear that
even under thie stringent definition a
great many persons will co/lieu/le to
, .
Exasperated Old Gr'entleman, to lady
),a front of him: Excuse me, madam,
but iny eeat. hap gest rnestese
and I want .to see. :Year hat -e -s- Tho
Ladys My hat hee eost me ten genn-
ea,a, eir, and I leant it to be seen!
tbe, needs ..of inuoctioce„ virtue 'arid re-
Some time ago, to tne pito a New
York P- yOUng man in a jeweller's
store, stood belibad the -counter, of-
feriug gold, rings to a customer, ere
said, 'Xhosa tinge aro fourteen car-
ets." The- lady replied, "I want a
ring" or eixteme carats' and not get,
ting what she wanted, weut away.
.The bead man a the firm came and
said to the clerk, "Why you not
tell her tbet tbeee rings were air-
teeu carats?" Ile replied, "I canuot
deceive anybody." The head man of
the: firm- severely rePtimanded WM,
and :said, "You never can get along in
this way, Lt la lawful in business to
melee then, little misrepresentatiorts?"
Who was tne young tone? A berol
Wbo wee tbe .gentlemen eepreaeuting
tbe firm? no demo in 4 Broenlyri
Meauwillie tbis et defrandere
incoeeses--toore duriag the war than
before It; mote now thae -ware
tunes, tbose days et large cane
trade, and „convulaione in the gold -
market, and suttlerships thearreY,
multitudes of men got $o in, the habit
of cbeating that tbey. cannot stop. Io
those days they bought a very epistle
laouee and their roan epee, and
formed acquaintencesbip with the
Mgt families on the nest- equate; mid
means must emehow be obtalued to,
- lege in tbe same atele, for geep
e holm thee outibt, and, drive that
the e0an span they will,. and o.olle the
utuo- Alle: at the
Lor trliansetreeklese V1eir
let track
caly trirnot not worth a dollar dazzling
rsee a whole city with their aplendor
4 a
ideo ;
a I
oor I
equipmeut! Offielah having in cliarg
public funds invest them in private
epeculatiolue Debts repudiated; Pro-
perty surreptitiously put mit of one's
bandel blenibers ot our State Legis-
lature with small salaries helped into
great extravagances by railroad mono-
polies' Three-fourths of the country
in debt to the otlaer fourth! Fortunee
made in 3 weeke. Honest men derided
43 tmliecile, and as not living up 18
thew privelegest New York common
councilmen, with no salaries getting
riohl Alt the eitlea falling into the
88020 me All our streets, alleys,
and courts filled witb the thundering
wheels of reckless drivers!
When I see in the community, naeu
large iricoraes but larger out-
n- re, rushing into wildest under-
alciage, their packeta filled with
W :circulars about gold in Canada, and
of :heed ha Miesouri, and fortunes every-
us- 1 where, launching out in expenditures
se to be met by the thousands tbey ex -
peat to make, with derision. dealing
"um : across the path of sober men depeiod-
be ing upon their industry and honour of
sa • "
n Sunday, is no religion at all.
We have a right, in a Christian.
anner, to pooat out those who, year
y year, are jeopardizing not only
,eir welfare, but the interests of °th-
e reckless driving. As a hackman
aving lost control of a flying span,
apt to crash into other vehioles, un -
1 the property and lives of a whole
reet are endangered, son man driv-
g his worldly calling with such loose
ins, that, after a while, it will not
nswer his voice or hand, puts In peril
O commercial interest of scores or
ndreds. There are to -day- in our
idst many of our best citizene who
ye come from affluence into striat-
ed circumstances, because there was
partner in their firm, or a cashier in
eir bank, or an agent representing
eir house, or one of their largest ore -
ors, who, like Jehu, the son of Nim -
was a furious driver.
Against all this, it is high time that
e Church of God wakes up. Who
e will expose the wrongs? Not the
! Almost any man can escape that,
he has money enough. Sheriffs, al -
men, and police officer have for
ir work to see that ne defrauder,
means gets too badly hurt. Once
• wbile, a swindler is arrested, and
he case be too notoriously flagrant,
culprit is condemned; but the of-
als having him in charge must take
express train and get to Sing
gi in the briefest time, or the gov-
or's pardon gets there before him.
have feet of lightning when we get
the track of a woman who has stol-
e. paper of pins; ora freezing man
O has abstracted a scuttle of coal;
when we go out in pursuit of
e man wh e has struok down the
rests of a leundred, end goes up
g the Jaudeon to build his man -
±18 whole city hangs on our
ts, crying: "Don't you hurt him 1"
is, therefore, left too the Church
Gocl to make th,ese things odious
at success, I 1, Here lie opines, the
es 1 son of Ninasia, driving furiously."
lien I see a young man, not con-
tent gradually to come to a compe-
tenco, careless as to how often he goes
upon oredit, spending in one night's
carousal a. month's salary. taking the
few hundred dollars given him
for starting in the purcha.se of a
regal wardrobe, ashamed to work,
anxious only for display, regardless of
his father's counsel, and the example
of the thousands who, in a short
orhile, have wrecked body, and mind,
and soul in stheming or dissipation I
say, 'Were be comes. the son of Kiln-
shi, driving futiously."
I would that on the desk of every
counting-bouse, and on the bench of
every artizan, there were a bible;
and that by its instruction all busi-
ness men were regulated, and that
they would see that godliness is pro-
fitable for the life that is, as wein,as
for that which is to come; and that
business dishonour is a spiritual die -
aster; and that a man may be the
leader of a Methodist class, or the
trustee of a Baptist church, or an
"example" in a Quaker meeting-
house, or a vestryman in an Episcopal
pariah, or an elder in a Presbyter-
ian church, and yet go to perdition.
Thus far. 'my discourse may not
have touched your case, and 1 consid-
er that sermon a failure which `does
not strike every one somewhere. I
have no desire to escape personal
preaching. What is the. use of going
to church if not to be made better? I
never feel satisfied when I sit in
church unless 1 he preacher strikes
some of my sins, and arousee me out
of some of my stupidities. Now, you
may, in wordly affairs, be cautious,
true, honourable, and exemplary; but
am I not right when I say, that all
those who are epeeding toward etere-
ity without preparation --flying with
the years, and the months, and the
weak, and the days, and the
moments, and the secorids t o-
11 1:
and penal. Everybody knows that
theme st.end in the membership of our
churches men who devour widows'
henses, and digest them, and far a
pretence make long prayers. There
ere stock gamblers who are trustees
of claurehres in the elderehip, those
who grind tire fa‘ceo-of the poor; and
while the Church will expel from its
bership, the drunleard or the lib-
ertine, `which of our, ehurchos has ris-
en' up to the courageous'point of say-
ing that a defrauder, be he great or
little, president of a bank, or keeper
01.a eieer shop, worth a million, or a
bankrept, shall not come unchalleng-
ed* to our holy communion ! The
Church of God wants nothing so nauch
to -day as to be 'swept out. But an or-
dinary sweeping Will not do the work.
It needs ,to be se:rubbed. The time
must some GOnle when the Church will
see that this fsree.t load of obloquy wilt
break her down. If a teanister, pass-
ing down the street, daehee heedless-
ly alone`, and runs down a ebild, the
authoeities catch him ; but for the
reckless conamereial drivers, who stop 1
not, for the right of btliers and who
dash on to make their fortunes over
Oolden, Text -111e Value Vall'a litti 0.wo 4"41 004 the Xectiteirreoean Sea it was a
We owit at -coved tout Net. Jobe 1.n. flourishing tenne N A - The *Leck11 lieveivitee. Win Revinntleele
, ley on the high wa.y hetowweenzDathnlacoge: .
PRAXTICAL Norms, Pletelet in ruins, and its itocality was a" the C°1"i"d4" °I.HI li/eoi"I'der*
/one 4n dispate, Tell Him is the name 114.1n1c11"
/Verse le. Nazareth,. A. village
119fatbell4L131:$371Alee'rrhi'et.111: p0:17eb:blyeesPstgi):: eb141t.ic:./:014:der70.2irt' 41norras"4307:11:17:
No. propleet, let ue beware of tigtt bAs %nveuted a eaunon that may rev.
frora estimating otbeire at their true . -
"erhof a, truth, Seel; frequent come to the front with freak contrive,
- P,o afteel 3.11 thel neat leave inveotora
Pilreees as tbis and " Verily, veriiri emcee, Ionia in their prospeetuees
.1. say untoeon" ale of interest tor the
were seneduled to bring abeut a new
in warfare, and SO regularly baye
in elaiMs been found to be, faina
and based on !Incomplete experiment-
ation, that the pabile generally has
gone tot leek upon all such apriouneee
neento with entepticierim This e ex.
vented. incredelity ifs nourioned when
it is further annonizeed that the Garde
,ner gun in an abseluteln newt depar-
ture eini that US poeesibilities einere<
alumee 'unlimited. Aceeteted theetrtha
ern eet topeyeturver and the Mooting
world ts eure to be startled, The
parotieb:tirllotobeytr an
oeLb)leotgirerotionerede obe.tin
latiiizi,zoiarcpue bili;ersiortobirtefiseroZi asnot eit t tLitdo-p.
are oneo. 'Pler e is Meaning eepleetVe
abeut 4t and frictiou is reduced to so
Imo a potut that tbei barrel may be
n OM. Ogee fully undereverY roan. From our earliest chile.- :Lintranaere to Dod a initeritance." Made of any Dant material, eveu wood
no sawing Of the bit can atm? them. hood we abeam be accustom:el -tr. at. i L'Pre0 Yal.rs and aix months. 1-lero or glens. The gun can not get bot
They start at every sudden. sight or tem]. .-1,a
sound; and where it needs a slaw etep e o ,:`,7, 7 - ' again jeeuse pbraseology doe not ' ne the mature of tbings and it can be
and great care, they go with boupd tae-the'ea7u'artr sul• hi n'nuavt denepe474un'707 , Tot:ietealitly eattgtr;sewthvitetble that01tbe01(1mod ea rapidly ail tightuinoike ma,
terrific. Their eyes are aflame with our intere.st in the oreacbing, but years, see 1 Kluge 17. 1,8,9; 18. 1, 2; obinerY can feed it, Tbe muzzle veto -
terrors. and their hoofs red with the should be a matter or principle. lute but tbe two staterneuts are uf't oecis" city ue li i" d is by the 'II f
dashed out ; and what is worse, the
blood ot men whose- life they bave the synagogue. la all the hentish Vfollevt• ;tr. t1r2a.e171;ctiteereiv: fte21:maneds it8.11; everatiChrr itnan v'ewez ia :14-1 ctleltr. .
driVern Seenr08 tbfala late more furl. world there was cooly eue tertiele. with 26. Sarepta, Zarephaeh The mcdern PRasiCIPLE OF THE' GEM, I
ous speed. We come out and tell its sacrificial. tiervieee; hut every Sarafend. A Pbocuielan town lying Tne preueken oe tbe gun in a elm/an
them of dangers ahead, but wall jeers village or community or news bail at between Tyre and Sidon.
titer IKISS Qin The wild team smoke A
awful ohaeme is atteneted hy tee a ars. 0 stroecs CuUSIStee ly be understood by Us. "Seeing that is
atrilee fire, and Um rumbling of awitt ship, where the people assembled on ' were
wheels over rotten bridges that span
with the speed, ono their elyinh. feet least coo syntigeguei, eir bouse of oore ' 27' B3-5, eue. Ellsha- None ar tbera : eend 43 based " wSU kuigwr&
ealib tit d Th t ' " 4 these two illustrations cannot retch-
cieansed. The bitterness ot " laws. If a cylinder is wrap-
e IA et electricity, every
wire and tbrough thee were
uu a psalms of praise, the reading of a you do not come to roe in your !mart, tbat t wondeetul force lemma
crauluilebillinagn^dretyetlizewliaesaavde,nasnid"Eleterngesbet I selection from the maw, and generaidy• wyoviokliougv43ponwo enri.nim upon ray rairaetee
out my bands and no man regarded, another from tbe eroplete, atter o
atitized and S 1 dee eyUodar vtetliil bto"Qielase.eelttleifr"
tberetore I still laugh at your calame ei i• , 21. Filled with wrath. They edam- any bit of iron or steel that may be
ity, and meek tvbeu your fear come base the privilege oe eneeleion. o 1.
wiotio any Jew who Was present count ee the graceful rhetoric of the „amen, pewee near the t,vening. The exper„
eth I" -.ono but were, maddened by ita application. meats in the peal, bove euded bare,
When this world gets full power
synagogueewas SO agrallged 1111U the 29. Rose up. In, a tumultuous mob. tor when the center ot the magnet
over a man, lie might as well be dead woraliippers faced Jerusalena, The aTli_ru4t him out. The great mole ot te mulled the attractive tone is of:pa-
ne is dead! Wlien Sisera came into men sat on one side, the women ou ehe men pushed him through tea/teed and the bolt atom rolr. Gitraeo.,
the house or .Tael she gave him some- trier muddy, elotely built etreets and dnor figured tnen if
thing to drink, and got him esteem on other, a woodeu partition betwee.u. in Up the billside. The hill whereon. center wee, reached an automatic, me-
ekest before the
tbe floor. Theo. she twee a peg - - - k
an ark on -elated recipe were the holy The oily WAS not bait ow the brow' of chauleal device were to cut oft the
from the side of her tent, and a male books. Stood up. Tbere is a flutter t
the hill but on the. lower, . hillside, eurrent the projectile would pea on
let, and drove the eve; through the en inteeeet and expectation in tele Tbey nuatied hien up to the' Milt tin through the eylinder with the inital
brain or Joel into the floor. So the ausexably as a young man, well known. tending' to hurl him down. Tbere tit torce given It by. the raagnet iu the
wortd feeds a man, and flatters o to altpre.seol not as a religious teach- a rock not far away ere= Nazaretlz first halt of its journey. The expert -
man, end when it has him sound asleep ee. bun as a sieeine meehanic, blame- About forty, teet high, which watt very meat Was tried and found to be wade.
strikes his lite out. likely the scene of tilt% tumult. Cast cat, out a an ordinary wooden -epee!,
The trouble ia that most reckless bletesgabaluothliatetaouht tt'sh7seuah'ileuoLl'ohirtaYirajauLt bun down headlong. To properly un- wound with copper wire, he repeated,
drivers do not ace their peril uutil it reports as a miracle worker and pro- derstand the action of the. Jews who lo sent a bolt at iron tbe eine of a. .
is too late to stole -roan man, go 14404 rises and requests that the roll rejeeted ASS.Sx we( must remember man'e littie finger forty feet across
to the, alms -house nospital, and see of the prophets be banded to him. that a fano prophet iu that day was ine laboratory. The next step was to
the festering, disgusting end of those far more infaireous than a false pro- mane a eeriea of magnets in a single
wIneenrive surrendered themeelves to 17. Tee book. Each "book' ot the euot to -hay, srighara young. __
sensualitiee. There is oo new place norchment, which was rolled on two
Scriptures was written on a separate i''''
other mark. Their mile droppitig that the place was fouled by rolling tl';'
on their body for disease to place an
oose; their limbs rotting off ; their
- cylinders, beginning at eaoli end, so
off from one end and rolling on at 'Incept) Smith, eelf-doceived or bent7-
crititial, etantis before the communitY eeeone with the epeed with white)j it
d I * h.' b el gospel, and !tett tbe filtreti..
Prilrm5t i as Zr while cen- rtiurbst. 62 thieca) ooltt Inpaageentengtismth ie•noutgrhs tilth too
nostrils eaten awls); their eyes quench- Adl ii tf u"rnttra atelicee 'tilt antd-
y* i in tl,e,genseverely."raIf Z him, never- 1
ouse-they writhe in Um consuming mon Tbe first ser. thrill s 118private"ight of judg- edte'pavaed tell"? Ini9visatilnaetsils fitn2talletuencujnezisbioerir
a es iid ni• ns '1. blood 19 shed, t% re°Nver ali ngt the size of the pro -
the other. Esaias. The Greek term ''.3 g IP
d; their breeth Lite odour of it charnel- of Isaiah. Tile place.
ortares of a libertine's dea.th-bed. tion Simla its fittinn text in the Old, or the New Testament disoensaa
mite att aCarlthaego, fay' veirey al to sym- jeCItileisonr°the velocity w to of
Do they like it ? Oh, not If they had
he vafue ot the wbole universe In one Let us revere the Old Testa- pathize with the victim rather thien, may be thrown from jetilin‘urzhaich it
raent, 'whose loges point so directly with the a ttaelcing party. John the xi
_ n this unique weapo .
cin, they would cheerfully give it up to Christ. Where it was written. Baptist aad Jesus were bell
f they could buy but ate hour's release
rem the horror which this moment This passage, is taken moony, but not add reesed as Rabbi, Teacner, but MODEL OF THE NEW
precisely, from the Septua.gint version neither of them had anything in cora-
hrIek over the couch, where the tears of nee ee 1, 2, (with a clause from Ise. mon with the hidebound rabbis who a a large size, for his invention, is
Mr. Garduern working model, le not
f their anguish mingle with
of too recent a date to have bad a
loody iebor that extedee from their
tbe 58. 6. Our Lord seems to have chosen thought in ruts and discussed in con -
leers. those selections from the prophet ventional style. Besides, Jesus brad more preteneioas one completete. It is
Young man before you mount the which most distinctly proclaimed him- 'really claimed much more than pro- bui a glass tube with abore about
sell, altd. his msispsiro , ?belie dignity when. he had. !raid, the she of a lead pantile The, barrel
hariot of sin, go and see the end of
OFe reckless drivers. They once had 1 iat.of the Lord. Re- . 'This day is this Scripture fulfilled is wounel with three coils of wire, each
oall the story of the baptism. Anoint-, in your ears." That Scripture could making a eeparate magnet, He uees
s fair a cheek. as you, and as etout ed me. Turned into English this only be fulfilled by the Messiah. ,And ecrat, ear for rpeeelit:eilta alsv,itha
lly aside. They read French navels.
heart. They stepped very gradu- would be "christened me," for the was i his low -bred carpenter the 14fes- 4.,
hey looked at bad pictures. They
ent into contaminating associations. Greek; but it oarried with it the idea 89, Through the midst. Marched half-inch plank at the distance of
Low-foroe contrivance can penetrate a. -
the betads,
word "Annointed" is "Christ" in dam
of special consecration, as much as
ut of curiosity, and just to see for does the "crowning," of a king. Gas--; tossed from side to side by the riot- twenty feet.
through the midst. After having been
emselves, they entered the house of pei .
"Glad tidings.' Never let us for- ,ers, he suddenly exerted superhuman snvoef Threlsprinsoltplecluopof upon
the wrnocrii-
n. They were caught in snares that
d ceptured stronger men than they. get that Christ comes to bring glad- power, and they fell back abashed at
arewell now to all hope of return! ness and joy to troubled hearts. To his divine majesty. There are a num- esee,„ „e
ficulty that now besets him is the per -
(1 has proceeded. The greatest dif-
rewell to peace! Farewell to beav- the poor. While the world notices the bet of intimations In the Bible that ;Zia -es-;
liverance to captives. The world without deterring in eut off
1 : r' le Christ comes with his special , there was a certain restrained majesty
, le ,
y, "Would God I could stop my bad den. Heal the broken-hearted. Ev-.1 it to assert itself, paralyzed his op- trio eurrenhtate'aatrseytthoe Doe
Perha.ps there are some here who 'mercies to the poor and the downtrod-. alecui Jesus which, when he allowed
actices 1 But I cannot stop. I know ery heart has its sorrow and every sor- ponents.
at I am on the wrong road, and
....-ese_e_ fieree atlinetaTeecils onf ottriknpgrojeocrtlethaTnhias
row finds a comforter in Christ. De,
'at 1 bloc been a reckless driver; - methanical peoblemi which needs on/y
lies fettered in the prison house of
t I try to rein in my swift appe-
es, yet they will not heed." I tell EMPEROR AND DOCTOR. ntiooinv tuosdevisel
a sufficient Danount of experimenert-
sin ; Christ comes to set it free. Ac-
can pull back these wild racers. year of jubilee, which canoe every bait 011. SiTglielreveosd:i.atetilli rather ad= alit:
chi that there is an Almighty hand cep! able year. A. reference to the Ordinarily, a sovereign's slightest
century, when debts were cancelled, indisposition is elseborately diagnosed toi;nperapcotienctialteofiel
, whose beck the Stars answer, and slaves treed,
whose mandate the chariots of and estates redeemed. and promptly treated. whieh the inventor at-
aven come and go, is more than a The Gospel brings men back into right But• it's different with the Chinese and safety with which high explosives
taches great importance is the ease
relations with one anothi;r.
ster for these temptations. Help- Emperor. His doctor cannot even
s yourself, and unable to guiide 20. Closed, the book. By rolling it teat his pulse. can be discharged from his gun in
se wild coursers, give Jesus Christ • ,
!together. The minister. The chez- A few weeks ago the court physi- shells or aerial torpedoes. The rea-
reins 1 Mighty to save -unto the '
an whose dutiies were more like clams at Peking failed to dissipate a son why a. gun-eatton or dynamite
ermost I Loose of a sexton than those of a min- feverish lassitude from Nvhich the Ern- shell cannot be fired from tbe ordinary,
Better stop now. Nome years a,go '.
- - - tater .h,aving charge of the building peror was suffereng. Chen Lien Fan ca.n,nott is because the shock of the &s-
cheme would explode it in the bar -
to pearl, Talo of banqueting / The, lovely vale, two miles from the Plain
seedis of the universe are gathered at of Eedeaelen, six miles west of Mount
ktbieLagstaatzgauriedenasl! who eit at it aret Taber, and about twenty west of the
Bue netwiteaanaing, tee brilliant southern end of the $85 Of Tiberias,
fork b
terminus ce the road, You halt at the now En-Nesirah, with a Votmlation of
eeausn the 0 e and vied, Is about four theusand. Where he bad l'g. -beY. abed 00 '7°848'8 manner as
4 greet deal sMoOther; arid some of
stop at the forlot to make inquiry- reenter. We 344y well eielenose that
I see ixtul, been brought up. Where, too, with a 1)nbh° 8Pe
Kou -will drive in that way. aker. No. one can read ane
tandeS of people lobo do not even little doubt, he had worked as 0, car -
The PO rs b ' '
engthy sermori of Jesus, or eveu a
brief ejaeulation euch as thee; begin-
ning, " 0 ,Terusalem, Jeruselene," with-
wnipp re go are many of theee who were bis hearers op, seeing that even Isaiah and Dean
panting. with tee s/?eee, nostrils els, that- morning
. „ . , ostlieues were measured and tante la
tended, foam drommag from tbe bit bud Pa 14-aelr times style cemPared with the torreutlike
and whitening the flanks, bilt still utensils fashioned by his hands. Eve vetiemeoce on the 6,:ne a mart. He flree-
Urged on with lash, and shout and. ery noticeable trait and event a hia ly used the strongeet dezomointory
laughter; the reins. undraon ; tbe ena- bey -omen unknown to us, was well terms in the taniontge, and then
bankments =watched; the steed . . souglet to intensify tbeir meaning by
unnoficed. Alas for the reckless known to tiea. They were dooietiess anal rbetorieai eth.pbasia as this. v.470,...
drivers i They may after a ithile see Preen/ or their townemait'e eloquence bably Aimee before or since bove
the. peril and seize the reins, and laY , and I.loWer until they understood bim Ittiman ears heard any deliverances
beck with all their might, and rut to clam the neesetabeinn That tbey colacbed in. rbeetorie so etriklug and
lxelr a the brakes, and era for heir, until t - t' Voiced with such irepreeeive empinta,
kends are numb, and their eyes count not beer. Let us carry Chriet'e la. Many widows. Hewitt Met flatter
treat their sockets, and tbe caese firet to those whom we kneW them, ints worn is not to be fettered
and,Bitt:0136;001c014° fribuenagret, c°911nfirles-' obeitiaiont et :4 11"1,03.144 ea3144434;eblet Qeabgl! fbryomtiril Pe;reitalidlyl°rse.lalliaorihelhIligtEll7astie
r 1
i tu el/leoluVata'ssanaudubdoira,szemaeliva'sthoit sem a1,4;„ ene4.04kulgen, ;rot; of tee divine azeineteeElietheeetireeicheted by tileir it.ouritry-
0. mysteries tbau ell the scribes, but he t, Mineneu'ean:griof Getutaillres. AeLnnen-tc:04.1npeonwoeur
aro drawn along by sinful week' teaell us by exemele that to a man will de no wonders where he
pleasuree-e wild team that ran away - - '
with all who have persisted In ridlog Wil''&41P Ord Publiely is the du y r
i o 1.3 rejected, rut will pasa over to di
t h
t h
ilea]. Princeton, New Jersey, and its furniture, including the sac- was Gunn:leaned to an audience. Here
young men were skating on a pond
s°me red box containing the books of Scrip- is what happened:
ward an unalterable destiny, Giv
;yet uncertain as to where they speed, into
1 are reckless drivers ? What would „lee
' you think of a stage -driver with ise'Ve
six horsee and twenty passengers in
the miduight, vslien it is so dark that I
you cannot see your' hand before your aie
face, dashieg full rue over bridges
and along by dangerous precipices? yr
Such a man is prudent compared wait the
ona who, amid the perils of this life, „,
dashee on toward an unknowe eterni-
ty, nal lenowing where he goes. If, n°
in driving, you come to the forks of
a road, and one goes to the rigiat, and
the other to the left, you stop and Th
make inquiry as to which road you feet
ought to take. To -night, you have
came to the forks of a road. One .„:7
leads to heaven and the other to hell.
WhiCb rond will you take? The road "1°Y
ta the right is. a little rough -- yea,
you may and it very rotigh. It has „A,
been much out up with tile heof-
marks of the cavalry of tenaptation. three
Thera are a great many steep hills. colla
You will see where torrents of tribu-
ation have vvashed the road awe, years
The banes of the martyrs are scatter- five
ed along the road ,4 t
rel, and the great problem' et inven.
und an "air -bole," and the ice be- ture. Sat down. The Jews stood in On his knees the great ehysician en- tors in the past has been to fisid some
token of respect while the Serie- tered the presence of his sovereign. rmrleatbn: eilielLsiliIrtg:61-in'g thithae'hSehiejliStagerut:laYt.
to breek in. Some of them stop,
; but/ a young man said, "1 ana not ture was read, but at while sPeakilig• The Emperor and
ng nearly round, when ihe ice 1,ivered in a sitting eiositioe. We should a low Mlle. The Emperor said
the Dowager Thrie no speed; and the impetus is acquired
aid 1' Give us one round more 1" He An the discourse -s of Christ were 'de- peess were seated at opposite sides of
ke, a,nd not until the next day was listen with eyes as well as ears to nothing; etiquette forbade the doctor by, gradual and increased force. There
lifeless body found. So men go those who speak in God's house. to ask questions.. es ,n0 shock at any point of the Jour -
in sin. They are warned.. They ' 21. Ile 1)egan to say. His first The Empress began to describe His ney. The only piece of ordna.nce th,at
set soon to stop. But they werde ; th.e substaince of a more ex- Majesty'a symptoms, the invalid con- bas ever successfully thrown dyuae
5 us One round more!" They start,
erY' panded discourse, Scripture fulfilled. firming lier words by occasional nods, mite eheIls is the Zaltneki pneternatte
witla a wild preen break through Eight hundred years this word was the .1111Yeiciar beiug e°31iPelled e keep tinagVv!'Snilltiteet:7bc111:11t8tW:ftSVS:13:12: OtinetCelhile:11:419eil addi elleSt)::: at tl°3hialfaleli'11101111agi S' en:: StIll'Vi lf,1Sel::
bottomless perdition. Do not lawaaaiiienefUe in Goes 0.,,,,,, tithe.
but the; man fereshadEovIvectt3l,
it any longer. Stop now. God etee ihpiisxiaguayzea t the
nd morel
t us from foolhardioess of the on am sure of its I:11 kneoling vhyeie jail plee,ed the °I,e'icee,exesseneetrhirt gen will biave n ranee
8 adeeeeii:_irpellecialm8encrti.Ptileociwirarely brings
thank God that I have islet you to- to pass his wore in ihe waY one e 0 te d EPsanliamperoofeehel:rilleet!naleu"tilair Ntee-als.' noont ptehree ligierailtnlies'ort eilth:c:eti'lt.;e1Pril'q.(eit,1101,va, i.11e0e1:111puY:rel(e'aiie'nt:1711jtuf°137.1-1e:2;.7-
hi:, and, been permitted to tell you ead surprise. ,
eh 1.` the right road ana which the , byeenuf Nx117:oncli:dP.r°'Avtidellillsce is a )el'Pet- ena:ii'il'ILI
ati may God have mercy upon ail; : terpretation aud forc,ible presentation
ng road. You must take one or
other. i leave you' at theeer insight in et° tfhe:1 Emperort.her°3as1 Tioilisgeue0rantl le.-, with' a gentle'lle''n that will f.1151-1.1.°
f°rICS. In1:6 ill° SCIriPtUre'S'. at Inchi°I'iginad in' eth0P7Siadt:01'WabillieehUlewe'erraetioinn a e"diticm a ':eaftelo..Yf "Ltb0eeevleari,;.;:bec'ind,Yanxe"l' fte ta2-
. i a levelation. Some who begin with
was thrrehpelay'',TUrsw'sa:TL°.,17;ftueed ftionTvlitt
of She bruth, The whole address
se fax 1 -1 t
draw, etill on his knees, end to present- It will clonbtless serprise most )ec-
HE. REPT HIS 'WORD. I twba,eue,ethsTachandofW11:i.tzlaoirveet,..ht:9,:neothinersentaes. later his diag,nosie and advie8 for pie to learn t hat any soldier of 1 ho
e doht oh said he'd put nie 0. 0 my Gra'ninus Words' Let us learn at the Ital-IITSIttlabeenSta'1PWI;hiPell'lLea(SIOXII,eto7-11,01 oktneenw(i 13rillsil arnlY wlic' is c'aPt'lirc'd bY l'he-
1 feet of j u h .t ' to n ese t God's
ell, didn't he do it? .
again in two Nveeks. i - es g .1'. - -1,:- n , Connell, of the Court.
1 message to ier c aeses endeily and enemy gets hie ea y e i opped a L °nee,
c e to pay ins bill. !
did, indeed' I 1.1,nd to sell my I Jaiofseeeptdaw:Snaetoeial.Y' Tit(i''se ea%arae°11TwIlmic%rdese. ONE ON TliE REP°11TER' race course a{ Peet oria A re in no sanee
...._ ...e.e......_ ' "
was popularly known. , therefore, the 2:Cee English werriore
,..-..... .....0.- .
wee a:1P. now playtnes football on the
mathematician. has estimated i
1 23. 24. Heel thy.self. By tbis proverb,
a man sixty years old has spent i nnwr"t ll't °lc titme, tbeY w1°Uld re- sa.TiciTjrast'seo.°111cleieLP'TL:fhllirjult.letti,lrectBu8rii:iresti °2 ib.1) w°rd wage earT1E1rS'
I Mind him th'et, if hisepowors are see-. of'CaltIliet 1 1,5? t of If fglIOI:i Tithilee lie' ea ,Pcilinti; r, daily, \".h()l'f' c +.3' al t
v•Yeaevs °if 411S life t'llttel)ill''?; bid ' eenatural, they san best be eillOWY1 by f or his peneil.' .
that so? I wonder how teeny liftillg himself und his family Nona
ght. . Ye,s? he eaid tancoitragingles.
buttete The intervieW was not exinl-
Yes, the °Chet centinued; and fhat.'s
their low conclitioo. How etterly the
of her life a woi5s.art: of foely- i world 'rnisupprehends Christ and the
has wasted, in putting hen hat on ' Christian The carpal. mind cannot
will r10 deee Ve strai
in 111,6 t-T0111111.S., my, een,..
know that Ets, tic,h
a,.e dens you when Punish: you?
there's' •SOMC, sage»
feetion in that?