HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-22, Page 2PIVadma•Papermays,siakerepipm T IIE TIMES IANT VICTORY. Gen, French's Mounted Force Cap,. ture Five I3oer Laagers With Their Supplies. A despa, trom London, Thursday, .A despaten freeti lonadela, Wednee• we's :-Getterai Lord Roberts' advance fensM Modeler river has begua with emasiderable success. The Britten daY, SeyS:-.41though tbe War Office at midnight aunounced that no turtle. er uetv,r had been received, *there from taw, invaded tint Orange Free State Seatia Airice for publicatiore the ceue in an attemet to Muth tee leet •of sor allowed. several deeeateues to 1 Magersfontedn. They have gained ,ing in Um Ceeeeberg, neethiteurleced, ee Comm:indent Cronttes force at come through reporting eevere figet- hoseession of eour chiles, by which the which. ende,t in the Britieb iwithdraw- ng teeir advanced pesitien, wleret bed Riet arid Molder rivers were eroesed, and /save captured Live Boer Ittanern' h' ert by arset heees, eeen. went duouw s orldr e uing the with their h1144;iiiieS, though there le AO The weer th these hesiternh 'coke, afficial indication of the amount oLc,;i.t. wheel- thee and! nt tee hue booty.. ht htitheott to dohoh the wove, tkere have been described as donnuat- haoht oichd4., thhe, ohihp, to hid, hoe! tug the Boer poeitions. Now tea Boers eeve mewl' ite a tortv-pounder a.t perfect uthuo dttee maps, but it th, , • • eetairds nee. wbence be eeceilent seeMe teat General French's rated eine • s pent • a e, sortiettimies at rt 3,ar s, Gee:ration nut otaiy eizt OL E the, they seem to heve stentethat easily reundineiiis ilia the Britieh guns entreheetethete vette eat ebehat, bat senmeiled the Briteth to retire front barred tiaeir direes. rotate to BIeerre. one uosz after D.O.Ot.h0V. fonteni, wlitle at iha enee time eepes- One- cerreshoudene reputes that the te,e et. the en" me` to a f;enie att3ek 11ghtPof.s1306httetdittaeeirthuht,l's t4;tieottstaialletleVesfst)esr 4,11:it'ssoTjeleattlt'vv7s3.teltae': the road to nos/tote teuelt, at any et the view ott the bituation t;ab-..., et the 'Bores, who otitlitimb:red the a coemniesien aelerinted ie (iv ra.tisoll" DOMINION PEER ,81)1118 FROM If What Is 00Ing On in Our Legislative Halls Down at Ottawa. Xceartby introdueee e bill to 41111eAd the Ceintenal Code of 1892. He xplained that the objeet was to put in infringement a copyright upon the me footing as the infringement a a teatle-raark, and to make both equally suleeet to the rein -Alma law. Dr. Montegue enquired whether it rs the intention a the Government introduce legislation this eession to regula•te friendly soziety insur- ance. Mr. Fielding snid it was not the in- tention of the Government to proceed with that measunes Mr. Flint gives TIOtiOO the fol- lowing resolution ;-"That this House now of' ()Onion t het it is desirable nwl eepedieut that Parliament stiould, without delay, enact such measures as will secure tee prohibition of the li- quor traffic for beverage eurposes in least those provinces and Terri- tories whice have votes! be favor ef Stielk erobibition." Mr. Reid introduced a bill to regue en here. Uritish fire tie *rate were eerr greats • ger am" treiget rates, aud to deeide at is assumed th:tt Gen. eletlauteu Teeir exeuro: gem west orettugers- still bolds a pl:lots eouth of Mager's- foetein wee 8-10. i a lithish C3ses 112 differences between rathette fozttette and if. ie regardselas prot.. interbut tee resu,t vete not affected come:tit:sus and their vustotaerte By alee that tien. efartioneld's exeedie by this, and tbe Imperial foreva have way of itluetration, hereferred toter. tion to leseadee.sereg feel for its xnein fallen bach to Reuse.) Tee enatieig at "" . . haat tire dxstwete, tste Beers attest- .eir dirabecentment. ti -n westwerd eir the contemplated lite ret or: s tenteur in declaring that move of that. Firenee. tee elottrs he in tvicinity base been Teas vm,t•ence teen. Veneers with greatlY rvitiferced 'theft,' from eeveral tect leisallertey reeei eet, h yiu,1 tfirt?e,1‘31.4 etagersfontein, aud s r Company, welch Is said get an uufair advantage over its titors by accuring retettes oa tt chareree. The caeca of tals hill to etop ail suoh praetices. tarlzon, hareem:eel a hill to been pr,,,,,,,usty attar,* Takowu. at t•. s4' tea, they are directed by Col.., ' the Crieeinal. (Axle. The oh- thehiitt eh, hette..tee tb .,Je %cent Vi.:lebois-Illarettil, the French officer .fec' 1' to reee the .to of consenil to to Medder river efter leaving Cape who is allege -1 to have plauned moth eigineete yeere. Trivu, Ott the ea shire or the sixth of, the. Boer caalleatea. 3Ir. Sawn betrodueed a bill to divi•tervi under nen. Iteelyettenny was i illAVA'" C•A!'s in the abesuce of Arteeld the Deraoniou Linde Act. Tee conneete surprise Irene as it was uttrre def nits! informetien, to intil nee .re:asute retz.e.s. to the bonaestoad lest retorts:4 tt Teeus, I:et wc era eilinili'4ance of the leri ti 'wit lie *late ; h Nor th-West. Ceteseerg ;arid VIZIti:erg. Is Ade dr Lewal, but n a- 1r. Dasta Intredu eta a till to amend terout teterl) wen to Gen. Rvi ens' ttruay eel" rettlen that tio0. RoiCrtid `th 31i'utttol, riditte"Wt. This is 'a ‘,1_14:11 is sov. that:dish zet, heeteh si..7.1153 tt/ ive suede a; eitelder rtver a -ire ttetttait,' , premotent from tittur s, ate_ 1178 ten a.:(0s,airmtti,-14 by a wealtenine. th reeks of the torce. tteng like liteeea traege. a tt. rki$ at et.;;esk,;..r,4,, and that Mr. elareette wee ittiorutee by Mr., Thr newepapers in their steruments the DA At'i'S are taleng. atiternege ef ties nel thtg that the esneuut paid out of dhdh, a hoFt„. th the; th hah theatehe el. wet -time tbe offeneien e. trepenieh Use hueerettualim tui e. lasf. yeer was en tette? three they eheer en eettatent lb' British to ceiteeutrate at liens- tor..A.i.,21, and ier .lat preview. year Icnr?„ tint more emitii,r opirslen is cove i..2_7q. ,13,0,i,s5.,4i, „.44.,:i4 xg a dvexeeee el , tent to awelt tho outcome uf the orer- eeenee ii5 reeintained ereareerthae '1gehetth to leas. 11.1,:ing learnee to avoid dia. • Gen. Rationsdeinge butt tett foreign , S.i' iiibLert Tupper was Were -tee by retuning euecesses in advance. , anititary attachee hate Wt, cope T,„1„n : elr. Siftota that an the va-e of Yulttet seepesi, len in sen-te guar- to juin hint, tied tnere are other insti- Muerte' (*Leine, eartive elm hail bleu ter. to, doubt ttrat to eitilful a cote- • cations tietts 4 n,-,,,nana, by etau will depseven of their elains, through er- nee i et le ("relate tete leen whew- ette-he iZng doi yed. The reported :wiz- ' roin Of the elerke, or through other n Leeestz. snit is le sagteetenereas not uni of Zoutions drift, on the °ramp staneeltee, were betne, given opporiure liaereittide ? het. he etabandoned his river, is Lissunied sa he connected with • ite to take up other debate ae cone peetet3011. is sa a t ....N47,jrtlos, ton and t he Gen. Receri s' Ire weinent . tti‘ gc Q.:141,414412ferky : a cement rate his ' It ehenut ate the army in Natal is , Me Carey will move that Parliameut is eli hee tewhere. The recent great . at larzi'VgliatitiV lt ee. Gen. Buller is ap- ebeithi meet on a fixed day annually. in the strength et the hem teirently at Chieveley, and several of or en A day icetween certain fixed emits , . -ber t. (lee riet 1'4% 11,1 s this t lie (T.2747,31/*TKIDTITS, eepeeting a tun in tntreesaitre r er J e nue ry. etch, glee h b teeter, cannot as yet the operations, base gone to DurLan Colonel Prior will enquire whether he other tbast eonjectural. i to recuperate. I an taut:rein-Council wars passed dis- rotreteg Iteneral Hutton or calling up. Oa him to resign. M. Aielnuet will introduce a fell to prevent Chineee or Japanese from be - GENERAL BULLER EXPLAINS. Dpa11 Wrenn Wm. CA Take ttc.prethla tirement irrona la • 1114•2:1*; ta. A despatch from. London says :-The Wer °Mee has received the following dese itch from Field Marshal Lord Rol:erts, dated frozn the Madder riv- er. Sunday, February lithe- " f have received a telegram, from Buller as follows, dated Friday, Feb- rtutry Oth:- "It eras neeessery after seizing Vindkrantz to entreneh it as the pivot a further operations. But I found, af- ter trying two days, tlaat, owing to the nature of the ground, Ole wee lea- prectietiele. It was also exposed to the fire oe heavy guns in positieus from which our artillery was domin- ated. lt is essential to troops advanc- ing on Ladysmith be Harding or Mon- gers drift to Lold Vaalkrantz securely, and accordingly we are not pressing the advance by those roads, as I find we cannot make R secure." TEN MILLIJN DOLLARS. BAKA A', Valor Errll Mamie... Life at This Antenat, The War Office has posted a de- spatch from Colonel Keke.wich, dated Sunday, to the effect that Iiim.berley wee bombarded throughout February 8th. During the morning of Febru- ary 9thi a small lufantry engagement, la tins tv..0 hours, Gemmed, at Alex- anderefontein. The situation other - wire is unchanged. The friends of Mr. Cecil Rhodes are becoming alarmed at his possible fate, and have, sem an emissary to see Dr. .11.y.ds, the' diplomatist agent of the Beers in Europe, in regard to the prob- able eour.ed the Boers would pursue in the event of his oapture. Dr. Leyds Said the Boers did. not intend to kill Mr. ethodes, but they would certainly Lehi him as a hostage uatil the in- dereney for the Jameson raid should be paid. In view of the developments einoe the raid the Boers have also de. eided to double the ttmourit of the in- demnity demanded, so that Mr. Rhodes' friends would have to hand over $10,000,000 before he would be re - lea -ed. la is also learned that Dr. Jameson Is stilt at Ladysmith. THREE LIVES LOST Su 0 Coillslott on a Railroad la Penza4y1 VILVAig. A despatch from Wtlliamsp.ort, Pa,, says: -Three peraans were killed and three seriously injured in a head-on collisou to -day between fast freight trains on. the Beech, Creelt division of the Northern Central Railroad, at Gerdon ile:ghts, The dead are :--Oliver C. l3ennett, engineer, Williamsport; IVfatk McParland, engineer, and A. M. AR:Ave/sae, fireman, Jersey Shore. The injured are: -15. C. Creighton, brake- man: John Lb:Igoe:it, brakeman Thoran:, Xrune, fireman, all of Jersey Sh ore. FOUR PEOPLE KILLED Terrible Accident on the C. R. Nearin, in,0Yed in neirlee- !flyers. • tret Lst°1eerles Tapper enquired whet h- er the oider-in-Couneil for the tuspen- A despatch from hiontreol eleu of the wasting laws had Leen re- terdi le accident by which four Iwo- Kind 1 pie were killed took plaice Thursday Sir Wilfrid Laurier replied the!. the afternoon on the Canadian Pacific( enseensbee aIP1led enlY to the pest line betweeu Quebee, and Montreal. shoom of navigation. Pin Campbell introduced a bill eri The C.P.R. express wince left Quebec% legalize the unien label. Ifr. Davin introduced a bill to amend the Land Titles Act and to get rid a an enonaaly existing in the North-West regarding the proving of wells made an England. at 1.30 in the afternoon, while Passing Mount Carmel (gaming, a mile and a half from Three Rivers, about 3.30 o'clock, termer two sleighs, in eachref which were two people. The train was going at the usual nee of speed, and the engineer blew, the whistle and rang the bell at the crossing, as inquired by •the regula.- terns. There ;was a heavy wind and. snowstorm raging at the time, and the drivers of the tesairs evidently did net he:ur the train, and. drove right into it. The two horse s were instantly kill - e.1, the sleighs sm.ashed to pieces, and the occupants thrown under the EXPECTS NO WALKOVER. Rut Lord Roberts Una Not ate Siightest Doubt or &twos& A despatch from London, Tueaday, save -There is nothing new from South Afren, arid it is inapeohable that anything will transpire just yet. teteerat Lord Roberts has sanction- ed eertazn new press regulations, wheels ot the train. The express was which, according to the Standards stoped, and Ralph Bellemore, the Modder river correspondent, will al - driver of the first sleigh, was taken low nailed communications to pass out dead. Ells wife, who was in the sleigh with him, and Nap. Lafrancom, unchecked. Telegrams only will be the driver of the second sleigh, were censored. The correspondent adds, taken out in it dying condition, and nificantee-"Loaring the next few died it short time afterwards at the g -v days, however, very little news will railway station. Mrs. Lafraneois, the fourth occueant, died when being be permitted to go through." taken to the thostital at Three Rivers. There Is nothing from the Natal side The four people belonged to Mount except General Duller'S explanation ef Carmel, and were on theix way home his withdrawal from Ve.alkraaitz. at the time the accident occurred. Skirmishing is reported Irani Ilene - berg, with small los.tes on either Ed le, GIRL BURNED To DEATH. bat there has bsea zo terwara mein. Saved Three Children Frets* the Elastics, LORD ROBERTS' ADD.RESs. Returned for a Forth. A despatch trent Moddea raver says: A deepateh froxn Sydney, .N.S., says: -General Lard Roberts visited the, camp of the elighla.nders on eaturdity meaning, and made a brief epeech to each imitation. He recalled their association with him in endia, and. de- clared that they had helped to make him what he ,is. He added that he had never made a campaign without Highlanders, and would not be with- out them. He was glad, that Gen- eral Macdonald reported well of them. He referred to an arduous march tlae Seaforth Highlanders had made with him lied added that the brigade would have a shorter march now. Though it would not be a walk -over, he did. not have the .slightest doubt of its suc- cess. The brigade gave three cheers for the commander-in-chief and another three for Lady Roberta. In response to the eheering for the latter, Lord Roberts said that Lady Roberts was perhaps doing better work for th.exti at home in helping the • welfare of tlieir wives and cbildren. Lord Roberts, has promised the press I correspondents here that they will be allowed complete freedom of melon in sending reports. • whites who are loyal to the British have lett Barkly West, Cape Colony, owing to tho destruction of their property by colonial Leech resi- dents. The Boers had made no at- tack on them. -A young girl named Steele lost her tile while heroically engaged in sav- ing children from a burning house on Saturday. The house was occupied by two families named Farrell and Me- Intyre, the latter living in the upper flat. When 13ae fire was discovered Mire. McIntyre went outside while the girl renaained and dropped three young children, one after another, out of, window to their mother below. Her position was one of extreme clanger, as the weole of the upper part of the hone was in flames. BOTH WERE BURNED. Instead at saving b.er own life, as she might havo done by, escaping through the tvindoW, she rushed to another room vvith the object of rescu- ing Mrs. Farrell's boy, who slept in the same flat. The heroic girl was met at the door by a burst of flames, which must have at once overcome her, and bath she and the boy were burned to death. The girl was a nieee of Mrs. Mein - tyre. The, ciaarred remains of the victims have been recovered from the ruins. Nothing but an organ was saved in the shape of furniture. 48 Newsy Items About Ourselves and (kir Neighbors--Soraething of Iuterest From Every Quar- ter of the Globe, at Tzthealtirtooaxy.shiCpAAIINIAZAuitee has arrive Several cases of smallpox are report- ed at Toronto Junotiou. Manitoba's oldest pioneer, Elton. Vermette, a St. Norbert. is dead, aged lee years, The Game and Fish Protectors' Con- eention opened at Montreal. The Lake a the Weeds Milling Co. has zubseribed $1,001 to the Patriotic Fund. The Canadian Packers' Association have decided to maintain prices on a •rm asia s year. Th e Might Directory eublislaers esti- mate the population of the City of To- ronto at 231.2.re , The Canadian General Electric Com pany bas sabseribei $".000 to the Na tional Patriotic Fund. Hon. Wm. Tait, former member of utheea4Ninogritp.waegsetdCT3unyceial,rais dead at ' The Canadian Soeiety oe Civil hingi- thneeeiflai :rant e3diatnheri,i:ato;tialel tie ietai houana% k to Boston in the evening. Mr. Charles Bureee, who representee nSuebury from W67 to 187 in the no- ' minion Par lament. has been alteeinted to the Senate. i A eanosoute now station to to be built this string at Sault elte. Marie by the Duluth, South( Shore et Atlantic. Railway. A moveraent bas been started in ; Montreal to give Lord Strathcona pu dinner on 3 amine , an o present him with the freedom of the cit y. Tbe C. P. R. employees all over the system will substribe half a day's Fay to tbe Patriotic Fund, aggregating o 4 , The market builaing at Three Rivers, Queb.g, V.11W.1 at was destroyed by fire, with the coutents ; oi the butchers' and hucksters' stalls. Vietoria'a szopeztal LO tIke IOW mounted men tor email Aerate is heillg warmly endorsed in all pacts of Bri- tish Columbia. The cue oi Joseph Larose against the CrCtall for e10,01.10 is lining heard I' Air. Justice Burbidge in theBee Oleg= Court at Montreal. A bullet from the St. Lue ranges found Joseph at his potato patch. Frances DUIrant, Kenneth McKenzie, d J , • tater, 's of the English syndicate whieh will build the Georgian Bay canal, are at °Loewe. Work will be commenced tlecrr the Chaudiere about July 1st.. ar. George Simpson, assistant eivil engineer -Cif the Northern Pecifie Las resigned his position to accept the po- sition of Chia Bngineer of tlae Pro- vitate, of Manitoba. GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. Gerald Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland, is dangerously ill. A Liverpool physician bas discover- ed the Lacillus of pink -eye in horses. Miss Eleanor Gobbet, the daughter of William Cubbett, bas just died in Engiand a the age see 91 years. Queeu Victoria has appointed the Prince ot• Wales' son-in-law, the Duke of Fife, KG., to be Lord -Lieutenant of the county of London in place of the late Duke oe Westminster. At the annual meeting of the As- sociated Chambers of Agriculture in England the outbreelr at the foot and mouth disease in Norfolk and Suffolk was announced. Twenty thousand pounds, the bal- anoe of 463,000 stolen from Parr's Bank London, a year ago, was returned. yes- terday. The Prince of Wales has sent the collection of bamboo walking stieks, which he made during the Indian tour for the use of invalided and wounded soldiers at the Cape. Mr, Lebouthere, M.P. for North- ampton attempted to address a meet- ing in the Town Hail at Northarapton against the war, but the meeting was broken up, the chahn smashed, and Mr. Lebow:here was compelled to make a hurried escape. Mr. Mcennes, of Vancouver, has in- troduced a bill in the Rouse of Come mune to amend the franchise act. He explains that its effect is to entire- ly prohibit Chinese or Japanese from exercising I be Dominion franchise, even when naturalized. Devonshire's chief "singing man," Santee Parsons, a hedger by occupa- tion, is dead. The "singing men" of Devonshire preserve and chant the old West Country songs and ballads. Par- sons was nicknamed "The Singing Me - chine" because one evening he made a bet that he could go on singing till daybreak without repeating any piece and wen the bet. English technical journals, which were very sore oven the -ward to an American firm of the .A.tbara bridge eontract, are now bragging over the performance of a Wednesbury com- pany, in getting the material for the new Tugela bridge ready for Ship- ment, within a month of receiving the coni race . The, bridge es feel long and required 750 ions of 1,, ,rial. UNITED STATEn, There is talk of a trusi in hides at Albany, N. Y. Judge Taft, of Cincinnati, has been appointed by President MclKinley chairman of the Philippine Commis- sion. Major Graham, at New York frona Havana, says Cubane want the Am- ericans out of Cuba, and that while there is a "placid surfate," an insur- rection is imminent, Mr. Thoma.s A. Edison, the inventor, hat, been ill at Akron, Ohio, but is now improving. ' Dr. A:ennead, of New York, states that there are several cases of leprosy in that city, A, Normandin, of Watertown, N.Y., died al Montreal from carbolic acid poisoning. The Hay-Peencefote treaty rimenti- WILL SAVE LADYSMITH. Gen, Buller Has Not Abandoned Hope of Reaching the 13eleagurecl TowuJt . despatele from London, Friday, says e -The nheence et further news erom Gene Lord Roberts is interpreted hexe tie an indication that important 0.enretione are in progress. Theme is practically no news of con- seemence from the Natal side. 4.n English c.orresponelent at 011ie- veley, in it despatoti dated Fele, 13, rays it$ are steal hopeful of re", leaving Lady it" elothing Las brsAu. reoeived frena the letter place direct, A Boer report dated Feb. 18 stays that everything is quiet there A statement is ascribed to it citizen of Pretoria who arrived at Lorenzo Marques Wednesday from the Boer °amp at Latlyznaitle to tli,e efieet that the boueberement is desultory. There ot shortages of big ,guu antrounition, and fresh suppZies trona Johannesburg are biting '„ d .An ustprecite Beer report states that a large leritielt army moved towards Coleus° last Monday, and camped near lt,v.,chttop. This AMMO to refer to Oen. Buller's wi.barawal from Spline - field, A (let -patch front Pretorta, datee Feb. 12, reports that the burghers have tekea all the British positions around Cele berg, and the Daily Claronicle's corre, emadent at Cape Town, dating bis deepateh Feb. 14, hays ,there aro rumoura that the British have evaeu- ated Reneherg and returned to Arun- del. This. it correct, supports•the Isere. that Gen. Clements, Gen, French's( auceessor, was instructed to withdraw when pressed by the enemy, Led as to rtsk no loaa of lis reauce.d force, Gen. Robertrelying On his own advanee to compel the Deere to return to protect their own territarY, DAMMING KLIP The Landon Daily Mail has the fol- lowing devatcb trona Lorenzo liar. 41.14381 dated Wedereedetee-- ree premineut Pretoria oitizenjust from Ladysmith informs me that the Doers are rapidly daranaing Klip river. Two thousand Kaffir's are employed in the work, and they have deposited 10,- 500 sandbags already. They are extlY able to work ott nightetime, as they would be under Britielt fire. Tlais zen, however, believes the operation will e GREAT SLAUGHTER Oh BOERS. Burbau despatoh says that tWQ Intudred liasutos and Zulus reached tbere February leth iron the Boer . lines, They saii they had beeu com- , mandeered krona the mines for camp work and the building af trenches. They witnessad the attack on Caesar's vamp and Waggon hill, near Lade - smith, on January 6tb, axul also the Ifighting on Splort kop. They confirna the story of great slaughter in the Boer trenches caused by the British. teb -se Ea -u es and Zuhus ()tier- : ee their services to the Bridals, but they wore not accented, txi Clayton -alai ,er treaty, riling the Nicaraguan Canal, was igned at the State Department, itt Washington, Serauel Reeves of New York, who WAS viening Toronto dropeed in fit on Weeington ;treat aud d:ed shortly after. tioternor Taylor of Kentucky offers to maenad the runts a lea claim to the gebernatorial eirsir of Ream ky to any three far -minded men in the world, to he eeleeted by the United Sestes Saproue Court. An.o ne Ito erzs itnl Alrees'e wbo are wanted in Scranton, Pa., on a (merge of' shooting two tohcemen and attempting to Llow up it coal mine, have been arrew:ed in Montreal GENERAL. General Correa, formerly Spanish Mini,ter of War, is dead. Prince Albrecht or Prussia, the Regent of Bruuswick, has bought a lo: of land in the 'leittrkoirrunnen Rhine wine district at the rate of el0,0e0 an acre. France in” ends to improve Fri tr h :spa ax by legielatien, he. Gersten Paris oi tire Aeaderoet Franvai4e has leen made President of a cotninkss.on to prepare it reform in syntax. Lucehere, the raurderer of the Era - pie -s Elizabeth of Austria, hinelle epent a year in solitary confinement, is now, according to the Swien treated like all other prieoners. Lark Herber, Newfoundland, wat; de - m eated by it tornado and twenty him es were blown, down, including the eustoms station and the residence of the customs officers. Three echoote ' ere were wrecked. Italy proposes that Italian shall be 3 recognized as an international !magus age on the same footing as Englash, French and German. Dr. Baccelli, she leienher of Educs.tiore has direeted de- legates to international eongresses to demand! that papers ellen be read in Italian, and that Italian delegates shall employ their own language ixs the discussions, instead of using one of the three languages now usually admitted. A relit: of mediaeval times bas been swept away by a decree of President Loubet abolishing the use of fetters in tbe French navy. Riecotti Garibaldi, one of the Sons of the famous Milian patriot, has of- fered to command a corps of Is aliian volunteers in South Africa or the British side. ABETS OF TIIE WORLD Prices of Grain, Cattle, Ghee e, &a. in the Leading Dlarts. Toronto, Feb. 20. ---About forty oar. Ids of live stark eaur2t to baud this orning. Esevpt fur the best cattle narket was not it satasfaetory oue, Utz proportion of poor 'stuff ues unduly large. We had a fair trade in expert cattle. d prives were maintained at from aa per pound, with an eighth it quarter more for eholtzt mace. All the hest butehor cAttie sold at about the piricett of last Tuesday, that is, from 32.4 to 4o per pound, and tic- easionally it. 140.3 MOW for pielted lots but foe teeontlary to inferior cattle the demand WaA slow, and prices, while soaroely quotably changed, sewed it weakening tendency. Several loads were let peer. The market for eteekere wasslow, and sires weaker. Feeders; and bulls were about un - alleged. A doeen roilk COWS COMIQ in and sold at the usual range. A. few choice cows wall sell. Guild tee =Ives are being asked for, urui will sell up to ten or twelve dollars. Saeep and lambs were a slow sale to- day, and as a result prices were eas- ier, while quotetay unehang,ed. Be- tween thane and four hundred were here, and they (NI not all sell. One thousand hogs were received here this morning. For prime hugs, soalinir £r price is 50.; light and fat hogs are bringing 4 1 b. Poilowiug is the range of quota- tions:- Shippers, per cwCat.ttle: . 425 $ 500 Dutcher, choice do. . . 375 425 Itu cner, naed. .0 good.. 31.5 351 Butcher, infertor. . . 2,75 SLO Stockers, per cwt. . . 300 3t0 Sheep and Lambs. Sheep, per cwt. L. . 300 350 Lambs, eer cwt. . . 5(.0 550 Bucks, per ewt, . . 225 25e Milkers and Calves. Cows, each. . . 25t0 5900 Calves, each. . . 2e0 10(10 • Hogs. OVER THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY, ; The toss Sostalned by the British to the Vaalltrati:z Fogagem CU 1. The War Office has issued a list of eattualtiers among the non-commission- ed officers and privates at Vaalkrantz. They , . . . 24 Wou.aded. 322 , . 5 TotaL . . . 351 Of this ntimber the ist Durham, laglat Infantry, which captured the hill, had 13 kilied a•nd 77 wounded, The despatch from Gen...13u er giving the casualties at Vaal.kraniz was sent from Chieveley carap. Tint would .seena to indieate that Gen. Rutter has removed hi 3 hcadquartor Ir m Spring- field further south to Chfaveley camp. is not known whether any large body of troiape reeneine at Springfield. LOAN REFUSED THE BOERS. hr. 'Ley& IlwAtecesstitt licgollailog WW1 Germany tool hassle. , A. despatch frOM Berlin says :-The report that Dr. W. J I,eyds, the Trans- I vaaln Minisier at Brussels, had foe his B object in coming to erlin the raising• of a loan to carry on the war, received confirmation in it responsible quarter here onf Monday. The loan desired was a big one, and, although Dr. Leyds held. long conferences with the direc- I tore of two of the leadiag banks he , Was unsucceseful. It 18 also learned that the probable I reason wee Dr. Leyds' projected visit I to St. Peterslaurg was a,baudonea like- I wise was financial. He had asked M. RI de Witte, ussi•an 'Minister of Finance, to grant the same loan which he en- deavored to place in Berlin, but the Russian declined to do so. to Ohoice hogs, per cwt. . 450 500 Light hogs, ler cwt. . . 4(0 1/50 Heavy hoes, per cwt. . . 400 4 ttO Sows. . . . . 350 300 Stags . . . . . 2C0 203 Toronto, Feb. 20. -Wheat -Outside maikets were limner to -day, and local prices had a better tone, especially those or Manitoba. Quotations are as follows: -Ontario red and white, 65 to 66 1-2e, acooriling to nealrnetes theaLo mill, Western Ontario poults ; and 67 to 67 1-2c, ; gt-tose wheal, 71c, low freights to New ork ; spring, est, 67e; AltraiLo'bo. 'No. 1 hard, sold et 70 1-4c, North Day; and at 79 3 -to, g.i.t. II:Air-Steady La (rm. Outside mill- er:, utter allergia roller, in buyers', Iregh s, at $2.70 per ; and expor, agents bid $2.60. Special brands, in wood, for local account, sell around e3 itiillteed-Soarce. Bran is quoted at $15.50 to $16; and shorts at el7 to, $18, al the mill door through Western On- tario. Corn -Steady. No, 2, American, yel- low, quoted aa. 41e, track, Torotato, and mixed, at 40 1-2e; Canadian corn, 3) le2e, track, Torouto. Of terin.ge of Cara, &dine oorn light. Pees -Firm end wanted. Car lots, 61 to 61 1-2c, north, and west, and 02 to 62 le2c, east. Barley -Tone strong and demand good. Car lots of No. 2, middle freights, 420; and east, at 43o, No, 1 is quoted al gc, outside. Rye -Firm. Car leer, lire, west, and 51e, east. Oats -Firm and active. White cats, north and west, 27o; roiddle freights, 27 1-2c; and east, 28e. These prices would be paid freely, and rather for :round lois. Buckwheat -Quiet. Offerings light. Car 'lois, outside, quoted at 49 to 50e. Chicago, Feb. t20.-Flaxseecl-C1osed: -North-West and 5citil-WesE, cash, $1.60; May, $1.r0; Sept ember, $1.16; ct ober, 41.11. Dyspepsia and 11144 5.tion common diseases, but bard to .0 cure with ordinary remedies, I yield readily to ililanley's Celery -Nerve Compound, W, fl, Buckingham, see KirigSt. East, ilamilLon, Out., says ras troubled with Dyspepsia and toillgestroa tor a tong time, end could get go rend until i tried Manley's Celery -Nerve CenSpound„ which cared me. and 1 cannot speak too highly ht its orowie HE KNEW BETTER. hfr. Scrimps -I esked your dauglie ter a very important question Wee night, end she referred me to you. Gent-Huraphl What did yog ask her? ,h I aelted e if she'd marry me. Well, sbt „Won't. Eht Has she said so/ Noe hut from what I know of the girl, 1 doufrt believe elm would have bothered herself about use if Abe ba0 really wanted you. . Children Cry for CASTO LA. APPLIED EXPERIE,NCES, A. little boy who is just learning t ride it bicycle lieud it stuttering ma talk tee other day for tile first tin% Terning to hie father, he remarked; ' I say, that man bas it puncture. I ' his epeeeb, tamer; be? r,atee., Rhein 'ism SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CU A UNIVERSAL LIBERATOR. Relict In six hottest ?neat AltEl nleOt oago to the pain -reeled, bed•ridden, dee petring entree from rhouniateine cruel aretheaull this OA face borne out bIt- - Veltanee o evidence, for this greateet of aincouquervist IthettointISM le curettes-eel:tit Amy* ean Intetuntelsin Cure Is an absolute erecele. ami radically cum tee more stubborn overate trout one to three days, e1 mat1ett:5i intensely from rheamatis and twilit tea, Tr.ed umny rematiles an many physicians without hay Wein benefit. A few doves a south eme van Itheumaasethare wonderfully bele me; two bottles cured me." -E. Erre elernekville. Oat. Thouaande of frottgl ;shwas tie)1 tho mune. story -remelt Auffor An noting itertiper.-2:). id by C. Lutz, Exeter. o u RECORD Ests.187s 25O000 :; DISEASED ritEN IC5 CURED 250,000 CURED wYhUs'n noAONGWgame XOtr6 eaiineraut oMf f le terrible mime you wereeommittleg. Deliononlycontader the fascinating allurements of eh eyll habit? When to* late to avoid the ter- rible results, were yoisr eyes opened to your peril? Did vim later on in titan- hoedcordnetanyhnelfATE orBLOOD disease? Wereyoucured? Do yottnow and then zee some alarming symptoms? Dare you marry in your present con- dition? You know. * Luce FLUME, LUCE SOL". If married, are eon eon- stantly living In dread? es marriages faiiurewithyouonaceountotanyweak. nets caused by early abuse or litter ex- cesses? Have you been drugged with mercury? This booktetwilipomtontto you the resting of those oritnesandloint out how our NEV METHOD TREAT- MENT will positively cure you. It showshowthonsandshavebeensevedbY our NEW TREATMENT. It proves how we can GUARANTEE TO CURE ANY OURATILE CASE OR NO PAY. We treat and cure -EMISSIONS. VARTOOOELE. SYPHILIS. GLEET. STEICTultE, IMPOTEN0Y, BR. CRET DRAINS UNNATURAL Dr$•• CHARGES, liath7EY and BLADDER diseases. CURES GUARANTEED "The Wages of Sin" sent free by onolosing 2o stamp. C01lSITLTATIO17 FREIE. If unable to call write for, 91TESTION BLANK Ler HOME IREATMENT. - KENNEDY6,' KERGAN Cori Michigan Ave. and Shelby St, DETROIT, MICH. .krTg." ' Lc1ilkAnoMAKEIFS tea Fsite 111 gitIP 6TIP"IT1T:1 ^1,..v.ize'x' ••••,, • • Toy Raw TIIE tiamss. We guarantee that these Plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other. Put up only et 25ctin boxes and $1.00 yard rote. The latter allows you to cut the Kilda any citc. Every fsmaliA should bane on ready for an met* gency. DAVIS & LieVREICE 0 LIMITED, MAIM 13eware of isenstiOn OF