Exeter Times, 1900-2-22, Page 1.1*
- eelet
li l
HOnsall. Marys
/I. Mho &Sou,Dr GooOs Orown,far wan -
If You Want the Latest
War News
Regular 413e, to
clear at, liVeldin.
t2.1e, to elm
1 Wis have Iefe 8. few Coate, Jaeteete,
Capes, otN, whieh are selling
1 istrictly at COST to clear.
We have still a
few left to clear
at cost.
Newest styles,
Best makers.
We have bat left, a few. pleeee
Ameelean Percelee, tie hi. wide,
and English Priots to -clear at eh
This seaSotes
St)' les from
t'Ave AN.
Fully sttewantesed
reg. price $17, to
English anti
Virashal )1e.
'We cannot
'te Wil t ' in ti
tillS Offer DRESS GOODS, PRtYrs,
These will go
less than
epea l Prices for Etutter9 Eggs, et.
Granton Biddulph.
Bnanns.-Miss Emma, Lewis is visit- Blushs.--Mrs Wm Culbert has re -
Ing at the home of F. W. eClarkk.--- turned fron her visie to her chtugh-
Miss Mabel Cook, eldest daughter of tees in WalkervilIe -Mrs John Hobbs,
Chas. Cook, of Xing St., is dangerous- of Nissouri, has been visiting friends
ly ill. -Mrs. Clark will for a short tune in Biddulph the past week.-leir and
assist Postmaster Grant, wise is at pre- t Mrs Wright Hays, of London, have
sent somewhat indisposed. -L. Pidd !been visiting friends in Biddalph.--
'became very ill while attending the Two of our boys went to London last
Foresters' banquet last. Friday even- week to render their services to quash
ing. else rebellion in South Afriele-We re-
gret to hear that Wra Boyle lost a
Sexsmith valuable horse last week -Miss Agnes
• Thompson, of Mooresville, has been
FOOTBALt...-The boys of No. 2, Hay, engaged by Joseph Pickard, of Drum -
played a friendly game of football, bre as saleslady for his millinery de
with the -boys of No. 1, Itsborne, a few partenent-David Clobbledick, %rimer -
days ago the insult, was a tie, both ly of Mooresville, has ptiechesed
sides securing one goalmercantile establishment ia Ailsa
No=s,-Roger Northcoet, sold three Craig.. We wish him and feinily eveey
valuable horses a fesv days ago for a success %their pew enterprises-Free-
good. figure. T. T. Berry, of Hensall,, man, Blackwell, has been visiting
was the buyer. A. number of our friends in London the past week
young people attended services in J Bloomfield, merchant, Mooresville,
Exeter on Sunday evening. Sleighingn has .concl tided to have his dere lighted.
is. not very good at neesent. f with entslight, and Lucan has the long
looked for electric light in2 alt swing.
. -
Bni.-John Gill, who bas been
visiting friends here, is about to re-
turn to, his borne in Manitoba this
week.- J D Stewart lost a valuable
Jersey cow on Fridaylast, from milk,
fever, -The annual oyster supper un-
der the auspices of the C. 0. C. F., held
last Thursday was a decided success,
realizing the nice sum of $105. -Mark
Clark has this week erected a power
wind -mill on his farm, which must
prove useful. -Sandy is the proud pos-
sessor of a fine baby by. --The Sons
of Scotland, of Cromarty, intend hold-
ing their annual entertainment on
Friday, the 23rd inst,
K i rk ton
BRIEFS,=Ii. White from London,
was in Kirkton on Wednesday. -The
mill is running at full speed grinding.
-DavietHazelvvood is able tolbe around
-Mrs. Sohn Elliott, of Kirkton, went
to Georgetown last week to visit her
brother. -11r. W. Miller and J. L.
Kjrk visited Woodham Sunday. -Mr.
Ethva,rd Hazelwood is home with a
severe atte ek of, inflannua tion. -A large
number attended the oyster suppee
tI Russeldale from here. -Mr. John
Cole and:R. Dais from RusSeldale,
spent Sunday inKirkton.
peed Platt, 12 Franklin Ave., Toronto, says.
that ho suffered over two years with Sciatica., .
Three boxes of Milburn's Rheumatic Pills re-
moved everY trace of the pain and made him
.a61imIYer ad a boy,
BaTDF8.-As Wilber Harris was re-
terning home the other ntght in com-
pany with two yoting ladies and when
opposite H. Isaacs', his horse by some
lemmas tipped the buggy into the ditch.
The occupants saved themselves by
jumping; luckily the only damage
done was a broken shaft,. -A colt be-
longing to Fred Green met with a
singular accaleet one clay last week.
It, had been let out for exercise and
while rearm:ling through the orchard
strukbis hip against a tree, breaking
the bone and injuring itself internal -
y, -Henry and George Smith succeed-
ed in capturing eleven skunks last
Thursday afternoon. They got ten in
oue hole. This represents eleven
scents. ---Some oue he joke reporeed
that Mr. Milyaed would be at the
schoolhouse one evening .as ,was sup-
posed to deliver an a.cldress. At the
time appointed quite a niunber as-
sembled, but the reVerencl gentleman
not arriving, "the truth began to dawn
upon them, the millyard was there
but failed to give the address. --The
League was addressed by John Harris
of Usborne Sunday night in a way
highly pleasing to all. present.
• J he Clarke wife and daughter left;
Constence for their home at Killarney,
G. 3. Sutherland, Notary Pulolle. Convey
aneer Cranreissioner Fire Insurance agent"
arid Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal dam
reents carefully drawii a ressonable rates
Afoney to lesiva rea1 estate at low rates a in
terest. Ofdee at the Post advs. Nenstill.
3. D. COOKE,
..-..,-. .-.
(Lao with Go.rrow k Proudfoot) flarrister
Collator. Notary .Publie. Nensall, Ont.
V A. Salem L. D. S., D. 'll) S.Moner Grada
4; -ate a Toronto ItIntyersity„ Dentists, Teeth
extracted without _pion or bad. effects. Office
in Potty's Block, Brensall, At Zariels ovorY
4fonday.corrunenclog llavaltb.
Bniavs.-Mrs. j. W. Ilolmes • was
. in In...,Yersoll this week visiting her hus-
band; who is employed in the machine
works there. Mrs. Holmes intends
moving to Ingersoll as 'aeon as they
'can dispose or their dwelling house
here. -Miss S. Coegrove. of Detroit is
visiting Mei A. A. Goetz and her ee-
1 ter, Miss Phalen, at the Commercial.
Rota -Mrs. Wrights th
right ie e gnest of
her daughter. Mrs. N. McLaughlin.
Gerrie.-Williarn Carlisle, of Buffalo.
. is visiting Ms parents, 'Mr. and Mrs.. R.
learlisle, of the township of Hay.--jes,
and Alvie Bell shipped a cardoad .of
horses to Glasgow, Scotlaudatius week,
Janice Bell accompanying the ship.
IMott --T ' 3 Berry and Tho e Loiter
shipped a carload of horses to Muth
telia a. few days ago. Rat Luker
went with the horses. -Miss Haskett,
of Liman, who has been visiting, the
l‘lisses Petty, returned home on Tues-
day Wt. -Rev. John Ball. of Kirkton,
stationed on this circuit some 14 years
ago. preached educational eermons
ein the 3Iethodist eluereh on Sunday.
Rene Mr. Jewett taok Mr. BAIN work
oa the Iiirkton eircuit.-Rev. Mr.
Oman,. of Shakeepeare. peached in
Cermet dwell 00 Sunday. • W
.1. Miller conflueted the Slap'
it!K for Mr McGill. who was. in-
disposed faun a eevere! eat, and
who wag at hie home in Myth. The
ervices in every reepeet were interest-
nete-Miee.MeXity. relm has; :veil here
the pest few weetes visiting her broth-
er, XV J hlelfety, returned to her boom
in Myth on Saturday last. -W ,1 Mil-
ler was in London, Stretford and
Guelph. (luring the past week. on a
husinees tem.. -Mr. Berry, drought,
has been very ill during the past few
eeeeke.---Jatues Sonless, Wail here this
week delivering the inane of Ontario
and .Queliee, for wide's his recently took
mama,- ea, itobt Boni limn entertain-
ed a nu:niter of young friends on Mon-
day evening. --Miss If:Italia Ofiehriete
f Lninlon, formerly of Heneall, has
been here the past week visiting Ma-
tivee end triends.-.E .J. Norton. who
was isesistior George Trott. photo.
manlier, the pest, vete is in the vil-
lages renewing aeginsintaneeas-It is
reported that, N. Contine, of St Joseph,
has purehased an .automobile to run
lie.v..e.. n Hensall and St Joseph He
will have it here by 1st, of April. -The
Carmel church choir attended the an-
nual tea meeting held at Hill's .Green
on elonday evening, and supplied the
imisited part. of the entertitinnunita-
A load of young people drove over to
the carnival held in Seatorth on Moe-
ility eyening.-Mrs Ceoinlis and Miss
Slotin, of Blyth, are this week guests
at Dr. Ferestison'e.-L II Dickson, of
Exeter, was in town on hionday.-Mies
Nellie Aidierson is in Seaforth this
week visiting her parents. -Two rinks
of our senior curlers played with Lon •
1(100 00 Friday last. London won by
quite a number of points. -R 3 Twitch-
ell is able to walk about again. He
has rapidly recovered from his recent
illuess.-J F E Berry, who has been in
Lucknow the past few weeks, visiting
his former home, has returued to the
vilian-e.-Mr and Mrs Chas Redmond
returned last week from a visit with
Rev Mr Wilson, of Benmiller, formerly
of the Hensall circuit -Samuel Smilhe
was in Goderich last week on business.
o ' .. barrister,fLondon,
was in the viliage on Monday.-eliee
Garden, of Parkhill. Who has been:
visiting the Misses Dick, has returned
to Park Hill. - Mrs Mellie and her
daughters, Mrs Balfour and Mrs
Grauld, of Xippen, visited Mrs 0 A Me-
Donell last week. -Joseph Blaney, of
St Marys, visited A 1hGoetz.on Mon-
day, for whom he had been bartender
4 few months ago. -Miss Watson,. of
Paisley, is visiting her cousins, Mr and
Mrs • Was Moore. -On Saturday even-
ing Davi& Sherry. had themisfortune
to slip on the sidewalk in -front of Mil-
ler's 'blacksmith Shop, .where he. had
Some 'work done. He fell . with ' sea
force its to make. a severe gash in bis
bead; The fall frightened the lioeSes,
causing thetuto run ewey. Mr. 'Sher-
ry's head is; incased irehandeges. -. .•
BRLEFS.-Messrs. Close Bros. were
goitig into hotel buisness in Wood-
stock, but somehow changed their
mind, so they will find another
location, -Stephen Nicholson, of
Logan, who has eetered from farming,
will shortly go to Mitchell to live, -
Messrs Hill & 0o. have received a
contract from the Fullerton Council to
build a bridge over one hundred feet
long for one of their rivers.- -Quite a
nainber of citizens attended the oystee
; slipper and anniversary of the Chosen
I Friends' Lodge at Russelclide on Tours -
day evening. -At a special meeting of
the Town Council C)13 Thursday eye's-
ing, it was decided to give Mr. Harry
Hiees, reeMber of the South `Africa
contingent, a purse of 350 on behalf of
the town.---Johti Coppm went to Oak-
ville with one of our citizens who has
determined to take the gold cure.-
1.1VIessers. Close brothers have finally.
decided to go to British Columbia, and
are to -day- tilling a car with household
effects and other goods.-- Rev. G. W.
Andeeson, of Fullerton, was in town
oe Mondayelast. He gets the plans
this week of the new church at Mount
P e asan -There were three hundred
and seventy persons at the Methodist
Siinclay School on Sunday. The
superiutendene has changed its name
to the I3ible school army. With its
reeulars and horee ,guarcis it numbers
Monday morning last. Wilbert Tay-
lor accompa,nied . them. He intends
remaining permanently, if suited with Middlesex County Council mad a
the country. grant of $200 to the Patriotic Fund
le .
James Watson, a resident of the
wet ward, died Friday evening, about
0.30 o'clock, after a, short illoess or
only re few days. Deceased was for
maoy year. a trusted employe of the
planing mill of the 3. D. Moore Co.,
but up to a short time before his
death he had. been working in the
hoeing mill of Johiestone and
Mr. T. Sell, dry goods merchants
who has been doing business in town
for thepast, two years, is about to
move his stock to Walkerton, where
be will open up a. store.
Thames Road
- Mention wee made List
week, of the death of the youngest 8011
of Samuel Madgewith diphtheria, be
was a dear little fellow of about seven
years, he will be greatly missed in the
home, and also the school as be WAS
loved by all. TWO of the boys are re-
covering. nicely, while the younger is
quite sertously ill. The many frieildi
of Lite family sincerely sympathize
with Mr. Madge in he. sore trial and
great ailliction.-Master 'Wesley Johns
is recovering after an attaci of diph-
theria. -A. number ofour young pegs-
ple visited Illr. and Mrs. A. Miieser. of ,
Port Blake, this eeh.-Mies Olive
Madge was in Loudon taking her
=sic leeson on Tirailey.--Miee Gtev. i I
Fletcher gave a very intereeting ad-
dress in the Chrietien Endeavor meet -
lug last Sunday eveninee-Mr. and
INIrs. Wm. Gardiner. or marwat(T,
%faunae, ere vieiting at. her tattier's,
.T. Allis(M.-Miee Belle Cettle Lee
turned from visit itig Whit
church:- The sell* iheie has; been
closed on acconut of diphtheria in the
section. i is of the 1V4 fkr•m, being.
mined with searlet f.eVer
It le only in two if ilie housi,s, gtad
every peble eare 1441 taktqj
to-bwm it.spread. v.; it is thought the
sehool can he ;pencil very shortly. if
Ell iril le
Bra EV,40-.1110 arINI3l1 oyeter supper t.
of the Elintville .Metaoilisecliewelh .is
a decided succese. R Anderson. of
Bumf's -Tau McNaughton has
purchased the farm adjoioing bts
from Joseph Mealelee, fee $3400; Mr.
Meakins has another crop.- B. A..
Biggins has sold bis house and lot in
Varna to Samuel Reid, of emu 5,
Stanley, who gets possession an April
I. -We regret to announce the
demise of William, second, son of An-
drew Dunkin, on Monday afternoon.
Four years ago he injured has spme,
and badbeen eoufined 10 hiebed eve
since. He was aged 19 years. -A
pretty wedding occurred attite resi-
dence of the bride's father, Thee.
Keyes, on Thursday, the_ 15111 1s1..when his third daughter, A1154 Barnet,
was united in marriage to Mr Jrobn
Barbour, late of Varna, hut
but now ot Mount Forest. ---The groom
was ably Assisted by E. A. \Napless,
for some tirne.-Fred Bess. Sr.. was A fine Assahnoot of
bieser in Goderich, auditing the Couney
Treasurer.% boas the early part oflase
week -Lawyer Dickson, ofTbExeter, law pRINTs
was in town on Monday . -e Misses -
A.udrews, of Varna, visited at E Zel-
ler's for some days last week. -Charlie
thins has the cutter.
TIRLF.Fs.--Rev, Ball. or Kirkton,: MEW n min nanne.
aceupied the Bethesda ulpit on Sun- Egg, in, orni wi ippjuila
day last The reveren gentleman has i
lost none of bis old time tire, - joint t
for nesv stables. -Miss Jollife has re -
Moir has the .material on the ground. Arriving Alway
Owned to her home in Cobourg, after
spending the past few weeixs with her
uncle G. Lowe.
q=r lama gc,..
and. the bride was supported by her! Bath.h.s.-.The ice harvest has cone.
sister, Miss Martha, Wanless. I weaved and tons of it- will bp stored
'for summer use. It is not of a first
class quality this year. -Miss Coursey Alt kinds of Farm reduce
highebt prices will be paid.
, The Patriotic Fund nove amounts to
81Ija5aalrjrn. y order issued in Loudon he.
vites the reservists to rejoin the co/.
ore for a year for home deferise, and
° offers, le,,22. bounty to those, who do eta
Geerese Ilo-rdy,elde 4 son of Solanson
ef Velma% was Fend: on the
heed by si felling these es Melt ia.i.1 hie
skull ellen to the basin. Thein is a
bleelieil;C:r1;4` 1,(".117l11.10("etn?igilillti cl'aet.yaaernz.
ortment for life f.et, itiuseler of
!Frederick (ilover, near .temitisevold
Stetion, Felirnery, ne17,, (lied et the
gineeten Penitentiery.
Tee lIanillten Hoetel of ilealttli
4.1cNia.1. a•-•!... the Beard 1;tliteation
mid I ite Separate teehool Boards/ o have
FAzaill 1 vaccine/alined t+)
1. els tlhe dvie Finance Commit 10 ap.
i.a 0:011.2t 8370 If* efiVli' Itte prirmirt..
1 he news; of the relief ad' Ulm/eerier
co..ii.nd relieve tejoiehig theoteehout
Bow,w5.---The weather at present is
very tine and favorable and we hope it
may eontinue so. --Miss Ohve Ander.
son, of Cmliton, was the guest ot !dm
Silas Brokenshire on Fray last -
Wm. Brokenshire who bu.been ktid
up for some time with a lame knee is
elowiy improving. His many friends
hone to see hini around again as usual.
-3334e1ttl Amy- hee divosed of his
handsome drive' for a. good figure
to J. Snell. of Exeter. -The vieses
Martin and, Bastard, spent Sunday as
the gueste (if Mies Alice Aany.-Miee
Mat Xestle, a Eneter, visited her
brothere lwrie on Sunday laet. alms
Mies Ada Joryse-diesiedi N. Keethe nf
Del, one, le Tending o few wi eke withl
hie mother anal ot her relatives of *his
'vicinity. He 'futon& hem:ling to the
weet. in a eitert Cesse.--Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Kesel*. hav.‘ :weed Creilito0
where eta Keetle intend- onening unit
berm as Amp at °nee .XVe an. ;:tirry to
Ica...them from 010' millet as they were
both Wieldy resperied. Mr, and Mrs.
has resigned from our school and gone
to attend London Norma/ School. Iler
position here has been fined by Id lee
Tichhorne, of Goderiele who began her
duties tis week:. We welcome her to
oar village and whits her a pleaeant
and succeeeful yeav in our midst. --
Special auniversery services were held
in the Evangelical cloweli on Sunday
last. Rev. Umbeelt, of Naperville,Ilio
was the preacher of the day. He
preached eloquent and thoughtful eer.
MIMS to large congregations at all
three (ses:one. The afternoon eine
Vice was caneiseeed itt Efissliele and vieee
mesh nppreeiated. On Satutiley even.
Ing the revend gentlemen delivered
a most intereiting and litstrisetive
ture on "To and fro iit the Ifoly t'ity."
1i1it-us' el ilL19 a.19.- Vut.hi. wis,r,
left, ( n eleridey lest, fer Milton as a
deleg, ae to the Iteesal Templere Con-
vention whiels inF.o:.;...ziois this weete
--John Deft i elowly reeavenhig fleets
Ills long fa1ne6..1.--Ree. is away
to GIencee I hie week a-oisting Rev.
MeTovi sit in epeelat r.4vival ineet ince.
el the1,11:l.
Rowe. vi dted :Mrs. Rowe.. 1.2,141.Mrs. -,1 , 1 ' '
Atop in tons: awarding, to alnOntiert•
„ment and is eeettistes nhape tttsupplv
P. wo..h, 4t Ihdierne, line day laet
eee the Eisele. Ile hiesee I hie tainilv to the t eamitry Timed:zee Pelee were
Warwick, preached two yore imprese: Brinsley . , tit o
dye cerium • on nil or to v .1. • her
vat s tAV and in sure. ehscee
fientea ikTi Or' !4rti. We hope :semi ; ,IO! Atilt/ken were
10 ttiLfe heal . 1.. Hag- *lee,
gith, flints the 1.1010'1 :-X,,,1%•• that
414:1, chmeli bele 11141 i vetihno of te„, eeereee of; r ahine, .4110, a the
Challie like 11011,iie.-- At 4:o.11iAm:en :Opar0:1 to lutes. heen
the Lea tut tiin' ed the teesirterly khot en Mal:4311as Day ite Harree
Menet of t'redlteit MiehodisE, rhureh i Orensee !h.:es St Me. fer refitehig tee
unaniennio invite:lion was, extended to tt elite aretinea vette:tee. shee re- •
v. Jae. usene tort nedn as: pastor eeieeel letee 'froze her eon, detail
rfir 11:nlisi ;ceche -Rev. 3. Fe Mord, of 1' 14 :O.I2 III Mho, Mr. 'tels-
l.teshitili. 4.1." Eenter Dietriet. .3 7e Lle :nether t'eSe; he epeot
will esseieli eseionavy nernsons la the *pee esree:nae.
Met/Joliet eleuvh next thinday morn -
hue and. evening.-- Our stetting rink jra6. JOilg011, of Roggen:in,
has been well petronized this week. ' e
-..oed of 0 !mad to draw a eresed or -----
melte a noisee Tr.sTi mo:s. I AL TO TIIE VALVE OF
- • • h *epee
British Seven Mixtures for sale 11,Y ; -
\:E•NaLast.--a STI'OCK FOOD
C. Lutz, Exeter. el I ueiel English Stoek Food, mansi-
on. Sydney Fisher, who has been fa:lured hy t Lute. Exeter. for a cow
ill at Montreal, is inueli improvel. • which had ietleed and wee not eoing
Atleimberlev Vie reperttecurreut lett • wet.. live appetite sees bed nnd
Mareking has been relieved, len that wae heing ground. Shortly after
the Beers are trying to .eonreal the teedhee thiglieh Stock Fold. site irlgan
iniformat ion. tn.haprove, and- is new doing well.
Major B. H. Howard, late rif the Nee appetite is gond and she IS making
Royal Comedian Dragoons, hae been re- up 111 condition and the ilinv of milk is
appointed to their command, with mei rasing steadily.
head quarters at Toronto. _TAMES W. Ji
. I
audstesees, CM ':ifiutly evteting a ", WHDDM; Bta.I.S.--A, eidet hot pretty 1
lerge crowd turned out lo do Neaten; wedding twits place on Wednesday
to themselves. and the romp orth,ini . 13'4, at 011.' faii1117 Millik,rieet 7th tem.
certainly had, to setae., and were said 01 -MeGillivraY, when Mise
he Aline that Xlite.
renmea to i eneoull daughter a Mr. John lintson. come
Lamm Atter the envies". need pro. vfaq united in marriage to Mr, William
gramme was reielered. Aildiveeee:1:10mtesoo, of Bidthelph. The •cere.
ss-me.fossesn inv Rev. moyeeenst &Am. r niony wan perforitied by the Rev. Mr
and localm
Misterts tee f`a lit, ...v.;:.”.-.^,1; ! .,'" • - 3 t''' * i ' 31' • ratr'' • nw
• le it% hs
. ,
gTeilt Praise foe thf3i43,3‘*'.:::„itt tlitiztiar,. i';:ven,:twaY I q her fiither, eThitirb tilt'
Also the t twee younee girls. aim seam. senddiese emelt Wee Played '4'
PeVeral palliate .i..a,,r,s3, Th,i evening! st resell:Wig. Miss LiZ2I0 Iltit %ill,
heing dark and wet, still the uet
Trhesi t;et,e'r 01 tile bride, aviehl es hridetweels
teel proud to levee .ereli a how w
turn- hhe t.oe, groan); woa
e i1.251 121. 1.:.'hie
out, The proceede amounted to near- Ill'011itT, Hiram Thozapeon. The bride
ler 8100. -Miss Telltale a lappets, visit.; wits !meetly attired in white organdie,
ed whit Mrs. M. Elford, and at the•woll. a. bridal wreath and svil, and
parsonage during thi! Irpt Ay(3(3k,- ! earelea a liamplet of white earnation.4,
Fred Miners has returned, frOiii Kla
o,: After tlw et'"m°115* 1"8 t'ver tlw
ford havingthrough got. rough his job at the i gheste sat downo a sum
\S 12 Packing House, -.Rumor says f (ting break i'Lr3t, 11fter whiell a Sw.labl°
that, John Johne, .of Zion is 0.11011t bily. I evening whs spent in anineemente end
ing theleaeksmites shop andstartmg tip I games, _there eyelet guests frten
business, teope It. Is treenosa, ev.} Breutfovii, St. Thomae, London: I/eel:-
Campbell, Provincial road Inspector 1 hill and the surrounding viewity.
gent. splendid addrese on the adels- : rh° pzeeehts 22¼ 10 ninnermes and
ability of abolishing the statute labor ! slthlrtble, not, only intrinsically, but.
system. The atteridence of the rate- 1 , el 0 ' :est, that was taken in
,,t ,,, .- ; •'-::‘
Ole c""Pith '
payers %21t: large, andi good discussions
hed the inter
on the subject were ibtroduced by the i the:r choke'
hy the mny afriends of
many ratepayees, smile for. and some Oe 3"":4
against the sytitem. 'However, We hes 1
lieve the day is not far distent when !
the system of stetrite labor will be
abashed iu the township, and the: BRIEFS.- Mr, SVrn. Edwards is able
prevailing opinion is that the change to be ;wound again after her recent ill -
will be quite satisfactoey. ness.-Wm. Satherbsr intends goingl
; back again to the West. Sucoess to
; you Wilham.-Our sleighing is some
; what improving but it needs a little
cOLLINS STANBURY more snow virhich will likely come soon 1
LAW OFFICES, (Money m Man.) i to make the roads lit for travel.-
, EXETER', ONT. TITrank Carr, one of out bright
boys is clerking in A. J. Ford's. -The
MtrEFs.-Rev. S. Salton end Thos. new flour machinery for our new mill
Essery spent Monday and Tuesday of is arriving daily. The mill wrig,hts
last week in London on business.- from Stratford are putting it in. -J.
Frank Hill has accepted a position in Alexander organizer of the en,nadian
Thomas Essery's. We wish him sec. Order of Foresters was around hem
cess. -Thomas Elston took advantage for a week looking up new members. -
of the good. sleighing and as a result a Miss Jaaneson ia visiting at Mrs. John
large quantity of logs were drawn Glens of the Base Line.-OharIie Rinn
from his bush on Mr. Windsor's farm, is home from the west where he has
and our worthy friend is doing all eXbeen working. -A. Ford was down on
tensive business in town,. - Sunday to Therudele visiting his
large namber of young people attend- brother Dr.Ford.-Win. McKernan is
ed church here on Sunday evening and home from Stratford where he had
were delighted while listening to our been seeking health, but is not
pastor' s able discoarse on good char- much better renewed. -- miss Annie
acter bailding.-Our ehoir is in full Ford i8 clerking in the store again.
bloom at present, and the leader, Miss She looks as well as ever. - John
Carry Hicks deserves credit for her Saniple has gone away to Michigan,
labors here. -Our week night cottage where elle has secured work. -Wm.
prayer meeting lately started in this Stewart who bad his arm .hurt is
town, is progres.sing rapidly and mending and Able to worlc, again. -
premises to be a grand and needful Mrs. Malcom and daughter, of Tor-
seggeetion.-George Webber has re- onto, are visiting at ber father's, X.
turned_ to Goderich after yisiting with Stephen's. -Robert Spence, of the Sell
hennas here, He will mileage us the line, who was very :Ace is from last re -
laundry business in that town. -Mr. ports slowly on the mend.
and Mrs. Wm, Hodg-ert, Mrand hies.
Heery Mills, and John Neil have been I Zurich
on the sick list. -Miss Tillie Anderson , --
spent the forepart of this week in I 33RIEF8.-Ocir young people itettk
Orediton, visitine frienes.-The ice hii mg adv:intage of the. 'good ice in the
vest has stetted here and a large quan- surrounding fields. -The Jubilee Band I
tity of that material less been placed played. for a carnivitl in liensall one
in the creamery for surnmer use.- Miss evening- esst week. -Miss Addie Wit- '
Ross, of Cannington, Mich„ is visiting fuer invited some of ,the young people
her sister, Mrs. Win, Begshaw, of to speed the evening at her home. A.
Fairfield, - James Collingwood, of very pleasant evening wee spent. -Dr
Wisconsin, is visitine friends and re- B 0.inipbell left for Toronto on Tues.
latives 1,rotind here -A me-eting of day, as representative of the Work -
the -Royal Scarlet Chaptee was held inen's Lodge of this village. -Misses ,
here on the 14111 inst, it being the Maggie Holtzman and Clara &Aram's
election of officers fort 'the ensuing have started 1. clresemaker shop in
year which resulted zestfolloies, viz : Merner's block --A. very enjoyable
W Master, Wni Lewis ; Depty Mas, time was Spent by soine of our young
Walter Coursey ; Rec Sect A Nevin ; people at the home of Lou Warm one
Trees, Mr Henry ; Dirof ceremouies, evening last week. The music could
let mcis Davis, -Frank,Atiair has moy- be heard until a late hour. -Misses
ed into the house hirely occupied by Mille Doan and Clara Buchanan spent 1
Thomas Neil, while ,Tolin Ilephure has Siturday and Sunday at their respec- I
moved into hi& dwelling lately vacated tive hoines,-Litura Hartlieb WaS V iSit-
Past week.-Robt' ichardson and wife
were visiting r•elatives near Auburn
are in use
to -day than
any other
stove or
Leads -others follow
than all others
These goods must be sold to make room for Spring goods,
Our stook is 11108t e,omplete in Builders' Hardware
by Mr. Oliver. ing Fred Siev,er's, Crediton, the - Tools ete Get our prices.
t Winer's Liniment is invaluable for
sore throat. Pince 25c, Sold at C,Lutz's mile first pate oe this week. --Geo Red- 1
D nig Store. , -oenting at D 51iiifor a
lvin aud wife, of Seaforth, were visit -
John Lyons, a mareef 66 years, d dI
founead in his cots' se in,Sandwichek
, days last we. --el iss Addle Johnto
was lc °nolo. of .
the body being frozen tfe, ,- has lieeii visiting relatives in Baden
J. door north of R. rielcard Co's Store.