Exeter Times, 1900-2-15, Page 10921
ash Sto
Cash or Produce.
Only one price
per cent off any Overcoat m t
hop. Now' is your titmice to save•
Sitt Fine Beaver Overeeats hest ve
vet collate, best trimmings througnon
Tante-411 to a7.59.
$8 50, Fine Beaver Overcoitt, inne Or
awl.. seen nride end trimmed
Rt'a VIA' Overcoat. hint' or Meek.
h ;navel fitrinies'e sat in, a good
1'etitle.1.41 to e5
Blue. in• Blark Beaver Overeoet
velvet voila*: farmer's eel linieg.
leiteetie. ta sa7e.
kOl• Vine -Wind Mice.. rieter.
et a sa lt,st viuti
eal rein tesauf. reahred tatU.
reat, no! Frieze Ileter, large
alai% geed tweed. liehog.si 11
eashicesi 1.50.
• BLV1 Overcoate, •ail rtelinsel
2:1 nje vent- /lays' Ft new Ilsters, aft
41f:), al sie g r *VW •
• PW' e%t,l'i and nir 0:ipse all
re.he r even
.335 per rent otr ;IR our new Ladies'
Cloth Jaekete. The ,cbance of the sea -
sen., -
$10 Fine Kersey Cloth Jacket, lined
hroughout with mereerigeci liniog, all
itiloreuade, black. fttwu or the uew
ail redneed to 0.07,
Fine Hearer Cloth Jacket, lined
ill) flee mercerized linings; tailor
ale. very •nifty. reduced
$7 au Fine Beaver .Cloth ..lacketibled
with faitey liningettailerstuede, in black:
tvc er blue. rtellueed to 5,00..
I4'1 s' enotit Cietts, about 50 tie
ttafriltu! teurte lovely goods, .ell re-
d to
8* Unites' Cloth Jitekets, all reduced
tIl 2.47.
All Children's Jets reiluved 335
pee cent. Come quick, if yon want'
Five only Child'sfirey Perelau Lamii
Caps, wor1le$3. Your choice now for
npa ; a, awe bergaitt.
ladies" Ftir Capes. Fur Coats and
fen Caperines, all reduced 25 teas per
Is bougiu 9
trade .4
veelai prices e)
Our regular en. touel:,
ul these :nul the sons
dmghters or those N
aye been our pat- t.4
ronsthr the last 85 years ,rg
invited- to take the e*
to benefit citlus sale.
g A Large Stock of Toys 0
d3 gg,
• zz.ssztsasIses • 2.0.'4
Wedding gess
Znaectoelesea Et
king a Specialty,
- --
The copy for eTiatur.IN Intrit
not niter th m Tina:ley noon. CauaI
ativestisainents aceepted up to 0OU
Wednesday of each week.
Hamilton Folliek Is ser oust!:
Mr. Sitwell has pnrehastel a valuable
et allie dog.
LindsWalper,of London,was la town
last week. •
T. W.Hawkshaw bas recovered from
his recent illnese.
L. L. Folliek, of St. Marys, was hozne
over Sunday.
Alta, D. Johns visited friends in St.
Marys this -week.
Revival services are being continued
111 Jamee St. chnreh.
iss 0 Janie Well, of Zrkh, is visit-
ing lier eunt, M. Jas Creech,
Miss T. White 15 visiting friends in
Chatham Sarnia, and Windsor.
There will be a nieeting of the turf
own on t ay eyen-
' T OrsrajoT, Job n Beattie, J.P.,bas been appwoint-
e]!1l) theT Hall F
ed pollee rctagietrate for- the ton of
• VINT, Of TOTOIlt0; also for the PMENIX Fnre , Seidl:all.
SISIMINCII nantraxr. et London: Eneland,,ii Wedtaetday, Feb. 14th, wea-s St. Val -
ho knt.z.isrCe IN5LTO.ANCE COUPANY, os Ens,
and. entine's day and Lent commences on
•. i Feb. 28th.
:Misses Susie and Annie Weekes are
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1,0th,1000 visiting friends in London and St.
- -- Thomas.
We are pleased to announce that
joint Treble, who has been seriously
ill for some weeks, has sufficiently re-
covered to be able to attend his duties
at the stare daily.
Collections in aid of the patriotic
fund were taken up in all the Episco-
pal Churches Sunday according to
a request of the authorities of the
church. The responses were liberal.
The seven-year-old son of &urine)
Wedge, of Usborne, died on Tuesday,
of diphtheria. He had been ill but a
short time. The bereaved parents
have the sympathy 6f the community,
How quickly -news is now sent around
the world is shown bythe fact that the
Montreal Star received a despatch
from its special correspondent aP Bel --
spent, South Africa, in just 25 minutes
after it was fyled there.
An old weather prophet, who has
been watching the signs of the times
for many a long year, says roost em-
phatically that the bear did not see
his shadow on Candlemas Day at 12
o'clock and that he's now prowling
around listening to the whistle of the
spring birds.
The Rev. Mr. Foster, of Toronto,
will deliver a lecture on nining WiIliam
the Third," under the auspices of Exe-
ter L. 0, L. No. 021, on Tuesday even-
ing, March 6th. The proceeds, after
paying expenses,- will be given in aid
of the Canadian Patriotic Fund for the
nse of Canadian troops in South Africa.
J. Harris, of Workman, Assa., N•
W. T„ writing with a renewal of his
subscriptiop says : "This winter has
been Very mild and pleasant, with eo
Sleighing to date (Feb. 1). The -people
around here are contented and pros-
perous and are doing well. Coat is
only $2.75 a ton at the station. Crops
were good and snack sold well. I had
over 4,000 bushels of grain, arid have
Sold over $550 'svorth of 'stock besides.
'We have 12 milking cows besides other
cattle. Butter sells at 20c, eggs 20c,
wheat 48c, oats 30c, potatoes 40c.
Ilorses and cattle are clear, a team
ighitig twenty-eight hundred is
worth $800, cows$35 to $40, beef ec to
yc, porli 71,c. The land around here
s being talcen up fast and is getting
The Misses Crocker Inave returned
to London after a, pleasant visit with
friends here.
Miss Maud Jeckell has returned
from a pleasant, visit with friends in
London and Aylmer.
The recent •beavy rains caused the
river to overflow its banks, but iao
damage was done.
• Division Court was held here on
Tnesday, but there were few cases to
be disposed of.
W. S. Balkwill, whose wife died a
few days ago, held an auction sale of
his effects yeeterday. •
J. J. and T. M. White have purchas-
ed the Essex Review. Windsor, and
will run a daily paper. •
Ed. Bossenberry, of Zuricb, is laid
up with a sore leg, having run against
the cross bar of his cutter.
.-Cephas Pym, of Unborne,on Monday
tapped half a dozen maple trees and
made considerable syrup.
• Chatgeable weather has caused the
carnival announcecl several tiraes,to be
again indefinitely` postponed. '
James, the youngest son of William
Earl? Lumley, is suffering froma
sprained ankle. the result of skating.
Wes. Schoelling. of Zurich, has sold
his line carriage horse to Robert Ross,
of theLondon Road, for the handsome
sum of $140.
Mr. and Mrs..T.P.Clarke have secured
rooms with Mrs. Passmore, where they
will reside for a few weeks, when they
will leave town.
Provincial road commissioner Camp-
bell -will address a public meeting at
Eliraville on Feb'ss 20th, on the sta-
tate labor problem.
While skating at Centralia on Sat-
urday, a young lady and gentleman,
of town, went through the ice, and re-
ceived a serious drenching.
Two young girls of the north end:
while skating near Rs McCord's on
Saturday, broke through the ice, and
narroevly escaped deowning.
Rev. Mr. Brown, sr., preached in
Main Stchurch, on Sunday morning.
In the evening Rev. Mr. Milyard gave
a stirring sermon in the same church.
W. Goodison, of Sarnia, spent Sun-
day with friends in town. He was on
his way home from Toronto, where
he, during last week, had been called
to the bar.
Miss Olive Wright is visiting friends
Miss Ada Hedden is visiting friends
in }Jensen.
Mrs. Rossie, of London, is the guest
ef san. J. A. Stewart.
Mrs, Oarlatte is very hay, and her
ecovery is &Anent,
Miss Kibler, a Zurich„ is the guest.'
a Auss. Oertie Derapeey.
Miss Libbie Eacrett, 15 visiting
ateeng friends in Settforth.
The ice harvest has commenced. The
crop around here is very poor,
no Moiley, a London, visited
frieuds in Exeter on Monday.
M. Clarke, AL P. P„ of Cobourg, is
visiting his brother J. P. Clarke.
W. T. Claekee sou of a , P. Clarke,
has opened a practice M. Northern
E. H. Hensler, a Heosall, was i
town on Sunday renewing acquaint -
Mr. James Acheson, of Exeter, bas
accepted a position as bartender at the
Bernard House London,
Fred. Breolte, et St. Thomas, spent a
few days a last week nisiting. his
tnothen in Exeter north,
A metallio wire bas been put on the
telephone line through Exeter, for the
purpose a long-distance telepboning,
Mrs. C. Kibler and angliter left las
Wedtaesday for their home in Cava-
lier.North Inakanntifter a two months,'
visit in t"rediton and vieinity.
Zurieb esserespondent sayea
Hoiden. of the Huron House, nitends
shortly to take up Ids abode in F.xeter.
He will be missed at the Brick.
The county colleen last week raised
he peddler's license feo to $50. This is
for tuty class a rig or outfit mid will
probably curtail the number of licena-
A sudden and. extreme rise its the
temperature last week caused the
eszew to rapidly disappear; as a mese-
quence many cellars to the centre of
the town were partially filled. with
Al meeting of the official board of
ovth etreet Methodist •eburcla GO(1V.'
9 MI. on Mouday eveniura the pastor,
Rev. naeper Wilson, was requested to
relltaill with the congregation ter
third year,
Tile Hamilton Horticultural Society
has divided to give 009 young plants
w echtml children next April. the
ants ore to he shown in competition
zes at the saziety's extdbition in
At the meeting of the quarterly
board of the Empress Avenue Metlio-
diet cburch. West 'Amnon, it was de-
0144to extend an invitation to Rev.
el Harrison, of Oranton, to become
etor next year.
ey. Yu). McDonagh, left the Strat-
ford Inapital on Satmelay and leaves
in a, fee days for Toronto, He has
made an exceptionally good recovery.
Iie walks with the aid of crutches, and,
in a reasonably short, time will no
doubt be able to, dispense with them.
Mies Amelia Oke on Friday evening
• hist are a skating party to some thir-
ty or forty young friends. After• a
pleasant hour on the ice the company
*pintail to the Central botel for luta
heon, after which games and amuse-
mentswere indulged in until midnight.
Altogether the affairwas a brilliant suc-
cess, the ice being in excellent midi -
One would be led to suppose by the
swathes, we were on Sunday and non -
day enjoying thin spring was bere.
Ch•ows were beard and those ore'. ob.
.t.ervant, ratzens who are always on the
lookout for spring indications 'lave re-
ported that the robin has made its ap-
pearance, The change on Tuesday.
however, will settlenbe robius and
crows for a few days.
Dayid Cathcart, a fotmer St. Marys
man, has located a gold mine in the
Klondike, and has amassed $40,000 in
cold cash besides. The yoang man is
a distant relative of J, W. Catheart. of
the Garnet House, St. Marys, and a
son of the late Henry Cathcart, black-
smith, who was accidentally killed
-while shoeing a horse in his shop at
Lucan a few years ago. For years he
lived with Mr. D. W. Wynn, Winchel-
G. 0. Creelman, inspector of Farm-
ers' Institutes, has been on a tour of
inspection through Bruce, Middlesex
and Oxford. He finds that the fann-
ers of Bruce are confining their atten-
tions to the growing of peas, and that
the county ranks first n the province
for the production of that grain. Mid-
dlesex and Oxford are particular to the
production of cattle. The average covv
brings $32. These two counties pro-
duced, in cheese and cattle killed in
1899, the sum of $3,000,000. p!'
- The Clinton News -Record referring
to the late hockey match between
Clinton and Exeter teams, has the fon
lowing: -"Mallett in goal for Exeter
made some excellent stops, but could
not withstand the rain of shots pour-
ed in on him in the last half. Creech
at coverpoint proved a speedy man on
his skates and handled his stick well,
making several rushes almost to the
Clinton goal, while Evans and Meyers
did some pretty combination work and
were quite fast at times. On the Clin-
ton side Matheson and Forrester play-
ed a splendid game, while Coats and
Dayment, partieularly in the last half,
did excellent work. The game was a
'clean, gentlemanly exhibition of hoc-
key from beginning to end. The Ex-
eter teara are a quiet, gentlemanly set
with whom it is a Pleasure to play and
took their defeat good naturedly.
Division court was held here on
Tuesday, Judge Doyle presiding. The
Town, Hall was packed with curious
listeners who desired to .hear the re-
sult of the case of Fisher vs. Harrison
and Cornish. This was an action on ti
note for $150 made by Wm. Harrison.
in favor of John Cornish and sold by
the latter to Fred Fisher. Harrison
denied the signature on the. note and
practically accused Cornish of having
forged it. Bath Cornish and his wife
swore they had seen Harrison sign tbe
note and their evidence was corrobor-
ated by comparison of hand writing.
judgment was given against Harri-
son's contentions. Gladinan for PIM,
Stanbury for Deft. Cornish; Dickson
for Deft Harrison. The case of Dea-
vitt vs. 'Jones was nen-suited on the
application of Plff's Solicitor and will
be transferred to the County Court,
Dickson for Deft., Stanbury for Plff. -
We hate just pasisid'into stock a large lot of
Whitewear, purchased direct from the manufac-
turers, at a bargain.
By purchasing the above from us during this sale
you cau save money on the cost of the materials,
to say nothing of the bother aud 1,vorry of making
the garments up.
Just opened up a cask ot beautifully deeorlted
Bohemian Chinaware. It will do you goed
1116 ft 13161(dra 60.,
-.4kAlazu„.Dire6t Importers,
Ansa= SA ele-All b Ouse b f u i -
u re and effects will offered by pub••
lie auction on Saturday Felny 2Ith,
See large bills later. 3. le.
Wesseenn.--Good general servant;
frihr in Allay, DO children over 30
referred. Address Mile. Waenaten,
0 Queen's avenue, London, Out,
I James Achesoe, who went to Lon-
don to Work, was this week taken
I suddenly ill, and is now in the hospital.
I Enos Cook, Winchelsea, bas 'pur-
chased tehelf section of land in Mani -
taint uttif intends goitig west about
1 aerie have given grants to the
i Nearly all the county •councils in
Canadian patriotic fund. The
amounts vary from $200 to $500,
SATURDAY, Fenn 2nria-This is the
day Mr. J. P. Clarke has selected for
his sale of Furniture, and household
effecte. See large bills,
vmns.-Thecolleetion andsubseription
Main ST. Mli:THOMST Cannon Sint- I
for SuperatinuationFund will bedeferr-
ea. until the 25th inst. Pastor at both
services on Sabbath. Strangers are
Manz St Reston= LEAG1M-Last
Tuesday night was social evenisg of
the Epworth League. The attendance
was good and a most enjoyable tune
was experienced by all present. The
ried out. Everybody went away '
peOgramme was unique and. svell car- ,
fotritaunroet.her social eyemng in the
GEstamous Germ -The literary so-
ciety •of the Exeter Public School
wishes to extend a hearty vote of
thanks to Mrs. Bobier, who so kindly
presented room No. I, with two beau-
tiful German chromos, and also to
Mr. Senior who presented the three
junior rooms each svith a very instruc-
tive picture. Such gifts are most'
highly appreciated by both teachers
and students. Signed
Exeter Municipal Council.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at Town Hall, on February 9th.
All present.
Minutes of previous meeting reads
and confirmed.
Armstrong -Muir -That the follow-
ing accounts he passed and orders
drawn on treasurer for same: Bishop
& Son, &al for North end fire -ball,
a$9.67; S. White es Sons, printing, $19;
Geo. Cudroore, snow plowing, $1.50;
'James Creech, oil and oil can for clock,
30c- Carried.
A request of the Division Court
Clerks' Association of Ontario, asking
the lCouncil th niemorialize the Legis-
lature to extend the juriediction of the
Division Courts, was read by Charles
Snell, D.C.C, and on motion of J. Ev-
ans, seconded by W. II, Leven, the
request was granted, and the Reeve
and Clerk authorized to sign the said
Tenders were received for the deliv-
ery of stone as follows per cord : Geo.
Ford, for paving stone, $4.25, for liine
stone, $3.90; William Ford, for paving
stone, $4.00; for lime stone, $3.89; Geo.
Smallaeorribe, for paving stone, $5, for
lime stone, $4.25.
Evans---Levett-That George Fcard's
tender being the lowest be accepted,
stone to be deliyered when required by ;
the street commissioner. -Carried, f
Artnstrong-Muir-That Council ed. '
journ until March 2nd, at 7,30 p. m. -
Carried. '
G. H. 13 SSETT Oka.
There passed away at Benmiller on
Friday, the 20th ult., Mary McKay,
relict of the late Donald McKay, of
Goderich. Tbe deceased, who had at-
tained the great age of eighty-five
years and ten months,passed the great
part of her life in Goclerich.
The residence Of Peter Watson,
Springfield farm, West ,Wawanosh,
was the scene of a brilliant event on
Wednesday evening., Sanitary' 10th,
the occasion being the marriage of his
second daughter, Mary Christena, to
Neil Campbell, of Witeranosh.
The remains of Elizabeth A. McMil-
lian, beloved wife of John E. Harvie,
of Los Angelos, Cat, were brought to
Clinton on Wednesday for burial.
The deceased had passed away on
Jan. 28th, and was of the age of 51
years, 10 mouths and 16 days. She
was formerly of Clinton.
An accident which was both painful
and severe happened to Mrs. Geo.
ilifurray:, Clinton, on Tuesday merning.
;While in the act of standing on a step
'ladder she overbalanced herself and
fell heavily on her arm, thus breaking
her shoulder bone and armbetween
the elbow and shoulder.
reat, :Cut'in
We are bound to clear out the balance of our Furs
and here is how we are going to do it.
eS 2 only, inen's eel* skin coats, reg 17 00, now 15 00 6.
•t 2 e 11 African 13tilialo CoatS ft 22 00, now /0 50
22 00, pOW 10 00
322 205 0 Gt.:: nownn str221:1 500009
8 00, now 6 59
,Aft rFutiliz: mei:Ns
"A;I leni; es' and " enu's Fur Gau4idet8s u190%1O1941:1'.4'7 '3
" 179 (11; ul 30: 0°
8 00, now 7 00
All Fur Ruffs
All Iseliee; Menthe.: 20 to
414114 444.444.001144nent
• J3utteriS. Eggs 5, Talla,w sc. Lard 9e, Turkey
Geese ks 7c, Chicken se,
• n a 0. Elk Bulgarian dog
sa_ 1 ladies' bin Astrachan Coats
a ix a a
IS e 4, a
? 1 " :Mountain Bear Cape
3 "14
4, 1 •ci ladies' bile astraohaneape
I a. dark gray goat robe
Special 9:44•I'V14'eS 03.1" nosy in progres
in James St. Church, couducted b
Ibe pastor and ids father. Rev. Ono.
Brown, of Toronto. A deep interest
has aleeedy been awakeued in the con-
gregation, mut there is promise of
nitwit good being dense The meet Inge I
are held every everting eneeot It u1' -
day, beginning with a song eerYiee at.
Ttiz Dix. Little laser Pills, sold .1"'Y
- The amulet nweting of t he Stelae?
Turf Ouli was Lehi the Queen's
hotel on Monday evening. The ate
aaneanne erne brae. and alt NVV916
1Y intertAsted in the weintre of the chile
.rhe fluencial atatement ehowed the '
Out) to be in a very eel ieftwtery tem.
dition, despite t he fate t hat the ex-
endittires during. the pest yeav levee We shall hereafter offer a
special bargain every Thin's-
New and Cheap
At our House.
Irack is Mint and the building, ef the •.1 - 11
! track itself. It is the intentimi of the ItUrb 1.111' h.)! awl onturditY•
club, with the opening of spring, to Changed eve1'y week.
eetvt a commodious tentud enuel. and "
t grounds in fizanciass .ehape. . 11S weel" are 0f,;iii
do other necessary work 10 )1411 the t pi • t
,••••••--,10 3 11)8 of flue iltisins and 4- 11)s
T.11F. ornieri ,:leaned currants for 50e.
in chimp, on Tuesday, mei May clos-
ed .1. -Sc higher at esene; provisions were I
10c to 20e lower. Consols 3.8 lower.
Loudon storks eteasly. 'Wall street Vif.•r vethick
stocks firmer. Caltadian stoeks steady
with 0. P R. selling at par, the high-.
el4 Price ill the 1144°11' (4* the swell". i FrlirtIlln4ilt 1JetOtiii
tvr vRect7utel•Ytsciin'e,wfitvnentlerwlye
a -A -acne -L..
la East Witivanosli passed awnat Ins
GIADMAN-In Rxeter, on the 3201 158t., the
wile of e W. Gateman, o. a son,
HODGINS-At the lbemory, Searorth, on Feb.
ath, the wife of Rev. Rural Doan Hoag of
a enlighten
AteLAXIIIN-V/OICERi-in Mit obeli, on Wed-
nesdayFeb, 711i. by Rev. R. Whiling, 33. A.,
Frederick G. McLaren, of Toronto, to Miss
Martha Vickers, of alitcholl.
SPERIAN-McNAY-In Mitchell, on Wearies-
day,b eb. 7 th,by Rev. it. W B. A., Sam-
uel Sperian, of DrinaMi
. Ontario Co., to ss
Nellie McNay, of Mitchell.
McM/LLAN - PIERCE - In the Catholic
rjohautiricell, meictiuteihnealue, biyleaRrenve.111sPitalti e tro nmowagfagieYe:
daughter ofdlenry Pierce, of Mitchell.
COLQUEODN- LEVERA AG 5- At the resi-
dence of the bride's parents, on the Gth inst.,
by the Rev. Mr. Andrews, W. T. Colenhoun,
of Ilibbert, to carrte. youngest daughter of
Wm. Leversage, -of Fullerton.
BEATTIE-MUIR- At the residence of the
• bride's mother, London, by the Rev. W. J.
Clarke, on San. 3111,, Samuel Beattie, of Dar.
hare, to Miss Minnie Muir, both formerly of
LAIDLAW-BLACK-On an. 31st., by the
Rev. F. J. Oaten, Ph. B., at the residence of
ntloieshb.ride's father..fames Laidlaw, Morris, to
etary, daughter of Thos. Black. East Wawa-
DAVIS-In London, on Feb. 2nd. Sarah Jane
DaVIS, 011Goderich.
IVRALLEEt-et the House of Refuge, Clinton,
Elizabeth. Mueller, formerly of Dashwood,
aged 9'years.
.A.NDERSCIN-ImMoKillop, on Feb. 3rd,
liam Anderson. aged 55 years.
It's ft nice thing, to use-Haygard's "Yellow
Oil. The skin itwon't stain and. the clothing.
,won'tsoil. It limbers stiff joint*, gives relief
from all pain. If you use it but once, you will
The railway authorities realize the use it 55010.
importance of having better terminal I. air ECT WOIntl MEDIC/NE.
"I have gl en Dr. Low's 7iVorin Svrup to my
facilities at Goderieh, and have decide children with excellent results and i find it the
ed on the erection of a handsome new most perfect worm medicine, as you are not re -
station next summer. It will probab- (mired to give any Cathartic with it. Mrs.
ith, Rig; Luneribm•g, N. S.
ly be somewhat larger than the pres- Daniel Sm
icehnitiebeutiuldrein.g and will be of modern ar- 'Before retiring take a Lairs-LJNIUflT iver Pill. It will
work while you sleep without a gripe or pain
•curing Censtipation, Biliousness And
On Friday last death claimed a" vic- Headache, and make you feel better in the
ti3213' In the Persuu of Hugh RYan, cif morning. ,%4?50.-oen teorwee Pine Syrup heals and
the Nile, at the early age of 21years soothes the lungs and cures the worst kinds of
and eight months. Hugh was beloved 'Coughs ands .Coldsreoragnickly and effectual
by everybody who knew him. He I thel
any other remedy.
gave proraise of a useful career, as he
had passed the Normal and School of
Pedagogy• .
Mr. McAllister of the Parr line
Hay, received a telegram on, Thursday
of last week, saying that his son, Wil -
liana McAllister, had met with a seri-
ous accident and was not expected to
recover. He was located near Mar-
lette. Michigan, and was working in
the lumber woods when he met with
the accident.
Perhaps in the history of Goderich
no family has been more severely afflic-
ted than that of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Tichbourne for the past few months.
Last April a tine youth, Harold Von,
left the organ factory, where he was
employed,complaining of illness, which
continued ante Friday of last week,
when he passed over the river. In
October their eldest daughter, Miss
Margaret, complained of internal
trouble t.fl(l she grew worse until
Wednesday Of this week, when her
spirit jointed that of lier brother
Harold. S.
• Fred Platt, 12 Franklin Ave., ''.foronto, says
that he suffered •over two years with Sciatica.
Three boxes of Milburn's Rheumatic, Pills re-
moved' every trace of tho pain and made` him
as limber as a boy.
We have in stock dressed and matched.
Siding, Flooring & ceiling
;15o dressed. pine 1, if, .142
' • - ' end 2 inches
ShingloS, lath and cedar post s alwaye
On hand. A large stock of
'barn lumber just arrived:
, home, Logoch, Mau., at the inn, of 05
years and 3 months. Ile will be re-
membered liv many in this districts
having lived on the Oth eon. some
years ago. Deceased (lied on Tuesday
Jar. 30tb, after a short illnese.
Death has inacle itself felt again in
the lime of 3.1r. Angns McDonald Oa
ths. 12t1. coucession Stephen, and re-
moved from their midst, Alexander
their only son, at the age of JO years
3 months aed 8 days. He was a fine
boy of bright intellect, and for a boy
of so few years was exceptioually well
developed, weighing 136 pounds, and
was 5 feet 0 iuches in height. Tbe de-
, ceased was ill scarcely a week of ha -
1 flannnation of the bowels and suffered
intensely during his short illness.
Dan Conway, United States customs
officer, stationed at Sarnia, Ont.,
against whom charges were preferred
for having too publicly expressed his
pr -Boor sympathies, and was also all-
eged to have spoken disrespectfully of
the Queen, has been found guilty of
the indiscretion, upon investigation
by the arithorities at 'Washington, and
suspended without ely for thirty
days. The penalty amounts virtually
to a fine of $90. .
Pain in the bowels. Diarrhoea and Dysentery
are a cured more quickly and effectually by Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry then any
other remedy. Beware of substitutes.
At Your X%
rt)(t Post Office
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