Exeter Times, 1900-2-15, Page 7ff,1 T HE EXETER TIMES CI:U(1AG° D2JtINAGE OANA,Le. •et etarviiiieue neat vK E gg,tneerlut; /11411 (limit mg. Tel irty-Fo ur Of silent atO Pro- vidisie a, sew outlet tor I alio .'lltehlnau. The ody o Claicego has just per - Seemed the feat of standing the Chi 'rage' River on its head, IaeideatellY it has gene beck to the old faeleiou of wearing the river, In VOTY oid times this eeneky stream. used to run toward the aissl$6113141. Darius all the lime .sinee white meek have lived near it it luts fed Take Atichigaa. NOW it goes to the Miaelealemi again, And if Some of the twos in Central Illinoie have their way it ratty be turaed ba ok iota the lake again. Lake Michigan is*aleove the level et the Upper Mississippi and Only a strie -of earth a few miles =cies aod ten feet or so high keeps all the water of the lake from flowing South, ea it did in Cenozole days. The city has cut a big canal through Ulm:, ten The canal is One of the biggest en- gineering feats over teL in country. It leas cost needy e34,0i.0.- 000-ximee than the first cost a the •Keie vaunt from Buffalo te AlbanY, and more them halt its total colt to day, with all its improvemeute. Some gigantio results may flow from this work done by one oity, Jr in- stance„ the United Seates may now. using the canal as a starter, dig ship. O3,734 all the way to tile ,Missis- ere is Powerful. oppositiou to the nenr ca ea/ from two directions. Lake shppere and Captains (milieu it beeauee they eleim that to draw oft so mutt water from the upper lakes w;11 lower theiri level so men to injure their barbore. The other objection is more reason- able. Smaller cities arid towns along the Illinois Valley (bill care to have all the eeweige, oe Clitrago swept past them, espeerilly as meet a these teems get tlieir water supply from the rive Claleago's eerily to the criticism of touree„ that the weter poured dow the canal is as limpid as an angel." tens. Arid Congress will have to deeld whether the truth Is with Mileage): or its critics. Chicago being the biggest, it raight be easy to Prophesy the out - octane. fliE SOLDIER'S NERVES. TRIFuNc INCIDENTS WHICH eTh'RRIFY IIARDENED TROOPS. Tee iftoideer Vito is Brave fume, teresenee, or Wel oanger Is °new rlialseStrtekeu or Alarms . tet riPlituns or toninter. It is a peculiar eirenrastenee tbat hardened alai treined eroope will go 044'4;111;4th a leog fighlasureounded by all the horrors that are Inseparable from war witheme flinehing, and with the u.most apparent eallou-ness; eaa the same men. Avid be struck terrified by g siagle trifling iaeideat. Every war of any linportance, partie- tarty wars betiveeo eivilized nations, is proSifie ih incidents of trivial elm actor la tbemeeivee, but so tinusua rtni unantaral that they aPljeel to th atur.1 instinctive horror of. me litereu tdeutY and 114441,41Y Ihda pe baps the main terms of days of car age nil eurrounding teas a sefeer- loin aeon e.n aoieutis the, oue. for eeitinp,e, which, occurred ek the Pattie f Worth. t4 'the eerie' days of the --Pritaetan War, be beat a be creak battle a log cif the Prussian rMY wae eltarge ed by the regimenes g ri:pale cairn, - the, hope a meatus the 'wing fileitItO.4.111g the lulling bank 04. "xeneti infentry, bui the euiree- Sterd were driven beck by tbe utifliech- rueelans. Again Uweutraesiers lewd, and agaio they were dive idC by the -withering tire et abet and sheil. Jeer a third time Lhey eanae doe afeein. and 4S. the enemy welted for them -to etrasv uearer a horrible, ULOOD-EttlettaNti TERRQR seizerl the Pruesians, end for the it looked au mo - U they would tiiru CUt down, 'Witte:tat de - tiding theineevies. But, in a eu not satisfactorily Be:Plain them. There! is something 130 11,101.4t4ra 11p -11,1449W uncannily-unreasenable abont them whieh eliminates any diehoner; and tt Is Particularly remarkable that "war Parties" have /mostly occurred among regiments, whose fearlessness and prowess have made the beerte of their coentrymen heave wide pride, Daring the Zulu War two or three suet paeice oeeurred aeximeg our trews, though, of course, on a, small- er sale and of a more moderate attar- acter. Now and then during that wee small canape were eaddenly thrown lialto disorderly terror, and al- most put to bottles by. a sentry anis- taking some Minh et *mill for a Zaxiu spy, or the eoremost a an. attacking horde, mad firing apon it On one occasion a sentinel, aparsing a °nem, espied Foam dark object creep - about ameag some bizetteS a little re way off„ and fired at it, The next le- etaut the °Amp was in disorder; men I were seizing their arms, and rushing e forward to pour a hot fire im the di- n reetion .13.0inted, out by the seutry, de - re spite that the Ere was unreturnede and after a few minutes' tiring into the elarknesS„ at nothing in particular, a few men ventured out. and discov- ered that the whole cause of tbelalarm was a poor, velvet -eyed cow, which had etreyed„ and strayed into the jaws of death. tool A MANCE voa INVESTIOATION, platned Intenontenott Connected 1 settling, atm Iron Bar. If one taltee„ju the hand a bar of metal, heated u,ntil one end ewe only just be bold, atid then plunges the other end into eold water, the end in elle hand becomes so much hotter that the bar has to be dropped. This tact las often been notified by persous who work at, the, forge. Their one planation, oe It is that "the cold drives the heat up the bar." But this " seems absurd. The phenomenon. haa Puzzled scientifio men 001aSiderably and xnany experiments baVe been tried he connection with it. Prom these it appears that the heat is transferred, or seems to be transfer- red, much more rapidly in these dr- curastioaces than it is by ordinary conveetion or conduetion, but the rea- son for this is not. yet Ludy explained. The most feasible suggestion seems to be that the heat whieb appears to be transmitted along the bar is not real- ly ea tratisnaitted, but exists already in the coeler mad. When iron or steel luta beeheated to redness, and is suddenly plunged into Water; a mark- ed change certainly take e place in the proerties of the metal. And if the change in .haracter in the metal is transmitted from particle to particle to the end of the frod, it possibly re-, sults in a lowering- of the heat capa- city of the metal, the heat in it is given up more readily, and a. rise in the temperature at the surface is ob- served. ECLIPSE OP THE SUN. eat' had puded themeelves to - ether and beaten, batik for the thir1 and last time the gallant cuiraeelere. The sight that terrified the i1rus- siaus nothing very veuell In black and white. It Was a regiment ot cuiraseiers awl at a duelling ritteeen wards theni by a /medicos officer int- ^ uprigt, in Ina oaddie and, elMar" catty eneutireging on hid male. It eves tees a notate), than buisun ele7.0. e. of the toird regime IL of cu1. re a store, wbese tie id tied been carried completely oft Jos ehoulees ii the oina letoke into the tbird Igniter *wee charge by a mesa nateie what alio took oh, eta ebor oi ricer's liana and cut the buaier in two. It *a remarkal le and singular ',hat at the Battle of Pollee:ill. which, took place the same day as Worth* a. very sirnUar ineident occurred, and. did more to shake the nereee et the Germans than hours of roaring eannon arid fighting had done. While a regiment of Prussian infan- try were standing in re,,erve, wat0h- ing the fight as well as thecould from their positioa of. shelter, a e,harg- or belonging to a Peewit dragoon regi- ment (one whieh was praeticallyde- stroyed in the battle) galloped eight into the midst of the men, Nell° gushed to arrest it, and innuediatety fell back in Alarm; for swinging to the bridle wee the whole left ,arni oe the charg- ers' rider, the fingers ot the haneitlitne- ly grasping the. reins. The anal ap- peared td have beensevered a few inches below the thoulder, and was Certainly that of an ofticer, but who the officer was has never been satis- factorily established. So moved were the hardened Men of battle at THE IIORRD3LEI SIGHT that no one would teach the horse, and the azneaal vi as allowed togallop off, to be killed a few tannuteS later n crossing before sonae Prussian guns, Trifling as the incident was, many of he brave fellows who witnessed it de.. Jared that their first, almost irresist- able, impulse was to throw down their rms and bolt. Yet it was with( the help of just such men that General/von Goben routed the French that memor- bla day in August, 1870. 1± 13 a owell-known fact that the fin- st and bravest troops the world, can eoduce have no immunity from that trange and mysterious madness nown to military history as "war anic." A heavy war, frequent san- ninary engagements, night marches, nd surprises sometimes play havoc ith soldiers' nervous sjrstems, and ender them more like high-spirited olts than men who have taken the eleprepared to suffer immeasurable orrors and take death. cheerfully.. Those who have read deeply about he Peninsular War will ;perhaps recol- ea that one or two British regiments, he very pick of our army engaged in he war, were so terrified that they ere absolutely routed. during one ight's march by nothing more tang- ble than, a false rumor. The trooipis were marching along in ood, order, cheerily chatting as if they ere on the way to manoeuvre on 'Al- ershot Plains, when a rumour ran own the lines that the enemy was at and. The next naoment the liiae of rderly soldiers was changed into an T,ONGA.TED MOB OF ARMED MEN hrowing away arms, bag,gage, and all he3r carried, and running away in ov- treat Preparations for Observations of a Ike Total 16ellpse Next . The total eclipse of the sun, to take place May 28, is unusual in that almost a its entire shadow path wril traverse e easily aeciassible and. thickly populated portions of the earth's surface, thus s rendering aztronoraical observations k less difficult than they heve been for P Many years. a After crossing Mexioo, the shadow w of the moon will east New Orleans in r darkness at 7.27 ELM+, and Will travel at the rate at 1,000 miles an _hour to- h ward Norfolk, where it will start across the Atlantic at 8.50 aan. and t touch Europe at Coinbra, Portugal. Next it veill take in Algiers and North- t ern Africa, vanishing at sunset near t the.northern end of the Red Sea. It w Will cross Spain in the afternoon at r, o' cl o ck.. Arrangements have been made to bi- ograPh it, and theater goers willprob- ably have a chance to see a moving re- 'ee produetion of the phenomenon between d vaudeetille aotte , a SOME FRA.ILTIE'S OF MAN. o Te 'men have again preyed their r sup riority over the women. They have t palms in their stores that look green e and flourishing all winter,, though_ no t , • fires 's kept up for ''onem. The women 12a nurse a -palm all winter, and it is sick - in' are made of r, vv ITp spring, Tbe palrns used by the ei /leery man who loads a prayer- it' meeting finally gives the impression that the Lord uses an ear -truniipet and r , be has exclusive central of this end: r When a man decides, undee the in- Le flu -epee of an inspiring sermon, that th • lie will dare to be a Daniel, he means w that he will no longer be imnosed on en by hi,s kin. eia We don't suppose the man ever liv- st ed who Was as popular with the woxn- exe as chocblates are. ' fa We like to see a curly-haired nann get married and the children arrive in qui(dc succeesion. He soon loses the air of superiority h,e Jo feel over, men with no lrair ry,direction, their faCes blanched, and heir ears deaf to the thundered corn - ands of their officers. For the monient they knew but, one entiraent, one emotion ; a sudden, pas- onate blind terror, and. ,they fled ithout thinking whether they , were nning into the arms of that thing dreaded or not. IL was a ter - of I in.adness, and only its mad.ness eeeeems it from dishonor, 11. any- ing were neceseary to demonstrate e unnaturaln.ess of the panic it ould be done by the grand fact that e rnoment'it became -known that the emy was really at hand, the men in_ antly fell =in and showed the 'utmost gernessto attack. .The rumor when Ise setthe men flying like, a horde nervous wonien; tbe rumor when us, uunuestionn oly made the Women en of eteel again. Stich: "war 'zanies" 'are myeteries en the most.experienced officer can-"; tr ev -Sse QUEBEC; ONCE MORE •-",••••1 A. Young Lady of S. Justine Writes of Her Experience With Dodd's Kidney iU e lot Anna iholette Wag Eafrarer From Chrtlhoett--Rertors 4.1ave Her Vet ao a chronic, Invnul4-Tle.1aty In super. abundant Is Front lige of Ooilerse gleiriey Pities, $t. Justine, Que., Feb. 8. -Mise Axe Cholette, of this plave, has been an in- valid, owing to Kidney Diecaee, all her life until quite recently, when she be- gan to iraprove. Her many frieuds were delighted at the change and she vaet with congratulation and encour. geMent on all sides. It was not gen- erale' known, however, that the cause of MISS Chalet tee improving condition WAS due to Dadd's Kidney Pills, and it WIS not until the other day tint the fact was given out. eu,t sua is the case and Miss Cholette aeknowledges the benefit sbe has derived front Dodd's Kidney Pills in tbe following letter, giving full details of her case for the benefit of other sufferers. "Since the age, of eight Years 'have ffered with inflammation of the kid - Ya. 1 are to -day twenty-four yeara old. I hasten to write you, therefore, to give you the full details of nay cure, I voinmenced to be siek when going to school. I was not able to bear the Whom or study. One day mother fell aiok and the doctor profited by the °evasion to tend me also. He camo oftql to see xne for six months when he told me it was not necessary to come stlY more; My trouble would right itself as I grew older. He made nothing of the months. I had been unwell already. "The trouble couttnued constantly after that. I suffered, greatly and was bed -ridden almost continually. At this time I was under the consulta- tion of two doctors. They Paid 1 had been sufferiag this long time of in- flammation of the kidneys. They gave me many medielnes, and I was under their treatment for two years. They gave, rae no tretlef', "My parents were greatly pained at geeing me suffering so, and. as for myself I feIt that I could never find pleneure again in this world. "My father one day read in, a news, - paper of the, Regal effectof Dodd's Kidney Pills. Ite bought three boxes of them to try and they gave me selme relief. He bought me a dozen mere boxes, and. now I am perfectly well and, overflowing with life and spirits." TO "SILENCE" A. GUN. There is a great deal of ignorance as to what "silenoing a gun" means. A gun is silenced when the gunners are disabled or driven back and the gun or gun -carriage damaged. It is a common enough phen.ornenon for weapons which have thus been silenced to reopen fire after repairs have been made, the gunners rallied, or a fresh gun erew obtained. It is a rare thing for a gun to be so damaged by hos- tile fire that it cannot be refitted and brought into action again. "I saw," says Prince Krieft, of the German ar- tillery, in the battle of Gra.velotte, " many guns during the cannonade ly- ing miserably on the ground "wing- ed," that is, with a broken wheel. But not one was withdrawn; the injured guns were always speedily repaired with the help of the wagons, which were near, so thnt itst the caose of the battk I could not tell exactly how many pieces had, been put temporarily out of action." The NWvy League Jour- nal of London says this expert opinion should put a stop to ignonant wittic- isms on the frequent silencing at Lady- snatith of "Long Tom," as the biggest of the Boer guns was called. The navy had day after day to look after this weapon and dose it with lyddite shells, but On each occasion the work was skilfully done. s . IN'e have the highest: authority for correcting the erroneous 'statement made. in a telegram from B'rmingharn recently with referenee to the Queen's New Year's Gift of chocolate to the sol- diers in Afrien. ft was said that one firm had to supply 40,000 tins, and two firms 30,000 each. Bat we know that; the 11ristO1 firm, Mers. S. Pry Sc, Sons, Ltd., Eler Nfaje,sity's Royal War- rant Holderse-are supplying 40,000 tins. It is also gratifying to leiirn that this fi rm. are constantly dispatching gootls to the Seaf. of wo r, in a ddi ti on to con- triautirig liberally for the maint,en- Luace of the wives ,and families of the Army Reservists in their employ. CONTENTS On A WELL. To ascertain the quantity of wa Ler in a well, take half -the circurafereiac-, (in the clear} and -multiply by hall 1 t_te diameter ; multiply the xesul depth, which gives ilia cubic meaure; then reekon 6 gallons awl 1 pint t the foot. , tIAVE YCK3 TASTED CLYLON agEEN TEA? iv* rim caore delicious than Jaretri. Seel °We ei WAR TACTICS or ZIOBISTETS. , Le" 2'114'4'. Boys who propose to bombard hor- nets' nests May find valuable infore Ma tiOn in the description, by Hem Laney, in the Scientific American, of tbe way these insects defend twit, homes. There is always a sentinel en watch at tbe entrance, and when a stoge ms tbrowi?„ at the nest, "the hand that th,TOW It haosesbeeaniadMbearfte4 4LLSautrteacalgsintghereasrtry 8:13in turn the head he will feel a stunniug blow on the forehead, and possibly drop to the earth with pain, for the hornet Vilna with such velocity that the human boey is not swift enough in naove- ment to get out oe the way." In making such a, charge. 3Ir. Laney SaYS, the boneet flies "with bead and otaodeiltep. ogetbeRrutl ,"" aeralthettebeoystiAtes tadt..1 a tree or buein and theme from stele I ter, he 111 likely to eseepe, because the' hornet seems to possess lath) power of lowing the enemy at sight. When the deltvery of a atone is followed by a successful,' charge, Mr. Laney tbinks it is becanse the hornet possesses "the faculty of marking the direction of a missile thrown at the nest." LORD 11013EaTa ANTI TITR The following story on Lord Reeberta gained great currency in the British my a few years ago, says Collier's Weekly. The dirtiness of the Al- an proverbial. and it is said that on one occasion General Roberts cap- tured a FOI ier who was so exception. ally dirty that it was thought ne- ceesery, for the safety of the whole, men., that he should be washed. Two genume Tommy Aikinses were told off for this purpose. They stripped the frisoner, and serubbed at him for two hours with, formidable brushee and a large quantity of soap. Then they threw down thcir brutes lu diegust and went to their captain. "What is it, Men?" "Well. eir," they replied, somewhat excitedly, "we've waeheil thet 'ere Afghan chap for two hours, but It warn% any good. Atter eeralkieg /aim, sir, till our arms were like to break, blessed if we didn't come upon another suit ot clothes ••,•,••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BRITISH LOSSES TO DATE 8,210, Loudon, Thursday, Jan. 25. --The DeWitt) losses rapt to date in killed, wounded and captured, according to General Buller's last Bat. total 8,210 men. 01 course, a large number of tbe wounded are nein in the field. • The Only Curofor Catarrh. Miss Lizzie Lanford, ot 353 Market St., ChLoo.go 111, seers: "I have been a constant sufferer from Catarrati for twelve years. During that time I have used moat of the known reraedies for Catarrh, but can merely say tbat Catarrhozone is the beet. It has our - ed me. It is very pleasant and efiec- tive in its use. I shall reeommend it at every opportunity to my friends." Caterth-o-zone is a guaranteed cure. Sold by all druggists. Trial (meat sent t Unbecoming forwardness oftener to any eddress for. 10e in starans. N. proceeds from ignorance than impud- C. POLSON & CO., Kingston, Ont„ Pro- ence.-Greville. prietors. I$ THIS TEUE t 1 "I take it," said the man who had been reading about oue of the fights in South Afriee, "thee this was a real, genuine Britieh victory.° "What makes you; sa eeetainf" ask- ed the other mane "Why, tte eabbe is BUD working, A British defeat tulle on the cable with a dull, sickening thud and breaks LIFE'S DIFFICULTIES. Penalties of Modem Methods o • -14vinz. Platten Dee. 18th. --We read. a great deal eoncerning the laardelaips and eat- feeings endured by the Canadian pion- eeTS in the early days of seer Domin- ion. But the truth is that many o our deeeendante, ip our own times, endure .enually as raueli as did their terefathere, The also of MISS AMUR Young, this towel is an instance. Miss Young is a grand -daughter of Col. Henry Young, the 'United Empire Loyaliet, in whose honor Fort Henry, at Kings - toe, was named. She- says :en" 1 had suffered with rheumetisra for twenty yeare. My poor body was all twist- ed oat of shape. so you MI imagine the agony 1 endured. Ur PhYsielaes could not help rile; ati the medicines I used were utterly useless. I read of Dr. Aruold'a English TQX- 111 Pills, one, day, and thought I'd give them a Wel. I am thankful for have eng that inspiration. tor I am now free Gin very terrible [nine and aches, r. rbo 's Enmrlish Toxin Pille-and to them alone. I mann, of eouree. be made young again, for I will be 70 years old in December, yet I feel I can end my days in peace, thanks to Dr. Arnold's English Mlle." Dr. Arnold's Eiaglisla Toxin Pills, the only meelteme on earta that cures I disease by killing the germs that cause iteare sold by all druggists at 7ae. a box: sample size 25e., or sent erepaid on receipt ot prise, In* The Arnold Cheraical Co., Limited. Cana- da Life Betiding, •la ging St. W„ Tor - (Nato. 9.I•• Happy is the wooing that's not long doing. Sorrs's the wait for tbe ton- tine date. There axe many nmeelee In the bu- man body, control of which has been leek through, ages of disuse. La Toscana, 10o. 19.-34aNcE CIGA eAte101tYntlontree, Roast beef that is not well don a rare thing. Dh fa von ne, PP Perm, ot Granbase. • ""114'"'"•wore cigar liatudaosoner. YOtt may talk too much on tbe best of eubjects, except fraternity. FOR OVER FieTV )1BARa MRS. vrtztst.errs SOOTHING SYRUP 1i bran used by motherrfor their teething. ItsoOthe4 Um child, softens the gums, allays pain, cures wind collo, and the hest remedy ter &urrsm�a 25. * bot- tle, Sold by all druggists throughoutthe world. no sure and set for " Mrs. Win.lont's Soothing flYraP. Every man bat, been, Is, or wili he handsome in the eye.s of some wo- man. VIKEEF Inrige ales sedated:It:thew, LPAITID RIZ Oa MR ALT =ORD WO Toronto. GENERAL AGENT. ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••1 • ne, GP 0 If you wouldSTATE OP GiCITY'TOLEDO, I not be forgotten as LIMAS CO VETT. ' soon as you ore dead, either writesofiroArNpzrteerlotf ifffilirrolakoefRSP.2.th PeignitTr tbings worth reading or do thinga Co„ doiIng busineos in the City of Toledo worth the writing. A SISTER SAVED. Sickness Banished -Health P °stored Gentlemen, -Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills have done my sister so much good that in grateful apprecia- tion I told Mr. Tully, the druggist, would gladly give a. testimonial un- solicited, as to their merits. My sister, 15 years of age, caught a vio- lent cold -since then she has been in very poor health, lost all colour was anemic, her blood had no vitality, and she had no physical strength, she be- came extremely nervous, so much so that she could not stand any exertion or excitement, and. it was impossible for her to get restful sleep, she lost her appetite, her heart became very weak, palpitating so violently that she coula haedly breathe at the sligh.. test exertion. When she commenced taking Dr. Ward. s Blood and Nerve Pills two months ago she ewes in ,a tate of eomplete phytical and nervous rostration. Her blood was scanty with -no more strength than water. Since taking Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills she has been rapidly mend - ng, her appetite has returned, she leaps well her nerves are stronger, nd her heart gained strength' so that t is able to fulfill its functions. Prior o taking Dr. Ward's Pills shet had aken many medicines without any pecial benefit. Dr. Ward's Blood and erve Pills are certainly the only inedicine that has done any good. Be - ore taking them she was getting a weaker, her heart and nerves losing strength daily. ' Since she haa began taking them she has daily and con.. tinuously gained hef.ilth and strength, CLARA ET,LIOTT,, ' 30 College street, Peterborough, Ont, A fat kitchen, a lean lwill, but with future provision you can so live still. county -and State aforesaid, and tha, said firm i will pay the ,um of ONE IIIINDRED DOL - t LARS tor each and every case (:if CA'PAR101 A that cannot he oared by the use of Ilann's CATAIIRIX CORE FrANY. 3. °HENRY. p sene, tacritobefore me and subscribed_:in my p ..... this6th day of December. A.D._1386 A. MT. GLEASON, sEAE. Notary .Pubfic Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and aels direetly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. F,end for testimoniale, free. F. J, CHENTEY & 00., Toledo, 0, Seidl*. Druggists, 7Sc. Elall'all'amily Pills are the best. The poor have little, beggars none, the rich too much, enough not one. So leave an inheritance to your orphans. ••••*• MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. The "Balmoral," Free Bus t?„612tipt Hotel Carslake„BurirrZa: dPalyant;:t G.T.R. Station, Montreal. Geo. Caarslake le co., prove!' AVENUE HOUSE --744.12111,t tit; eitso per day. ST. JAMES' HOTEL--°Picasite G.T.R. Depot, Railway. Eirst-olass Cornmerolar 11:=.1,ca ifilfaactg.inra: provementa-Rates irsoderate. He has changed his one -eyed horse for a blind one, as is said of a man wh'o changes from aafe to cheap fra- ternalism. . W. P. C. 1010. CALVERT'S Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Clint. merit, Tooth Powders, etc., have been awarded 100 medals and m diploas for euperior excellence. Their regular nee prevent infeoti. ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. F. O. CALVERT & MANCHESTER - ENGLAND, are said to be the best judges of Tea in Europe, even the poorest classes being large consumers of the very choicest Teas grown in In- dia and Ceylon. The Teas most in favor in Ireland are rich, strong, liquoring kinds, similar to Canadian THERE 13 HOTH11,10 OleaftP OR INfltl D CEYLON TEAoe m,)montd try it. Led paagi. 25, i5, 4O 85 xm4 0 , 0 sr OVVItiOd Is sure and has cured thousands-4mo pronounced Inctp.,eble• Welt" ae ene tooklet end rreatorierequest, Aftdreat , Tho'SWISS,AMERICAN CO.1. Windsors tint, Canada ti a s GRA Oak, 13GIATIOA, 1101101,1Lalt, FLAMMATORY,, 4MM* 1.LIMIPA+30, FIR131114110 PARALYSIS. Surriitaa ANGIER, PETROLEUM EMULSION A most efficient substitute for cod-liver oil, pleasant to the 'taste, and agreeing with the most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians in the treatment of ail throat and lung troubles, and- if results count for anything -almost no limit to the good it can do., Sinielehettie to erlY Address on cif 40 center to cover potitege. Angier Chemical Co. tAcItut:,'," Toronto 0 Is da are as W TO critc A c01,0 114 ONE DAT Take TAxative Dream Quinine Tablets. AB drugKiits refund the mane,' te it ralli to care. r.5c. if, NY, Grotto% aitrantnre Won each bor. Mammon is the largest sieve holder in the ' Music Teachers Wanted To sendAter out gioUFIIDPC:6!0)41 ttgl! and other rnower, toelme.e bent results cuseen UN W and SPECIAL RATE tThe Olavorou COMMi$610/1 Linilte :urpl"plyegererPyliludsrg Oor.Weat.Marltet & 0 olbontoSt., Teraina, TEACHER In Canada Whale:, Bolo 4eo tea Yong* $t.. TORONTO. ONT. TORONTO Pt 01111desirmrs of ' Catinurimal Fitting pad4mriars. '3!A* I**4n 1044ol1nteet war harclacts itssgtteriaitesil neva ereor. Alec* r octoao au color. Uwe sr Beta,v,Gies4ing 00,, 3liOlar041. HARRIS a OUP, COPPER, /IRAs*, Wholeooloolder.onersonlevreerbotoolt.-. WILLIAM $T., TORONTO, POULTRY, BUTTER, Race, APP ES carters cow CURE 10o. Cures% II jiffy P., lao• , Cornaact lc Ca, Agents, liontsno.I. , , THE DES MOINES INCURATOR-lieet and (Mealiest 0. Rolland, sale agent for thoDerointen. bend Set, stamp for catalogue. 373 01.Panl Street, Montreal Sausage Casings---LeVratgrnsaligi etwo. Hog Casings -reliable gooda atdphtpries. PARK, 331.$A.0KWEItT, 4 CO., Torouto, Catholic Prayer Books,R.I.efcro. antes, Scapulars, Rollglout Pictures, Statuary, era Church Ontamensts, Eduoational Works. Mail orders resolve prompt ;thew non. fr. & J. &MIER &CO., Montreal. MARION SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed U Bugg, Rats andldloe. Bold. by all Draggling, or 381 Q111100, W. Toronto. R o OF I II C and Sheet Motal Works. ROOFING SLATE in Black, Rtglrent lastatais,rloaLroeniC15to °eon% (k\Vert,surrecilt, Coal Tar chi! soornig TILEISce New City Build, lug* Toronto, done by our Arra). fetal Ceilings, Cor. aicesoate. Estimatea furnished for work complete orf Inateriale slapped to any part of the country. Phone 1963 DUTHiE4 SONS, Adelaide &Widmer StagToronto Farmers intending to Seed Corn Note This. 1 :lie th n ag r eb a keg afaol coloting corn to Mineral Extract prevent crows from picking up corn when planted. 1 bad 14 acres of cant last year on my 135 -acre farm and had the seed all golorot and had not one stalk disarmed by crows. T also claim it es good as a heavy coat of manurs re.falgi,sgt grorkrichen lhfeellng sof well Vi=taars who' v!rish to buy oarg aas baot'cagsroar3tid asretzlii in their orders not later thanPeb. 1s1. 51110 11 box colors 20 bushels, price $2.50; largo box colors 60 b5 u hels, price 4500',will be sold for $4.50 if ordered by Ite3.1513. Taman, cash with orders. No orders taken after March 1st, in order to get them all packed end slapped before April hit directly at G.T.R, and 0.P,R. for shipping. Every box of Extract guaranteed to sive satisfaction or ramiel reinnAdeDdR NEW KAUFMAN, Fergus P.O., Ont. Odorless CHEAP MANITOBA FARMS tor Isles Improved ao unimproved. Oeuvillth Intending settlers aril and get benefit CI Intern ye 11.1ginciT4: At14 XID fra V=1"!YIT%- 111R lig Pg throat, node - and bladder. &ea $10303. NTrtte tor norticulani, 'rho xnaiaa catarrh core 00,0,40 St. Seines -PL. Moraren. , MM* & Halo! B \rrIsters,ete.,remove4 to WesleyElidgis., Melo Mond w..Torenten Dyeing 1 Weaning For the very best aendyour work t eh. ',BRITISH AMERICAN OYMNO GO.' Look tot e.grot In rout town, or send (Hoed, Muntreal,Toranto, Ottawa, Quebec. WE ARE OFFERING TO INVESTORS s't1g4.1.Tritokqr"Aat'aViningligtentia:srit414 mesh devinene,,PIL seedy. Parties wanting safe 01414 'profitable Investment should correspond with The Sun Savings and Loan Co.7 TOrOnt011 Moneyloaned on favorable terms; nonfat wantod bi un representaddistricts ; write na, Michigan Land for Sale. 000 ACRES 5000 FARMING LAH0S-ARENA.0 1•If Iona. Ogernaw arid Crawford Comities. Thiene* fect. On Michigan Central, Detroit k Mackinac and Loon Lake Railroad*, nt prices ranging from. SE to 661 per acre. These Lands aro Close to Enterprising Nes Towns, Churches, Schools, etc., and vitae golden on reasonable+ terms. Apply to 23.12. PIERCE, Agent, West Bay City, Mich. Or LW. CHIRTIS, Whittemore, Mich. iloanitlion Line STIEAMMASIHLIOR Portland, Me., to Liverpool, via Halifax. Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, Dominion, Cambroman. Rates of passage :-Flrat Cable, $50 upwards; Second (U6171,835; Steerage, $22.50 en,i $23.50. For further information apply tolocalasents, or DAVID TORRANCE tic GO., General Agents, 17 St. tonts,ment St. 'Montreal. Cheapest and Best Covering In the World. mica PIPE sAorER Covering Steam and Rot and Oold Water Pipes, Cold Storage Pipe& ICitoluni Boilers, eta - Far particulars apply to MICA BOILER COVERINC CO., Limited, Toronto, Montreal, and 'London, Eng. •••• THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. 00 BREAKFAST -SUPPER, JAS. R. ARNETT, Manager. JOHN J. MAIN, Supt. and Tim ri Closet. . . Phis:anew and most useful invention has not only tfromv1;dint:alaotiali 1000 are but bon et toanhdundirerths., nounce 11 absolutely odorPegss and saniiary in wiFefar respeot. After being in the market for over two years this closet has become so popular that the manufactur- ers have had to double their output in order to 10001 13* 'For Catalogue and Price List write to The Odorless Crematory Closet Co., Danultcm, Ont. CAN -Arai PERMANENT Loan a,x.td Savings Company. IsConroaaTne 1855. The Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort. gaga Corporation, Paid-up Capital, - S.:1,60°,00o Reserve Fund - - 1,200,000 Head Offloo-Toronto St., Toronto. Branch Offices -Winnipeg, Man., Vanoouver; 5.0 DEPoSITS RECEIVED. Inter'est allowed. DEBENTIJEES ISSUED for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 year* With sot eromt ooupons attached. MONEY LENT on sedurity of real eatate mortgages, Government find MIX laiCiPai lianii, eta. For farther particulars apply to J. HERHISRT IHASON, Managing Direoter, Taranto Th Canadian Heine Safety BOILER Esplanade, To Opp, Sherboerne et.,oront ---- High pleas* 'Outer Tube Stearn oNors, for All P1'6831,11108, , ' Duties and Fuel. ' , seNu FOR RRSCR1FT1VE,CATALO0i16. , , lj`?re;1‘to.FEr,Itectrclic 0(5014 (1, Lunifuoi,. { Reifellge3 1.11' 1%.ia'''';''''''"tli: '''ke'l ' The 0 uttu PoOolu,1tt ,:ber The Wilson Publishing Oc., Limitcf7, altar l'orata0. wbOrs bOi tool rnsy be Neon world -Ur