HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-15, Page 6t T RE EXETER TIMES FIGHTING Ititn4 DOMINION PURIM. iStrong l'osition Atter Some Bad ers (iet a Surprise McDonald. Ite- e$ Boer Attaok. tt firig.ede, aed Battery' aett Ihinto Leeteere, arrived -Jr4 44..ro,14 4 tee, lhoodoeteltrerts esetoseee tee oat to.4- Luu.s.ots, T" •Coor 0404 uf t114 4t, art' Wzt. oeer the west, teryieg, grottaes. a the troopa autfered ettaeoterettly /rent the heat, eller. the- lack oe. wooer. ttestoethee otesie s Tae toree bivouackea at, hhoot;noe-- 'L'^i'' 4141"." '"4"" I" 1 -.h -u gs" he -g arift, and bad their iiret brush .,44, 0 .0i....4. .4........4...t....,... ,•,.,1,;..i.,....1. .w.0.11er4may st haver,. 1; 4-' "'"'"'"'" " 4.'4' `'-v-4"-' The Laneers ascended goodoos jor'44, tetra kopee, au d found a Doer oatrof 4 4,e .1,tk.i iti.44 04 eadeeseatee iey toe eihatho th,t the nhaer thue, hunts were Bet.sau te 40.4 r...c.i.4. 4.?...P...44.. .....rhtenhuilSen.e" hut tbe _utters, who were esthete., nine 11.11,.....4,44. '4.4 .44... 14. 4 11F U. es , to.ctt by k•urpriEe, heti. utthest :tot eh :•-•'-'3 '144"4"144 '‘....".. "'-'4" , ,t). cavalry patrol afterwards found the Beer; in poesession ot" tbe ridgea as-aothe ttee Leaseaett "4-4 "V .14...`"`tt‘" t0 the north-east, which they emelt:at- 44 li*t V.'" """ "14"."-°''' ""'"-"" ed a.ter a few Adige tut Itie approaeh Ah. ° -`-'•th" ''''"a.t' h ruh"' ' 4hhe ""e the mein body of cavalr,e. 6 The infantry wos not engaged. ;teas,- doesS hake"' tn "dt° h"'-'4 ,1 Kapitie dare contra:Inds the road _ from Kixateriey to liose Town auri .1.10.441Ig, .1144Co 1.0 1V.al,...0 k4a. ....e&0-4..4 4.0 I.- tet_ethe arteetete etteseee. hete•hso* ".- Dtetglate The Boer leagers are a tt3'" "4,0'4' ki!"" "4'4 "*""u"' "1 4 ,hiameelhoek antl Gritteteeown. wieh- 34.etit sta,p,Itev$ 1,444 %.14,4.e,; ...4 ct4v4"1 harthing di:stance. Steett, ' A ttrong force of the enemy is atf- atedlemed LOSle .1.110i...0 hen I li Cly coneeeeretiug to op, o e Choler:1 to ooed„,„ tt„ea 4L I' ,,,,,m,up ! Maed onald, who e an val lin the ne'gle- eteeet-teetteeat henrhood hae prevenhed the twO cow- ti.......tehe tot ho, hate. et. 4...4.... 10311dOeS from eotning, I et14.. 4 .404...4• .1..&,6 0,4•it. La 94.4.40 404,..14- SEhlOND IN COhleVAND. Olt At. .;,.-,4 to ,..0...., 4•4••1•1•••••••,.., 1•14.1 ... teit,lc. ii•I.14t:4 1.111 1/..ts140 •$A J.1•1/441. to, eur A deshololt frorn Ottawa eaYet- SuoerInteniene lieseher, of the North - What is Going (mitt Olar Legislative Halls Down at Ottawa. 04 olden times, betore the fights be- gan la the arena, there WAS the PTO- eesaion, with. biasing truraPets ad flhing bartnere, To -day the speotathe shown ferth in 011 its splendor. be gladiators are at work with ergy, The galleries ot the House of Copan:twee are crowded, and ota both skieS /a. the geese a fairly large re- preeentation a members. VIE SENATE. hn the Senate Hon. P. Casgrain, • French4 olot•ed the address in reply O the speech frera the throne. In glowleg tertus he dwelt on the toy- ' f his Vrench-Canadlan ftzre-fte- there to Britieh susremacy, kle htiety referred to the deeds of ha Salaherry at Chateauguay, and Mi- ca'. this portion of his speech hy axing that the Queen could rely $1r t.134:les 14,,A.14 ta *ea at- affairs has not yet made -up its mend ett the question of prphileittng the, ex- partook:0a; sawlogs Or ether timber out upon Indian reserves in Ontarto Ino.atEh:444-1.Trean4oedf nSaivUftge:lidOVnr.inTghethde'epa‘Grnit: meet was; at able to eay evhat quan- hey ot eimber or sawlogs cot. upeet ahatervess to Ootario was, tauring the Met season, ef navtgeitens, eaPerteet to the 'Dated Sitodes, Mtn tiancy wee told by Ithr.' lug Shah the eapiter GUM. ;•••*314•- hststst3..te4 whitett a yeatly oE WW.15.10 4s void, by the Dormatten of Vattatia, 3011111Y" to the Pro: insee Oatarto eettebee, eottle wed he drawee out by the ProvInetak Govern- ment; and ueted. for the erdtoary pug- PoteS of the Government, hue that at tho reenest it the Lottal Legmlature od with the agnetion ovLomin- tteonealloimvievrinoe.01,eennaltenittem. ight etsee. for Xs. Devitt ratteed for eorTe pondenee relating to seed gado tudettieduees, §0:604gly nrgea teat betadeate.e Le releaetel -rere their bonds. on aectnalit at seed goalie indebtedness a ether parhei as the Government. hed um_ le evoeeruhrt bye iitbeothieenhara aeebtri Ly the deb- CLAYTteNalITILW41-1, TREATY. IIARKETS OF TliE WORLD Prices Of Grain. Cattle. Che.333, 4ta In the Leading Marts. Toronte, Feb, 13.-eWheet- West- ern maekets were active and genet.- atly firm. to -day. Locally Celearto spring and Manitobase are realms]. eirmer. Ontario red white, 05 to d01-20, eeemaling to neernees to the milt; goose wheat 70 to 701-2e, one- siee; and egging-, east, 601-2 to 0,c; Me.nitolea No, 1 hard, 79et North Ithy, and at 791-2e, g.i.t. Piour-aSteady to firm, Outside ranee= latex et.raight natter, in boy- er,s bags, middies freig,hts, at §-.6,iper bb..; and eePore agents bid $-te5 ;Spec - tot brands, in woe:4, tor loeat aceount, FROM IRE Newsy Items About Ourselves and Or Neia.bors—eoraething of Interest From. very Quar- ter oef-ktN11:1)°41°,13e. The Torooto Pe ice Commissioners have eoforoed the Chters reeommen- dation for an inereaee of the force. ebOrunatra;4.114.Legislature will Sleet O ip $0 moiffited men fer "Booth Africa BI•Tri%n_stsolraind,:i has rh4ai:eodff::,450dD teforefttieo Patrietie Fund. Doon Verenette, Manitoba's ol lest hteneer ie dead at St. 'Norbert, aged .04 years., eitel aronne sa bas U the neld ecior through Western On- : 4at"::1 ttoco, u4-jr; :,r417,s1113orrai::ts sq.:11;1:4a rile...TinliticihNinetni,171,03Tr atthet*N°aluirnagl de'5altrIsis, ailoa it'r°Rdea4ni/hOtelev,"eibells,r4Setdettv! torn -Steady. No. 2, American, yet, art Proltehey fatealy burned in the itaot qu.0,e4 at 4,04 track,. thtrentn„ I delt‘Trettleazt cohretehaemylieort‘neneoatr, h\vollon! p WAS he devoted lOyalty of all the vett- otiott in° the p.e...s etateatsross that unsha, ht hanaoote, canal rapeha a Canada. Turuinz, to the epeeoh Canada had cOrt,ePted to the as-rog-- le2e• track, Toronto. g, Peas-clap:taw) tam alas ta dep:140, tel ey t.1,117i b ea therterel to transi.trri redti . 41143e4 tl°verurneRt'S ;I:*1-1 Sir WU r a Laurier t‘id the Cto.ern, (;gs,t, s if of Fehrtutry. roue the throne, he devoted some min- titon ef the Clay tortelhe wer treaty. tie * Toe Eidereameater stearrisbiplelone utes Canaha's t resent prosperity. e 0 :24 4.01Telen.. orinuew.. Strathewia, a lieree to South afeetia, Cor tote, Sea. itertii, an.* west, 6.0 aro 641 t at am mt. in iteepening tho canals, wil1011 W0014 141‘144 e Joe Ott Init HArley-Firm. Car lots of Q. 2,,mid. Tuc iteoor4 ot th,) 4t; 01.1* was to give greater facitity for the .kiwer the queat on, 1 u, we (hi noi ilia (lie *mow, eoet one east at ate, tutu hatigahno thnnhant hate au,„ “Ansl,ortation of I:To:ince from the in-: ha Calladit 45 In the tn ed Slat 5 W5 ItYd.---Virm. car lots. am wt, and 1,oin,ett ear, Tees. tholes ot Ntufttre141 ••••••••••••••••11 Dyspepsia, anti I ncitgestiOnl common diseases, but hard to • cure with ordinary remedies, yield readily to Manley's Celery -Nerve Compound. W. ti,Buchineliam, 396 gine et, East, ttentitten, oat., says was troubled with DYSPepslo ond Indigestion lor a tong time, ond 'could get no relict until 1 tri.td Alamey's Cele ry-Nerve Compound, which cured ;no, and 1 cannot .4; •, • HANGED AT SANDWICH. tturderer Levi Steuart rigs I hr WOO. oenalitt A' despatch from Windsor says: - Devi Stewart, colored, was hanged in the courtyard a Sandwich gaol, The exact' iun perfectly satie.actory every pa r. ieet The condemned Man w Iked .0 the Leaf old with 4 firm step, and in a elear voiee he said, "Cootishye, gen tauten, I hope to meet you all in Ideas en." Then placing lelm- tit the trapdoor, he „asked Rad,. ei whe her lie was steratiog right A few -eeoeds la er the drop .011. S ewart was the self -eon esssd more derer of James RoSa, an old eolored - farmer, at Sandwieh East, lhoeheree al the mative. Hpanish geuda‘role have, Linear+ hod Carlist areenal in a. house in Place- ta, capitol tbe rwlvinee of that Irne; and seized 100030 cartrialgeti large quantite a arms. lane ;test toue to the sta. Tnotoug to ,ht ee.vets cer rl..1 sof 0.it oe te, and e144t. tireneV141 TrAL,41? Atithitg.:4- a the the sendiug Caeadian treoes to :IT: 1,1M :41tm 144 °4' /""tis' 144;kr "111" Oitte-A ellatie Cornier and in good tem oi Sootti defrica, fu ly entlareed the ae- anetoot. - to . e • ' • hoot; ca4eP sPaattiMx haVa b000 oete, nee he on (loot de deneultd. White oets north One west "ty* nhedido TT's lams, atio ; hod, pox ted to the Proviecial 13c:esti of oed-otto id 1,0,.'4ra Mciuntecl Pu'tu h 1'411 be secun'l ion of th.* thovertim ut. He defended . tleattle ot flu:hes retain St- Pruned eel: het teettiese g rtth- ocmgmmor utT,Ls. e7 1-4e, noi 044.. g„,0 10 CO:• e004111 tri o.. . . . tin_ets r be Illitskwheatst-Quiet. Offeringe otanomea,,aa vouuty, ewe two from t C033'S Horse The relielster ifeye Ihell "°° hen' Ile van ?et entlitIvie la 10 tith• otiorgo 04 t Car toes outside gouted et *Id tO (,' a • n u County Not , .. • 444 44 flotation ,..-4at,•.• a at ettel, la f..X1 NV .0C4.7, 04. a‘44..ti 41,74,444, tuO 1.4&.....&.& 4 s -.to J 4*.• c 414 UW44 tater. tei 1 oot he able to ow:onyxes the vt me which. if not strictly in acterelane,redistrls ut.on hill. Daffaite Pen. 13.-oSiaing w-Wat mie had proved fatal. 1141et,14 1.•to e list f efficele tor a hey or -111 tile ictter or the eolletitto.o -....- jr. eel, tcn nilt.Ftannit 410 nn/e4C1- 1 h'inn l NO* I Wird, 16 3 -de; Nu. Inert - he Lie ebeinaisAt., s, Ncribwostorn two It is not yet settledl whether Tl i ri .andt Ach • e r , ti the emeingont wt.!. will from St John ' - Sir Ideal Devote Itas inhs to thoeo s No. efieeing,s. Corn-eleirne; No. 2, yel- of the Ettgunruth h Nanahaoh 'toad to Lion was lo hardions with. the oublie mend na the -om o o 1. d otelse, So o-8 to 7::i hette. hit neer weeat- thuthay nth, toQuiag 1,,z, the eateneesa ' leorse, ta, sell the eentling of Mr. Chirlton gtvee notice oe Ws" I 1 a7 .1,..1,,;. ta , d Lh R „Iway vounpitteo ot renown ens credit On eineitdst. In laa. r- sPe e i tg gz•ain eer-1OrS 0 t 0 OttS--,5tearly; No. 4 wette, 2,9 tole; ° r Is I lli keixe c.t301.14..4.4 Cd. e +41.1.:t.e4 Toxe Minister of Maditia this niter- ate:hese-Le raj; . 404. nona vecei.red Col. 0„tees cAti:e an- t g4 treuneine tbe deoth 0 3. F.. Fnelett of t othhhh toto „tot, tot o ttet, Thorn -FL at Bement. The m ssage e, ntimout. Atheeing to Lord ethothe. the IP/ate' Aet and safety a ships. low, 1d7 Irt to 3? 1,4 e z No. 3 yellow. the north end of vats eettver I laud, etentingent be his Lortishie would bort:1%111 -he Critnin (oe Pooh- mixed, 36 3.4e; Nee 3 mtated, 3.1 We. tits tart! h hieegistture, " eat tem* la*. t tor-tirs ntles le o. ite8-2eNo, le. 8e; LA 4 ,B.11:4, P., 00. iqf • Y ." 1 1 -t ae.4 ba Of intelor ()sear re.leti,r, who t ri- tile lair°. grail of lune -------------------------------------- No. -------------------------- 4 mixed. leic Nohas*ht Tho overdue oteam:,:bio t !lop , ,.. 4,1- 4.44. 4.2uo oteettore ;tote ta t.•./, .41.14 night. ha.* Da, heenatod to I tar:, iiie lteart a vane, e. 1-2e. ite--No offerings. 1.'inur -1,1 front 0104gow, has arrived at ;Now L0 .; 4.0.1, 4,.a ho ‘.:10.: S. 7 ...i ...V.: ..,V it".U.. r.v.,,u,- rora STRFINCTII 61e115. ee a esthote. tart:Keen tInt hIlle DT. the Mr D v s wil" mei e "-Cr the ap. 00 - irlteldy. i York. I rarease tot tat, toot..., oe tate tatteuiett cash. 74 3.,u.; No. ,1 i.c..,4,1 dot 2:;p4setethtactahtlueeirn.rt,,,ateehtt wtraortaial.xoeu, IN ,ii.A,^C. W...94..w 4 .41. %A ..44.4 0..4.4 le146 ' .A. desplteh foora Now haat says:-. elsunly 111.1 1h;., flag oh Engiand• Mew o' a rail ay cornmi son Detroit, Feb. 13,--Wleeateeelosedtee. setosteet teseat toe 414.ertil 1.e.41.$4.0.4 V.4+00.. . C ••-. ' "ti ' liOn• Chall'i' iitt:Pre beeOnd•11 ale' Ntr Ilri i n w 11 it: ' nee '4 11 1 to No. 1 whitt., ,..u,L, i4.- li,,itizi, we,,,-..‘,..--..t..,,,..4,34t.,t, nec4,,.4,4..,,, .&&41 .4...- co.44. %I, ..1t4a, .1.1444 4.4 , 401,183ww.: 14 9.4....1 .rtozn4ti.: A.I.: 1,44,..ra 441.e.xmict3041, 1444- 0 VU1344 . . ., . . 1 1 . , , men whose retatious with the Boer mien: s. lle .1tanglit the foci. thtt, the further amend ibe Witvling-ro A. t rash 7.! 3 tt; .NtliY 7,, a- e, JULY. 73-, 0 everywhere, 4VO`rmaro,ria tirevent the use of his t.gUr: A II or the lest. the months erode,•-• 4 fur lier , m n 1 .ho C'E-u n 1. .O0,'31E1w:tut:P. kseh 3.-Whew,-Iii:=;h4r; Tuc bc.,,,es of checciater 4,104 to troot51 'au.% s,nds thIs fir it =orate state- e , i vo mole oi 4 ra.1, of ..,,;.;;44„tpu.. 04,4 ao,I tO era nd. (le Loin nion Idle t ons Nht. 1 Nor.bern, 68 tu tele; No. Id Nord It- . of 14. rell strength, and hopes elniwot .leat eotheratulations on the Act No.to Ilarli,y-Firm;tbaTel\ht°4444Alvvu :::svilehr4eeall 414$4ribuwi. 40 crn, 03 14 to GS 1.2c. Ryo-iligher t ^ v aced , • I, W •nberg 11-).3. 4irnay sa 9 1 pales des- grow It a etanatitatt trad-e matre in or- ,---0,...--- WEAK AND YdgArilf 1119M4N vireo A fILAL ffliaND OOPT11. AMERICAN leglIVINgt gitrfArti he was s cynie, but some one bus raid that In tblo age there are healthy women, Tito ego has Many we. num, strong and uobie physically, as tbey are mentally sad inomilyt hilt It Is true neverthelese. that n large per- eeittage a :Ito wo. men ef the eciautry putter from nervome, nen and general Ile - 1011r7. Y ero aut it weary existence, and tech day ti 1 437 Pain TAW suffering. Tbls was *he vase Mill Milse Annie Ptitterion. oA 4aviirille, N. Sb...k suffered terribly from Indigestion and nervonswss. v19•1 influenced srme one, sornenow, to try toontil American Nervine„ Of course, It wee Ilbe bopitur avInst hope -smother patent medicine, lint she bad vamp only one bottle wben be r systNn begin to take en tbe befall) of earliest yelrs, and after utiles titres betties! she was coin iletely cured. No wonder slio 19 strang in her conviction tbat there Is no remedy South Amer/. 411111 NervIne.-2e. Solo by C. Let; lo i41 311.1•4.1.• t'aift4 0.411, • rtC may rered urton a,, eolith i ITER BANK 11OBBERY Tae aneuat devoration of the ,-404110 tii a..toarmatt. wtatt (44 ilu,:rn 41.40e pat:11 to the Woh2d• U`15 5tntelnent dor. Ile *hen pate a :ketch of the or- - 46eI sample, a; to 40e. '1"".44 44;1, The nunwrival strength of the array ,hat the war was forced on Minneanosie, Feb. 13.--Whont-Ifeh,,i et Xing eltar;e I. in Tiafalgar Square ioin .ht trona,: in the T3 anwitul. • note that Miele with England had 4 G5 letle; May. U'4.10,to cr,7..te ,licy to en the anniversary of hos eaetuttou tn. DARING SAFE -CRACKING OPERA., J`dtvr.ilern, 5.:Fv; No. 2. 11 -Fe. F A moluter meeting of il.ndu$ a tiZi, .,., -----------------000 .6 ,..ti tilt. LP. 4" , ‘Viik'h is epposing Ihrighind is as fol. area Ilritein. It was gratifyitig t 1th 67 14e; No. 11zaral, 67 1.40; No. 1 1631 took Vlore Fr160,1% ''' 40,,., tti""'"' .."4"144°3' ni 3' "1"=",'"'" South if.rienn 11.144.4.- c.adiers 28 000 erea Q.I. I. was expeeted that the TION AT DANVILLE, QUE : Toledo, Vet). 3 -Whea, -No. 4 eltli, Aloliantinowitut in the Town Hall at 11::.t.. 1.,;.-Veutto, ad 1.4t., .1.1;.w.i.a eit.som,0 orlur.T.,0 Free state soldiers. he...etre-10 defielency in pot; al reeentte, emote- 174 1-2e; May. :3 1-2e. Corti -No. h Caleutta paesed a reeolution eepresse 1L.. 4 4,00. I, troid4a. . , ' htitlanders. . . . . . . 13 (43 weuldi tp-rdily righ itself, ------------------------------------------------------ * •4lrtred, toRye-No. i 01;h, see. meat to the throe°, and deciding to tie, atettoe.ve eltiatintelt entitlement: ; Natal nutea, , , , , , , ei,000 The d3113 V 00 th., address was r Seettr., the $5,009 lrttLen triton the luvd-1/1111; pritne, rash. old, offer prayers fur the Vietury Of the tit 4,e.'./-. sln: 4 railin8'm cou•lidt1116' too i Same Colony Dutch. about . 300 FUMNI by Mr. hltitdalldre, who aelsed reoulide itenu. ITIVelt Tlio Ira 1 $4 3;, Fehrttary new 85,05; March, , Brno% In all pfand, Of worentp. The atet a tottairtantei oi ttat mot feettot • S1533; No. g reed, 44.5.2 I.,2 to l.i/Ci. Oil meeting also subsertbetl ti3.00iF rupees u•lia. th • Cteverninent It tit to :haw for »hided Amoug.t "flient• Lititt.:. '-'t I V.Ev-1 AD); l'it'F' ,RFLIFF OF LADI":-1IITII ERTA1N. 1 . . . Y , t utt ti..xivelt,,,,I. . It p. (. timid t ought Cider Detective Cale enter was nottfle I i (hell, 07 0.Erc; No, I Northern., 1 ,"clerr Et4tiraira4 Lord Cltualirdies Beres - i, ea tif elle country lie mut a atodel of A deslia'tell fr°81 lVf°11treal so s- 13.--Wittiet-No ewes etmetuded. Total. . . . . . othe thsor It tre tzt tteprovieg the proepere getter a dr tie. Tuft Loot eat h Di i- i elettler hela pt . uoly lit . pmaient of the contingents „ meta bee in eat.;,.. Atolet qr 1,2. 4.1..:.. :nye:- s his Ashton, Reiter Is _ . by le rt•a 'lett:tin, Ile advorat eti not columiit t etQl eabrly lili lay tnorrhing at 1*.eNe.orotliaoth411121111torthlitit iNt2,(rh. of a tiat•Ing bank burglary teat was oa 1.8th may, ha thse; hu..y, thothereshi'h.' ford has gone to itt ilea to take come he0.1.4.11...ing.,3000,1., man, d of the zeitond division of the British etthli. er ratee di fleet. • .1 .1. ei.ve /rent le:latent .5,iys:-.The A deetia.ch trout Spearmants camp to at, a lomat to oh, Ittr soldiers tett e , .. ii0+10 vtldi,440110 auP tnamigreut Boers. . . 5,0114 aeon: on , the oet•readt. in the rale, 1-1e. 0a;F-Dull ; No. Eng unswerving loyalty and attache (Lei. Ma, matte a feitie to attater. the ' ligh ing contioues on the mall nolo e,, powor took up the hheeeh between 2.84 and 3.30 o'clock blew open.' .P11.01 1.1,10. Intl war ot tee•-gtves t e . la o be , bu the dr.11iate of more men. I le, ue to. . gang o tax men k htto, aureate:a toy tu front. Tuft 45- hank of the Tugal 3 between . the /rem la. throne riathe by tirade. un the vault doors iti the branch office; ve•Iltih„,,,d4 -racht)1(hrtlet:13. eitiatalfy11,111. jagthatige.;:len°ruitt.hluegatehudt111.13eintsQ'aitid:p115:11:i.galtnighthnal,aahni the tiell beetertee. puxv.yrE hlEhlteleaS' DAY. ' situated itt the central -portion a the' and limed at 15,e, Tenease lots will object of Dr. Leyds in \net; ing Paris, it is reported at Berlin that the chief „atitie, aid euitemettee.ly under i net uf Laoy eni.h by way uf Onderbruek, and :from th, charge th unnecessary dewy. go awaY wtth 65,0.'0. Ille bank Is freeli at 10 to 18e No. 2 at 13 to 15v; are bel ling the po 'Ilion above Pot- -, Th.: infattery auvanced steadily to- „gle.eree drift. whieli they took in the ' • sell at •a fraction below these figures. Berlin and $t. Pmersburg is to induce wage" the Dom' et:treat:lied pusition at figh, •Moneay night. Th.* Doers ate ' Thurseiay w.ts :ha fire /ovate mem.. ' Potatoet-Tuele te tu tba sq.. m Prance Germ ..ny and Rus -ha to in,er- Dradomeia. and. Itt•Pt tne enemy fishing stubborely. anti the losses on her." hay a the, session. It was As the men approiachett the bank ; the Market. Car lots are sold on tan k vene if Great Britain should attempt bo, h :Owe are eetenning very hsaey. It u efi largely for the introduction of hu ily employed. Waile sine eittersion was being made is believe,' the Boers are prepering to billi, whieh are of varying degrees of the reetaomer cif the. bainntry were fall heck o bruin rh., kloo., whore h y impor,unee. believe heir pteition is imprtguable. Mr. Eaxnund Fortier. the newly -el - Te who Lae bivouacked :Sunday Gen. Ly, t beton is not only holaing 11:8 eu el member for Leth.htniere, de crib- nigut under Muunt Ahee moved ateng teen, eu, bat managed to drive the ed him elf as an Intlependen• Liberal. Colooel Wynne Le hav.. ' When he took hi t seat he \yes tee- the feet ot tbe etwartz kop ia the, tli- eonmer haele• ,ing grea eueress in Ids operations. plauded by boili 4ides. rhem of our right. : Mr. Ingle: tu int redured a bill to The first of the kopjes was carri- i CA.NAI)IANS. ALL WELL. amend the Franchise Act of 1898. He ed a, the point of the bayonet with _ . . . , .8. oespatelt frtm Montreal says:- wents provision made that the Can - the, utmoat gallantry. . h f: t , Allan steanashiP people here reeetved ad:nos now in houth Africa shall b * Dane* 'f". • h t t gated:, fortatug part en lieu. h‘ tart:Ws secer.ain. eausl was In iiverel at the outtett, un- forette 131 1,12 3444 the Boers. reviewee :he Tranteetal debate of last 01 the People's Itank of Halifax, and dub- of various regiments, Inolud ne Id tter toner of .late reasal AluUnt Eni".c41 14 h'i,c con.m Lnd he rodd to eession. to1,1 tlefended tht 00V erianteut t • • • bitot lots of new laid eell at eel beta members of the Lancaehire husillere. they met a young man num;41 Lyn- there ai 3S to 404 per begs and at fart:n- est Fisley returoing home Fearing • ere' waggonn at ab,:ut Si to 51 per that he might suspect tiomething bag. Otu• oi ethre. elloiee Stook, bring wrong, and raise an aluAn, the into * heathcL 'h. strong* market. choi.„e seme Delogoo Sly. UNITED STATES, por TWO deaths were eauted by theecold grabbed him, gagged 4011 blindfehicd hand-pteked beans are Werth ham° I weather in Chic tgo the other day, William P. Rittenberg, a Michigan him, and forced him -to enter the to Jena thowered here, and, resell at ;lunaberman, robbed of $060, by the batik with ihom: There they -tied el.75 to hhaitt. , ;green goods game, sae:rehes in vain him. . l -b, adprpltier_hhoecakie,eadepliv, eitl.d,.2 11:11.03: ' for those who vitural ri him. On trying the vault deer they - Isaac Jacobs, a tailor recovered ha -tenon of the iliele Brigade cheered word thrtsthe transport Pomeranian found that their jolt WaS a big one. and tn mai: lots resell at 0 to 01-10; $1,161 derniges riga:Lust the Third Av. evtlaralreayt_ele8alselstotitti:intie.enimaIlo ::tiso.a, tenue Street Car Company, NewYork, NVIL4C11 sailed from Halifax for Cape . entitled to vote if they return before Three doors bah to be forced open be-. for false imprisonment, having been A most. . i y . comb around $2 to $2.23 per dozen arrested for retnhing to pay a second fare alter receiving a 'transfeth r at the beeortd, jopje. Alter moving across c • .) . h the eleetions, and shall not he barred fore tetting into the veult Nitro- per Iti. for 5,10, or Chab. tins; atek in • bad ban improperly punched a long ridge iney bivouacked on the se bY ;my Fresent legag requirenaents as h ne wag used by rest enee, ate. e, a so wants a the burglars. h d d , t e ege.on etachment of the second to "d• H 1 -1- -rue feint o.t.taselt at Potgieter's When all preparations were eoraplet- spun Cenadian contingent for South Africa, el ineerted in the law for the pro - t passed Cape Verde this morning. All drift havieg ..erf.eu 1r‘d purpoee of pre Lection f the franchise a men tvho ed the mei implied the fuse, and re - I, enung the e °mem i at zon of the on teeard were repnrted well. Seven „ . ove from one raunicipeaty to another horses were dead. Fourteen horses died Nvithin a Deanitlital electoral district, e-einy at a. f r.ti a. Fame the Eleventh Brae:Ate e a o tolantrY; and artillery had been sub- ' j°111•13QY well. COURT-HOUSE. je-ted to a severe shell fire, "At 4 p.m., Tueglay the enemy en- A detpateh from elatermareto_ Mr. Ingram also•tasee occasion toex- i eavoured to res apture the position i burg, says t -It is asserted that the Press the oPinion that the present sys- tem of proviacial registration in cities at Vaalltrants. Teey were, however, Nondeveni dietrict in Zululand is now ..e•e eive an ine ea - beaten, ba.:k with los. enurely In possesan of the Boers v . "The'work accomplished so- far who are in strong r athousand' nal. lie hoped the Government would orte. A was; naagnifitently done. , , of them. ettacked the. magistrate's a voters' lists for Dominion hurposes. anaple time to get throttegh their work, ilboisk " a - 1 It and return to the old method "The shell and Maxim fire poured ' guertere aril the laager at Nond- Mr. W. F. Maclean thought that the InakYebudtilYewrciar:°Yl'Ilia:(1d" de"3311) baeze by the Boers has been extremelY ' weal., end demolished the bourt-house system at rezistratio should be ex The money taken wa-s 1" the great- eevere, but our losses, eonwarah ;with artillery. — - n - tended to ael muntelpalities. lively epeakiog, have been entail," 1 The laager eurrenclered ft er an ex- er part in bills of the People's Bank lad "The Durham. Light Infantry took a! h a hi .1 a Mr. Clark Wallace suggested that Ir'alitadh there. Ilan& w. these Some ion t:ue L.:tore/titan, which shows that -where stzeh persorts are rlisfranchised owing to the feet that said two ixtuni- cipalties are not within the same elec- toro.1 distriet for provincial purposes. :the Weetern horses have stood the "1,2 the you. -e of the. operation both sec t..ons. 13aIed. hay -Featureless No. 1 Timo.. John B. McDonald his not yet qual- ified es tha builder of the rapid transit thy will bring e8 75 to $9, delivered 8eD h. road in New York, tired outside to twat the explosion, :: • •••/ se • , Precaution 'was token to bring young resell at about Si) to $92; for choice. Thomas W. Bodger was knocked Maley along with them, Baled straw -Dull. Car lots are from it surface ear at 1251.111 street and BLEW OPEN THE DOORS, quoted at P4 W.l to e5, an track. Seventh avenue in New York by a The explosion opened the first door. HP -Defiers Imre eure e cheice Can- stranger, who followed him from: a As noone in the neighborhood seem- ada, '99's, at •Stk to isc. benk, and tried to rob him in broad ect to have been greatly dtsturbed by the noiee, the men 1 -e -entered the bank and started the work a open- ing the second door. The burglars had c ange at r e eys and all the d • d 11 s were in few prisoners in the course, of their ',inmates • charge. are prisoners. the method of having voters lists • • ' - • rshegolnelidrabtelesauppfelesner those who bwybao sb3,asatembeeean geld, and the balance in Dominion left oSf. - Mr. Henry Ritchie, teenager of the amend the Canadian Temperance Act bank, said that on closing the alive, Mr.. Flint gave notice of a bill to Dr. Reid gave netice a a bintto YesterdaJ everything wets locked up cishaftely.li 1VIr. laitchie lives about . gulate, freight rates on raliw,ays. Mr. Davin -'will move for no exter,- did, not hear of the robbery until Sion. of the !military system. in the about 5 o'clock this morning. On North' -West, ' riving at the; bank he found the tools Sir C. H. Topper will move for it ateg-1 by the burglars' and learned number of papers conneete.d with the from Feeley the circumstances of the administration of affairs in the Yu- Affair' kon. leaving been blindfolded I: isley Mr. Casey brings tor -ward his hill of could not say -what direction the ;bur - Last sessien to facilitat:e drainage on iSlars had taken afteh the robbery, but r.atilevay lands. others gave the infbrination that six Mr. Corby and Col. Domville give men were sseeta going in the dire: tion inotme for papeos in connection with of Richmond: Deta-ils of the affair the. Hughes -Hutton controversy. were immediately wired Jo Montreal Petitions were presented from the and to other poiets. Counties ofr Kent, Welland, 'Stormont, THE GANG CAPTURED RED -HAND - Due -idea and Gle,ngarry, urging, the,. - Eh appoini:ment of a permanent court of arbitration' comPosed of a committee Word was reciived• to -night' that the six burglars had been Captilred, this al the Supreme Court or other k.) dy to settle labour disputes. afternoon tit 'Winds" MI Is' a:Out 1 'Mr. Casey introduced hi,s regular an- frffill Danville nual rneasure, to facilitate drainage on The men' showed LighUi and ths ahd across the lands of railway com- Pc'Ace had to fir on them, wounding Paroes, I -Ie ge.ve the u.sual. explanation two of the men severely: The 115,000 and exotresised the usual hope that the which thoY hot at the bank wae fOrand Govenerne,nt, would fake up the ;Sub- divided amongst them. The men have ject. been locked op at Danville. Mr. Davin was informed by Mr. Sif- The men*arrested gave their names ton that the Department of the In- as Edward McCarthy, Frank Allen, terior base not the means of making ail John 'Williams, Andrew Mort'meF,;ras. a.plproximate estima,te of the nonlife- Mciore, and John BrookeS. The Etle,11 flea crf Cue North-West Terrilfortes at made a desperate resistance, and WO - the present time, tiaras and Brookes -were shot and seri- Mr. Bennett was informed by Mr. Gusty injured. They ere now lodged Sitton that the Depextment iof Indian in the Sherbrooke gaol, The Boer position wield' General CONTI-11,KOTED 4250,001 Butler attacked corisists of 4 line of ; A detpatch from Calcutta, says:- kat:hes strongly entreat:had extend- The Indian Government has eontri- ing from Sion kop three miles to the hu,:ed £50,030 to the Imperial war eastward extremity, -curving sharp- funds. ' 1y southward opposite Awart's kop, and overhanging S:hiet's drift, where a third pontoon was construtted. BOERS AGAIN REPULSED. Koodoosberg Drift, via Madder Ri- ver, Feb. 6, 1.50 a.m.-Delayed by ,Cen- sor. -A strong foros of mounted Boers a tterapted to rush British position at CONVICTED, BUT INNOCENT. Prlsoner Released Arter Serving. Three or Ten 'Years. A despatoh from Morainal, says:-- A'prisoner at the St. Vincent de Paul Koodoosberg at noon yesterday, but penitentiary named Vanden,' a Greek, they, failed completely, not even sue- hats been set at liberty by order of the reeding in learmog haw the position was held. They galloped toward the Britush position, but the British opened a eharp: rifle fire, assisted by twoMaxim guns. '...rhe Boer force increased until it numbered about 1,2-00 Most of the enemy le.aving their horses • in the dongs shirmished bersistently for- wa They failed., however, to move the Diitish, and had themselves to retire before H.15 fire of the British infan- • Minister of Justice. Vandell was seer: teneed three years ago to ten years' imprisonment for a serious crime, but recent faets brought the' attention of the Department of Justice show th.at he was not guiltyt Of the. crime, and his release was ordered. TORNADO IN NEWFOUNDLAND. Root ititheour nevaoatee tufo 20 noo,,eg, Blown Otywn. A despatch from St. Johtf,s, Nfld., pays ...-Anot)aer tornado swept the 1 rY Par ( ies and the ga coast last Monday night. Lark har- bour -was devastated and 20 houses were blown down, including the Cus- toms station and the residence of the Customs °lacers. Ali the families took refuge in their cellars. A Freneh lobster factory, one of the largest on the coa,st, with all its contents, boat, arming• to bank the Boars bering ,he- and fishing gear, was demolished, be - Ing blown to pieces. Three schooners Hector Macdonal( , with tile were driven ashore and dismasted. ',,vhich were, sereened. 111:ET,PATEN TO FLAN -t< BOERS. despatch from London says: -The ang inac;reiv,ity of General Methuen's' drvuon at Modder river :has e lengtlr been broken, a 'movement a.pparerl notes and other bills. Pcultre - Market eary and values daylights - lower. Chiekens jab at 36 to Ne, per The Mayor of -Troy, N. Y. issued. a pleb.; geese, 71-2 to 8 1-2o; ducks,' 4.0 to •Prookain aim calling on a Ztreet ear 05c. per rah.; and turke.ys,,10 Ito llo. onepatiy hampered by a strike either to run its ears or forteit lis franchise. President McKinley conteranlates is - AMBUSHED AND KILLED. suing a proclamation grantiog amnes- ty to all Filipinos who lay down their otaitonot C.intnre Anothar talep• if. S. arms and declaring all others out- laws. despatch -from Sul!lilY Tr Manilaannilul'a says ;,--T be Governors 91 rattny States say that insurgents Monday captured a supply train of nine bull carts' between Ora.ni end Dinahmijan, killing a corporal and. five privates of company "G," 3end In- fantry. The escort eonsisted of a sergeant and eleven, mounted men. The insurgents weakened the supports .of a creek and the first cart went into the stream. While the escort was bunehed trying to haul the cart out of the water, the insurgents fired a volley from the bushes, killing the sit: Americans, and also two native driv- The rebels of Tayabas province were conveying some 500 Spanish prisoners to Libmaanan, and on arriving there the prisoners, exhausted and starved, revolted and dispersed their guards with stones and clubs. They also cap- urod a few rifles and barricaded 'hewed -yes at Libmanan, where they are awaiting the arrival of American troops., , . NO PRO -BOER FOR WINNIPEG. - A despatch from Winnipeg, says: - Rotten -egged, Truhliely -.reviled, and chased around several blocksby an In-- , dignant mOb, was the fate whtchi over- took Monsieur Louis Gabriel, of 'St. Charles who attempted to deliver a pro -1304r lecture Imre late evening. A special cable, despatch. fromi Ber- lin gives Dr. Leyds' views a the Doer terms of peace, including the restore - tion of the territory Previous -1Y' taken from tue Transvaal. the people favor a constitutional am-. endment pro-viding for the election of TJnited States Senators by direct popu- lar Tote. ; Dr. Parkhurst favored thejegal open- ing of stdoons on Sunday, while Har- lem minieters are moving *0 close them altogether. The Rev. Dr. Porter as- sailed the Raines lew as responsible for much vice in Brooklyn. Exeter, Brighton -Roberts, of Utah, the ex- pelled bigamous Congressman, now seeks from the Government $2,000 sal- ary and mileage. Fire destroyed the electric plant and laboratories of the Bellaire steel works owned by the National Steel Co., at Bellaire, Ohio. Loss 5100,000. °her 2,060 raen are out of maployment. The United States Circuit Court of Appeals has confirmed the verdict of 52,000 recovered by Col. A. H. King in his suit against the' Pullman Car 'Company for .being 'wrongfully eject- ed frOM. a sleeping car at Baltimore. A region fully ten miles square on both sides of tie Detroit River wns. shaken by an explosion • of 500 pounds of dynamite at the stone works of the Sibley Qu.arty Company on the Ameri- can side, One 01011 vvas killed,. ' GENE RAL. Mrs. Mazy Gray 'Alexia will p_reent documents to prove her claim to the millions left by General IViexia, a Mex- ican statesman. ' ca'ole despatch from Loudon as- , . . , s W,C`I iiingitsrunen believe ,Te pan will soon strike a blow at Bussia, Me Leaf* Speolallsts of America 20 YEARS IR DETROIT. 250.000 ORB. WE CURE, EMISSIONS Nothing can ho more demorelizieg to youug or viiittilo;40d, men than. Ulu pra. taes of these *nightly losses." They erodueowealtnees,nervoueneste etas -Ilea of illesetstandawaolotrain of eymptome. Teey unfit di man for business, married life aud soolat bappluets. No matter 'whether mused by evil habits in youth, nature weakness or sexual OnCSECtlo our hTew .elethod Treatment will positiVelY NO CURE -NO PAY 'leader, you need hole. Eerie* abuse or later exeesses inay have weakened you. Exposure may have diseased you. YOu are not safe tiu. hired. OarNew Method vitt ouroyou. You run zo risk. • 250 000 CURED Young Man -Ton are pale, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- eitatite. You become forgetful. MOTOR% and, despondent; ,,bletches ond pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal tho blight of your existence. WECUREARICOCELE, No matter how serious your ease may he, or how long you 2107 11400 had it, our NEW LIET1101) TREATMENT wilt etre its The "wormy veins" return to their normal conditron and hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. The organs 'become vitalized, 411 runurt-aral ammo or losses cease mid manly powers return. No temporary benefitbut a permanent cure assured. NO MK% NO PAT, NO OPERA- TION SISICESSARY. NO DETEN- TION PROM BUSINESS. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure _SYPIULIS, MEET, EMISSIONS, IMPOTENOY, STRICTURE VARICOOELE SEMI- NAL LOSSEh, BLADDER AID KID- NEY diseases. CONSULTATION MEE. BOORS FREE. CRARGES MODERATE. If unable to cell. write for a 011,1TRSTION BLANK for BOMB TIIK./t9wrINT. 61, KENdEDYe, KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, EtETROIT, MICH. r 0 ItEllir FAILS 70 0131 somnrirsi Ira!: .izias 00000".•-•-••••••".0.•••••••••••*--.0000 A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS and COLDS ynyPoctoral ,The Canadian Remedy for all THROAT ?alp LUNG AFFGIIONS Large Bottles, 25 cents. d DAVIS tr LAWRSIICO CO., Limied, Q ProP's. l'ory Davis` Pale Killer. w New York • Montreal • 0000"*".".40.‘,".00090 . THE "TI4ES. .•• eteeteetteestaitheate_