Exeter Times, 1900-2-15, Page 4(he Molsons eenk VRlD 13Y PAR.LIAIENT, Plea up Cavite 43.50a0e0. It Foust sessesata 1044 Date , Montreal, evOLFEReastate Teteoeete, Es Osss.a0, >I4NAQFn MengAwnl 447.0,11Ce4 to 4'ood. ers on their a'rin IMO Witaarke or =ere endorser at 7 eer same per annnal. F.,,Toteriiranoh Opee. every tawed day from 1Qa o. toe p.m $4.1'1,11DAYS, 10a, m. to 1 p.m, retteo ntereet allowed ert der:tilts. tiON: CaltalaTte D. IlleRDON. SOuenaUS. 24-0Ltaliza alxcter, Dee, elthesett Calendar for February., 1900, I 11 1$ 25 4 12 19 26. TUFeenteN Wetattegsnex... 7 Teturtspay.... .1 8 Faroe:ea 9 Sear neetese 13 20 27 14 21 2$ 2a. 18 23 17 21 lEt. NOTES igatio at the Parliament Satarday, G. H. own Prosecutor, au - by n ceident the Elgin o from St. Thomas, aftee be- ing re cl it the Parliament Blzilds • zugs t the Coure of sappeat, leaf been destroyed. This is one way of barking investigation. The newepapers are now experienc- ing growsug ;bee in tbe cost of what they have to pay. New peper has advenced a70 a car. Tbe raanuate- turees aecribe the advauce to the higher.. cost of freight, Other leiuds of raper, ink, eta are ;deo gg, up lama the arue VallSe. There Cala be t.MIT etne tesult to this advance; ;an increase lathe charge for peitaing. This in- crease the [subtle will pay mad the rd roztd get the la -neatest. It will do tbe neweperer no gore. The cement ute been so fr bestowed on t1eAlor Offtve q• -ho be etsweewhat c eked hy the btate VIC Int5 Of Z. Wyndham, the kparlia- r leeway. eercetary. Since the war be - gale. be stare Oat hm 19Ne.lven Pero, .. mull Attica over 143,t100 eoluiets, • . ids ale pieces of artillery, rangieg from horse guns to Howitzers. And there are more ort the way. No other Britieh goverment ever accomplisbed euch a task in btlell a time; and not ouly we tbe men sent, but they were well provisioned and suet) augment made for their care, well or ark, as have never been surpassed. All this will have its effect in thee and as it tells the unrestrained erities will Sub- -de. 1R is as berd to describe the Reberts aKitehener plea of Oampaigu as to ateeesure the real desigps ok General _Seller. The eensorship haa created a • sat e of uucertainty, ia which people must grope dimly for fats to iedicate where Robeets a_ud Biteheuer are or what -they may be gobT to do. linei-. ever they are, and no matter what they may be going ta ate the task oe Roberts and Xiteheoer ia All the easie• r by reason of the tactics which keep the Boer's main ay in "'hetet, The ext- •fereseen demaude on the Boer stock of hells, whia heve come from tbe heavy artillery employed in tlee pro- loaged oparetiona in Natel, most have serminsly tespairett the reeources wIdelt were relied upon to prelong the 'fiaal defence of Peetovia. The Boere have used in Natal the gluts and the :sellou- t:talon which, were to be the Inain de- fences of their capital. They may au - ally get the guns out of Natia,but they •veuuta replace the ammunition which they have waeted. Tbe Boers have reached the limits o 1 the othhesive campaign. They cannot, ailvance auother mile Into Britiele ter- ritory. Now that Britalu bas gather- , ed her forcee, the Beers are deoeued to a defensive campaIgn, and ae Gets. Betturegard said of the tutees of the Coufederatee after Bull Bun, tt defen- -en campaignamay make a lopg agony Lt cannot win a .... - e- Ibsz sesou of the Ontario •stature nutter the Ross astratiou opened Tneetlay morning at 3 o'clock by. Si Oliver alowitt, E'very- thing points to a lively eession, m view of the reveIatIons of electorial corruption by Goverament agents sinre thf House laSt. MetMr. ROSS will face the House with a reduced majority, Mr. Hardy'majority at the elose of the sessiou, with North Waterloo Vaivaut. was *ten. North 'Waterloo is still vacant and; the seat of Mr. Garrow, one of the Miuisters of the Crowta'West lattronas sass) vacant. Moreover, them bas been a reverse in Wet Elgin, Which makee a difference if two on divisiou, and (hie pulls the Ross majority dowu to eeven at fall etrersealt, Total Saar Strnt 64,000, An eminent South Afristan authority %geese relations with the Peer Gay - attempt preveut the use ef his name, ends the first accurate statement of . he zeal etrength and hopes of the Boer z my. bays a. Paris despateb to the `my `Zink World. Ills statementmey relied upon as exact. The COMMer., trength of the army, which is op- ' eraeaeland is as follows South cr .1 to, , a • Repubue stnotesee easeseiag. ure Pge Free State eoldiers, 1:100; grant Bovia, 5a100; Ultlauders, 5,000 ; Nand Dutvit, 5,010; Cepe Colony Duteh almat 8,00th. total, OLIN. Regarding the Boers' ability to hold out, tile AV orld's Mformant said, "Thez e• is not the keel doubt of their endurance and resistaucefor months to veleta" Ilea Dr. Pott, of Toronto1 in a, e - cent speech advocatedthat there should be establisbed tbrougbont Ontario a minimum rate of salary for public school teacbers. If it should prove prate ieable to carry out this idea it , would in effect be a practical recogni- tion of the true status of school teach- ers. Teachers are now, and always will be, engaged in a work of peeper- ing and fitting the young people of the community to fill their plaees in the community to the best advantage, uot only of themselves, but also for the benefit and advancement of the whole people Knowing then that to thew public school teachers is delegated this task of etipretue importance it cat hardly be add thut Dr. Potts' sugges- tion to treat teachers as recognized of- ficers of the etate is unreasonable and beyond the bounds of careful consider- ation. Lest week a number ot apple afestee ,ers waited on tbe members of the Ontario Government to ask for a, law to prevent shippera to the English mar- kets from packing their best apples on top, and so deceiving buyers as to the quality of the fruit. This is a Matter which theDotniniop Parliantent should deal •with. Ontario is not the only province which exports apples to Great Britain. lineraScot;a, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island are as deep- ly interested as ourselves in bringing about, honest dealing with our English ottstomera, and putting a stop to a stractete which will not only ruin the truit trade but give Canada abed name besides in the markets in which we have most to gain or lose, If Canada an exporters fail to recognize that it is to their own interest to be honesathey • must be taught that the Interests of others are also concerned, and that such sharper tricks as that referred to • will he followed by prompt punish- ment. -e- • The general expectation seems to be tbat Ladysmith will now be left to its fate, that Gen, Buller will remain in Natal trerely to check further Boer aggression, and that the main move- ment aorthwest will now be made by Lords Roberts and Kitchener across the Orange Revere with Bloemfontein and Pretoria as their objective points. Lord Roberts will, it ie assumed, have 80,000 men or so at his base in about a week's' time. •With these 30.000 he is expectect to join hands with Gets. • Freuch and Gatacre, giving him in all 45,000 to 50,000 men. V,Thile moving northward with this force along the central route, Lord Roberts will pre- • sumably have the acting co-operation of Lord Methune from the west, and, :remembering the promise of a good ehow at the fighting • front given to the Canadians, it is to be expected that Col. Otter aid his men will have every opportunity Of showing their mettle in this forward end, we may hope, final effort Mr Puttee, the Labor member for ate intii peg, was introduced • in the, House of Commons by Mr McCarthy ad Mr Stubbs. He took a seat well beet :on the Government eide, Ide ts 'elected on a recount over Martin, •feerth • Pialelaga, The ...J'Aultor • of the Mitchell Publie Sago); eaceivesayearly salary of nee. The date of the Perth Sencley ,eetiool whrkers' Cententiou to he held ie Benet elonals, Stratford, haes been changed to I'iare1 41 and. 2- • „Wednesdea ..evening Miss Idertha, Vielsetai of Mitebela .was united in the holy bootie ef -matritueety to red Mce Lore!), ..te ferteer Mitelielt boy, but now of Tomato. At a: largely attended Meeting of the Qffictals of the girten • eircult, held Feb, 8, the Rev. a Bad was very bore. Uy invited to remain for the third year as their pastor. • A new Eire Compooy tats been or- aaaleed in .Mitehell. of whiele Money, late ef 'tairkton, is a /lember. The .entire :company comprises only 3.3 membere, A. F. McLaren, M.P., Stratford, eft for Ottawa Tuesday morniaa„ aeeetn- penieel by Mes. steLaren, Ida McLaren bas taken • a house in Ottawa fee the SrSSIOn o Paeltareeon and will make hie home therefor the thee hellegt Tueedey, Johu Wbyte, .jete of lint- ebella Was opetated on, Att .Stratford hospital, for a serious inward trouble, For a •tine the young . manwas low, mai it was feared that he would not be able to stand the sbock, but we leaao that he is doingnicelee 1 • • etat impertaet Meeting a the 'effIcia1. board of the .Watetino etreet Moho. dist ehurcb was held lest Saturday. Rev. ,A. L Birke, LL.B., pastor of the Waterloo Methodist 'cloweba ratford, has •Aecepted a cell to rentalet their pastor for a. fourth term.: -Miss Nellie :IdeNay,,• of Mitehell, Was ou Wednesday tied la leety bonds by the Rev. R. at, latiug, rei Santee! Spearin, of IhIney, Ontario Co, Mrs, Speatin was formerly a school teacher.. ead s highey teepeitted by those iutv- ug thepleaetwe or her aCquaintahee xt The absenee of Rueben Switzer, o Blienshard, from the Coneervative con amnion in Mitchell,. was the first meet- ing ef the kind that he has not .atteud- ed, Tbe old geatlemare who is in his .87thyear, braved the atorin as far AS Russeldale, hut. owing to the heavy roeds, was obliged to tern WO. He was not forgotten, however, awl was reappointed to .his old post as treas. urea The Mitchell Shavocate, referring to .L H. Aikeras lecture says it was a ills- • mointutent. Reedit g between the- ses one eau materetond why it was a sappointrnent to hina lawasi inan- aged by Reeorder man, for whom D.wis has no love. We learnshowever, that it was a wefts in every respect, and the' leeture enjoyed by alh perhgtps ee.cepting the Advocate men, if he, pea:home NMI:here, „Dee hrohat out in the store occupied by West% Doheort Johnston, Stra- ined:, Thursday afternoon, autlhad it not been for the ''quick work of the fire. en the building migbt have been a wreck. As it was, however, thebra gado was on hand in good LIMO and the blaze se -IS extiuguislied, . The fire did net do so much danutga but great, deal of stock, wItich was stor- ed In the -getter; WAS damaged. by The Canadian Patriotic Fluid at On - w $130,000. WIL" The Perth County Ortiatge Lodge aera poexceeds ., W J Huntley, a St Tbonias biota. last, weelo The attendance? was fair. held its annual mectIng in Mitchell num, NI as killed near °Wahine. After routine business the following Richard Bedlow died at,Broekville, officers. were appointed ; M. Irvine, age1 00 yeare and 10 monthe. Fire damaged the Slingeby woollen Comity Master ; William Thompson, mill at Brantford to the extent S4,000 deputy do; Reuben Switzer, Oar) ; Amos Doupe, Ree -Sec. ; Artist Ron- al einaty. netiburg, Fin.aea ; D. amee7e, Teette. . to Paris as Canadiazi Commissioner at Jobn Thompson, jr., and Thos. Henry, the Es:trait Pen. The lathes of Owen Sound are tr. the battle of the Boyne in St. Marys timed htlatoiie Fuel), to the pate101iehin (I. 11. is rumored that Mr. Tarte will go ()apt, phisey. Director of ceremonies Lecturers. it was decided to celebrate Tatirivl t 101 'Data of t '° a this year, 4 erant of $10 wee made yon have catarrah. rharnatista- or dyepepsue take Hootre Sarsaparilia and be cured as thoueauds of others have been. Hon. Edam d Blake, P., has re signed the chancellorship of the Uni- versity of Toronto, to which position he was elected ie 1873, M. A. dames bas retired from the Coboutg World, leaving T. J. Lapp, in sok control, while James will devote his time ti' his other paper, the Bow- manville Statesman. Ale Sam, a Chinese murderer died in ameaton eendentiary, Saturday, and Ins body hes been banded to the sau dents of anatomy. He was sent to prison in 1888 from British Columbia. airs, Decker was acquitted at Hamil- ton oh the charge of having material for counterfeiting bank note e in her possession, but was arrested on an - other charge and tahall t Woodstaf.t. ribe Bilectists of La Battelle Virle Marie at Montrealbate been rearrested upon &charge of conspiring to defraud the depositors, shareholders and people generally by declaring dividends aud opening branches when they knew the institution was insolvent, John M. Nichol.of Detroit, has a 'pro- ject to build the Quebec and Lake Huron railway, from Georgain Bay- te tide water, through Northern On- tario, to catch grain traffic and paral- lel the Canadian Pacific and the Parry Sound lines. The orange trot' of California this • year is a record-hreaxer. It is esti- irt ated at from 14,000 to 14,500 carloads. In boxes it is fignred at from 4,000,000 to 4,500,000. There are -enough or- anges to give every man, women and child in the United States a dozen or , so. • C. Sanders, Sarnia, went home at noon 'Tuesday, sat down to the dinner table, looked at the faces of each one at the table, smiled on all and `expired. Mr. Sanders wes one of the, oldest and most respected citizens of Sarnia, a 1 ife-long ' member and worker of tbe Methodist cburch, and a Me120-, her of the School Board at tbe time of bis death. Some years ago he wee a- roen3ber of the Town Council. ale re- tired from business some months ago. He leaves a widow and grown tip fam- ily, all yofeawrshona are nikuried. His age About 10 o'clock Tuesday a child of Robt. Coates living onCarnegie street Ingersoll, was burned to deatb. It seems IVIrs.Coates bed gone to a neigh- bor's house, leaving the child, one year and four months old, • with another child some years older. The older one was playing with matches, and acciclebtally the babe' e clothes canglit fire,and et vea burned nearly o crisp before the mother's arreeal. Dr. Neff Vas sent for at once, but the unfortun- • ate child died teb inioutes after his , • n•rriyal. OA Wednesday, in the Catholic cburch, Mitchell, one of the prettiest winter weddings took place. The happy couple were Miss Maggie Pierce, of Mitchell, and Daniel McMillan, of Tuckersmith. Father Downey offici- ated. The bride, needless to say, look- ed exceedingly pretty in a handsome travelling dress, and was assisted by ber sister, Miss ICate Pierce, while Louis Gormley, of Hibbert. acted as best man. After dinner the bridal party drove to their future home, near Hensel', where a reception was held. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan were the recipi- ents of many beautiful presents. Mr. Simons, Grand Trunk N' Dublin, and John Aiken e ate.,ene at appears pa, oy ilt;mes p-Vagtr are being sued for h av a . L. a,ps o tardinecollected $6 dues from Simons for the Canadian SavingsLttan and. Building Association, Toxonto. After paying, the money Simon think- ing the man was a fraud, and repre- seilting himself, it is alleged to be a constable, drove Post by pretence to the house and swore out a charge of obtaining money under false pretences against Papst. Aikens sent the accus- ed man up for trial, and after remain- ing in the County Jail he was honor- ably discharged by Judge Barron, who held that n o fraud or nusrepresen tation had been shown. Papet has since issued writ against Simons and Aikens, claiming heayy damages for malicious prosecution and false imprisontneut. At the at. Marys council meeting on Monday theaeport of special commit- tee re wateraorks end electric light management was read by Mr. Sharp, who showed clearly that it would be of great advantage to the towntto have full control of electric light system, which emed 1e run in connection witb the waterworks. He instanced Goder ath, which at present runs its electric lighting systeto, and has found it sat- isfactory." Mr. Sbarp further held that by having au, two systems toge- ther the town could have an all-night supply of electric power for about one- half present cost. By installing the proper lights they could be run for 20 days with only one change' of carbon. As it is now,it takes a roan nearly a half day six times a week to re -carbon the lamps which necessarily incurred a good deal Of extra cost., The follow- ing was fond to be the estimated cost of li€,,hting under proposed system e For stores, 16 candle power (c) 45e; res- idences, 16 candle power (c) 20 to 30c., according to number of lights used. Por each 8 candle power light it would Cost 10c per month. I • Prompt relief in sick headache, dizzi- ness nausea, constipation, pain in the side grtaran teed to those using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Small price, Small dose. Small pill. E ; Spread of the English Lan- guage. The fellewiag atiettstics show tbe spread or tits eleglieb language during the coatis:le winch. will close with. this year, At the aegianiug of this century the Eugliels. language was spoken by only 22,000,000 people, while at the close of the century it is spoken 'by 127,000,000 times more people than ..sTP11°ekefolliolgtvtle ocnoetelpluandsorends, yaeraersivatgeorl eeting. and ineonstre,tes the Vitality of our native ougue; In 1800 only 22,- p()Wat:e("d people 3$$P.°11110ke.000nglias'Ibl'o8sscpoollkle- French, 8$ 000,000 who spoke Germau, and 32,000,000 who spoke Spanish. At the beginning of 1900, r27,000,000 Peet ple use English as taeir mother tongue, an increase in the ceutury nf Vi7 per t, and a greater enueber time those who speak Gerieen and Feencleataltert engether, In this period the United atatee has grown from 5,0001000 to 75,- 000,000 inhabitants; the United King^ dom from 16,000.000 to 41,..000,11N, and the colooists of 'England nave .grown • from a few thousand to attope 12,000,.. 000. In the saute time the poiriatiou of the European continent has increas- ed from 170,00%000 to about3t3000,000. Thus, while at the beginning of the last ceuttn7 the Datives of COntinental Europe outnumbered the English- epeaktnet family $ to 1. they ttow out- number the English raCeS only 2,7 to 1. If the use of the Hagfish language continues to spread in the saute ratio !luring the twentieth, tbat it did drir- .ng the nineteenth ceutury, it will be polten by over seven Imedred millions of people in the year 2,000, Will it coetinue to spread in this seine ratio ? Will English become the tangeage of the world ? The affirwAtive answer to these questions will &rand upon Great Britein and the Voited States, the two great English nations of the world. If these natious continue to lead in iuven- tions, and the ludnetriee; in aperient- tuye, mauufactures, and commerce, in seiezwe, art, and solid learning. in the maintenance and dissemination of the trite religion, and pure morals; in equal rights, purity. in government, and righteousness in the administratiou of law and justice. the Ettglisb langoage ill coutinue to spread in etIttal, If out In greater roto. The field iu 1990 seems more inviting to the spread of the Enalists languege than it did in 1$09, Thsyse great ne- e of antiquity, which hitherto have been non-progressive, exclusive, and ultra consersattve, as, India, China and Japan, are gradliallV growing ripe for the reception of Anglo-Saxon he etautione, learning and eivilization. If the Anglo-Saxon nations are true to their evidently Heaven appointed mis- sion for the elevation of man to a high- ly elevate ct plane in government, 'relig- ion, equal rights, and in all that en - antes the ritreS, their language must of necessity Itist spread. The spreading of the English lanauage does not ne- asenrily the disuee of the other langueges. Aa Anglo-Saxon civilize-, tion, and institutions itre exteeded, foreign nations must learn the Ian- * eaage in order to participate in the progression. .Mr, C. Fowler, of Killarney, Mao*, is visiting friends in Bullett. The death occurred on Saturday last of Wm. Anderson a muds respected resident of McKillop township, aged 55 years. A Chatham man refused to subscribe to the Red Cross fund under the iin- pression that it was a tavern in Old London. Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia and too hearty eating, is relieved at once by taking one of ,Oarter's Liver Pills immediately after dinner, Don't foe.,tiet, tale. aoe outbreak of sniali pOX at Toron- to Junction has nattuedly awakened alarm in communities east and west as to the 'possible ;mead of the disease from the fact tbat so many railway trains pass at that point. A daugbter of Joseph litalsoh, of Hills Green, underwent an operation for a tumor in the London hospital last week. She stood the operation well and her physicians hold out good hopes for ber complete recovery. Sir atibbert, Topper raised the ques- ttiral of the better payment of County Court judges in British columbia. They were paid $2,400 plus $500 given her the Provincial Government. Mr. Martin's action in eating away the $500 has inconvenienced the judges. The Commercial hotel, Woodstock, bas changed hands again and hence- forth that well-known l'iotel will be managed be the Close 13;others of eit- cbell. They have leased it for a team of years and will take possession on Monday. The Close Brothers are four In number. J. W. Hanna, solicitor for jaenes Dickinson, Editor of the Windsor World, Saturday- issued a writ against the Dominion Steamship Company, asking $8,000 damages for the death of 1VIrs.Dickinson,who was one of the vic- tims of the Scotsnsa,n disaster in the Straits of Belle Isle last year. The contract for the new Roman Catholic church,Duolin,was on letSat- urday. Tender of a Mitchell firm Was accepted. The figures are in the neighborhood of $7,500, axle includes all the brick, stone, tinniug and paint- ing work. Glass, stone, sand and brick are to he fernisbed. The chnrcla when completed, will cost in the neighborhood of $12,000. The work of reforeste lig Pennsylvania has been well liege re Thus far 60,000 acres at the henc:I waters of the princi- pal rivers have been purchased by ,the state, ard 40,000 more Ovia soon come, into its possession, os t of the lend putebeeed • has been denuded of mer- chantable timber, the maximum' price ot$5 per acre fixed by the Legislo tore barring the purchase of more valuablo There was nothing in the Glevc`-'' General's speech • from the thlea about Senate reform, but the Gov, = , merit has not been idle. Six new eue- ators have been ealled. They are not expected to be unf riendly to any Yu - 01 - - • koo Drummond bills which may be intrOduced, and they meet admirably chamber by the present Minister af Justic,e,when he sat in the other House and despisecl Senators. I , Middlesex Coanty NOtes , Mrs, (Da) Eeeles' (Londou) will is ' probated at $121,000, which is bequeath- ed to relatives aria charitable objeets, The London township council sub-' witted a veeolutiou, asking the couney to petition the Legislature to empower toWDshIP ConnetiS to divide townshipe in to wards. If you are tired taking the large Old- fashioned griping pills, try Oarter's Little Liver Pills and take some com- fort. A, man can stand everything. One pill a dose. Try them. Cape. Bohan), who was asked by the Middlesex County Colleen as to his in- tentions regarding the clerkship, re- plied that he had not me& up his mind in the matter, but he would b governed by. the wish of 'the Council. However, he would preferato retain his position. He would be at Toronto for two months, with the exception of Saturdays, and be route easilY arreage with some other person to look atter his work while absent. As some workmen were digging on the farm of Henry Hobbs, some four tulles south east of Prospect Hill, late- ly, they found the skeleton of some anima/ sepposea to be st mastadon. The horn is Over nine feet long and would weigh 10,1 pounds. Some of the bones are over three feet in circumfer- eine and from all appearances would • stand about eighteme feet high. About seventeen years ago stab a skeleton WUS nn eXhibitIOU Bacter and after- wards sold for 87000. Capt. Thomas B. Robson, the uew- ly-elected representative al East Mid- dlesex iu the Laval Legislatere was honored in a most fitting wanner at 'Merton an Tbursaity night by the Conservatives of the village and tin - mediate vieinity, among whom he has • spent his eetiee lila The spirit, and enthusiasm whieb molted the gather- ing showed in small degree the greet popularity of the hero of AS bard i pOlitteal battle AS was ewer fought in the Province of Ontario—a battle in which the Conservatives bad to con- tend against tha forces of the Federal and Provincial Governments and an organized brigade of borellere, and still were successfult To win in the atee of swat great mitts was jest muse for re - joking, And rejoice the captain's sup- porters ;tia. The recent abandonment of certain portions of the Proof Lme Road, near name by the compauy which bas maintained tbe toll gates on the thor- oughfare for so many long veers was tbe subject of a very warm Aiscuesion at the meetaig of the aliddleeex Coun- ty Council; Tuesday afternoon—the first held since thei election of a Ward- en three weeks ago. Both the London and Dithlulph township councils are strenuously protesting against the ac- tion of the road 'company, hut or the tWo tho London townehip council has the greatest cause for complaint, as it will be the most seriously affected. One portion of the road abandoned ex- tends from St. James street in the city, to a point a Amyl; distance north of Brongles bridge, and on it was located one of the toll gates, the abolition ot which bas been urged for years. The bridge, however, is in a very bad state of repainand will snon require to be re- built at a cost of 514,000 or $15,000—an expense which London township will have to bear, if the abandonment of road is held to be legal. The township will also:hereto maintain the structure. .The other. portion abandoned by the conmany is at the north end of the roaa, on the townline between London and Biddulph, and on this there is also abridge (much smaller tban Broughea, which will lave to he looked after by the county. john Freeston, n farmer near Owen Sound, was dangeroasly injured in a runaway accident 1Ionda.y. .,„ 011 Ciliri Dodge `filen' Did you ever try to dodge the rain -drops? Did not succeed very well, did you? It's just as useless to try to escape from the.germs of consumption. You can't do it. They are about us on every hand and we are con- stantly taking them into our lungs. Then why don't we all have this disease? Simply because these germs cannot gain a foot- • hold in a strong throat and lungs. It's when these are weak that the germs master. \ ) The body must be well supplied with fat The danger comes when the blood is poor and the body is thin. If your cough does not yield, and your throat and • lungs feel raw, and sore, you Would nole delay another day. • Take • SI of Cod -Liver OH Hypophos- phites at once. 14 wili heal the inflamed membranes and greatly earengtiaen them as well. The eveestton becomes stronger, the .oppetite, better and the weight 'Increases. • The whdle body be- comes , Well fortified and the germs og 'consumption cannot gain a foothold. • • It's this nourishing, sustain - trig and attengthenmg power • of SCOTT'S EMULSION that has made it of such value in all wasting and exhausting diseases. sac. and $rma, all drUggists. SCOTT & BOWIVB), Chemists, Toronto. Huron County Notes. • Fourteen residents of Seeforth and icinity have been Awarded medale, Henry Mooney, of Morels, in teeds heard trete eta Nichol, of Lowden, re - The atensoll Commit have not yet keying :ter Maultobse abeitt let Marob, speeting the establishing ole, machine shop there. . Oliver Jervis bee purehased Satnuel Switzer's 80 aere fartDo 94 the 9th con., Gw (51 eetac7h00 township, The price paid The school in section No, 2, laullete whieh bee been closed Inc several days on accouut, of the prevalence of the metteles, was opeoecl again on Monday. roms,s „rwas a,orvielion,oroorrarlalayroyf itet. at the residence of her father, pasa- dean, California, to Charles Fe Deana 80kelroesvillea popular cheese maker. D. M. aeoet, received eecond prize for his cheese at Ingersoll, tle received 95 pointe and tbe first prize winner 04 points. Barber, late of J. McKee's, Varna, has rented a blacksmith shop in the • village of Robb, near tl a Forest, and sinerds going into bueinese for hint- • On Thursday ea 1st week Michael Staffordoef West Wawattostt,wbo had • been affectedfor it member of years • eviigittss,tlarsa, encelembed to its dire Joseph Dovle, only son of Judge , Doyle, of Goderich, bee been protriotad from the Bank of Hamilton At Mosley to higher position ha the haute At Owen Sound, • The arnseal meeting of the County Grand Blaele abapeee of Huron and Perth will be held in the Orange at Blyth, vn Tuesday, Vela -Amy 270, tormuencing at 11 a. tn. Mies Letty Foreets who bas been liv- ing in London for the past year, has returned to her home uear Hills Green on Account of Ill healtb. We hope • soon to see ber arouna again. Mauy of the ola friends of the Het- tle family, in laullett, will regret to beer of the sutlders 4eath of Mv. Ret - tie, whiele took place at ber home in Minto, Manitoba, no the 24t1x ult. Last Saturday evening the eboir and • Inaniber ttiO IlleWberS Of Duties elturcb, Walton, assembled at the home of Miss Auule Ferguson, and presented ber with an address and gold watch and chain, in recognition of her services as organist, James Dories an old Seaforth boy, and 6011 of the late J. Durie, of Mad - lop township, has gone to the front as a member of the Winnipeg compauy. Durk bas been in the Northweet for souse time and hearing of the Win- uipeg compauy °tiered himself and was accepted for service. One Of those interesting events wbieb all, especially maids and ma- trons, like to hear about, took place ;le the resit:tem of Joseph McOinsity, of the 4th con, -Goderich tcrwuship, no Wednesday evening of last week, wheu his third daugliter, elaggle, VMS united in the boly bonds of matrimony to Robert Davidson, a welletoelo young yeoman, of the township of Ashfield. George Overbury, of Clinton, had ,oceasion to go to the Agricoltural hall on Monday morning and when he opened the door found the building full of smoke arising from a fire winch bact been lighted in the centre of hall. It bad been fed by broken stands used at exhibition thee and as the floor is covered with sawdust it would soon haye epread and the hall would 00 doubt bave been destroyed. 0.4.. Tanner, now of Sarniaaormerly of the bankitig!flan of Lucas &Tanner, of Blyth, appealed to the Divisional Court against an order of Mr..Justice Falconbridge, by which Tanner was sent to jail for two mouths Inc con- tempt of court for unsatisfactory an- swers in regard to the insolveney of his firm. Mr. Aylesworth lodged a prelituinary objection that Tanner had no right to appeal, and the court will settle that, before proceeding with the main question The liuron Old Boys' Association, of Toronto, will hold a banquet at Webb's Cafe, on the evening of Feb. 18th. Mr. J. S. Willison, editor-in- chief of the Globe, who is an old Stan- ley boy, will preside, Mr. D. Weis - miller. ,occupy the vice chair. All former residents of the county, now living in the Queen City, are cordially invited to attend. Complimentary invitations have been sent to the repeeseiatatives of the county in the Legislative Assembly, the three mem- bers of the House of Commons, the county warden and the editor of every newspaper published in the coun- ty. Short, witty speeches, chiefly reminiscent, will be the order of • tbe evening. in MCharles Carline of Clinton who was stricken by paralysis on Wednes- day of last week, died Thursday at noon. This washis eecond stroke, be having had a slight attack last summ- er. Intimate friends noticed that Mr. Carline had been failing for a couple of years pase,but the unfortunate affair' that was termed " the Clinton outrage n� .,doubt hastened the end as he Wearied* a greet deal over it. .The deceased was art Englishm an •by birth, inthWas a resident ot Clinton for over thirty years. Be was a shoemaker by trade and for some time eonducted a boot and. shoe business which he sold t,o, Mr. Raj. Cluff about five years ago. He Was in good circumstances and the entire estate .was willed to his wife, who is a bed -ridden invalid.. Mention Was made of the death of Of the LOntlon Road. The 'deceased gentleman was born in .1.8e3,,ie eh e county of Durham, Eng- land. 'Ili 1800 he came to Canada and • tlyed for two 'years bear Port Hope. 'lie then petite ,t6 Eureon and settled on the. farm of the late. ..Thotpas eLtinle. He' Was a Man -of 'the strictest integrity alad by his kindly and retiring- dispo'sir..: ticin.made Many friends. In 1865 he married. Essy, daughter of the late William Case, of Exeter. He had en- joyed the best or health moil stricken by the fatal ai al any which bre u gh h is life to a close. A loving wife, five sons and fanr deughters are left to .inotirn his loan viz :'JaMes, at homes. and Charles, of: Ohio; Recleft, of Banat il ton ; Allen (teacher). Ushorne'; Mrs. • E. P. Tiowe, Toronto; Blanche(teacher) ;Ltichigan : 'Adelaide (teacher) Hay ; ' and Lauri, at 1 -Tome. the ,fancrat on January 2Dth was 1 1.1,_ly attended, $ho why, the esteem in whi,ch the' de- parted Was held. .Lhe pall-beaer$' were the fli-e.sons already mentioned.: and E. P. Howe, Burets Some—D, afitteran, of Fah - beet, 'recently tala to P. Curtin, of Me- Gillivray, two thoroughbred Shoyeborn bulls, coming two years, for $18, , r -ouch 0 , , In In every coughthere lurks, like a crouching tiger, the probabilities lie• ctohnrsottamt ptaI onna lruoaoindgsab f1 ie de:: li nn: flamed coughing a it d the germs of consumption Rmi an easy entrance. Take .: no chances \ with the flan- geFroorus foe. 6oy , there has been a per - feet cure. What a rec- ord! Sixty years a cures, soothes an heals the wounded throat an lungs. You escape an a tack of consumption with • all its terrible suffering and uncertain results. There is nothing so bad aa uo or thin. rogat and lungs A 25c. bottle will cure an ordin ary cough; hard- er coughs will need a SOe. •size; the dollar bottle is oheapest In the long run. oOne at me &eel was epittlea ▪ ?Awe neat a tool toyer ale etas eery 01. We seine Panay see 4AY at Illre iu btm. ?tie doctots btra no ood,. Thxtvno bat Ele of yaztr ClierrylIctoralcuretibim wad ve41111islite.C.0.4.eamtso_ Tole. 10,1505. Ilakwan4., S.Dak. Write the Doctor. If Ton have um eemputint vilmover Ana ai2iro the beat medicAt advice., ratto Um Dec - t" Imna7.',LACd.drAtiglin, TANCei1.74818. teat 4311-4113".""talettemeapa..-- Another Carload ot Fur! [lure val Just Arriveci_.-06- This is the fiftb carload of Furni- ture recelyed. Buyieg in this way, and Inc cash, we get. spec- ial discouets, and can afford to sell furuiture at prices neually paid wholesale by other dealers, It means that OM mama ers get , their furniture practically at, wholesale prices; Cali and See Tbe new eonsiginnert. An ex- cellent assort went, and bargains in all classes of goods. ROWER When Doctors Disagree Consult an Optician 44 1WrifF—LPa' Nervousness—headaches— sleeplessness and dizziness, often puzzle the -best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothing can effect a perrnaneut cure, that does not remove the cause. That is what our scientifically fitted - glasses do. S. Fitton) GRADUATE OPTICIAN, T. Fitton's jevvelry Store HS GEO TRAILL, A Well Knoll Lady of Thornhill, Mali, Got Almost Instant 'Relief Front • lit-3art Trouble by the Use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. It is eimply -Wonderful the number of western women who are conain,;, forward to ton of the curative powere of Milbart':.,. Heart and Nerve Pills. . - This tithe it iB.,M1'54 Geo,,Traill, a highly respected lady of Thornhill, Man., who gives in the following words the history of her case: "1 obtained from Mr. J. A. Hobbs drug- gist of Morden, name a bee of Milbnru's Heart and Nerve Pills, as.; I was very bad with heart trouble itt the time.• '1 used the one box and got almost •instant relief. • I then bought another box, but only had to' use a. few of the pills, as I have never be'en troubled with palpitation since using them. "I am very thankful that I got the pills and if tine will be of any use to others suitotene as 3 die you, meyanblasla it -in the- pp,peree