HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-15, Page 3ITt
Notes anct Comments.
In the session of tile British Par-
liament whieh began -Ma week, the
ealistoloY gevernraent most expect to
encounter severe eritioismi on its con- We May Rejoice That We B''lencr te
duet of the „tux. in south:A.1,1.0e. This
wculd be thecase evert wee it oas-
hie to aunowteei thet the siege of
Ladysmith, which has lasted ninety
dansi had been raLeed. As, on the
clenerarty, the entente a Gen. Baler
have tlaue far miscarried, the- flank
movement nuclartaken be Gen. War -
ten having ended zeemiegly in disas-
ter, an attempt will undoubtedly be
made to eecu-re a vote a want a con -
in the ildloistry as et greenlet
eonstituted. It is impossible, how-
evee that sueh a xesointioa eau he car..
tied, or that it can even the effect
of ousting one or two members a the
Would it be poseible te ease a
vote a want of coefidetice in a House
a Ccminous where Lord Salielerry
still retains ,almost intact, the; neajor-
ley of lee with which he resume4 of -
fire in 18551 Undoubtedly, erasing the
Prorderho supporters thea has teen
much entepoken tenee et certain
Mistiesterial aots and aPpoiretment
Christ's Family.
Qur Heritage is Very Large, Tho We Are All Partakers it',
the Sorrows of the Mighty Family of Jesus, Yet the Ex-
tensive Family Estate and Property, the Many Foully
Mansions, the Joyous Family Reunion and Ballo ts
Have All Been Bequeathed
A despatch from Washington says;
—The Rev. Dr, Tali:alga preached front
the following text: "Each wee re..
Juiges le,
Zebah and Zalmunua bad been off to
battle, and when they came bach theY
d tie! woe,* aneries ef art, that contain the tri
you are not one the sheen but one Iva
he king` and P"eees wh"
were aeked whit kind of people they From human guilt an inor •
to Us:
So, in the greatehristian family, the
eorrow of one ought to be the sorrow
1 of all. le one pereecuted? Al; are pea
secated. Does one suffer loss? We a1it.
staffer loss. is one bereaved? We are
might. have inducted this under th
lst head, but did not eheo e to d
0. It is Aim, so near tbei ist of Ma
hat it is a great question with man
d: You where pre eball live; you mat
lave to Ave into a howe that wit
`ot $uit you, in a street you, do no
"ke. But 4o not -worry, and 1 wi
ell yo e ecimething that will checo
OU up; we sban have a mensal= by
,nd-bye from which we elm!! never b•
Itpost every family looks back in •
ome st eo cl—eorne men try Ouse elle; 6
'all grew up. You at on the enor-si'l
You beant the footstep of he rale or
he garret roof. You -swung on tie
ante. You ranearked the barn. TAW
wadeql•o, t he 'ironic. Yea h d
he Dreher.' for appien, and the neigh-
bouring weode ter nut ; tied evern-
Meg around the old homestead is o
interest to you. I tell you se the sallA
homestead of eternity. in my foal
we talk of manaione linnk. of
"'ids hoeee are many mans'ons When
Olutteworth and its park, nine miles
'0 eirourn erenee, end its cont'erva
all bereaved.
ilow ;tory, that astonithes the wor'd ite
" Their istrearning oyes together
urrinh of Chant ten, Cnneva, an Thor
had seen. They no eivered that the If you rejoice aof t anther's imisfortune •
people had a royal appearance; "earl of the goets; and the vunure of sin
one reeembled the children of a hingid bath aliehted on, your wet, and not the
stand to-dty before many who have Dove of the Spirit..
this. appearanct. itadeed. they are Next, I notice the -badly property.
the sans and 4 inghters of the Lord Al- Arlit.aetrinanamaaaneeomfbIlaergee e_late dies. the
er the NYill
• ••
have walked lie etelete belle or fly-
ing over ,be 'heather h'IVe hen tee ill-.
grenee. Bin ail the aweitirg pleeeene
difinte. and princee and eueene are as
nothiing. to thet ferniir men ion ttett
a'rearly awaiting- our arrival The
hand of my ford anette Fried the WI -
E SUNDAY SCHOOL. mants heart; hitherto she, has poised
her bright mind agaiest
L7 . 1 have no honbaiad. A. if she
haa never been taarr.ted. Silo was
probably a young woman. Thole bast
wet said. -Tem bast truly 'said.' 1
have to hueloand. "With eepecial era-.
phaste ea haebaud."1-0ohin.
IS, For thou bast Ited buebands;
era he tebren thou; now host la
not tby husband. The facelity et
divoree among the anoient jewswas
one a the moral diseases which were
eating oui the pational life, (It is inn.
perative that this, great evil eliatild
be aettagortized thoae wig), Wee
CeristianitY. all • the Sunday
school teaohers Qa Smadday had
this great truth Oen he their hearts,
'much good wonld be tIone. What im-
periled and finalle destroyed the
%deanship( a the antigen world is un'
derealoing the eitixelaship and pros -
petite et our owe enuntry.
J9 . I perceive that thee. art, 4
Propluoti Peopliets were believed to
beve eupernaneral insigbt into the
thogg•Itte of others, aod thie insight
of our Lora's lei the woman to oredit
hirn Ciente. vision.
10. Our la:tiers worshiped in One
m o u et ai he Samaritans selected
Mount Geri; im teeir sacred place.
'dul'ext:-...60Gwi 1s; Spirit, Tlic4
1414 Worship 111 V; 141M
111. Sol Hs. a fa " rlg /. 4, et,
Verse e. Thee cometh he to a City
it eamaria. It wee about a clay
inn a hal after he hoed hlt Jerusalem
thea he saw b_eare him a ,Ltiet Wan-,
ti vieette or town. Syehar. Pro-
hab y a nileage nos called El-ehltari
,etee. ewe =nee from Sheohern, and
arer to hacob's well than Sheehene.
.aeteltaer is an unpieasant' name; it
means drunheu town or lying town.
No pexce in all, the, elole Land was
wore lovely eret attraetive in natural
hoenery, an 1 eon was rielter ns
arlee: a secia lees, then, that region
vine!, eame whhia the swsep a the
nYes 02.I sus as beset nown to rest
by tin, e. I. '—it. .t. Inumbull. The
eareel of groa 1 elate Jonah gave to
bis sot: Xoseeh- Jacels botteht the An 1414 Said that Isaac bad
memo frein sheetijart, tg.7,8.20, wentoid there. ifa,ny pe tee singled her out from all,
Reeta Might well sing of the giel
who won Xing with a some. She
wee him ter a father, and became the
betrothed of her behaved. Prince.
It itt true thee her Prime. Was oblig-
ed to renounce riti;ht of euceeseiott
to the throne when hei made her hie
wife, but it it bed net het= for the
song he woald. net beee been allow,
ed maim her his were at all.
Her name was Moneta simply Mini
MOuttle. Now elae is Princess Berna-
dotte. There ea not a happier couple
in Europe thah eie wed leer huebentl,
although they may never be Xing and
Qtieen of Sweden. But steanger things
than that have happen.ed.
young Prince °soar, the Ining's
econd son, Saw her at her duties era-
ong the =aide of hooch' in his amain
erOt train. Noue was more °bemire
than. elte—nutitled and -unportioned,
But ,f3he bad a face that in his -ott
tleveil that Isaac bad been It shone, white and pensive, trona
et when. elle ;tall was dividoel it fell saoriliced on. Mount Moriab, Wirre a frame ef as yellow as that of
this inhiritance of Ciecendants of the felePbeeteei- FQ1'. our hue•dred any Valkyrie in the Nrene Inytholegy.
bad t
yeare the e.anearnan teme e a s oo
mighty. Thenalt now In vette they read. Se much of the it I tY Is ul
OA yet come to their thrones. td sta sons. so so moot to his; ed the ork.i. A inge.19 wralt there. 4n5 fe5ell, • 11,Asr,,....t11:s hiaeenvarrs;atureke:ftbeyr aeneruhesreelutis ib plan. nscee',eade,rtoearat eina ifirPorioneet 11.i4Osneav..trivowlahonalanbyewItetal;etolvoolkv-e
-1.°-)er • Ars eni eivene the doers. an4 tarn. In fe
Tlift PortroRt stroilem have had eo ente;13 of Bible OUnilt to werstilie "Ye*" ams, urouod that two Qt ke.ra Many aday
uams that steed ; daughter:a and SO takwh to benevolent the geed in an new,.
There are family
the wilt relit II • Rol's. '''' Mr T'er3" ' PRI V' d h enlist,. ie 8 mpie,,niere, Weeny connee eil with then au tete woreati wihh tremerhable .seiticone dream in which thoughts a auds and
• coot re. 4 tie eraetiness seeket to, dzi.ert
au4 there are, prohably, very few for wealth, oh imefligente. The name , sweeties. Our :herd Jesus bath died; mon in um
and we are aeeembled tonlaY to heat: and the bowline n long, awl fin lam- "taireel of ground."
Members, \dine be privte conversatton of washinetee mean% hamoneete me
Tout,: eivetritimantleallite (:areeerr distiea- Lihe a. Valhyeie, too, Mise htunek
bedug them -nine to ealee a &top ho family of the Re-0150111de is signifloaat tureha 3haergingl on 4115114 walla c'taTililey" dIal"tdr. not ottr Lliv. nr 0”, vo- ii lea th: tit t 'ht .s.iv:st c'lartierlimb191Yam4e7eSIO) °. Ill° 14411r "4414' w3leu Se 141"11I
r for re vine -CI • ' • II ' ' • 1,T •
d .1. .. Jesus tem fore being veevativee or Liberal UAloaiSts Multi as the reprtnentative at lettere, The „ flower, alfiaevinlalg TM:: lufitN•ven7:e.C•`1121 I a livime weteir
4 4.erill euitace wa.. L•taJettrieint iwboiSrgiCpUttlaialltperr.yet at ceuld eirig a Mateo Inert awe P ••
present government. ; d 0 i i a r e lit lea il gtijo, them t I ee:a1:::' . 'Tsch::140::_vueir:a ::;:' ::::bb,iganevunee. si )a hal Ile; ire :illicit i'nherniol:repill,r:PelVnifr:tirin:TherloColmeiti. Itv1,,,t1I.IvT1)1111:,.,iaerhliceYw•a:ettitrkhde'ean Z:i il:i elki TR' ti)taIkual ifrl le:e's :peat:is:1:1;i se' io'lliRel iheiliaZi inui °Dal- -ulahni an'rd!TwahlIqur encle be
aottt11443gotihUe ta44::::th4Qeivihel l'aerC:t
i 4 Om a ee e" Coma down ENDA generation to
texiens as to vote to ,turn out the ,a wvaitb. tbe loss iie telly million ge are calla! the "heireloom" of the 1OF shall neel no ehelter frnm the te
than to thee end vaunt he en framed ' they have loaned Ilueela twelve mil- Iles of the natural world as the heir- look at it, and Its lir. oma a Silvan be a; warn Out, be sat on the limestone curb te be whrshipeeeet
...e c.iarn i..M _la etrung be-
ppart. The positiou taleen rat ens, An tria torty minima and travel thr hill, abooe' hill o to' i I ha
Ing breaks from the Fasti The mists' fore the th th d
rano, a eueen reirers. • : . _ Sweb:i":e'ttlile,i:Itivv:•1:4erlil.i.Der Yseal:::evanhil: .40:hiatatt: ll)rrenrelaienbeerdrItibleaat hWehleoavedi'VMUlts'ese Mtrclar
„t notice his woarines 11
e i sitle. It brings Jesus neerer to us to - and that no other woman eleould he
it le not even certain that a mo- teouvenleacet and Whilill a few Tears
loom of our royal fateity. The meat- (bough ill 1 1 i I i on the welter on the ground by its
unite the Litetrals themselves lions of donate, Naples twenty-five tee ere oa c I .ii verse,
the etreke et their pen On the COMA- foreste are full et cOirp. and buzz. and inn for me to cotahe-hem'et' I have It14 vete.
There Wa4 a great turmoil. The
with refereuee to the war and the rtoglood twe hundred, inillione; and above mountain, until sky.:iomst," ne forelvgen lilanoildsPeonejtmyee.teiettellet • ". t011eilVd With tha feeling Or:urin.jraa: j73. T"Sa'v :ktc.ta i; f-'111 the 1.4lews:'
..gRoa:ee7hoissera„ehtli,:'7.tioLdoafitlil; ohAT lAtehred , leg beim eeei„, shakos therytihog hum runigt.er Twigs lir andleird's wing there end eistere there. in the Bitde ' ities. It was eigrat the ttxth holm. it 0,41 iroue,i.otz.eal's:or.aleevI .seoP11.4- Maid a beztog was adinouished to liteep
8.t (lily eincerely, but "with a
Teee, era in the ingg LlIn_tetholt ogienYstelrh;: TvettnaTelletttere from there, tellhor me whiehs oceordios, to the, usual at,wish LI-Qa ii tru h. And we al'ilei..teilsz'vls;rejon
__ worehle e. rrit p .ed reg t .1 he na.ure et her though= and her eyee away frora
Qua lein34 is uot easily egti• be inroneiled the 14.141 Sea to the illettbe• sthenettgetunga'alsous, and PrittetchOser was
oilier. Mr., Jelin Moreoy, is he bee hie tit,,,! etaitsbitrh, in Auitria, the House of eel,. which hinhuh thumghotton , or love me, or whether I' go by and , rutlY from the other evangelists and eo. teed is a sewn, ••uod is snide Pmeialle•
7 ,„,,,, ttft my (lir : lefahtei in ids later EPilrila.1 life adente The „lewd otter, test iimilgeh,t8104 t;hol jus.et b. . QtnueAletenTZ:locol,lux liteili.pf:autroottforsP2:eueail;141:04:0
forget MieurfaviZ:40.g:el"ft °C1. iers o
Liu. Aymara. epee their hand aud there is war; they tart ; arid equIrreie ehattering on tbe not rehe,i;e7,011r4 It rior 1 afanintt.‘:rkl 1 riVlialting' of time, woeid ee noun. But
Hareourt and M. John Morley on the shut it and there is peece, The linn$0 rant Rad the call of the hawk out at eir
a otear sky, make you feel glad. The lpoor. Or W11:11:r el h0 -wortii Intylt°es , John seems to COMPIAtb time outer- Its ehjea."—hl, it, Vincent.
with that ciestreued be.
tetutlearOlesn tit oFenglionl. the Route et among. all the castles a clout, and at laeead elet ThleYrn- n
hjlabliootiG, the abzortina that ii,,ng. „ lint 1 ot jaw IQ preach at a family mlie1 juritt,serttgthe .lent=i . emn to eroh113100.unmbuiiYninfroinn:a:rn_laniz.;toiti: ,, W7is. Faxelrarerollicu:dtaelte:ottrufte:Foolina.sLa:2' efi.ne-hgeo:irs,hvkaecnria:iti:ea,:k10:::hIptrIcalisticet.iiis nowe state-
eabhi•sr ilt;:duhrttro.Pakittheolonres2e1, oczktzeleat rIL:: i glutorobt utsuoibortuye.e. were tatudies of toete ,...t.reted dome aflame, stotes net a free
levity. of 1;ithell hetet:Ca:A
1 remarkable , tuc.hottmed putlesua:au.teri;;;:fr jail et:ut rttlr. 5 1.,1 hail
land e tumor eompele her to tersist in eawire Potential. More rich, and more bete What can resist the steel 1 i
Iiiht for the voyager over the deep!,
way lre? ! Xing Omar himselt is no nteanPriet
whirl le as firm as the day it eereclarla. to dgaw water. " 0: namarie" from the
wrongdoing. Lord, nalishury, tor his 4:4111tev,ejlt di'lriael taltrihe luntidieetseus. r guareing the grown with the i Thelma! ae Sr aiehritan in rare and ihtttt
part, he centineeit that the national :arld an eerth is mimed. hihi, erelsiliel, talkie. Tear sIbletefd the 'icor who i • . - a ).09111 WI*11 the rentery loesh woluitis "ti, tun mann In 1, e in Hebrew •
9,Tthod the erne at thei gate- i jiff _ pee e".1heuraiietel ,, euggeses t iiil Illent• M."51331'81116 Pete ds 3fessiab etudied them ea,n4d Peogse'd ti;Interupnrcet
erestige, which is a large lector in, oe relatlinte by the relatiou hip a the have no MA s to " • i'vuv tf Ift. waill are
%or t' penk' iean antbnrn. and sl:int.avoor:).7 wit
was oiere. °ifs; rtah7siaegetgerfettanteloiny ftrem:strheeat merriabaltri hweirtetieb. thewerreeoitetesuriaotuetitzfry alanyte, rilmisintotwle:
wouhl give indieeriminate, approval to , tbough eome :he blood of that race giVe 444to you. Theoh the
or; youivey fine the shertost life en eremite It .pt,tuhr.d tineten.ttaie. et to:0 been retie xt:oirnilit away treat jeeeeena 4.144 bis ow4 outcome,.
by no means, follow that many Cort -q eratiate, The Cagily a Atectiel stood V.1111341 sver/ItUngl y55; 4verVtl‘ingl P"t°11 he'ld fr'r Clints;.
a the reenagement Of the C.041•03t. has beeceee very thin In he lest gen- erostle 4aSt""
34Christ In t'irrec4C, 3" 38 there with great feeling.
P ante of eternity. The queen if She- IvIdto "g -gest Ow 4i the Anotnten One in Englih.
Prince Oettar returned from his von
he Prince* ititnieteri ile WG11:4 PrOSeentel First, 1 speak at our family name awl wasted captive Light for the guni!ngt,Inn: end re
e, me, made to a Iterate and a foreigner.‘1-411a; Ate,Savn*cktlYlttialir etvbeerUgbellorrre a Mie3
cross, ell of tie ere the caildeen of the the downcast and the towlei Light 1 Ole I.s • an'i Eat , . '
It:vett...ie. for t ,ernt:.‘„zrz_ellt; atherz•o; ateisnoes1,,e rhaft Itlea:ratste:bknx0;Vs7;,,
for aching eyes, and but ntng brain. ald nova Antienette, arid 'Lade einiente
the war with mere v.gor than has as; When we *to a de:xi:ad:tut of swim solootInbrow Of childboad, and fe.h dee` ern and. nertenv Tnylor and Serneel ynth nisienitt her tricrteiatne, ltattetterev • oaelit, the fihnt dehlardlion, was
Rut her,ord, and Jehn on. end the
; n greatly cetebrated in the last eete, due vtston of the ootogenariau. Light,
h fields and aim :he but come to t.O. I thmt epeak unto thee. Only age le rauelt the eame frame of Mind,
nation a eatety, is at stake, and, were 1: King, . p burnt legbt for htt w 'k d 't lie
ereach to the wain iu's end
yet binn enlithitea, Between viws we look at him. with pronmad fee queen's coronet, and or sewieg- widow Who gave two rilitee, and
the aed turn Ad ...ue ter leers tenni trent lite
and rriother very rauch. Realiz.ng that
he wee very mud), in love they offer -
he refeiee I even by eer expert a bridge- kings, or ortouttl in the . •
AN.ht,se morning is this y morn- . o tnin a , beteg „atere of n a
ti the hinge mei hivlat; waters a *eine, well io the
1 ' L ' I ed to allow him to make Mass Munch
lais.xhIne 0yrogettungatutiea
"o have eonquered Ftt 3 nem e• ------ e lee light 1 Poor man from the hospital. These
m two last utelf g KISSES ON INTEREST.
I ceetral lino git es lustre to the n g. x our morning. Our lather : queens of eternity. a er talcum to Ins earelevss'
e geve us tne picture o.nd liung it on A family mention menne reunions. low Lair Soetour's ettituele uy doing 41, th of putting eu.ch au affront on the vite
tilted at the idea
tentiler as Sir Hoary Campbell -Ban- t
eoutie,ing a eorogromiee coati, hardly 'interest. e
de ughter said,: "I want to speak to
Saratly name. n our lime was a.
t eicy in loops of fire. It is the Scene of your finagler; are very much g("I (4/r 1/4')ni%4 of r4.1"13°)3.
8. Por his tn. eipl:s were gime awey you of your mother. It may be that man he revered above all else.
Re reSolotely declined, even toMen-
Mennen, the, neminal leader or the
Liberate 121 tht, Haute of Commons.
Aliheugb, thereiore, we may expeet
L o eee, votes of want a contidenee
trieved by the Irish Mime Ruiers and
by a section a the Britiela Itadicals,
it is imprunabie that any of theee can
eammand the fuil vote of the Inhere
part y.
Aa to the cost of the contest, the
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir
Miehael llieks-13each, will have to ad-
mit, 40011 after the opening of the
session, that the figure originally
named by him, Z10,0..0,LOO, will have
to be trebled or quadrupled, even if
the war should cease within a month.
We may look far some interesting dis-
elosures in the course of his attempt
to account for such a miscalculation.
"This is the way we wash our
clothes" is a familiar phrase in the
play -ground and the nursery; it has
now a new and a very practical mean-
ing for the little girls attending
schools in London. Laundry classes,
at which they may aequire at least
one useful accomplishment, have been
esteblished various parts of the me-
tropolis, and, according to the annual
report of the school management com-
mittee, have proved thoroughly eat's-
factory. During this year tney were
attended by 12,262 aspirants to pro-
ficiency in the art of oleansing and
beautifying articles of every -day wear.
There are now seventy-one permanent
laundry centres, and two others are
building. Each schopl consiste of one
class -room, with accommodation ter
fourteen children, and is fitted with
desks and seats, fourteen washtubs
ironing tables, a copper, and a sink.
The whole work is under the' superin-
tendence of INP:ss Lord and Miss Jones.
At present there is a deficiency in the
supply of instruetresses, and a numher
are being trained under the former's
sapervieion. - The salary of the sup-
eaantendeets commences at £150 per
year, and rises to £200.
I an glad, there ,are a few honeet
people left.. • Two yecurs' ago I sent a
bey around the' corner to buy a poet
Gard- I have never seen the boy to
this. day.
You don't call that boy honest ?"
Yes, sir l This morning I received
a postal -with this On the haek : Dear
Here, is your postal. started in
besinese ith, the) penny you gave me
and have hoapered.
and a Conqueror. Lite Star m the
East with uatou of light woke up the
eternal orchestra that made music at
His birth. Erma thence lie started
torth to conquer all nations, not by
traimpling them, down, but by lifting
them up. St. John Sa.W Him on a
white horse. When lie returns He will
not bring the captives chained to his
wheel, or in iron cages; but I hear the
stroke of the boost. et the snownviiite
cavalcade that bring them to the gates
in triumph.*
Our family name takes lustre from
the star that heralded Him, and the
spear that pierced Him, and the orown
that was given Him, It gathers frag-
rance from the franitincense brought
to His cradle, and the lilies that flung
their sweetness into Ills sermons, and
the box of alabaster that broke at
His feet. The Comforter at Bethany,
The Itesurrector Nein. The super-
natural Oculist at Berhsaida. The
Saviour of one world, and the chief
joy of another. The storm His frgorn.
The sunlight smile. The spring
morning His breath. The earthquake
the stamp of his foot. The thunder
the whisper of His voice. .The ocean
a drop on the top of His finger. Heaven
Eternity the twinkling of His eye. The
universe the flyiug dust of His char -
. I'm a subscaiber. to your paper, said
the man whose head eras bowed down
by 'reason of a. bon on the ,beek of his
neek. I came in to make,. a request.
. Well replied the editor, what can I.
, ,
do. for .you?
w,Lit to 'knOw if you /16 pn:Si yam'
wer bulleties a little lower. down, un-
til 1 get over thiettrouble of mine.
iteir-loom of our family. • And reo the scattered. 'lite children married, and .int tee city te bey meet. Thee. m
glight• It is full..1110QII• The raists went off to St. Louie, or Chicago, er have teken atvey wi u them the elt.n ayaouhhaarvera.c.neotiic4tetdaya.caor:weaourtirslaoolitt uuatna time such a, proposition to her. Zing
Oscar was ataazed. Tie argued thet to
tered mirrors; teed the eeeatt under. You come togetbeir at the old piece. earry. •emeatti means filed, not ne- not beau brought there by anYatition be the morganatio wife a a prince of
from shore. to shore gleam like ellen. Charleston; but, PerhaP5t Onee Year bueket Which tut tr ivellevs they %multi
the blood 'as a brilliant enough fate
ber stance,. comes up with great tides Elow you wake up the. old villein that eesearily tiesh. of yours, still it is your duty to phase for ahy poor young woman wiebout *
panting upon the beach, mingling, as has been slient ter eaters. (Father awl ,
It were, foam and fire. The poor mother do not play an It. How you asksith drink of me.
O. ilow lti• it amt. Qum, beiag a Jew,
1 dIt ithould be explained that the mor -
man blesses God for throwing such a bring out the old relion and rummege , a Jim- w (a plohably ramie plain by '
Th it je. tie wea i it away. 1 want on to get up to- title to her name.
morrow morn ng an get breakfast,
cheap light through the broken ein- time ,hie man_ i and when your mother comas and be- genetic syetem is a polite way of al -
the garret, and open old rerap-bcolte, every feature oe his lowing a royal personage to lead a
dow-pane into his cabin; and to the and shout, end laugh end cry. and ' aerie "Tne chaneee were," as Saider gins to express her surprise, go right double life, free from censure.
of burn= pain and woe. If the sun'' You can't ima ine h w it will. brighten biond. is e
141 to her and kiss her on the mouth.: }I's real wife, who must be of royal
. .
sick it. seems a liglat from the other talk over old times, and though you
ehore tvbich bounds this great deep son e. "th .. he wou1.1 be rudely refus;c1,
may be forty-five yeers of age, act am in t (t lie was ore anoher acoasion bl d ' upposed not to object to the
seeras like a song, full, and poured
trout braeet instruments that fill
heaven and earth with great harmon-
ies, the moon is plaintive and mild,
standing beneath the throne oe God,
sending up her soft sweet voice of
praise, while the stars listen, wad the
as though you sverel sixteen, Yet evben under similar mecum tutees he arrangement, although it mean
soon it is good-bye at the careadn- sought a nigh's rest in one et the vill- 1 her dear face. Be.sides, you owe her a nine oases eut of ten, that another
slow, and good-bye at the, steamboat . ages of thii alien race.' (Luke 9.1:8. ties or twee Away back:, when you woman really bolds her husband's
wharf. But how will we act at the, p !Viten frivolity. At wells and were a little girl, she kissed you when heart.
reunion in (be old, family mension of Th i woman's que tion is one of inn no one else was tempted by your feta, There have been instancee in witioll
heaven t II. is a good while einee you few taint in the East woraen were er-tainted breath and swollen teen ' a, prince has been so loyal to his =Or"
parted at the door of the grave. There more free with men than in other You were not as attractive then as you genetic. wife that he would not take
will be Grace., and Mare, and Martha, places. A woman of aronerm. Sawa are 220W. And through those years a royal consort.
sea, No mother ever more sweetly
guarded the sick cradle, than all and Charlie, and Lizzie. and all the hal no de dings with :he Samaritans, of ehadish sollehine and sbadotve elle So matters stood one evening when
night long this watcher of the sky daritnge of your household, not pale and rebbis had wy dealingi with wo- was always ready to cure, by themagie the Court gathered in the music sa-
bende over the weary, heart -sick and sick ,and gasping, fee breath. aii men. it is I rue that the two races of a mother's kiss, the little, dirty, ion. Miss Munck was commanded to
slumbering earth. Whose is this when you saw the last, but their t"atied -together, but they were never chubby hands whenever they were in- sing. She began a song of King Ostar's
black -framed, black -tasseled picture eye bright with the lustre of heaven, friends, and the Samaritans were exe jured in those first skirmishes with —his favorite composition.
of the night'? It is the heir -loom of and their cheeks roteate with the chided by the JeW4 from the temple at the rough old world. And then the The theme was a sad one, the music
our family. Ours, the grandeur of nu4b of celestial suanner. ,. Jerusalem. midnight kiss with which she routed pitched irl a tender minor. Ail the
the spring, the crystals ot the snow, What clasping of hands. What em- 10. If -thou knowest the gift of Goa. so many bad dreams, as she leaned 'girlie breaking heart fomad voiee as
the coral of the beach, the odours a bracing. What coming together of lip The gift is to he explained by refer- over your restless pillow, have all been she sang.
the garden, the harnaoniee of the air- to lip. What tears of joy. You say, "e ence here to the text in the last lesson on interest these long, long years. Of When she ceased she had apparent -
You cannot see a large estate in one thought there were no tears in hea_ which telis us thee God gave his only course, she is not so pretty and kiss- ly forgotten where she was. Asa deep
morning. You must take several vent, There must be, far the Bible begotten Son, llion wouldst have ask- able as you are; but if you bad done sob was heard all eyes turned from
. m' His oyes ware
or flood immensity with His g-erY, walks around it. The property of says, "God shall wipe them away:- ea of him. Dr. I lumei cepan s is your s lase o work during - her o .
tot wheels. Able to heal a heart -break this royal house of Jesusis so great, and if there, were no tears there, how thought thus: "Spiritually, our posi- ten years, the contrast would not be streaming.
or hush a tempest, or drown a world, that we must take several walks to
could He wipe there away? They ea n- tions are reversed. It is then who art so marked. Her face has more wrin-1 Approaelaing Prime Oscar he took
or flood immensity with His glory. get any idea of its extent. Let tba not be tears of grief, or teare of dl"- weary, and footsore, and perched, close kles than yours, far more; and yet if him by the hand and led him to where
What other family name could ever first walk be around hte earth. AB appointment. They must be tears of to the well, yet unable to drink; it you, were sick tba face would appear; the singer sat. Withont uttering a
boast of such an illustrious person- these valleys and the harvests that - will . d is 1 who Call give thee water from the more beautiful than an angehs as it. word he joined their hands and left
age t ' wave in them, and the cattle that pas- "What! child of heaven, is if ton much well, and quench thy thirat forever." hovered over you tvatching every oppor- them there, sta.nding amazed before
gladness. Christ ANn Gortie an say,
ure in theme all these mountains, for thee? Dost thou. break down under kb vrould have given the 'living water. Welty to minster to your comfort, and them ale
laenceforth swing out the coat -of- e
arms I Great families wear their coat- and these precious things hidden bee Running water • spring water ;ntsyme every one of those wrinkles would Prince Oscar and his wife—the Prince
the ,lad a this reunion? Then.I-
of arms on the dress, or on the -door neath them and the; crown of glacier
y cast a the feet of the Alpine will help thee." And, with Hie one
of the coach, or on the helmet when -the 't
they go out to battle, or on the flags hurricane; all these lakes, these is- areal around us erne the other arm
lands, these continents—are ours. In around our loved ones,, Ile shall hold
rejoice and everything live.
wherever It goes makes the desert
and ensigns. The heraldic sign is
the second walk go among the stre t as up in the eternal jubilee.
eagle. Gar coat -of -arms, won right lamps of heaven, and seeg stretchinge While I speak, some of you with
with. "The people that go to dip wa-
lL Sin, thou least nothing to drew
sometimes a lion, or a dragon, or an
over the -heart, hereafter shall be a off on every side, a wildmieso of broken hearts can hardly' hold your
cross, a lamb standing under it and worlds. For us they shine. For us peace. 'You feel. as if you roust speak ter out of Eastern wells are provided
with small leathern buckets."—Harm-
a dove flying over it. Grandest of all they sang at our Saviour's Nativity. out and say, "Oh; blessed day, speed
escutcheons I Most significant. of all For us they will wheel into line, and On. Toward thee I prees with blister- mar. The phrase " Sir " is a more re -
family "Coat of arms." In every bettle with their flaming torches add to the ed feet over the desert way." My eyes spectful title than the woman has
heretofore used. The well is deep. A
I must have it blazing on my flag; splendour of our triumph on the day fail for their weeping. I faint from
the dove, the cross, the lamb; and for which all other daye were made, listening for feet that will not e,onae, tacit'
when I fall, wrap me in that good old In the third walk, go around the and the noued of voices that will nat 12, Art thou greaier than our lath -
Christian flag, so that the family coat- Eternal City. is we come near it, apeak. Speed on,' oh day ,of 'reinaione, er nazob. Even Jacob, great as he was,
,, hark to thearush of its ebariots, and And' then, Lord Jesus, be not; angry had to dig this well_ Can you get wa-
that all the world may see that I look- the wedding -peal of its great towers, with me if, after I have just once kiss- er without digging for it? And Jacob'
af-arms shall be right over nay breast
ed to the Dove of the Spirit, and clung The bee of beaver,. bee struck twelve, ed Thy blessed feet, I turn around to in his tarn had to dip it up painfully
to the Cross, and' depended on the It is high noon. We look off upon gather ap the long -lost treasures of with leathere buckets. Cali you draw
Lamb of God, which taketh away the the chaplets which never fade, the my heart. Oh, be not angry with me. the water -without the buckets?
sins of the world. eyes that never weep, the temples One took at Thee, were heaven. But 13, 14, Whosoever drenketh ofi line
On whom my hoPes 'of heaven de- never part, the procession that never ceding heaven., over -topping heaven of Jacob's well; which is a typ,er of all
bol beet; of divine life, perennial life. seem to be brigh twavelets of sunshine
The gift of the Holy laterite which, chasing each other over the dear face.
She will leave you one of these days.
These burdens, if not lifted from her
shoulders will break her down, Those
rough, hard hands, that have done so
'many necessary things for you, will
be crossed upon her lifeless breast.
Those neglected lips that gave you
year first baby kiss will be forever
closed, and those sad, tired eyes will
have opened' in eternity, and then you
will appreciate your mother; but it
svill be too late."
" Asha.naecl of hesue I—that dear Friend that never close, tee loved ones.that ail these reunions will be heevert en-' water shall thirst ao,aire . The water
pend. - • • halts, the trees that never withee, the heayen commingling wieh heaven. wells eu-3°Yrueut dug thY inen•
No I when 1 blush be this ray shame— walls that never can be captured, the 1 was at Monet' Vernon, ana went 'liPPLY wijit give nut' Our 'Virit'ual
That I no more revere Ilis Name." , sun that never sets, ---until we can no into the dining -room in which our brat natures can serer be satisfiedwith
Next, I speak of the family 'sorrows.longer' gaze; and we bide our eyes and president entertained. the prominent PilYslea 1 benefits. Whosoever drink -
If trouble coma to one meroher of the 'exclaim: "Eye hatb. not seen, nor dar' m' en oi' 'thi,'s :and other lands, It Was ell ef-' (be water that I 'shall give but
family, all feel it. In Philadelphia, and heard, neither hath,it entered into the a very intere,eting spot. ' But, obl the shall never thirst. "The eravt.ag Ts
the region around, it is thcustom af-
heart ef man, the things that God banqueting -hall ef the family mansion satfsfied' as Sn°n as ever it re°'lltss"---
ter the body is lowered into the grave, hath prepared for those tbat love of which I (speak, Spread the table, Plummer, The water that 1 "Ilan give
for all the relatives to come to the Him I" ,ees these tides of glory rise, spread it wide; for n nereat multitude hint, &h 111 be he him a -welt of water
verge 'of the grave and look down in- We have to retreat, and hold feet lest are to sit at it. 'Froini the Tree the s•PrIngittg up 'lit° everlastillg 'life' "•tt
to it. First thoee nealnst to the de- we be eisvept off and drowned in tim tbe .1.1,1eer gather tin, twely:e manner le abundant, overflon'ing, not needing
panted come then those next of kin, emotions of gladness and tha,nesgie. Te: cruet, ' for feet he, el p t., in to be punned or lifted but Sloane.'
t'l tb have all looked into the ing and triumph, ' e:lusters'froin the heavenly vineyards, ou forever, eatiefying the, soul lillll:
grave- So, When trouble and- grief. go What think you of the family pro- and preas, them iato ale,. golden tank- Longs feth life. "It . so ahtliti.tani'
dawn throb --the heart of 'oe'e mem- , perty ? at • is considered an •boitor to itis for that table, no ba,,seets, eery that it IS enough tor ever oftehing neede,
ter of the famile, then ' go down ,, great wealth. The Lord, the bride- in the bread 0,f .whieb, if',a man eats, The water that 1 g1he bec-0111" a /cm --
theough them all. The sadness of orin marry into a fainily where there is lie, shall never hunger. Take all the tail', dwall8 le±° a dIver, and the liver'
is the sadnees of all. A company of groom of earth and, heaven, offers you eh ot-torn flags of earthly 'conquest expande into an (I loses itself. in I it('
perscine join hands around an electric, hue heerL and lee band,, saying'in the and entwine them aram,,,,. the arreee greet ,oheatt of oternity."—Dr• II- R.
battery ; the two persons at • the end words 01 see Canticles,' "Rise up, me .Let David c'oine wine' h'is harp, and .fte.,,Ynoiit,s• ' et: ,, _
et the line touch the battern, and all , love, my fair.. one, and come away," Gabriel ieith hie trumpet., end Miriam l'5. Sir, g'ce rile 1-m'; v''`' rer' ''''''-ns.'
son of the filial, material ,and pater- the eig.ilee, ej 0 g ,,,f Lee love, 4, cy, Will al home, etid ilie eapi,,1„-0,..1 nee -free, nee Teteher income' _ but ivbeteepr great
nal relati)ris of life, we stand so close be endowed with all the honours ot (he rather heti" invited; the mighty g II( 31Q, ha," -3 for 1-.1,1' •.--dle watntS,
,togetliee that when trouble sets its ec,,,ee of heaven and the' redeemed of chin]) 16. Go, tall thY. inithan11. Tier Sean
battery, all feel the thrill of distress., "Nex'n,th/ epe•,0,11 of the iy manatan. to conic, and eine. . out must find his veay lino, the wo-
tlie circle. feels the shock. SO,' by ',ea.-, and olu,,e Ilaving put on y our ,Julnd w,„tith tbe timbt,),.]; for the, h 0,11y a yea_ lie idea ee ,ehat,
Every shop you go into in Paris is
loaded with fax furs of all kinds, dark
and light. Lynx, too, is greatly in eon
denee. Blue fox,—what is called blue
fox, which is really a sort of grayish
fawn color, very becoming to dark pea -
pie, and going well with the beaver
(uad mastic and gray colort of the cos-
tumes worn—is also prominent. Every
muff and collarette, of course, car-
ries the fox's head, or several foxes'
heads. Fringed cravets of soft satin
and color -printed paene are greatly
favored, tied into bows with long ends.
Nearly two yards long must have beee
some of the eravats. The fringed scarf
appeats on the hat as well and is pop-
ular, though not the most chic wear.
1.11e toque is the chic hat of P;arie just
new and formed entirely of bird plain -
Mire Potp—Our eounnest child talks
all the time.
Mr. Chunappe—Is it a bay or a, eae?
Mr. Pop—Didn't I say it talked all
the eimeti
and Princess Bernadotte as they call
themselves—are well known anti liked
all over Europe. They are very relig-
ious an. often work together as pub-
lic evangelists. And at such times the
Princess's voice rings as sweetly itt
streets and slums as it did in a pal-
ace when it won a King's heart.
The door bell rings,
The portal swings,
My lady comes a -calling,
In velvet dressed,
Her veil close pressed,
The formal talk's appalling.
The style, the day,
Th'e church, the play,
Whatever line she fancies,
Ten minutes pass,
She says, ." Alas,
Time flies 1" and off she dances
No real word said.
From heart or head,
No thought, to live in beauty
Her list she checks --
What name's the next?
She's doing social duty.
The remarkable pleasing patterus
which adorn the cashmere shawls from
the foot of the Hima.laya Mountains
are copied from the leaves of the be-
gonia. Sometimes the design is vaiied
slightly, but every cashmere shawl
that is (teraiine represents a design
adapted for vegetable life.
There is a perennial noblenese and
'n• ' s
even sacre4ness Woi n ,.., in lc rne s
atone Labor is
li e ; wor k Li? Worship. •