Exeter Times, 1900-2-15, Page 2LEGAL,
Barristers. Solicitors. Notexiest Conveyancers,
Cowman ate-. Ete,
Money to 1,40R1 at Alper cant and 5 per cant,
r. eaRkuio,„ 7. H.3;neKSo1i.
member of be Airre will be az-Hemel]. on
Thursday of exteb, woofs,
T) a. oolativs,
Barrister , Solititor, Cousymtoor, Etc.
Bxwemt. oene.
OFFItnil z Over O'Neirs
Banisters, Solicitors, Notaries ?chile)
Couveyalacers Szo, ezo.
•Waloney to Low.
r. Exxon. F. W. GLAD:NMI.
ElterrY. al Is C. al. Tautly 'native
t tnee-Crciliten, Onto
1) na,ItOLLINS
serandeOfficee. ResIdeneesainoAsforine•r.
Andrew ;it. (maces: spaetteretee band:ea.
AArtil ; ItOpiu,, *Osule forlDerly„ 1101til
*leer lir...Fames balite building. south. door
1WU1* 1.P.Tee. A Atli, ef.
Fier:ear, teint
tireduate Vonotla swity
egtee ens ran ideates, Vousiuton Labera-
turYi Eneter.
B. LIYNDAIA.N. coroner for the
cottuty er Hugon. °Mee. opposite
1 ore, Exeter,
a U 4P:geel;
+II V Elei:011%954-
C fl Aar O. gut.
ENRY 14114BER Lieene
er tot tie° teitiet.te o
sea; aiiiiee cinittoeted
. aleatie, tit Pester:1We
lalt• Mara
1 t•
-war— -
a /Painter, whien I wee compelled to do,
ce,Cet4 tee, iag ne anien I got. the clumsy
i lathes e43r.f. at ' last, and vat h one
‘ot th-3 r. uott oars g•ve our frail craft
a sidgerea. thieve at. Melee staring
an toe allele at the huge hull. with di- RAILWAY TRAVEL IN SOUTH AFRICA
. toting eyes .tial drawu white race. ,
Not so cheep, and tonarortable as Our
oiteca slightly., ill a =moat, forgettirg stelanbia. a wove uereared it elfaatt ooked down neon him he moved Prt,Fentiy the Blitzeu seemei to
• - . weleaeettesent syetems.
everettientotlee. X was Ivy ltio side an s rf tht tree-. a briosaues of the placid The grewth a railways in South Af-
oaAPnR rr. baelifted his head ueon my tenet!, Ile sea rtil embraced A'her bows, drawing
aving no means ee knowing ta, I opened his gluing' Oa s awl toOkod un Ulnas gennly down. So gently. like a ORA Qf recent years has been a won-
Himeatfor the eieor had new,. been inaoec, my eae.• ant his eat sweet smile, tir,ed wtettaa einseag to reit, dial the derful anin
d fascating one, almost
wowed, awing to my not beteg able to • :
h • ., thinof bigheat satis- InitzeLen u e the light, and only a r Av equalling the. mushroom-lika progress
teatime in la flie dry lips opened foanall. cleat wharle toad t pirate en the eSo recently as
and the key -1 cannot toil when tho d be
1.aixrature,!, ''''U lo, Tommy; sortie., to rice 1 for a minute or twe
year )1rIlasilroads therelf
. .
ohauge copse; but I think it must all
ban, been about eight lati. morning. ail 1i -tee." Veen en. iuteiligenee fad- til • sox witere ha had been_ tlifeeman' eart lee"90ttlaetw
ed out of his eyes, and he left Me. 11o;;4tIly tir u,. whO Were left. our we except the single line running to
begao to tumble about in so OU- It must have been, imam afterwards troubl a weee dearly at an end. One
The vessei su ideate righted, and tben
must go all to pieces. Elsie awoke '
toes. Elsie was sitting by the piece thleM•wjalcigealits4!
when I again rea teen ecty eurroond- ea
clay that _hoe beep, you what Atly bab 4,t, WO mede on the ters, Transvallers, and Boers g0nier-
rt;siilae:nofitoointetwutinixd1 were' atrictlY confined to English, col-
QUiee, Until that year the Free Sta-
rageous a fashion that I thought ehe
eereairding \vita fright; and with all 4:4 Yell".
You Sing's cat -like capacity for bold- Sing, perfect ly still, but 'eine art op i•-• wide sea we I,,,,e1 not oneen.f r at to.
.,, ally appeared to have had an rinsur,
R al tearing sob. She must have au t te ft 7 t 1... 4 I fel. oher than
0 ceuld get to her' to comfort her. ally the whele of the paet con • leach ti en b o ecee e alily QS if insLie my "mane, reach as the nP-CoulatrY Beer
sr i Mobbing, its regul ir pul a- eneuntable prejudice against the iron
mg on, it was some minutes before beeu ereene for a ,ong time. Graeu- 3
hat' not left my tsiele mere than ten 1 to tuts, and 1 san how our dead frieva h a ,„ 4
lurch the vessel, was hurled over to
a tr-etr"d°us had indeed pairi in fu 1 what he con- rniset t'ell'er,....bri,..,11.0,i.,.1'isti.oerj 4'7.115
minutes, when, with eeoffs at (up to very reeently a
starboard, and r knew that my oidered to a . his d.let to WI; Ali hough prep litteeent et . i earce r. e nd et r least) tiee utility of merman But the
been caught aback I Over, over she swirdr, Iofilevrxratrolnv. em;nalsuhm:: alluags,•ta.- :Ftrraal'a:.,:e'4. '111.'11114:0 ,,Ialler.".agaltevathtcehtiftel 14"1table' rea4t1Q11 sat
14 t IlzIlig'thi
greatest foar was reatieed-she had 11.°w that mad and gentle creature, in v
, aka for a s:ght ex her. and their diaiiket and doubt tarried by
statut uvtight upon tho leo ,huit. teiosuhlidiulagas:eairuiasie.nasiot (1St yatinbutlg touf,,,r..... ,1 ii. =4 t., ,..,f.z.ba.0,10),0, m A rapid etaaes into reespeet, and from
espeot to exathosieem itself, One
went, until it was almost possible to
3'd of the Cal"' in sea -Vara"' In out tletenee WWI 1.111L rly beyond ane m g ..... te,e e , $ . „..e, , Is ct •.4 Zoquetet example of this is to be
ow gave all uo for loet, and wait. 19°0";sottlzucl°,titlinrigwillatrytsaeloctIZtar'clikicIti it'rt.'‘‘ir ,-• f. I, tf,a: ‘,311ilu, 113411.ttoltt:lbezintl'gY "lid 7Ia 113° °ran° Pea
Statih that
wes on her beam -ends.
i artily breathing. for the crash of panegyrie, that wae lirecisfar ‘.13,31t• b"" 1:1 .o. cenos os h.. .1,--. A •1,1 1) t aleataely country being eat bete halvea
the end. The water on deek burst he owl done, and eith les °leonine's,' own era; ii "'"ol -4,,,T‘,—, -,;,,,,s4V .1! :4„ by a great trunk line, an when 04
rough every crevice and rose oen weapons, too. To say that I Pe lee -side until I was obliged to really felt lonely ani tielplees un- e0 ate„ y 1 n ..,., out jeeted and already prot•pected Ilnes
vetti ritit eweth
, ,t , . tu,e 1 he seei e a . ,;
th'ent/e4 IL° "414ta fr°144 it 4" ""
ciunb up to the fasteelanapea sttttj al now only fu
ointly reseYs the Alt" wh Ts 4 e ar atr, in 1.3'4% bo tie.
The uproar on deck wee louder tbau alrito-naglarn•St!S C'filfr1Q151:50 tplioaotr hentillie,T3e rurthn, ufxy.„';,.,,T ubou,rara,n,ilg'';,.'ii• ,1; L;4'.. - ' hat,171)1evai•IbiL11"reallPe°4tyl,"befAcetMilii3b71;
to windward to avoid beino droeued. ill
ever, aad I fancied that I eould lever °rowellet1 by the si ie of th eor.V. I wally eld net feel sorry ill .1 Ird , /*Pore of railroadli braseeleing acreee
eve*" uow and tittle through the turn- scarcely more a:itle thou it WeS• ralPt" not . in tm• 1 , .4.,,te"no 'he sl:olt tst
tilt the rending anti crasbeng of sears, fasting no fear or reauguil000 ai Me Fara et .1 . y bz, zik nines 1 he. ' country from the perent trackThe
t s it at,
greanaassseagainst the hull '11001,- peai•eunable to realize the great
and feel the shattering, blow of their erenie. seQt death; mixed, silo all° ino. .,.. le I., e Iteinx tt Tratiavuel itself ere ;mother century
. I3ut s,al pefatet . tit re were rio pei extgero on bo rt is out of long elatites will be a
sidetill the vess1 ered in its ital terror
, to nallti. 1 too. so n. ne was mo. e. sable network -of railways. AireadY
staunch. although every inch of her Roe long we bo. h sat in this tia eo Tor e 3
fraraeWOrk, vioible in the cabin was conoition it is imaoeeibie to sae' IN i 11 Irou„„,k 4'3, ltla1
,,...11)„,,,1 -,,7 3t Yell maY go 8.4 me * lY it-alla UP or
After what seemed like a whole for seVe rat hones, for wet be le enenee tr. lc ,11,4.1, my st, ry bit I et 01: town the "Republic" and oonsiderably
II awork. oar eefuntene5S.• No iltuilh' it 114" to t la* 4 4ermin ' a ul wit
or, hut could on* y have been two or only arttialiy aliee; anti, for env - , upwards or 'ISM eross-coautry.
hree hours. she b?gan to right her- rae;_, +he ons impreesion left was Oar*, ilyidi, ltegtubiliiZheab:i14.44eIlejteId btini'ereFgeidn": Travelling over SileethicAidrlea Jut
afelairiir- 1130.111Y ;he howl of the freang carried ulth it a Om an'tit baFilitt;e53`„eare,;(171:11x1. 4..as, ,114,87.. ZaI.,77:41.41.1,7,4":, .,',,,,i1.,,?,r,,auta fro: -
elf, and the din out side grew less all Wei tea Outs lees were i ttail. ri
tit 0,1aCelderaaridel'etua laletoimagbblutritivt7a71.1 file.1°';u1rilatut rrilV51.:.0(4:43:31"IgthCt011eXigli"Cint,?; te'odukkirahanflullg.ii"\,,,it,n' le arer le be" be nUere er the e';'Itn"W, and Per'
t., • • . * .
ic fashion, uotit nay anxiety to sets as at aoy ranneue ; but in this a also the literal lines on which
ight again sot the better of toy thought there WWI no fear, rathorhe rolotg stock ts Leila the, speed
eare. and I 0'1)11131y made litly okay relief.
up the companion, opened it, anti 1 110,,,,, often, 1 wonder has it been
8151 ed on to the poop, The sight the patesenger. The eng;,etes, too, have
eheld took away my breath. rh 'noted that in tittles et dee? Mental ills- ,',
vay to. gettiug pufttel out that oci-
'- i' tress, when the ra:rol atp..are to itavo
Tenn nt & ennen tzen WaS a complete wreckNot had mortal blow, aud au lox'() cosienaity gtveS Om traveller an op
3 stick was standing except the three
gOet' stumps of the lower masts; higher faculties which are our some
7 Cildrn-
ty of
. a s
liar possession age so numbed lint d .,Io.
istd Is not calculated to terrhiy
Graduate Of the eft) Veterinary Col-
< deer WWII tit TOWII
r WtTERLOO nutruar)
laire MST! ItAttelecao.
teeteetisited Lel 01.1.
11.is Cometino Imo been over Twentv-ei ;b.
;tare, in success:dui ,oller*tion in Westeat
t merits noel continues to neurone:dust looter
den nee by, Eire. Buildings, aleremin lise
Zon ttnet ones aitelesUeoliotoste
h oltlde ereeerty. intenditia inithiesee
• Ile optimal insuringon the Premium gown
COOL osetrtn.
DnrinE tbe past ten years thl$ company has
541•11.eu 56 eieN. towering tOpertY 11111
4)151, to $4e,872slitat mid paid 14) 101544 alone
Vite;52.01 .
Aar:olio n1178,100.00 consisting. of Cash
in milt flovernuteut impost twat the.untisses-
sea Premium a saes on band and xn force.
3.1 .11 1411.1,1, 'M.D.. Pre:Leant; 0 M. T‘nott
secretary. S. le lft In actor. CHAS.
BELL, A nt for Exeter and vicinity. .
sides for their entire length, the organism, the auhnat needs 01 ; ine ea faa
house on deck had clean disappeared, t he give no definite assistance to the
ct.o..1, au the veldt without mueh risk 0
e bulwarks were stripped from her
ir, ca
anti everything. that could be torn seieee, and thus sayea th, more ot at 'ailatst's
bodr have. instluctiie.y asserted tilt nx- :-:'- 4
0 f o Cs.' se lining ilia eifeeloantaneealap with
from its fastentugs about the clerks ans. But say lack in tbia dir-
or woman trove madness or death? It
t is not allowed to dnwount the
AbIngiotineshaf,tet'ul.ettitu;tlehran4.11('Inarnealw:u'eeeh' nottuesxtvsetriiroonlycesb,eaoltobootutfotheeeiedootararafootrtemste 00..
as orm might feel Up011 await/41101g tO ,, 1,,,, ea in sq....many „ono. at any ITEMS OF INTEREST. u. o asing the. South African rail -
:Chen) are turee reoloar waY4
final 1/13 11()Wie' reefleee and all Ida , r-rti. this was now the case with roo.
of day. But the sky was clear, It all the nementnins in the world
r third clas.5, the last named being
sea was going down, and we were 8(.113111, twhiltnlatiltirst became the one conscious the, latain,ivioauoid, hnormaenteateer,ye, ...I -4711.e 0
afloat. A. great wave of thankful- and, without thinking atout w"e ev . e . - le pauctieally reeltuned. no class at: all,
ness came over noo suddenly cheeked; withoutitto,undn3,settillyondefxzinyitefeiettte,as‘evvac;in, gI
To -•clay more titan 60 per cent. DI the tleturoted as et is to, cu:oured ladies
• and steggering as 1 eroeSed the 031.41' 'et7Str 'tilt worlti's Governments is 0-riki gentlemen. 1. Refill'. returning
• household gods exposed to the • •weyee viz., by traveleing etoond
glare I Gradually the fact tbat r was arebed
Xs-x-011811Pd every Thursday morning at
Times Steam Printing House
n street, nearleopposite Pitton'ajawelry
Store, Exeter, One., by
301IN wurrE ss SONS, Proprietor&
lint. insertion, per cents
• loch subeequent insertion, per line.. S cen's
To insure insertion, atitertisements sholu'd
to sent in not later than Wednesday morning.
el the largedst and beot, equippedin the County
oi Bums. work en rusted to 'us willre•
eive our prompt attenton.
Skeletons BegairdBig Nevespaperio
1-Ato person who takes a paper regularly
from the post office, whether directed In his
name or another`toor wnether he has subscri
cd or not, hi responsible for pennant.
2e -of a person orders his paper oisoontinnei
he ninet pay ell arrears or the pnb isher may
continue to send it until the payment is made,
and teen collect the whole amount, whether
the paper is taken from the office or not
3. -In sudsier subscript.ons, the suit inay be
instituted in the place where the paper Is pub-
• lished, although the subscriber may reside
bunareds of miles away.
4 -The courtshave deal' led that refusing to
take newspapera or periodicals from the pose
°Mee, or removing and leaving them uncalled
for, le prima facie evideuee of lotentional
Sick Headache andrelieve all'the troublesinci-
dein to a bilious date of the aystern, such as
Dizziness, Nautea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating; Pain in the Side, Sec., While their most
remarkable succesa has been shown in curing
are equally valuable In Constipation, outing
and preventing this annoying complaint. while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to Move
who suffer from this distressing complaInt;
but forhlriately their goodness does not end
here,, and those who Once try them will find
these littlepills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without therm -
:But after all sick head
:al file bane 'of so many live* that here la whore
vre make 'Mir great boast, Cur pills cure ft
while other* do not. • .
Conieet's Joeste Lives PILI are very south
mid very easy to -take. One or two pine make
a dose, They are strictly vegetable and do
not g -ripe purge, but by their gentle action
plettee au who use there. in vials at 25 cents;
five fer soideverywhere, or sent by Mail,
CADIZIt Il8DIOIY11 (10 ITArt Torlt
ft Do!o..•Small two%
by tha paralysing thought that per -
Irene Oteguanealm.rg, to Cape Town
wale eaviaga well have to rtsoute
them by •tr.atiti on favor of the. rad -
way company. dies employor, it aux-
tells for a whiff at 020310, will have to
disauree etad tor his ticket; in addition
to annul etunts ler necessary extras,
ext.:Waive or numeroae extras. "Sec-
ond case" is a great institution in
Jeeps eve hail sprung. a leak. I stood'
still for a moment while this latest !deck to where the b'eutt)e-butt used mow' by wars -least, presnitl and
to be lashed. tIneding it gone, I stood, prospective.
fear soaked in; the'n, bracing myself helplessly,. -staring at the ends of
we to learn. the worst, I.hurried for- Russiaie Asiatic, poesessions az
be lashings that ha.d securea it, with 4, „
yard to try and find 'the 'rod to sound t* re the size of Great Bri-
tearntsel; but bo'ld 1 0,000,000 inbebito
a dull, stupid anger sae disappoint- a
the rest of the carpenter's gear, with mexit. Thee I began to think; 1 had as corap4)anrYed with England's
he well. But it had gone, among
the deck -house, and I was obliged to t° Lor
I my na 1 '• 1)70011000 subjects,
ed vets imperative. 1 re- "luta
y memberei that You Sang heti brought " . *
give /IP the idea* Returning aft' ' into the cabin before the typhoon a. la is supposed. that the average
uncevered the cabin skylight and idepth of sand in the (letter ts oe Africa
went below, finding You Sing busy store of water sufficient for days.
do- is from Mt to ,10 et.
preparing some food. Then I sud- Ths raental eifort was bracing,
lag muca to restore me again to same
denly remembered that I was raven- show of usefulness. 1 soon found the
ously hungry, and we all three sat water, and hurried on deck once more,
down and ate our fill cheerfully and swallow -for the cabin was no place to stay in
gla,dly. But, while we were now. It was tenanted by shapes oe
ing the last morsels of our meal, You dread, full of inaudible signs of woe;
Sing, gravely lifted his band and sat and right glad was I to regain the
listening intently. There was a side of the little girl for living corn -
strange, sound on deck, and it made
ma a.most helpless with fear. For ,
ionship, I offered her some water.
it sounded like the singing chatter of rlooked at it dully, as if 'unable to
repeatedly rousing her that I
Chinese. Wttach any idea to it oand it was only
e sat for a few moments y
as if suddenly frozen, listening with '`
every faculty, and hardly breathing. n.ana.ged to awaken anreason in her
injured mind at all. In the absence
Then, ghost-like, You Sing rose, and of any Each compulsion I think she
taking the two of us by the arms, would have just sat still and ceased to
gently persuaded us into one of tha live, painlessly and. uneonsciousay.
state -rooms at hand and signed to us Now that the needs of another were
to keep close while he went to investi-
laid upon me, I began to move abottt
gate. Noiselessly he glided away
a little more briskly and to notice
from us and was gone, leaving us a
our condition with returning interest.
For some time the strange steadiness
or the ship had puzzled me without
arousing any definite inquiry in my
mind as to the cause of it. But cross-
ing the deck to re-enter the cabin the
tries significance of that want of mo-
tion suddenly burst upon me, for I
save the calm, face of the water only
a few inche,s from the deck -line. The
Blithen was sinking. During the ty-
phoon she must have received tremen-
dous iejuries from the wreckage of
her top -hamper, that floating along-
side entangled in the webli of its .rig-
ging, was as dangerous, as so many
rocks would havebeen. There was
urgent iaeed now for thought and ac -
prey to the most harrowing sensa-
tions in the belief that all our cruel
forebodings were about to be proved
true. For some time not a sound
could be heard in our hiding -place ex-
cept the soothing creak of the timbers
or the wash of the caressing waves
outside the hull. Yet I remember
curiously how even .in that agony of
suspense I noticed that 1.b.e motion of
the ship was changed. She na longer
seemed to swing buoyantly from wave
to wave, but solemnly, stolidly, she
rolled as if the sea had taken aosses-
sion of her, and bereft her of her own
grace of mastery.
A confused thudding sound reached
us from above as a caused by the pat- oe„le
tering of bare feet on deok; but there 'la's s's '
o For there was nothing of
were no voices, nor, indeed, any other any kind on deck floatable. Boats,
noises to give us a eine as to what a
soars, hencoops, all had. gone. A thou -
was going on. Very soon even that sand futile thoughts chased one an -
ceased, and we were left again tO the other through ray throbbing brain: but
dumbness of our surroundings. '.rhe th'y ran in circles that. led nowhere.
child went to sleep; and I, after Psr-
' There seenaed to be no possible means
haps half-an-hourn,f of strained listen- .-- esea'Pe' .* Yet t'seineltaw 1' was
ing, felt that I. could bear this con- not. hopeless. I felt a curious reliance
dition of things no longer, for it had upon the fact that we two small ,peo_
seemed like a whale day to my
ple had corae through so much unhurt
cited imaginings. So, as silently as in any way, and this baseless uneees_
had You Sing long ago, I stole from oning faith in our good. () fortune for-
bade me to despair., So that I cannot
the little state -room and across the , felt greatly surprised when
saloon. With 'all ray terrors welch- ' say I
ing me down, I crawled worm -like up 1 presently saw( on the starboard side
tbe companion -ladder and wxiggled on fardard a SMaal sampan 'th)ating4 P1810 -
to tlae deck on all -fours. The sea idly, its grass painter made last to the
and the sky, and the barren deck all foreechains. Tbere was nomystery
about its aippearance.• It hadbrought
lay in perfect silence, which pressed
heavily upon, me like one of these ...those awful visitoes whose defeat caus-
nightmares in which you feel that Un- ed You Sing les life, and was probably
less you can seream you most die. tiac onlY surviving relic alsome junk
after two or three attempts 1 rabist- that had f oundered in the* storm. The
ned ray parched mouth and called.
sight c4 it did me a world of good.
"You Sing!" There .
was no voice or Rushing to .Pasie, I pointed. *out the
any one that answeredBut that 1
fact of 0,113immediate danger, and of
tlainl: the limit of ray capacity for the ilote lett 119, and after some lit -
being terrified had been reached eome tle difflieulty sueceeded in getting her
time before, I believe this irrespOn- into the sampan. The Blltzen was
siveness, with its accompanying sen_ nOW So low in the water that my tre,
satiou of being utterly alone, would m-eining time was countable by sec -
_have made me an idiot. As it was, e ands. I flew ithe tiain, snatch-
only felt numbed and tired. Slowly ad riP a 1 est hieellits and, the large
ft stood up upon my feet, and went, can of water that stood in the bath-
foreard: to the break of the poop, room, and rushed for the boat, As 1
learniog at come the reason ' of you scrambled into her with my )311/' cies!), 1
Sing's silence. For by the side of aoticed shudderingly that the ship
the ' after -hatch lay three Chinese, eva.s be,ginning to move, but withsuch
naked and dead, bearing on their a motion! It was like the death -throe
bodiathe grim evidences of Ile of 0, rrI0e-a lihOsical fact with which
methoci of their ending. Close to a 1.9 to I had been well acouainte,d.
tho cabin door, es, ie he had dragged Every plank of her groaned as if in
himself away fram his lete ant gon- a on , ehe, gave a ottrver ng sideway
isl s ie the vain hope or reeching ilia stagger. My fingers trembled so
-a,ni again, lay You Sing. As f that. I cooid hardify cast adrift the
.A.n Army officer estimates that 111 south eitritut, though it ley no meanie
the century just closing no fewer werne to keep the many beaded, sons
than 30,001g0a men have been killed in at toll from the supurior comforts of
war in cieilized counerieS. Ursa 'rhe miner returuingi sleuth
The time a telegram needs to go with a week a growth on hie, chin, and
from London to Alexandria is 21) rein.; end a ilie independence in leis pocket.
to Bombay about 1 „hour, to Pekin t has a hankerieg ateea• travels:tog sleet
hours, and to Melbourne 8 hours; class, whose he, is not slow to satisfy.
The British soldier is tin best fed The maximum fare from Cape Towel
individual of his class in Eurepe. Ho to liameayo la the reapeetable 1Ittle
receives for his daily rations 16 oz. pile of ",e92.'25 which is at the rate of
6e per ranee 13ue there are other and
irregular neethoas et travelling on
Cape railways that are, however, not
oxey cou.utenanced by the authoritiee,
but have a epeoial scale all to them-
selves. It a man must travel without
delay, and there is nothing handy ex-
cept a coca or goods trials, he, can. bave
it pulled down by some wayside sta-
tionmaster, and cm payment of 4c, per
mile (second class fare) he may claim
the privilege of travelling in the tem-
pany of the guard in his great lum-
bering van, a einethed of getting
along in high favar with some people.
If the freight train passenger desires
more perfect solitude or objects to
the two penny rate, he Can be accom-
modated in the oorner of a truck at
a penny pee mile. This is rougbing it
in be sure, but with sufficient warm
clothes for tho chilly nights, gooce to-
bacco, and. Mega -three with perhaps a
trapauling in the background against
rain, there are men who declare this
is the finest way of travelling on
As to the speed of South African
traits, a good idea will be gained
virhen it ie said that the( fastest long-
clistance train is that which runs be-
tween Cape Town and Blioemfonteie,
and performs, the tong stretch- of 75e
miles in 36 hours, or an average pace
of barely 21 miles per hour. From
Cape Town to the 'recognized Trans-
vaal o,a,pital, lteretoria, i* tha big
journey of 1011 miles, over which the
engine pulls and enorts, 121,01'8 Or less
Lor 52 long hours.
Port Elizabeth and East London
traina are still more stately in their
movemenats, the gradients being ra-
ther less favorable. Notwithstanding
that the distance freea the former
town to Pretoria is only 741 miles,
the same, time is taken as from 'Cape
Totvn. The East London express.
ohops tan hours off this time, but
even then the average speed attained
is only 16 miles an hour. You may
t3:8.tiOrSe eal miles ol metals over
the, Natal Railway system., but re-
cords will hove to go if the journey
hours which is cousidered ree t•
of bread, r2 oz. of meat, 203. of 'rice,
8 oz. of dried vegetables, 16 oz. or,po-
tntoes, and once a week he receives
2 os. of salt, 403. of coffee, and 9 oz.
of sugar.
People who are susceptible to the
cold should make a point of wearing
loose alothing in cold weather. Loose
garments are always warmer than•
tight -fitting ones, not only because
• they allow room for circulation, but
because they permit of a layer of
air between the ;skin and the outside
The coldest inhabited country ap-
pears to be the province of Wertho-
ja.nsk, in Oriental Siberia. A Russian
savant passed one entire year in the
inhospitable region, and kept a daily
record of the temperature, from
which it appears that the daily mean
of tho entire year is 254 degrees be-
low zero.
A Canadian paper says: We do not
claim to be the biggest printers and
publishers in the world, but do claim
to have the biggest 'devil' in this
country in our office. His name is
Robert Blanehard, and when he is in
good. trim weighs 27st. Ile is only
nineteen years old, and holds the
medal for • ohampion heavy -weight
bicyclist." •
There are more marriages in
pamportion to the population it cities
than in the country, •
A Dyspeptic?
What is
eaSteria ILS fax Infants and, Children. • Castoria, is a
harmless substitute for •Castor Oil, raregoriet, prOPS
out SoOtbillg Syrups. It eoutalLOSt Aeittier Opium,
no other Narcotic substance. •It Is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Blirnons of
Blethers. Vaatoriei destroys Worms and allays reyerlsja.
uess. Casteria cures Diarrhee% and Wind Celle, Casteria.
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constiw-,tion and.
Flatulency. Castoria assinWates the Food, regulates
the, Stomach and 13owe1s of Infants and Children; giving
healthy and natural sleep. Vasteria. is the Ohildrea's
raelfSeetea-TIto Mother's Friend.
• CaStOria.
00141Etorbt an OXVeileut medicate or
eitildrea, atethers lave repeatedly told tee
of its geed 'effect upon, their children."'
PR, a, C. Owen), Luzon, Zfoo..
• Castora
oTastorie Is so welt pt
that reeommend it as euperi
aeription Enown tome."
33. A. aiaelitaa, 313 11 Rroakiro, +114
o elditirett
gay pm -
aurally Q. few oandwi i; Intro'
Pooket will barely suffice for this pro-
digious railway journey, and refresh -
meat facilities aro provided on a gen-
erous scale, Oa mail trains tho pas-;
cellent style, and at a really moder-i
ale tariff. Ott ordinary trains tho
sandwiches, which can be got g
at every. station, Is extremely popu-1
laanr,..veItkntsownootnorboermeleiltt tea asvaettAtivallot.
dinner between prodigious slices of
bread. If you ore, not so easily satis-
fied, you may order a sumptuouo din-
ner by wire from anywhere en route
and you may depend. on the train be- ,
ing stopped to enable you to take for- Xol.Cori..V
mal poosossion of it. Indeed, the
the laotel for it find relict. no charge BEANS
guard will, if necessary, slip along to
The D. & L.
obestand SEC51 platatte prepentlen of
Cod Liver011.earecing
• stomachs
a paserfind by the leading phystctaao at
so. marvellous flesh producer and will give
3984)14 appetite. 504,4 $t per Bottle.
Be sureyou get DAVIS & LA1VRUNCU
tee germane CO., Leveed, Montreal
Emaciated--wealy-gloomy. No one
can adequately describe the abject inis•
ery of the sufferer from Dyspepsia and
Indigestion. South American /corvine
is f the greatest discovery in medical
science for tho elite of all chronic,.
stomach troutilee. It acts direetily
through the nerves-tlie seat of all da -
ease. Tbausautle testify of Cures made
Relief from the first dose.
was a great sufferer from stomach
and nerve troubles, Tried a score of
remedies. No relief. Half a bottle of
South American NervIne worken .W011.
'dere, Sin bottles made a iiew man of
mo.'' -W, R. Shermeit, Morrleburg,
Ont. • 21
Dcm't experiinerit with new and
doubtful medicines -lake- the trivet
Solti by' C. Lutz, Exeter.
IzrEA-Ar. roc ...s
eaerry that sure the wertteako et
l'isrvutto .11rtariti. 3ost Visor 411,11,
radio; elaoheioir restores the
werknom of leaky' or mind causea
overmurk, (IT the mom r
trcroble, though needless to coated yeeth. This Reunify sli•
caul* eurrs the most obstinate eases when all other
say, a tip will not come amiss.
Children Cry for
Many te, MIMI is censured as a sel-
fisb husband when he is really hard-
ly responsible for his fault. There are
women so constittited that they spoil
every thing within their prey-
inde In. over -indulgence. One of this
type so overtvhelms her husband by
kindness that lect accepts bis role of
divinity as a matter of course, Where-
as, before marriage Edwin waited up-
on Angelina, anticipating her wishes
zrotsestesre love failedevento relteae.
sista ra per ratikane, or six tor $re or Ara by mall o
-one:act pipe ie. natireirei.-Tfin .7 MPPICINI
+ w
Eold Btownintes 1)ruis Store Exciter
in this shape given to sweethe rts 3E1
es einblern of enduring affection. Far
from being considered an evil omen,
It is, with its flushing of rainbow -
hues, 'looked upon. as a type of hap-
piness and luck.
So few women tanderstand the real
becomingriess of furs. Why will der
swarthy women • weer Persian lamb
and pale, colorless.blondes gray fo
when both require a very opposit
The soft warmth of mink, the rich
nese of sable and ebinohilla are go
wally becoming, and when they fa
with lover -like rapidity, she now waits in quite producing the desired effe
upon herself, and in a little while the a jabot of chiffon, the right tint,
positions are totally reversed, and a fall of yellowish lace, will add t
Angelina waits on Edwin. Complete necessary touch of color, but timbale
effa.cament marks her status. The somest fur gaxmeta is a failure
daintiest morsel of the joint, the thole- worn evith e toilet whose lines a
est fruit, the most comfortable chair, colorisigs are at war with it,
and the coziest corner of the room,
eacle is allotted to the spoilt husband,
who accepts all. Re allows her to fetch
and carry for him as he would a dog, c
pften. without a word of thanks equi-
1 t, to the pat bestowed on the
Children Cry for
Ara en
(lamb animal. Truly a spoilt husband
this and a spoilt disposition in con-
sequenca which exerts a Potent influ-
ence on those with whom it is brought
into contact during 'the. routine of
daily life. This might have been oth-
erwise had a little common sense and
self-restraint on the part of Angelina
led her to exaeL her due'share of re-
spect and devotion from Edwin.
Of sterling gold. are the links of
wee purse. The gold mount is pa
1 cularly b,andsorne. These little pu
'steel,• The steel are handsomer t.
are also seen in sterling silver an
the silver, but, of course, the g
purse is far and away the most go
ous of them all.
The "hoodoo" has been taken from
the opal. Until very lately it was
considered unlucky to own or wear
opals, unless they chanced to be. the
wearer's birthstane, and then they
were looked upon as lucky talismans,
bringing good luck aid heppiness to
the possessor. The old adage has if
that the oeal is a wiseacre with ree
ard to tho health of the wearer, If
in ill -health the gem will teeorne
pale and. dim; in good health its
colors will be flashing and brilliant.
Opals are supposed to bring bad luck,
disaster and illness to the pe,rson
wearing, them, and for a long time
they were tabooed. But all this is
changed now, likethe peecook feath-
er and the' Boston bean. The, opal is
is to be pallor/fled much uridet 17 now cat in the form of a heart, and
able time, The stowest railway of all oa e
however--though that from Port '"'d °re" w000t,'s raotyiliodile
Eliaabeth runs it desperately close ---is
th,e Dpi.! got Bay Line the 395 miles
eepar a teng Johannesburg and Toi ure
enco Marquez occupying jrist 27 hours
whioh repreeeete a rat e equel to a
trifle over '1 '12014.25 an hour.
The liangerse dtrect railway run in
m r Stimulants. elailed on reeciPt
oce,n p
The,flreat Bny1140.. farnedy,
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only rello
able medicine' discovered. Sm
packoges guthymteed to cure all
forms of Sexual •Weakiiess, all effects of abuse
or exce, Mental 'Worry. Excessive 104' of To-
1)411- -.10.
r One ptease,
Oteuth Africa at still, of couese tha t er W2ettre. PallIphiet free to eny address. 1
130an CaecTown to Ent uwe o, 1 ee- e°
elhr -Wood IuPllnY' Wincls°71 Ont.
act di el once beiln4 360 tnir:e ty 1e ectser \V, 1? Pltoephcidine is sold E et
th i lat nd the by di. W,2 oIli no, druggist.
Maiwatohin, an the bordere of
sia, is the only town in the world e
oluesively inhabited by men. The Chi-
nese women are not allowed to live in
this territory and are even forbichlet.i.
to paze the great. wall of Kellum arid
enter Mongolia, All the Chineseuf th
border town are tandera,
Canvasser -I have here a
Master of the House -T c0221read
Co nvosser-But your children--
infester of the Etouse-I laave no ch
drert, riurnIplitaily, nothing but (0
Canvasser -Weil, you want som
thing to throw at the oat.
He took the book. •
The dearest material fax eurtaina
English woven sille which may cosi
to 26 a yard.
Last spring a large number
Sottish girls emigrated to Manito
aude within six' neon:the • two-thirds
them were morried.
Fruit stairie on white skirts,
may be 'removed by eoakiog foe
hours in sour milk and -then th
uglily rubbing them lpetyvvier
hands. •