HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-15, Page 1WENT-Y:7SEVENTH YEAR NO. 26 Latest News If You Want the Latest MIDDLiSEX ZETT XETER orr., NADA, AY B.R,LTAR 1:5t1-10 1.01)0, a o! n cellars wa$ the reeult. Vrieelflieter S Crediton riflk 31 auks and daugh- i I nGe ..3 . 7r..Scuatinhentirlasustaci,neNr.atwarre PigulirnestiageaugveenT 1')°k IL* "4 41ar:deelntlautlt7 Qe etter , i le guests of Roht i El eneali. od Usurer otuo,rdazeliicensgs. heeel deco LLINS STAN/AO-eV °new catenate tirawn. at. reasonable rate* a a , ...-- , LAW geFlOtete Mover talit-eini sta ley., tatItin°,1"1.0 .7_0. 1.,ithee, 1 RNETVE. a•tlit left on Tuesday for Toronto,. to bel t Maley te loan ea real estate at low rates °tin •tiOTD.TeS.--Wrefit..in3Loit, of Eden, and I t_ixeres jt.. 110.1101eQeoagt Ette. Vest efilce• geosam his daughter Minnie, visited in Sarnia • IL.nder this heading we received 'est ereeeut at the opening of the Legielae on Sunday last. Minnie will remain ' Nieeic a lengehy counnanication bear- tore.- -The river was very high last .ae-- them for some time.-Edeu Sabbath lug on the &L 51 Bend glad Deehiaciod week *Wing to the sadden thaw. --bliss i . ,s 1.We A n svt er (late wito Qurew & PantateettSarriste seho01 will have a title new libravy for football ditlIcolty. As tlds matter has Coursey has 311 her position in , . A s n ext Sunday. purchased at Mr. Grigg' been threshed out Woe and again, we the nubile school, and ieft Wednesday '... Solicitor. Notary Public. If easall. Oat. D, D• t5erinnor terade- Neter.--The church choir is pickine- cannot see that any'gocal will result ia , to attend the Normal. i F.. iii. iiheoi,Tialgc").7511;ir rs Its., nentlete. Teetn ar , ,,,ot,,,,,r,x,on,l,„;,,,,,,,,,ii.:3,,,.tic.z,,,,,,,.,,i e,er, e.,z,iiiiail)tatio)itin ultielinile)t, iourtus.1 et,InntrdeaTvs. trilh ei . eve it! ii I. in 1 gie it)t ot rvoell: it. nreagtuleeticoet; I through,i...in:Isle. lol 1 Bx3ISTYS!,-Miss Shepherd Visited Lour visiting, With their' dangliter„ Mrs. J no ' pendent, we might stty that the Oscar I Bnlr.,, eased to say that ( W . -Si -47s: ley friends last weeltz.---,We har eit stet- Essery.. eefiss Retta Bssery le viatiog ;spoken a in his last, hutiget is not the ,i wm. c ''. ed that the Zdolsote'S hank will open'h fr : witiends in Gleticoe.---thar new P., Two l'imus Dasitwood cOrresPeadente ° stole has vitiate, C. Sohn - their brench hea re, dy, in thP course ; S. teacher, E. Braswell, is gettiug along We feel confident that all cOcer nned 3 ba$ had up for a week ; he days. -.1. F. E:Berry has been picely. he is a Youllg man who is 'a will eesatislied to have the discussion 1 it viounr,,, i nun3. -L . y a i tutud ; we hope oee hint soon.- The quarterly vice on Sundity was well t.tttended, comp sidering lite day; the meeting wee advaril Fullarton,. Ilill oreat haereet, and qiiite Z. nom - the snettilinq patteoiz. of the s i •Onttlittlelteese tuectin i her nt. on Mcinday niteeneon a. e ie ity and ores fairly we iiitroine The state- and harmonious busi- aa held ; the men:Lets ' the past year gave their minister a. halt previous ' a itatiint to retorn, for te der season. ' So 0 e of sue s iu business. uestion asked. ---'What le -Sec. Varna READ HE PAP slightly indisposed the past len. days. hc,00d soveeed. ,!tliscontinued. En. TvilVs.1 he to now eonvaleseent.-On inesday young man named Verner nartvwly eFeviwit W'3 3)13 injury, He was riding. ' a hagc,y with a Mr. ttleTaggart. II' YOU tVOULD 1,IKE. TO REAR TUE LATEST X. SPECIAL OLE RING READ TRE 13E101.V. tar P DIES' <ETS Regular Ott to clear at $22.50. 10; to cleat Se. ftWe hav w left to eIeJ at cost a 'Newest KO net makers. PUR AV) A $325 Te have left a few Coats, Ja.ekets, Capes, ete., win eh are sellinee strictly at COST to clear. de; PRINT \Veh313e but. left a few pieces of • Aineeican Percales, 33 in. wide, and Englieli Prints tolelear ht Sr: 33 4,..,.------ - - , $odorn , Ilpart's.---Tite rapid thaw o ae khlittit it horse.. SoMethingtrigInelle" i week reieed tire water on the low len te horse and it lumped into the linggY‘ 3 to :LI, great depth overflowing the rontle wowing the man and bey out Both 1 and trashing out colverts.-Miss Mtg. 1 u 0 tres ran awatI y, bat were Canf-lht he''' i rltIlltifOt fl intends vieititig friends Itt ' war; sOrneWhitt IOW r i 1, The be -et 4 1233, k, treerge Smith's "twee on account l' *aught in one a the wheal and N33? little girl, Nancy hag liven under the e,rat aatraget in luatang were itoeat i i tiv injored.-On Shpday a special tioctor' iNtt.e. ha le uow Lettere-A ate aaeroge pave rodieed. °And z tion. 13 3s taken up in lit. Paul's ; itevt.aio 10,4 in our meat &- SU extreme. ,,t p.....,,, 0_,..._ arta .,,,... aolotion to in a,141 a Vito patriotie fund, I ly conservtitive that ohm onr riding , 44 "Viltis.;1„: ''sf.,,ti.,13'crot.4.,71. ;0 everyone itie t 11u18.nuto3l to $td. Ree.Doili 11,3- oho oloPloYs a Postillion,- ,ii...s L. concerned. The twoopeets for the coot - 9 414.1lve1e4.I 44 3speel.41 eerizion.-The ,proutta Nano and Ethel tepee vetited tat., vett h„ the nine art. good.* EINIAe lodge is sead tily growing. in at Av. Barris' Monday afternoon.- , ii,V,Iii. phiops has :30Itt oue of his farnta , e several new luelnitels l„tellie; r Miss Ferguson reviewed the Sabbath to John laepologatt, and has rented a I ,acit riteeting•-igor,Ilrul voca !!sehool last Sunday in gi manner highly the utiaa. 1,, Al,... mepougone mr„ i mouths .' i 'n the interests of a hi- , ' 7._,..., • 1.14.6.; 7412" ..iinv. 44 t Th. fartatsi front Mr ' starts .t. in 44. row iittyS cDt. a two ute:ttstr to vat nateent„ = cycle iirni.-A gruel teirrival will be Andorso t-:)('5' 11 for a terra of veers. We l.v ey 1n44o..3mbliV. t138 K1;40ep10airgentt.-Qa vo in the lon ThrelyeenWi44 I4011414.41fleAr. 41;opatafitacearnmca- t r,itoe ve off*,red-r1" tmoves therin thr Bal, E Porogeertit14intTnetleeveisthgnest p,lell5 r nho.tion antiepate ppaead oflioreveto thewest-Mrud Mro. . etmn tar,F01-r -up'yr Russet '31'- 111 of Myth, at htncetiog of ryteet Wedwelginsot 1311 31 ... wo wonw, ree S the nierianeee of Carmel ciattrelt, on O. It:ttelitfe,-)le. lk t ;tad Miss mho ,0-433,,,. who ;Mond to 38.3 3133(13. %3.'* 1133-1 3.11434 '3' wa's "l " evtt'd Rhat Csly lwwea .at S% Zr with , their failinge in tint. oeeitelin e e.--ttr. 1P-recent"...-v;r• :11441.11 t's''''''5''.1 'tit !friends in Marine. -Fret me and and ,41,. 1! '7.'31 ilee risithmio r 01.. Good Goods, Right Prices, ing and '7ourteous Tfeattnent ers. best er yeer. Stanley Llitithea-Nre are plenard t lea tlott W. Calmate 13 improving and We , 310p3' 131. may continue.-Mts. J. 'WM- her, who hos beeu vieitivg relatives in this vicinity, 13.3s3ibtairrn3'31 to her borne near Exelert-R, G. 11,41 ulto went 33 1133 whoel heatetqatragt. 14;F,S re '• " turned owing to :enact draieliity 18. 41i - t333 01.44:1" Z‘"s310$.!,- aye ; pleased 3. 3. know A. 'Walter is rOke to tvalle 3* )33'331 and itt sltrwly impr:ivitt;;. 4 •=-04'41. 1112341 3,St in331 weetie etetee Moffett and wife. e' ' 'Aforieetetw, vele) are the (-paean of :art% tP . ("aroptizil this wirilt.r, )ieve goce to the Bend to vieit rattives there. 11) ihlIl eitr st seselinee 2B03333 ving All lins **s33aU • Iept ina 331(3 3,3', 9V1., a on hest rhes a :Aro. Uw3t i1lfl3'31y 413.Fanitti 2'3eerionel,y ill in ilton. ' 1.7.tet Din Cold Cure for intliv •u and la grave. Only I box. , A , teeten 14334X Store, , leath of Miss Sarah Pavia only , tr or ge. X. 11,,N1,?, of ttlealovielle tee in 1-41nann't 4333 PAVy; iotie chlecett, held in Oe ,3.1 33103 night. proved a 313 01.1 onlv a erawded houne hut ateled „ , et22.ti bAn;-; realized. A Dieeetore of the I endeshorn eery co. have derided tat make I floalemee, and will Make' a vahl 134' ;tv:"' IL, conventi nt. lu Strat lord. on Toes- • t. i i 1 „.orqet, taeca,tee.o fa?tory at, Ilawkes- in. eved 41:: 1 CPTAS , 1){3 1,1 48"441(1144dMILYnS.1,11t:k11Pr.:1111 Vkiti4 'CI;i11 ::111,;l6IlliZit°111‘ IT itz‘,-,14t;:n !,1,11;,4,11i:ILit, L'I'7,%: ,!,',.ii.d,h;v,isn'Ein lat,1„ei:L.,„tr'"ezTair!, i '' 1):::::1111:::--"Tf 1811.11: SP;t1tt'llr:tattelitl. 1.31 v't)'" I: with the ice while !-Io y, t':on of Rev. th 3. Allht. c one felting frien is hero, hes re - Tuesday ert.uttugeuterpl,red a trurib" sister, :Uri. Thos. Ribei. °II Switzer, of Kiel:ton, is pie guest, a hor , .4. S. conetention at motherWell last 81-1:g Suillm; wa'4 ili,'Peo4ed 11'3 ' lain_lt. r fin,nrizteintee„. rittir.eisd -.Tuesday wee adeeided success in every F4,b. iitll , prepartg,try tinvie, on ieti„ , etaataly tuta„.„(tuaatata star. the Iresloyterian calm,: on Sabbat I - t le' bermes og, a t 0 COI". ZS ,..fl VC 4 singing claee -"di I Sutherlaud Cromarty nt the papers on the different snit- ti 1 ,1 1 . Dittynt.,3.--The youth and !wanly 4, . 3341 i" °P. Epplott were delegates ttt the E. ; lotion, we bear eer, atetteeen tote Drucoileld Hitter.* darilig the t314-4,:;'..lit :enson ti1111411"0 3° tw' vtinte, day and Weduw.s.lav. -Mr. and MIT. vine. and intolid.., toociag there ...,eun tem tiro ore/ it, wing congreg.tton "31 Joint Stephen gtisto tie dance perty net nreeeni aerae lon:iler, mores ftr'Tutilv, 1,1tottlal. "ice vttlinitle 3'. 333. ' on we/low-day eveniast,„-- Mit.s Bertha , ont,-Qattr trocitisvp peopy• Irani el 1 tte (1-ts co N'S of young friends.-, . ast us ATS. $01(1 I.Off bostwis 01 elovee Peed. to i 7.4.1essra. Jones &7, 'Huston, of Exeter. for it tqranteed la good fignre,-Ii`. IlleDonell has ai- m:ire $17, to i tosed of his collie dog to Mr. Sitwell, . 1 tanker, of Exeter. - rant. ii'torblut i in little burgh „on Friday evening ' of xoth,,r,rea was married on Wednesday to Miss '1,1 ' fi .(,)1 '117.ni : 110 lialyrk.itzTvi.le ject,n,zutr. liTriww,yvi i)coitii '1,71,1t1:11% 41 IT retr,aittptilit4 t4isrut: ni iignhgt3tnatin teatli7e I -Alex. Winer, who was Nulty Mtn:4. ----wt... Glom tives a grand or ,ter sitpvar. -,...Tea,was i r.----4...-... tv, reside in w. moor4,,s '34. 33113 an re in .T. illettulloelx\-411.1:i1).-Miss Lizzie, 0 r i --th m , .1 .,,, ed by a fitil some tune ago, is so far re. .,, 4. 1, k. smutty lost Rev. Henderson is ta_ tted sisters, ;lies. elantattbaott. tott,, , Imo ,,41 ct. e 4..t.ttil ton tsttaitu.tan -The tieb001 near mr, vrassicie.s ils,% . . gh.V. 'A vertou, preached in Carmel elmech on 1.-ne" 8 "3--• N,vetlIt' Y *1 hy Queen streete-Rev. eanderson of Milt ai3ornilittn' or illt‘tIsitittigliillsInt4f;lvs 11,13ittivis..-- In iieli... ? ,,,, t, I., ai.i,t .:.ty.f.l. covered as to be able to wan; around, ..4.,'... - IC I i r ,, 1) [31 team from CrourittY oebool Jour. 1,crivuilavvitagy(iititittititeetii.r rwcieutt:Ka(r,,,,t1Y. buozopg1,0.a,steeducr:ovfsonintitountlisTe, owing ta,„ , , " /1101 J Ili I, 1 , 01 Rofigor II served at sh: o'clock, and after the le --- lo .1..........••••• Isa4 t.' day a tree -The saw mall is wr3v very pleasing ev3nt. t cm!. plo.ce on resr Pet. Tile at ttIttlan, tbe surrounding eimutry rathered tut in a right royal maw e. th frien(ts Pvt'l" tN. e e n.(1 s Iv: I a lit: let tneDriitttlt,IgriltItit;tkeeyl'irstin.ist:etaalliltioeierntx0:itritiet;11:i;iitil 01;nrtIL:jilitilit4snni ty:::;:in:oit ;ie.! e31.1): vwt a party in anderich, at g fancy price. t , front other seyt ions were entertained largequoutItYalonsor" 51eVinskey, tlederielt towilehip. 'when English and A.m.crican 'Washable. elected home uext Thunelity.-Rev. J. W. Rae, of Toronto Jenction3 lectured n Carmel church on Monday evening 0 "Women's hemisphere." The lec- • ture was interesting and instructive, o and was enjoyed by a fabesized andi- enect-11 Homier was in Exeter on Sunday, the last meeting of the Women's We cannot continue this offez -OR-- DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, G A ETO. 1.11cse will less than cost. Special Pri H for Butter9 Eggs, etc. HOPo& S N Biddulph. •Mitchell COUNCIL MEETIXG.-The council -met oh Feb. 5th pursuant to adjourn- ment. The reeve and all the members present. Minutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed by the reeve. Moved by Jas Toohey. seemed - ,ed by F. A. Ryan, that the following accounts be paid and the reeve sign for the sante : P Breen, auditor, $12; Thos Coursey, do, $12; Melvin,Meads, eep. &Able river, div, 1, 50 cts; G W Hodgins, collecto'r, $80; Jas Carter, wood for toms hall, $4.50; :Wm T Haveksliaw water 'pitcher, 2511; Miss Atkinson, Aationetry for auditors, 71c; W T Colwell, drainiug, putting in cen- .crete calvert, div $2.50; Martin Ho- are 5 days work on road diys 3 arid 4. 9.75. --Carried. Moved by r A Ryan, .seconded by J B Bryan, that a fee of ,S5 be charged to all -parties usingt he township halhand that applications for use of the seine must be made to the touncil board. -Carried. W. D STANLEY, Clerk. BRIEFS -Messrs, A. Burritt & Co. are going more extensively into toe manufacture of ladieshmaderwear for the next season's bueiness, and have made large importations of yarns for the fell season's business, making em- ploymett for more hands. -Geo. Bax- ter has been on the sick list for tome time. As he has reached his '751.13 year it is harder to get well again. -The Packing Co. this week killed and turn- ed into pork over 700 heed, which re- presents nearly $6,000 paid out. Strat- ford' will soon be doing this business, -Monday another marriage took place when Henry Edwards and Miss Mc- Erugh were united for their future life by Rev. Father Downey at the Lo- gane church. They will reside in the South warcl.-W hat might have been 1 a serious fire occurred at the residence of Mr. Hinds on Friday last. The pipes from the furnace could not have been connected properly as ie was there ; the fire commenced. . The ladies had , giant presence of mind and courage ' which with a few pails of water got neyed to Stan echool on Frailty after- noon to play a matt In result 911agOal each. The return match is to be play- ed on Friday afternoon 12.43rd).-Wal- ter Whyte, of Mallow, aaniteha, son of J. Whyte, pork paeker, Mitchel', is renewing Old acfptaintances here. Kirkton Auxiliary Missionary Assocattion of St. Paul's church, liensall, the anneal Bnimrs.-388. Kirk nud tunny WhO reports of the officers were read, show- have been visiting his parente, (Mr. Ing rt very' creditable year's work. rile and Mrs. Alex. ICirk,) of the village, officers for the neW Yew' are ae fellOWS: slime Xmas, returned to their home President, Mrs. Clegg; Vice -Pres., Mrs. Haudotit, Man, on Tuescley laste-J. •John Petty; •Secretary, Miss B. Hoag" F. Stinson and funeily moved into the ins; Trease Mrs. Maw,• village on Monday last. We welcome Mr. Stinson to our midst -Special services are being continued in the Methodist church the present week. - Rev. Jewett, of Hensel! will preach Missionary sermons on this circuit next Sunday.- Mrs. Ilrethour whose illness has been mentioned before Is slowly improving, We wish for her a more speedy recovery. -Norman Swit- zer andwife of the fird con. of Usborne spent Sunday in the village, the guests of Wm Brown. The following -despatch dated Feb, the fire out. -At the last meeting of :2nd, front et"Prus River, Manitoba, the official board of the Methodist refers to a serious fire at John Stew- , church, Rev...R. 'Whiting received . . unanimous invitation to returu for the St. Marys B11?. -Mrs. and Miss Marlotte, of Port Burwell, who were visiting Mrs. James Elliott, for the past two weeks, reeurried home on Wednesday last. --S. Skinner, an employee of the firm of Richardson ,te ebster had the mis fortune on Wednesday lastto have the thumb on bis left hand badly punctured with a, deillavhich passed right through that meniber just below the bail. In consequence of the injurey Mr Skinner will be laid off work for a time. Mr. S. P. Roger, ef St. Marys, re- ceived a telegrate Oh Monday' 'morn- ing conveying the sad intelligence that his brother, Mr. Robert Roger, of Lacroese, Winconsin, formerly of Motherwell, had be.en drowned. A letter giying particulars of the awl - dent wag received on Wednesday. Mr. Roger had been driving along with a horse aucicatter on the Missis- sippi River and in turning off the Ice had taken the Wrong road. He drove into an opening in the ice and was drowned. Lucan. •, • B Laren co res ouclent e r p has come to life again. A great many suggestions are made as to who the individual is. Well never mind won- derineeso long- as 'yen know what is .art's house, a few miles soueh-ease o going on in our little town. -Ming. Jas. that place, which oliginated in the 1 -next hoeferenee Year,torwhiell Ile eon- 'Anderson is confined to her room' and 'bedroom of Mrs, Stewart's mother, sented.a-Mrs.Brownson from the State we are sorry to state that heart dis Mrs. young, about 00 years old. Mrs. .of Dakota is in town en a; visit to Mrs. ease is the trouble but your eorrespon- YOung was burned to death :1,nd Mrs. Frances Elliott -Miss Panny-Elill has dont along With others. teuSt it is not able to -eeStewart Was also badly burned, and is gone to London to visit eome friends fatal, but that:leers, A. will be neee expected to recover. The 3053. 03 for a few weeks' . be around soon again. -Mrs. is the family escaped Without clothes to - ; still confined to her TOOTtl, With that ta stable, till help whs brought by a TuE WAR. -At the present time dread disease. constimption.-The Rev. son, who drove them to a neighbor's there are Dumber of books on "South Thonees,of Holy Trinity church peach - wrapped in a horse blanket. The house Africa and the War" being canvassed ed two very, interesting sermons on .and contents were totally destroyed. for,and like all other articlee offered for Stinda,3r last. There wag a full choir Tt was a terribly cold night. ' Mt sale, some are good, others bad, teorne nioreing and evening and the church, -Stewart is a son of Mrs Richard -Stew- perfect. We have , seen the prospec- Was Very tastily decorated with Brit - art, of Egmondvillee arid, Mrs -V-oung, fuses of several • of the various books, ain's colors, red white and blue bunt- -the lady who lost her life, had been a but to our mind and others who have Mg.' A collectien at each servite was resident of the township of Efullett for exareined them, `the book being pub- taken up in aid. of one Canadian vole enemy years before removing to Mani- Defied by The World Pieblishing Co toba. The mauy friends of the family of Guelph,18superior in all respects, in Ibis eounty will sinceeely sympa- and Costs nO more than inftrior books. tbize With Mr Stewart on account of This book should be in every home. his bereavement and loss. There Is It will be a complete history of • South eao word. yet as to the condition of Africa, as a country, and of the war, 'able. Harry Pareons has charge of 'Stewart, I and in years to C01)4 will he itivalu- 7-- • Exeter and Stephen. 'while Wm. Warp Saunders, of t th eopees- Miners, of Elunville, IS looking after -sion of Ste,phen, meCwith a painful Dsliorne. 'In one half day 11fr. Patt idea On Tuesday night, last. It ap- 'sons sold ten. books and in one even - pears lie was attending to a sic cow ing 13I1. ttlinere half a dezee.. Before and in order to assist the animal in you order be sure, yen get the book teeing went, to the bead oi beast. being published. by Th World Pub - The cew made an effort to 1;et,,11.1) and fishing Co. 'ea so doing her hove came cootaet. with Mr Sunders' eye with teretth ;force, inflicting peinful woundand , , almost destroymg the eight., large crowd had in ample instire to The people of itullett were the many delicacies that were provid-; to learn of the drml It of Itrs. s TESTIMONIAL To TUB VALrE,1 OF (131 3(33 the occasion, tbe Rev. Mr. Wad -I Young. of Cypress, Man., a former erioiL,14 siroc;< poop dell called the meeting to order. After. resident, she being burned to death It I used English Stork Food. mann- 137 311' 0111 factured C, Lutz, Exeter. for a cow a few pleasing and 'happy remarks by the borne of her daughter, %ire. Stew.: the reverend gentleman a splendid art, which was destroyed programa was rendered, consisting of Wednesday of lust weelc.-Mrs- Stev.rr wbieh bad calved and was not doing readings, recitations, dutlogues, musie, talrltoutgvbast baelysoontiterieaciobviyer5,12.urr,rielill,,, aittuirhtti, st\emeisi, (11.1-iit,nag. gpipoelttinttitt wassuiolyanda istl singieg aet nd a few short speeehes,which were greatly appreciated. Among lade* was Well-knOwn here, having re -A feeding English Stock Food she began , those who took part jo the program we skied on the 111.11 eon., for le bomber orlon improve, and is now doing welt, 7 years, moving to the 'West about', fa- ' Her appetite is good and she is ma4Ing utairn condition and the flow of milkis four sons ad three daughters to teen years ago. She leaves behind her loss. ine aaeing steadily - their nmourn ,Ltoiele W. ZolMiTON might, tuention Mrs. Weddell, of El -Lin- ville; ilfie and Mrs. Garleett, of Carling- ford; Mrs. Barr, of Fullartoo; Mr. and Mrs. Couch, of Winchelsne and Frank Morley, onr ever -obliging township clerk. At the close of the program Mr. Peart was presented with a beau- tiful object of nature irechina awl pink settle. 'Elle reinainder of the evening was spent in gatnee. music and socia chat, and after coffee and cake were served all departed to their respective homes, after wishing the happy couple a long and faithful life and malty hap- py returns of the day. As this was the china anniversary, they received many beautiful, useful and expensive _ Centralia. presents, consisting of china berry THE setts, salad and celery dishes, lamps, pendent was at the front last Monday. biscnit jars. bread plates, water bot - ties, butter dishes, avant pitchers and BettErs.-Our Centralia War Clorres- He was doing some scouting in Lon-Imazy other articles. besides a large Another warrior front Newberry was aggregate vette of an enagernent- manifi gceet dinner sett of dishes. The don preperetory to engaged in the same lendable enter- be at. least, $40, shoteniP17sen ts would M g the high es - prise in, thli village. One of fele above teem in which they 8.30 1343132 by their It is sure he is right and so intends 3,0 go many friends and neighbors. We nappy ahead, the other is thinking of taking have been acquainted with the happy the veil. --There was a very feir iurti couple for a number of years, and we out at Mr. Aiken' a lecture notwith- can say with the rest of .their friends ET The Womete's Missionary Auxiliary person a good turn. Mr. Peale, pre - did neighbors, ever ready to do any 6:Plight S eStra.12dRill. ga-tibeeksveoryccuunpjfeadvortahle)lectvaeiart.-11: that we have always found them splen- h Lane as President. They met last ring.toto still bind the happy hond for Mrs. Peart with a beautifel are in use has been re -organized, with Mrs, el. Tuesday 8.1 1)30 residence. of Mrs. . Cob- another long ter re, which ',ewe „hope leigle.- An important addition has they ratty be long spared to 'enjoy.- tn-daY than been made to the Methodist church Those on the sick list are progressing , choir,and the music Prbudees to be bet- slowly. -Several of the Boers have any.„Qtner this church is mie of the best in the been attacked by la grippe. ter than ever. The Sunday school of Mr. S. Hendman's residence in stove or , County. lelowick was the scone of two very hil- Dublin. portant events when his daughters Bunu,s.-J. JT,i4-c-Kenna returned isses Kiley A. and Fa n n y were un- ited. in niatrimony to Messrs. W. hoine, after spending two weeks in Toronto with friends. -11r. and Mn. five o'clock the bridal party entered F'oster and R J. Warx.el. Shortly after a Kunen, 03 Winnipeg, Math, vent a few days with mr, and etre: eioavit. the room to the strains of the wedding h, is the pur- march '3)8.31332 by Miss Ene' of '14"ris' -jos. Weber, of Seafort chaser of the hotel that, \vast owned Z)311)kslen °tIbtehey 1 hji gi tt S,,,;' 0 Rev.rclsWMI 1,i' e ph 9 131;701 1_ hy H. Coolo-Mr. and Mrs. J. Green, of Logan, mourn the loss of their adopt- nnlineect tileth Wan and wife, in the ed, daughter, Hattie. She was interr- Ftruietsyenn;u°1teathontutnt w0nieetthennu,thp'eddrialenrd_ SKATEt , S, range. UCti • Leads—others follow MORE 0 ARE MADE EVERY YEAR than all others • Combined, IT IS A LEASURE' TO HOW -.H TE• .Happy ought 4.. CAUV ed in the Episcopalian cemeteryMit- iiitsmtm, wife mid family Harriston, Belgrave, Walton- , . • . g . • • Mitchell, Fordivich and surrounding 1 r 1.1.3 et 'Set, te T S A_WS, were visiting -Friends in Appm.-- Geo. neighborhood. The brides Were be - TERNS. HOCK P UCKS, comingly attired. in white •, muslin trimmed with lace aed baby ribbou and wore bridal veil. They were as- Thes goods must be sold to make room for Spring goods. sisted hy Miss C. Hyndman and Miss i Warren, who were also arrayed in White. The grooms were assisted by Mt- S. Foster, It. I). S., of Wiert,on, brother of the groom, and itir. W. Ityndman, Penrith, Man., brother of tiateeos,_mist. Ellis, who has been c eaweot ee sect:lied a lucrative posi- nursing El/ Rodgins through the tYP" tiOn ill cnint011,-- ,i'S 3, Quieliven, of hoid fever has we are ' sorry • to say, Buffalo,: is • visiting iier sister, mrs. taken the fever and is -new confined to earktogue.-J. Parkin, of St, marys, is herhome here. We hope for a speedy home ob a vieit to frienda-The death ree°verY' -Mrs' °' QuigleY has g°ne of j: Shea, of Beachwood, has cast a to Lcmclon to visit her sister, Mrs. J• glonne over his many friends. Bawden. -Mrs. Snell, of Exeter, called , ---------- ,the bride, , is`a little quiet at present, -Your 'cor-, been laid lip for a week. I_Te rae a oaf:lends on Monday last.,-Businees Cletrles johnston, of Varna, has respOndent once beard a certain Man nail into his hand and. blood poison set of Usborne township , express himself in. His arm swelled up and 'the doc-On Wednesday a quiet wedding was as regards ovir January , thaws; he said tor lanced. it. Hp is on the mend, end shlenanized at the. residence ,of the he had seen lanndreds of Januarys but, 1 we ope to see hiiu,:iround again. bride's inotber, ''The Maples," Miss never one without a thaw, well if that ' On 'the evening of Jan.31st,the home 11 argaret Gale, the daughter Of the cen tenet la,r, es still living es. loch I think 1 of Thos.' 131ack Oth. con Ease Wewe- letHon ti 0 Cameron being wedded. heis he will not be able to say that , nosh, wa,s taxed to its utmost to hold to Ilarryttoreison Lay late of London -Winer's Liniment is invaluable for ,any more, as our January thaw this 1 the guests assembled to V;ritness the son of the late Horatio Nelson Lav, C. .. . . hie, throat. Price 25C. SOld at C.Lutz's 0,t1:St iNVO years have come olt ie. Febru- ' ma,rriage of his daughter Mary to las. 13., Inspector Cierieral of Chinese Cuts- , i rug store. .. 'ATT. This Year a regOlar dehlge over_ ataealaw,, of the Sth line of *mos. tome. I uoor lo th of , ILI)ERS' 1-1A1DWARE. ill Builders' re , - Got our prices. •Our stock is most comp ote, 110 A ;1 Piokar Co ST e, EXETER