HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-1, Page 8SXOTER
TI t kS
THE, ONE TRICE STORE. Cash or Produc
Our great. Stock Ta' ing sale is now on and every department
contains money saving bargains for money saving buyers. Our big
stocit :rust Ise reduced and loan prices has got to be the lever, while
our trade increased last year it was in the lighter class goods owing
to the mild w Cather before Christmas. Our sales of small furs has
been the largest we Iver experienced. i\ e have several men's fur
coats and ladies' fur Jackets and fur capes which if you have a fur
thought will l a} ou to set what we are offering
)It let A.lt•tt 111 tea COOP (,' Cls. Ntt't,ng
bbe et., and artd etia t•lii- t ue.tt,•ah.
ftxt• Mat V .L1P tt t' et -t•1• t,fit•reti
Regie ul:tr ;pa•it a h17. cle•,sritat; . i Mit ee.
Tem*, Metes Exam ("Ther,: tenet
Coats, heave fur anti ve=ry teak. Reg -
tiler value ;elle ele'►tEn;; at :lie
daft' Lade t'ht •ce Coma eitr!'et, as
hat aet ifte aate het v tt'Ia14v coat, e'ieaaa leg
at $29.
°1feta If,•1tl e Feee •l,str:atl ata Ia a res.
1'41:War v:altar M-'Ri t learin at eta
"Deree 1 ade Cititice 1,stt:t. t:at,
J ae l,,rts I1e111i-o1':tn se re'trli -..I•:Ear i,C i
(ly t .Cul i3Et:,3x. leeptler;$3.2 as;elver
Ina at :;a25.
1. oars' ('ho re Aeit -when teepee, ex
tee geed vaeltat' r;i15 Lite r etritag alt
$Tex a11,
retest atut"e) i idles' ('ape., last
litl,a,g, :it) ttltl.t•e lung, elittacest skins,
exta4 value at *Di, clearing :tt $15.
en's mei leiete.,' l3taaVerizetl Opos-
fmn taps. tate kind yam asls,,av* pay
82,7;-, .1nat1 : ,, fee, clearing ,at $1 t#t.
It is nut r'ai'n that you can buy
gouda at half-price. hut. C'hat's just
tvlaat we have in as line of Dress Gonads.
Twenty puce.•: Farcy Dress Goods,
regular price 39 ets, cleaning at 15 toe.
Hake it your business to see this bar-
lit' 4 Military Flannel, 28 inches
twine. regular value 'dile,. clearing at
25 t•tatts.
Heave Tweed dor boys 1'#ear, Clear-
in„ at 25 vents.
Te t'nty pieeee Heavy Grey Cotton,
flat* tlta•tftty von pa;y ti to ti4e for. clear-
ata 5 rents,
`there hundred ends of Carpet, 1 yd
to le yea lung, Make finer teats or
ire>d m in carpet. Refinlar 25 to 3a Cts
per yard. e•te:aring at. 12 e per yard,
Bays' Reeler Overcoats, fine naapp
eluela, tweed lined, anchor buttons.
Regular $2.90, eleaaa'ing at $2.25.
An Overcoat Chance.
All our Men's and Boy's Overcoats, about 2Go to choose
Will bt.• cleared out at a straight iScount of 25 per cent. $5
fc r ; $O coats for 4 So ; $a coats for G ; $ lc! coats 7.50.
It is not necessary to buy.
. A. STE A T
Oddfellow's Block
Twurain, Frma S
This week we will offer
he balance of our stock
f Fancy Goods bought
or the wholesale trade
at special prices -
' 1.3ii' regular customers
ani these and the sons
tw and daugbter3 of those
m who have been our pat-
rons for the fast 35 years
are invited to take the
e benefit cf this sale.
0 A Large Stock of Toys
J. Grigg,
Far Marriage Licenses,
Wedeln g Ringtse,
Wettiole s, Clocks,
Joe -veer -ye
SpQettaces, eta
itch Repairing a Specialty,
ny The copy for cbauges must be left
of . • not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
N Wednesday of each pwt dweek. to noon
Gn Division Oo cwt w i31 be held here on
e the lith
Mrs. Louis Gravelle, of St. Joseph,
C7 is seriously ill,
c 1 Miss Jessie Millar, is spending her
tt ► holidays with her sister in Rensall.
Fred Gidley, of Detroit, spent the
ee past week visiting his father, Richard
N H. Wiliert, of Dashwood, made a
r large shipment of hogs from here on
ce Huron L. O. L. will be held here on
eie Tuesday next.
e J. H. Hoover, of East Wawanosh,
father of Mrs. (Dr.) Carr, of Kirkton,
-a died last week.
Mr. Campbell, of St. Joseph, was in
The annual meeting of the South
—«-- --•-- town on Friday. lie says the new
INSURANCE. city is booming.
Fred Bonthron, of Hensel!, has se-
cured a position as book-keeper in the
foundry at Seaforth.
H. Smith of Hay,last
W. Elcoat, of Tucksmith, $120 paid
thoroughbred Durban' cow.
Again we liave good sleighing, and
farmers and others will now have an
opportunity to do their teaming.
The Bishop of Huron is able to be
around again, but has cancelled all his
' engagements for some time to come.
WOOD WANTED.— A quantityof Meetings ander the auspices of the
South Huron Farmers' Institute, will
good green cord wood, beach or be held at Hensall on Thursday, Feb.
maple, also block wood. Apply at .lst.
Tlllttes OFFICE. Miss Edith Sanders on Monday even -
ling pleasantly entertained a number
page.) .) of friends in honor of her guest, Miss
Miss Susie Weekes, milliner, of Jamieson.
Guelph, is spending her vacation at l Robe. McCord, of Exeter, is in re -
her home here. ceipt of oue of the Canadian service
Mr. 1"red. Carr lett Tuesday, for Du medals, having served in a company
loth, after a. pleasant visit with friends' down east.
in this neighborhood. i The dog poisoner is at work in Sea -
Mrs. Wade, of Sarnia, attended the forth, and Qllas. H. Aetzel is offering
funeral of her brother, the late Wm. $50 reward for the conviction of the
Jeckell, here, on Monday last. i person who caused the death of his
.Miss Libbie Eacrett, of Brantford, is 1 collie.
the guest of Miss Hattie McCallum, re- Rev. Dr. Potts, treasurer of the
newing acquaintances in town. ! Methodist Twentieth Century Thanks -
Joseph Phillips, who conducted a !giving Fund, reports that up to this
successful blacksmithing brisiness in week the total subscriptions amounted
to $593,663.69.
There has not been frost enough yet
to form any depth of ice, and conse-
ui,..Atiaztt: Frtt-,sD,-- m> ar y's co-,
t,o t tic roe het weet-
lex..••:e1 eaa4 \ 'itarhethea, ,Finder c:+n
,a, t.•
eetne a ttliuK„ at tlii. otlice and,
phyto, see Otte melte-
Sta.e¢ala Davis is still confined ta, hie
f. .J. Baersos nwas in Montreal this
rtlie Oonarivil will meet, on Friday
Rev Ten Beek le el) .'ndin a few.
(hive zn 1 ta:A.,.a
J re flrie ei'1 Se.tfoe'tIA at towable
l;I! ..a•t: tI a, d hire>altStlf+rtltaa''e .
a1 . B lata "a r t 13 ra'nt3 ex'r latttl+ tl
Via,- tie', t "f• eta :', s' ;1s-tatlatinn will
ndtat^t 'la (iaeXzex' t'l1 Ort the 25111. and 26th
The South Perth e'oneet•s- tires meet
in 0.neeention at itchell to day
The electric' lie ht nleachiners-happen-
t'tl we w:'ith a8n caorlie-'aelt•tab ,it last evening, and
Rev. Father Trebel.. late of the t.
Carmel parish has moved to bis new
(bed taf labor in London
Patrice: McPhilips, of London. and
:: a Ra,l,iostln, of Rieb,tlond, ti..
we're a1►arried the other day.
Rev, W. M. Martin re-ectmenenced
bi ..'r,uaann no the "Women of the
Bibbi:•" last Sunday evening.
.t now elate glass frovt has Wen put
ia1.1. P. Ruse store+ to replace the one
xle a.t1 raved by the power house fixe.
woes. Carling Rens,. J. H. Grieve,
Jos Senior and J. Moore are exhibiting
poultry at the show now being held in
W A McKim, of Goderich, was
cancel to Guelph on Monday by the
death of lus uncle, the Sheriff of the
American condensed Tniik is gaining
a foothold in the Asiatic Market. 1t is
rapidly supplanting the German pro,
duct in Japan.
Miss !`l).arlot to Dearing, who was
at the Dixon House,Brueefieiel, for the
;hast few Wears, left last week for her
home in Exeter,
Mr, Sauderr, of Stephen, the other
day while taking a load of straw from
the staek noticed hundreds of grass
I hoppers jamming about,
t!the ` T -ASSONANCE COM -
?ANY, tor V•r}s Cath As
of Toronto ; also for the PHOONix Fns
xsuRANcs COMPANY, of London, England;
he 'LtrAtTcs Ixsurt%xce. COMPANY, of Eng
Blyth for several years past, moved to
lot 41, con. 13, Hullett, on Tuesday.
James McCluskey, a highly respected nen tl the butchers and others who
pioneer settler of McKillop township, q Y
passed to his rewind, at his home; on lay in a stock every season, have not
the 4th con., on Wednesday evening yet commenced to cut.
last, after a long and painful illness, at J. H. Aiken, formerly of Exeter,who
the age of 08 years. He was a native recently returned from South Africa,
of Ireland, is at workpreparing a lecture on the
The Sutherland -Innes Co., of Exeter, "Transvaal and the Boers." He.has
been offered $200 to lecture in
have already:,taken about 300;000 feet y
of soft elm fromy p, o
mill. One day' lately they had.twenty--
five teams drawing. They have a large
gang of men in their shanty in the
swamp. This gang cuts and skids the.
Iia swam ` t their Guelph.
The Huron Old Boys' Association, of.
In Los Angeles, Cal. there are a
large number of British sympathizers
in the present war. They have a pro-
British club, of 'which Louis Thorne,
formerly of Exeter, is vice-president,
and at a concert the other evening
they realized $2,000 to be applied to
the Mansion House fund in London.
At the Heron%Old Boys, banquet, to
be held on Feburary 10, Col. W. D.
(.fitter will be elected Honorary Presi-
dent ofthe Association. Col. Otter is
one of the old boys of Huron County..
JJle was born on the Lake . Shore road,
between Hayfield and Goderich town-
Toronto, will hold their first annual
banquet at Webb's Dining Hall, en
Friday evening, February 16th. The
editor of THE TIMES has received a
complimentary ticket.
We are are sorry to record the
severe illness of Will' Clarke, of Baby-
lon Line, Stanley, who is suffering
from some pressure of the brain : doc-
tors give but slighthopes of his re-
covery. He is the < father of Mrs. J.
Walker near Exeter.
A E. Hodgert has arrived home af-
ter, being in the north of Huron and in
Perth attending the Farmers'Institute
meetings in the interest of the cement
trade:' He says cement is going to be
extensively used this year. Skilled
workmen is going to be the only draw-
Dr, W. E. Browning who recently
went to Minnesota State to praetiee
medicine, has purchased the practice of
Da'. Ferguson, who intends locating in
Pontiac. Mich.
Mrs. Stripp, who attempted to fur-
nish the murderess Hilda Blake with
files and laudanum in Brandon jail,
has been sentenced to two month's
ins prisonnlen t.
Next Sunday quarterly services will
11e held in Matn Street Methodist
church. Lore Feast at 11 eau., after
which reception of new members and
administration of the Lord's Sapper.
This week we are
oer n b lot
of bents and shoes. Three hundred
pairs at half price, and the balance of
our ready-made clothing, underwear
and groceries at a big bargain, --J, W.
We learn that Mr. Couch, of Win-
chelsea has been engaged as clerk by
darling Bros. Mr. Hill the present
dry goods clerk intends going west.
Mr. Couch is a man of long experience
in the best store in Mitchell.
The County Auditors this year are
Fred Hess, ofZurieh,the popular clerk
of Hay township, and A. H. Cockrane,
of A.rllificald. The position is a new one
for fir. Hess, but has abilities will well
qualify him to fill the position.
A hockey match was played at Sea -
forth on Monday evening between the
London and Seaforth team, the for-
mer winning by a score of S-5. This
is the first time the Seaforth team
have been beaten on their own rink.
The Ladies' Aid of Main Street Meth-
odist church wilt meet at the residence
of the President, Mrs. D, Johns, this
(Thursday).afternoon, for the transac
tion ofbusiness,afterw which there will l
be a social tea. Each member invited
to bring~ a friend.
Principal Boydof the Exeter School,
has been appointed on the Board. of
County Examiners. This appoint-
ment is made by the County Council,
and as there were a number of names
submitted, the selection may be con-
sidered a high honor for Mi'. Boyd,
Miss Bessie Parker, danghter of Con-
ductor Parker, of London, formerly of
the L. H. & B., who has been on pro-
bation as nurse, at Fort Wayne, Mich.
hospital, has graduated and been ac-
cepted on the staff. Miss Parker's
many friends will be pleased to hear
of her success,
The fire hell rang at 7 o clock last
e-cening. The cause was a burning
chimney on Richard Remmer's resi-
dence, Andrew st. The chimney had
burned out, but the roof ignited, and it
was with some difficulty that a few
citizens extinguished , the fire. The
services of the firemenwere not requir-
A team of horses belonging to W.
Wood, of North Usborne, broke from
their moorings in front of Spackman's
store on Tuesday, and ran; away. Sev
eral narrow escapes from collisions
with other rigs occurred. The horses
were captured after running several
miles south, and no injury was sustain-
The gale, accompanied by intense
cold, which has been operating to, the
discomfort of the people of the north-
west, is in full career eastward, and
will probably pay its adieu to Exeter
to -day. There have been big
snowfalls in the lumber districts of
Ontario and :.Quebec, and there is no
longer danger of a partial failure of
logs because of lack of snow to bring
then out. The cold snap and the storm
can be borne, so they bring the .as-
surance of unexamled prosperity crit next
summer in the lumber trade .of the
The district meeting of the Royal
Templars'of Temperance was held in
Exeter on Wednesday, January 17th.
The election of district officers was as
follows : Select Councillor, Mrs. Colin
Campbell, Goderich;, Vice Councillor,
Miss H. Lewis, Crediton; Treasurer,
Mr. Johnston, Varna;secretary, Mr.
Jacques, Exeter; Herald, II. Westcott,
Exeter; Guard, W. Baker, Crediton;
Sentinel, Mr. Hill, Crediton; Deputy
Herald, Mrs. J. Strong, Goderich.
Mr. Lewis was appointed district dele-
gate to the Grand Council. It was de-
cided to hold the next meeting in Gode-
rich in June.
R. Pickard Go. 1 JIMARY SALE3 1 TI16 C. Plolord Go.
_ •• •--tom,
ficad60 StrdiUFIt
Business in this store is always good—good rea-
sons for it and gond goods is one them. January is us-
ually counted as a dull month, hut, with us, business has
been way above the average, .except in stocks dependent
p p _
upon the weather --winter goods and heavy -weights --
most of them should have been out of the store long ago.
They would have been but for a backward winter and
the interruptions of satisfying holiday trade. As a bus-
iness proposition, they must go—to carry them over is to
lose money—you don't want that,we are of too much use
in this community But go they must and the only way
is to give up all idea of snaking Cooney, open wide the .
throttle and hurry things straight for spring.
Thus influenced, fairly away from the fascination
of the holidays, n e have shut our eyes to profits for you
in every Heavy -weight and Winter Thing in the store'
in The Dress Boa ds
The Ready -Made Clothing
hi Bats, Caps, Furs
Boots & Shoes
Cloves, Gauntlets, Mitts
The Salvage of Christmas
prices have been tuned to the pitch of the purse -113011C
tight or not, it's pleasant to have a dollar .buy 'most a
much es it will ordinary days of trade --pleasant for you
to be sure, and for us, too, --we like to see our customers
happy and we really want the goods to go.
So, the greatest good cheer is all over the store --
the aftermathof a happy holiday time and we are mak-
ing a friend a minute if not a dollar a day.
gt Qq t
rl ,,
. PP4PPPtP4 4
$ PP tPPPP. PP.PtP tPtt'tPttPe, r i tPP t4PPPt PtPl
eat C
We are bound Bio clear out the balance of our Furs
and here is how we are going to do it,
leleelloeleifelilettstet41, eire4 4eeeet t #4.04 #
41' 2 only, men's calf skin coats, reg 17 00, now 15 00
2 " African Buffalo Coats rr 22 00, now 19 51) 41'
2 e •r Blk Bulgarian dog as %' 22 00, now 10 50
1 r, ladies' bik. Astra►chap Coats e22 50, now 19 50 #'r
2 r, u u as a 0 25 00, now 21. 00
., a e e 30 00, now 26 00 't
1 1tloan►Caccia Sear Cape l 8 00, now 6 50
" u ,r :r u 7
e 0 00. nosy 50
t 1 4 ladies' bik astrachan cape a 17 (10, now 14 5tl
1 rr dark.gray goat robe r 00, now 7 00
., r: :r .e f• '9 50, nosy . 50
a? All batik's' and 3tlen's Fur eaunaeis 10 offr, `i
»tl1 Fur Caps til off, *
-AU Fur Hull's 2t1' o#i'. 'a'
ei AU Furl ut1s 0 to :1t) • oft, I.
✓ AU Ladies' 31aatitles ?:,; 011',
Butter 17, Eggs 17, Tallaw 5c, Lard gc, Turkeys 8;
Geese 7; Ducks 7c, Chicken 5c, ±
Ex1rrEii PurniIt' LITH Aitk, 1899.
eeeipts-- .tial, ii2.60 ; Govt ; raents,
i 2i
$ , Munielipal, $273 ; Cards and
Fines, 520.07 ; Papers sold $5.25;
Totals, $500.52. Die hnrsettlents---Paid
back Municipality to Treas., $200;
Books bought $15.1.80 ; Magazines noel
Newspapers 839.70 ; Librer'i;ass seta.
1st of year, $60 65 ;13ookbinding, $8.e
Miscellaneous, $10.17 ; I3xl, ;$21,3'
Total, $:010.52,
Tlie R. ?16KarU GO,,
GgNERfII MEftfiHl NTs.
R 7L • Collins has been seriously ill epee
the past few days.Yteeee'%
Revival meetings in the Main Street Vele'
church have closed.
Editor Saunders is confined to his
bed with an attack of rheumatism.
Our tweeds and furnishings, boots
and shoes meet with ready purchasers.
daily at J. P. Clarke's.
The balance of our time here and
our goods will be made very profitable
to buyers, at J, P. Clarke's.
Hugh Ross, of Portage La Prairie,
(o1'I'osrraa PLANING 101T.L.)
We have it; stock dressed and matched
Siding, Flooring & Ceiling
also dressed pine 1, if, 1;
arid 2 inches,
Shingles, lath and cedar posts alwa,ye
an hand. A. large stock of
bard lumber just arrived.
who as visiting his parents in Bruce -
field, was in town Tuesday renewing
Mr. John Cooper and daughter, Miss
Eva, of Boisevain. Man., are down ou
a visit to friends in Clinton and ad-
jacent townships.
One large print exhibitor, holding
40 pieces ; one only scale, 7 -lb capacity;
one safe, costing $110, for $55, for sale
at J. P. Clarke's.
G. W. Miners and Wm. Hill, Exeter.
witnessed the wedding of Sidney An-
drew, to Miss Mitchell, of Centralia, on
Wednesday, Jan. 31st.
On the 23rd of January Miss Louise
O'Leary, daughter of A. O'Leary, of
Mt. Carmel, and John F. Nangle, were
made man and wife at the R. U.
church, Mt. Carmel.
Miss Robertson, teacher, of Windsor,
was here Tuesday visiting her sister,
Miss Robertson, of, the Exeter Public
school. She was returning to Wind-
sor from Goderich, where she had been
waitingupon her deceased brother.
Don't forget the hockey match to-
night (Thursday). The Juniors of Ex-
eter have arranged to play a game
with the Junior teain from Clinton.
This will be a fast and exciting game.
Everybody come and encourage the
boys to win. For particulars see pos-
Charles Bailey, auctioneer, of St.
Marys, met with what may prove a
fatal accident about three o'clock Tues-
day afternoon. He, with F: Connolly,`
blacksmith, was down doing some re-
pairs to a Winchester rifle in the lat
ter's blacksmith shop when the gun
exploded, the bullet entering Mr. Bai-
ley's stomach. Be may. die. ;
Mr. James Armstrong left the Line
for townshi
a week ago o p of Grey,
near Brussels, where he has bought
what is known as the Hill farm for-
merly owned by Mr. Hill father of
Mrs. Dr. Rivers of Crediton. Mr.
Phillips, latelyb acksmithing •in Blyth,
has bought nd already taken session of the lot owned by Mr. Ar
m -
strong on this Line
Quarterly meeting services will b .
held in James Street church next SunSun-
day morning. Love feast at 9:15;
preaching at 10:30 followed by admin-
istration of the Sacrament, The day
will be one of particular interest owing
to the beginning of special services,
which will be continued every evening
of next week except Saturday. In
these meetings the pastor will have
the valuable assistance of his father,
Rev. George Brown, of Toronto, who ::!,.} :;
spends much of his time in evangelistic i
work..; All are invited to atten d. a Baa
Fresh-ci and Cheap
At our House.
'4 c shall l hereafter offer tt,
special bargain every Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday.
Changed every week.
This week we are offering
3 lbs of fine raisins laid 4 lbs
°leaned currants for. 50e.
W. Trevethick
We close our business doors not-
withstanding the appeals of many of
our friends and customers to
longer. er. We regret that we
g g cannot
• longer,
remain other
duties and..
demands are pushing hard after
make use of thetime please au.d
make use of our offers.