HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-1, Page 6LE Gat,.
-Barriet era, Solicitors. Notarles, Conveyancer%
Comauseeniene nee
Itioney to Loan ot. el peit cent, and 5 Per end.
R. CAMINO, Et. 14. 011.1;;;.QII.
member et lee firm win be at eleueali te,
Teem -ley ot tomb week.
udder , ailveyauc5r,
Banneirs, on'e.
OFFICE ; Over O'Neirs
arristers, golicitors,
Coirveyaueers Szo.
etneelouey to noels.
OFFICE, e leXE r.EiL
V. !MUM. F. W. GI.ADMIllq.
3. el. RIVERS, M. B. TORCeiTte Itente
T 11 E.
, r‘c " we two stood. alone, pantbag e*
A/ aud.
* :fte,,,;„„-,:-.. '-..,..-.;:f., -...,.....„.....,,.=,„..--,..1--,•--...,,, .4......r.z,,,- -..: -644.- .-- 6° reesed with our heavy task. tow
retautes' rest, and Oleo, widedarner
I -
.11eleet and broetto we laboree to
Slku; (1. . ,
ed ser wide a space of the decks. tin
eleanse away the blood that besmear..
:his work we. toiled for a ItYllg til.U%
protably only lack of opPortunit1. liW and wneu at last we gave over, be -
eel* with all nay leeee, watching 1. could not •aoee I it ae tired out, et e had chute "Par
yet foreeaet the upebot ot dhis atvfn: nany succeeded be renniviaa the fear
T ."
• vent:erre% el 0, te, 'rime), ereer
fece-Crediten. Onto
iF.E.61,1,1NSEA. entOn
eet areee Deice= Residence ?Mir at free -
en-ounter. Th. mess of been te seemed ful evidence of that great Lethal Be
,„ o me inextricae ly eutangled, neaViol this thine I Was so far myself as to
el_ on Slog" couveyed. on meaning 41> aud writhing like a. baeket ot wettoded feel hungry. Tile feeling of emu-
anybedy ; but, after varione extra°1'" eela; 'while ail around theen, froliti- sea that bad been corning and go-
ainary attenipts tee eeteied the con eally clutching at the laboring body !eimi lilee waves over tne, ever
sereation had entirele •otled, it w4' eie her hueoand, and ebrieklug pitifal, since I first left the cabio had left ions
' aday agreed. that lieu Sing umeti he te,
y hovered the unhappy wife all° end I ordered You Siog to get break-
s name. Woether it etas or uot, Ole mo,her„ fast, He set aeout the job immediate-
taeleurn pagan apeweriat to it homed Suidenly it dawned upon me that 1y, leaving nee seated on the daneP
iately it was uttered, or rather lee the /nue Eesie was alone, and probab- batch wondezieg wbat woold become
.arae instanny to whoever rateeelonee iv fr'ghtened to death; and, tbougb. 1 a S. Then -suddenly it orcurred to
' me for the first time that the ship was
soeilitt that ie was 1...opelesst to
„Walk ot getting any iutormenun from ,
hine as to the ebe eine ethereforearit
str leg sireinus an es ue
e bee fuund lean, she . kileP r elte•4
se i ere:raptly ta put h Ill to NN l.:11r, as i.
etewarsi, bilieveee; that be weenie remne
a goo,' one. To . het end he was laand
ed over 'o tue for tuitioa, much to mi
•ielietlat, for now 1 It teat 1
have a companion woo was nerinine
not more then my equan arid, win.
-uuld not be Ilienly te ill -Levan -me to
lute way, toe meet uf. tbe crew dos
whenever opt °reunite au) e II s e Mil
tug was to me a pennet goeteend. XX
Was sO Wilting', SO doeile, and oaten; s
wee leaver a nevortie with eve W.
tf posen-lo. St I turned away from faint breeze hlowing steadily, all sail PeeiallY when they need to be picked
if eeemed good to go and comfort her entirely left to berself. ihere 1 •
window ane !opre behind one teas You being set, atta the yarde milted. acoue hastily and continuously for market.
tilittes calmly eleaniug the leoives, as We of points, for what wind, existed 'rl,
,.....ell by the time the hest strawber-
riee are ehipped the peaeh erop will
unwed by any eternal %Terrence was on the querter. I rose and went
attention ie the WAY of
ee a piece of reaebbeery, .44,9 tI un- at to the wheel, finding that shiteame
iiiektebn:hvennertolyev he caught T3V byer up and fell off about tbree peints, need some
wiiieonie mite be so that she was practically steering huntiug for the beseets and (Anti-
iiwayt wore for nte tit niii hie eieetan herself aud malting a fairlY average el'41nisg.inthielliSalei ti h. 4 oTwil.,:e4re ;Sr:: f 0:DIV.:all;
ace. len Opt opi nee, and he murmur- emerge S.S.E. This was eetistactory so
ed eoten• with an indeseritable aceent far, bettallStl it relieved Me or anY 110'. thaw work, it '
it e °zeta two English worn% I bad suc - "ssitY for latteediete aetion. I U.1193W an he wtli not. have to
eeeded in teacbing mini e nem, how to eteer. and. as tar as ray et on oeop sPeil on the vines or tree
Pommy." I count only Fxxile hack in • because another one is ripe for ptek-
re• nen as I hurried off to the ekip-
Per's stateroom aft, feeling as if with
t ht
On the Farm.
entering into corionercia.1 grebe
arcItug there is notbing like select-
ing two or three special crops whicia
mature at different times so that the
labor eau, be distrinuted. evenly
througnout the year, Strawbetries,
ecathes and winter apples malte a
exeellent eoneeinatiou if thee all do
well ia Um locality. :Undlvided at-
tention can tbeo be given to the
strawberries early tee eeaseat, es-
strength went, could baudle ea. s.
sides understandtog birly well how jog. the fall, season ovens for
teneveirew se teitieen ern•Khliin'ito eematenetly teachable, three t seutting out of tbet . ay. g ih in,
ever Dr. Ariliell* haute toneeng, emits' eie ht whit hith. ding
131A* itie 1°1.4 had been lifted off Me ere
liete ; eaote2w9. [MOH _
‘4**4**Itli)1441$* '2%1'1)4 •v(*).1' I i'oatiteleite of being pieced under :me
ii4etue" 1")a au urabio 3$ 1.1,1:9t•Cld aPPi or to i me an I found the ret te child rit't
A revu"sion of sentpainy thrl
r .
-4 u ou
eiraduere ietette Uoiversity
office tine reetdonce. Oetuiruou Laborer
tery, lexeter.
, 1-11:31}11A,N. coroner far the
noeuty Eturen. Ottlect, 01)1,1:tette
Collitic Drty.4tora,t:Iseter.
lit' Cr 1 WS itlEati.
. ...--,:x4A.,;-- --- -,,...-.......-----.....-r--.-----,—...........-..----------r------ ed.
1 BOSSENIIERRY, Genova I.a. suutiler obey ; and aithout,
to p eene was so intense, a emly a ileap of kindles lyiog still. I
VARY KILARKR LliCellaedA.ne. to do wisat was required tom% endeavorirso, to realize tbe posi-
thir ' as if frozeo, trying bare to
1.: t salute. BINIEURP 0, out. , 'tura' ability so great that hie efforts
• willingnees often gin hira int? her; gattleei hreirt. How :meg I stood siva-
"°''e"r lor t" 4.4""f ' °I' getteraile succe.stai. 1 if.il'ewiltuiitnrjee alstri
"et lion, but outline to coutred my dinar -
can 4.1 4411 „ Et ProSt 0,1140 ere*. , . •
,, Itil,r4 In:Mile. :twee he alna.es oto he" .. ing thue I levee no idea ; 'hut I was
tee oet,
'V isele/UNd.lere crivaluete betwern ilattee whet heel t e eting's gentle touch upon my tacit'
ad no ri ' , Attlie he pointed out his tot- e
• • • It
gitt to his terveees nhate
:1 I Vall'll he etas beaten few eleteli'et- and intimated to me in the tegn :an-
; ing taeks that be liad leen citeled guano we always employed that be
I attely iron), ne never mormereo or. awaitee instructione wbat to go on
till t real to ate wae barn** toil h the :erne tort to :;bow him tbat all ordmary
Impatiently I made a greht et -
slowed. eign of pain or te sentinel:0 , with.
' 're/ ' il v a i if be were a , work was now at an ends and, moling
strike bane at all, for
iU troue the ftrei ean outtacquame
ane as tile one ereature thee etosol be
veeu him a.rtel tee outer darltuteee-
althougti it mute tee nein that, as tar
s euuld be jusiend ity hie a, titude
all with whom tie vaunt coniactenee
'eget-tied every eueneber of the sine'',
connet fie AS M1210 buTi eattoor•
All could comae:tad. halt and be would
ItqleeP in Ideal tint onectoustle
the terrible Seeele progrees out-
eule, I stow' for a minute :oohing; at
her with a tendernetie bad never lie.
rore f •I* too ards her, all her Widish
dieiihe and funny little ways a HilOW-
IIR berrowed from her parents, ut-
ern. foraotten. Then sofely clotneg
the door I eurried back to the pantrYs
Fueling You Sing still WAIT elo.P103'
-4 e eetastw AnoV:otiew; sales enuette:eet
- nun be WM ebeti $o litaute, his desire _mg to the window, I peer&
• • - ud iaa- forrard again, seeittg, MY borror.
rst owl no word of what was said t° serantia'
Anits. rutistnetioegunranteGet teen ins
oseeenentieseeetweetenneteineenenne.,,,,, ,. the lest order, not being able to dills- •rivalled to useininen again 11 „ion
; firet ciaina upon liim and tho wh TurnIng slowly rootlet I faced li-n
Tennent & ennen
perfeetly eaesionfess tettiomaton. hire to the window, planted oat. the , leer carefully, Puzzled beyond. u" '1 eXPeriment. Root t eM UP
Gratiunffe ef the Oelarle Veletenwy Col, one exception -myself. Wben wi" awful heap on the main batch. to unoev what to elo; but ehe fled, at i the newer varieties until Chen in an orchard. Trees shoUld have
le it b •
leen, . looked, and I believe, understood the on dee, up the ladder and On to tjte
have either Nestled on to the main ore ' Plente ot room, especially when bear-
tece-One tieor snob of Town el eit Ole hi ueually expreseleniess
would ,bine, and his yeilow bee wtar situation. for be turned again to nee le Lizard or been condo/tatted. This ie. ing. If the trees are too thick. t e
111, muTuAri a Peeuliarly eweet eraile then had t and petted, my face, pointed ferst to for those who nere for ever deet to
Poop, still calling with all ber
true, progreseive comraercial erchard." Most profitable method is to trim
$tlIP W.3$ wor.avd. e or lbed beep .
Iwo years at Anti atwaye delete,
Gay guilt. this voyege; ree. that, 11117
1HRI X lied lezen, a very idiot, I, tenet
entdee wheo the peacbes have all beer,
41.911055d of, and Ode work, of pickings
packing and etering eau OeCneee wenn
know 1-ometlaing about. westering. initeetigh \you op to the htthige 0
Everything betng queen aii
reele, I remembered little glsie, and
with a sinitioa heart weot down below
to tweet.; the dreadful. news to her.
Hew it was to I -e clone I elidelit know,
my stork of Vernien beiog
Si"ntY, and she, !tour cbild not know-
ZAK Dee word of neiglieh. As turned
the handle ef the etatevitieu door I
heard her " tlautti•r. we lest
and in spite of my efforts some
leg tears burst from reiy eyes. But I
went in and stood by her rot, run -
mg my brains for some way a Waking
her understand what bed happened.
As eooet ZIR 61 w she. began, tie
ueual, to scold me for ben g there
where. indeed. I was uever allowed to
enter -and ordered me with much dig-
ity to go end wilt tier mother.
It to ate thet give the hest resalts CUR then IA
W011id uselees for me
tempt any description of the seven trarisplanted to the mein. orchard, and
that followed. I cOuld net. do whnti graesually neore trees et the saute sort
I would, make her understated what be seen trout itte road place it on the
an "%Cal eh3"° had 134" /4113"sinee " an aPide ereh4rd that' we ea° de- front door of the, house in letters large
; he Put Qui. In this way we build
sho went to sleep. She at last notell vend upon, and, moreover, we keep It
wotter. Not otle of these crepe In-
terteres or conflicte. Otte can aseo
deoend open hiriog v. certain eminent
a labor steadily trent, eerie' sprit%
until tall, whereae wheo several crowe
tliet mature al, the 4aIlle tinle aro
ROW% More piekers then ea.n an
tamed are needed. The mune is o
lerga part of eome onet of the *rope
is 1QS/ through decay on the vines.
But hi spealeint a the last crop -the
wntpatples-there is more oeed than
ever before to experiment with IlOW
vet'itiee until one bas touted oat junt
wbat la adapted. to bie locality. An
experimeutal apple orehard neceni
sary to every large farm. Ite this
plant a hundred difterent varieties 11
Ibt*Ceb.aary, aud weed oot those OW
are at little amulet gradually. Those
What is
eastorio, is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for 'infants
and Children, it eontainS 11either Opitun, MorPhihe tor
other liarcotie substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups awl Castor OU,
it is Pleasant. its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Xillions of Mothers, Castoria destroys Nitorms and
tallaya Feverishness. Castria prevents vomiting $our
Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wiud Castoria relieve*
Teething' troubles, cores Constipation and Elretztleney.
C'aitoria- assimilates the Pow], regulates ate Storoaelt
and lowels; giving healthy and natural sleep* Castor*
tho Children's Panacea -the Mother's Wien&
.ioiskoos. is an excellent medicine fur
children. Mothers Iteve reptetedly tele rue
of ite good effect upon their children."
De. Gee, Oeoeoe, Lower, Ofos,f.
"VA4ItiWtEi IA Sa Welt adapted to cblititta
thati recommend It as eupexier to any pote
eeription known tome,"
I-LA..6.1=1E4o X.D.Ree441.pe, N.
eeennieleeetere eeze,,leeeeeelteele.e. r" brIP.:0
enough to be reed from the road.
read, thoroughly frig.hteried, sPiang out, worth). variety is given a place to the NieN•ree ttorleNte'eulieleTtblet°Zealteieentihteavoewell.,
up her mind tbnt 1 must be erazy, ;
ine to date, for every. new,
screaming frentonily for " Mutter\
e there will be a dozeu or t.'‘eVeor)tx4i•ceeusuutUo er of certain placea without stoppiug.
to inquirel
of her cot and rushed alto the mien extenmental °reliant.
INIutter Vater, Vater 1" 1 follow"' be condemned as unworthy for f
-u•r- C w rng Is one of the worst evils
me and then to himself, an if to in-
qui:e a. fascination for axe. I found:
h LAO OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT cutlers often drove me nearly frantic- affairs now rested, s TO BREAK A RUNAWAY IIORSE.
will cause wouilerfel improvement
her ones
Of eours e I dared not pursue ben
for fear ot adel:ng to her terror ; so I
waited. anxiously until she bad explore
ed every vecant corner of the ship,
and at last, exhaust ed with ber efforts.
she retarned alowly to the cabio. Then
I quietly broaght her some food, end
d h to eat ts little; but, as I
---------11 INellteetteeCO myself growing leg that pays. them out by cutting down every other
,s eit,3111 roe t titi own bebal
on my . !bands, I Fatly stepped out on deck is heir to that are ',verse thee the
There are few vioes tbat the horse .
In almoat any orchard. Cowoeas sown
broadcaatf and allowed to die dowa
him that my rage 'against hie Persee ter, and he as eervant, tho conduct of
so uweb. attaebeel to! Plowing and cultivating thoroughly t
rettentieeed tette, Ornate tbat upon us twit, me; tee man-
e iet teem este heti:cos ever rg,i.ty-,‘th furl), wrath OS it had never ceeurre Then, taking my mirage in both
d to
pered by calate and variable winds' ' though tremiling so eio'ently, that I and, e p owed under the next spring
o tabte property. Into/04 insurers woe
cuseionee ses, i ett et ner neerieteses laabit of running away. This la eine b
I., t. lie ItIea. hit the Eli erelY hani" and approached the scene of conflict,
w teen, t
st op, 1 U en. $
1 • Dinh. ei. tt13111t3 f Mr•tirirru.kin.it ,
of the moat commoa. vices attalued by are valuable. When the peas in the
tte satins et insuring on tha ramie sn g
',Ism erepi Slowly and painfullY toward her 1 cou,:d seare.ely o, But when I reach- hg
the grim spectaele. which I answered as well aS I was t at this tune wbeu the method
f 11 town the bogs ellaY
During the •I'vt ten years -1111s equip taT has 1 h the itihrat ion end eolnpeny of t h t sible. avever, she was su imr quiet -
might have erpet.ted, that was intpos- higO-strung colts when tbe fixst at- or
et toad which costs alinost nothing.
11 ea. t estetn. sorbedOw, entwined beam of bodiei I die
destination. I was so nmeh at•
. no ow w at to o, s an ing t zepts are ramie to- drive them, cote ,
4 ed that elm plied me with questions,
? otietes. %street tin rpert r't sae
f,..f.t.tit L. terest In the progrees of the vessels : faint groan startled rae, aud I bent able, until I suineedee IR making ber use will prove Of the most benefit, al -
‘,1E4 3,10.',72." A lied KO, lessei trona Ton Stag tha.t I lost all, uty uttal 1niiesely staring, at
happened to be tbe elhpper's, ureuolourusuftfiolYr i
etieneaeneni mi l'ntnil :atilt in le me. were going to reach our next port -1 he= ritilitdoerseutoaini da tphaessiti urnanottr .‘uveelte.pietnhge bwahrosnt Omelet I have never had a horse so 1, co13nsriodwerne,dbaythrtittvbioarcitke
eels Oen:retina ineoetend siontget- 1 awl did not even wonder when eve down over the nearsest body,
ra. 'Mt 00.0 O. consisting of t:ash.
v.' "1% t'resul(""; " 31* 1 "Li'a a :peculation that Itati nitherto elwaYs murmur fairttly, 'Waseer,
liEl L, ,Agtiat for Exeter and vicinity. hail great
altercation on deck. It had always
affrighted I o bear a fierce to drug the ekipper into a setting poet- that ',mild have happened, for it ra-
tion; but it was too rauelL for Me lieved her poor little brain; and soon,
f atter that this outbreak Wa$ a e
site eoutprebended the case tbat at first
• t its sale e. Ito:neer . t harme for late. But °nu G°1" Ivas'-er'" Hast`IY meliening tti I feared for her life; but presently
set in the vice that a few times would , horses,
not entirely cu.re bine of it, and I have'
beea using it on any horse the oublio Children 'Cry for
would farnisb for a number ot years.
others in whit."). the high-strung 1 ST „, ,,. R 1
In this treatment as in nearly all CA
horse bas to do, a groat deal depends I
upon the control the man who is doing
it has over Itiinself, for hist as soon as TRAITS Or BRITISH OFFICERS.
the least spirit of revenge cornea into They ivy to see service Toth 0:11
damage done. Officers, over and above tbeir legi-
armies Theo 'Their Own.
the treatment all is lost and only
timate business, are constantly en -
When there
Hitch the horse or colt up in a
strong harness and. cart in a place
where he can have a straight rurx of. gage6 in **side shows."
a mile or more, or bet ter snit on a race is anything "on" anywheere within
traok where he earl run. as long as 110 reach. and they can get leave, they go
ee are .. • .
— meriting bete.; e bfealEfast waS You Sing to fetch some water; tried
been my ill -fortune hitherto to f:nd , strength, The attain however, wan utterly worn out, she went oft into a
all that was needed to heavy sleep.
myself the ultimate venal _us sacr'fice ; ahintaittly
---•---- if liE EXETER TIMES
It Initlishell every Thuredar ntornIng at
Times Siemn Printing iillonse
Ma n btreut.ne-irly oppoeite itittonnieweiry
tore, It:meter, Ont., by
.IttliN V. 1.11•1.2 St rieniet PraPrietorei
114Ther Or et/enema:so;
lint EaselliUxi, per ine and ehe see re ea ,
1.1. i I, eutesement in.ertion. per line3 cents •
1° ectzl18 10 iufter for et :
lo metre Insortiou, iunertisementee shouid t -
+ pered sensation ot sinking at the :pit I The whole waist was like thee ver.
to tete in not later then Wed1153Ilay morning, i of the st =etch comes back, mak ng
• o - lest tharables, and the fearful savage
Our et in PitINTINU IthIPARTAIENTieone 1 Ming all aver, I peered out of the pan- many hideous details that need not
to 1 shake the last faint breath front his
in all cases of trouble, and even Then I searcbed the cabin. thorough -
exists -n. feeling that whatever row 15 • 3y, with the dim idea in nay mine of
this day the old feeliug of dread still 1 bode,
y for, -with wide dilated nostrils
land open mouth, he gave his Stet finding some cense for the mutiny in
going on I !Omit preeently bct made gaep. Then all was still, for all, were accordance with ray suspicious. Sure
enough, I hid been right, for in var-
ious hiding -places I came upon sucb
treasures as I hnd never even dreamed
of before -coined gold in boxes, in
bags, in bundles; sovereigns, eagles,
mazes, and napoleons; jewellery of ev-
ory variety of make, glittering with
precious stones of whirle I had never
heard the name. At last I came uPon
a crucifix nearly two feet in length,
apparently of solid gold, and encrust-
ed with large genes, a marvel of cost-
liness and beauty. I showed it to You
Sing, wbo, for the first time in my
acquaintance with him, showed signs
of horror, and tried hard to induce me
to throw the raagnificent thing over-
To be Continued.
me for the moment quite t rem 1 gery
of the fight was manifest in
et iltron. .Ati work en rut•ted to n$ will re. try windc.re an to the maindeek, and be reproduced. Suddenly a hone
ct tie lurgt.•tand equippedirt Ole County 1
4.4 :rt. cur prompt at tenton. saw the mate confronting three raen
dawned upon me that one man might
of his watch, who, with interned fac still be left-tbe helmsmen ; and, rush
111•Oiri.011,.) Se'Er
es •
Pelson w J valves n. 11,91ler reKlaarlY , and term,. gest uree, were evidently ing aft, I bounded up on to the poop,
' name or a.nother'e,or wnether he bias subs'eri 1- tbre3tiniCng iliii *Me' Now. there had
. only to find the wheel swinging idly
' tram the post oftiee, whether directed in his
- ed or not, le re.meneibie :or p..* men...
2 -If a. pec -on orders Isis paper .tisoontinnea
be ntu,..t pay 011 arrears or the pub isher may
1.../nt inn ° to send in until the p3.y mere, le matte,
-------- • mad teen collect the wao:e amount, -whether
never b fore been she slige beet s g to and fro; there was no one there.
of insul,ordirtation on board, the d's- Then I ran forrard, unheeding You
eiplirte seeming as near perfection as Sing's dog -like wistful look after me,
oesible and therefore this sudden
. and ransacked the forecastle and
galley; but both were deserted. We
were quite alone.
This tremendous fact. broke in upon
me with good effect after the strain
to whieh I had reeently beau subject-
ed, for it braced me np to action. Call -
u Sing to help me, I te.ek-
e the p: peen fatten from the o t, . outbreak was most alarming. A awl t
e., -en,- .,zi gaits for eubscript oue, the sett may be • ' d I
natituted in the piece wnere the peper is pup- step reseed the paettry door, an D. -
lashed, at -though. the su >scriber may reside stantly I saw the skipper rushing 1 or-
hun :eerie of mties away. ,va.rd. Without a word he plunged in -
are weer- papers or periodicele from the peet, to the nu s o e angry our, an
midat f tbe f d
4 -The courts have deal led that refusing to
, rine% or removing end leaving teem uncalled seizing the foremoet seaman. by the
, 1 r, le prime. facie evidewe of intentional throat and waist, hurled him erase'
' fraud. ing against the bulwarlio. eta the
. .
same moment the mate sprang at an-
other man, as if to serve eaim in the
Fame manner; but, missing his grasp
he stumbled and fell on his knees. A
stifled scream burst from my dry lips
a_ bat at last a
as, 1 saev the glint of steel; the se
lain, side by side, the cap -
man attaeked had drawn his knife, ated and
thin's wife ;fag of that sad %env. Not
and as the mate fell the weapon de-
sign of life was to be found ir any
scended with fearful force between his a*
of them; and having at last satisfied
shoulders. 1 beard the ugly sound
right et, and it. remains with me. to- mYself of this. I dropped upon: the
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles incl.
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, &a. While theirmost
zemareeblesueeess bas been shown in curing
eleadtione, pee vtatITER'S TATTLE TiriESE PILLE
,. _ , ,...
are equally valuable in Constipation, curing
tend oreventingtbis annoying complaint, while
eintetesoeorrect a disordere ot the stomach,
flIT;121.4Itg!').11;37uTA regula' b""'"'
eeekche they would be almost priceiees to eiteea
, ' .." eewho Buffet from thie distressing complaint;
--- Olt fertunately- their goodness does not end
here, and those who once tt7 them win And
these little pills va,loable in so many way's tbat-
-theywill not be willing to do withoutthenz.
'1.1t after a stair bead
isthebauetif mew Ilvee that here le where
Blake one great boast. Our pills cure
°?•elle others do not, e.
Ceneeres Went Latter, Flute are very entail
' atei very easy to take, One or two pills make
fi done, alley are strictly vegetable and do
', not gripe or purge,, but. by them geetie action
'please ell' who IlSer theta, In eipeeat,es centet
lee tor el, RiSld eveeywhere, br sent by wan.
n2%011111 e0 Nee Tott
71 bait Ds(i, glad's litiOpt
Ina' upon
led the
ting all g
ran dowee
crack with
ely heap, tugging and
le limp bodies, and get-
( they were. The sweat
-Ugly ; I felt my SillOWS
y desperate exertions,
1 the bodieit were separ-
day. The skipper, however, with the
agility of a porpoise, instantly rung
hiraself on the two men, and fought
AA if be had the sinews, of ten. • e
Cotapa.red with the noise of the pre-
liminary quarrel, this life -and -death
etruggle was silence itself ; but I could
hear the labored breathiugs of the
combatants coming in lioarse gasps,
and the cracking of the joints as the
writhing bodies knotted and, strained.
There vras & scream behind me, a rus-
tle of skirts, and out a the cabin
ruehed the skipper's wife, velth flying
hair and outstretched arms. But be-
fore she was half -way to the spot therm
was a %memo as of some huge bird past
her, and the second mate, the young-
est officer in the ship and tbe biggest
man, alighted in the fray like a aun-
eery tiger. I did not see the other
watch of the crew arrive, bah they
were there and fighting as fiercely as
the rest.
Now, the first flush of fear having
gone from me, I became interested-
soraewbat coldly critical, indeed, 01
the varioue points of the battle,. rata.
beg rayeelf, to the surprise ot some
other writer of my brain, sidings with
the officers, ana hoping they would
be victorioue. The surprise of this
backwater of thought was probable
owing to the fact 44, 1- all the officers
had treated me with steady brit( ality
crimsoned tarpaulin exhausted, to
rack my brains for some reason. W11
this sudden tragedy sbould have been
enaotesio Gradually , the conviction
reed itself upon me tbat the whole
horrible outbreak was due to some
quarrel over the junk's cargo; but
as that had all been overhauled wad
stowed away without my knowing
anything of its nature, it was only
a blend guess. Something, however, of
tremendous importance raust have oc-
curred to make a body of men fight
with such fury among themselves that
not one of them remained alive.
But. urgent necessity was laid upon
nie to be up and doing, the first duty
that demanded attention being the
dieposal of the dead. So I called upon
You Sing -who, standing near, never
seemee to take his eyes off, me --and
the pair of as triced teie one of thebul-
wa,rk ports and dra.gged the firSt 01
he corpses up to it. Then by; a sue -
den impulse I flung off my cap, and
kneeling down on the red deck, laid
the Lord's Prayer and the °final Collect
in the, Cburch Service -all eoulte then
remember; while my heathen helper
stood gravely by making no sign„ but
looking a very well -spring of yra-
entity. Strangely cheered and uplift -
elf, I seized the poor piece of clay, and
motioning my helpmate,' launched it
through the yawnine port, listening
eeuelderinpey to the dun splash 'aril
For Infants and Children.
The lac.
19 oa
aniainenan werr"
a into
NERNe E :ALIO A. 4.. .,
tovto, that etirc tao votoz.....17 of
?Serena Valuer, Lest Vte.a and,
BEANS F,:lti.dt'ITZ'or7u'ir
by over•work, tho cross er toa.
ceases of youth. WA Itometlyab.
tolutely cam the moat obstivate cam ullert all othat
eneeratesra Imo railed eveu to relieve. .41t1hydistg,
sista at, 31 per velcatte, or els tor 38,09. ivelb.17, tent ese
-wetted rem ti nt V9W.-9 rpli.19,41;
.". , 1.. eV.* •
nold st llrowniniee lerup, Store Exeter
wanted for transport work. What-
ever there is to do, the British officer
will do it with the same cheery en-
ergy, the same seit-sacritiaing, 1111.
questioning heartiness all over the
account of the road.
straight to see the fun. The present
may please without having to stop on
Keep hire ea quiet as possible while . commander-ta-ebief, when on the staff .threast of his work or even a having
being hitched. Winn he is ready and In Canada, joined Gen. Lee and saw a his work well in hand. His desk ie
in vainly looking for et. e p
paying aecounts as readily and easily
as he pats off other matters, and as
to paying aceounts at the due -date,
tbort is an met he is never guilty of.
He intends to be honest, but delays the
doing of it until it is too late. It seems
to him that he is ovetretheimed with
business. He bas, eomplains, "no
time to do anything." Not able to
manage himself or hie own affairs, he
never becomes a successful manager of
other men or the affairs of others.
the most indefatigable sportsman
alive. If he can afford it he will or- Children Cry for
e expeditiens to wild lands after '
Longfellow has mein that 'our un-
finished tasks* wait like inedicauts at
our gate." The proornstinating nian ex-
pects to accomplish to -morrow the
work of yesterday and wastes to -day
in vague plaus for the fueure, or al-
lows himself to be turned front. his
work by callers or social pleasures. Ile
has never felt the satisfaetion of being
d er is in the seat let him go; lot ef work with the southern army. buried- under an avaltinch of
leave the reins loose and keep still; year or two back one of our war
let him run until he commences to A
want. to stop, then take up the lines correspondents tame atross a youne
gently and speak low and kindly to 1 gentlemain of military aspect riding a
him to stop; he will at once start I "Igen pony, in the rear of the Tnek-
'Who are you t" he asked,
faster; loosen the lines again and wait I ish army'
until he wants to stop. Again re- i "So -and -So, of the -th, trom Mal -
peat, taking up the lines gently and t te• Got a little leave and carae on
telling him kindly to stop. This I here." At this moment the defense
both Kimberley and Mafeking is
may need to be repeated several times 1 of
befoin he will at last stop, but all streogthened by the presence of a
number of British officers who leave
things must end so he must at last
stop. When he does, get out and pat A° offidal reason for being theta,
and caress him until he feels that The seirit of adventure crops up in
Tames Egolf of Buena Vista, who is
short of stature, broke through the
ioe yesterday while 'skating near the
shore on the North River. The wa.-
ter Was over his head, and he had gone
down for the second time when a man
over six feet tall skated boldly into
the hole, and atanding on the reiver's
bottom, held Egolf up until help came,
2)10 reseu.ews name could not be learn-
ed. He was submerged to his neolt
while aiding Beata
what he did was just what you want- h va s The militsay ofticer is
If possible unhitch bine at once. Re-
d s not run at all. You will find 1.1 erne- if not he will shoot cats;
peat the treatment until the horse ,
that each time the lesson will get
Professor-IVIiss Flavilla, mention a
few of the most wonderful scientific
inventions of the nineteenth century.
Miss Flavilla-Yes, sir; .the tele-
phone, photograph button, golf capes
and ice cream soda,
Ivo?, Afier• Wooa's Phosphoaine9
The Groat Engzise Remedy.
Sold end recommended 'by all
druggiets in Canada. Only rele
able medieine etseovered. $k4
pacluves guarauteed to cure all
terms of Sexual Wealtriess, all effects of abuse
or excess, reentel Woery, Excessive use a To-
bacco-, opium or StiMulants, Mailed on receipt,
of price, one package 11, six, $5. One Tan Vcase;
six wall cure, -Pamphlets free to any' address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
unfinished business. life is Tee
horter than the last. I have had
young colts run fast three or four
Miles before they would eonamence to
fag or tire and old ones that would
hold out for fifteen or twenty miles.
In the latter case I would take the
country and try to make turns so that
/ would at last be near the bairn
Above all things do not make the
horse go after he wants to stoPi Any
horse that has this trait is worth cur-
ing, for who ever knew a useless scrub
to have the vim necessary to run
away ?
Much more could be said, but a lit-
tle thought in connection with these
remarks will show anyone how the
principle can be used to suit his in-
dividual needs.
while the men, thoogh not kind, see- Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter
dam touehed rae, although that was followed. And so wale the rest, until ey 3, W. Panweing, druggist.
1 , .
. .1
I , I
1 I
if he ettnnot hunt the fox he will hunt 1
hares, and, at worst, prairie dogs. He
i indefatigable at game, and carries 1
A. thorough eeno,.viedge of all (he
great peinciples that underlie :Agri •
cultural success should form the
foundation of farm education. The
laws of heredity, the results 'of crose-
ing various breeds of stock, the rules
governing plant life, should all be
studied and mastered so far as pos-
eible by the farmer who- • would suc-
The outside of the farra house should
be made ornamental as well as sub-
'stantial, and if the owner's name is
not oa the bate. in such a plaeo as to
them about with him wherever he I
goes. Where ItlISSin annexee 7?ort e
Arthur., she fortitied it; wben Engdand .
got Wei-Ral-Wei, she laid out a cricket
pool). There will be polo playing at
Ladysmith to -morrow or next day if
the polo ponies have not all -been i
There now remnins only one people
and one little valley south of the
Equator whose sovereignty has not
been claimed by sr -me European pa*,
1 It is the valley of Ilarotse, fifty oe
sixty miles wide, north of Lialui, in
South ,A.frica, and the only reason why
Shackles the Marotse who inhabit it, have pre-
served their independence, is that Eng -
Broken in 60 Minut06 land aled Portugal both plaint it, and,
110 aa alarming kat, ha
statistics bear it out, that
at least to in every hon.
dred persons In this
g/11 country are tainted in a..
lesser or greater degree
by that disgusting, often.
sive and daegorous dis
ease --Catarrh, If syrop-
ttims appear, similes cold
in the head, dizziness,
pains in the forehead ,
headache, dropping111
the throat, offensive breath, lots of taste and smell,
the Catarrh shoe -Ides ratty be tightening about you -
Is the Most ,potent Catarrh cure Icnown. te-day-
RecOnsmentled by,etelneta nose an cl throat special-
reliefin frouLio to 6o minutes.
"Pot years I was a victim of,chrenIC Cetarrb
the firstrapplication of Dr. AgneW'sCatarChal pow-
der gave me instant relief, and In art inciedibly
short while 1 was permanently cured."-jansial
7-1 eadley, Dundee, N ,
Exeter. • .
neereanner,,,rento, Ave, oteteererer.,,,,,,eaeneerterenre..rentnient •
therefore, the work of " eivilisa Lion," is
at a standstill. '
ft may not be so easy to notaguer.
4.1*Mat.iotse, when the time Gomes,
for they -are a tall, 'well set-up race,
very black in the skin.
In Manners they are 'very °our leoue
and in bearing digoified. Every full? '
blooded Marotse is by birthright a
king, and takes his piece in the aris-
tocracy of the empire. In fact, as 0V-,
eryone is king, there is no head ruler.
The are fatet that ---he 'is a Ma.rotse •
insures the xeepeet of the subservient
tribes, and as he grows to manhood
a sense of superiority usually 3 raplants
in the native the d .
dignity of se .re
spelt. All the labour is done by
slaees who have been captured from
neighbourtng tribes.
S ld b • c