Exeter Times, 1900-2-1, Page 5THE .8IXETEli T biONEY TO LOAN seem 4i to sZ.teaua ttcz, Als‘s . Pr asters Salaam, &e., elain St.. Exeter, MONEY TO LOAN. haveunlimited private funds for invest - re•'" upon farm. or village property at lowest re of loterest. DIGKeeseN8 CARIANG Exeter, TT KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND ee-- DR. A. it. RINsItAN. D, S. D. D. S., Boner •Graduate or Toronto Ladversity, Dentist. Teeth extractect without pain or bad after efrecee Office in Fap- soles block, West side of Maur yteeet, Exeter 44 (D. O. S. 1.- O. ) . DENTIST, or Greduateof the Toronto University. 8* Hoyal College of Dental Surgeonof " 0 eirits. All bridge wore. Crowns, si d Plato k donein the oesuest poseible manner A teless miestherie for painless extraction. Tr- strictest attention grveu to the preeervatem fo ee natural teeth. Office opposite Cm, - Rome Exeter. °marks- ^ AHOOPER, Licensed Ave- ; tee •er for the Conoty of Huron. Sales con. de ill in all parts. and for coevereenee can be ar vessel for at this offica. eatisfact ion guarae. terd. *sages mederate. Exeter P. 0, CUT THIS OUT mei teed us witb 5 mute in silver. and yrin will mei le return mail e GOLDEN PDX OF 1 Welles Hid will bring, you in Moroi:Alt/NEV. tn ease month, thee anyellitig etre In America. w. KINNEY, le T. palem-Yermoulle N. S. NOTICE, heesny styes nen I will not be re, spoiA,i We fear dux debts contracted by any per. Xelier pigeons veulsout zuy w ftwn ordet. THOMAS CORN tele Woodheto, elau20111,1•90. NOTICE tiuneal meeting of the '17i -borne and Rile ben Aiu ual Fire Insurance Company will be iss the Public lien. Farquhar. on Monday ,nses11I ret one (Niece p, „„elwriaseseceervinte the Direetoreand Seerenary -zee 4crs awl Atim110.6atinlial reportes, mebe election tif Tree Ihreetote, Two Auditors and antis buerrlees tilt interest of the tennemany aoliN EreteleitY. Ittne, CAM/entre:. President. Sestet a NOTICE TO t REDIToRS. itt t be matt ee Iif .Junes G ilhert Jones, of the village of Exeter, in the comity of !linen. Merehant, Insolvent, sseteete hereby given that James Gilbert Joneetir the vislage of Exeter. in the County of nurses, carrying ou bneiness titian Apple Buyer and Frustum 3terchant at the said rimier of 3exett r. has made an aesigunient under It. O. ali 147 of alt his estate tevtlits ar d 'erects to Remy ww-tu.d Hemet* et the t„.0.14 vitutge et isisiiratiCe A gent.for the general benefit of hie Creditore. A meeting of bis Creditors will be held at the Oleo of le re". (Rieman. Harrester, lahi $t men iuthe exist villam. a Exeter. on Friday, the e4.•...xel. day of Feeruary A. D Itreteal two reetoitk in the efterneon, to receive a. t4Mienn.nt, it affairs, to apopint ers arid tix their re- numeration and tor the ordering of the Wilde of the leetate genetally. Credithre are required to filo their claims with the Aeeignee or with F. W. Uladman, bit Solicitor, with the proole awl partieulatis there- of required by the eald net on or before the day O f such meeting. And notice is further given that after the fifteenth day of Parch, WOO. the Aesignee, will pp:weed to distribute tho Assets of time said stets. amongst tbd parties entitled thereto liming' regent only to the debris of which rus- tier tetall thee have been glvesi and that ho will out, he liable for time said Assets or any part tberessf so distrIbumed to any person or per sons of whose einem not then have bed notice. Dee at Exeter, the 201h day Amery. P. W. GLADZIAN HENRI. E. IllesTON, Main Street Exeter Assigue Assignees Solicitor. SOU TI•I HURON FAR- MERS' INSTITE1 E MEETINGS. HENSALL, THURSDAY FEBRUARY Ise, in Corrwortles Ilan. ;Major .1 Sheep:vas-En- eilege and Ole round silo, -Our export bacon trade. LI Mclewisb, Stanley,-Wby we till the Evnerxre 7 31* Major .1 Shapperd-Three historical days as the le higara River. Miss 13 Areddock,-Domes- tie euence. Puy meetings at 1 o'clock p m. Evening nreetinge at 7 30 p in. In addition to the above addresses, a literary and musical programme is provided for the evening meet- enge. Ladies are cordially invited to the afternoon as well as to the evening meetings. A large attendanee is expected at the meet- ings. They will be interesting, instruetive and entertaining. R GARDINER, 1113 ArcLEAN, Secretary, President. Reduction in PRICE ene en. seiseeke ash Suitings Tweeds redcuced from $18 to $10 10 e 14' 0 0 I/ 18 e 10' Plain Worsteds , a 22 e 19, Twill a 1, II eg II 15. • Paintings Tweeds reduced from $4.50 to $3.15 Black 11 11 $0.00 to $4.50 With all suits we give the best trimmings and guaeantee to fit. ()all and ex...aline these goods before baying your suiL W JOHNS, 'rho Tailor I am using English Stock Food for calves and young stock and ern highly pleased with its effects. It keeps the digestive organs in a healthy condition and -the growth and improvement' of stock is well marked. I consider it a most excellent food, and feel confident t that it pays well to use it. I wotilft highly recommend its use to sttick .raisers. Man ufactuxed by C. Lutz," Druggist, Exeter. Price 50c per bag. N4.3,ED CROSS SociETY.-The wain] i t - tee for the Red Cross concert recently held, desire to thank the public for their patronage and to place the fol- lowing accounts on record : RECEIPTS. --Concert, $180.18; R. Lea - thorn, $1; Mrs. Itogartb, $2; H. Either, lef.P.P., $5; A Friend, 50c; W. Quinton, 51: Thos. Rowe, $1; C. Gidley, $1; total 5107.0S. EXPENSES. --Twenty-nine dollers and thirty-eight cents. Balance to be sent Red Cross Fund, Toronto, $105.30.--L. Ohairthan; IL D. RURDON, Sec.- Treas. Locals TEACHER'S CONvENTION.- A we mg of the teachers (sf Disteiet No. West Huron, will be held in the Exet Public,: School on Saturday Fab 10th at, 1.80 p. in. A full attendanee cif the teachers in the Distriet is requested. Progreiume.-(1), Physiology. When and how started one of the systems, Mr. Brownlee ; (2), Reading Pt Ili Vowel cembinations, Miss Ball ; (3), \Talkie of weekly exams and monthly reports, Mr. McDougald ; (4). Testehing Ourrentilietory in our Publie Sehoolg, ..); Elgin Tom1. P. S. P. GARDINER. See,y, EXETER NOP= NOW:S.-Mies J's - ie Willis is visiting friends in London. --There are several weddings on the tapis, which meat $ the losing cif some of our young ladies. ---Mrs. W. Brick - wood received word this week of the death of her sister. 'Aires Carroll, in who died on Friday last - 'Won Brickwood has purvbsteed theold Thompson property on the Thames Road.-Olnes. Nelson and John laytor left on Itilonda.y for the Sot), where they have secured sitnaticus.- Altai Via White,of Londomis visiting ber grand- mother. Mrs, 14. Al eTaggarn-The wed- ding of Rieherd Barrie. of Brandon, Man., and MIs. -Mary Willis, daughter of James Willie. is tomounced for the near future.- Harvey Brick NI teed is visiting. in Toronto and Markham. - D. Smith and Miss Apnie lies'wood were tunneled in tiensall imp day last week, by Rev. Dubiety. THE WAR. et - 2. Horace Townsend, cabling from • es London said . It is nowt known that Spion km) was first reported the by to the Boer pos. Worn Winn the 13ritish attacked it ou Oe night of Jan. 23rd they securedone 'top, but in the morning they discov- ered two others commanchog, the one they held. These positiops the Boers nforeed, and then they ht -gnu the attaek, In a rk,In4A-r allak a elhlt Ish tr.ed to capture the other kops, the - Boers defending On so and at Ibe same time trying to retake the one they bad lost. What had a. great effeet on the re- sult, was the fact that the hill on the British side Was very steep and difficolt of approach, whereas on the Boer side it sloped gently. 'This ham pet -ed the British in rteinforeing the detachment whieb had seized the hill. The British appear at once to have et' - trenched thenwelves strongly and fighting of the most desperate des - minion continued all day Wednes day, jam 210, and the battle seems to I have oscillated along the northern slope, now the British, slow the, Boers attacking, Then eione the end. The Boers were smashing the British with heavy ellen fire, nial cutting them down with a deadly bail of Utiliser bullets, white there appears no intilea. Um that the British were able to get op any artillerY. General Battler has found fl Items - •,y to again et...moss the Tugela river, he Beer position heing too strong for L'ae. ti addressima his men. however, he has:, he bas the key to Ladysmith and will relieve Gen, White within a, week,. Oen. Nelly -Kenny has ocenpied a place between Gen. French on One Side and Gen; Gatacre tin the other, and it is believed the lame tomes will smite and advance upon Bloemfontein. °MTV& On January 25111, 4.11 old and esteemed resident of Ustiorne township passed to the realms beyond. We refer to the death of William Jeckell, of the London road. Ireld le in ' his 07t It year. Deceased had been ill for email months of internal eancer. but previous to his late illness lout ap- upaeimma ei.rtsantage lyniz6 ht,,ell A resident. of Ushorne for in me ears, and wus held in high esteem by a. large circle of acquaintanees. Ue leaves a widoiy and grOWT1.11p fatuity f sons and daughters to molten Ins • demise. ' The fiutera 1 was hugely at tended. The reoutios were toteveea In the iSseter eemeteey.- There died in Exeter, on the:13th January. Cat terrine Armstrong, wife or W. S. Belkwill. Huron size -et. She was in her Med year. and was 0 daughter ni tigt4 late JattleS Armstrong. of Homo street. Deceased had liven ill hut a few ilayt; heart failure being the cause.- Herriet MIZE; bet II Piedra le 0 elk 1 of ( 'Imo John Porthole), of the Lake Road, died on January 20111, after a few days ill- ness, at the age of 59 votive. Ikeeasetl eflLjfled good health no to 0 few day.t iso, when she complained of a pain in the head, which devvioned Mtn an 011. seees, She was highly reepeeted and leaven 0 grown-up family to survive he. • TUE CANXINO INDUSTRY. - Every now and again the er- Ming a emoting fitetory ht Beet et' is spoken of, lint hitherto the talk has not molted in anything practical. The Monetary Tunes ipitites promin- ent Peinee, Edward Island eannee's %rime on I he advantages to t he Lem- ing community as follesvs : What do the tanners of our distriet get outof this canning industry!Anywhere front $200 to 31000 eavh. There are men in Prinre Edward minty who nuke more out. ol' twenty acres given over to truck production, thnn t he av- erage farmer makes out of one hundred acres farmed in the ordinary way. One num lest you. prothised 13S, tons of green peas frons three neres, and 1 bought them at 320 per tote That gave the grower over $00 per twee. An aere of corn will give from t wo to four tons of ears, which will sell Itt $13 per ton, and the stalks will keep mie vow in fodder &mu August until the end of the season. The, feed. secured for cows pays the cost of cultivation. told the money received for the ears is clear gain." Quotations of extraordinary profits have been made with regard to the sugar beet production, hat the figures quoted by the Prince Edward Islander m (mid indicate that the can- ning industry waS as good if not a better concern to have, and the con. elusion is not hard to arrive et that . the :smaller capital required would make a canning factory the more de- sirable of the two. Exeter should Make a move to get a factory started here. TIIE RAID MEDALs. -On Friday last, 001. Holmes, of London, received 887 medals to be distributed to the veter- ans of W. A great number of these will be sent by mail, but the distribu- tion bas not been fully deeided upon by the Colonel. The names of the veterans in Huron county are found in the subjoined: - 38i -d. Battalion -Jas. Beattie, Seaferth ; Joseph Beck, Salt. ford ; Thos. Burnett, Seaforth ; Joseph Copp, Clinton ; John Currie, Goderich; D. Donovan, Seaforth ; R Dowling, Harriston ; Ohas Eberbart, Stafta ; Win Fraser, Dunlop R Gritmild by, Walton ; Chas Bali, Kincardine ; R. Listowel ; jas Bills, GE J sum kson, Egiatondvil le ; G' T Jackson. Ripley; R ,Tones, Seaforth ; FB H .Lawrason, Goderich; W Mina, .Wardsvine ; John ;Mitchell, Alex T Montgomery,: Alex le1 McGregor, God erich ; J Mar tyre,Sea- Meth ;R P O'Connor, Walkerton ; IV% L Pennington, ,Goderich ; Win Rudd, Dresden ; W Sperling, Chas Wilson, Seeforth ; Peter Wilson., London R Campbell, Goderich ; 11 Mustard, Wy oming 't 0 Newton Porter's ; J M Shepherd, Goderich ; J G Wilenit, Sea - forth. Ooderich • Gaselemi tS Andrews, J Brophy, E P EItiutti, J smmeeton,- D Ferguson, W A Hai ri- on, W Hicks, H Horion, F Jordan, j MeMath, Alex Nesmytte Johia Redd, IR SkiVings, Stneeth, John Walker, eoderieth K Land, Loud; 5C 5 irk; •Brussels W 13 Paisey, Kirkton; Win Potts, Saltford. We have learn- ed the .desceiption of.the Medal, It is nearly the size of asileer dollar, and is a very artistic- production. • The ob- verse beetle the relief figure Of Her Mejesty. the Queen with the inscrip- tion, "Victoria Regina et Imporairix," and the reverse is the Odnadiati ensign surrounded . by a wreath of maple leaves.and over it the word ''Canada" The edge bears tbe inscription of the holder; his rank and No. of regitnent and the bat bears the words ."Fenian Raid, 1.560," Children Cry for CASTOR IA. S: Otir mothrs, wivcs and Dauglitors. Thousands of Theni Suffer from Nervousness and General Debility. inn Celery P:ompouna Strengthens and Tones the System. Mew liriamem.1. • Purifies the Blood and Gives Perfect Digestion. It Brightens the Eyes and Gives a Clear and Solt Complexion. No medicine in the world has ever done stub a work for weak, nervous, debilitated and sufferilig women as Paine's Celery (10 nipoti nil. 1Voiuen of all ages, owing to their delicate and sensative organism, ex- pend more nerve energy than men. Their organs require vigorous nerves to Insure healthy action. It Is a fact worthy of special not ice that suffering from acute nervousness is caused by w.etik and inflamed nerves. For such trophlea, Paine's Celery Comnonnd is the true medicine for nourishing and strengthening the nerve fibres. Weak and run down women find in Paine's Celery Compound a wondrous strength giver aeld flesh builder. Sleepless and irritable women who use Paine's Celery Compoend obtain 'erne rest and sweet, refreshing sleep, the eyes become I estrous stud sparkling, and the complexion clear and bright. Every rundown and ailing woman should give Paine's Celery Compound an hmarediate trial; it never disap- points. est sesses ri Fre At Your 111 %e Post Office For . . . fr. • 1.0 0..„ loess ..:YBAR. 0; (SECOND EDITION) /111 it It contains all the latest ki tk news by cable and other- 0:6 ei Wise; complete market re- fp • ports from Liverpool, London, iffi gi New York, Chieago, Buffalo, ik • Toronto and elsewhere; full (q) it! notes of `sporting events and ft) Western Onorctiraoriniii.e the e. District raTnhse_ largest, se .sfttNl best eewsatsn and most popu- lar daily newspaper in West- 1111 • ern Ontario. Only $2.00 per fft ito year. subscribe now. ir • Ull10011 free MSS PI. CO,, 1.1(1. frit% .LeNDON, ONT. 44.3.75):*?94$.1,33-17 ecessity MARics:1".s. Knnvis -4144 Nn 71oratExeter. ../.1..X.C.l.41".4111fL, • 1.1per Oustiej „ ' • Oats. But a law of Nature bows to the necessity of keeping the blood pure so that Me entire system shall be strong, healthy 4nd vigorous, ITo take Hood'Sarsaparilla,the great Idood purifier, is tberefore a law of health, and it is a necessity in nearly every boueehold. Le never disappoints Erysipelas-1'11ga a severe attack Of erympetes, suffering from dizziness and. nervousness so that f could not rest at night, Tried Hood's Sarsaparilla with good results, and now recommend it to others." M. Cuelatens, Toronto, Ont. Tired Feeling-" Was all run down anti had no appetite, Was tired all the time. liood's Sareaparilla was suggeeted, end a trial benefited Inc so muett tbat now I would not he without the inedielike." MRS, 0. 121,. lettueenr, Cerstral Norton, N. D. el / . f ii•O- .4( Watt oesers rue curs 8ver ins; *be non4=Ra only iv/Artie to take win' ilactrs BORN ¥0Iin 17ebories. en the tett* tale. the with Peter ire of a son. SPEA.I. Cromer -ie. on Jenummy Eth. th wife of t,peure, ef a ton. ITORKII(K• bi Hewer, on Jae elite the wif of J.11. llobitirk, of a 1;011. Detroit. Jan tee the wife of Mr. 3. 'es Lite. of a datilliller. HUNTER -le ['Mottle, on zbe 200s ti,, ties mite of 1411noti Hewer. of a ern, 141'h \Melee- in I'sltcrae. North(II las ult.. the u ife of Heine:Steuart, ot sea. )114.!fmr.iBut. t r. Turrreye ..p11. ,r Dried:Appies:.. Pork dressed - 41 o . • ••• .. i7e 0 .7 4. 17 o 9 1 o o 1 to 7 3 ,o 53 •.0 5 5,59 leredon, JAN b Wbeet per trestle!, le mo 67 0 -ns. P4..442, ItiArleY Ilitekwheat itye Corn • • Beaus butter . 'melts . Turkeys per Th.... tle.4...Fe ptlrtb. . .... Chiekens Potatoes prr bag ...... Hay per ten i'orle per cwt.. ..... to be •• • • ...:37 to iu .•.. ze. as Le ;A ' Sol f Sore • 31ARliIE1) AltmLENNAN-31eLEO7-At the residence o the bride's foliar. to tannaty 11th b3, liev ehaw, etele mune to 3I1ss Ellie Ale 1.crul, daughter of Murdock AteLecd, all o Svefortli. Keeneee.-31e(strAIDE- In St. -lames' ehureh. Seafortle tor an 10. by Rev Father McCabe. Petrive. lcLy, ot 114-th. to etes Margaret, danester ef elcs. Mtleuelee, sof81114134 - Tuceete ciineolk.00 JaU, 23. bY Iter. A Stewart. Alete.reiy. daughter of Ins Aeisiete Limner street. to John Stryilitr humli of Chilton. -- 10 Meleillop, en Jan 'seri treisieuto of the biole. p.irenase by lter. 31tagirere, Janice elathews, or etettregor. Mae., Nif.i 31ar37, sinuelatte of Me. an 1 3Irs (leo, Llablork, 131 IJ) nixox-- A Ashfieel, ea Jan. •21-t , Iter. Father Dixon. need it 3 care SHANNON -In .thmtletiels, on Jen. 17.J. I Sternum 31. D., atled31yeare. SHARMAN-In Munn. on Jam 23. George eaneee eisn in thee eharmaa, aged 20 years end.e ineatbse JECKE1.1.- lix -Meuse, on Thumbs JanuarY 23th. Menu Jeekell. aged 66 yeere, 4 miles, mut 11110)9. PEN RALE :Seedier', on the eflth bete Har- riet Elizibeth, iseliet of the lete Jenn Pen- baleJ aged:eye:its. WILSON -In Clinton, on Tuetri.iy. jiut 23. Alansaret Wie% nrelict of the late *eter aged 79 years. Amstruo•No -In RAtter, on the meth inst.' Cam Imam Aran:t mg. beloved wife ot Wm. 5. Balkwill, aged la yews, 10 menthe Turkish Seteip Fred removes tvo hog, xelieves itehing of the scalp, re- stores the natural. color and vitality o fade(1 and grey hair, and is a most pleesaut dressing for the hair. Tur- kisli Scalp Food is rapidly growing in public favor and takes the 100 of all" ther preptirations on tile markets or sale at Lutz's Drug Storer Exeter. /WM FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Ax Oen AND WirereTionn Itirsuree.-Mre. Wiuslee"s Soothing Syrup hay 'leen rise for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect succeqs It soothes the child, softens the gums. alleys al pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diorrlicen. !Lis pleasant to the ta,ite. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and itsk fax Mrs NVinslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. GIVE A YOUTH resolution,aed n course in Business and Sher hand at the . . Fog Ty. MeZ 47.-10/dif kind and who shall place limits to his career. catalogues free. J. W. Ner STER ELT, Principal Dissolution of Partnership. --- NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between John Williams and Joseph Cobbledick, carrying on business at the Village of Exeter, under thename, style and firm of Cobbledick & 'Wil- liams, has this day been mutually dis- solved. Signed JOHN WILLIAMS, JOSEPH O0l3BLEDIOK. Dated Jan. 200, 1900. Haying purchased the interest of John Williams in the above partner- ship, we will eontinne the said business in the old stand. All accounts duethe said firm must be paid to the undersigned. J. COBBLEDICK & SON. Ne I rk Shop The undersigned wishes to announce that he has • opened up -a blacksmith businesein Da,yis' old stand, Main St., where he will be prepared to do all kinds of Ge.:neerall jobbing & HORSESHOEING A SPE:AM:Tv. A CALL 'SOLICITED Jas. Russel 010 44; ... 3210 41 04 to 70 • ••• •••• -21 to 1 15 re 61, to I% 9 to 19 to 75 to IV , 10. 110 ; • 06to C.9 .60 '4. 1Cm1 When h comes to healing up old running sores of long- standing there is no remedy equal to Burdock Blood Bitters. Bathe the sore with the that relieves the local irritation, Take the B.B.B. internally -that clears the blood of all impurities on which sores thrive. Miss D. Melissa Burke, Grind- stone, Magdalen Islands, P.Q., says: wit is with pleasure I speak in favor of B.B.R. which cured me of a. running sore on my leg. I consulted three doeters and they gave me salve to put en, but it did no good. Finally my leg became a Mid running' sore. In fact AT nearly a month I could'not put my foot to the floor. "I was advised to ose 8.13.13, and di' so, Three bottles healed up my leg en. tirely so that I have never been troubled with it since.' 71-1 E CAKION Constantly pusues a man if is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a lino range of liack Worsted in twills, vene- ians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices.) Nice suits for 414 in fancy worsted suiting. We show a big range at moderate prices in Scot ch and Canadian tweeds we cary a large and well as- serted stock. Prices to suit all. A large stock of the lat- est goods voa oerefor singt fronk$10 up. GIVE US A CALL and see what we can do for you. J. H. !Grieve. MERCHANT TAILOR Women's A 51 fits. Women are com- ing to understand that the Backaches, Headaches, Tire Feelings and Weak Spells from whicl; they suffer are due to wren action of the kidneys. . The poisons that / t i‘ onght to be carried oft ages- ;rent back into the Mood; taking with them a mul- titude of pains and aches. OAN'S vidney Pins drive away petits and eches, make women healthy and happy -able to enjoy life. Mrs. C. H. Gillespie, 204 Britain Street, St. John, N.B., says: " Some time ago I had a violent attack of La Grippe. From this, severe kidney trouble arose, for which I doctored with a number of the best physicians in St, John, but reeeived little relief. Hearing Doanes Kidney Pills highly spoken ofs I began their use and in a short time found them to be a perfeet cure.. Before taking these pills I suffered stroll torture that I could not turn over in bed without assist- ance. Doan's Kidney Pills have rescued me from this terrible condition, and have removed every pain and ache. Work while you sleep without a gripe palsi, curing Dyspepsia, Siek Headache and Constipation and melte you feel better In the morning, Price 25e, C:=44r. 1-41 g,c,ipt,-t-t. re 1 sseaseesseer. day, Pinch ycnir feet in wrong shaped shoe you pervores, irrital.de ; spoil your temper; lose your eoncentratior, You can't expect to go tito Cveu tenor yea eSse Inc shoe that cripples. "Sister Shoes" are made e 1. 5 t --to ef,vt r every teasler joint comfortably -malt forget youlieee a rainy foot. They fit the first time they -re worn, aud ever beentese the stretch end rink has Igvit for ever taken oin of them while six days oa the lasts. Twelve shapes, all SiZeS, six widths, all colors, styles and leathers. Goodyear welted, stamped on the soles isith name and price, $3.eo and $5,00. Le;;;;;1=0;11`Cmsw+e-freer;;;010:111.444-.11*Q0=1;^11,140.4"^""rx .J.SPACKMAN, SOLE 0( AL AGE, T. ONEY'S MONEY Any 171319 who wea.rs the J. D. King CO.'s Ift4,Y,es ln PrOorev_Rilnbobeel ill jingie in his ntlavt, S;nrch the 'world ova «ma you thrid, nothing better than sfub,. beea tr)11Tre° is IRiltl.titi:J.13!'ees Use , • progre.ssh • tel you 0.11( ,2.hout -StegiTb pro,i; ifnot, wrte to the J. D. King Co., and they will toll you. You can't afford to be without them, because they are lar-, best. See that Stub, Proof is STAMPED Olt the bottom bf eaeh oboe. The J. D. KING- CO, 1,imited, Toronto. Montreal. Winnipeg. For Sale in Exeter by H. Bishop & Son. Five Packs of Cards Free- CITITV:ieTaigiii.4.141e One -each. 'May I. ts Home,' One male 'Escort, One perk *Flirtation.° One_pack *Hold. Relight,' One pater *Otr Sofa Just Hold.; Two.* Samplee ot 2.11 other styles with been -full of no. thins. Senn 5e. Aver for postage. A. W. EINN'EY. E. T., Salem-Yarmoutb, N. S. To Tun DuAv.-A rich y cum her Deafness and Noiees in the hy Dr. Iiieholsi a is Art Her Fb has sent 4.3011 to Iris Institute. that deaf peeple unable to procure Ear DI unas may hove thelli free. Rlyg to Dept. the Institut', Nit Avenue, New -Yorke te. er. Q 0 - HERING WA NMI MOT ....;,..,,----..........-7--.UNSAY'''. Highest Prices Paid.1 Kingston Lady's Experieum_ - Milburn's Heart and None CI.T ST OM SAWING DONE in Relieving this Distressin AT LOWEST PRICES. moon. Sutherland inns Co. LTD. ‘‘I have suffered for Ssw"..onitrerye.-.- Late Goulds Mill, Exeter, (int.; smothering sensation caused 1 I disease. The severity of the pai f heart caused me tuuch Suffering, ' also -very nervous and my whole Meat Market I was run down and debilitated. , "Hearing thee Milburn's ifeigt Nerve Pills wore a specifics for the. , ____1, , troubles, I thought I would tamp them, tia4 1; got a box atMeLeod's Drug Store. Thus The undersigned has opened up it ' afforded me great relief, having tonsil at new meat rotteket one door my system and remtwed the distr.:se: n, I . symptoms from which I suffered. I ear Scull 01 Gariing'a Store i i . heartily recommend these woraderful pill to all sufferers from heart trouble. where he will keep the choicest o.'I (Signed) MRS. A. W. IRISH, Kings) sie 0- meats constantly -on hand. ) A CALL SOLICITED, I. Ilexes LIVER PILLS cure BiL Constipation and Sick Headache. •••••••010.IIIIIMI•de N JOHN T. 11ANNING CALL AT TE FAltrilLY AH AccoA DUE MUST BE , eat Market E 1st Fee first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS A fine selection of BEEF, LAMB, FRESH PORK, and all kinds of !Fresh arid Salted Meals on hand. Note the address, one door north of The R. Pickard Co's store. LOWS Off, PROP CHOOL OOKS A FTJLL LINE OF NEW BOOKS FOR School Opening BY Cash or Note. ANOTHER CAR Lr FURNITURL will arrive soon. WILL HAVE SOME BAR( as usual. By the Best and- - Ignore - - In the end you it cheapest: FurmS Cant room with One: of ou , Bed Room Setts, Ta Chairs, GET sOMETIIING We have it, you. . RENS NEEDS AT Take a Mok at 0111' fill k FURNITURE and ,Brownings. find -what yu oare loa Where the Scholars are used( FURNITT.IRE UNI-; Opera House ' AND ALL THE CHILDIU - uD well.