HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-1, Page 4rhe moisons Bank 1 Iriamen in Africa. 13. It 17 011eatTERED PAIthIaMN'IS lkup Capita - suo(taD -- a st Shunt - eionaeen Tread Mee, Montreal. ' WOLFERSTAN. THOMAS, Esee lan:anaat. DiAsmonn Money edvanced to good farmers on their wen note with tem or more endereer at 7 per t. Per annum, Deeter Drench nee every lawful day from 10 a.m. to a D. im SATL'ItEkerY:-..t.loo.ra, to X p.m. emit rates of interest allowea on deposits. WAYS & CARLING. N. D. IIISRDON, sot.termas„ swgmnat r. Dm Seth. Ite. Iendar for February) 4 11 5 12 0 13 7 14 $ 15 9 10 10 17 torvc , Emensneeer... e'runiatee 1 2 3 1 900- 18 25 19 20 20 27 21 23 23 UtRSDAY. FEBRUARY, 1st Mt 4. 'N ER TWINE FRAUD. • 'he inseertion in the newspapers of a eo that hinder twine will he isoldto •nere by the warden of Kingston entiary,at prime and terms made Own on applicatiou, is a, fake by the seen -anent. The advertisemeot is used to tele% e &Mere ioto the belief that there is .stovie of binder twine in the Peniteu- ary at Ningetini available to be sold tote indepeudentle* by the Gooern- ent officiels. Iitere is not a pound of biuder twine .650e:stint under control of Govern - it ofibials. The whole output has le Fold under contract to the com- e, which has lieeced the farmers for past two years. The terms of this • wae kept secret. The Al.inietes 0 thee. ;lion. David Mills, positivelV tsedtZgive, out the rate When it dereanfied on the their (frit*. Sen. .•btofterwards it was 4iivialge1 ;lament as le cents a 'rite ..bine hold 1.10. simie tivine at thir- hents a pound. and the lawmen fleeced to this extent. Farmers hilesex. Boron and Perth have a applications for twine to the ot Kingston, but no riot ice has ,aken f t heir letters, +sante story is to be told of the or twine made at the Central Pris- fi Toronto. Tv% !41Vitalt.A.I. FUND». eeme to he need for an ex - cif the differten'e hetween is funds that ine being raised 'it of the. war. There is the Patriotic Fund, with Lord the head of it. ated which is tit to the Alaneion ilonse Fund ond. There is the Soldiers' Leanne Fund. intended for the of the families of soldiers n ho at the war ; and there is Cress Fund, for the purpose heeetirth eeenfort.% so much ve Sick and woonded on battle and in the arnly While all three funds are ave help, and too mueb can Lon, for the families left at c. is this to be thought of, e Mile in the fighting ranks arid lane' offwhorn are hewn down in le, are the ones aftet all who are lied to the fleet tare, the speedieee , and tbi, tenderest comfort. Those at litente are surrounded by active pathieeee. They Cannot tome to let nal want, Inn are sine of what - nolo nod protection they nifty re. direetly ,t he necessity is (node sh with wounded soldiers .ekilowmand must remain ey hours (31 agony before etein be attended to. Ac- e4eil cd men shot. down aud 'Oat in a pourihg mho with nedical attention, are bar- _ he extreme. The officer vounded and unconscious. woe nd by his own blood :rpieRed -.nurses ; and ,health by the time - thy all night in the rain hgte, and was taken to ler twenty-six hours of nout food or assistance of a, cases in point. When 1 soldier, is taken in for .• . be first thing done is to probably the only under has at hand -for soldiers we not _overstocked with Ofteribis Shirt, wet and t be cut and torn from ,.re be can be operated is then an immediate • garments of the kind, „-e field hospital may or anished. 'There are the _delicacies which the sick nee for their sustenance. inamonly in short supply. beneEcent service, to pro- )mfort and relief, that the gland of all ranks in life agaged, and with a hearth ecedented ha the annals of "'he aged Queen herself ;eking hours in sewing ter soldiers; no maid dreicine but Must be fume sante duty. And plset is contagious all ,e1„11 the high and weal - be land are striving to can to proyide shirts ashodos, socks, etc., to be to the sick ' and wounded the officials of the Red • ity, This is vvbat the Red aeand it is the noblest char - a world, is a new treasurer, W. J fhairk. Bros, • butchers, ;art in business in leica,n, a short time Ago, have , Lockport, N. 'Iter a lingeeheg illness, 41, a highly respected „we. He leayee a wife 'deers to mourn 1JIS less. lughter of Mr. JCStri itisbusen, it is well to note, are rend- i ering to fhe Empire in the present war exceptionally large and distinguished services For the purposes of this ar- ticle, one may lay aside the fact, that the great Field Marshal, who is now on his way to the Cape, is of the Irish race, and that his famous Chief of Staff, Lord Kiteherier, is not wholly free from Irish association, since his yeah was ' passed amidst the wilds of ioerry, Bot this, at least, is direetly and conspicuously in .evidencto that •eir- ennistances have somehow conspired to place in Irish hands a. remarkably large share of the defense of the virile and hard-pressed colony of ZsZatal. The eoltany isprovingitself a precious jewei in the British Crown, and Irish- men are guarding it with all that mag- nificent self-saerifice and valor which are proud traditions of the race. Sir George White is a native of County Antrim, his family residing hi the neighbothood of Ihillymena, and the IOrangemen of that district rise to en- thusiasm whenever Sir George makes , a gallant sortie froir Ladysmith. while , Irishmen in London were glad to en- tertain 11101 When he was last there. Coming so the lighting mahses, it le . notable that Iretand bira furnished tele regiments to the war. Seems of them are fighting in Natal -Gen. Ciatuere has two atei Gen. Preach one. The list is as followe; Fifth Royal Irish Lincere. in LOY° smith. Sixth Ennisk'illin Dragoons, in Cape Colony with Gen. Freuvh. Firet Royal Enniskillin Fosiliers, in Natal with Gen. Buller. Second Royal Dublin Fusiliers, in Ladysmith, First Royal Irish •Fusiliers, the rem- uants in Ladysmith. . Second Royal Irielt Ftielliere, with Gem Buffer. First. Connaught Rangeto, with Om Buller. Second /loseil Irish Rillee, in Cape Colony with Gen. Gataere. First Roe -al Muuster Fusiliers, with Geo. Oat:tyre, Here are S.Illita Men at least -regi - merits which are almost fon itely Irish. The 'hunstiq,, Wiliet 111041y front Kerry. Oak and Lintf,riel, the Dahlias from the home count iee, and the Illoyal Irieli Fusiliers from the litirth•ViiSt Illtis Ulster., while the 'Connaught e ate hugely nano the weet The Latest News. Wheat, ha e taken another drop. Duck and Hutton, the lorgest, grey firm in Windsor, have made an assign - Went One of the biggest, snow !storms in yeare has Tendered Montreal sauna - bound, The total amount of the eauadian Patriotie Fund Aseuelatiou to date is $87,74 hit. Morgan Litthe a youth, fell on the ice at 1,Vindsor mei died of ettneuesion of the brain. The New York Plate Claes Insurance Compel)) has been grarded a license to do business in Ontamo. The petitioners in the East and West Elgin election eases have deposited the neceesary $1,0110 senility on Osgoode , The postmaster general will not grant Toronto's request for a one -cent drop letter rate for ;mother year at least A member of the House of Lords, Monday, to the Ministry, stated that the Liovernuietit bad decided that Ladymnith mnet be abandoned, Dunnville has offered free land, free vniter ertd tax exemption to the De - pew Monufaeturiug Co., to intim* them to establish a branch faetery there. The colleen), it is said, would employ $110 men and turn out 10,0011 lown Diowere per year. John Kernobarn, a stove mounter employed at hcClary's, London, died suddenly Monday morning, while on the etreet a eouple of blocks from his home, No. 111 Clarence Street. He had been ill for three weeks with heart trouble, but did not quit work. It is said that the Rev. J. C. Tolinie, pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Windsor, has acceived a call from one of the large churches in New York. at a salary of $5,000 a year, Rev Mr. Tolude will notgive out any in- formation on the subject. The total casualties of the African war, compiled from official reports are 9,523, nearly a division. Of these 2.- 486 are killed, 4,811 wounded and the rest prisoners. The aggregate British home troops in South Africa number 116,000, the Notations 7,158 and Cape Colonists 21,000., In 1808 the total number of mar- riages in Ontario was 15,203, an in- crease of 848 over 1897. In Todonto there were 1696 marriages, an increase of 195 over 1897. More 'Methodists married than any other denomination, There were 10,382 Methodist marriages, 6400 Presbyterians, 4902 Anglican, 4675 Roman Catholics, and 1908 Baptists: Among the many influential and use- ful citizens who have died in London nous will be More widely ruissed nor more sincerely mourned than Mrs. Dr. F. R. Eccles, who passed into the life .heyond while the bells were eingieg the hour of 6 o'clock Saturday morn- ing, For 'Upwards of a, year she has been suffering from chronic pneuneonic trouble.. Thomas Cornwall arrived in Brant- ford on Friday last from Cleveland, Ohio. On Saturday he was taken sick. Physicians said it was a case of small- pox. • On Sunday, Cornwall was re-.. moved to the smallpox hospital. The house with its inmates, • and also the houses of those who visited Coriavvad On Saturday, have been quarantined. Judgment was given ' Osgoode Hall on Monday in two bribery 'cases reserved by Judges Rose and Osier at the trial of the persons charged With corrupt practices in connection. with Lion. John Dryden's election in No- vember, 1898. The trial took place recently at Whitby, and the comets re- served the cases Of Simon Hewitt, a farina, fromthe vicinity of Branefoid, charged with bribery, and of William Gilmour, a Pickering farmer, who took bribes.'from both sides, and re- fesed to say bow he voted, because, as he told: the judges, "the ballot .is se- cret." Hewitt, as a briber, was fined $200 or.six months' imprisonment, Gihnore $200 or one naonth. T.13 EXETElt Distribution of Samples of Seed Grain. thuler instruction of the Hen. Alba - liter of Agriculture soother distribu- tion 44 sample packages of the hest aud most produttive sorts of -cereals, ite., Is Wm- being made from the Cen- tral Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Tbe distribution will eonsist, as heretofore, of samples of _oats, spring wheat, bar- ley, field peas, Lunen corn, and pots - toes. Each emu* will weigh three pounds. The quality of the seed will be of the best. the varieties true to. name and the packages will be seot free to • applicants,through the mail. The,ohjeet in view is the improvement of the character and quality of the gostin, etc., grown 10 atuada, an effort widely appreciated,and the eitoiee of varieties to be emit out will he confined to those which have been found, to sue- ceed well at the Experimental Ferule. These samples will be sten only to those who apply personally, lists of names freest societies or individuals can- not be considered. Only one sample of one sort can be sent. to each appli- cants -hence if an individual receives a sample of oatS"he minim Also reeeive one ot wheat or barley. Applieatioos Should be addressed to the Director of Experimental Farms, Ottawas and new be sent any time before the 15th of "March, after -which date the lists will be closed, so that the samples ask- ed for way all be sent Mit in good time for sowing. Perties writing will please 'newton the sort of grain they Would prefer end should the available stock of the variety named he exhaust- ed, some other good sort will be sent in its place. Letters may be sent to the Experimental Farm free of post- age4 Wm. Sansaions, Director Experinieetni 1"arns. Ottawa, shismAry and, WOO, The Latest News Iieffonn Bros„ of Blyth. have pur- ghost d James Cummings' Witcher bus- iness 00 Queen street. We regret to hear of the death of James, ytausgest sun Of A and AIM rotTest, 1st von., Warraumh. A tinnier tesitient of Whigliam died it iiitivatiline on Friday last. 01 the vett-tot of Andrew Allen, in bis 790 year. The live -year-old daughter of Mr. mat ;qrs. Juseph Rabb, ot the first line et Alm -MS died on Monday of last week OL se:mit-tom. Robert, Como who for the past, year lute trout with his kont-itt-law, John Thotil,118 ToesWater, (1051. 00 Saturday, January 130, at the age of 80 years. The unit n of the two ifiethodist con- gregatious in Chaim is not yet fully anottgainated. If they become unite:41,41 fine ueiv church will be erected as a result Alt old resident of Whiteehurch passed away to the great beyond On .1.1"riday last, in the person of Annie Taylor, beloved wife of Jannis Laidlaw, in her 07th year, 'Win. Campbell, of Goderich, who was elected to the Coutteii, but against whom proceedinge were taken ou the ground of laielo of property (pence.- tton, has resigned his seat. A pretty home wedding was cele - twitted at the home of Aiiirdoeit Mc- Leod, of Senfotth, 00 Wednesday last, when his daughter. Miss IMP, was united in mintage to Alexataler 11c - On 'Wednesday of last week Patrick Kelly, a prosperous youug farmer re- sidiug near Myth, and Miss Margaret McQuade, daughter of Mrs. AL Mc- Quade, of Tiu•kersmith township, were married by Rev. Father ihleCabe, in St. James' church, Seaforth, T. W. Scott has purchased from A. Elder the lot on Queen street, Myth, on which stood Mr. Scott's grocery siege that was destroyed her fire a few weeks ago. The price paid was $550, Mr. Scott will erect a brick store in the spring. John M. Gtivenlock, who has been running a brick and tile yard near Walton, far a couple of years, has pur- chased twenty-five acres of hind from Mr. McSpadden, near Winthrop, and will start a new yard there in the spring., Benjamin Lyon, of Brandon, Man:, formerly of Bullet, is down on a visit to his relatives. It is the first time he has been back since he left ten years ago. Be has 320 ac. ofhis own within twelve miles nf Brandon, and works 100 acres besides. D. J. Aitcheson, of Devil's Lake, Dakota, and son of John Aitcheson, of Roxboro, McKillop, has aisposed of his property in Dakota,and intends re- turning to Ontario about the first of April and will reside on his property north of Harpurhey. An old resident of Wallace and of that section of the country died. in Lis- towel on the 9th inst , in the person of Henry Markle, in the 78th year of his age. The old gentleman ,bad been very feeble of late years, and his death had been expected for some- time. The Owen Sound Thams announces the purchase • of Pickard & Rowan's mill by the Goderich Lumber-. Co. Mr. Thompson, the principal member of the company, states that the consider- a.tion to be paid is , $21,000, and that the purchase locluded a timber limit near Lion's Head, on the Bruce penin- snlin . . A quiet but pretty wedding took place on Wedriesday, January 24tho at the residence of R..O'Brien, &sable line, Bay, when hie 'daughter was united in marriage to Thomas Horton. The bride was given away by ber fath- er, and was richly attired in a cream costume, and was assisted by her sis- ter; Miss Bertha.. Frank Horton, of Tuckersmith, brother of the groom!) acted as ghoomeman. They will live in Tuckersmith. J. G. Hooson of Sintaluca, N. W. T. son of dairies ROWSOR, Of UMW/3, is home on a visit, and may remain for a' few weeks, as be intends to buy 'some horses and take back with him. He thinks there may be room for Et, little speeulation in this line, providing the seller remains in the West to look after his interests, but he claims the risks are too great, and losses sure to follow to those who sell on time, and reside in Ontario eirehee'S.,h;- Huron kounty Notes. Middlesex County Notes ,-.14••••• 41.4, . ^ Wingham is to have a !sew foundry. ., - Joint Black has sold his farm 00 000. 0, lot 81, to Jas, .Noble of Hullett, • to the sum of S300. - The wife of President Steyne, of the Orange Free State, South Afilea, is a cousin of ifirs. A. NN Mon, cif Seaforth. srs.Id, Alordie, sr., of McE1110P, has Purchased the residence of Miss Stobie, ef Seaforthi paying for it $900, Alex. Rose, of Winghain, has sold his 150-ecre farm on the Bluevale road to Woo Maxwell. The price .paid was On $000 • Wednesday rooming last Miss 'Mary Kennedy, of Seaforth, and Air. Robert Ring, of Wiugham, joined _ hands in matrimony,. Miss Annie Straughao, of East Was wanosh, has taken the position of as- sistant in the Blyth post .oftice, form- erly held by Miss Chantherlaio, Chris 'Johnston bas exchanged his farm, lot .10, concession 4, East Wa wanosh, with Thos. Ross for his cor- ner lot 42, on the 40. concession. James Cummings, of Egnionaville, left on Tuesday last to spend a couple of months in Sacramento. California, where he has three sons and. three daughters-. Dr. Turnholl, fornimiy- of Clinton, who has just returned &one a year's etrarse of stuoy in the hospitals of Lou- don, Berlin and Vienna, has deckled to lovat•e itt Goderieb. A team nelongiug to William Pother - ham, or Tockersinith, brought so jalneS Beattie s store house. in Sea - forth, one day inst week, 111 bushels of peas in one load, making 0,000 pounds. For any ease et uervoesuess, sleep* lessness, weak stomaeb, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Oarter'a Little Liver Pills, Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine for the price in ulaskets Me ego. Alan., on Jan. 10th, Miss Elisabeth Henry, daughter of John Henry, formerly of •Olinton, was married to is prosperous young Rose- dale farmer, named Wm. 0, Hendry. Miss Term AL Reid, formerly of Sot. forth, and sister of Mr& J. 13. Sproat, of that town, was married in Detroit on Monday, janiutey L'ith, to Rail, wholesale and retail confectioner of Detroit. • The West Huron appeal ease has hetet adjourned by the judges witil next Marti% or April. This will leave the seat vacant during the coming ses- sion. as by law the election has been declared void, James Sproat, of' Tnekerstnith, has purehastid fifty acres of land from his Sister, Mrs. J. Hama at a good fignee It is alongside • of the fifty acres be bought three years ag o and makes an exeellent 100arre farm. Last week 1 he members of the Meth- odist ebureloat Kinbureihronght over a ioad of oats and pit/WWI; to -and Mrs. Coopland ; they appreeiate this not so much fer the value of the ars 1 - dos, as for the spirit it manifests. Its son of John McMillan, M. P., for South Huron, intended starting lest 111oriday morning for Cape Town, South Africa, in charge -of a ship Wad of horses, hut caving to befog indisposed, he was not able to take the trip. After forty-three years of ;wane, faltbfal Serefee, Peter Reid has resign- ed the cleft:ship of Rinloss. He is nos in his eightieth year, and during 43 years has not missed a Connell meeting. It is said that Mr. Reid is the oldest township clerk in -Canada. Since the ()peeing CIf the Huron Mese of Refuge, five years 4tga, 44 ins mates have died ; 33 of that oumbee passed awa.y last year. This large death rate is due to the face that anany of the inmates almost exhausted their vitality before going to the House. At the Annual meeting of the Oream• ery Association, held in the Hall, Oen- traba, the books show that there was ten thousand and six &liars worth of cream paid for during the year, -there was a dividend of' .six per eentdeclared on all shares for the present year. J. Stewart Clark, who is naively promoting the interests of the pro- posed electric railway from Port Dover Galt aud on to Goderich, says that the road is an assured thing. that far morethan enough capital to build it has been subscribed, and that all that is now wanted is the legislation, John Voelker, of Dashwood, took a good trip very recently. He drove ,with horse and cutter from Dashwood north through Seitforth, Brussels, to Harriston, thence to Mount Forest, then returned by way of Palmerston. to Stratford, arriving at Tavistock whese he intends to stay for a week or more visiting relatives and friends. A number of prominent business and professional men of Goderich, Wood- stock mad Toronto met in Gerderich last week to form a company to develop and operate for very valuable mineral clairns in the Larcleau District, of Brit- ish Columbia. The coinpany is to he called The Huron Gold Mining Com- pany of BritishColninhia, Limited. Hon. J. T. Garrovir is president. On Monday eVening, Jo nnary 15tho a large number of the ratepayers and friends .of ex -Reeve McPherson, of Turnberry, gathered at his home arid spent a pleasant evening All the members of the council and. officials were present. The object of the gash- ,ering was to present Mr. McPherson with a purse of money as a 'slight recognition of the high esteem in .which he is held throughout the town- ship. Mr. McPherson had been reeve of the township for some 18 yeers. On the evening of December 22nd last. Mt. and Mrs. Maliersien celebrated .their golden weddine. On Sunday, the 21st inst., Rev Father Dixon, of Kingsbridge, died very eliddenly on hi i way to the R ( church to say mass.. The immediate cause was heart trouble. Deceased was a very popular priest, and was ap- parently in the full vigor of manhood, tieing a young Man of fine physique., During the address of the Bishop many were moved to tears, showing that the .deceased had found a tender place in their hearts and inemoriee. The re- mains were interred in the burial ground adjoining the church, and OS the people tinned sorsorrowing to their homes, many were heard to remark on the virtues of the deceased, aud the good work that had been done by hide during his ten yeare' pastorate. „ , are. Thos, ilodgips has presented • ample donation of china add crockery ware to Liman Methodist eburch. . Capt. Tum Robson was yeeteiday elected as Coaservetive member for the Federal House for Best Middlesex, by a handsome majority. My frlend, look here 1 you know how weak and oervons your wife is, and von know thet eV's Iron Pills will relieve „her, now why not be fair ebout it.told bay her a box 11 Walter Ste eel ison, of London town- ship, Wended guilty Sat today momhig before His Humor Judge g. Elliott to 0. charge of improperly . feeding hogs. He was' fined 1f5 and eusts-s$14.40. George Burns' of Loadou. has been appoiuted collector of customs at that. port in place of the late Robert Reid. The position Is worth $2 200. Alr.Burns is one of the oldest besiness men id London. .• rs. &cies, .wife of Dr. F. R. Emirs, London, died Thursday after a long ness. Mrs. bleetes woe a woman ee traordiunry parts mid tuatveilinis ext. eutiveahzhty. oilskin; a deep tine: est it, 01 every Christian o beet outlast, reeidente of Sidiluipt. Daniel iNell, nue of the oldest and township, died on Friday /tams at I be reeideove of his son. Frenklin H. Neil. of Malik* 0111Ve Perm. Sauble Line. Deceased leas S2 yeas, 2 meet 115 anti five days old, and .enuie to Bithlulph just fifty reare ago next Alarch. ii his death the township loses oue of bee oldeet and hest knowo reeidents. Mr. Neil was tenet in Osamu. Risme .Comi ty, Ireland, 00 Nov. 14111, 1817, tool was therefore in his 83rd year at the time of his death, atiothin• evidence, 01 verility of the natives of the G'reei, Is*. He left his native land with %lumber of his brothers for caned.% iii the yene 1880.t he voyage last lug siinie twelve weeks. tie located in Fiteres- townshilo Carleton comity, where he married 41.0e W1llii011S. and WIO're five of his children were hurn. He moved to west Oulario 111 1851 and pur eliaeed the farm where ht. n sided un- til dereitee, and where three more ebildeel1 0-1.11" b0111 to him. His fam- ily of fem. NOUN and four daughters.the tuajneity of whom live in the township of Weinteinth and Midi illivray, survive lam. lie v.as 011)111) of sterling luteg- rity, WOS univessally bleed Jule reSpeeted by his ineigiihuni and fripnds ("phis eissity tlispoot itin and plod will t owe* de it ii1411. A proposition was mute to light Cteeliton by cheerio light but not N110111411 light$ Mink! be 5000 ed. Wailer Mille. of Ralgetown, son of Hon 1)iv it Mills. has been appointed Clerk of the County Court, of Kent, to succeed the tate ('apt. W. A. Camp- bell Thnee ra.hvey bargains whieh Green- way made with the C. P. IL cannot, bay,. been 11s WOW OS the Winuipeg Free Press suggests, otherwise the lion. Thomas it mild never hove per - milted Hugh John Macdonald to breuk ow goo newe to the The Ontario Legislature hos been summoned to meet ou 'Wednesday, Isehrimer 14th. It, is not possible yet to say what legislation will be intro- duced by the Government, but the in- diensious seem to point to a short Miu- hamlet hill of fere. The deputation of Frnit Growers the Minister of Agriculture Outs the, coddling moth was responsible for the ruination or half the pear and ;mph, trees of the provinee, and asked that a loyal option law be made to al- luw a, municipality to enforce the banclagiug ot trees. Me. Dryden look- ed upon the suggestion favorably and the uetessary legislation will likely be introduced at the comiug session. seicide by shooting himself at Winni- rl.M.M1.1,11}11tXr.011 *MOM+. PIMA. fel tIOSIcs Too Titin? 1 1 If so, there must be some 1 1; trouble with its food. Well t I babies are plump; only the s sick are thin. Are you sure the food is all right? Chil- dren can't help but grow; they must grow if their food I nourishes them. Perhaps a mistake was made in the 1 past and as a result the di- gestion is weakened. If that is so, don't give the baby 1 a lot of medicine ; just use your every -day common! 1 sense and help nature a t little, and the way to do I it is to add half a teaspoon- I z fu! of 1 [RAUL. I N ito the baby's food three or ‘f v°jujir btiemgeins .,t hedavye:T very fihegainrstdaday u you give it. It seems to: 1 comet the -digestion and I gets the baby started right t again. if the baby is slurs- I ing but does not thrive, then I / the mother should take the " emulsion. It will have a good effect both upon the I mother and child. Twenty- I E five years proves this fact. 5oc. and $Loo, all druggists'. I :COTT BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, S Perth Pickings - ‘ There are at present 50 imitates in Perth House of Refuge. Belle Casupbell, of the 10th conces sion, Logan, is very ill with pneumonia. The Perth Mutual Fire Insurauce Co. has donated the sum of -V500 to the Patriotic Fund, 1 J. P. Whitney. Q. 0,, M. P. P., was 1 the guest of Dr, J. W. Ford, of Thorn - dale on Monday night. On Jan. 4, Joseph Lockhart, one of the pioneer settlers of the township of Vir Mince, passed away in the 72nd year of his age. Johno rOtttnedt 1S1 aethel11ll °1.501rIs o°1:143.111.kouriCiSrlitTa. rayo151M(.' theireses: inarringe. ' ' W bat's in a name?" Everything, when you come to medicine. When you get Hood's Sarsonarilla you get the beet inoney- can buy. - A bill will be introduced at the next stain of the Ontario Ledslature for the reuniting, ot North mad South Perth for registration purposes. E. J. Johns,who has for eleven years carried on a drug business in Stratford has sold his stock to Dr. Nichol, Seta ringville. who will Jvruove it, to that place in a week or so. Robert tl. Hamilton, of Lindsay, formerly of the Bell Telephone Co.'s oftlee at Stratford has been given eharge at Owen Sound, and suPeriot tendent of that district. 11.11 eases of weak or lame back, linvkache, rhecuilatisizo will find relief by tveariog one of Carteeti Smart Weed and Belladonna ,dittlotehe Phis - t ors, Price 25 cents. Try them. A most soceessful convert. 10 aid of the Patriotic: Fund tV ilS held in the new City Hall, Stratford, on Monday night, and some hundred- of dollars will be added to the fun(1 as a result. Perth County Council have made a gritliUt of $200 to the patriotic fund and *100 to the 28t11 Perth Batt. They hove also decided to adopt strong measures against the black knot among the fruit trees. The amount subscribed by the pro- prietors and employes of the Maxwell works, St. Marys, twat -cis the Patrice tic Fund is $129. Of this ammo. $79 'vas donated- hy the employes, the for- mer giving the balance, namely $50. W. G. Inglis. &Ix con, Elam, has dis- posed of 81 items of his farm to Ed- ward tsreensides, section foreman, of raivnod, nnd the balance, 10 acres to bit brother, Wolter Inglis, receiving fat. the whole $5,000. It is a good Rev. A,. Grant, M. A., pastor of Km= church, St. Marys, has been ap- pointed by the General Assembly's century fund committee, to visit. the Presbytery of Huron in the interests of the said finich and the scheme has been adopted for his visitation of con- gregations. William Thayer, aged sixteen yew, son of 'Simon Thayer, of Irishtown, met with an accident on Thursday last, which resulted in the loss of the greater part of his right foot. Ile is employed at Still's mill and W11S work- ing at a. saw whieli works neat. the floor. A couple of Minutes before closing time the saw became (dogged and young Thayer attempted to kiek away the rush with his foot. The re- sult was that the side of bis right loot was sawn off. George Sharman, aged ninteen, died at his grandmother's Mrs. Holmes, of Clinton on Tuesday. Receipts at the Toronto Customs bouse during the present month will exceed the half million mirk. A man named Holland connuitted peg. He leaves a family in the east, and was a piano tuner, about 05 years old, Carroll Parnell, a Gra,ndTrunk yard- man at Niagara Falls, fell between the ears of a, moving train, but was skidded along on the rails and snow until the train was stopped. He escaped with a bruised leg and a lacerated thigh. A region fully teu nines square on both sides of the Detroit river was shaken by an explosion of 500 pounds of dynamite at the stone works of the Sibley Quarry Company on the Ameri- can side. One matt was killed. t'D000s AUE Words are but leaves." It is nob what we say, but what Hood's Srsaparilla, does that tells the story. he many wonderful cures effected by this medi- cine are the thrifts by which it should be judged. These proee it to he the great, unequalled remedy for dyspep- sia, rheurnatisin, scrofula, salt rheum, catarrh and all other ailments dne to impure or impoverished blood, Hood's Pills are non -irritating, effective, EVI 518 IR .bat opened up a fine lot of toilet sets in latest designs, Ruby, Parisian and Etruria. These are lovely goods. New styles -in Pompadour, back and side combs. Fancy braid pins. See mu new spiral metal side combs, bone, horn and sleet tooth and hair brushe,s: 4. nice assortment of china. bread and 1)01.1 01 plates, images, cups, 'and- sauc- ers, PM Tea setts, salts and celery dips, bon bon trays, decanters, koilies, forks and spoons, school supplies, the pateiotic 1scribbler, Soldiers of the Queen, only 5c, Small nickel plated tea kettles, for coal stoves, very cheap, - FRESH OYSTERS and FRUITS. and FINNAN HAD DIE. Levitt's Fair AGENT FOR PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. ' The warning cough is the faith- ful sentinel. It tells of the approach of consumption, whichhastilled more people than war and pestilence Wine bindd. it telin of painful ‘?higiuthithroats, gas nstds'ph' v 1st/ eolir monis. Do not .; suffer another day. les useless, for there's a prompt and sato cure. it is saiite.‘ vhich cures fresh cold val coughs in a single •i!ht and master's chronio ;oughs and bronchitis in a short time, Consump- Can is surely and cer- • : uinly prevented, and -- • t-ured, too, if taken in ;.. A 25c. bottle for a fresh • '; cold; 50. size for older, colds; $1 size forchronic ' coughsand eonsumption. -•'•,.*- -tele-aye keep a brittle i otit.yer's , .1 n e.:rv reet0:11 On 14014. lOtO -. „ii et-1711mo 1 get calil I tan A urno ..•.4 et haw iitgity 11L'ia7;;: iiri.le,Ift+-1. Et ratee'rexeto %%he the Dozier. IS Tort have my ttiLlteVer ana destro thy hi,lt medical advice, write the Doctor frva4. Address Dr..1. ATnit, Lowell, :Vass. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS Demotes_ COPYRIGHTS ,ato. Aurelio sews ee a tOrPtelt and deSeriPtIan quickly ascertain ..nr opinion free whether tia Invent:ion is probably patentable. Commanica. tionsstrietly confidential. Irandbook on Patents sent wee. owes; agency for securing Patents. Patents Oaten through menu a ea receive :Tema veto, without team% ta ilat $ieutifkAntericatto A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest err. emotion ot nee women jonnial. Terms, t4I a Year: 'Mayon:mill& $1. tiOld Ilya newsdealer& MUNN & Ca 3 eillroadway, New York 131aneh Office. 'ES ii. St.. Washington, I\ 0 - When Doctors Disagree Consult an Optician )44 t A A*: ifSi-t-Yia Nervousness -headaches - sleeplessness and dizziness, often puzzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct -cause. Nothing can effect a permanent cure - that does not remove the cause. That is what our scientifically fitted glasses do. S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, . • AT . T. Fitton's Jewelry Store- tkecio woos WOOD'S sees _NORWAY vlikoftwivimy00.40 .4,,P1NE "deerieep U \13,1.4t% 7 A powerful lung healing remedy that cures the worst kinds of cOughs and colds , of young or old more promptly and °dean ually than any other inedicine.. Frio° 25c. Laza-L1-ver Pins cure Constiprt. tion and Dyspepsia.. Do not gripe,. Price 2§e. Nit