HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-1, Page 3HEALTH FROM COLD AIR.
winter About the Beet Stimunint PeoPle
gag Have.
MertY Persons regard the winter
eeason as an unfortunate vieltation,
considered both uncomfortable to the
body and harmful to health. Thee le
an error. Cold is a most poteat ageut
for the restoration and preservation
of normal aetivity on tbe part of the
organs of the human body. It is a
wise Plan of Providence which gives
118 a change of seasonte The winter
cold comes as a tattle to repair the in-
juries done by the enervating heat of
summer. Summer, it is true, has
many wise uses in the matter of
health. It inducea outdoor life, rids
the eestem of poisons through eoPloles
perspiration, and, through the soon:h-
ew rays of sun destroys gerra life.
W:uter is the great bracer ot the
system. It stimulates aetivity in ev-
ery organ. When cola attaces the
surface of the bedy the blood is set
into raore free circulation as a means
a bodily warmth. It Is through the
oirculation, of the blood that the hu-
man anatomy ts kept in a state of re-
pair When the food has beeo digest-
edt and converted into liqui4 form it
is taken up by the blood and carried
the rounds of the system, for the par-
Peee or repairing the waste places.
When the cold causes inereased pima -
lotion it elao briugs alma more •pete-
red nutrition.
Alan% face and hands illestrate how
weatherproof the body becomes when
expo,sect to air. Continued aetivity ia
eirculation of the sarface, caused by
the air coro ng i contaet with the
skin, tende to nourish, awl thicken the
skin. Thus sit'n grows thielrer
In winter just as anirnala are stepplied
with a double coat of fur. The eave
ogee who dwell barelueuled in the open
:dr, are aeldora if ever, kuown to he
afflicted, w th bald heads, while, with
the civilian who shtelds his scalp from
air, haldnees is prevalent. •
The Indians who, if not vow, in for-
mer diets, muted our western borders,
practically without clothing to dud -
ter their hod -ea, bee:tele, through long
exposure, so inured to the cold that
it gave them but little discomfort.
It is curious to trace bow little by
little our ordinary conveniences, surh
as needles and pins, thimbles and
crochetehooles, came into nee, and
were adapted to the daily needs of
feminine work and ft ipperies. The tint
neeitles were probably made at fish -
bones, eare.ulty sharpened and teen:el,
and even bolero tbee were invented
women pierced holes in the shins and
febries they manipulated with Bette
bone skewers, aud passed fine threatts
of sinew through the holes thus made,
Tids method is in use amoug tome.
American 'adieu tribes to the hreeetit
day, au 1 the sewing produced la re-
markably neat. There were a great
many needle -makers in Pars In the
thirteenth cautery, but Veen Louis
Quatorze, was King they had all dieitp-
peaeed. Needles were then matte
enarely by band, and were coneequenee
ly expensive, but by some means the
neeele. manufne ure got transplanted
to England, nue to this day there ia no
preeent more valued by notable
Erenelevornea than a stook of the best
English needles, not simply bought. as
such, but selected here by someone
who knows whet needles ought to be.
The small case or casket in which ladies
kW their Preoious needles was fre-
quently made of gold, and evenl set
with jewels, and very often attacbed
to the chatelaine which even dames of
high degree wore at their waists.
Paris pins had a great reputation in
Moliere's time, about MK but the .pin
makers disappeared before the end of
that century. England had even then
become the home of the industry, but. a
few were still made at Laigle and Rug -
les, in Normandy, though the only way
of making them popular with French
ladies was by selling them in English
wrappers. There were then as many
varieties as we have now, including
black pins for mourning, which, how-
ever, it was said, wereaess used in 1729
than in previous years.
Pincushions have quite a literature
of their own. The earliest seem to
have formed the tops of boxes, which
were often very valuable, and made
to contain jewels. They belonged far
more to the dressing -table than to the
work basket.
Gabrielle d'Estress, in 1599, had a
portable pincushion made to hang to
her girdle. It is described as being
of fine gold, set with diamonds, en-
amelled purple on one side, and( on the
other with flowers, and having four
large pearls, one at each corner. The
shapes of many of these quaint pilt
cushions have lately been revived ane
mounted in silver for dressing table
LA. lawyer tells the following story
:concerning a client, something of a
;wag in his way, with whona he had
loog kept an account. When the lat-
ter was finally made up the bill, most-.
ly for trifling servioes covered seyeral
pages of foolecap, as the items enum-
erated the most trifling details. When
the elient ealled to settle he refused
to enter the office, but stood in the
doorway, holdieg one'. end ell the
voluminous document in the direction,
of his legal adviser with the request
that he would take the' money and
receipt it.
Come in, said the lawyeri most cor-
Not quite, replied the client; I know
a thing or t WO now, You'd charge me
rent if ( dkL
Grace, dear, remarked the anxiou.s
mother, do 'you think that young man
is fast
Yes,i ndeed, responded the daughter,
reessuringly ; but he won't get away,
A bachelor says that widows weep
not because of the loss ot a husbancl,
but becauee of the lack of one.
Any attempt to abbrevate "1900,"
observed the profeeeer, will be alniost
sure to conae to naught.
The woman who paints her cheeks
and the man who dies his. whiskers
fool ouly one person.
The Irish Bluetit, Were First on l'alt or
the 0111-leatences or Boer Treachery
--leirlYendilt is a Dirty Place -New Ilse
tor the Otittech.
- Private Eraiseis Burns RoYal Irlab
Fusiliers, writes front L'adysmith as
We went foe the Boers at 5.30.
When within 1,000 yards shot MI shell
began to fly about us. There is no
mistake --they can shoot !Dead and dy-
ing were all eraande but we lose all
feeling, in battle. Up the hill we evene
with fixed bayonets, but the cowards
would HOC wait for us, but ran like
sheep. They put up a flag of truce
and our general would not let as fire
on them, when we and the cavalry
could have slaughtered the lot, The
dead were on tap Of each other, It was
terrible. The two officers a ray cora-
nanY were ebot. The papers say the
Dublins were .first on the top of the
hill, but it was the Royal Irish -it
does not matter, anyhow, for we are
all Irish. Tell illy mother England's
first battle was won by tha Irish bri-
"We have had Hee daYa and nights
of PaSeey. The world will never know
what Irshmen, did Mose fearfulnights,
We came throegle a place vallet1 the
Deville pass. All H. waated was some
Ere, and. it wonld bave been hell. We
ere now in Ladysmith. The Moore fire
on our boapitale, and do thi3ags a sae -
age maid Eat do, but the day of reek-,
(ming is eoroing."
The son of Mr. E. Lunn, Wakefield.
England, writes as follows :-•• I was
in company with a sergeant in charge
of same wounded Boer prisoners. One
of then WAS Tying on a atretcher, and
was being carried in when he whipped
OQt u. evolver Mid aimed at an officer
near. The sergeant was earreing his
gun on his siioulder with the barrel
in eront of him. He quickly &shied
the revolver out of the Boer's hand,
tubbed, his own rifle as he would a
strikiztg hammer, and dashed the pri-
soner's brains out where be lay. Ile
was not satisfied with one blow, but
had three, and beat the man's head
to a pulp. The captain did not me
what the prisoner had done, so order.
ed the sergeant's arrest. A. conarade
slipped. out of the marching lime ask-
ing to be exeused, saying he thought
the sergeant's eireurasteeces needed
some explanation, and told, the cap -
lain how things stood. The captain gave
the order far the sergeant's release,
congratulating lainn and thanking bine
for saving his Me'
The same svritex• continues saw
a Lancer who pitied, an old Boer be-
cause of his grey hair and whiskers.
The Lancer said that when he pushed
him out pf the way he could not give
him the thrust because at the moment
he thought of his old: father. Well,
the Lancer got five yards or so past
him, when the old boy aimed and fired
at, his preserver, but the bullet miss-
ed. A conerade who saw the not rode
back and thrust the Boer through the
heart with his lanes, giving hire a sec-
ond thrust to make sure."
Mr. J. H. Lueas, mining engineer,
who has been a resident in the Trans-
vaal for some years, writes as to the
Boer character:-" The average Boer is
a lazy, dirty, ignorant slave-driver.
He is considered very industrious and
thrifty. My knowledge of the Boer -
and it is not a meagre one -does not
bear out this idea. Few 'sons of the
soil,' as they like to call themselves
in the Transvaal, will accept work in
a mine, become tradesmen or mechan-
ics, or accept any work as wage-earn-
ers. They prefer to lie and loaf about
on the fairies, mills, ate., and as a
consequence they are fast being push-
ed out by other nationalities -even
coolies-4who rent or buy the farms
and work them as they ought to be
worked. The Boer hates progress and
civilization and since the discovery of
the goldfields and the influx of for-
eign eapital, his only ambition has
been to keep the Uitlander at Work,
and to fleece him for all that is pos-
Writes a private of Sir George
White's force :-" For all the dirty,
filthy holes, commend me to Lady-
smith. Nothing but dust storms, day
in and day out. In fact I ate more
dust than rations. The last night we
lay there was a beauty. We struck
camp in the afternoon, bivouacked out
at night. About sex p.m., the wind
seemed to collect to give us a parting
salute. It blew something awful the
whole night through; roofs were blown
off houses.All the tins had been col-
lected and ' placed in stacks. These
commenced to have a race across the
camping ground in the night, chased
by helmets, boots and light articles,
such as blankets, waterproofs, hesets,
etc. in ebe rear. In fact, it sounded as
if the devil and all his legions were
having a night's, jollification at our ex-
private E. Dunn of the Grenadier
Guards, writing from Orange River,
says The prisoners seemed struck
with us. They thought we were a lot
of boys, and did not want to fight,
and were crying to go hoine. We have
got a novel way of catching their
'scouts. We have got some ostrichs
tied to a rope on the hat, and we get
just, over the crest. Of course, they see
the birds :led they think (here is no
one about till we have got them."
handsomely Located -Deny Employed In
the leaned ry.
The qeueepes laundry," ass it is cell-
ed, ocaugeles the most 'picturesgese eite
on, the bordere of Rielenowl park,
whieli, in spite of it nearness to 10:01-.
don, is still one Of the most beautiful
sylvan; scenes in all England, "White
Lodge," the home of tbe Teeks, is also
looted in Ricbmond Park, .A, tiny IvY1
eovered cottage guards the entrance
ta the drive„ end the gatekeeper i al -
way a• at his post, for no intruders are
allowed to pass the Portals, only those
who are in her eaajeaty's service. A
beautiful drive lined on either side
by green lawns and flower beds sweeps,
up to the entrance of the house attaell-!
ed to the laundry, where tbe superin-
tendent lives. After a short conver-
sation with him on tlee SILbjEseL
ltzes that be is aa expert in the a.rt of
washing. gee Says that he has tested
every alaaeltine connected with wash-
ing and investigates, and analyzes ev-
ery soa,p so as to obtain the best pos-
sible means and methods.
The laundry is a large, square build-
ing, with a smell wing at Ofte side.
and herebe her majesty's personal lin-
en is washed. On entering the build.
lug the first seneation is a very strong
odor of soap and boiling hot water,
Width seem ea come from evereevliere,
although really not unpleesout• FOP
cupboards cm either side of the stone
PasSegeWeer ere filled with several
kinds of soap stored away for future
use. Usually a ton is bought 'at a
time, and it requires some place where
it may have free ventilation.
The entrance hall is stacked with
big, square baskets in which the linen
is peeked, after having left the sort-
ing room, where they are emptied and
sorted according to the respective lista
that eccompany them, One easily rea-
lizethat a perfeet system is effeeted
throughout the entire laundry. The
personal linen of the royal family,
however, never comes into this sorting
room. Unlike the rest, It has a sort-
ing room all of its own, and travois
in wooden bores, each bearing a brass
plate with the owner's name and num-
ber thus. "The Queen, 4; Princess of
Wales, I,"
When one realizes that the entire
Inundry coming irom the queen's var-
ious homes pessee in and out of this
model laundry, it is no small wonder
that it requirea large army at per-
sons, who in themselves would forrn
little colony, and that one man is kept
busy attending to the baggage as It
00111,PS and ggoe.s from the different
rail road stations.
One mingle is kept constantly go-
ing for the towels alone.
Up/ stairs are the drying and Iron-
ing department. The slides whielt draw
in and out over 'thz. fernaeos aro eon-
stantly replenished for the things
within them dry in a few minutes. The
room feels like a Turkish hath house,
and tir table -cloths, sheets. etc., hung
on n infinite namber of lines dry quite
as well, though not so quickly, as in
the slides. This mega Is chiefly.' used in
winter. The laundry has a splendid
drying ground. Rows upon rows of
posts support copper wires, and the
grass1-P1ot looks as if it had been con-
verted into an original kind of maze.
Adjoining is a large building of coy -
rage lea iron having (men ends nntl re-
volving sbut terli'm slides in order to
regul to air and :sunshine. This is an
ingenious invention of the superin'e"d-
ent's and it not only used on clamp
end eh wery days, but is of insslimalne
value on Sundays, when the flow of
linenbnok and forward to the palaces
does not cease.
Siekness Banished -Health Restored.
Gentlemen, -Dr. Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pills have done my sister so
much good Chat in grateful apprecia-
tion 1 told ur. Tully, the, druggist, I
would gladly give a testimonial un-
solicited, as to their merits. My
sister, 15 years of age, caught a vio-
lent cold-sinoe then, she has been in
very poor health, lost all colour was
anemic, her blood, had no vitality, and
she had no. physical stren,gth, she be-
carue extremely nervous, so much' so
state of complete physical and nervous
or excitement, and. it was impossible
Lor her to get restful sleep, she lost
her appetite, her heart became very
weak, palpitating so violently that
she could hardly breathe at the sligh-
test exertion. When she commenced
taking Dr, Ward's Blood and Nerve
Pills two moliths ago she was in a
state of complete physical and nervous
prostration. Her blood was scanty
with no more strength than water.
Since taking Dr. Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pills she has been rapidly mend..
ing, her appetite has returned, she
sleeps well her nerves are stronger,
and her heart gained streiagth so that
it is able to fulfill its functions. Prior
to taking Dr. Ward's Pills she had
taken many medicines without any
special benefit. Dr. Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pills are certainly the only
medicine that has done any good. Be-
fore taking them she was getting
weaker; her heart and nerves losing
strength daily. Since she had, began
taking them she has daely and con-
tinuously gainal health and strength.
30 College street,
Peterborough., Ont,
It is a curious fact, but in many
casee it seems indisputable, that two
pemons, living many eeears together
assume a likeness in faciae expression,
features and most certainly in char-
acter, but more so from the point of
features. No doubt it is for this self-
same reason that ladies procure the
services of pretty and lady -like nurses
for the bringing up of their infante,
who, not possessing beauty by heredity,
may attain it by the simple method of
conetant impressionable contact.
Probably ne person iiing ever saw
a picture of Cupid that looked as
i hough I he little fellowhad good corn-
ball seiise.
VALUED AT $400,000.
The Ruler of Persia Oltrtle ilttt world.
Mose Expenslve Pipe.
The Shah -in -Shah, of Padishah, king
eif kings, the present ruler of Persia,
awns the world's coetliest pipe. It IA
tne Ealliene or state ipipe, and is USW
on, special oeca.sionse It is valued at
$400,000, and is ornameuted with dia.-
monds, rubies and sma.ragdites. be
long, sake -like etent and the blew1 are
lief Pure gold,
The sultan, of Turkey AlSO POSSOSSCS
pipes of great value. In la6a, when
the Priace cif Wales was on a visit
to Turkey, he was invited by the sul-
tan to =eke a nerghila, an Oriental
pipe, in which the smoke passee
through water. The pipe was studded
with diamonds, and was worth $15.1-
M. It was given to the prince as a
roemento of his visit to Constantinople,
Another Pine, made entirely of weer-
seha,um end amber and helosegieg to
Prince Ferdinand f B I
ported, as costing $3,000.
Did:you buy those tee:are of mime
at a cigar store? be asked.
Certaiely, she reolied. Where did
erele think I bought them?
I wasn't certain that you didn't get
thene at your greeo grocer's.
FOR OVER FlEtrv yeesee
etas. wiNSienre SOOTHING SYRUP has been
Used by rcotherr for their children teething. Le soottieS
the child, softens 06 VMS. 'allays rein, cures wind
011ie. and is the best meetly ter denies" 25e. A bot.
rile. Sold by al, druggists temegeout tee world. Se
acro sod slx ror "Aere-eVineomee Soothen arm.
ehe eteteeet who takes up J;aeclecxne
flints it far more pleasing than take t
ing it down.
1.1N.LIKE_ ANy.. OTtigR
O'KEEFE'S 1111.%r MALE,-
A girl is invariably In love when
she refers to the twilight as the
u gam, is re- Dearnos (;aonot De Cured
We've eeme ter tell yer, pardon:, a
nounced the spokesman of the Yip
lance -Committee, that every cuss in
town. '-ceplie yourself has agreed that
neg time for yer ter light out,
Ef that's ther came gents, replied
the facetieua bad. Men P/I move ter
make it ntlaniinona.
bran of mature years bare much to
be thankful for beeanse of tbe failure
of the majority et their yoethful
Reuben Draper., of Bristol. P, O.
Reports 'that He is Cured of
Grand by Dodd's Kidney
cassed a Toro Storm one Week After
swanteactag Lieutley Pills -
New t'onapletely Free From Title
Trouble- lletentesiends, MAW%
itnex.rnig, ie surrerera
k*rera madder fenteleintie
Bristol, R.Q., Jan. 22. -The people
on the Quebee Side of the Ottawa
River erefully alive to the boon they
have In Dodd' a Kidney Pills as is wit -
nestled by the large, number who areel
Puilltliely testifying to the merits of
Dodd's Kidney Pills in the prees. One
of those is Mr, Reuben Draper, of Clar-
endon, near here.
Mr. Draper was troubled with thnt
painful and dangeroue bladder com-
plaint known as gravel. Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills cure Ciravel, and when it is
remembered that a rurgical or,eration
was formerly the only means of assail-
ing this disease, the value of Dodd's
Kidney Pills Is apparent. Docld's
nay Pills were recommended to Mr.
Deeper, and he tried them, with com-
plete success, as the following letter
will show.
Jan. 8, 1000.
Dodds hIediclne Co.
Gentlemen, -About three years ago
was•taken 1.11 with what I thought
was gravel. I was suffering great peen
so I sent for a doctor. Ile gave me
some xnedichae and said be would, eall
again. He came twiee more and charg-
ed. rae fifteen. dollars. I was a little
better but not well. A, short time af-
ter I had another attack, so 1 tried
another doctor with about the same
result:, only I was getting weaker all
the time. Then a man advised me to
try Dodd's Kidney Pills, for he snid
they had cured his mother. So
thought I would try them, and in just
one week I passed a stone as large as
a small bean, and in four days after
I passed another about the size of a
grain of barley. This gave me great
relief and 1 commenced to feel bet-
ter and to gain strength.
That is two years ago, and These
not had any trouble that way since.
have the stones still in my possession
and can show: them. to anyone who
doubts this story. Hoping this may
be of some benefit to someone suffer-
ing as I did,
I am your truly,
The Duke of Argyll is seriously ill
at. Inverary, Scotland.
Had Catarrh Mee Childhood But Ca-
tarrhozene Cured Him.
Ulric Breault, of Sweeteburge Que.,
says: "Since childhood I have been
,eeriicled with Catarrh of the throat
and nese and never knew what re -
pelf meant till I tried, Catarrhozone.
two nomes ocerneteteig °urea rne,
and 1 ha,ve not ane single symptom of
Catarrd now. 1 can heartily recom-
mend Catareleozone for Catarrh, and
would( advise all sufferers, to get an
outfit at 01103 and be cured' as I was."
Catlaterls-o-zotie is eold by all drug-
gists. Trial outfit sent for 10o in
stamps by N. C. POLSOS & CO.,
Xineeston, Ont., Proprietors.
R. D. Blackmoregthe famous novel-
ist, is dead.
La Toscana, 10c. DreigSegieeagat
The death of the Duke cif Teck
reported at Surry.
"'Pharaoh 10c 119 Payne, of Granby, Que.
• Oigar Manufacturer.
London has. 10,000 professional must-
Take Laxseive Brom() Quinine Tablets. An
druggists refund th0 money if it; fails to cure.
pc. 11:, W. Orove's Eignature is on each box.
All the street car lines in Troy, N.Y.,
are, tied up by a strike.
bag divtinet Dever of Us own which inake.3 CEYLON TEA /meta packages.
envy ono that hattordOtt triad it Alma It 2r4i4^ 55, 30,, 40, 50 .& 600
Pontine knocks at every man's
That every citizen of Canada
could read this advertisement,
door at some time. Now it is knocking at yours.
yomay live in
money Jaonesely and honorably the rest of your live;
u eaey circurnetances, earningteig
without leaving borne, The firet applicant from
eath town er country district yell get this unparalleled eleance. Cepitel not %swat,
eery, for start. For Full particulers address enelosieg two cent stamp.
EASTERN DISTRIBUTHIC CO., Belleville% Ontario*
by ?mei applications. as they cennot reach the
diseseed portion of the ear. There Is only ono
way nena dearness. end that is by seviiititu•
t re:nedles. Dearness la eausad by an in.
Named condition at the macaws lining. of the
liustaohlan Tube, Vi lean this tuba is odious.
erl Toe have a runiblingsounel er imperfect
hearing, end when (t is eetireey cleael deatnesi
5s the result, and unless the xrdlaireataVon can
he taken cant and tble tub regoree o lag nor-
mal condition. heating will be deetroyed tr
ever; 111110 ekleu out Of tonere caa-e 1 by Ca-
te/lie vriaelt (allOnifill lint an illtleitited condi.
Ion ef tbe untewas aurtuana,
We Will give One Hundred Dallari ter any
90 Df Des.fr,003 rcatIsed by catarrh) that cut
eaazeid"hey. ro Catarrh Cure. Send lo
F. J. CTIF.Nref 44 CO.. Weide,0.
Said by Droggiere, 75o,
Heine S'arnily Pills are tile beat.
lie -You have rtopen my heart.
She -,That's a .niee thing to say atter
youe11alft nebveeepnt it. tiegging me for SIX
T_Ijo_fi,Balmoral," Free Elvl
Rotel Carslake, r=r:dr:gi;pV27,4
og..s.inssion,Stoutreol. netitr.74:oko 4 Co., rove.'
Avatit41_ it'pt„4-0:5t,
SliATUlta474, litIFiMES:1e1-411°‘°CaTTE4cLe":241R‘t9bIat11(15:3:ItI315r:
Prollsomeate-Hates moderate. °"4. m44"ialm.
The opinions ot a child may he of
no value, but they are at leaet hon-
W. I', V. 1008.
Tootle Dialrifesertirtte. CiONDO, °Int.
ant, Taati- Powgars, ate„ have been
awarded 100 models end diploratte for eaposlor
excellent*. 'Peter regular us* LITOVOrlt infeeti.
0D6 diseaseit, Ask your dower to Ohlekill a
%ulnae". LLB* email tree on application.
To send tor our
compieto SHEET
ere equipped to
TA0HER(n Canada
Whaley, Royce
153 Yeneela.,
L.Hret:, irppeET WtAS
Wholesale Gray. Loco Dititintee'relephoce1190.
Bears Important News to His Fel-
low Citizens.
Toronto, Jan. 5. -Here is a letter
we hope every one of our readers will
peruse: -"I am 39 years old. Have
been troubled for four years with
what I thought was Rheumatism -
stiffness in the muscles of my legs,
later in the- arms. Soon the stiffness
changed to soreness. Went to Hot
Springs, and came back a little better.
Was a moderate drinker, but quit us-
ing liquor altogether, and carefully
regulated my diet. One day I got
wet and then the trouble was worse
than) ever. Had to lay off for three
weeks. Have had similar attacks at
Intervals ever since, each one worse
than its predecessor. Had headache,
pain in the sma.II of the back, urine
dark, scanty and scaldine Began
using Dr. Arnold's Englesh Toxin
Pelle a short time ago, and am already
wonderfully improved. Feel confi-
dent they will cure rae, and I shall
give there the chance and report. I
have hot felt so well for years as 1
have since I began using your pills.
477 Tonga 'St., Toronto.
Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills, the only medicine
on earth thai cures disease by killing the germs that
cause it, are sold by all druggists, at 750. a box; samplq
size 25o., or sent post-paid on receipt of price, by The
Arnold Chemical Go., Limited, Canada Life Building,
411 King Street West, Toronto.
ift/S-e, -1/1P
614 v 4147,
01 tod le sure ane hu cured thoteande--eeene Preeeeneed
incormg„ wdte, once, Booklet and Proof OA reQUeSt. 41eferSie.
SWISSAgERICAN Windsor, 04, Canada -
A most efficient substitute for
cod-liver oil, pleasant to The iaste,
and agreeing with the most sensi-
tive stomach. Used by physicians
in the treatment of all throat and
lung troubles, and — if results
count for anything—almost no
limit to the good it can do.
Senile 'bottle mailed to 0fly address, on r
verde to cover postege.
Angier .Chemical Co. tZTglIZIg" Toronto
carters eine OURR lIle. Cures to a jiffy. Mo
Comma*Ca., Ascots, Montreal-
- ,
Teepee MOINES INCHiATOR.-11001 and 011eaniel
O. Holland, Iola &went for thel)cadolon, S-nd Set.
tor Ciliklogue. 47181.Mettl Street. Montreal
oke, Rosaries,
Catholic Prayer CoOne
olrixee, Scapulars
Relleious.Pletures, Statuary, soil Church Orae
rAsoadorial Wo•kt. Mail orders retety promptoltTlio;
ales, O. & &n!, Montreal.
REpREsENrATIvE ViAlsITED in your town.
" Largo, ineOine - Pleasant
gOsitlOn--rs.y prompt. Like petitions making 140 nor
week. \Trite quick.for particulars ant tunnsh rater.
enknok. 501 flcininnon Building, Toronto,
AwMills, Mita
3b3oarcrcleear,oga. reragelli
mond dt.rW.,
U Bug*, Rata and Alice. Sold by all
Driagglirte, or Sal Qtloou W. T0rent0.
New importations Moat
Sausage Casings F11511.b Sheep And Am.
Mean Rog Casino -rill ibis good. at md ilpries.
PACK, BLACK CO., Toronto.
permanently curet
Catarrh at none,
ea throat, stomach
and bladder. 600k. 41 box. Write f or particulars, The
Indian Catarrh Cure Co., 146 St. Jannis-W, Dootreel.
and other PltoDUCE, to ensure. beat results consign to
The Cawsoq Commission Co., Linpted,
Cor. west -market & Colborne at., Toronto,
sever harden* kistuaranteed Wi
Poor. Ask t ,r1t.talto 210 Clibir• ANN.'
rar Subber Clothlos X0401041
Dyeing 1 Cleanin
For the very beet mind your work Z. the
Look for agent In your town, or aend
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa,
emcee stook, geerenteelog terse tlineentle; aho a
ailment amok payab.e, In monthly him:stomata, 11rawls
earth dividend , halt yeerlr. ranks w;unkolt mete 5t1
pronteble liateetn(ent alkould correspond with. the Situ
4 .7a and Icrani Company, Tor. eto; money leaned OA
faventble tertue; Kama teamed hi 0eX*710K5tteid
tents; write WI.
Jominion Line STEAMSNIP6
Portland, Aloe to,Liverpool, VIA lielnas.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Cambrorna.n. Aart
Rate, of rt,,age Vast Cabin, esa ;tonne Sopand
yr3.5; steerage. 622.50 said $.4 AO.
For Snakier information apply toloesi agent, or
DAY1D Tonaloscs k co., General Agent*,
17 St. SearamentSt. Mamma/,
TORONTO Cutting School offers special advantages
to all desirous of acquiring a thorough Inowieilse of
Cutting and Fitting Gentlemen's Garroonts, Write for
113 Tonga St., Toronto.
ROOFING and Sheet MMalVforks.
ROOFING SL.A.TB, in Black,
gad or Green. SLA.TE BLACKBOARDS (We supply
Public and High Schools,Toronto). Roofing.Felt,Pitch,
Coal Tar, eto. ROOFING TILE (See New City Build,
logs, Toronto, done by our firm). Metal Ceilings, Oor.
class, eto. Estimates furnished for work complete or f_o4
inaterialsshipped to any part of the country. Phone 190
G. DUTHIE& SONS, Adelaide Mai timerSts.,Toronto
Cheapest and Best Covering In the World.
Mli.e“ BOILER Covering
ra„,,, PIPE AND
Steam and Hot and Cold Water Pipes, Cold Storage
Pipes. Kitchen Boilers, eta.
ter particulars apply to
Toronto, Montreal, and London, Eng.
Asbestos Goode,
Pipe oevering,
Lubrioating 0.1e,
Creases, eto.
Michigan Land for Sale.
caue to.co, Ogentaw and Crawford Counties. Titleper.
foot. On Miehigati Central,. Detroit Fs meokinao and
Loon Lake Rlan
ailroads, at ces tanging from SI to 55
ror ac.r.e6hIrigeejsaglosoir ae100.1.ottenatowNt3eeirroriialong Noeg
reasonable terms. Apply to
R. M. PIEROlt, Agent, West By City, Mich.
Or J.W. coterie, Whittemore, Mioh.
Loan and Savings Company.
IN0011.1,01t &TED 1855.
Tlie Oldest and Largest Canadian Mort-
gage Corporation,
Paid-up Capital, - - $2,600,000
Reserve Fund - - 1,200,000
Head Offies-Toronto St., Toronto.
Paranoia Offlees-winnipeg, Mani, Vanoouver, B.0
DEPOSITS RECEIVED. interest allowed.
DEBIINTIJRPIS ISS17ED for 1, 2, 3, 8 or 5 years,
witUr interest coupons attached.
MONEY LDNT on seaway of real e,L;o mortgages,
Oirrortiment and Municipal Bonds, etc.
For further particulars apply to
Maranitinlit Director, Toronto.
The Above Cut Represents One of
Most Useful Inventions of the Ag
in the Way of an Indoor- Cloael:
Ali who have used this Closet- pr
flounce it absolutely odorless and medic
men claim it to be perfectly isaniter
Hundreds belie been sold during the pa
year and have given entire satisfaction.
For Catalogue and price list write to
The Odorless Crematory Closet
Co., Hamilton, Ont1,
JAS. R. ARNETT, Manager.
The Cal 131:0adilLaTnEtaRro();:ititc:
iieine Safety
Opp. Shoebourne St.,
Nigh Class Water Tube Step;
Boilers, for AB PressureS;'
Duties and Fuel.
. .
'Poronte tlectric tight Oa., loi •
RpiprlinPOQ Pg'11,ialtVil<;.t.i,.1ePli,
„ „,billho Tkin Gotta. Perclaa Hilb,ber &
- -^ , The Wilson Pithlislang, Co.,
LAM shf Toronto, where bolleramay be teen v