HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-1, Page 2� I . . � '46 .&,� 4-4 � — — - — -- _ �_ _ _ 11 . , . � I I -, I ;
I - . . I -
I � �� . --- � 11 Q1414 V forLb.
I . 1 - __ . . eS 19 ,)9 35 44� Jesus W.,
, had ,46d, t - I !
I - I — passing bell ,iyill - I .a in'V ' ' he ,,vedding �
aru.y �r . I.,..
� I - I I 11 , 11. - � ' 3 N'D AY SG b,,� ,
"V - . 11 L-.. 0.110_1.0� I I -1. — I takes my signal. and 4011 tb'at of the. X00L. Ue ' in Be,ba-
� TXtf F canv A,* 391 , � 11
11 Other man The� engine rashes On- In Soon scZud." AX)DAnee from the family. TJH SU AS, * � 1IL 11 j i JQ.dau,
I V - Gone from bara,in tb0lQ-%V;;r'�a
,"Oar to tilie'De, I 0p" �kdo, �116 .
_ . I
are in oternit, - . � 41 02...." , �A%M_Owftr- --- I
P I 'ill r =cMe a hundred And fifty I tie church __ I
. Gun from t!
.tc!71-,�, X.ND C0A1XEX7,S- .44 a a F. Who is respon,- the I'ST, O�porttinity of Salvation. QNAL "�j�se,
I .-�_ I I souls - . �g by my side says, I y Is far speau What INTERNATI . " LES$ON, FJ�R, 4, Most northerly , 1. .. � Vhi�ip. A .
I . TUE sibleT A Man stand! tjiliall,,"T find,th to do, do. it. . -"� I Rbrod !�, uder(h
a', "t
-*vavo that �
I st unusual c,lu*gratlau. from A N1 9 i "you are, What did You of eternit Hours, once dead, can never bo re, wbe pirkit i1k kun 1�35,46. aed by, kiorod ,; ud(practl4ai Iu:ud)
, VIN D 7 , Iselpies or,les- 41 man, or pro.XI4 I nfased with the
I aps. of dew e,xt. 40lut 1-31. �
. - W ),*Ala, to Canada I I , u flag ter? In the Great I ay ding suseltated. Among all the, dr 4.0deu T muit not * 1FQ �
. . I.. ye%r- One " it will be fouad -svli* of us", Stan who , Q� wiloin, we Xtial, I
states is zxpected this I _* . th�at fail on thy grave there will Act P34cVICAL NOVE. $. ativea - eta) ,3 7 1,
au -.t the Vnited b I f A in the pull . , . Our Lord .9 iluk-
ste,,tmsi " A "", E-( L ' LAR . I fts, weia the kindest and e ra�utauee- Slipping off I
I .�ip line has arranged to bring wisest tiaguieu. He, will be respolial, be one tear al day i .. '0-c, 11
. , id ble who lots Men go oil down toward the embaulkluent Of the eterultY, Ave Verse 35. The next dAT,. The .variable �014111101 ald�;Ipleshlp. $Pe
over 55.002 vanish Peasants. It is$a . . ,ntug_ can never clamber back. William the c�ptist ba'a pain ariq ;L 14- 10.
, ill come � givLlg the WAX after John thoB, , ted t 170� 11 1 21, 'K � .
detith -AvItUout I �N,Tatt 822-'9 9' 1
tuat thousand$ of families w � - Conqueror established the. ringing of tile , ,;j J '54i;,-9.0 I JQIIAA�J,19 That
I I 10 0 wavlog the white flag of safety when jesus with the words, "Behold " ; il.al;:ft ,I I
gage in farming in 'the hope 11 orld is A 13 e WO Ag curfew bells. The Meaning Of that �,MIk Of A1111'raw and
, The W1101C , - X "Ola T04 it I f God, which taketli . vowrna=
Uere, to eu� - al ;Fway tile 1phill,ry �Vas A
. . ir conditiOus "Ad espe- he ought to have sbal- � ra to curfew bell, sounded at eva*atime,was Laraly. a ,I I 'Ote 14 1
I Of bettering the at peril. I tried for fifEcen Yea , put out or I 5too& A of Interest . �
�, I kat all tile fire should be , Sin of the world." Johr '� I I It aell plrclba� . 5
1 1
a new I oftbat th , � I �" I'
� figure ateraal. punishment out I Ott) 45� P1114 flud0th i I no other �
, .
� r -Lilly with a view to escaping F.11 for God - , shall covered with ashes. all the " lights certain Writer 81,114-thAt JOAA wAls a bly th,Q,,saina avol M t?
Fin- Bible. 1. have not ,succeeded. I , and the Pao- - . hoioluew, u hA, It
waia� xtingulsbail,
� � ro?l1tical conditions impos'ed Upon never try it a! it is.tbare. It should be e. a for us the s,tatoli;st representative Of tba bu- 81,413401X-0�4 M" I but
moutfas pqgo by the Rus- 11� I " here pie should fr�o to bad, Soo a Ala a patronymic,
i . laud eleven $ 1 1 find me standing , to that day�" 33VOU is not
I ,;w is 1W 41.- ever you .urfvw wilt: sound. The fires of our man race, UP In -
I . , a phitOsaphh.,I;Ig about wealli , ri �.
� elan uov,erumcnt, .th r, inland The Rev. Dr. T,altnaagre piscourses on the Gosp � . . _ unimportant c rissu a n&; So I TO,AAaj, 1' ,who is com "I
-Vilna. "', tbl,r%s. or b�,,foggjng the people with life will be.banked up in ashes, ,and 4 esu,,� said, "There bath not I Mpleci ;1ith JeW AP in the list "I
, the same ljtt�tude as South Gree I I assay$, w sleop� the long �reater than.john the 13apti-v. Matt. 111"a ), C`
I of apostles. 4,�
. owetll The dreat Consolation of the sinner. metaphysics, or giving Mora - - . _ 'Ske have found UiTa. at
. *No, other reg'.Ou SO far -north is s kg the in, sleep, the cool sleep, I hope the bless may be some Scholars NV w. and the pro,
, the la ���
- 'it, ell sleep' But! there is �
� - S 2� � .!We phets, did AN -i lllle law" Was, %
.& and so deawly tv � 'Pled I A jle�-.p -h frpm I�Vashfngwa sa.y,v- ? hands on firo, he lifted them' AL'Ove ;vheiw I oug,bt to be soundiv Tio gloom in it. 11. There 4013A aoselo. D
tillo� ., ,1Zk a once in vitatious and warnings at the 004981, -vybo have 00 ,c far along in I' I (i the first five books
d, � test thing ,t got S
. � a --d �, ' WE head .,Ind clapped Illcy, if we are ready. The sa !io
1 ZC,0,1623 L'a�I4-,uauts .-Are o. stw: - ev. Dr. Talmage, prew,hed form and accost we on the *Ot, and charge me that - StAlf,ly as to ayQid cOnfuS1119 �OUAA tho general term
� -The R It, joy, clapped them twice, tUe i with betrayl, of � the BibieT,"The prophets" includ-
gr,,,v .1% ray mission. There is that a Christian can, do is to die An .
e�even-twelfl�s *i, ,owing toxt-,,And -beneath �,mes-tuat . ,x Italian made a chime at bells for )its Baptist witu John the Avostle. Irsvo � . o a I Alcal 1>001(8�
indus�rious race, t?apped tlipm three tt �11 that has never bee% I a historl
I , "Vir an i� th" lot ; -yful in �Xoscow a b4 I at was the ad ill , nil prophe
)U, ;�nd n � It is native village. iso Ewe the �Ilesslah was to
M*m till,ug the st uro� � zat a -'a u f Wig disciples. One Was Andrew, -owid .
. .� the ,
hem ,of, it, thou z-balr mal�a world might know wt ra.;S. It cost � chim,_ that be took up his abode, ear 9 To have f
* Lutherans in re'ligioll", f,'dth- The"L"'. . th;ng it Is to die for Jesus- I ba-bly, have Made iti�� greatest Oscovery pos,
ar% . . powegraraws ef Wue, and of purple, I very large. Perhaps it is the largest her was krO
� � diEvade end�' , �urther, that lb-�se gacpel ft. After aw'bile war eame_ The Xtal-.verso 4V, the, at The Soo of josiph�
bistc-iry oduring tile mg m. arlet, round about thei hem I rg�mark, I - bell ja
, � th .
� , a world. They *ever could I , to the Jews.
1 - avd. of tie around the bigh , Is W, r1a
, � bells, lik those - got anY machinery large enough to Iau was t4k-en Into e:xile. The, be' a thougJA, not certainly, joba. In otber sible
' _ , , bly (;id,, not know the clrcum�
.e,� ay to tlto PrOW I
-ss am . . ..
-rt .� ,put, are. IvIls of invita � , � w ere also taken aiw - I
, -
18 8 Avas remay'kable f9r � rel- . thereof, and bells V -f gold between;: prlest's garm pie come and look; at it, captured, and places Nye ,have called attention stances, bt hif, lArtbI and speal;s in ac.
1, , Fe-tr w,n,,_,�roud-� 'it the clash, hoist 1L Peo a Italian
� 'ut, but ,t..;t 'tL -out.d.ib.ui,,,-E-i�.edusxz�viil,,'c,l-�.'ilci. Witen the JewslLeaT �, admire Its size, and admire the cam� years, passed on. One clay tIA,owed up�uecess.lty laid Alpen a je�Nlsh rabbi to d a with the rommQu wict of
11 ",no
4�,vehq , t is being T . .
, pw,e iijs,,�P!��,,'allum. eat an,,, -em , ' em of Ille r! 5 'a . ne has exile in a row -boa. - iscipleg. Tilt, Chois xlarcniage� ,Uatt. U. 51
tdtte;� tVtjen. ,.N1, a. it the krer Sb�jnnon. toward th, - 46. Can there any gooil 11111119 Cora$
. t-.8; wath : ary, Qacpe-j vf Fuglaud. ,tS- ,, Of ThOie 1, e!lS in tile h P e t pob tion of the Metal, but UO 0 e, city OVEurround himself with d
I � I her � r0'e I hev knew it was an invitation to t
. T. � the, j'Ay ef the �anjllg of ever bearii the ringing of that be!
cerded her ihroue� Iola Wa are getting into Vlmerieb, Ireland. As lie comes near, Nathanaut dwelt
W�D=R, A c - 1�war.,hip: That is � ult wa% never rung. bedral . tower strikes-o'bel Men mentioned in thts lessonlout ,of NazaretbT
� 0 �10ri,,raticpn .; - b Is. the, whart the eat have- been 101111!a dl$- 11
,be A,spre ,a crown Qf2elvel'-`J every church tower from S"A Fr"- the ChurciA of do�t motaph ' , . I I
; ysical al not said to %4 6,tna, an I Ila I a 'I ]agor's contempt
� leavy -he ceaj�j T rdiy b� k eisep don I the chime. h M , ba theY for a neighboring 'Wago. cau%- It.
-�r up un , Ipj New york. and from LOU and philosophical bells. and transcen� I and 10, it was t a Sa ,,a aid are ,, N ,
A few Vgwrts vv--! � "COME,- .1 I -hime, Of bells that bad so, In other 01PIes, though, it 4 Probable t ' I I Va 0, INTeosllh
p 'Show tile re=rzz�,� CS0, L , ,,
eourr- der it. X,�,rxes m,�zve,l , ar.�uad hf;',� to St. PeterAvorgh. It is, , demal bells, an -A a great Wally tells c - It Is, we V
" - - -bantled Ulm. He recognized were 'It to remember 4140 self mighT as "" ro'lu
r,t_,;,e M_-�na, ' , - Ave, that ^S i Alost, fami ;, eno 11; N,va,4 proverbial that
=�_!- advance of the I broiaered'A wilh re, � eomf� be I 6that, or � �O look at. as Nazaralb. I .
,ul=,x.l. rma��e In a Mhe km , to te �. � � a very admir"ble I = in a moment. His emotions Vero that not all of JoWs disciplea loft -rophot.11
� 'i 1:1ar wor�l In lh�- 131ble. It seems They are ixarqaase'. U,td rwh,,-r 'e arlsoth 40 I I
_ " 'rtklilc
try. IQ 1�;;� the ('Sports 02 r , but I too great for human Ouduraue*- He "Out of (�
�', I . I I Ilow Christ. See 34%L'Att- 11�'*' II ram �Na;atratll Jesus Ayas afterward
W_ .�'Ld at 021V PIT C.-TIf'-0. By pI:0-;enmtWn% cf bavVii-,s lc,Zeud�'xl�'w� 141 fali-or:te word. Tile, word "CaMo`-'*'I,e,a v=a lerbell.aado)f F00r0r7metal ' toldo,d his arins Ind laid back In the him to to
;�TC� T,114, I., �� - � Wrty-WO it t,,04 will 9,;Iy let me, ring ou� warn� Ob *,and the most th.kt
�, . ,N ,q�,;�,'I w4tx k-a�.-b ozzber. A:4 Off �6,141- in ow, of � c?ef,nz % Ax bunirv�i * and , ud, move astonishing, oxl�iJe--1 by a M
7 ll,,�..l jnere_-t5e�l i ,, � I It 1, -Avoult. itl tlze � a tho 14eoplo. I bostt. The rowers put down their oars, ;III4 .Vark 0, :4, a Tallgelists about its
i 190-, tli.- V;11L,zo U �, we learn from al
I � abedra'Vs of 1'4.44 r,url�71 i're`r�i 3 �f VIW�5 i lilt' 1111�!e. I �. 1. #OTI,,e �, ing and invitatiou E, ,Ind trieaeto resaseltate him. His Act$. 19.1-3. I . IAW. (If . .
� on,j fr�h'-' the' "" the c" t.�& 1%Naters.1. line and ave� Ttler
,IT .40 bad rather be a door.baL3, belPI119 to .
I -I) and Ehe � ,� ,-- -,t- 1� supp.�r,` "Come to -i toward t be tower. But be was , Harue,stly 01'oPlo is ,
Vi� �,'k , I.t4m- drawer, and cs,hows Y,M f� ri��J, . e"ru,, , �v eome,", gate of I face. w,. 86. Looking upon jesus� best way towta bellef is not by argu,
4 �93..,,W44,k(,, �,,,ZrW,� and tbP urhik- Ea�, lc;I3 people tutu the, Opening goue� H;.E. Soul bad' gone out In ths' .
� f" ,-,�wlng 'Trars IV 1'. ;-roleou all - Is meroy aad forgivelleSS; Or I bad gazing upon him. Ile salth. It is �estinloay- If you can *-sq*
. . , A7 rhe ob,101. ea witIl diawicajkl�;, worn 'by : _ TUrough a�l sorrowS, tbl`0_49b jGoJ , I of that hour. H's life fell un- , Mont, but by I 0 vlour, come
� Ver aca viv wert� formori irl- Gra the day of- the �,hrz-teniag of lbe n .411 Alights of cUr4upsS. I ,in, raptul`e� r saw Jesus Say, I'l baNa, founii a 'L 11
, tri�i:s, ahroug] all I rathor be. 4 dj�L.Aler.110.1, igo-iting, Ill
, - - , chime of Limerick* conjectured that 001111 uev(I
� �, bs'IT ltwse nollrg roogil ,to a L,allquet of a S.avlcnirl� wores, der the stroke, of thk
� art*EAps e I til,'..4 iv.,Vvrial i thr-ollwh all C-tIamiti-, tbr a may it be with us)vUen �
-ipfwv'I I I Behold Itke L.,trah, of God. and see Uira,,,, fkiwa ifyour conduct (love
,�Z41:� , - t,ct�,s,�-;;, ar Allf_g tbo, prince Impf , 0 be. Catil-dral. S agall no,
! il _4 g -r - rial. &, , I tit. "corne I- cryl.ig. "Rat, 0 friends! driuk, 'Nile Into a I L- v be- ,. 110,ie y I our 1vords, you will dogood
� , _ �t,jt ntqr,,,k, . w I 3 y All -it -14. ItuT , tpmpiatlons, it whlg�; 0,
b(' rMil"Ire, and lltrgil,� � arr, y have be,e more ep. � ban I love4 11, come going UP from this earthly a, JV,ord6 that he h it Ase4 the 4%
� ,4 tople I-e6nic, J- I ri MvW1W* w Eterual peril U%a the, harbour Of our God. My NVO ') . , It to Many. ___�
�np-,t r-aislld In t .4r a , 4p country. of t�elngen* dial,vil, Up,on t1lee, a unfurgiven. Bout, 0, I The "two disciples
� ill tter, 1, �., I . � � In 1pae�e and liston � and, fare, vers .9
,nt:ltc,.t__ 0 a t illi nt
, fii�h, � it ct,�ulkl u,,11 ll,,.lve bi-on pi r , Ww; a 1. py in t I I . OrItl have llce,a told our arnig
� - �d to
� 4qir1r1T1t'e_' ot �`Ii ,;;h C , thar.; the. ,T-Sbo of tbe Uigb 1'ri-sit 1A -.iott w1po 115. whila the rowers are taking us to an- were familiar wiLli the regular s"erl" TOD MUCH FOR TH4 BAC4ArxEUAN-
. ,41v. 1 � �AOIV; OC �bk- Wd .0. , t � The fla Wes of thl� lost w I ring tile ,
(I p,, - 'k Fin al st he, Lpiadted� And to -al -11% 'turret and dome. and the great altar in —
I I 'IT; i 17", , .IV, -,Ind p �,p�r Tht rwieut temt4e. I ;-QO ul= =W.,lub, ". JqV I.,da', clioripp, from flee of a lamb ar
3" fOr tbe, �t , , . , , of tUo 1-ell-ropO. 304 %vt in%,
boo" n eteriM Lurning, or$ aroh of eternal victory q 110 NO
. W.nment 1,1114wrt-i tbzrteon v�. 44 wi*b r� bt� t of' )k the ulc,c�jng bou,o� �1, fire -bell of a. palar.-gato, On . tgatem, and when John SPOIRk Must Uectl 011 Is'"etv ;it La' t '" l 'y
If 4% r I in the tf,�rlp . i� b4l that shof ,at in. all Jeri �
I , l�(�� ��k,kjs ci arou,.4 � ea 1% around t Q � "I�scavk� for thy life! Tarxy I ay there come rippling UPDT' Our soul have thought of that tyjli�al atolle- Worilrobe TrunliR.
; ..4tructl(w I , - � �tjjng I U., People for Allih trufiglugl the plainj Look, A
. , 0 In X11
i I , .,a t,e� 'earle,� .T4) 11 , -biu,i ibee, lest M,
�� I in �. L,,, , and 1,urlpl,�, 6he SUVuliji, - I pravor. Thc� poorest M1,11, . Ot, be the music of tile bells of heaven. men.. for Sin. The pbvkse "that taketh dnd of, trulak 1.9 filling the
- !-2 ly, rib'�Ciu-; ot - _ Al new 1,
I * invalir.z. L dura'..ed wab chaj�7e'i, a �alo;g �h- turnp�ke road, ku'F-Av titat I thou be co.lt�ugnldl` world" alludes . I
I kue*A as it � I remark, fartlier. tbat the bells, On ; away the sin of the ggagaln-,xr4l wittl wrath,
_� det.,lip Mue� ewbri4deviv�� at exqug.sne ��Il cailool Il*m .��ust as n - -1-4- to the sca'Vogoat 11-bich was periodical. F.Oul of the ba ,
. I , ' rmer.rikling beuMd,! the, high priest's robe wore Lellsof joy, , ly drlv-tm alit to t IAA "U . , at the tra,vollor Avith
., aVed � h4, r:ch fa I Lillera Nvilder. aaa, the soul
Tbe r�ra�ons for ill!,, f'XWT.1.U4rffi1rjtrF � i�01,1,ers, chl,i",S Qf 901vi, ,� 14'"e, burg �� e p,tir_ Audi Wheii the Jews board I lit, ObIM111% Of THE VICTORIA ORM I . elza at �
" lit' b*'R pr'n'lux ,,and capering , lie
I ��f,ci,Ay r ove2- jt,e helri, on,, ,whicb. F,LU ralat�, - ; &A, 2� Z , qIlefs "Ind thq,�D bl�N'Jlfl on -,Ila priem's foUe, it __ ll�zs,,i after the $!it$ Of the %"lalt� na' ,sereno content. It is not, "
. ulgratiou of Fjnn-� ,10 undou . 11 16 #b"- Gg?�,fv� I -, 0 1-oossibility ot tion had been formally 1430A *11 its kbut. the .-bllvt iWA InOves thO
innc`iti(�u r�,10 a b'la�,CVed sardo-.,,,� ; �11-_.,'IanuQuueed to ttent th r lit,, ,\Vbat the trun
"'f, ' U�-Zt pDltaieal e , .n., a to!'i-.2z't a'�a �nvq, to roTho-. au'l to r1gs, "N aild of 4,01vor. .vel,y nrltl,lo ,jaliller, lugb or 14ow, ad. definite caueoptlou of taalq�. "I vo
I tbf.,pb1n ,in t - ,abugx"Q� an elut'raid, a V�41--hcjd Z-' ,oxne." 'Whill) 1�4�r'14.011 for their tius. . Covets It. us jahu,s, exot tion brought to Ilanillor ofliaggage tO�Prc)
1. aV' �! 'IWI,o�n%�vor %031, let 14111 c 'ce .. Jet-, am,%
Aug cri,Z), faVarfh of ,:4 I, A� bV I Belioldl I bling you gooll auty-fAvo
, - -
on%% %be 41-tr�, , ,r . " . if ��, �k Of W.;Jvre�, a dcuwav,d, a tr=1�14-artu- t "! lb-, st-nlon I,ad atraiek Onf-, l;trok� 6_-�i 11,1 I 1�e to It is in 11ij,. heart of. every English 1119 .bearers it is difficult to say; llut bpen in The buillass tw
.. al n3n .� .. � e pr and F. OP �L � tl;dng.-�, Of Ert'W'.tt FOY, tba; S
- �
� la�� z%e-4r� Tt��, ,W;1, . iA Itel av&t�tUTA� '. 411ra N, - jpw %vind Alp M, r 6 y, But t ao,iall I-coute.11 IleIrs have bet�n rung Qu, .�O!fjior and F% I,ir toda-Ire ulle, Vieloria it was hardly e4ldivalent to "Behold years", vaid a burly Porter. "rye tos-
p 1119;z 'ZIT -r 'b -.rw Clure, an 01�0, 3 T 40 1� The rennio ta4 nll bet andled
1101 I 1-5 , , I jv "� 4 ,,� 0 n %It'll t � �Jt '14 vhl"Ly'u, a ;�'11�1�ea �;'a-vqlr, 4 - - -I J;ril"Jt. 1. 'the, Velis of 1.04- ';s* - around and d
�f �
. on, in ,,;� ,1,. l?,e%vvc,.ttp4 � days of vletor5 �, ero,is Nvalkea ,sed Saratogas ,
.Z�e a L"ecF2, � ., wb:,vh is the English "LeglOu the XQ' 'an' I
.; 0. of , ,�b 1,, p, on r;nglng will, �- ' The bAls 37. They 'fe'lowe4l, Josw'
I F � tg�l4,,t, clvmw,i�nri " , � e 'I - 40a fung af�cr Waterloo. mp(e ca,;es and played sliottIcOuck
,; -1,17.�� V� I allateii, F�e r.'�J,�l 00%vn� Whon be �, 11 of Um.or." The order was estalil d
.11 I f�j(,-! t '-4�ben C%7al` N �n:i_ r I V;44�.,ZL a �-11.�,,q k't wn 2nk"be-i " �',"*'�' , I itull 6�01 I -,ne preFpAit. , 44 Aunny ol our ciile5 r3116- after the ""'a down the road after him. Tbere, 1`� 110 ',v a age, but I never
� . `Ueoz�zj�� .�IL��gure�n�' I % - - Avith theatrl,ml baggt
I . b�lt R -a r5ing there T;"rvk 11 -
'IM mil g!ifig ': be b. .,:-6 ; �,ep t,,4 ', of our Al�ttional st rift'-. I by Queen VieForia in 19. 6, -ant, N OXAIA Intimation that thoy sali anythilftg#
1� r, t, C -,� Tv,��,-.0 1.Q -,1,i -WR I -%41% se:tlomoat . Joiu; sl;UL-0.
uro-atc4 114'. e�-- , 'Q tb'q! Q4, '�Z_kp, J, �a,qp� tbv, �1:114;hl of %he W�1- 11'%Vt,�n Uk, eauelu,jo-,l r�nglflg, lb�' 7�' -I The great bells of ,Verk, and Oxford, - to an - nor that. for a wbile, "iertgn really lo.it my temper and Soured On
� " 4 , , , u,c._,nn,,, nnd IIA6,1 &urcl. ,anil vielina, at 60me time. bave sound. ,y member of the regular, re Th,y wore, not ct
1�.; t1l be cl,pnforrNO"o �,iw vinwi ,a g.gre.'_� v.i,ro f0l of ,11 ._ iwleiou 4y de
, n7;i10,-vS Wr, aud zbe dewjk �Z �, my profe,,Isjon -Luntil I began to strike
.rWj�� -IU4. ;� '. ,�qw uf th ��dm,r vraQ lbrangeel With PeOPIO '4vhD "rye, auxiliary, or voluut,eer forecia Xohn. but advancing Nvh,�,ro be ba �
f "S-4i4,Ur01V1I T4..' , ��.. 4 1 bad rpmo to wc �ed the ,.ivtory. the.*,e deform trunks,
� 01 �h 0 Va. War" tbk� L"m 4A %h',tt b�L I, r4e t Z , ,A,nd Qu Ave, - ad wardrobo
A,�,C,4- -,1041 e -'r I PrAAP 'Goll. * Tllet,Q GOSIVI bolls, ot whielt I in eltber army or navy, who displays pointI'd oat 1110 Way.
04"V h�W WV're vn� , . - , rf-, � , -4 Gosp '11. -� turnol. He U1101TS -
NW.4 , U�4, a I$! 441%.0 kt,ep oil r1V,qinv lbi� sla'al", tire PIS oc triumph. Cibary I, They're the stabbortiest thIn0s y"I
I I"I 4,P v,edgm �0a, ,� " wt,owu �,,I�b . el Vt irucluis bravery or devotion to TS. Itit0a JC,�-U-; -
., I �'P ever sFaAv, They w �,
t,.,,,, 1.ve(ro.,:�,qnrs CCU", IA%,�Aki the dreadful 1.1unker 11ill Of the "On' O,v
-�A;Z froolu a O�P,lr llfe,vf.114iono #4 144tuwg�,lwi*.Q4. t1a) �' Thfilv!h. Pvr1.Jqp,q. fotv Iftlay now Conle. .enee of the puenly wht,never a soul takes a stOR toward *not stand CA one
" -�. 11o, gavi.: 11 1.1.�IIS Q 1, .1 1�1,,,aur�j e truja ( f t. 11 lv,�? n until, nfier � enufoll, up and down. whose sides the ,, country" in thfL Pr wouq$ stand, an either
, .i:;, inAl g� r a Small him, and is always ready to 0114en con- end, and they
. t.U;XUeI -.�U�10 be- �� Avv %va .n r n al
,ar. ahl,l- , Won qball conin ay. clouds, '"d'! forces of darkness and light rallied 1 Tile dee,*T'411011, COTA--91sts I versation witti, human be,oirls. What
4-4 . Ords of ,_ ,Ind -
vf* 'Ide, a -
I, nd they woa,g st, upsido
,�u5j t,�I_��n
, 1J,,t, C?ar.. �0. tWtIest ,,,hv.-e jeuuie,gn'Mazt, thvft''v-v'r-0 av�""." S", COMO, and fell back. N,'aw one foroe ,.galte.,Q, cross with a disc; in Its ('011- Seek yoV ,this is the first v
, I I, V '. w r.'L �1'a-_ lld,wf.; ro their window
. S,��Z,,l i-inni'll ,Iu�vaw* . � ,,, ,b(,: go -we" belu, tbat 611-,hed and. vh.ulad iO.Tvs,*S Mv . seek down, and they w(ku,L let anYthing"At
� �duet,,4 4& Viet , , �1tPJ-,4uq.,rih1wanI VonW ,I triumphed; Dow The other. But the ter, bearing the royal crest. U11- our Lordl-4 Aninistrv. Not "WhOra I
- - � '&a -
. of I he ven, ri 'a 1, le. It gh lorlae,�, Ilii, -.01 li� U-1 h4 � lit) , �;*tlp pb"I'J' I fiome �lo jt,vu,q, yt, ,van conflict at last was decided. $at, . on top of them, Youlvo,got to upolo,
L aul dervimilt is an e.3orol bearing 'be in- Ye ?�'?' I)ut "N"at '� "Why (10 ye seek I
- i.h �,oqneil anfit 11W'Ie, ' %Ioasi =Vro�iil 4�ror. If thc- prodigal sbAuld th"IdIthroll0ill ,rho white Inarlae castle mo� It NY Va of your life? - a yot� move, thern
p it;em oe tA v4r � fout. 0NIMOG10S. llnvts r*s h, �uqi-, tb 1 � 0 tiou, 111,1or "Valour." The crois4ls NVIA, bat- is the luoti,
�, I�3�+. elj.l,g'-. 14ty 4 La, 0 , -1 i With, oart for Mv. 1,1411441 serip g thc ohject of your search? where. th",'d ,)rotor
.r, .� 'D F11INC, I I -.t�, 4 h -'s. W I i � 41 . f the tiepulchre o,,IptureJ I The i . ,It 1 size to them ,%vile.
� linu'h �,O'Qii,, a I r.v.,,,t to, 1;,J I melit! ,faelto-r,.%,nitlil,G,,tv,"Tlsi-re !�,nnnmilot'� whole world is to be won ior God. Wn in case its re- Itabbl.. ".NTy honorable sir." This titI0, and %lik thelu
I h-,Iiggia ua�, % li� UtAIIJ C.t tile b J, . I huilg by a blue rib
t.j�t� th,-ir OW41 i,4,uwry� V. f.fu,c,(I , 41g, - ,14,ly�l NV,.t-.,, i, lu. an- - _ L-111 it * beII3 of eternity at the I . . t is In thel navy and by a for public teak -hers, new at this lime. being put down. They ought to have,
. t q A Q -i At U..e:ei . f1AW11FT t1vit calf nTAV lown, I War, all t Ile red
,� ,, 41tv A'.h"r lo, r , ill tho FmahinjXlviotory through our Lord Jesus ct!"It low years conferred WlAh
add&.4 tw 41 �r . . it.r,.&,.9 a,,,tunmwnt�' No. 1� 1'63r, 1410* ' rfa- it-Lring for lit, army, and is al- but after a EX privato baggage car and 41P01214
. -hil;q N ,ms, much of ceremony, seem to b
The , I , I I ave been
. . a if fit- ov,, ,�,uil fliarn t, . Ow it sometimes set as It ribbon, if, be, is in I
a" m�l 411 ` '' 104iidly glurst'u, aud Z-Igudl ital. . , a take% a run
rin"4ve tilt- � pvv3i �,'.I�. A, M-A* ff) MY F,tarVinr t hey decide t
, - " k - .101vol p,.vjJW iuuf�ldd wo -,I Wgiv in '.heaven 1;ver his rat 11VII. eyplything Was agalust us-, heathen-' ay�j wOrn On tile, left breast. The disappeared at by our lAord, although engine when t
r', � 11
,�tj, W,17, Tim lquiy �
I , J�y ,t 1�,4�,g nctliiOU (01, bvz Fin az;d imni4e, tw,� leu It v 441st us; tUO formalities Of the � "Y 2% -,ire3 made from cannon OaPtUr he was tuivally uddre4sed by this tarm. over the, road,
1 1pjc� JU NVOrAXil), NV ,,n . bad bis -on crOwn('d, IRM U9, 'is I .
� . ��Ijcs, awl put church against us, false I-WIO901"" era Lilditional Rvide�ritly , by other rabbis he ,-one at t.hosa trunks 4rall, M41CO 4
'r. �,, 1, Nubic�,;R_ �. i t cximes tw:, bo ,vorld .,'ed at Sebiatopal. For eaCh -1
t. tbt.'N' ralig 4-,Ut a1144 tht�s ra,ug � It np� toolt off Ills .
1, . � . -in in a whole carload of baggage- 90 to X'b"
-; apron. at against us; all tht regarded as , truder,
..— I , Z ,reaz liel 41*I)910� -ind sf�rve-1 � arkness, I act, avery. tmell as NvOuld entitle was
-, ....."W. OL z lie g . 00 .-rvant' is- against us' the busts. of d. I of br, find ul'411010r- bad and act like a mountain land'� "do'
�__. "' ,I ,.a,i thatlim fir�t o, AI;,11at condecepw�ont H a to tile Victorla, CroF,s if' be had self-appointed mustor
. I I am �� undering a ma wal , 'hump oia eacb�
-; an d I ,eA . vt`l' 1�-,IT 40 I)eavi'll. wi�h*dra� swords, anti ill Lqasii may be given, I ized teacher. Where d lest thOW Yo -a ,ee, there is �a big
. awity, clulo I Nvl�.; a X'�'.I.vjus Use . g A n,,q record it. But I 1gons, of hell� captained � no( onaalready, a 1 One end
oil, me lwo�x 4, thl, Cal � '($-1`(`l �jl aol "t ale I'llAt vo"rz 11lino VIIAI�-'�v�- P,tr, () tarth, that III(- 101IR I aIllulu'altiOn-wu t is sta.ted on good authority i Not where is thy perinibaent 111,111a, side and on thal top. and on. It some-
. I .e3i,i t.pr�ng , ,ud, %vitipsprer, .. � polyon the King of, but 1 [,a at tb"e vlasps NazareW or CaVernantal But wberO Of tile tru.11k. It svvells out a's
.1 1, t e, 0 � 0 iana generated by Al
.1 . I tot bc,�I,,; agj4l whothtw i hear them In of Ili - VnIverse f,OMPQ to thiq 1 on-uet all against, us, But watit , that thus far not 01 a re- - is thy ,mappiva plavei Whose 1,'ucst thing inside vere trying to escar.a.
ri 012 th-3 'll prrer't, er in Al.wr.ring 4'rerrors, are 1
_,� t1l, 4 'em S of Ow Ilie Ina's men fell batk, but bas beDu conferred, in -.phe of tb
p� ,,; .o r, arw in �h form of a st-rvant, a - made, tbat I
at ru;laea a, 1hrg ft 1 wo 1 1 I a little. Jos) , ,L4 ,ven, I couldn-t vea wh�it, it was
. I - - -t In',ne. Gloriou-4 b-111-1 , I
I �, -,-. r,;,e vrolt. 'tilt, latLin brt'"-st uff oZ the I be a b -tir.z , . ower. , be,$, hall.. u,� Se, .Vnur b,pk -.Ind : only in s1ratagem, Infore they took peated mentions at this, that, and the I art thou MI arou, them n1l, hoar �
I I 11c,0- t1l mt., lilt, gj�,Idjje ,,�_tbt,- iv"ruing, and , oupt I (Voriou,4 Provi-4011 1 CO'nf' to � I 110 city ,of .%I. -ko tile falling back olhe� maAA*s having cone. Baeh Nvear- 'bootb,i of wattled boughs in; AvIll �h 11,11- way for at first,e but, I t*Ok .
. I . . iwntown and
I nir.y. Late la'St ',unlmPr tbi , tbe triumilh 041 Ille, UWPol- , n tbio hr,IISP. to- of tho forces Of GO;l !a the e6rth Is, Or Of %be "Oss is entitladi Cc apansion ,grtms dwelt,axid they desirecito know 'k d cli went dc of ills i
I cqiu , � it. Is ill -r- anv ona I , and ait additi ' ofa 'ad" �'t" th'o in.4da of' one o
n.,A were rai-lnr- 1110111i'.v , ,.,:ne� p -4 a e k is so'(11- �
, Ut,,,1k.j Lik,li., Ii 0 1hoN bat , anal pen- I whICb Was'lAW lempurary, home.
ps,f� ty0f .Ih�-- low be are ni(?h. -.010 �,rourapftd UP cannot ,,,, a Viville stratagem by Which, of 410 a. Year. Ich sp 1 419., Come and see 'rho ,sevand ksell, I i hings. It ,,Vu.s Made lik6 a wardrobe. .
to rplil-lVil tlik"; tUstpp�s Off nnAly tlWa-1ad%q%jt,k1 tia, L,gh prie-Vs rk) ,, starf ? T�pt mo cncourage him. A t-*toit will twake oar triuMPI) the moro,sion u:n;C5 aw'ouipallies el, cla - , u --
I . ,s .V, Ili,;-] gj�j�oj� bt_.I1-_,, u�uer bell.s are made of � -twkn wl . Ding ul) lt !,. ,- r -25 more Victoria I tanew uttered by Jul. i after �i�-, 111-1111- Up in tha. end that wore a hump I
, 9 g qd(ler in res and tbc� ova throw Of "i it every one of the 4
� i it'll pv'Wju�., Ili ine rounlr � conspiouous, tell the story of its stry ,%4s begun, *,Now fst the, day of that's the top, youl know, there NvAs
: bandti ar or W�,,�,r;ai_zi2Ae, and leadi �And � firt
' J � from a litirning building. and tremendous.1 Crosses could
J Iriets. Faminp ,6v,l,, f,.ark.j1 in the nor- C" ' isia Mora terrific a oalvation." Dr. Clarke tlaYs Ilint 'be a steel rod that couldt be pulled Out
� . toar-or ma,�vrzal-_zfl,e, and lead. ';In,l "'16' a ch"d strurk him. slagpd him. -ries tt tortoise I wearer's gallantry there would be , qlk
Itut ,, are, belL, Tim-ra is ol;,& UP11 In "' - 'I JTIie higher an eagle 0q, mnat, (nvitation. of Chrint !a to a,.j long as the depllf of the trunk.
lh(..rn part of clie ,�ett'Vli are-%, 1� I . ol g,41d. IT -and he -.va,t about to (be M61,6 toullylete it,.q ,lemolition when, collection of stories AN -Orth vaadtng� (. ant �
I . bojj;e� Ot g.jid. ,Vuel-e is olte bell in , (!nrr�h'-'d'n1,iXd . 1141 On this rod there were hangeirik- '. ��
I I v wa.,4 '-pared this 'Itute fti* . . in thpovroWd ShOut- it, ,lashes oil the rock. God is ,Only I 'is hast as Yet fieen given come by faith and, to oiee:by pierso
, ti, I only one tro. that (1111Y coal and trousiers etratchbrs Ot wire' i I
I I i-Urolit thaz vW�t threahundre" 'houb" ' that brnve fellow in lifting up sin higbor and bigber that ; to a clergymar ' experlenee. Ab do whIii him
.e vounor, ' "' am;% O&
� wa- of sufferifig. Tbeho LuZran I ,,,,i',"ti,10�!; 'N"k-'earn I A the 31ay. J.'W. Ad* - A 141 for the men's trunk and 'we-Ist Rua -
'o I alid dollark�. It was aL VaSL exPense i b,,q pffl ny more ruinourlY ealt It down. , late of The ue�gal Fcalesiastical Hs for it was abaut the ten,tb hour.
. I . 11pa,,,iant,q arA inteliiqfmutI hard-Avork- wert, givew toz the t t 'fo I,ave the ,chi!d, Thr,a , 110 M, spued v%vo men of 1 r.(x they had fiom, ten, oliliock in the skirt stretrbers for the Women'* 111�
. � I'Lat uletallie vuice�s "I per, rho about went up. The The day of deliverance comes. The talblisbiment. w1ALY ra. I I an
jug 11c,01IIA!, and it would bo AlisAng and 'Vivnn,A, and Ox- morning., until igundown tof talk with trunk. AE tile bottom of the tr k
. . _ z tower. ,L4 York, I 'wr-nlan ,�yas in--Pired. H,,� IiI.ILInged in 1�lcors demanded one handrail virgins; the Ninth Lancers from Certain death I �
� ford. But all ,he Nveali,h I,f boaven -on Sewish method 01! there w s a cla that would catc,13
i ji,ur(jqIe Avere � . a
I ., if all emigrants from building, brought down every year from the nation Of the' under the heaviest fire near Kabul, Jesus. The com Top
� I ', was i Go�ljel bell. ANO I ithe, bNRIdt,lgand placed *.t apon tha Castllians� The king refused the re num- dividing, the da..y tromisurarise into the bottoms at thet clothes and hold �
,111 be -%,.al- , thrown, into thh Dei -ember 11, 1879. There a c Aulp .
f �11 I .ollu,.Illy desirable. They Al. laugel can coun� iis value. Eternity I gmum in "fetv- Are fhpTo not -Rome tribute, and he went out in battle to � lirars Avho have "gallantly assisted twelva equal .houris makes "the tenth them. At the top was another 11 - , I
., � come in this VOUT11 rA'. '%bi-re thuir , c-.1.,nol dev.ountr,ae its cast. When b -r*, to.niaht, 'Avbo feel ille fire! Of put down the infamous demand, but I wounded officers at the risk" of their hour" about four o'clocklin. the after- that would push the hanger' D 119 tight 1, .
li ,,duke ibem pro6PETOus; the bell of ill& Rumsian, Kremlin was dow b kindlin-, around abnut thems and he was defeated. The night I a XL jives,t often ,when the men have I ,noon. But atpparenLly John used a ly together on the vad asone wanted
. qualitle., wl ,� bel;Ig ja�,,e�,t. Iiie lords cameand threw � he dream-'� w �Al wounded, One Man Idiffenrent reckoning, wbl.-h substanti- chain.. I
who) will glva'up the pffori- to reaeue afte, the first defeat, 1 themselves bei
- "
I ,oeful- - , sa.ys�_aud in his I ,agrees with ours. The result "'Whet you',Paek the -trunk, Yon,put, T'j
and w t' their gold 1"lO the Molten mass' but f he'r kou's unless some cl,epr- ed -so the legend i threw a shell out, of the midat of some � ally :
when thz-,, Go,-:pel bell was to %e coll- to-nir,bt 7 drearc he hearii a voice from heaven _.q
------ <0.— ing word be utterpO , I mmutition, &]though the shell was � at their conversation woa that they your clotbei 0, the, stretchers, let .
I ___ . ar�.hs of eterrilly. threw. -into it their i of my saying "To -morrow You shall get thO "burning and about to burst. It did i went fort hsaying, "We( have f ound tile them hang as theY WOUld, in a closet, �
. LT FINDING. ,ted, tris kiTiga of heaven, the hier- - Thor,*fore, in the name cbeer: victory." So he rallied his troops; im down, buix great !Xesslas." Great as was their privilege, Jam the two clamps down, tight a -ad 11
F Ala struc I I : burst anti threw h � 1;
their i 'C" , of daring. t I
crowns and sceptres. It is a In". f utter tbici bejuiballant s he went into the battle, he
I — Hear ' "Thowrh your sins scarlet, They and, a I loss was savecl. by, his act i we have a greater. No man of all our pu In the t�ray. Thour whou, yall 190t
W.Ilt" N Diden bell, Ila, you believe it? �e palfrey, and a sap- brought itf the wounded, i Lord's disei,ples could hear or see SO Lo your hotel, or wherever You are, go- .
, , vorreefloll, . ere~,y Sbould Ito 9 . he world that sball lip. as snow. Though they be saw a milk -whit - Some have the tray ". I
it ring I ,God so loved t shall be as ernatural being riding upon it, wav gh the fire zone to,tdo 1 mitiobi 16f his goodness as can Ave who ing to stay, you� take out
, Uncle lis PrIAIRIC. He gave His only� begotten Son. .that red, like orizrnson, they ing a white standard. His army i creeping, thrOu I have the. full Gospel story to 'study, have, the) txu-mk &at aP on' its flat end" I
should , AvooV, . vvben the day was so, Av�ars the cross for I be two. " That the other loose pull out the rod, I .
A mistres"s who 113 always findiU9lwbo,,,ver believBtb in Him that the Gospel triumphed; and - Gen. Buller n the claxalps, I
- ,
her servants for this, that I not perish, but .have everlasting life." 4 I remark, further, ended, sixty thousand Moors l Saving life under frightful conditions ' 40. hinted by the foriA of the slide the hangers along. it until the, I
March 28, s atemien t at Andrew found his own clothes hang loosely anal there 1011 It
- fault with they them- 1"Him, bath! God exalted to be, a Prince � beils. like those on the high priest's upon the plain. So, my friends, ,,Va at Inhioballe, 1%founiain, � Zat tl�a'nhontolfshL'
Ing qr, as Inca unto robs, are bells of warning. When the .
. or the other thi I and a Saviour, to give repenL' Jews beard the clash a -ad ring of those may sometimes be driven back. Our ,187q. Gen. Roberts has won for him- brother Simon, implying that his oam- are I, Oh they're a'great thing. I
. selves express it, -always driving and I Israel, and torgiveness of Ns-" to enemies may say, "Aha I God bath I a splendid reputation for gal- pitnion found his.,,Moulton� Androw. I "The, mam� that sells them t0d, Me I
I � will never keep al spell it is the.sweatest bells, it was a warning for them �, Persecute and take I --ell its ilv OTABI ih I'd I
L nagging at them," GI,riuus Go It is worship, lest God shoull be offended. forsaken the( deliver.? lantry. It was IT, 1858 while pursuing 4fisherman of Galilee, who lived at. could pack1ifteera. su I
I n if she is sound that a Sinner ever beard. them for there is none to c, Ah't, but �.
really good servant, eve t mour- O -i Bell Rock, in the German Ocean, I see the retreating rebels, in India that he saw Bethsaida, and was in business P`J-Tt- buy it. I told him 1, oul ..
I . one, the grandest �,Qnsolation tba re re But in Apocalyptic vision, dard. nership, with his brother Simion. Of his that jti,�,ouldn't be,the trun)06 fanit- I
(grignate pnougb to en1ga9p st hope there is a 3ighthouse, and the a white, horse and his rider, His eyes two sepoys escaping Avith;,a. Stan
. neglects her work, forgets ner ever felt. It is the might'el . t-%vo bells, that every halt minute ring Alone he engaged the two, out one Of later career I ttfe is known, Already, in I ttsked him it Uve thought an able- I
� if a maid that mouruer ever experienced oat through the fog, through the dark- are as a flame at tire, On his head was bodied Tnom could kielp one Of those
ake, it is of or three days n6r the crowns. He goes forth the;m down, and brought baok the the first century, when this I I I
. I r makes a mist I tarried two f If teeLil uess, through the storm, and Over the are many written, it had become natural to (16- humps in to thei wardrobe - ..
. werp. Bvery from conquest to conquest; andfrom o3tandiard. For this 118 was given the and he
� � course necessary to notice the neglect, towet of Ant sea. Bewarel bewaral The helms- ' V,C. Gen, �i.r George S. White Avo'a scribe Andrew as Peter's brother. said I needn't be.afraid of that, that
I I A that towel' chime 8 warnin sea to sea, and fr e,
to point out the mistakes she has ninutes the bells ( if the man on the ship., hearing th 91 a uni tile 01768S in Afghanistan in October- 41, He first findeth his own bxotb- "the curved drameS *0111d, resist, much -
",a, sweetly that it seems as turns the wheel aiid steers off- It is shall yet ring out the bells Of climbed, a fortffled, hill er. Before the other alsGipile found his more force than square frmules, and I
,essity, however, aagels of God, flying past, had alight- versa] victory. &5al they are ring- 1879, when* he .�e Would �
, . � � made� There is no nee g thing, at midni gbt, to bear the sal. with two comrades iIN tbO'facs Of a own brother. The best place in ,which that nothing sVort OR an 11 ,
to do this angrily, hastily Or shaTP17, T Bat when! the full a stattlin ing now- "All flesh shall see One, OfA J be thi
- ed in the towe . the clock with heavy the heavy clang of a fire -bell, if you vaiior. of God I" "and He shall reign large ill -umber of the enemy. His to begin Ch istian. work is in one's have an, effeet upon 11 .
. for there may be extenuating circum- liour comes, then . live in the third ward, and the tongue The l3jsho� comrades being exhausted, NXIbite went. family. Lovable in character were the I'm going to buy a.AA axe, I.haven't I
- ile hour, adding IMPes-1 of the bell strike one, two, threat If ' a for ever and for ever III am, alone and. killed the. leader of the two disciples who, having just discov- k� baggage ;!=aSher for, t�ventY- I 1, ]
stances the servant has to plead and tongue strike. V lemnity to the chime of Malta, in superstition, bad all the beein I t by any. I I
. siveness and so , city is besieged, and the flasb of the neMY. On several other occasiouR ered the Messiah each went for his tives yeare t bo,defied, at, las I
I whieu when heard will disarm Our ut bells. I musketry is seen on the hill-toPs, and bells of the city rung, in the hope that e 18 Al 0 a a have found the MeR ok-up, opinionated -ward, I
. temper and t Gospel tower elAimes the storm .that. was raging in the has Gen. White displayed the 9' at'- oAv br th r. W I measly'stu � . , I I
wrath, and to lose one's So this g:rea A.Y. ,,a- the cavalry horses are dashing up and . � I . Sias, which is, being interpreted, the .11
�. -nay, eve I - city might be ql1leted, That was est ganantry. � robe trank." . . . I., . � .
speak sharply unnecessarily does not every fIfteeiL- minutes down, and the batteries are being un it is faith But by no means: is the -bravery Christ. That is, being interpreted into � .1 0 1 � I � : I
� . nor does it raise ment. Tones of marcy. Tones of IOV8- i limbered, all the bells at the city call Superstition; but I think elleve that, n,aressarY to.the winningt of.a V.� C- Gr6ek. Being interpreted into English I .. I I I , .
11 add to one's dignity, I of Par- I friends, in God that leads us to b I � . I - I . I "
. the respect a Servant Ought to feel Tonesi of compassion. Tones, ; to arMS1 to armsi So, my the ringing of tjAese Gospel bells will confined to officers, 'Alany,of the non- it becomes "The Anolnted,)I! the title -,� . jLrgNCING A. GUN." : 1!4
. nt of the .
. for her mistress, for it is not easy to d n. ,And accasionally$ . to let � this Gospel bell I alarm. I accou of this commissioned officers and privates . Marvelous One the JeAvs exPec,t- - of ignorance ',
. that the - walghts; are 0 risy a the storms . . can 'ed to oom . d ' There is a great deal I ?
� I you know it as infinite cowardice and: hypoc ' deeds of daring -that a as their national prince an
- � . really respect Persl) and that. the world's sin and all the storms of this . I � . . I ag to what " silencing a gun" means, -, � ,
. I I . . control over either Ills temper Or running down, for a man who believes in the Bible to =.'11y6_b1 equalled by the ar,fs Of men .'deliverer. . I I I I gtanneTS,: ,
I 11 I I . tongue. Like one's gro�vn up chil- time is going past, the heavy tongue, hide from the people the fact that WOX`ld'8 trouble. ; auT. Great High ini high station. ThU% is. the r6ason 42, DB brought him to Jesus., Any, A, gun is silenced when the I
I rvants cannot bear -to be com wn with an wn- there are appalling, disasters coming Oh, when Jesus, I 11 enter into that tile cross is so great awiu6en- man, one would think, could do as well are disabled or driven back and the , I
I . before other lleo- ph,,is, ,,How shall we escape to those : who full robes sha be �deede there is no rig GA, giv- � I I �B I I I
. found fault with saying, . finally reject God. We Priest, in ,ra of His tive. pori in brave., at that; but it was the mea ca riage damag d� It is a
ers are Members if ,we neglect so 91`8&t salvation[" can plaster the matter over; we can his glory, 'the bells on the rank, bat an equalit.ywhicN is affected gun, or gun x .�
I pie, whether these ot1A or their own ,,Now is the a !me,; now is the p-bilosop,bise about it; we can explain garments will irink with the music of con3 I I .ing to the C.burch its great6�t preach.7 0 � I enomeno for we- 11
I '11, strangers zeepted t Ili, the it away, but the BibleStates it, reiter- an eternal merriment. I I Y'. ,by 't sl. heroism. of, the er. When Jesus beliel�d him. Looked at common. enaugh'ph . '11, 1 I I
I 11 I of thp fanii � . ' oa. a . I I nesLness a�s John -been silenced ,to
. )mestios, and it we think at - � , ha,q just ,as go him' witli fixed ear pons wbich have thus .
. " �: I I � Cellow d( . day of salvation -I Weary Of s at I . I - , av been - ,
� � I . An understand'. world Said. to me You are not a,s bad ates, makes it as, p,lain as that two. But, my clear brethren and sister$, men, A priv a ' 'h ' e
I I I 11 . I -the mattex fairIT we 0i ,,It it is quite Lbe. Poor comfort I and two make four, that there is utter Ave shall have no share in that joy chance as a general. And Whoever had looked at Jesus. Thou arL si-Wo re -open fire after repairs 1. �
- , this' dislike .and see th . � as. you might � � wins the cross,"it,may be -well unld�er- ther son'of Jonas. That is thy lxreseiil mt�de, the guhners ,rallied, or, a: fresh. �
0, 1.11.1 - 1 I . t � h feet in the( wet discomfiture for the finally unr-egen- unless now we listen to the QosPel There were no famLly names I I
,1�' , , � _.- -1 a , A,tural. I Standing with hot . y tidings. There is a,bell on the other stood that he has merited it. . nable. i gun crew obtained. It are g � . _
-We oul . . al of the gorave, human philosophy I �g two bun- in antiquity, and men. were ide I I .1 I
. rs6iv,�s danot like to be tak- � I orate. - That Bible says, "God is angr e waters, Avelghir ______.*___.L__ Alt fietl by hostile I
,, I ,-, � b ic or have any little 7 I) and that side of th to their names for a gun to be so danag,ed
. i to �'tLsk in PU I 9"11v IN - I
I I an took my arm and mumbled in my ear with the wicked every da nds; and CATCHY ADVERTIS G ' by attaching � �
� ,�, I I I I . mistake wa may have made. remaxIced its inanities. But religion spoke to He "will turn into bell 'all the na- dred andeLght thousand Vou . name of their father or fire that it .cannot be refitted and- ,, ,'!
I . I . it1takes twenty-four men to ring it. f�he 'I "I ,iaw,'! I I L I
-nd yet, with .
I upon ,?r called attexLtion to, Servants sins perished like tOW tions that forget God," A eetness of People who live in glass.7110uses, 0 otion again. I I
I ,� I I t the same feelings, for they �ne, and my I AA_ But to bring� out all the sw - I ,o -.r of the townt in whi It th4y 1i'vod. broaght into ,
I I have Jus ; an e re became I those passages before them, and hu I rotb the real estate dealer who was, $R,ys princo
, 1<�,Vft of the German Al— �, . I
, . I ore Man is the In the flame, I .will this Gospel'bell would take all the w . I Tbou. shalt,be a,lie4l Cephas. ,Which .
I � I I are not children any in t work on a three -sheet poster� an- I L 1, 11 I I I told i ,I tlBory in the battle of Gravelotte, , , J
,.. I only the ploughed ground for an eter- I d ds f th 9 just as plain, men ;Meainp, as .we are Present y d ly- i J
11 .1 I mistress -i7 -in fact, they axe often older ", , , (ter and cone( sioni'are the adhed III A " many, guAIS durilig the oannona e . ,
I ;.,It, *61 ".", -crated Spirits of earth-BeTaPhiM a a free excur ass of �ofk. I �
. I I nal harvest. 'World withoat end let jeternity of layen I and archangel. V�ybo in this august .nouncing, so whqn ,5tane, a deb
� ,casiom I
� A, 1vise raigtkress, d for.such a Gospel, it irose-water for every man regardless I biggest fo,0 on rt to do I I later or . - Matt. 16, ing miserably on th�e grolmd 'winged, �
I I I � tkAln t4ae latiter� � God be praise, of is e)14T I assembly will listen? -Who will ]is- tL � . . I �f.sreqorded'�kn - - BLA 110" I ", � " � I
, I I s heart..YQu � 'ay can "y 9den bouses at � j.h,,vt is with ,L broken wh�eel I
I I � who wants to have iind to keep good � is fit, to live for; an& it days Of PeT' atter and of ht rail teii now I �n New .04 ugland they have � good wd I am offering 18, when the name Ccp,hasf is, s'.Ad ic , -i,e injured guns 1.
I ,: $h6uld herself do anY fault �. .,ome, ,%hall 'that a'wUlte flag along a at which I , -ane w�s withdrawn,-, t1.
I S ' Pet dily repalrec * tb the �_' I
I I 11 � sl�rvants I ui-red And aeoution should ever aggin ( know ,red what they call 9. passing bell; that is, t re I havei been given to e'r, Or, rathcx� 1. I , i
I .. � � .
IL - I ,finding that may be -req - lligg to die\ for it? I track means safety, and that a a one. dies in a village word t1h,"IM119T Groundsom.Bhurst.. at when he wa6 remiaded of it, ,� we_)�e always sPae
I V a 22 I 6 I . I o:as which -"�ere ne4r, I .., ,
"I I 11 f possible. to help it, depute 6 wl means danger. Now, herd 18 when Sam Then he held the manuscrfiPt: I . 13 14' The � day, f6ll�-,ving . Jahn,6 help of the wag
I I I . I � at t the 'Mar- f lag I is d �miied the -pen � c- �1 so that a,t the c4o�sec �fthe bat Lle I cou 3 d, I I
� I � do not :hink that HaWkes, a on, and be sounds � I
I, � an� one, not, even a di�ugh- I idtj a coming the Cincin-hati e:iyress. Here - arm's length an ai I I �
� I I �th,nt��'kl t� � SSL�an� malhn; I , re, tba"h al;y .other, hag su .
�, . i I' h when having. sa t s'oftien as� the Anan ll� Ift 1 69 ll�ad - 7.
, � .
... 1, ter, e$plcoiaily if the latter is young tyr, was oo is , Idge Swept down by the freshet. A the bell jus a, IATIf, is in ship ana the boldne I vigor ( 901.9pp, 0 da,te,s, We have four ae- not tell exactly how many P,ec �� I
ll I 11 his:fijenas that he would givB them a bri :a stop ,ed years; and, . .1 mx�smlt ' '
aad.has not had m-ach,if any 0Xp6ri- - man goes out witV a red: flag t are 861emn;,ana conception. ourately marked,, in thi,� chapter, vers- been Im t temporarily ant of �klcticin-" . . :1
- ,
""', hou,se-keeping, far.servants, some signal in his last hour as'to Wile with .the tower"the people � ho is I think tbat'll fetch 'eul, h�_ Said. I i I . � I I I I I I . � I ''I � I I 1. I 11 11
: once Of , trtyrdom were tOl- the approaching train. I go Out they'say, 'Some one,is dead -w . . . . . I � . �1 � I I I ,� I I I
11 I , 'his . . � � . I �, I I � 11, 11 1 I � , _ I
i, �Jy elder women resent being ther the fireks of in� t,; Vitb Wear I . I I I 11 1. I 1� I . i
a ble,in thef dying m0ule ,; Vtb his it white iag, and wave it. The eng � . . � I I � I 1 �� � I � � I
I p,aticula Al I , I I I . . I I 11 I I � � � 11 I I I ,
�, I I I I I �. . .1 � I i
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