HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-2-1, Page 1an urlfCirlu3S0,-,-- TW EN IT- \TENTH YEAR NO. 24. To .lear out at very low prices the balance of our Winter stock irieluding Mantles, Furs, Ready-made Clothing CRON' & IVEDDL ESEX GA,Z ETT E. EXETER. ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING FE B R =177. 7") 0 I-1 G,J.eutherlaud, Netery Publics Convoy ancer, Conamissioner, Fire Inserance agent end. Issurer of SfarriageLieneee. Legal dorm raents caretullr drawn at reesonable rates Money to loess ou real 9state et low rates of in torese (Mee at the Post e Mee, Zeman. H J. D. COOKE, Boots, Rubbers, Sox, Underclothing, etc, When you, re- .s (Late with Geneve Proudfoon Banister member that allchee go0C18 are of the newest up-to-dateib'4,1,%„,„a-M.r),,711%.ittnoTgirrada styles, carefully 4e1ected for this winter, you will understandpt-it't°e'dIfIllg:t.g1r.s-T,Y:WisIt '671eit24 what germine haygains we are offering, 1110.EultatijjliticiVeciiellexiiinefit Zurich everY St. Marys Mitchell - - To TUB Eorroit ore 'rim Tufss. North Dakota, fespending a few days 'A.ppetle, in the Northwest, BRIEFs. - Riehard Blateliford, of Bengos, - George Ambler, of ga DEAR' 8iRe-lu last Nveeles issne of VL e le the Exeter Advocate I noticed a "Com- ; their esrtrinnication," be which the writer lisheient net week foe the purpose of many Maxwell Al'orks Will eleree tels hee o fr ovee tsventy ye 1 per centage of our boys and young f in town. the guest of 1). Weit-The town this week. He wa.:rsir.i abr,riasintieks: takes the position. that au alarming ! taking tock-- sThemployese of the better. . -The Consereetive convention ' others went west to do ads are "going wrong"; that certain i ret o sweets in busmees. Sfe often asked7Whae is t le ee- sum of money for the patriotic Afaxwell works have reised a large for South Perth will meet. in Mitchell ,esuiLlokktitiaordoola:Itnilitilnidno4F;:latileetliyoyaacsriegh,statrtialtt ,,,,, . we Answer fund. ori Thurday met, the eame day that '11" SM. TaP sum will amount to something like Parliament, meets at tattawa.-Messrs e ily becoming more prey/derail I 'd T. D. Levy and Jacob Harebell h.ay : spread. .After dealing Wink the serious- . fln1 al e- 4 purchaeed the Forbes livery stable in to ness of the question tit eorne leneth • Seafortle and will leave shortly . Centralia.. the artiele concludes by inviting a 4. a , r 4' 1 N'o. 223, 1. O. 0. F., took place onevent took place at the resideoee oil year. Since Feliday 11 has been cold ''4 affairs PieSenW. -Also 0 • 6 I beetaliation of officers of Hensell lodge ; WEDDING 13BenS. -- An interesting! aellinZ etrifeeybsvoltalld riot gee a supply this et . 4, , „ 0 ees.-The icemen were frank discussion f the problem which or;et ling and 2oarteous Teeatineut of orners. e ." ION OF OeoreZns,- The Good Goods, Right Price. Fair . 12, in the presence a a large number Ur. and Mrs. Thos. Mitchell, on Wed- • enough. so that theY 'will get at tbe snluegageeSsttz:%' aaasareteer its :rniret..P.trentig Of the order. The officers installed nesdaY of this week,Nvtien their (laugh. r ice businees this week. -Miss Ettie * were:-- N G, Wm, McKay ; V G. F tee. Miss Susie F. Mitchell, waas s united Coppin hbeen seriously ill fi•r,orn in- `er,let ee.remedY this growing evil - SPECIAL PRICES PAID FOR BLITTR, , Menne ; R 8, C. Chaetnen ; p s, B 1111 rons;trroineusonfi3rtrwAnietrh oSflilney Andrew, al flame -illation since Saturday last. It is AND DRI ED APPLES. Eaos Phillips ; Treas. G 0 Petty •, Warden, re, ' I Ie. hoped with good care she will soon re- Wrn Colwill ; Can. j•ts Beverly ; 0 G. -toe cereumay WaS performed by Rev. ; cover her Health once mere• -"e4^1"' eseees-see a.- isees, ' a Pose ;J a, F slum; - R 6, De e. I, Mr. Salton, at 0.30 o'clock, in the pees.; Reid. who was eleetrician at the wat- Hemet ; 1, s N. G. p ee,' same ; R s, enee of some 30 invited gueste. The el` works and electric light st Mon here 1009 -yds. Ameriean Percales Mea's ileavY tilsters A , V G. Jim McArthur ; re S. V 0, Geo groom was supported by J. As Drake, so long. has elyeaged with the Whyte and English prints, reg $0 to clear ta lp -0 Joynt ; 8, ,frio Stacey ; L S D of Strathroy, while Miss Rachel Wet). Packing, Co., aatratfoid. reg 14-c, clear at 8c. bridesmaid. The bride is one a the Al en's Odd Pants BusF.FS.-The R. Pichard ar cha.rrning belles of' this section, and Kirktein Nichol ; j °Stoneman. ster, at Landesdowne did the duties of s well pleased, with tire reception given Aft A. IS to be complimelated upon „English Prints reg: 1.25 to clear .990 fors everal Team. they are here to stay.. circle of friends go watt them to their very lieayy and good them. Having secured the premises his choice, The good wishes of a large 13nnees.-R. A. Davis is residing it reg 8 and 10, to sell at Oe Mr. Hooper will not move hie. family home peer ....„...---......,..,-......„..„,,,,.. Special line of Ladies' and I Childrens Overstockings at 40 and 500 !Wa-MM.X.. . WR..ROPP.RWIRISWW.f. Men's Heavy Top Boots spread to clear at $.2.t1 Ladies' Fleece Lined Wrap- pers, reg $1 25 to clear at 99 Lndies' Cashmere Hose eheap at 25e to clear at 19e KviWnmpimmemmoommormwoma Ladies' lihnb, Hats reg 10c must clear at 0 for 20 Ladies' A.strachan Capes fully guaranteed reg$17,13.50 CliZegarAWNA00.1.:IMMOIMORM1.1.1.."..... Men's all wool Sox reg 20e pr, 2 for 25e Just a Men's Heavy Serge Suits reg $0.00 to clear at 4,2 Russian Otter Fur Coats, reg $17 to clear at $14.00 lens A.ustralian Dog here until the sumin-.I. G. Stars - bury, cif Exeter. WnS in town Tuesday on businese.-Rev. Acheson, of Kip - occupiei t e pu p!t aa arme e, WlieQh 01000. &woos. REPoreSS-The school report, church on Sunday morning last, and S. S. No. 0. Usboroe for tile Rev Mr. Grant f St o r *nary observer can deny that there is much tenth in the above Itlen,, tioned charge, That a rminber of our boys are ,ening wrong i$ undeniaide; some of them are on the road to ruin and eriniinality ; withocit doubt there is genuine cause I'm. enxiety and alarm in the minds of right-thinking people. J--- nesusually ent, ie store. k see P ' But it ocears to me that merely dis. cussing the situation, or offering res medial euggestions, or bemoaning the fiects, or occasional isolated proteste 1 kinds of Farm Produce fori 110 highest pricee will he paid, P Roses You will find onr eteek te aud possessing maul,' e. ages. Rlissekiele, eierkmg for Afr. i-eiceye • is ill lead to no pernearient. bellerslal * ere. Morrison, our lady. friend Mecca- i rel)urlie;11.sdieslienttheeolideeetteivrme abuteddincielavridnIelsati , { efforts of right-thinking bee, is in Kiekton. this week. -Win. ; citizens and ......--...... Hazelwood got the job of running chopper out of five teriders.-David Hazelwood is able to be around again. the '' paatna.,.,.,t, or those in authoritY, of the ''' hilooxicisurnegliad in entertainment and --The Kirictoltws.:e.enL.ilabial.naKirinktwen: i :Ile:relax; nfogrelemacinie:1,entficl.:enceoue ltdiublserseeaciitizreedd. w• web Ilervaaes tbf, entire& - bolt, Tienda Hunter, Dora, Delbridge • , and inarntarned, the aggregate, latent, tea of selfishness and (SursayilstliTtworkSistrw:!li.ehrtass, ARtolutite,tr,st olVjvilsciolirci on the night of Thursday, Feb 1st"- 1;501*ellifdeckeedgl. v.BM'iit'antad sulectluerlel gttaistiamettigvilet: Isi4:zeniatlionSt°efnePtalle71; t aTriltelfe' aistal ant earnest, LIMY C011elIA. Mabel Sawyer, Charlie Metheellet church here under tile man- Reyivel meetings are being held in the pereptept e0.0peteieinn, it oe. it,y, the affeetieleate tieS WVil bind I caftOundbre0,1t, 4. 111, fluneowsilimeuriall Tan. Cecil ageinent of Rev. John Blill, of .Kirkei ...elm to ine'., LS SIIIIply impossible, erne family circle seem lees stronee. lees saes Jr in soh. Rev, este pheip and Rev. me. &or, a nurpoer of reasons, tt. fen' of red than of old, while. calving toa var. Tr ' Wilfrid Johne, Olive Reetettin. Peossit: Waddell, Elinaville.-The Zion League 1 wtneh I will entmierate. let). of causee, tlie fatuity eireleie often Lewhaielliww:,:itns Frte lah4eyeeeryeinsilotegd laKsti.rkatnona i thIant at Irtz gtlerept ropplaocretlowniorifkipaltrertiststaririee Nifiellyaltileo onk:ns.orTehheisen. ewidthmettliceneuemoen: . . , 0 . nrYsi in the Januery,is au follow; ;--V Ethel God e month of evening, the occa.sion being to raise tonne for the century fund. -DavidAlc- Gill, of Blytie led the service of praise in f'armel 011 SUI1(107 lastois an pplicent for the position•of precentor of the church. Ile is au excellent sin- • and was 1110011 appreciated by the eougregiition.-Miss. Hatten, of Owen (1111. C7 , e. II, Willie 1, eat, Les ie S iere this week renewmg; Worden, WilSOn ; Jr. II. acquaintaneee.-Miss Mary Humison. Victor Sawyer. George Coward, Al- lelic* has been visiting friends St mewl, Hiram ; se, pt. ie. ceteeeee etarye returned home on Monday.- illiners aetie Hooter, Kellett ; Miss °erten. of Parkhill, is visiting Sr. Pt, II, Willie Word, Addie Johns, Mrs. Tilos, Dick. or liax towoshiP.- May Cooper ; Pt, I, Virtla Berryhill, Alma Johns. Arnold Clarke, P. GAUDIN= Tea* rers. E. B. HALLS, t he choir of Carmel Presbyterian Church at the invitation of Mrs. Bald - reg 2.u-0, at 1.75 Will, of Seaforth. formerly organist . here, spent a very pleasant evening at bee home on Thursday evening last,- letfs all wool. Underwear The Farmers' Institute of South Hur- on will ineet here to -day (Thersday.) to clear at 75e each CORS sirs VERY SPECIAL ived and will sell at U REMINAN 490. ()LINTER. Beautiful New Dinner Setts Just Arrived. 1-1,. BISHOP& SO N. Brucefield. Sodom — Bateirs.-Miss Edith Salvers left on BriaErs.-No news Worthy of note ? Friday last, to take charge of a school in Sodom this week excepting the near Wiarton.-Gilhert elcDonalcl,who death of Mrs. Penhale, relict of the has recently returned from Manitoba. late John Penhale. Her death was aceompanied by Mrs. W. McDonald, due to some trouble in her head. She srent last week in our village. Mr. Mc- died on Monday the 20th. This family Donald leaves at once for Mexico, for are having mare than their share of the beneflt of his health, and will trouble as this is the second death spend the winter there; Mrs. W. Mc- , within about nine weeks, her son Donald will return to Lanabton, to the George haying died in November. She home of her parents, where she will 'leaves two sons and two daughters. . , remain for the present -Miss Florence Chrysler has passed her examination at the Toronto Normal School success- fully. -At a special meeting of the ratepayers of S. S. No. 10, Stanley, T. Penfound, of the 2nd coo. of Stanley-, was elected trustee.-etiss Eliza, John- son, of the Hayfield Road, is, we are sorry to state, in very poor health at present, but we all hope for her speedy recovery. -The communion of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed on Sunday, Feb. 11th, in the Presbyterian oh arch. Lion. COLLINS & STANBURY LAW OFFICES, (Money to Loan.) . EXETER, ONT. BRIEFS. -Mr. and Mrs. Fairhall, of Centeelia, called on Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Pherson, on Sunday, -Wm. Brima,- ,combe is calling on friends in this vi- cinity, and intends retgening to the North-west in a few weeks. -Mrs. Mc- Pherson has been confined to the house for some time with a bad abscess. Mrs. Horne is also laid up -with a severe at- tack of rheumatism. -We are sorry to hear 'of the serious illness �f Welling- ton, only son of Thomas Brock. -Mrs. Thomas Hern, returned home lc ar who is married and lives on the 3rd con. Stephen, Fred, Emily and Eva, who reside on the homestead. They bave the sympathy of the coin- nannity in this their sad bereavement. -James Box is improving in health. Cromarty --- Bnmes-The meeting in the intexest of the Century Fund, Friday evening last was poorly attended no doubt ow- ing to a very stormy day and evening but those who were there were wells pleased with the address of Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Hensel]. - Mrs. Artn- streng, of Fullerton, was calling on a few of her old friends onSatnrday last. -Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hamilton spent Sunday amongst friends on the Thames Road. -Hugh McLachlan has gone lo Staffa,where he has secured a job with F. Hambly, blacksmith. -There was a new arrival in the, village Monday morning; mar shoemaker being the proud possessor of a bouncing baby girl. -Miss Lizzie Whyte, of Mitchall, is holidaying in this vicinity., Grand Bend BRIEFS.-Iirs. Rich. Hamilton is at present on the. sick list. We bo pe soon to hear of her recovery, -Mrs. .from a visit among friends in the east, Neelands has returned to her sister, .aud reports spending a pleaeaut time. Mrs. H. Striltb.-H. Bossenberry spent Mrs. It has not visited there for 35 Monday in Forest. -George Walker, Years and says she noticed a great of Exeter, is spending a few days with many changes since she left there. his sister, Mrs. George Down. --Miss Walter Hern also returned from To- L. Young has gone to London. vvhere ronen, where be has been taking a bus- she has sectired a position as milliner iness course. -Our League, on automat in M • ' esa e ouse. --Miss of the severity of, the weather, dicl not Howard, of Blake, was the guest of -Frank Beaver is home again after cake charge of the League meeting at I Mrs. Bossenbery for the past week. having a visit at Berlin and other Kirkton, on Friday night, but will do __mists Allie Moll d • • M-"---------------- In the evening there will be a concert in Coxworth's hall, for which the best local talent has been securech-Miss Maraughton,of Clinton, together with In take chine of the ineetiug, owiog to sineerely anxious regarding the cher- rate. tend to favor preeacity, selfeinfil- the Stormy weather, did /lot come.- eater and welfare of their children. yet eieney, cover-sue:mums% to. rude hold - Fred Alarshell is convalescent. -Mee. it is equally true that a certain ro or ness in too many of the young ernin A. &ethane is seriously ill at present, tion seem perfectly indifferent, vehile , mine. fitting them for Street eilueat ion but, Nve hope for her speedy recovery. others WM to xvinis at and eneonrage In these du•Fs. a hoe' of siX knowS as their children in wrong doing. --The engine and boiler, are now in much as his father ; at ten. name than Phtee In the new SA‘V Mill and we 1114,37 too, are permitted to run the streets iiii re5 IIow many little boys, yes. and girls , hie grandfather. '1 he diffident, polite, H_IlmNellle _miss Etta, Murray, Anderson, is in expect to Set' it running in a few days. . unseemly lunwe tale p.ectful, g.duillelessielionesittbalyi isibe.e the village learning drersonaloug wall w ong leseon, the fiest broad step one, i . now unseen, unlees it lie an artificial I. , coming rapa r ex met. e i us I 14 is over and good winter weather is Tilturs._The annual January thaw Miss Annie Davis. -Urs. (Dr.) Carr re- aole'enseard; IL? Thursday last from Clinton, ' f le "eon. place, we . However, diseossiug the question re one ani all chargeable with a, cer- In tile i 1 I the order of the day. --Fred Legrice is whew she bad been attending the fun - am onaty; inirlifferenee end l'e 1 , sults. It may at least remind many of , may he followed by certain good re- .. , rg a ow. dItyti with hai sister, Keil of bee Mather, Mrs. Campbell.- teretel.'' a, almeaneeailPo to 11.e troubled, : ns that we are not doing one ditty, nor home on Monday last, after spending MISS a Switzer, 3rd line, returned or onseureeee or ()melons. wnere we are ;yet seriously attempting to do our not directIefor personally concerned -- a couple of weeks Nvith her sister, Mrs. practice we repudiate the obligation i while in !duty in this matter. theoretically eve all admit, i an wife. -Mise Herbert, of Bicidulph, A. Thacker, Teeswater. of our brother's keeper, or our broth- ', A PallEeer, is spending a few %seeks with her eis- ... _ , tereras childrefi's keeper -we are content British Seven Mixtures for sale by . to sit ourselves down end w'th f Id ' We learn that Henry Beacom, of the , !lauds enter our feeble protestatioue. O. Lutz, Exeter. Mrs. David Snuth, 10th eon., Elm. Hayfield Line, has received an otter for his farm and may accept. ti TbN rn the third Place- the evil forces, hale- . died on Friday. She had almost eeach- "E. A.cheson, Goderich ' leileriv.• ..,and tendencies, referred to ftbove d ti . h.ippv tee i ed the age a three wore and tenejrnde- met with an accident on F ttrongly entrenches!. are .everpseS- I , __. ' - les I was a ., , ease toiler. 'f which will httniper his en-disiiii-eilts'&1r p o we'r.rui'l afetstils eesqln. reitelztTo'ffIgtrisosinvoei not'JOHN 6. - , . for a while.. He slipped end fell, dis- realize this, some are indifferent, oth- : JOHN HUNTER, locating his shoulder. The County Council on behalf of the ers aro neutral spectators, some desire ; . TOWNSHIP OF s SIV.e\RIZE, merchants of East Huron, have raised , otherssi own discouraged,from 1 "1 have used tor several months the liverise for peddlers. Peddlers are some we heisr an occasional vigorous ! regarded as an injury to legitimate protest, from sone a feeble a protest. !English Stock Food, it keeps the diges- trade and in the end to the community some others no protest wha.tever, and so it goes and so it will continue to go. improvment of young stock is tertain- tive organs healthy ; tile growth and at lerge. ly well marked. I tun sure it pays well The Government of the North-west Again, there appears to be a some - Territories aro making arrangements thing sinister in the spirit of our age stock raisers. to use it and would recommend it to for the shipping the present yeti, of -an abnormal feverish, restless, con - Manufactured by O. UTZ, Exeter, some high bred cattle from Ontario. Meting hurry, push and haste, begot - The first shipment will go in May. Upon application of Chas. J. Jones, chief official, Judge Tuthill, of Chicago, the Independent Order of Foresters of Illinois. The organization has many on Tuesday appointed a, receiver for branches and local chapters. E An association of life insurance un- derwriters was formed at a meeting in the office of the Imperial Life Associa- tion, Toronto, this week. ' The new ,,,,,,,„ essociation is being- organized under .1.11...mudi.., the charter of a, former similar organ- ses . .ARE ...` ization, and is to be known as the One e tario Life Underwriters' Association. The report of the treasurer and aud- Now Arm of the South Heron Agricultural has been in Dakota and Montana the the near future.-- Wm. Tippet who Society show the society to be still in past two years in the photographing a prosperous condition, financially and OVER bnsiness, returned home last week ac- otherwise. During the year about 'eornpa,nied by his cousin of Chicago. $1,000 had been paid out in prizes and The work on the north pier of the _ the year was closed with a surplus of harbor was finished last week -Wo regret very much to make the sad an- over $600 in the treasury. Chloroform as an anaesthetic may 'RANG -ES nouncenaent that the fell destroyer lose its terrors for patient and oper- Death has again visited us and reroov- ator, if the claims made for a newly ed an estimable lady in the person of invented method of administering it Mrs. Thos. Burnside at the early age are borne out by further experiment. The new method, it is said, by means IN DAILY of 33 years. Deceased, had been lil a of a specially devised instrument long time with consumption, brings unconsctousness, without a USE.. Woodham struggle, with a minimum quantity without the usu of the drug used with pure air and ally 'resultant nausea. Three new Senators were appeinted 13urEFs.-A. Knapton and S. Step- by the Ottawa Cabinet Monday. , The henson were home for Sunday last.-- are Hon. Robert Wateoneof Manitoba; Our mill here will be ready to coin- Mr. G. T. Fulford, of Brockville, and mence working. it is expected by the Mr. I. P. B. Casgrain, of lVfontreal. Iasi of this week. The new miller is at Hon. Mr. Watson had served in the present dressing the stones. -- Jas. House of Commons for seven ses- Skvallow is kept busy now. He is mak- sions, representtng Marquette. Mr. . . , ling things fly this frosty .weather —7. Fulford has 1,„iegri an interested specta- The party given by a few of the school tor in matters political foi4many :years, boys at W. Fletcher's an Friday last while Mr. Casgrain is a son of a form - was a decided success. -Our new tetsch er well-known member of the Come er here is getting along nicely. The mans. ' scholars speak; very highly Of her.- figures froni the re - Win. Wynn is ans a,nd around again The following, • ports presented at the anunal meeting after his receet illness. -Ernest Donee of Kirk ton, is back • 'at hie old place of the Huron Presbyterial W M S again clerking at A. J. Ford's. -A. last week, ‘vill .be read with interest : .The sixteen auxiliaries, embrscecl with - Sawyers is around: again. ' He was kicked by a vielmis horse. -J. Shier is in the association, had raised $1,330.12; • , eleven mission bands $320.44, arid kept very bilsy superintending the -whiclewith $50 from the expense fund, Nvork on hie new mill. -The saw mill ,roade the total collections for the Year IS running flow arid large load's of logs $1,708.06. Tire following are the are daily coming in. -The Methodists amounts collected •by the several have , their quarterly meeting at auxiliaries; Blake,$24:08; Blyth,$81.68; 'Cooper's sib uch next Sunday. They Bruaefield. 8118.25 ; . Clinton, . elSe.; have raised over two hundred diallers Egmondville, $139.50; Goctericb, $45(1; on the'TiveptiethCentury Fund. -Mrs, Goderich township,$20.60; Het -mall, 152; J. Copeland is home again from Olin- Kirkton, $53.44;eLeeburn, $23; Londes- ton, where she has been attending the boro and Burns' ,Ch arch '' $83.16; Mate' fimeraltif her brother's wife. --The pro - her cousin, MISS AreNS,UglIt011, of Mau- Ales' "P* Sientnen•-'41es• C°11ins ami leoba is visiting friends in and around son of lexeter, spent a few days at the Hensalle-Miss jean Dick, who is train - parsonage, tlie glieets of Rev. '4Vaddell ing for a nurse in St Catharines, is home spending a. short vacation. -A clueing match wes played here a few , - amas Heywood, J. A. rigs ago, between the junior sl Drake, of Striethroy, epeut a few days teams of Seaforth and Henn% result- 0'4" gue4 of S. Andhrw$ he else M- ing in favor of the two lIeneal rinks,- e°,1,,,Ine,f1 ne dtteties ef groomsman at spent the past few days with her sister Miss Mina Hatton, 13. A.. of Forest, "'I' %'('`""I•eg el Ss 'Andrew and Miss Susie Mitchell, of Centralia, on Wed - her rove,. nesdaY evening. -0. Coates is we are Mrs. O. A.. leleDonell, on from Germany, where she ". " pleased to note able to be around again bas been after his severe illness of several weeks. travelling. -J. A.. Kruger, merchant tailor, has decided to give up business -Mr. Halls of Toronto, spent a few here. He intends going west -Miss days with his cousins, the Halls Bros. Hannab Ortwein left here this week -sire. Brimacornbe and daughter are for Seaforth, to assist in her father's spending a few days at her daughters, Mrs. Lei Andrew, of Exeter. -Miss stoic'. -The friends of R. j. Twitchell, who has been seriously ill, will be Stetton is visiting her grandmother here, Mrs. Statton. pleased to learn that he is improving ' nicely. --Tho anniversary of Burns — was celebrated here by ri, sup- Hayfield per at the Commercial Hotel. Some sixty persons were pre- BREHM-Mrs. F. .A. Edwards is sent, and all report a pleasant time.- visititig friends in Kincardine at pres- Miss Jessie R. McLean has gone to ent-Miss Allie Green is visiting at Wingham to spend a month with Miss Harriston this week. -The C. 0, F. Nellie Ross, of that town,- misses are holding a grand oyster supper and Miller arid Ramsay, of Exeter, sPent ball on Tuesday eve, the Oth of Feb.. a few days with Mrs. R. Patterson, jr. when a big time is expected. -Miss Messrs. T. J. Berry and Owen Geiger Lilly ' mein is visiting Miss Torrance of Hinsall, :have sold the well-known at Porter's Hill this week.-.Tanies stallion "'Kilburn" to Joseph Kaiser, Donaldson, of Wroxeter, is visiting of Anita, Iowa. This horse is corning his parents here at present -Reports seven years Old; he was imported to have it the electric lights are to start this country from England by T. X. again; let it be soon. -Miss Rathwell Berry and James Bell, of Hensall, at moved in sir. Whidden's residence three years old. He WAS bred in Lin- last, week. -The Presbytetia,n congre- colnshire, England. His weight is 2._ gation are bolding a tedsmeetin in th 050 pounds. The price paid svas ex- actly P,000. Although we greatly re- gret "Kilburn's" departure from Huron, we wish Mr. Kaiser every suc- cess with hirn. . Robert Bell, of the Seaforth foundry removed his family from Hensel' to Seaforth, on Wednesday. They occupy the Armitage residence in the north ward. J. W. Ortwein, of Hensall has leased the McCaughey residence Sea - forth and has removed his family thereto from Heusall. Mr. Ortwein intends erecting a residence for himself there next spring. Dashwood Burees.---Charlie Fritz was in town •on Sunday. -Miss Fanny Snell, of Hen- sel!, is home on a visit. -Peter La- mont, of Zurich, was in town last $a- turday. Peter is busy buying cattle. -0. W, Snell the photographer is do- ing a rushing business. All people who desire to see good photos call at the gallery.- Miss Clara, Beaverof the 141h concession, is visiting in town.-' Revival 'meeting are still in progress. so in the near fututre.--Da Hall got, a severe shaking up one morning last week. He got kicked out of the stable by one of Batten's horses, but for- tunately no bones were broken, he re- ceiving only a bad kick on the leg. - William Brock's driving mare, .Fern - leaf, got badly kicked by one of his other horses on Monday night, but un- der the treatment of Dr. Carr is likely to recover. -Mrs. Hoene has suffered a relapse since writing the above. Stavely memorial Hall of Clinton will be formally opened on February lst Edward St. George has been asquit- ted at Ottawa of the charge of attempt- ing to poison his family. Proprietors of the Hamilton Specta- -tor and Ottawa citizen are said to have pnrchased the 'Winnipeg Telegram. his speedy driver to Charlie Schroeder. s t is s id that James Hooper will quit. 11 ly r cetve the apponatriseet of s,e6-The Misses Ida and Lat0a Goetz and 11annale Seeker have gone to visit ,Qbeen'seprinter for Manitoba ender g' Try Dix Little Liver Pills, sold by C. fjiendsin New Hamberg.--J. W Nors- ithe Government. CLutz. worthy is on the sick list this week. nt,. this pleces.-Jacob Holtzman, of Crediton, week in Parkhill and Beinsless.--John wae in town on Wednesday.- Mrs. Welsh has sold out his fishing business Chris. Kibler, of North Dakota, is the to C. Badore, of Point Edward. We guest of Mrs. Weurtz.-s1:1, Willeet are sorry to have Mr. Welshleave us, shipped a car load of hogs this week. - as he was an energetic young naan and Edward Hagen, of Zurich, was in town held in the highest esteem by 'Ills on Saturday.- Philip Sipple was in many friends here. -W. H. Barrett town last iveek.--Thos 13erry, of Hen- epent Sunday with friends here --Al' Wiley, of Michigan, is at present the guest of Miss Lillie Brenner and Miss Allie l3ossenberry.--Quite a number of our young people attended the oyster supper given by the K.O.T.M. lodge at Greenway. -It is very plain to see what state of mind the Dashwood cor- respondent, is in, in regards to football matters. He first ,blateed the cap - tai II. of the I3end team for publishing the items in regard to their team. Now he says it is A. M. Now it is neither of them. Guess again, Oscar, then if you can't guess this thne,youhacl better sell, wits pnrchitsing horses around this vicinity.-- Fred inert sold a team of horses for a handsome epee of $210, else Henry Willert sold a team for $200. -Wm. Pfaff has purchased tbe farm formerly owned by Wm. Harris, east of town.-- The police law makes quite a ,-eilarige iti the line of 100,000 chester, $17.70 ; Sea:forth, 5264.30 ; clearing sideivalks.-Miss Leah Young gram of the third convention of the Smith's !fill, $27.80; -Thames Road, of Crediton, was the, guest of Miss London Conference Epworth League $96.50; Varna, $44.90. Egmonclville Solona, Tiernan on Sa,turelay and see_ which is to bie held in the Central auxiliitay has the Miler of giving the day lasts -A.' P. Shettler, of Exeter, Methodist Church, Stratford is no ' was un et the parental roof on Sunday out. --Miss Annie Ford is visiting her I ast.-Jacob Kellerma,n bee disposed of brothers, Dr. Ford, in-Thoreelale, and largest amount per member in the Presbytery. The following amounts were contrilmted by the se,eeraf tine - :Siert bands; Bayfield, $6; Brucefield, $23.63; Clinton, $33; Exeter, $42; Gode- rich, $76.37; Hensel', $30.04; Iippen, $60.; Seafortli, $24.50; 'Thames Road, 28.50; Varna, $3.90. " r Richard l'I'orde in Petrolea. Use Turkish Salp Food for the hai it is the best preparation offered to the public. Sold by C. Lutz. eeFeeses, THE Ant aiiimmomma. MORE HAP AR-: MADE EVERY YEAR than all others Combined. THOU HT We are very desirous of lessening our stock of STOVES AND RANGES and td do so we will for the remainder -of this month, make prices .on these goods which will sell them, Buck's Stoves and Ranges are the best-dori't buy a just as 'good. SKAT HOCKEY STIX AND PUCKS The balance of our Stock will be cleared out a cost. J. HEAMAN. door north of R Pickard Co's Store, -EXETE 0