HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-1-25, Page 8TEWPiRT THE ONE AWE STORE Cash or Produce STOCKTAKINC SALE Our great Stock Taking sale is now on and every department contains money saving bargains for money saving buyers, Our big stack *must be reduced and Iow prices has got to be the lever, while our trade increased las ye it was in the lighter class goods owing to the mild weather before Christmas. Our sales of small fears has been the largest we ever experienced. We have several men's fur coats and ladies' fur Jackets and fur capes which if you have a iur thought will pay you to see what we are offering, Mein. s Australian Coon Coats, strongIt is not often that you can bu hides and guaranted excellent wearers,goods at. half -.rice, buthat's Just Best fur"ucoat value we ever offered,' hat we have in a 'line of Dress Goods. Regular price� 517, clearing at $10 50. Twenty pieces Fancy Dress Goods, Three Terns Extra. Choice Coon regular price 30 ets, clearingat 15 cts, Cat**, heavy fur and very dark. Reg -Make iyour business to sethis bar - later value 810, clearing at $30. gain. One Lady's Choice Coon Jacket, a beautiful and serviceable coat, Blearing Best Military Flannel, 2s inches at $ia, wide, regular value 37ae, Blearing at Two Ladies'Fine Astrachan Jackets. -5 cents. Regular value $2.5, clearing at $18, Three Ladies' Choice Astrachan Heavy Tweed for boys• wear, clear - 4., Ja'kets, Ilocharan selected skins, best rag atm cents. dye and finish. Regular 83.50, clear- Twenty pieces Heavy Grey Cotton, } tug at}$25. the quality you pay 11 to tete for. clear - Luna,' Choice Astrasbaau Capes, ex-: ing at 5 cents. tra good value at 815 00, clearing at n PI Three hundred ends of Caarpet,1 yd Finest gtnaalitp ton ice.' ea es hest to Ia yds long- &fake+ fine mats ar lining, •30 irrebes long, choleest clone, bedroom carpet. Regular 2:► to 3a ets extra value at 810, clearing at $10, per yard, clearing at l..;e per yard. Wen's and Ladiee' Beaverized•Opos Boys' Reefer Overcoats, fine napp *um tsps, the kind you always pay cloth, tweed lined, anchor buttons. 82.73 ;(r,el 83 for, clearing at $1:90. Regular 82,90, clearing oat 82,25. An Overcoat Chance. Il Baur Men's and Boy's Overcoats, about 200to ehoose frog will be cleared out at a straight discount of 25 per cent, $5 coa .75 ; $6 coats for 4.5o ; $8 coats for 6 ; $ to coats 7. so. Ct\LL AND LOOK THROUGH OUR STOCK. tot necessary to buy. 1TJ31; dd Block ON Thu, Fr fia.U1 Sat,l. This week we will offer to balance of our stock o Fancy Goods bought the wholesale trade special. prices. Our regular customers and°these and the sons and daughters of 'those o habeen our pat - ns for the last 35 years are invited to take the benefit C:f this sale. A Large Stock of Toys cti A T,A T Ed. Dignan left. lust week fur Ay where be has secured a situation with a blacksmith of that place, Miss Jane Gould has aeturned from Pontiac and Detroit,, where she seem a month visiting her sisters. George Manson has leased the va- cant store owned by D, wood,and will occupy it after lliarch 1st. Miss Lille Rollius left. Saturday last for Rochester, Mich„ where she re- sumes her position as saleslady in her brothers store, Cornelius Cronin, of the 2Ist conces- sion of Stephen, died December 2ttlt, 1800, aged J -t years, He was an old and respected resident and lett his family well provided for. The'undertakers of the town have been notified by the various casketand tweeted supply- ivanufaeturers of On- tario, that as a, result of the recent ad- vance in the price -of stock, they have beeu forced to increase. the price of funeral supplies about twenty-five per cent. The firm of Seale & Hoover, of Clin- ton iliarble Works, has been dissolved by mutual consent, and alae business will be continued by J, B. Hoover. Next fall Mr, Seale expects to take the superintendency of a couple of farms near Ciatndeboye, belonging to a relit - ion of his. Miss McKay, of Dungannon, who is visiting her brother, Wm. McKay, rincipal of Hensen school, and who lied previously been making home with her uneld in Blyth, received word :reek. that in the lire in that vil- .she had lost all her eifer:te, includ• a good bicycle. e Paisley News said that a, young holding a ahecond class certiticate upht all last year for $175. A short xie ago the trustees gave him notice at unless be would accept $150 per int, and in addition, do all tine duties of a caretaker andjanitor his erviees would not he required for the sing year Easter comes this year ,April 15. and Lent couuuences Feb. 29. The date for Easter is unusually late this year, and in fact is within one week of the West possible date for the feast, The eating of the date is by menus of the Paschal moon, and on' this account it impessible for it to coma earlier For l arrie�Y '$ Licenses, tliAu March 21 or later than April 2a. g It is becoming more and more diftl- ticdciiiixsg Ri i7igs, It for the stores that buy and sell on credit to compete with cash stores. Watches, Clocks: ;i#buy of those in the country who Jewelry, iraave accounts with credit storespar- spectunest Etre choose Iron( stores that do business calm ON only for cash, and in this way some of R. HICKSthe credit stores are losing the creams e►f their patronage. h Repairing at Specialty: We publish below the names of those from this section who were entitled to. Freda Down, at Ceutralia, and have received the Fenian Raid nig friends in town. !Vedette—F. C. ..4.bhott, J. Bawden, 0. visiting Miss 'Vera, Hawkshaar. Lucen ; R. Thompson, J. Ilodgine, W. D. Neil. R. Neil, J. Neil, R. McLean, Williams, Cle.ndeboye ; O. Selvedge, lady iMiss Oliver, of Loudon, is at pressn visiting ber mother ere. Miss Gertie Laidlaw, of Seaforth, ie Dr: and Mrs. Rivers, of Crediton, X. • Marys; John. Anderson. Anderson; Hod - called on friends in tarn on Monday. gips, s, Hnnsel I'zarkhill ; ob, R. ISea- fins, Fiensall ; J. S. Roberts, Sea, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Yellow have re- forth. turned from a pleasant visit with The Registrar -General is preparing friends in Alma. The • report of births, marriages and Mr. and Mrs. Pater Gowanie, Exeter, deaths. The birth rate has been found visited the fornter's mother, Mrs. Gow- to be about the sante as that of past ans, St. Marys, last weak, W. H. Moneur has been engaged by the Guelph Carriage Top & Hardware Co, to travel over this Western sec cel tion. el Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Howard and Q7 daughter Alice, of Exeter, visited the for(uer's ter, Mrs. A. Smith, of St. Marys l4 reek. J e G RIG Gi OS A. W. Ianrpbell, Provincial Road EXETER. g Instructor, is arranging for a series of meetings to be held in Huron county 53 esz ..fl ist3S3yia:A duriug February. The dates and places of meeting will be announced. later. ,,,,,.- w INSURANCE. RNESP .61LLIOT, Albert Francis Roberti yi, son of W. R. Robertson, of a fierich, and broth- • er of„ Al,;ies� obertson, teacher in 4ge'ft ar ane ”. s s , ar co .t Exeter Public School, died on San 18, ;•,,rsr, of Toronto; also for the 1's eerx Feta in his 20th year. Miss Robertson at- rsrTR,Sea$ COMPANY, of. London, England.; tended the funeral, he IiLLTA� cE INSURANCE CoacrfA* T, of Eng and, The ease of Gardiner „•,,, __ _— ys. Ross has been settled by the parties out of court. TUR aDAY, J"ANTUARY 25th, • 1900 This case was to be tried before Judge Masson on Tuesday next. Meredith ' 11Y��i1 �'t & Co., London, for defendant, Collins LO AL A t'1 N & Stanbury, Exeter, for Plaintiff, Rev. Mr. Hobbs, of Win ham ably y assisted the Rev. R. Milyard at special services now being held in Main street Methodist church, on Monday and Tuesday nights of this week. Not- withstanding the great counter attrac- tion of the Red Cross concert on both evenings there was a large audience Miss Jamieson, of Blyth, is the guest and great interest manifested. of ber friend Miss Edith Sanders. The annual congregational meeting David Willis, of Goderich, visited of the Coven Presbyterian church was his sister, Mrs. S. Powell this week. 1 held on Tuesday eveningwhen the finances of the congreation were found to be in a satisfactory condition. The reports of the different boards and committees showednot only an in- crease in membership and .attendance but a general healthy .advance in all lines of church work. It was decided to paint the Manse and make some ire- provements on the church buildings. The election of officers resulted as fol- lows :-Managers, T. A. Stewart' and Alex, McNevin ; Vice, Messrs. Bawden and McLeod retired ; Treasurer, .Tas Murray ; Secretary, Jos Senior ; Audi- tors, Dr, Amos and J. G. Stanbury. A pleasant social evening was spent at,. the close of the business. Woon• Weenesv.— A quantity of good green cord wood, beach or maple, also block wood. Apply at TIKES Oi,'1ciCE. Miss l rael, of Seaforth, is the guest of Miss Ethel Sweet this week. J. Senior was out of town over Sun- day visiting his father at Blenheim. Mrs. Coupland, of Woodham; was the guest of Mrs. S. Powell, this week. Geo. Bawden, wife and family, are' at, present visiting friends in Alvin- ston.. Miss Myra Pickard, London was the guest of Mrs.. Hurdon while here this. week. Mies Edi Beer M ss Edith B recited,and s,�n., at the Oddfellows concert at Crediton lastweek. John Dearing, of. Michigan, is here again: on business relating to the Mit- chell estate. El. Dyatt of the American Mining Thefollowingofiicers of Exeter lodge Co., of Leadville, visited Mrs. Pople- No. 67, Independent order of Odd-I+'el stone this week. lows were installed into their'offices Rev.,, Mr, Grant, of. St. Marys, will by S. A. Popleston P. D. D. Bro. R. preach in the Presbyterian church on N. Rowe N. G. ; N H Cobbledick V G ; the evening, of Felt. 'eth, A E Fuke .i' 8; WH Trott Tress ; Geo Jewell War ; A Hastings Con ; H W, Rawkshaw, jr, of St. Marys,will Lambrook RS N G • Geo neama,n L S. future travel for G. Kelly & Co., N G1-; t�V• Jobns R �S 5 ; Geo Brooks cigar rnanufactureres,•London. Chap. (treat financial success has Miss Jennie Westaway, of Hensel), crowned the - efforts of ;;the society as the .guest of her sister, Mrs. A. throughout the past term despite the Ford, the forepart ot_this week. ver' heavy amounts of, sick benefits, Miss ussie Hollandleaves to-(nor'paid out the Treasurer.'This see Mi C�by ow (Friday) for Galt, where she will ciety' is very strong in finances and. isif -relatives, prior to going:' to Toron- bids great advantages to"ell those to seeking its ranks, miss Broom Armstrong, of Orange- The Patriarchs of Eiteter Encamp- daale, Toronto,who has been visiting at merit No, 33, were placed into their Levitt's Fair, returned home last offices by S A Poplestono' D D G P.: eek,, Pat Geo )seaman O P ; W ]FII Trott 8 W ; Hy Lambrook J W;AE Fuke Richard Harris, a 'former 'employee Scribe • E J Spackrnan Trees ; 1 Buck- itlh D: Braund, but now of Manitoba, inghatn Guide ; Rd °rocker e S ; 8 A Visiting friends in town. Rumor Po ieston H P. ys he does not intend to return to p ea'thwest alone. (Additional locals on 5th page.) years, which is yery low. This is ac- counted for by the irregularity of re- ports of births. In a comparison of the registry el births and deaths, it her daughter Mrs. Gladnnaan. iters, Fowler. of Toronto, is visiting was found that of still -horn children Mies C10.111, I?aassiuore, '6f llranres registered a longe majority were not Road, is visiting irienailz in Town. registered as births. The officers have no special inducements to register Moses Gard.iner:itpidichasing calves births, while there can he ro burial in this seetign"for shipment to Iowa, without it licence. This accounts to aaMrs,,Sriritttel Gidley received word large extent for the low birth rate. -' last week of the death of a brother in rile following are the veers elected England. at the .first 'meting of the Public Miss Annie Brooks has returned to S,ee'rroni Board, held iu the Town Hiul, Detroit, after a pleasant visit with her on Wednesday evening last : Chair- mother and friends here. man, P. Frayne; Treasurer, the Cor- poration of the Village of Exeter; Sec- Mrs.1Trs. Jas. Warne, of Peterboro, are retarv, J. Grigg; Representative to the visiting. at J. P. Clarkes.. Public Library Board for a term of We congratulate Dr. Rollins upon three years, Dr. Lutz re-elected. As his election to the e. Rollins of this was the first meeting of the Board Huron County. This is a position the for the present year, apart from theti nomination of the different committees doctor can ably 811. r claimed the attention of those who were looking anxiously for our offer. Time was seized no other business was done. The reg -,i. Mr. and Mrs. 3. H. Grieve. J. Senior ular monthly meetings of the Board and wife, and F. Wood and wife, are by the forelock and many of our customers availed themselves of the lines mostly needed. will be held in the Town Hall, on the' in Seaforth, to -day attending the wed - third Monday of each month. ding of Mr. Grieve's cousin, Miss Spar - Those who smoke cigarettes should ling, to T. A. Baker, of Sarnia. Our Dress Goods have been eagerly sought for and purchasers have been nany, read and ponder the fallowing: David One day Inst week Alex. Darlin and yet there is a large stock left from which to select. Paris, Hurley, a Ont. bo 19 years y,y old, died from the effects of cigarette gang, while premiere it hapon the farm smoking: His father said the boy of George Bowes, of Hunan pressed 120 bales, weighing from 150 Do not forget that all our woollen goods such as shoulder shawls underclothing, smoked $5 worth of cigarettes a. week. pounds each, in five hours ; this is fast g ° He had shrivelled tip until he looked work, and bard to beat. cardigan Jackets, Cashmere and Worsted hose, and half hose for Men, Women and like an old:mac. His lungs were in a Children bad shape and Ins 'blood very thin. J. W. Broderick has just received a The physician opened the boy's arm ankrupt stock of groceries and and found that the main artery did not •dry goods. The cheap sale will contain a drop of blood. It had all¶ commence to -day (Thursday), and dried tip. The boy's father requested the balance of our boot anti shoe stock e that the case be made public, so that will be offered very cheap, -J. W. it would serve as a warning to other BRODERICK. e boys.We regret to note that 3, G. Jones, `, has made an assignment, for the bene- fit of bis creditors. Mr. Jones last fall h nce of a lifetime if you fail to see our Tweeds,Worsteds engaged extensively in the apple bust- y0i1 Wlll 1[11iSS a C a y i nese, and on account of the fruit not Paoting s, Collars and Neckc�ear. keeping as it usually does, he lost heavily, in some: cases not realizing of the bare barrel. Mr. Jones . she cost Our Boot &Shoe department is well supplied with the celebrated "Tetrault in the thousands.- Mr .Tones : p Pp loss is up, intends again embarking in the mer- • Boot & Shoe Ons. manufacture, they are excellent styles and good stock, comfortable fitters. • g candle business at Winchelsea, andLadies and Gents in the'. above make. will move out there in a few weeks, prices will suit you. We carry both d The R, Pickard Go.1 JatilUtiRv s s 'I ' h rPickard G i Vm"/"!!!!' Icy m _ I dorOW tiodal Straiolit For nrinu Business in this store is alway=s good—good rea- sons for it and good goods is one them. January is us- ually counted as a dull month, but, with us, business has been way above the average, except in stocks , dependent g P upon_ the weather—winter goods and heavy -weights -- most of them should have been out of the store long ago. They would have been but for a backward winter and the interruptons f a satisfying holiday trade. As a bus- iness proposition, they must go --to carry them aver is to lose money—you don't want that,we are of too much use in this community. But go they must and the only way is to give up all idea of making money, open wide the throttle and hurry things straight for spring. Thus influenced, fairly away from the fascination of ten holidays, tt e have shut our eyes to profits for you in every Heavy -weight and Winter Thing in the store in The Dress Goads The Beady -Marie Clothing In mats, Baps, Fars Millinery Buis & Shoes Gloves, Bauntiets, The Salvage of tts �astmes Under l ear prices have been tuned to the pitch of the purse—money tight or not, it's pleasant to have a dollar buy 'most as much *s it will ordinary days of trade --pleasant for you to be sure, and for us, too,—we like to see our customers happy and we really want the goods to go, So, the greatest good cheer is all over the store-- the aftermath of a happy holiday time and we are mak- ing a friend a minute if not a dollar a day. The RGa., M f1L MEIGtiJtNTS .m.....0. t4?t?tiitgttttti'ti7tttttttttatirtitttiitiltttttt?tttttt neat Gut in 3 FIJRS We are bound to clear out the balance of our Furs and here is how we are going to do it. 44014411144114114$41404440+141.14411,61411.1440440 • 2only, men's Gait skin coats, reg 17 00, now 15 00 2 II II African Buffalo Coats 22 00, now 19 50 2 „ y Btk Bul ariau dog a `. 22 00, now 10 50 21 ladies blk Astrachan Coats II 22 50, now 19 5/0� U _ II II II II p .25 00, new 21 00 2 e e a a a u 30 00, now '4�'? 00 1 a Mountain Bear Cape « 800, now (1 50 1 II II U II 4 9 00 now 750 1 I, ladies' blk astrachan cape u 17 00,.now 1. 50 1 dark gray goat robe a 8 00, now 7 00 2 II I' 4 .b II ' 8 50, now 7. 50 All ladies' and Men's Fur Gaunlets 10% ofh AR Fur Caps 10% off., All Fur Mutts 20% off. All Fur Rubs 20 to 30;';: off. All Ladies' Mantles 23 otr. 4414.11.444444464444,444444414,0440. 6 661— HIGHEST PRICE FOR. PRODUCE . Butter 17, Eggs 17, Tallaw 5e, Lard 9; Turkeys Sc, - Geese 7; Ducks 7h, Chicken 5c, CARL ING BIROS On Jan. 4, Joseph Lockhart, oue of he pioneer settlers of the township of. lWallace, Passed away in the 72nd year l of his age. An old resident of Watllnce and of fiat section of the country died iu Lis- owel on the filth Inst , in the person of teary Markle, in the 78th year of his 6ge, The old gentleman bad been l very feeble of .late years, and his j death bad been expected for some- time. �ll�1174�.t9;RfiERE l i-JMeR YARD (AST SIDE MAIN STREET. (OPPOSITii PIANISM MILL.) a 00 a' -60 ,..,,„ -ate ROGERIES OU t, and PROVISIONS Fresh New aild Cheap At our House, We shall hereafter offer a We have in stock dressed and matched special bargain every Thurs_ Siding, Flooring & ceiling ;day, la'1'iclay 9,11(1 Saturday, Chani cd every wee c. , �' a on hand. A large steak of r=leaned currants for ..50e. also dressed pine 1 l .1•r and 2 inches. This week 1'� e are ofTring Sltinl les, lath and ceder posts nlway4 ;1 sof fine raisins andlbs barn luber just arrived. ` CALL and EXAMINE. JAS,. WILLIS, PROP. ! 5 Trev k Cotinued Appreciation We announced last week that our clearing sale must soon close. That our stock was the property of those seeking where best to spend their hard earned money, A. pleasant event took place at the home of David Oliver, Avonbrook, on Jan. 10th, when bis daughter Bell, was married to J. 0. Bell. Dr. Hamilton performed the ceremony in the pres- ence of the near relatives and intimate friends of the contracting parties. The bride was attired in white silk and carried a bouquet. The presents were numerous and valuable, testify- ing to the esteem in which they are held. The bridal party took the even- ing train for. London. Mr. and Mrs. The Royal Templars of. Temperance - entertainment itt G�idle Bell will : make their home to Wxnchel- gave an enterta Ys T FOR'9 sea, where Mr. Ball has the manage- Opera. houseon Wednesday eveningS OURER O I EE ' ment of the creamery. The best wish-:• last; Mac Vincent occupied the chair DON GET es of the community go with them' andmade an ideal ebairman. With hint both. on the platform were ' Revs. Martin O V!! N LAST T WEEK TIIE E ::London Free Press says : -= A. and Browu who .gave. short, inspiring The y very peculiar case was that of Thomasaddresses. Misses Beers and Akanr ., , and Principal Boyd of the Public heard at the< pollee court Sa- sang , p SELLING �•'�'�°,�4�' FAST. a Hatter, p.IGIL.l..1a..1.�1 x.31" ; - School delivered a carefully prepared e turday. Hatter is a bout, Z0 year at ., and our Saloons" En lishman;who had been employed at address on Our boys d injured in which he deplored the evil influences White's foundry. He was mJui.ed i tendingtopervert' Exeter's. coming some time ago,: and since then his tori- duct has been erratic.While t patient rnThe • gun f Sumnier at Tectoria Hospital he acted so badly eFhi@lector® delivered by Rev. m. "Patterson of Oookes church,Toronto Supt.:13.tlfour caused his arrest. The Cotton doctori . ini le ' Opera House on ThursdayUnderwear and �IOttOn hosieryand ll<�lf;ltoSe Amy for the present 'e;allSfx,. you itY' was of .opinion that Hatter was G d y a9 p , i - evening last under .the aus iees.of. the full of devilment, rather than of un en g pthepossession of thesegoods next.Summer at suchprices as wernowrquote you i' shiver, butl. mind. He was discharged from Ladies'Aid o£ Cavell Church -vas at - the sound g n begreat satisfaction then. A large 1 of Ladies'and Gent's fast black footwear hospital and went to board with ` tended by a large diad tapprecaattge ,Well a g � ti� supply ber dri7� Mrs. Campbell, on York street. There audience, a considerable num YIt hats, our Christy Stiffs and soft'' fur felts are o'1'�cLt he p . ,at startlingprice. Soft and hard. felt C y ing _and tha neighbor- ox- - infrom`73ensallb became violent, flourishin a revolg o 0 l I e �nloll and we Ill 1o`v outs 1 To- buts u goods. The tent. subject "From Vr�11ieS. Do not wasteyour time u in county Th��' ver and cantor, and scaringeverybody J Y , y g. y in sight. At the court Saturday, Hat ronto to Belfast via Salt Lake ° City" ter cried like a child when Magistrate was handled in the lecturer's inimit- Love told him he must go to the aey- able, inetruetiye and humorous style. CLA lum. He denied'all knowledge of ed'. An excellent preliminary program was i furnishedb -the. young people of the fending anyone and seems to: tiliinlc� y y ,b p p Johns of (b conspiracy is hatching: against hire.'Vine church assisted by Mies Ida J 4► He was a former resident of Exeter. i itn St. Methodist church.