HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-1-25, Page 4e Molsons Bankl HARTF.RED BY nAnednereern nee; P1 up Cavite. e.e.500,000 Ron Fund e1,625,0Q0 Ileac], °face. Alautregl. waneeeteeenei '11e0e14e, ESQ.. GRRNIIAL etexeeen goney advanced. to good femora ou their own mite with olio or Moro euderser at 7 pee <one per connate Foceter Drench Opee every lawful day trent 10A. m. to 3 84,Tt7RDeeee.,10 a. M. to 1 p. zu. rent, rates ot interest entered ma deposits. OIOICSON rte CieRLINO, N. D. IlleRDON, SOLICITORS. eteenegee. Exeter, Dee. Zee. 'at. calendar for January, 1900. Sneene.vo. ... 7 14 21.22 MONDAY 1 8 15 22 29 To-En:tor' 2 9 lti 23 30 WeintensDeen... 3 10 17 2/ 81 Tseeneretet.... 4 11 18 25 - . . 5 12 19 20 SeMennay..... 6 13 20 27 TSDY JANV4U2Y 27,411, NOTES AND QOlMENTS. Com Tom Greenway was such a deadly enemy to the V. i. R, that he eeeins to have given that corperation everything except the binges on the treaeury atter. The+ordinnry expenditure a the De- latinien for the last fiscal year was 005,590. We never expended So much before. In the last Conservative year tbe tignre was 836,019,132; there is thus increatee of $03S. Besides the ordinary expenditures, there has been aU extraordinary eapital expenditure that is to say, an outlay which is met by borrowed money or out of sine tilos taxation. The Government leeted taxes,tett,$17,749 more than was memory to pity running expenses, gold applied ttus sum, together with $2,317,21S borrowed, to the °capital' Services. Thus the total outlays were $10,elf.te, and the net result is an a1 ton dS3,317,047 to the public debt, t4We shall cut down expensee," said Sir Wilfrid in 1890, oby tour, and Mr. Mills tells late, by live millions of dol- lars." DOMINION BYE-ELEQTIONS 000too 1RERT latter Br.geTED acenaeXageote. --- Berthiervine, Qee., Jao. 18. -Mr. V. eerchttnabault,, notary, was tioneineted ae Liberal candidate to day. He will teet•he opposed, Sherbreolte, (lite., Jan. 18.-S1er, br000ke conney noneinatious for the Dominion. bye -elections vvere e -Hon. jolen McIntosh, Couservative ; A.. Lebaron, Papineauville, Que„,jae.18,-Noentre ations to 611 the Federal seat in Labelle county were held here at n000 to -day. There being no opposition to H. Boar assa, the former member, he was de clared elected by acclamatiou. Stouffvillet Ont., jao. 1S - (Special) -The West Ontario nozoidation meet- ing took place this afternoon at 2p, 111). Sir L. if. Devies and L. Barnett, M.P., for South Qatari°. were preset. There wilt he oo election as Mr. Goold, Liberal, is elected by accieneatioo. Longueuil, Qe., Jau. 18,-Thenomo noxious for Idercheres ancl Chaeable• took place here to -day. Victor Geoff- Idberal. was elected by acclama- ion to succeed his brother, the late 0. V. Geelfrion. Croix, Jan. 18.-Iu Lothiniere tinter. Bozsevert awl Fortin, both berets, were nominated. New York is to have a geeat tunnel to accommodate an underground rapid transit scheme, at a cost of $35,000,000 for construction and $5,000,000 for equipment. A contract has just been let for the tunnel, under which the coutractor guarantees the interest on the whole Lesue of bonds,. plus one per cent. annually, to retire the bonds at the mai of fay years. Thus the pub - lie credit is pledged to provide funds for the construction of the tunnel, which to pay the interest, on its cost out- of its earuinge, and which is to re- vert to the people free of debt at the mad a fifty Ne tie, New York, with all the . h ton of Tammany, has Shoetree lu this case of using dit ibr the public benefit, whit is a marked, contrast to the Canadian habit of nsing the public eredit for the private profit of railway promoters. • • The law has been enforceil against those who bribed on behalf of the Con - sex vative candidate in South Ontario, but in the 'West Elgin case where dep- uter-returning offieers were personated, wheee votes were stolen and other crimes committed in the interests of the candidates of the Liberal party, the criminals were allowed to go tin - punished, and no real effort made to have the law enforced against the of- fenders eotne of whom were Go-ern- inent ftffiia1s. No one will say that the epending of inonev is as bad as the criminal acts practiced in the Liberal cause in West Elgin. Let the Govern- ment move in all these eases. Let it punish Grit and Tory alike, if it is in earritat. The election exposuree in on. John Dryden's case should be owed up, and the West Elgin die - gr ces investigated. But the latter had been made impossible to a large eatent by the tinse that has been al- lowed to elapse by the Government, and the destruction of the ballots -which were the strong evidence. Let the law move, and let it strike all alike. .A. war correspondent in an Amer- ican contemporary in reviewing the present situation of the war and looking into the future asks : "Is it all worth while ?" He sug- gests that England should give up the job as not worth the terrible cost •of pushing it, as Gladstone- did in 1881; that the wisest course, the truest states- manship would be to repeat in 1900 the "sagacious" settlement of the Boer 'ear made by the "peace at any price" government in 1881. 'Peace at any price" in 1881, the short-sighted policy of the greatest of England's home statesmen, is costing the Empire a terrible price mow. When British blood hadto be the purchase price of civil equality for the Briton with the Boer, which Gladstone either did not or wished not to foresee, it would have been comparatively of little cost to have done at the present time. The writer farther Says that "no glory can come to England from success and no etihancernent of power." We are fighting neither for glory or ower;p we are going to conquer the Boers as a matter of necessity; because Jan won t give to John same privileges as Jan enjoys himself, and which John has a right to possese. Whatever the cost • of doing so rnay be is no longer thought of,, The task of settling the South Af- rican difficulty no longer rests with imperial statesman, but with the peo- ple of the Empire, 1.1.1141MM.W....a./.10•0•111,01MMO, very pretty wedding took place on the evening of Dec. 27th last,at the reeidence of Daniel Dorman, 7th COM McGillivray, when his daughter Laura was united im marriage to Albert Pat- ton, of Bidflulele The ceremony was performed by Roo, Mr. Loutts, of Ali - so Ciaig, Winnipeg, Jan, 18.-eSpee1a1le-E, D. ertne. independent Liberal, and A. Puttee, labour, were nomineted day for the Dominion bye -election. The Latest News War this eentury has annihilated 30,000,000 men. The 0. P. R. bas donated 815,000 to. wards the Patriotic Fund. The Grand Trunk has given a like motive. The county of Essex has appropriat- ed 810,000 for a Rouse of Refuge, whielt will he located in Leamington. Winnipeg, Alan., Jan, 10.-(8pecial) Greenway to -day admits his efe forts to aid the V. P. R. and the truth- fulness of the letters, but contends be as working in the interests of the people. Sire. Chas Smith, of dimes, Ohio. writes ; I have used every remedy Ifor *ek, headaehe I could hear of for the past fifteen years, bat Carter's Little iver Pills did me more good than all the rest, By the death of a certain gentleman 85.000 bus been placed at the disposal of the County Connell to go towards the erection and equipment of a hosph tat for Bruce county. There are as many years in a cen- tury as there are cents in a, dollar, and the •number in either case is just 100, and reams of paper and volumes of ar- gument. won't change, the fact or the figures an Iota. Rev, Father Dixon, of rtIngsbridee, Huron ementy, died suddenly. Situday morning on his wav fro:, his house to the church to stet, mass. Dr. Cassidy. who attended*hitn, says the immediate cense was heart trouble. A disgraceful case of post-ollice red tape has been brought to the notice of the Landoll Daily Mali. . soldier on the transport Canada wrote home from St. Vineent. Local stamps were unobtainable, as be xueutioneci on the envelope, and English stamps were useless, yet his people at home had to pay tid. betore tbey were allowed to have the letter. The most complete monthly report of the Provincial Board of Health ever turned out is the one that made its appearance to -day for the month of December. Out of the total popu- lation of the province there have re- ported 90,75 per cent., and 90 per cent of the municipalities turned in figures. The total deaths reached 1,843, as against 1,501 for November. Following is given as the value of farm property in Ontario in 1898: Farm lanibe $532,246,569; buildings, $210,051,390; implements, $52,977,232; live stock, 8103,744,233; total, $923,- 022,420. In 1880 the total value was placed at $982,210,601. Lands went down from 032 to 550 tnillions of dol- lars, although buildings went up from 102 to 210 millions, The will of Father Ohinequy, the famous excommunicated priest, who died in Montreal last year, was filed in Kankakee County Court on Saturday. In the will Father Chiniquy says he dies in the faith of the Presbyterian church. His property he leaves to his wife and daughters, except his library, worth $7,000, which he bequeaths Co his son-in-law, the Rev. Joseph, who is carrying on Father Chiniquy's mis- sionary work in Canada. To each of the three -poorest women in his parish is given 8100. On Friday, William Shore, former member of the Legislature for East Middlesex, was a visitor at the Parlia- ment Buildings. He has just returned frcen the New Ontario district, and has nothing but words of praise for the section of the country which the Gov- ernment intend to have people settle in. "There is room up there for thous- ands of people," said Mr. Shore, "and I don't thiek any person could dostet- ter than settle there." Mr. Shore in- tends to go bimself in the spring. and with him will go a number of Middle- sex people. • A despatch from Winnipeg, Man., dated January 20th, says: As a result of the recent disclosures, Premier Mac- donald will not be opposed in South Winnipeg, and it is probable the Greenway candidate will not. continue the contest in Emerson. It is believed the Liberal party in Manitoba will probably repudiate Greenway and his alliee before it makes an appeal to the electors. Premier Macdonald will re- pudiate Greenway's alleged letters, promising the railways certain conces- sions in t'the matter of taxes, •This morning, at the court house, prelimin- ary objections were filed .by Messrs. Ewart, Wilson and Fisher on behalf of elected members against the peti- tions presented egainst them in three constituencies of Carleton, Birtle and Deloraine Preliminary objections were also filed by Messrs. Tupper, Phippen and Tupper in the cases of Manitou and Rockwood. A notice ap- pears in the Manitoba Gazette, further postponing- the date of meeting of the Legislative Assembly until Match lst. Horan thotintY Notes. Clarloof the Babyloe line, 1 dangerously 111. Dr. J. R. Shannon, of Goderich, died leet Thursday night, front the results of typhoid fever, at the. age of 34, Oar reader will be sorry to hear of the ilipess of ears. R. Hicks, of Eg- • Messrs. Alexander Broadfoot and Thomas Murray, ot Seaforth, are laid lap with typhoid fever. The little baby girl of J. K. Richard- son, Seaforth fell on the floor on Satur- day night and broke her arm, Alexander McMurtin, the past week, while felling trees in his bush was suc- cessful in capturing six woos in a holt low limb of a tree. J. Proudfoot left Goderich last week for Americus, State of Georgia. to enter the insurance business with his brother -hi -law, W. L. Shelton, Josiah Tyermant or Seaforth, has a copy of the Bible 300 years old. It weighs 16 pounds. bee 1;330 pages and centaina 14 books, not M the revised edition. On Monday evening last, the mem- bers of St. John's church, Varna, waited on Rev. Arr. Jetioings, at his home he Bayaeld, and presented hint with a big load of tette. James Sproat, or Tuckersmith, has purebased lay ;Acres or land from his Sister, Ales. J. Ilaya at a good figure, It is alongside of the fifty acres b bought three years ago, and makes a excellent 100-ecre farm, Albert Turner, of Clinton, IS about stating for California, on a prospect- ing trip. His travelling companion will be -.reales Cumminga, of Bowed, ville, four olembell of whose !amity 'e settled to California, All the merchant, burned out by he recent Are in Blyth, have deter. valued to rebuild early in the spring, and intend combining together and building a union brick block. That ia the right kind of epirift to show. William Chapman, of the township of Ray. has a, fine black thorn cane whielt has been banded down from father to son in the Chapman family ever since 1792. Alt', Chapman says it hae attended more fairs in the old country, but to the best of his know- ledge has never cracked any simile. About fifty guests assembled at the comfortable home of Mr. Frank Mote risme, concession 10, McKillop, on Wednesday of last week, to witness the tying of the nuptial bow between his estimable daughter, Miss Maud, and Robert. A. %Telly, hardware merch- ant. of Shelburne. St. James' church, Seaforth, was the scene of two interesting matrimonial events last. week. On Tuesday morn- ing Miss Maggie McQuaid, a Tucker - smith, was united in marriage to P. J. Kelly, a prosperous young farmer, of near Blyth. Ort Wednesday morning, eines Alary arennedy, sister of the Xessrs. Kenuedy, butchers, Seaforth. and Robert King, of Wingleane joined bands in matrimony. While in Buffalo recently J. E. Mc- Douell, of Hensel), called on Bruce El- lis, tt former Ilensail boy. Bruce is now seeretary for the Pan-Aruericam Exhibition of 1001, a, Airy important and well salaried position, Ile was for- merly eaneected with the M. 0. but owing to its amalgamation with N. Y. 0, R., retired from the Road. Theisen people will be pleased to learn of his presperity. Horace Foster, of Clinton, has dis- pnseci of bis photographing business to Mr. Burgess, he e of Winnipeg. For 19 years he has been engaged in his pres- ent business, and has applied hiznself so elosely thereto that he finds it ne- cessary to engage in ;tome other line which is not so confining. He bas ttiken an interest in the Williams Shoe Co., of Brampton, and leaves therefor as soon as he can wind up his affair in Olinton. Last week we mentioned the serious illness of the son of E. Dexter, Con stance. This week we have to chron- icle his death, which took place Thurs- day last, after a severe illness, caused by blood -poisoning. He was the eldest son of Mr. Dexter,and was aged twelve years. It appeers that some time ago his boot in some manner made a slight abrasion of the skin of his heel, which caused little if any anxiety, but later developed into blood -poisoning, result- ing in his death. A Conservative convention to select candidate to contest East Huron, was held at Brussels on Friday after - !loon, Jan. 19th. Two hundred and fifty delegates were present, represent- ing every part of the riding. Officers of the association were elected as fol- lows : James Irwin, President; Jas. J. Bowman, Vice -President; W. F. Van - stone, Secretary; Wm. SmitleeTreas- urer. Stepswere taken to thorougbly organize the riding for the next elec- tion Nominations were then called for a candidate to contest the next election for the House of Commons, and E. L. Dickinson, barrister, of Winghare, was the unanimous choice of the convention, signified. by a stand- ing vote. The annual meeting of the county of Huron medical Association was held in the Town Hall; Clinton, on Wednes- day, the 17th inst. There was rather a small attendance; the chief business was the election of officers for the pres- ent year. Those present were; Dr. Shaw, Clinton; Dr. Dunsmore. Strat- ford; Drs. Stanbury, Palister and Wood, of Bayfield; Dr. Taylor, Gocle- rich; Dr. McCallum, Londesboro; Dr. McKenzie, Monkton; Dr. Michell, Dub- lin; and Dr. Bethune, Seaforth, also Dr. Ross, Auburn. The officers were all elected by acclamation, viz: Dr. Graham, president; Dr. Densmore, vice-president; and Dr, Shaw,secret pay treasurer. Dr. Dunsnsore introduced the subject of functional and inflate- matory conditions of feniale breast, which caused an interesting discussion in which most a the members joined. A vote of thanks was given to De. Densmore for the introduction of the subject. Dr. Graham read an interest- ing paper of the bacteirology of pneu- monia and. showed some microscopical specimens of the saine. Dr. Taylor showecl a girl nine years of age, with a peculiar form of torticollis, caused by the girl being thrown out of a sleigh about five weeks ago and sustaining a peinful fracture of the collar bone, and leaving her with the distortion of meeting then adeourned to meet egain neck and curveture of the spine. The . The Latest News. Perth Pickings Hamilton's Patriotic Fund is about A,ccordiutt to the town elerk, --- 12 s at the call of the president. - Wedueadae Walter H. Nan4ing 'rile wife of the Hon. John Ile t died in the hospital, At Montreal, 011 TiAlelseaxaayntler McNeil, M. P., has sub- scribed $1,000 to the Nation al Patriotie Fund, The mutual ineetleg of the Canediau Press Aesociatiotx will be Iseld. in To- routo on February 8th mid Oth. James Pyle, the great Peerline mak- er, is dead. He was a citizen of New York, though born in Nova Scotia. After faithfully oftleieting at the Presbyterian organ at Mitchell for the past eight years, Jas. Jackson resigned on Stividay last. $50 short o $10,000. births, 20 marriages and 42 deaths is • gg r Made n collection tor the Natioesd Pat- riotic Fend atimeg the Organ Factory employes, Clinton, raising over $58. Colclougle ot the Base Hee, Goclerich township, has sold forty ae- res of his farm to W. Barrett, late of Morris. who purposes coriverting it in- to a fruit and garden farm. Miss Jessie Oliver died at Goderich, last Friday evening, She was a resi- dent of Clinton Iota oumber of yeat'se and ber bright cheerful disposition made for her many lasting friends. The executive Committee of the Wirigham Town Council had consider. able trouble in Ondiug- a compauy to take the lusueance on the life of Dave Lougheed, who went to South Africa. On Vharsday evening lest the friends of Me, and Mrs. John AleCarthy. of Godericli township, met at their home awl presented them with a couple of easy chairs, ns an expression of their esteem and good will, Among those who securea honor standing at, the recent Norma exam- inations, in Ottawa, a.re the lames of 0. A. Tebutt, of Sumnierbill, Oen of Telmoth Goderich toevoship) and R. d, Fair, now of Varna. Airs. McLeod, of Clinton, on Sunday afternoon, as she was returning from • Sunday schotei,slipped on the sidewalk and broke her leg at the thigh, On a previous occasion she had the misfor- tune to break her firm by falling in precisely the same way. For some time Isaac Morley has been employed at the home of W. dackema, Clinton, and WI Thursday looming of blot week be got up, as Osuel, did his chores, awl appeared to be io his gen- eral health, but when called for break- fast be did not respond. Ile was found dead in bed. We are informed that, W. M, Doig threetepsactiop agaittet R. iI, AlcLeao, fees alleged defamation at cheract,er. The parties are both prominent and highly respected residents of Tucker - smith, and the trouble arises over tetements eitid to have been made at a cent public meeting, For some Uwe the wife of Geo. Swal- low, Clinton, has been in delicate health, and, it was known, at least to her many personal acquaintances that her recovery was exceedingly doubtful and yet her demise on Sunday after- noon MS a surmise to many. Consump- tion was the ease of her death, A, boy living about two miles from Winghtuu was giver* 2d cents the other day and sent to town to buy 3' Plugs of McDonald's chewing tobacco. fie arrived in town early in the morn ing idol returned home at dark but without any of the soothing weed. When eel:ea why he did not get the tobacco be replied that he had search- ed all day but. could not find Mr. Mc- Douald's store. Joseph Jacobs, or 'yams., received. a, telegram from his daughter, Mrs. idene petite'', of teepee, Mich, last week, stating that her only child. a boy. of 18 months old, met bis death by an acct. de nt. His mother was washing, and w hile she was bnuging out, the clothes the child went to the etove and his el othing caught on fire. His =earns brought his mother to him, but he was so badly burned that he died in Iwo hours. IVIidcilesex County Notes -- Arthur O'Neill, of Maple Grave, has sold one of his therough-bred cows; the price paid was $250. Adam Neal, of Luca?), is slowly re- vevering from an attack of typhoid fever end pneumonia. The death of ears. John Edwards, a pioneer resident of Lobo township, oc- curred Friday in Uhler, Mich. She was 97 years of age. Mrs. E. Marsha, Taxan, is suffering from a serious attack of blood. poison- ing, caused by a scratch on the Enge e Her many friends wish her a, speedy recovery. His many friends will regret to learn of the serious illness of Eli Hodgins, of the Course), Line, Biddulph, 'who is at present eonfined to bis bed with typhoid fever. Robert Reid, collector of customs at London, died at an early hour Tues- day morning. Deceased had been ill for more than a year. Not long ago be obtained leave of absence from his °facial duties, in order that hemight regain the health that never came. An accident last fall doubtless hastened the end. He was struck by a street car, the wheels passing over one of his feet and rendering amputation of a part of the foot necessary. The Middlesex County Council met Tuesday afternoon to organize for the season. The result, of the contest for the wardenship was a deadlock. The Council is evenly divided politically, and tl3e vote was a straight party one. Messrs. James Muvray (Liberal) and James Bennet (Conservative) were the respective candidates. The Conn- eil quickly adjourned, on the result being announced, andfor the first time in the history of Middlesex tbe high, honor of chief magistrate of the county well be drawn for by lots. The law provides that in the event of a dead- lock the senior representative of the division baying the greater wealth shall have two votes; and that if in such division elections shall have been by acclamation lots shall be drawn to see which representative of said devis- ion shall give the casting vote. American ofliciale who have presided over post office e in country and village stores are up in arms against 1 ee rural mail delivery. The country postmasters exert much power in Uuited States politics ano their hostility to the roral mail dt, livery idea may indefinitel postpone the general extensiOn of that system to the country districts of the -United States. They are organizing to resist the ex- tension of the new system. The free delivery of letters and papers at the farmers gates is admitted to be a con- venience, but the objectors point out that it deprives the rural WiVCS' and daughters of their excuse for visiting the post office store, and is in general an injury to trade and connnerce. Rev. Dr. WiUiani Patrick, of Dun- dee, Scotland, bas accepted the Prin- cipalship of Manitoba (Presbyterian) College, succeeecling the late Doctor King, The Board of Managers of the Oen* teal Presbyterian eluirch, Rarailton, have decided to resign as the easiest way of settling the trouble over the organtst. Must not be confounded with emu - mon carthartic or purgative pills. Carter's Little Liver Pills are entirely unlike them in every respect. One trial will prove their superiority. Alt's, Levi Weaver died on Sunday morning at her residence. Toronto, aged 70. Mrs. Weaver had been ailine for some time. Deceased went to Tot melee from Berlin, Oxtti., about eleven years ago. She leaves a husband and three daughters. The new Tormato directory shows that the city during the past year has inreased iu population by 10,000, and there -are now 261,087 people in the city. There are this year 140 less 'va- cant stores and offices and 432 houses tban last. fa 1809 the number of un. occupied stores and offIces was 405 and the ntimber of houses 1,087. Over itt Chicago the nuiversity there has started a manner of spelling words lie the English language and the new way is not without its advantages. It might he just as well if the new sys- tem was adopted all over. It may not be so new. however, to many Wood- stock people. One change is in the spelling of "proerannue" as "progegim." The Times never welt it any other way. The "me" is certainly superflu- ous. But most of the others are prac- ticallypew, although many of us in our private correspondence have been spelling though as "the," through a "then," etc. Here are some of the other words the' Chicago university has changed ; Catalog (ue). decalog (ue), demagog (ne), pedagog (net, pro- log (ite), sgrutgag(ne), &two (elthough), thoro (thorough), thorofare (thorough. fig, thru (through), thrizont (through- ° WaA.T WE EAT. Is intended to nourish and sustain us, but it must be digested and assimi- latecl, before it can do this. In other words, the nourishment contained itt food must be separated by the diges- tive organs from the waste 'materials and must be carried by the blond to all parts of the body. We believe the reason for the great benefit which so many people derive from Hood's Sae- saparela lies in the fact that this med- icine gives good digestion and makes pure, rich blood. It restores the func- tions of those organs which couvevt fond into nourishment that gives strength to nerves and muscles, It also cures dyspepsia, scrofula, salt rhetun, boils, sores, pimples and erup- tions, catarrh, rheumatism and all dis- eases that have their cwigin in impure blood. Danger signals! Do you take cold with every change in the weather? Does your throat feel raw? And do sharp pains dart through your chest? , Don't you know these are danger signals which point to pneumonia, bronchitis, or consumption itself? If you are ailing and have lost flesh lately, they are certainly danger signals. The question for you to decide is, “Itlave I the vitality to throw off these diseases?" Don't wait to try SCOTT'S EMULSION "as a last re- sort." There is no remedy equal to it for fortifying the system. Prevention is easy. Scott's m ulsion prevents consumption and hosts of other diseases which attack the weak and those 0 with poor blood. e-• SCOTT'S EMULSION is (t) the one standard remedy for Inflamed throats and lungs, far colds, bronchitis and con- . sumption. It is a food media eine of remarkable power. ,A food, because it nourishes the, body; and a medicine, he - Cause it corrects diseased conditions. 5oc., and $1.co, all ciruggists. SCOTT Sr NE, Chentists, Tozoutu. 11111111111t tile record for Mitchell for 1899, Close Bros„ Mitchell, leave for Brit- isix Columbia, next week, where they will stare a. very extensive poultry yard., John Coates, formerly of Mitchell, has sold his farm and property at Ro- Itaonodu,Ititazi.toba, and will shortly return John Dow, of Hibbert, purchaeed Aptrilec teeoafm$3o5f0;tiorse$ from John Fulton, of the boundary, for the handsome "Take time by the forelock," If your blood is out of order, begin take ing Hood's Sarsaparilla At once and prevent serious Thos lefahaffy, Hibbert, has been un- fortunate during the past few weeks, ohnat ou, bilsoeetattre,o valuable horses and Vaostone, jeweller. St. Marys, who has been ernployea with Wm, Andrews for the pesb ten years, 14 lotouwt to stat up a business for himself On Saturdaytat the age of 68 years, after a hong illnees, Janet, wife ot Robert Johnstone, peesed away. She was an old resident of Ribbed, awl highly respected. mos. Alnlherou, brother of Mrs. W. A. Stuart.and who len u )10g, of friends in Mitchell, was married on Monney the tith inst., to Miss Gertrude Gribbert of Norwich, N. Y. Miss ,Annie Fleetford, sister of Robt. Ryan, and who was raised and lived in Mitebell up to ft few years was Qungbsed rania I'S al end. 1147 t1311 ,41toveCo!.,akr.,. A.1011, Mary Bertha, only child of A. B. Williams, formerly of the firm of Thomson Williares, Mitchell, was married in Toronto, on the 10th "to W. 0. Olemes, of Clemes Bros., wholesale fruit merchants, Toronto. Chief Justice Armour. on Saturday leagued° an order comnsittiug Charles E. Telmer, a private banker of Myth, to the jail of Larubton county, for re- fusing to answer questions on an ex - animation as to his finauclal position and the disposal of certain property. Sunday night the gvocery store of E. McLaren, Mitchell, was entered and some eighteen boxes of cigarettes and several pounds of candies carried away A panel In the door at the rear of the shop WAS removed, and then excess was an easy matter. Chief Justice Meredith, Wednesday ruoroingeonfirmed the order for the re- lease from goal of Edward Blair. of Stratford, who has been confined there became of failure to give security for certain coats in au Alimony suit brought against him by his wife Rebec- en. The Perth County Council of 1000 assembled Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Sanderson'wa of Blenshard, s electal warden. The auditors are Messrs, Jones and Johnston, Mr. Leversage was re•anpointed couuty treasureteand Messrs. McPherson & Davidson COUnty solicitors, The dea.th occurred on Saturday last, of Sarah, the wife of Stephen Myers, of the St. Marys woollen mill, aged ( 4 years, after a comparatively abort illness. Deceased was a. sister of John Dutton, of Stanley street, London, and the mother of Mrs. T. J. Crabbe, of the Toronto Star stall, Mr. Win. Pridharn, ex -M, P„ and Reeve 3. L. Russell* of Fullerton, have both been under the doctor's special care recently, the former far over six weeks confined to his room suffering froin sciatic rheumatism, and the lat- ter laid up -within the last few days from the effects of a eevere attack of inflammation of the stomach. In either :case nothing serious is appre- hended at present, though both in ap- pearance show evident traces of theie trouble and confinement. Dr. Burwasb, Chancellor of Victoria. 'University, Toronto, Canada, was stricken with heart trouble on Sunday night at Ann Arbor, Mich., in the midst of his lecture at the First M. E. Church, and was unable to proceed. His illness is not considered danger- ous. eA RBA= AS STURDY AS AN OAK." But what about the blood which the heart must pump at the rate of 70 times a minute ? If the heart is to be sturdy and the nerves strong., this blood must be rich and pure. flood's Sarsaparilla, makes sturdy hearts be- cause it makes good blood. It gives to men and women strength, confi- dence, courage'and endurance. Hood's Pills are non -irritating and the only cathartic to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. LEVITT'S ,FAIR Just opened up a fine lot of toilet sets in latest designs, Ruby, Parisian and Etruria. These are lovely goods. New styles in Pompadour, back and side combs. Fancy braid pins. See our new spiral metal side combs, bone' born and steel tooth a,nd hair brushes. A nice assortment of china bread and butter plates, images, cups, arid sauc- ers, P AlTec setts, salts and celery dip, bon bon trays, decantets, knibes, forks and spoons, school supplies, the patriotic scribbler, Soldiers of the Qbeen, only 5e, Small nickel plated tea kettles, for coal stove, very cheap, FRESH OYSTERS and FRUITS and FINNAN LIADDIE. C Levitt's Fair PARISIAN STE LAUNDRY. $1 E Do e your hair split at the end? Can you pull out a handful by run- ning your fingers through it? , Does it seem dry and ' lifeless? Give your hair a chance. Feed it The roots are not Ovid- they are K ke4.4.K. because they are starved-thaes.all. Th e best a i • t day, ft the stops cures dm- „ akvflys restores co!ar ta (Fray or faded na51" It never fails. (MOM% azxde€.4rtel it t4::f.var; egAirt,,h;ty.' .$04trs Wur„ 3itreb 5t, i9, vann:.3, 3. Dal:. l .t)'8?'s Mar' e.froptett.1. 1 wuqgreattyl^7,‘"i•tell. ThrgracIll sod etonyrebda 4transofisti,ernittil rae1rbalfffs.:::t ha :r:i,111,7:. ugtrondertie." lias4(1.0P.FsSr, April 14, It you do sot obtain all the benefits yen expected from theme of the Itur vigor, write Om Doctor oboan.It. On. .1. C. AYER, Lowen, 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE .PATEPTS THAD DEES tIVIGNIM COPYFOGNTS &C. .A.nyorte ottIng a sketch and description MAT nulekly Ascertain aur opinion free nliother art Invention is probabiypatentabte. Communica- tions strictly conticlentlai. lianClbooken ratents sent free. Oldest agency for ecarIng palmate. ratente taken through Munn & Co. recolTP, tptelatnotice, without charge, in the Scientific ifmerican. A banilaornoy mustreted weekly. Largest rir. culation Of any amanita lournal. Terms, $3 st, Year; our months, $1. Bold by all newsdealer& MUNN0361Broadway, Newyork a cli co. M.5 Si • Washtngtou.11(1. oke. When Doctors Disagree Consult an Optician Nervousness -headaches - sleeplessness and dizziness, often puzzle the best phySicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothing can effect a permanent cures that does not remfove the cause. That is what our scientifically fittecit glasses do. S.• Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, .. AT. . . T. Fitton's Jewelry Store: - Better stop that cough -now with a few doses of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup than let it run on to end perhaps in Bron- chitis, Pneu- monia or Con- sumption. It's a wonderful lung healing remedy that cures the worst kinds of coughs ancicolds when others fail. • „ • Price 25c.'da 50c. -.1-111 dealers.. Or. Woatell's, Norway Pin Syrup. LAXA* Cure constipation, billousnesv, sick headache and dyspepsia. Every LIVER pill Snaranteed perfect and to act without any griping, weakening or PILLSsickening effects 25c, at all di lig - gists,