HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-1-25, Page 2CROSS Pr TUGELA PIVER Boer Positions North Shelled By Howitzers— Enemy Taken, By Surprise—Hills Command- ing the :Drifts Seized By Mounted, Foras, TEBE X;1J:T.B.1{, • TIN( B S despatch 4rom Spearmen's Farm, 'The order proceeded to advise the Natal, says i -Lord Dundonald, natal rateee 'when to aharge, ancl on what ewe - the Mounted Brigade, paehed, sudddit en- 1(t)41,1: tonereeewe the surrender a auy forivard and seized the Springfield bridge. Then, hurrying forward, he Neheok a very strong position. at Zwart- Wiener commanding Potgieter's drift, *jading 'the .Boa totally unprepared It, warned the troops against a tree- cheroue use by the 13oers of the white tiaTte order created enthusiaera, in the *walla The March from Frere to itIount for the Brettab advance. Alice wee veTY tryingelmt the health „A nuof the troops is excellent. „ mber of the enem,y were bath - mg in the river tirhea liord aid' s force appearect , Gen. Lyttleton's brigade was sent to A leadespatch from Natal, says :-Gan. Id the positien. Lyttletotee brigade, with a howitzer The whole British force, with the ex- ba,ttery, croesea the Tugela, river at oeption of a force togarrison at 00.ense Potgieter's drift on Tuesday, Jan. 10. advanced without delay, The water re above the waists of esu ice) tiring ceratormed for Some Gen. 11.talyard'a commaad le now at e and mein The Doers ftred two shots iamo, owl, the attaa was an ufteefaile Springfield. then recaaled their forces to the ere, etet the ueeee evil -cloned to thee treeches. the passage being uninter. eeetter et the smell aoyps at the base t0 the 500A10 8140 017 the river, axid SiX summits were occepiett by 0.31 p.m. *The hill comp:nines a traok of come. the river and tinetsglet the beet over Yesterdan, Wedhesdan, the Eher ituere. The despatch adds that everyone is neat/dent. HEAVY BOMBARDMENT. from Pieternieritzburg, dated Tues- day.; -- "Very beavy artillery firing wits heard yeeterday in the diMetion, of Springfield." BOERS ROUTED. A despatch Leone Itensherg. Cape Coloun, Say $ ;--The Boers title Melee- ing attempted to rush a ttiB held by a eompann a the 'Yorkshires and the New geelanders, hut were reOulseel et the point of the bayonet. The Doers had 21 meet killed, and about 50 wounded. The assault was a daring pieQe a work. The interne' crept up the hill in face of the fire ef the Yorkshires, who were behind a walk The Bo ere used every bit ew.A. possible cover wid.h their characteristic skill. Tney ieearly reached the wall, but when. they itsoleed forward the yorke shires,. who aere only one company of the battalion, and a handful of the New Zeaiatieers. leaped, Qleer the wall and cuerged the Boers with tb.eir bayenete. . The South African Light Eforee de- ruPted. ef the hill. aired tto briag the pont, or ferry beat. The. Britieh advanced ha skirmishing Calf. ..oraltlocks was in commend ot order, aed, the small krajojes oe the the New Zealandere. ' Men tef tliat command iheretere aware Duri4g' the uig,ht it rained heavily. try eaet Xne Main, keSiden Of the tre .ohes a ere vtgoroutly shell? After a a four days, the Brte reeheleed ageeeseteei tue under Lieut. Carlyle. treat of Meant Aace LI.we the Bri tisit advance was resumed, thin. Lyt- aed plain. 11 av,y miste envel tletou^s brigade crossing Potgieter's the h"le, hig• the naval nulls owiezer lea,tery mettle goo x prare drifc zite 4V4ni4g '514/1 iltgding the thoroughly searchi g the trenthee kopjes On the British. right. 0 1 Ors Boer rigli, a breach tier:. Warren's divieion made a left zuacie ia Sandbag er0t3:teent fiesta atteck oxi the enemy. where it is etseetesea Boer guha 4.heee placed. ck'sVata from, Lentiun enYe that The eat.non ide was heavy aud. Geo. Lyttleton, after eressing the ti mous, marl the Boers were °User Tugela, seized with little otpenition a leati :g the trenches in sin pir In eumny turned and fled, felling id•it over ewe another in their hurry to get Wes away. Toe British :netted fire on toped , them at cease range, comieeting their .iewo, lite Boers were compelled to aband- . qn their killed and wounded. weal 'fie Bitise treake were leory steady anti cool, thottaa many of tuera had c had. . never Dern action before. tieneral Erentdia s co.vairy and horse wore.. artadtery have recounottred as far SA ved tile eositiose. oa the herder ext inn the O ' tate. v. $ CANADIANS AT IT. 111.11.11,1..I.:1101811Eit flB.VBRY. LAT.liST ROM ALL MB WQ41) OVER,..: interesting .1t.entoe Abeue• Our Own Country, Great Britain, the 1.1ralted Stateee end All Parts of lize Globe, . ,Condensed and Assorted for Easy Roiling. CANADA, Winuipeg wants another infantry regiment. The Queen's Hotel at Pilot Mound, 3.1ans, Waa damet,ged by fire title morn- ing. Another Brockville maa Ilan been fined el0 and costs for using cancel- led enistag e stamps. 13rithela Co-unehla's offer of a OM - Patty of Incanted scouts for Sonde Africa, laaa been aceepted„ The medals for tho veterans of 1$66-70 are now beiog nrepared for distributlea at Ottawa, Seam:lime, which has just beenstarep- eal out of Kaatouraska, has apnearedia the parielt of St. Germain. Q. Fisheepearban wild be aLawed in Hamilton Bay this winter. but each hat will he taxed $1 as a license fee. The Rank of Montreal has etiechased u has by no means yet been It out. the eld Government P,rinting Berea � t Ottawa, and will extend the ban A. P, Low and, E. /".. Facibault.i o Oita Gemogical Survey. Ottawa, wi have cherge. of Canada's mineral en titbit at Parts. The Ifamilton patriotic fated int reached c.folette,gire animig tho lates entriLatieae being .3.1 from the ire 2douldere' Union- liev. Thomas Geoghegan, who was ea tustated by the Blouse of Bishops a Ottawa, Occupted PU;Pit 01 St. Peters Church, liamilton, west. Ron. David 1.11.e, Minieter of Just ice, saes tho sentence of Williams the murderer of Mr. Varcoe. to bang on Geed Friday, is perfectly legal. The Ottawa Improvements Commis on will epond$44,eddl of the Govern etat's great on a new iron brielg cross the Rideau River at Ottawa, Major Alex. Bertram of Dundee is t ucceed. La. -Col. Gwyn in the coat and tho 77th Batt, Col. Gwyn has otepleted his period er service - Tim Central Fair Co.. at Hamilton aesed a resolution expreseing the ope that the city would again bald maual agricultural exhibitions. Baxter, lierbert, Leraleux and Wel er and Ernest Feliowes, defendants tht. Bauque Ville Alarie eases, have 11 beep committed for trial at Mont- eal. Toronto, Londou, and Hamilton cap- alists have organized a company ;th §:10,0tO, capital to erect a Cern larch factory at either Xiagston r rescott. Chureh, Chicago, wag elected eriedjat, or bishep ot the Epiectipal diocese of Chicago at a special convention called by Bialioet MoLeren. Rev. Mr. Aader- nen is ox year* old, and was born in Canada. A test occerred near Frankfort of a etewly-invented smokeless and noise - lees powder. Tbe inventor claimed his powder poeseesed ten times the explo- sive earl propelling force of oediemry smokeless powder. , The Met Waki not eatiefaciory. At Waski3Ogter4 Geo. A. W. Oreele, Chief Signal Officer of the 'United States Arney, and. the well-knewn Arcs ti ehOlorer. refased admission to his armee to drunken maa, and was thro,wa down, a flight of ateps4 Be 14 in a serious oondition, The Sprtneetield, Missourk divielonef the Anclent Order a Hihernians, wisiob had been solicited by the: nation- al president to cootribute to the fund for the relief of the Doers, decided by an almost ottani/notes vote not to com- ply with the request. GENERAL, The plague has so increased at Ho- uolulie that they have beaux), to burn the infeetea hoases. A deepatch front tho Riviera aa, nouces the death of Mantle Garibalide, a son of the late General Garibaldi. Spotted Tait, the well,known Sioux' cbief, died. of heart disease at Penis the other day. He was 80 years old. The SaPnreSSIOta of the elle japan has, hem eticceseful, lute in low ridges a utile front Potaie- The lull factag the Beare prienione ter's drifc. Gee. -Wairen has forced apeSsa24,3 debp.s.i.en tram eloticen: itiver says,, a$e j4t,4 returned here teeth Be ignore e nerve 44 ne:441.y tliottnied` tovn, wo.en MAde ono of illree rune , shelled x eet. liewitzers were corried aeross the the Tageia. seven raiLos to the lift. during the Aiglit. -, ,iit...,,T1.1.1,0 LAW leltOCLAtallfal naval aims and heNvt,tzerS effee-, • A, u . ; from Cal.h46, 'heeled the Leer Itueldhha froze ' -The mum. of the tieetutation ft Wait near Swart:eat:in. the Cave irregulars raecieg ti 0 i id {Z,Ili e .er et et e Be ihey, Bee b Oen. Wurtn ern'i'''ea Ina ri,,v," -,n): S,her.lieueleer, Frost, and Varr,dr, es further weet. near n'aggc1- lease Cape Porliameat hat been f Arita ii, ties Left of a hot at0.4 heavY thee prorugueki to 3eae ti a IiIirO4trifare"fleti%.Tzetrar ctszlizielle,Quefillaterl. ebtil'eedr%ratiariAlallwreidn :Icialteirgrrieilka.'lla letignee 4 t wo miles further. teNnIrt10 , ji,t ez,,ca dbtri....ts. ti,pree..kop. A. apatelt to the Times from Spear- il ajf dt,Odal'ul1,4t,itt e.ubrtuedu"oixiAllonaren man's Liras, filed at the ounte hear ae of new... freak Lady:math and /daub the D iitY Teit'gralWe de1111ateh• b4Y3 ley. It aineers 11.1 the aseistaure that eleaderal Warren is now eroesing . eeitale; are /calling um lauvira, the river withoht ohhosiiieam thengn , daring that it le based lather on bu ini:es from the river. the Deere are holdieg a posktion, five -, than ratriotism. it also p 'J. Mies a letter reforriotg ler the rit A desnateb to the Exchange Tehl'" . oate4 of the murder, tit woauded d graph Compaey sayd that the dafit- viehee by British trotdpsln the Sella mates in crossing the swollen river and .a,,its it similar imeas wia 41 je were great, 1 he wagons being isere. Ali .1 he k onaueres are oite covered,. caleulated to increase the wettest ef t THE OPPOSING antes, !colonial Ilders, The forces on either side may 'he BOERS , STRONGLY 1.NTRENt. III xougely otaten a& tolt(ws, though from 1 a. iteettatehe iron niteartnau s fe ,, the iiature re: thing e the figurea for ' eacri et, the Boer pesition as tete the Deere can he little more than a i ed by a reconnaissance. The en, gueated.-- . General Buller. Nitre btrongsy untreached on a r en 2.2,ivo infaniry. of. low kopjes ceese to thq r.ver a SAW cavalry. extending fa Ladysmith. Thais t• 2,000 artilleryraen. on main line of defence was at t 70 gun.s. edge of a long plattau, enhich" w General Joubart. fer.itied and flanked by a lofty' h cagled .auennena. The position w 1,500 artillerymen. further strengthened by the 8inuo 60 guns, course of the Tugetta. river, whiell " If thine figures are correct, the t er flowing beneath the precipito Bri,i-la have an advantage m numbers I Slept) of the laoaroyaraa motinta a 7,50o, or more than one-third. But: winds about until it forms ti sort tha mobility of the enemy quite coun- peninsula, over which the Ladysmi tenets this advantage, and puts the road !Junes to the plateau two sides upon an equal footing. BOERS SHELLED WOMEN S LAAGER, A Despatch from. London says --A .. .r.ng was resumed this raornin news agency despatch from Mafeking All's well." nemeses the Boers, who are besieg- A despatch from London sayst ing that town, of shelling the women's The artillery reinforcements 'for Sout laagar with seeming delileration. Africa, which it was announced Six and nine -pounder shells fell into week ago would be sent, wile begi the laager, killing a little girl and in- saieing on Jan. 21. juring VIVO other children. Seventy-two guns, 3,710 ram, an HOWITZERS CREATING HAVOC. 2,210 horses will sail between jazmar 21 and January 27, which ie is belie A. despatch from London says:- ed will be a record performance. The ofilials of the War Mice here are satisieed that the tide has turned PRAISE FOR THE CANADIANS. and that news of a more hopeful A, deseatch from London says :-Th charaoter, from a British point of Standard's special correspondent a view, will hereafter be the rule in- Modder River says today:-"Otez 1 stead of the exception. That the depechez vous " "Say,there, nag er British advance in a north-easterly over," and similar eommands and ex - direction will be fiercely resisted is hortations in England and 'Canadian fully anticipated. The Boer force is French greeted Iny ears at Orange probably superior to the British, and River station while a train was being. the desaatehes show the burghers oc- boarded by the Gordons who were go- cupy strong positions. beg to the front. . The Canadians had While General Warren's force was arrived' the. day before from De Aar, crossing' the Tugela river the Boers and in one day had laid and completed occulied a thickly -wooded plantation a mile and a quarter of railwa.y and a mile north of the river, and sent built a new platform. Railway - several volleys into the advance guard. making under a South:African sun in Th.e British replied. and the artillery December ie no ;play, and the sight of opened on a neighbouring kopje. As( , sons of the north handling the British pushed across the aiver sleepers and rails with the ginatest •the Boers found their -position unworn- despa tell and enthusiasm, working as fortable and retired to the hills, Im- white men seldom, work in South Af- xnediately after the pontoon bridge rica, was an objeet lesson for the was completed the, whole British force thoroughness of spirit and patriotism crossed., • anintating all ranks and sections of The British transport extended see.- the British force now fighting the eral miles, and included probably five Boers, thousand Vehicles. All suspicious . country as far as afount Alice had - PREVIOUS, TO THE BATTLE. been thorou.ahty reconnoitred, and no sign of the enemy Lad been found. A. despatoh from London, Jan. 17, Lord Duadonald's force advanced says ;-"There is no news 'from the rapidly, meeting with, no opposition. front, but heavy firing was heard/ to - The Boers had been at Potgieter's drift the day before the British arriv- day in the direction of Frere. lti is ed. They had had a large camp on the peobable that General Buller is en - opposite hills, but this camp was gaging the enemy. • quickly struck. A buggy with an es- cort, presumably the Boer comrnand- "A rumor is current here that a anii,s. equipage, was seen leaving. the portion of the British force is nenr hills.Ladysmith" General Buller took quarters at a A despatch to the Daily Mail from farm -house belonging to 'Warn/due Pretorius, who had disappeared. Pietermarit zburg, ;dated Tuesday, A, loud explosion was heard on Jam says: 12, and it was subsequently- learned "Therte was very heavy firing in the that the enemy had destroyed a bridge north yesterda,y, 1 beaieve 0.1,, Boers that was in course of construction even miles above Potrieter's (drift. are contesting' General Buller's pass - DULLER TO HIS, MEN. age of the Tugela. Howitzers were Gen. Buller i'sued spirited instruc- • • • evidently busy, as the firing is de - Lions to his foree beginning- scribed as the heaviest yet heard in. " We are going to relieve our com- Natal," rodeo at Ladysmith. There will be no . tit'enitig back." ( The Times publishes the following lvs, UPI; to..414 Imo of °Arco e01)^.: Zriu, jUntline raids auto tee Javoi4sdal, ails- at • er.et vi tue Orakoge Vete State. N'ar- tati4 atatudiee wilt bave bundled full a d.ul et these tianeatiorse, nut 1 shad anal confine melielf to etettitintate and cies- a craitiert. .411 , ' *. If the Iiimedi ate results of the re- c • t connasseaseies been/ inetteTre-ae 081lV d Beene and destruena Out three eten houees, the reselemees et Luube, cora- F ace . mandeut u4 the d.etriet, and his mar- h ean rad wee -the moral result, is believed a the to tie very effeetuve. hue rich and a,. Leautiful country whicli we invaded t ete vitas not new to our troupe. The won- 1 ea. darfuily active Canadians and Austral- a no. ians have already travereeti every foot r • • a it claw and again, causing all arra- an. ed Boers to auanalou tlieurr. Positions. ut Nt w our inceneion has sent Me rest w uy ot the Onhadtitnt4 to follow the armed a he men, at the cost of the abandonment, p of an extensive region. 1 "On Bubingtores march alone we D. saw six or ede, ea empty houses, repre.„ g , senting a 1048 10 th0 republic equal to . II the same number of enormous farms ,e, ; winch ts'e peeutiar to that country, ° e` ned , ai plate whirls we visited, kuown as ltamdam hen for months sent a of ud comma.ido Of 7'0 to Dozwrs from tho ea- • The Czar has forwarded to the re- becOMMiefilen fur earthquake eta- - foyers in the Government ot Tiflis 50e, eoubles, 34,000. The French ateamer Neastrle, from e New York for hi:mei-Iles, with a cargo t of wheat, arrived off itamelona with n her cargo on fire. Cons:derable fear is expressed iu the - German, peese that American automo- biles will invade Germany, ami a duty is is demanded. Three thousand time -expired 6;:a sit eoleliers from the Cuban war ha ffehed their services to Great BOO 11, South Melee. MARKETS OF NE WORLD. PpIeeS of Oralo, Cattle, Cheese. ?ze. Di the Leading Marta Toronto, an. 23.-Sepplies were the heavy for an off day, as nearly SiXt.y earlOads of live Steek. cam* here ineleeling 1,500 hogs, and 000 sheepand lambs. The market for cattle was in Poor shape and prices are weak Seareely any enquiry ter shipping lotaluxttolost receiptsweresinall, and prices Dutcher cattle Was also weak; the local hatchers de not seem. to want much, and, the little they do want is required to be tif good quality, and mach of the cattle here to -day was far frane coming under that designee ion. For good eattle the prices of st Tuesday' mai be called fairly SUS, tabled, but for medium and inferior cattle, the teadeuey is downivard.and the eng,uinY There has been no change siace the early part of the week in quotations for stockers, feeders, export bulls, or milk caws. "Small stuff " was about tukchange ed, or if anything a shade more firna account of light, supplies. Sheep sell, at from 3 to a 1.2o per nd, ambs sell at front 33-4 to 41e2o pee pound, pedt3.41..ekousuatir, worth from 21-4 to 22 --le A tew goo:1 milkers are wanted; they will &ell XO V.4 earth for the right land., time/ veal CalVe% are alfie wanted. Hoge are swede'. For ',rime hogs, staling from We to 2,.0 Ws the to price ;la 45 -de; light and fat-Iliogs are a- ringattg 4 1 -t -c per lb., , ye 1 Detroit, Jan. 23. -Wheat closed Q. white, OW), 071-2c; No. ;1 red. cash, 071-.4o: May, 71e: July, "elli-gc. he Toledo, Jou. elao-Wheai - No. ta cash. 6. ,4-10,, Aday emu - :0 No. 2 -014404, Oatiti•-•SO. ;.ittai%ed, at 24e. .4.ye-No sale. Clover seed t Walser; prime. web. El eo; is Jammu. uew„ $4.73; mateil, e- oii-Uachaugeli, ,ITarket steady for dressed' hogs. and e the receihae keep malty tiberal. Pro - r 1110 -ie wed, mad are firmer- r..,Seleet weights, dress .el hogs, car lots, oil track, deilwereal, sell at and e- at §4.110 to ,e3for heavy; been% car 4 lots, 6 34e; ten lots, 7e; casts lots, 7 1-4e; h backs, 81-2e; short eau pork, heavy Mess. $18.1O4 to fel. Aceordiug to re oda from India, 1. le o itdren star -lug Oren - is becoming common- Over teldelei - people are worklute on Governme 5 relief works. Ciermaurs financial condition a sound, according to the budget pr. - seated In the Lower fIeu,se th Diet on Wednesday. Debts of cave *,.(il,f(lo WO have been diecharged da ing the past ten years, MaI advices from New Britain r. ort the massnere of the captain an crow of fifteen men belonging the British sehooner Nulturaana o New &oath \Vides, while trading am wig the Admiralty Islands. Ord three boys malted, and the native after murdering the sailors inaugu rated a least ashore and .ate thel victims. Authority has been granted for Sur - coo G. S. Ryerson to re- eive a free passage to Cape Town as epreeentattve of the Red Cross So- ety, onah he transport. Laurentian. The George B. Tuckett and. Son Co. Hamilton hies sent about two tons nd a half ot touacco free to the Can - :an contingent, the Donainion Ex- ress Co. carrying it to Halifax for °thing. The Parry Sound General H 1 d the Sault Ste, Marie General g ur oo , who fought us at Bel- ad be mon: and Graspan, or itnelin. Then V as the Northatriptons invited them in a ma: actioa, They will ne.ter again es 18,000 mounted, infantry. o. centrate Berndt= to enjey their an nspital have been placed on the list us homes or work their tams thl the end of the war. 01 .'T SENDIZelfe IROOPS, Pr of ' Wa.r Office has wire I to coutermand , 01, the depute are from Egypt of Its unab an us A. despateh from Loadon Says: -Tb an institutions entitled to aid from the ovincial appropriations for hospitals d oharitiee. A deepateh to the Telegraph, date Spearmen's farm, Jan. 18, ttas:-' howitzer battery borallarded the 130 lines occasionally during tlte flgh " of ofireere Vih0 were previously order,. d ed to South Africa. er A The Daily Chroniele, comraenting upon this, and upon other news relat- t. sags:— g, ,• "There are some curious reports in pr eireu3atiore-apparerre1y with some ay.- ua, - thority 'behind them -which point to of the etoppage of the despatch of fur- th a I her reinforcements when the troops n now mobilized shalt he embarked. The new cavalry brigade is not to d leave Eugland at present" y Seventeen more /swine battalions ea will be, mobilized in dhe coaxes of a fortnight. Ail the regulars are now out of the country except, fourteen infantry battalions and eleven cavalry e battalions. The War Office hadeplac- ed an order for 4000,000 cartridges a in oases. The Yeomanry Committee announces that it has accepted 3,000 out af the 10,- 0W:winch it wiehes to raisei has 20,00u applicants tor be examined. The Daily Chronicle asserts' that the committee was.g,oaded into thin' state- ment by the reports that there was no hope of getting. the full nuiraber. , FOR KRUGER'S ESCAPE. A, despatch. from London, says: -In conneotion with the arrival, of Presi- dent Kruger's son-in-law, Eloff, at Lorenzo Margee,s, aboard, as is alleg- ea, a German warship, a teleg,ram from Durban says that his purpose is to ar- range for President Kruger's escape to German) Daraaraland in the event of Pretoria being captured, An old friend ot 'Kruger's,. a man named alerriksen, . is settled. there, and it is believed that the Germans will heln the Presidett to escape as they did the Sultan of Manziban, Leander Kimball, found guilty ot ving dynamite in Ids possession for unlawful purpose and shown to be an associate of burglars, was sen- tenced by Chief Justice 'Meredith to seven years in the Penitentiary. The Imperial Government has a.p- oved of the appointment of gradu- te.s from the Royal Military College Canada to the unattached list for a Iadian.Steff Corps to be continued SHOT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD. llaggage Master Marie!, of Windsor Station, Montreal, Sitlelties. A depatch from .Mantreal says: - There was a tragic occurrence at the Windsor street station of the Cana- dian Pacific. Railway Company about 10 o'clock to -night. Napoleon Martel, the C. 13. R., baggag,e,master, went doWn into the, basement of the station, and, pulling a revolver, shot himself through the brain, The unfortunate man, who had a good position and some means, had beau in poor health, and it was noliced that lie had beconie very morose.,The deceased SVCL9 El b011t 'r) years of age, and had been in the 'employ of 'the IC, P. R. for many years. , Smoked meats-hiams, heavy, 10 1.2e; melanin, lle; light, 11 1-2e; breakfast 4 bacon, 11 to 12e; Weide bailie, 8e1 rea, batten, /3 1.2e; sineked backs, lio. ted r meats out of plekle le lees than prices (meted for smoked meats,. Lard-Tiercee. 3 -le; tubs, 7e; paile, 11 -le; compelled. 51-2 to 5-4o. Chicago, Jan. O. -Wheat -The nuall deoiltie in the Liverpool market, a compared with the break here yestere rimy, gave tele market a firm start at 3 -ti to 1-2c, over yesterday. Commiselots houses were good buyers the first d hour, itad the pressure or liquidation DISASTROUS DAWSON FIRE, A Large portion e' the menaces 8eetten swept Away. A despateh, from Vietoria, says: -A la Dawson City was burned laat Wed nesday night. t•The, losses exceed hal me part of the business portion o Wits Oat of the way. North-Western receipts lighter, ;i31 ears, against 3f0 4 1 a million dollars, according to a brie desaatch received at Skaguay late on ettnesday night last. The steamer Fara don brought the news to Sittigaay before the details were received. Muth suffering must have followed the fire, as the temperetare at Dawson was 40 degrees below zero, with the wind blowing to make .mattere worse. The city bad been entirely Without Rs re.. getter water supply for two weeks. The city mains, having hurriedly berm put in two, years ago, were worn, out in places, Irx consequence the pumping plea was shut down about Christmas, leaving the city dependent upon its old method of hauling water from the t Yukon River Between December 1 and . . eg eea eres oc.urred in Dawson, being caused by overheated flues. dnesday night's fire was stated to ander control when the steamer under existing conditions after june.1"311 1,900. 1We Miss A.. Drummond of Kingston has be left Sk been appointed Lady Superintendent for the Perley Rome for Incurables, Ottawa. She takes the place of Miss Hurcomih who is going in charge of the nursing corpe for the second con- tingent. An agreement has been arrived at between the Grand Trunk Ry. and the Canadian Pacific Ry. for 'the abolition of the differential rate on sugar. The effect of this arrangement will be to greatly aid the Canadian refiners in competing with those of the United States. GREAT BRITAIN. Lady Alice Montagu, sister on the Duke of Manchester, is dead at Daves- Feltz, Switzerland. Influenzix is spreading throughout England. The royal household at ,Oe - borne, Isle, of Wight, has not escaped. The new United States cruiser Al- bany, built at New.castle; Eng., has passed, a successful speed and general efficiency test. , Lord Mountstephen has postponed his visit to Canada,. -owing to 'the ill- ness of Lady Mauntstepli.en, The con- dition ,or Lord Stratlacona, is, improv- ing, La,dy Strathcona is still A Dublin correspondent says Major John McBride, the organizer ot the Transvaal Irish Brigade, wilt be a candidate for the seat in. the House of Commons fox South Mayo, vacated by Mr, Devitt, andprobably will inet be, opposed. T.PNITED STATES. Buffalo business men want the Erie Canal improved, to compete -with the enlarged Canadian canals. Alfred E. Burr,.editor of the Hart- ford Times, and the oldest editor in the -United States, is dead at liartfOrd. The. British Consul, at New Orleans has expressed, in an interview, strong condemnation of the pro-13oer speeches of Senator Mason and others., The _Public school at Milan, Mich., was burned, with a eleten library. Threallundred pupils lost their outer elothing and. two girls were terribly burned. The building was worth Rev. Charles H. Anderson of Grace SWALLOWED 128 PINS, operation on a museum Freak Surprises rhYsicians. Newt York, Jan. 15. -John Sestet, the man who is notorious for being able to swallow pins, nails, taoks,, brass . claains, and other hardware, has just undergone successfully an operation at St. John's hospital, Brooklyn, and the following articles were removed from his stomach: Two horseshoe nails, two two -and -a. - half inch nails, 128 common pins, six hair pins, two latch keys, a ring with a stone in the setting, and three chains -one brass and two nickel. When Sasel rec.overed from the anaes- thetic he asked what had been fished out, Be says he quit the museum busi- ness December 16 last, and that up,to that time he neVer had any trouble. This tinue, however, the articles got tangled up in ft ball and the cbains held them. , Chae Of the physicians said that from what he had learned there must be a large number of pins scattered through Sasel's intestines, and declared it- was the most remarkable case he 'had ever heard of. ' SHE TRIED SUICIDE. Emma l'arey ilt'ade an Attempt to Ilnd itei. tire, }mut railed. A despatch from .Tioro'nto, says:-- E,nama Carey a woman living all 7 Claremont street,. tried to commit suicide last evening bydrinking car- bolic acid. Her deed was iquickly dis- covered, however, and Dr. -A. D. Wat- son, 10 Ifuclid avenue, had her stomach eniptied before fifteen- minutes had passed, She had apparently not swal- lowed much of the poison,- for an hour io:sc.:uia.,eloi,e.a,,fotierwithaerd,s,bsluhee.s.,1,Tafsolalbowle:ntgo be ,pe taken to polce headquarters. It is it,upposed that, her act was the and 41.7 last ;rear, and primary receipts, 314M,, Enamels. There -was a batter class of ()Weide buying n the marlset to -day. Corn - Has shown cousiderable strength, and advauced 1-2e over yes- terday. The better cables, light tioun- try offerings, wet weather, and good eash demand werethe ineentives for irt buyg. Some leading local bulls in - I oreased their liens, while others ren.. lized profits. Country movement con- tinues very einalL Oats -This market has ruled firm, within a narrow youge. There is no change in the position of the specula, -Live market. Cash market stronger. Provisions -Opened strong and high - en on less hogs than expected, and af- terwards ruled weak and lower on sell- ing of. about 20,000 barrels May pork by comrtussion houses for long account. Market was a shade higher from low- est figures at the Weise. Packers buying on the decline. , Estimated. hogs to- raorrow, 37,600, Minneapolis, Jan. 23. -Wheat -Janu- ary, 02e; May, 63 1-8 to 63 14o; July, 64 1-4, to 64 5-8c; on track, No. 1 frivol, 64e; No- 1 Northern, -62 1-2e; No. 2 64 1-2i to 64. 5-8e; en track, No, lbard, Northern, 60c. Milwaukee, Tan. 23. -Wheat -Steady; No. 1 Northern, 64 to 65e No. 2 do, 621-2 to 63 1-2o; Rye -Quiet; No. 1, 55 1-2e. Baerley-Steady ; No, 2, 46 to 46c; sample, 35 to 42 1-2c. tallith, Jan. 23. -Wheat -No. 1 hard cash, 61 3-&; No. 1 Northern, cash, 62 7-80; Man, 65 8-8e; July, 661-2; iNo. 2 Northern, 60 3--8o; No. 3 spring, 56 7-80. Buffalo, Jan. 23. -Spring Wheat - Uneettled ; No, hard, 72 7'8e; No. 1 Northern, 711-8 to 71 3-8c • No. 2 Nor- thern, 69 1-8e. Winter wheat- Dull; No. 2 red, 76c bid; No. 1 white, 69 1-2c. Corn -Active and strong; No. 2. yel- low, 371-2a; No. 3 yellow, 37 1-4c ;: No. 4 yellow, 36 3-40; No. 2 corn, 37c No. 3 corn, 66 3-4c; No. 4 corn, 36 1-2c. Oals-Str6ing; No. 2 -white, 29 3-4 to 30c; No. 3 white, 29e; No.. 4 wbite, f.8 1-20; No. 2 naitxed, 270; No: 3 mixed, 26 1-2c. Rye -Sales of No. 1, in store, at 58 1-2c. Flour -Steady, better en- quiry-. DIED IN THE CAB. e--, en item; Sueratmlo, to An Atlas:it oe A despatch from Toronto, says :-- [In Hong, a Chinese tea dealer) liv- ing at 64 1-2 Queen street east, died very suddenly of heart failure on Wednesday. Deceased hail been suf- fering from the diseose for some time and was under the care of iDr. J. NT. Johnston. The doctor called for his patient with,a cab, to take him to the •Western hogPital on Wednesday aft- ernoon. During the drivs TJn. Hong had a ;turn for the %verse,/ and before the litlentt.,a1 -was (reached he was Deceased was a Christian, and a member of the Metropolitan church, Dyspepsia, and 1,11Crlg,C*tiOn, common diseases., b.a hard to cprewi 0. th ordinary retcrn'edies vjelc-redy*:::n'e" Celery:N:reC7::d wiuc gb3est: indigestion for a Nag tline, mad could pat, no relief until 1 rric4 Asplaen:Yto'aoCtiallgahr:Niaarvilea:n4dpsoc.7. which cured me, And coeuut TBE CANNIBAL AND N1S CAPTIVE. The cannibaPe Captive nOW had course to to argument. "In a het canting." he urged, stria- ly vegetable diet is eonclucive t long- evity. Whose longevity/ demanded thecae- nibal, with it loud. insulting latieh. In the native state =WO melee of haMor is often stronger tb44,14asease ef preprietY. OA NONTELI,ER. errs. Brown -Our language Is ND or misnomers. For hiStadace,, 1 met 0,„ iX.:44Mairst°11-17: ii4:1-LoClv:e'allsairahu174:14hVittt. ebgileg3114;:eensr41 tidieitiottS as the man they call 4, tel. ler inin brkek ane blethertteit )14ny ahne); much money rr. jones Ilnd on dee posit, and lie junt 'elegised at me. aoloitanisootouttoimialatoinuoaloaltooliallalolantinitato 1:4111,4111Us Y ON AP- *'UOAyJtN 0 Dr. Agnew s Ointment 35 CENTS. Mr. dame% Gaston. mercheet.Willatoberre, Pa, writes :,--For nine years I have bent disagated With totter on haudn mei face. Bet at last X hfrre found euro Dr. Agnew'. Ointment. My shin Is now smooth And eat rod free from every blew lib. The mit *Nine:tun gave relict—a% So10 by C. Lutz, Exeter, The teeing Speolalleis of Amerloa 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 26�1000 CURED. wise. WE CURE EMISSIONS Nothing .ettp, he nipre demoralizing to young orauteureasealUOA thettpiecrea. mei of these "nightly leseee' "lis reduce relakeeke aerroams" a foe flit et dialtaatiLadambualotyaln nanneleum Thoy unflt*man for businets., married end social haPPInen. 'MG3414t* .. whethar °OMSK by evil habito in youta nate ni I:weakliest or sexual execisca, eur Now Method Treatment wilt positively onto PIM NO CURE—NO PAY Ileader, you need help. Early abuse or ter eremite may have weakened on, xposuro may have diseased you. Yea are not safe till cured. Our New.bletbod will cure yom 'rearm no risk. 4,05.9,,,E0.-0,2 alCreUraiRo, ie CURD and haggard; nervous, irrita-ble and ex - enable. You laeoome forgetful, morello, and despondent; blotches and pimples, autism art% wrinkled face. amoebae form and downcast countenance reveai the lilielit of year existence. WiE CURE VARICOCELE No matter law serious your case May hp,or how loogyon may have had it our EEO' METHOD TREATMENT 'will opro It. The "wormy veins" return to their normal condition and hence tho sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. The organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains or losses cease and urumly powers return. No temporary 12,7eat,_but e,permanent tire assured. 1.1 CURE. 1s10 PAL 4.70 OPERA- ;Igl 2111MIERASIIthSS. 0 DET,EN- CURES GUARANTEED MEET, EMISSIONS, DIPOTENOY, We treat, aeuro SYPHILIS, 1 TRIOTURE_, ARIOOOSItE, SEMI- . • re lit Eg . AL LOSSES, BLADDER. AND hill - 11Y diseases. OONSULTATIO BOOKS PRED. ClIARG z)111.01DANIEttaTITE I. 0 iNf umna bialNe *to ic6artliiwoml KElifiEllY& KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT!, MICH. ,. ...,..:: 4 dEAB-ivoAKER 8 V3inaihisimEtt' Par ea elia Sk'fitriria •:AMP =' P7A3 RR tif DAL PLASTER HES, EXETE TIMES. re guarantee that these Plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other. Put up only in 25c, tin loxes and $L00 yard rolls. The latter allows" you to cut the Plasterany site, Every family should have one ready for an emer- gency. NAM & LAWRENCE CO., LIMITED, KOMITriti Bwtrs oF tuiltations OF A Y el.eiseen — _