HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-1-25, Page 1,NT Bit. ---'r. NV, Dow, sr., had
erican Percale p as 3 n. wide, to car a 8e eligllt stTe" et ePePle'V on
w -
. laet, but is some better, although con-
uglish Washable Prints a snap 100, to clear atOle. -anea to beki.—JOe &ware ie the proud
110SE riosseseor a a fine 'oahy boye-Slinon
strorig, of Fullevton, is staying for a
Miller disposed a oue of ide fine ette.
ters to Edgar A-het:I.-Miss Ida Arm
.200 will be soh a
Men's All Woo Hos few weeks with her aunt, Mrs, F. ' L.
Hamilton,- Joseph Spare has Wee.
laid up for the past few days with in.
flammation.--The Bev. Mr. Hentleeson
of Henea.11, and Dr. Hamilton. ef Me-
therwell,will be here in the Presbyter -
Ann church on the 21th (Friday) to
i speak on, the ohjecte and aims of the
' century f rind.
..FI.URON :64 ..1,111D1).L.KSVAX
rtsaII /Pleasant tea provided, for the occasion. Crediton, is assisting in our revival
the ervices in the Evangelicar chistch.-
B 0 connection with. the Methodist dowels, aec_ieir. ooramissiopee Fire Insur4ce agent il 0 I
Bitenes.--'The anniversary service in 0.J. suiherland, notary u ei 1 After Ple4sallt
tOPtlirssee 1=:se.Y.i;vterififeeasts1 Vatrtr 41 '141'ssajantirdael4ri5d, glicnal t*reP3rnderio
I. S I -I OPecS N •1 -
'here was a, complete success. on see., 0,11:144 Asserer or marringehicenses. Legal omit
e". ments carefully erewn at reesonable rates eveuing speut with the doctor.-0007orentei. 1
i So ofteu asked -What is
day the services were conducted by motley to Ione on -et estate atenv sates of ei Mouday /evening or laet week at the w
....n...,....r-, 1 ret Of success in. business.
Rev. R. Millyard, of Exeter, and on West, office at Me Post ofilee.lioneall, home of Mr and Mrs Fred Nethereote)
SPELIA • addresses were delivered by Rowe 3066fseeitebeePisreeeLe SenetrastitarvIsie'l do honor to the tenth annlyersarv a 1.
Ainnda.y: evening a, fowl supper was TT es D. cooxE,
served in the basement after which z La . ---- relatives of the above assembled to ;
• ....... , letth, con, quite a number or friends and i
wediung, ealue. Business leas been dull sluce . ill
Ewen.-- Colder "swathe is sure to Ulf - a
, a Answer
For This Week ship of Mr. Garner, Tbe Pvieeede or 111LierS,-Miss Pear/ F.als„ who was i ter, the result of wilich wae the loss of i
Granton, and Waddell, of Elirevilie, i e-'ete etToronto tjeivereittenentisis. Teeth i -C. Dow, town line. Fullerton mull we lost. CHU' Sie104.01/g" We tillet we i
St, Marys oreliestra, under the leader- ' Monday cream el M 00th
while the music was supplied b- use - extracted witlioutmen or nact effecte. Office .
i 'e lin Perty:e Dloceirn, nexnsae.11i .A.r., Zurich every ,,' Ribber% had the misfortune to
1 hinil too near the linire of a straww-eute 0 "Jooterrhetliagetegoer byellthe:(uirasioserity4nol ' DealinClaidGeglsor'PeoletTIZaleetrue'egeti
get bis i may lie favored with more meow Rome i
; 0 •ill h he a '
, our citizens for liglating our dwellings ceostemeee
^ Conway, of Fullerton, garrison, of -fit st.eeuesy,e. D. E., te D. S.a. iiionor.citadit 'A Mr and ars Nethercott's
1....S................. the evening with subseeiptions amount- . visiting friends bere, returned to ber i two Angers and a third oOnSiderablY
proventents. honie in Liman last weelt.-Miss Hattie
jeloestou, of willow Reu ec_ et ,_ e,s, teemed and, dressed the wounded ben ,.. lighte. Sweitzer Bros. have the nett -
I routilated. 1)c. Hackney was lierriedy l aed places of busivess with electrie
AND DRIED APPLES, iting her sister, Mre. Short, oi Park-
hill. -51r. Beuder sang a solo iu the
rtn", ir " and sorer it is progressing favorably.
' Young men it le sure to be an estab-
' lished fact. in the net future, at lea,st
ter iu hand and being etiterprielsig ,
„SPECIAL, PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER, EGG to nea-cly SM. It nig he used to meet
expeuses a painting and other tux -
Methodist churela Sunday evening, ' ..-----..-,—
......._- we hope so.- C. Beaser ha e purchased
i Crornarty w which was naueli enjoyese by the large as the brick necessary to build. a new g
I congregatien present. --fes ie Atcheson. block to replace the old frame building iv
of leippen, will preach in t arioel Pres- visiting her brotbers au x ters
ws,--Alre. D. Voeter,
ned I near Hill's hotel. He intends bending
byterian clirwele next Sahleath morn. e Stete of Rhode Islatiti,
TIT . t in the spriog. This win make a grand
bag, and Rev. Great, ef S. Marva, in helm ell ), edllesdal" evelnlig i unprovement in the appearance of the
the evenings -The children ef St, Mr. Moore, of Linulesbeirough, corner aud he one of the best stands
Paul's clnercla Simelay seliee will he Sunday in the village the guest of or besblese to Ib' ,„, _ .., ___,„
eutertaineti in MeEwelfe ball next Tufts. -Geo. Jamieson, of Grant* Ninege. lee win .
g to the vapid advances last year and. future prospec
ill higher plices. We have bought a very heavy
stock in fact too heavy, but it has placed ns in a
position to quote prices that simply cannot, be
lowered. 'We will be very pleased to quote.
tearing Out at Lower than Cost.
\ BRIEF -S. -Mrs, Harrison, of Granton,
reached a very impressive serielon 11
he Boston. Methodist church,lase Sun.
day, aud on Monday evening she gave
a very feeling aud interesting address
Egits-ti op 4eiR s andierganizetlia Women s 5iiseion. ty
on Sot. etY.- Bliss oil Tent,
i evening, Jan, i3Oth. They expect a
T. M., are arraugiug to bold an oyster
supper and entertainment en Tuesday
St Marys , number of ahle speakers, amoug them
. Ilelfermitow up the BRIElze,---Mr, 4Ind Mrs. Ci. Peart, ori being S. W. Triissler, of Cantlachte,
1 st his barn by fire one Belvidere. III., are visiting in townstlie Henry Eilher, el.P.P., of Credit -one the
slay last w -J. a. McKenna,Ineving , guests of Mr. Peare's mother. -The St, Crediton quartette club are to furnish
sold. his homestead for it new church Magee-167.0ns Band are eollciting sub. mnsic.-A. O. Wilson, 33.S.A.„ of Lon.
o erty, intending to sell his business 1, seriptione from the different mete don, is spending a week at home under
spriug,arid go to British Colton- ; chants of the town, to go toware pa,y- the Paternal roof.-ebillies Fade, of
nta 10 follow his profession as surve,yor 1 bag for the new hastrunients recently New York, manufacturer of the cele-
il engineer. Mr. MelCenne had 'purchiesed.--ltobertGotobed, who luta brated Pearline, died at his home, in
an opportmaity to go to the Klondike bis let aria cut off lest Saturday tater. New York city. last Sunday. He wits
in Hutt capacity is year age, but declin- noon by the knife a 4 cutting box, is, born ip. Novo. Scotia, and was it reliv-
ed the oiler. 1 by the latest reports doing nicely. tive of the 111cPitersons and Wilsons
Friday evening. - Jaime Johnston is epent Suuday under the paren roo
in London. this weekeet". 13allantyne -J. Menhart, d
moved. his laundry into the Me Me r. Handfeed, 0
CUoy block, recently occupied by Mr. Pglir,e elle dad' i
Beverley. ---Miss Amy Murdock was in leeintlisPosed tbi
Clinton one clay last weele-dire. Mel. 0I igt grIPPe.-
lis, of Kipoen, was in the village on tiltrrniitatis:Ileusoilaatrui
-• -. Joint, wee in Lucan
ove furnure to Ode new buil&
" fin
. Mr. Browu, of Clinton.represent. •
Inds of Farm Produee for w
le-Pesea llem We Outario Mutual Life Aseine
highest prices will be paid.
els weereelce„fle'emenaen , ler. epent Senday the guest of his;
ee' • "'et brother, Charleas-Miss Flo Dyer is
atfiteetlielyee.L:::ellalrege'deett tralsghliii:s.i,tiudgid business iu the village on
e„e 'Tuesday last. -Chris, Zwicker, travel -
with frieutie St. Thomas,
mese.- The engine in
Thurstley oft ase
or Winchelsea, is the guest of Mrs.
Ruudle..-Ariss Aistbrop, of St. Marys,
visitiug her sister, Aire, Beck, -
Mise Leeey. of London. who has been.
here vieltius Miss Caldwell, of Tucker.
smith, for several weeks, hae returned
home. -A. number from here attended
Rev. Patterson's lecture, 'n Exeter. ou
Tiaursiley evening ot lest week, uuder
the onspices of Caven Presbyterian
church. All speak bigldy of the lec-
ture.-Benry Welelt has this week
moved Leto Mr, 13everlev's residence
Oxford street. Mr. Beverley having
ved into his tam residence ort King
r -Mies Alice Caldwell was in
Thursday. evening last, the
guest of Mrs. j. Ilosee-Mrs. W. J.
Holmes intends selling or renting ber
home on Oxford street, and joining
her husband in Ingersoll.
Snuetena-On Sabbath, rimming and
evening, the Rev. Mr. Smith, of Gran-
ton and Liman, conducted services in
CermelPresbyteelan thumb delivering
excelleut winnows on both occasions.
In the morning the reverend. geetle-
man preached on the subieet of prayer
and its prevailing power, and contrast, -
a -how powerless end insufficient edu-
cation and legislation (eithougn good
and, deeirable in their piece) were to
change the heart of man, or truly eke
Balm. Mrs. (Rev.) garrison, of I vate natien, mul in the ease of the
Granton, preached very interesting former, thatat man might pass through
and instructive sermon in the Metho- colleges and untversities an sinaply
dist church on Sunday evening lest, come out an. educated fuel. and with as
and. on the followiug Monday after- little good common sense as when ne
noon a meeting was called for the pur- Bret entered it. 'While as to legislation
pose of organizing a, I.Vonututs Mis- a very desirable thing, and withoat
sionary Auxiliary. The followbag of- wilich no country or people cointl pro -
Rears were appointed: Mrs. Young, perly exist and advance. Yet it only
president; Mrs, George Sherritt, vice- restrained, not thanged the heart,und
president; Miss Allie tiollarti, record- that true, genuine religion (pot the
ing secretary; Miss Della. Sherritt, cote spurious article) alone touid change
secretary; Mrs. Win. Mollard, treas.- the laeart and make the Me a Christ
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Down, ot Thedford, life ; and in this connection the rever-
eve visiting friends here this week.- end entleman said there was an ex -
f this vicinity. He WAS a man of
St. JOSeph Whalen real wealth.
Bnlnrie-jolen Beyrock, of Cevalier. Batmen- Vies. Tapp. of Virden,
4 °
North Dakota, Is visiting hie brother Mime limited his daughter, Miss Eva
liess with Pleasore. He bas aspatent wee .--Benj. orley,of Clavering, vii -
a. threshing machine. He has dia. ited relatives here. --The Town line is
here, Mr. Beerocle is combiniug busi- TaPt, of this Vtace,ou Thursday of last
posed of the right to alIamiltion maims still growing in popnlation as Mrs.
reaming company. Me. Heyrock was Jan Morley bas another little (laugh-
reised aucl spent his boyhood ditys in ter.-Weln Ogden, our late blacksmith
fly dE k viti 'ft t now o snice. v_s_a his parents
this neighborhood, i
.itenty years ago to push his fortune
in the west. Be settled near Cavalier,
Where he now owns a tine atU1. .
eountry around Cavalier le the garden gravel needed far his barn, loin .
of Dakota.- lir. ocutine hes n, sm.. woidd have missecl it had lie waited
until this week as it is not oven scrap-
veyor here surveying the PlaCC ittA
ing,-.A. very pleasant evening was
lots. He is assisted by Mr. McLean
spent litee week ab S, Gitmeingr. It
Who will make & tnap and plan of St:
surveyor bus bag of their son, The rnener.friends Frank Baker and George Gray return- celleut test as to the spiritual life and
as being the lumpy event of the christen -
Joseph. When the city covers
,stanee. out it will be an exceedingly 1V13° Were invited reprot having had ed home from the woods on Thursday growth In grace of people a,nd it was
eat eity.- George Campbell has a last. Frank had the misforbutie to this, riot, as to how maw years they
lhLst Sunday. -Jos. Morley having ta •
C14 advantege of tbe good cleigbing of
list week, succeeded ha getting -,,the
Grand I3end
the new mill is
mining artier a
the machinery
ready for opera
the Thainee Ito
the village on
number from o
social held at 51
see on Friday
dee no ban(
own musical q
Ott the return 3
Kirkton visite
night, giving t
Jos. Banes accompanied his father to
lIlledwinceoeulePleArecie.k4uhenie/le Indiana. They left on Monday.. e science
will all Ile le Plage °Vilidergeee-utilteet3V14. 11311glillert;asflAdeilswaitebrahl!gss s<tileu- ' BerEFS.-Miss Mary 110°1w:way 15
III: iaraivi x1;1, I. 0.1 -nu tail tgeteivo,a, . ... ;III! teed x;g1da sioe or 2 ,, ebryfe s u i 4 y v u g a I; t a
cupnleati thee evening
in 51. E. ehurcli last visiting in chicage...erv. H. Hayu?.
gent and impressive serraou to the de- Ole locality,. ---Mrs. 51. S. Armetrong.,
preached an elo. c,:ise c,ampliellford. is visitiog friends S
es euing a , Tbe7 1 Igigatlitono.f si.T1biallert:eitleialdilligauetneatrtleilsa ceso,.‘iirifiesrebi 11 eerie earl: asovuxie:wis tliveleo:eicers:notifs3,114rus. S.
li''wE'17h °It21:131: Wa,:ctilbeelivT 1 opporturritee-sijeteal revival service% lt, li;a1ry4es.sfl,VMtlanRclunAt11;e8.13s7reespal::ain7getttd
eallties /vere 6afiletent I are in Proltre5s in tile 11. 1'1* Cllarell build an up-to.date driving hern.---6.
(I Andrsen 'we Thur•stiaa. Ellliltalew matted Rev. Hussar oil Near, of St. Marye. for the carpenter
c.urneY'-he leagt‘e Italie week. Rev- W. Waddell, at. B. Webster has contracted with J.
heir literary .meetmge, Tuesday evening; preaching a matt work of his new hue. -The eche?!
-A„ 13retlaour
Dawson has se
Marys woollen
Mack McGreg
Itfarys to live.
gaged with Mr
to learn cleridoge
iss Mary 17rgilliart is
vulva a. jell) in the St.
roilleunumg the engine.
or has moved to Ste
-Robert Davis tuts en.
. Facey, of Russeldale,
!:t(i3 end earnest eerrnon. These hoard or No. 0 is composed of T4514e,
etioes are grolvilltt interest' , secretary-treesuter, G. 13. Vveheteranil
v. Salton, of Centralia, is expect -e H, 1, Armstrong.
of Killarney,
spenctiog a fe
Tufts, returne
day. --Miss Es
rday and Su
umber took
a Anderson
report bay:ng
Tufts is insp.
ond attack o
Mrs. Harow
Sunday visiti
.Alr Ana Atlas ichards,
ed. to take charge of the meeting next i'l
night. Some of the young people ate 0 ......-0.--
(led the Petriotic concert. in Exeter ii We are exceedingly sorry to an -
Tuesday evening, and report a very pounce the death of!r. George Bals.
eresting time.- V. Rate M. P., is iao., which occurred et Lengdore
holding a series of political meetings ..n.Zortb Dakota., on Jan. 0, of typhoid
Manitoba, who a. e atharaortetrs toitilet chleeetroirdshing etheills leskbinlliedy to • ferez she win be better known to
ll to St. Marl's 011 vas Town Ball, Crediton, our readers as Mrs. Thos Cotboz•ne,
w days with Miss 5Iat....,tha
ther Bretlsouc spent Sa-
mmy at heme.....Quite o, Tpuoeessiltauyisueaxettlavaitnz. atinaattre0 goo'cvloackn.. vivius
ell evening. a formerly of Goderich township, Slio
was married last August. te her sur-
Intsbaud, and was firteeninew
in the tea -meeting held ment 6Apporters indicate an early ap- 0 eves of age.
had a ghod tinic,-W .0. the M, E. elm& have decided to place I
Mendel tlig I last, e peal t the coantry ae-The trustees ot 1 e et
•oving nicely after a sec- e new MeOleitry fernare in the church ENGLISH STOCK FOOD
ell speut Saterdey add Young & Son, who expect to have it I es .
f aPPeadlelthi.-Mr. and and have let the 'contract to J. G. I
ng friends in Varna,.
meth groand as the
a splendid time.
large force of teams drawing logs to have his foot badly cut while artier, had. professed. to be christians, not as
-the saw mill. Sodom consequently be will be laid up for a to how strong they -were as a
few days. --Mrs. Tom Paths is on the gation. or as to numbers, but how does
Elimville Brienne.-Some Of the local Sports sick list. We hope soon to hear of her the life square with the life of Christ,
W818 out one day last week and. saw recovery. -Gilbert Mollard, accompan- and how much more are we like Him
Bitters- George Miners returned some very strange tracks supposed to led by his sister, Allie, visited friends after years of professed following than
last vreek from Stratford and has ac- be those of A martin minus it foot. in. 'Varna and Hensel]. a few days last we were at the first : And it was it fact
d. "tuation with the Reetnee - week.
---- that with all the boasted progress
and advancement of the present cere
Mitchell tury the true spiritual life was not as
- - it vras in the early years of the church
BarEEs.-George Larkworthy went when numbers were coniparatively
to Toronto this week with a car load small and means limited, but when
of eattle.-There is a lot of stone being the power and blessing of God, in an -
taken through town for the new Cath- swer to prayer was mitnifest to all in
olic church at Dublin. -The Public the rich mothering of wells and the
School Board tuet for organization on convincing ana converting power, also
Wednesday evening. Joseph Coppin of the sermonf3 Preached by God's ser -
and W. J. Levy. are new neem.hers this vents. The Rey. Mr. Smith is a son of
year. There is not much change in Erin, with the force and whole soul
the cornraittees this year. They have native -characteristic of the sons ofthat
AA easy time, ask the town for the country and is a most forcible and elo-
cash they require and spend it. -Dr. gneut ..preacher untrammelled With
GAli is the retirieg High School Trus- either notes or manuscripts, and while
tee to be appointed by the County. preaching with great force and power
Council. -Mr. Race has been appointed he modulates his voice in a manner
High school trustee by the Public that is most pleasing to his bearers,
School 13oard.-Harry Hicks, son of S. and frona first to last of his sermons be
T. Hicks, and lately of the North-west never fails to hold the interest of his
Mounted Police, has joined the second hearers as was the case on Sabbath
contingent and is now on his way to last. Hewitt be welcome again.
Halifax to sail for South Arica. -Near -
cep The tracks were seen on the avis o
Hardware Co„ of Exeter, as clerk and - eon 4, Stephen. Up to this thee it has
bookkeepers -Mrs. Wm. Brunacoinhe not been captured. -Mrs. John Penhale
and family, of Exeter, spent a few is at present helping to attend her
d II It Wil- father who is Ill. -Miss Arabella Box
is the guest of Jno Perihale.-Wm.
Barris and family are making prepar-
atieris to move to the Northwest. -
Some hen thieves visited at Wm.
Ching's and helped themselves to some
.days the goes o
Mane Sleamon.-The old members of
the choir have been teinetated, and a
number of new ones added, so that
there Is TiOW a ful c in .
them books have been purchased and
we may expect to have some good to, his fancy hensea few nigbts ago. -
singing in the future, and we most The Sodom League was addressed by
tertainly hope that all will remain and Silas Stanlake, jr, Sunday evening.
do credit to theinsetees and the ckurch. Miss Laura was selected to take it next
-Don't forget the taeeting of the Con- Sunday night.
,servative Associatiou in the Town
Ball, on Friday Evening. - Percy Centralia.
Brown, butter maker at. Centralise bet --
an old Winchelsea boy was married at I re °LUSTS we SUNBURY
the parsonage by: Rey. Waddell on I V LAW OFFICES ed t L 1
, . oney o own
Wednesday eyening laste-Miss Olive I
Haivkins gave an evening's party to a, - EXETER, ONT.
large number of her friends one even. fl
s.-Mrs. Wm. Lewis, of Loan-
ing last week.-- Fred Miner has re- don, is visiting with her daugl3tergeirs.
turned to Stratford to work at his Thomas Neil. -Miss Lottie Hicks, of
-trade.-fdr, and Mrs- John Hind/ of Exeter, spent Sunday here the guest
'Exeter, visited relatives here for the of her cousins, Misses Elliott. -- Frank
Vast, weeke-On Friday evening last IIIII spent Friday last in London on
while John. Prout, Jr., was attending business. -The beavy thaw of last
nbear practice, his horse broke loose and week has spoiled our sleighing , and
went home. No damage done, only business is rather slack in town this
John had to wale home. Use a rope week. ---Thomas Elston is running a
John next time, lar.ge sawing factory here now and is
--ewes-- doing an extensive business. -- George
It is now the pride of St. Joseph's Grafton is making preparations for
„eity to possess a daily mail, runmeg the erection of a , new brick dwelling
from Zurieh. This ie along felt want in the near fetnre.-Messrs. 0, L. Hag -
And was duly appreciated when given. gith and Harvey Lime have both coni-
---...—__,....-- 1 menced upon another years labor the resigned his position es organist of
----"'"--7--- ) the sarne school as last year which 1Knox church, which he has efficientlY
CUTTERS speakshighiyas to the esteem these !filled for several years. --Last week
yoting men are held. --Quite a number I three of our former residents were
of our citizens took in the -Red Gross married in the Milted States, so We
PHTTERs aCIZIewevretrehalmEplIrt:erplinclitndthYeirnvil4litt'. 11:Pe:r caUten•itelb?tttitreese "jag ;1111-illoatPals
liti 11/ nen BELLS. -The first of these Gertrude Gilbert; John King, of Chi -
happy events which has taken place in cago, and Miss Anna Flebich, and Miss
Bnmen.-W. Lindenfeld has retell,
ed to Toronto. -The revival meetin
are still in progress, --john Rose h.
disposed of his dwelling to Mrs. Geis
of Shipka, -who will take possession
the spritig.-Peter Bender, of Zee°
is engaged with Edighoffer & Fenn
The death of Miss Sophia, Stephens
caned on Smitten at 10 o'clock, at 1
home, on the 14th car. Stepheu
E Thom sole who has been in. t
=pine of (3. W. Snell, photographer,
has returned to Loudon. Eng., and ex-
pects to join the army. -Mr. and Mrs.
Sana Fried, of North Dakota, are visit-
ing at Berlin and other places.-Obas.
Fritz was in town OA Sunday, There
must be some attraction, Chaelie.-jno
Preeter, of Zuricb,was the guest of /dr.
and Mrs. Harry Hoffman. -Our school
boys are getting ready for it football,
match between the Dashwood and Zn -
rich Public schools. But, it is not
Grand Bend this trip, where Mr. A. M.
has nothing but niouth. He had bet-
ter keep cool or he'll be an iceman, for
such trash as he has published against
our neighboring burg, Friedsburg,
U nothing but a discredit to himself,
' *Tannin order this weele-Do net, TFSTIM0')II.A:L OF JOHN IiinTrEal,
allow -the month of Sitituary to pass
without settling an your aecoutas for
the pest year either with the crtsb. or
by note. This is business and your
creditors reasonably expect it from
you. This includes your eubscription
for TDB Treme. Have you paid for
the paper you are now reading.
ly $100 has been subscribed for the Farquhar
Canadian Patriotic Fund with more to
I am eising English $tocte rood for
calves and young stack and ant highly
pleased with its effects. It keepeethe
digestive organs in it healthy condirai
and the growth end improvement of
stock is well marked. consider it a
most excellent food, anti feel eonfident
that it. pays well to ttse it, would
Elunville, and Miss Frances Mitchell, of recommend es use to stele
The wedding of Sidney Andrew. of highly
Centralia, is announced for Wednes- raisers. Manufactnred by O. Lutz,
day next.
Druggist, Exeter. Price liOc per bag.
d snrely he must know it. -Peter OVER
McIsaac and Simpson Ireland are ap-
pointed police in town. Look out for
the hoodoo men. --Wm. Ilse has left
for Milverton, where he has secared a
situation as taxidermist. -Chris, Fink-
beiner has disposedof his speedy driver
to 3, Kellermenn, who win introduce
him on the race track next
Miss T. T. Dieterich, of St. Clemens, is
the guest of Ed. Iletlin.-Joe Diller.
from Detroit, is visiting at Frett'Gross-
follovv.---Miss Campbell, of Manitoba, Blimps. -Mr. Dobler, of the Exeter
is back to town seeing her many creamery, held a meeting at Simon
friends for a few weeks. --Wm. Honey Campbell's, Tbames Road, on Friday
went to Manitoba last week. with .a evening of last week, for the purpose
car load of horses. ---Rev. 3. T. Rerrm of introducing his cream separator.
preached in Trinity church on Sunday Mr. Bobier explained the workings of
tive .Association will hold their annual Aft
his machine to a very attentive audi-
nce er he was through he gave
evening. -The South Perth Conserve-
reeeting in the Town Hall, Mitchell, on
Thursday, Feb. 1, in the afternoon, for
eneral business. --James Jackson has
, ,„
W. H. Parsons has a lot of hand
-eorne Catters which he is selling -eery-
cheap. ,
Intending purchasers will do well
-to call and inspect them before buying
oar burg in thenewyear was t o
Cla,ra Boyle, to Percy 13rown,our
enterprising butter maker. The wed-
ding took place at the residence of the
bridegroom's father at Winch elsea.
The nuptial knot being tied by the
Rev. Mr. Waddell, of Eliniville, after
which the young couple came out to
the bride's home and it very pleasant
evening was spent. The presents were
both costly and nurrierons, whinh goes law, J. E. Hodgson, Inspector of ig
to show the high esteem in vvhich the Schools for Ontario; R. M. Levan,
young couple are held. And all join Principal of the Woodstock Collegiate
!LARGEST DEALER.IN TOWN. hands in wishing them a hapPy and institute, and John Parker, druggist,
leasant voyage through life. 0
Annie Fleettord to Mr. O. M. Young
berg, of Denver, Col,
'On 'Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. John
Sanderson, of St. Marys, celebrated,
their golden wedding with a family
reunion. 'Among those present were
thelidaughter, Mrs. R. Torrance and
two children, of 'Guelph; their sons -in -
Two doors south of tile
1.Died in Rosedale Tanuar)- 19113
Mr. Webb, your Ilitibert readers Witham Brokenshire, brother of Sam -
will be 'sorry to learn, is confined to nel Brokenshire, and J-Ves. John
'10 W N HALT,.
H. . .
the house through illness Brewer, Exetet. '
. .
Joseph Diller, of Port Huron, Mich.,
is visiting at Fred. Gossrnan's at pres-
ent. --Messrs, T. Snieder, Tiernan
and O. W. Snell attended the skating
carnival at Eiensall on Tuesday of last
week. -Mr. and Mts. Sam Fried, ane
Mr. and Mrs. Lonis Sinaon left for
New Dundee last week. --Our Police
Trustees and ratepayers h41da meeting
on Friday, when the following by-laws
were passed, viz :-That a fire engine
will be procured at once. That child -
several selections from his phonograph. ,
-Wm. Turnbull and D. Ray have ren are not to hang w'm the sleighs un-
been -auditing the books of the Hibberb less the driver permits them. That
and Trsborne Fire Insnrance Co. dur- snow balling the passers-by must be
ing the past week:and -getting thein to ped That all children under six -
ready for the annual meeting, to he
held in the public, hall, on Monday,
Feb. 5th. --Quite a nurnber from Far-
quhar and vicinity Went to Staffa on
Friday evening, to hear the NV orlcl-ftw-
rrous cartoonist, Mr. Bengough. Some
were delighted, while others conld
hardly speak at all favorably. -A load
of young people from the vicinity of
Winchelsea, drove to the house of
Thos. 13ell on Friday evening. They
enjoyed themselves in dancing, and
games until an early hour, when all
returned home feeling well pleased
With the hospitality of 'Mr. Bell, --The
Rackney Bros. sold a fine lot of cattle
to Mr. Snell, of Exeter, the other day,
receiving a good figure for the same. --
Mrs. Holman, of Crystal City, 'Mani-
toba, speut last week visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. Arthur Francis, of Irshorne,
-Mr. Fulton's team sold for $3,50, and
they were four years old. --In accord-
ance with invitations, ; a nu ------------
teen must be at bonae or off the public
highway after 8 o'clock. That the ap-
pointed police nauSt keep order on the
streets. That nnmerous °thee things
such as burning rubbish on the streets
&c. All are under it severe penalty. -
Jos. Kestle was in town on Friday,
evening.-- J.' E. Thompson, who bas
been working with O. W. Snell, Pho-
tographer has returned to London,
Canada, from whenc:e he will go to
London, England. -This week we must
chronicle the sad death of Miss Sophia
Stephen, of the 14th concession,
StepEen.- Chris Finkbeiner has 'sold
his driver (Fly,) to Jacob Kellerman.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Preeter,of Zurich,
were visiting at Mrs. Stacey's here on
Sunday last. -Miss Deitrich, of St.
Clements, is visiting at Ed Weltins.-
Chas Fritz was in town on Sunday. -
Ness 'Travelle, of Grand Bend was in
town on Monday last, -Chas. Greb, of
he ws in Town on Sunday last. --
than. all others
We are very desirous of lessening our stock of
and to do so Aie will for the remainder of this month,
prices on. these goods which will sell them.
Buck's Stoves and Ranges are
the best -don't buy a just as good.
The 13alance of our Stock will be eleare, t co
friends assemiDled ,at Dr. Hackney'sJohn Reese has sold his premises to
few evenings ago and partook of a Mrs. Geiser, of Shipka,-Rey. Litt, of L WILLI°
of R. Pickard Co's Store.