HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-1-11, Page 8.. • • • • TO SpecialGoodsiSpecialPrices We haA-e just made some heavy purchases of clearing lines at greatly reduced prices, and we can offer you special values. For instance: seto semis best quality Military Flan - ti teethes wide. useed price 38 to 4,0 cents. Just the thing, for Aide; our special price 25e per Fer4. grit etf Dress Goads. in plaids. elivette atoi fames- cif -They are the best 25e goods we s NW bad. OUP spetiel price 1$1 7 pieees e f Pettey Shot Lustre's. litte stuatity a4 beautiful coloriugs. Hard- sesue for waists; resselar priee ;We, ouIr smial prive 25e plecee Sett Mixed Drese's Goeds, hen isonie and stylish. stonde. Reguktta Klee $1, °or special price We" 74 Fancy woos Rags. Just the thing for heels of miter. eleared the line and thet netkes the price. S2 2:1 and 32 50 rugs clearing at S1 5u eieck 22 pieces Dark Angola Shirting. heavy and good cinelity. 10c per Yard 4 pi es Paucy Metallic Shirting; make handeoweand serviceable under- skirts oe fancy frills for plain skirt, Herniae fold, eos 3 pieces Black and White Dress Goods, line gartlity; will snake a hand= mrnt skirt or stylish. waist. Regular price Kit., out special price ale. TEL EXETB TIMES The 1uron serenity Countel wet meet , on Tuesday week. szesss_., - ........,, AAA.A...A.AAAA*AA......... .....4AAAA ........................ .. 1....... .. "Miss Maud, Welsh visited friends in MI ...... Clinton. last week, els e, week. ICKAR June Bout hron. of Toronto, spent. Lri Sunday with R. 11, :Nillins, . „. Lee.; Mrs. Carling, of Clinton, visited. friends in Exeter last Chas. Kydd, of Douglas, Matl.,. Iin S . •LOIll La visiting friends in this eectiell, au...E.1 .r.......1 .......... .-. Use Dix LittleL1 ve' c Pili. nd D , aix "Mil. P..",.......AAW................A.A.......A ..........A.............i.iimil.* . riiissir...........iiis V1.7RS---‘‘ e show the stock of the county, anti our values aro un equalled, quality considered. OV EII.COATS- If you have an overcoat thought, you will be the loser if V( -U fail to see our stock BLANKETS—Hamlet Blankets, 75c per pair Fine all white blankets, superior finish, $2 40, $2'60t $2.85, $3.5, $3,75. LUMBERMEN'S Smocks, Overalls, Top Shirts, $i quality for 75c, Rubbers and Socks, Rubber Boots, Felt Boots. Special Coatis! Special Prices I J. A. STEWART •14-.Nwzczcz,-ci,s.zseov-..ses4v,v For Marriage Licenses, Isis ..„......, .... .A01.• .1. - •Ol"•• iri i IN THE it Wedding nivege, & Wettettess Clocleist, oi Oddfellow's Block ii: J.weir,,y, ON si'l I CALL ON Speacestess nt 41 R. HICKS NVatch Repairing a Specialtv. • ;Iwo ZrtIMIIII,1,1MM.TIMMIlti.?”1/?MPIT(?!!!!!MMItitIMfttl1 Stocktakhig • Kidney Pills, sold by O. Lutz. t*s. Elliott, of Mitchell, is visiting, her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson. Miss Lowe, has returned after a pleasant visit with friends in Detroit. Mts. Aleaser, of Bluevale„ will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. McNev i Willis Powell spent a few days of last week, the guest of J. 0, Abell. Seaforth. Mr Render spent Sanctity in town. ge is highly pleased with gensall and its people, H. Hooper end E. H. header are conducting the store for the Rickard Co- in lleusall. Miss Vrqubert le visitlerse. Mrs, 11, Cook lleusmU1 teed at Mrs. Shirra's Haar township. Mrs. Sohn flicks, Snowflake, Maui - Whit, is the .veest of her brother, Thos. Wr. Handfolid. • G. Stanteary is inI4Hontion this week attending to legal business et the winter assizes there. We return thanks to Dr, Y. Cowan of Galt, fora copy of the Christmas illastreted "Galt Reformer." Material is being drawn for the new brick building to he erected by Wm. Drew, opposite the Central hotel. Miss Cassie Rolland has returned front Blenheim where she has been en- gaged as milliner the past nson. Never pertalte of hot drinks just prior to going into the frosty au•s:, R ts ruinous to health and complexion. Goderich decided on Monday last,by ThursOal Friall Sz Saturgall. EFORE jt`DOE Tnestlety twee young men of Stephen town - OUR. fil•INUfIL LEARING SALE I Remnants the small majority of 7,to prohibittows OF REMNANTS AM.-. dB... W.-. O... 4M... M.- 411" tefee-Veleeetegeadeeletse els(eleii.403.844,11411+114 ••••••111 • .....L- During the month of January while taking stock we 83. -- ,It-- will sell a quantity of winter goods at greatly reduced 41.0. it= prices, including 0,- 11.-- ADIES' MANTLES, MEN'S AND BOY'S ..- E L OVERCOATS, MEN'S AND BOY'S SUITS, di— LADIES' AND MEN'S FURS, CLOAKING, ...- .........„. SALE E Ladies' Flannette Wrappers We have a few winter wrappers left at I.2s, 1.50, 411.— a..". 1.65, 2.0P. E PUT THIS GREAT REMNANT SALE ON ONCE A YEAR AND YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS ,E TO YOU. MONEY SAVED ON ALL GOODS BOUGHT. NO RESERVE. ALL MUST GO.Igr- COME EARLY. AS BEST LENGTHS GO FIRST. Remnants of black dress goods. Remnants of Silks and Satins ot Wrapperettes Reranauts of color'd " emnants Remnants from running at large within the cor- poration. M. and Nits Eery, or Creditiou. Remnan s Were OM guests of Mrs. Essery's bro- lest eranants ther W .1. Evaus. on ,N'ew Year's,- -1-1.1 The rant storm on Sunday reduced Remnants St, Marys Joni:ital. the now supply and ren ered the sleighing poor an the roads running emnants east and west, Miss Elsie mcCallion will leave to- morrow. (Friday), for an extended visit with friends In Kiraropton,Oieorge- See our Stock of FineStationery. town. Toronto and Buffalo. J. W. Broderick assisted Main st. choir on Sunday and in the evening sang the sole, "Oh. where is my wan• denim boy," with good effect. Rev. rt. Emberson lectured to a fair i sized audience in the Main st. church an Friday evening last, under the auspices of the Epworth Leagues. The supplementary meetings of the South Huron Farmers' institute will be held in 1, arna on Jan 80, Zurich. Jan 31st and Hensel' Feb'y 1st. A. E. Hoclgert, of Farquhar, who leased bis farm to Mr. Scott„ reznoved to Mr. MoTaggart's house about a. mile north of Exeter on Thureday last. Chas. Snell was in London, Tuesday, to inspect the electric light pleats of that city, with a view to obtaining an idea o the more modern appliances. . . .. The usually mild weather expert- -are invite(' to take the eneed in Manitoba this season has en - benefit a this sale. el.i will be given in the evening at, Gidley's abled elevator building to continue te, kil 1 Onera House. Doors open at 7.30. A through the winter so far without in- r9 sit te - ver collectioe. An address will be terruption. WI A Large Stock of Toys v eto delivered by S. J. A. Boyd on the sub- The members of the village council te 7.1 , ject, "Cue boys and our saloons." A were sworn in on iNiontlay rimming os .3• GRIGG/ fp ' gond proeramine of music Sze will be as follows t -Reeve, W. G. Bissett ial of Flannelettes of Sheeting of Shirting ot Table Linen. of Oottonades of Skirting This week we will offer 1 p, wha were committed to Goderich the Wince of our stook ta a charge of stealing goads front Mr. Quarry's store in Mt. Carmel. re- cently, were tried before judge Mason on Tueslay. Ed. Hall receives six Months in the Ceatral prison, Jas. 18 Doyle two months in the county goal 0 cutting wood. while John Doyle was acquitted, Chief Gill attended the 18 trial. of Fancy Goods bought ft: for the wholesale trade tx at special prices. 44 Our regular customers tAfia' and these and the sons /14 and daughters of those who have been our pat- rons for the last 35 years ROYAL TESTPLAILS OF TE3LPERAetea. -The District meeting of the R. T. of T. will be held in Exeter on Wednes- days San. 17th In the morning the delegates will convene in the Tem- perance hall at 10 o'clock.. A. concert tea EXETER, furnished': All are cordially invited. Councillors, W. H. Levett, J. Evans, CeSSelSaVeSZYSZSZ.SZYSZS.SZSZeS:i."Z:e A great number of our subscribers ,ave already renewed their subscrip- PaletnerrEatu's CoNetetT AND LUC- W'tn. Patterson, Canada's mat Orator. coming l'or Ladies' Aid of Owen. church. Don't miss this des- criptive and life like lecture "From Toronto to Belfast, via Salt Lake City". Mr, Patterson has been greet- ed With immense houses in Boston, Nashville. Philadelphia Niagara, and is known as the popular lecturer in ICanada from the Atlantic to the Pact- , fic,having spoken in all the large towns 1 and cities. Reserved seats 25 cts., THURSDAY, JANUARY lith, 1 children 15 cts. Plan at Mr. Grieve's. LOCAL HAPPENINGS ittmoxot, Bors.-At the organi- - Association in the Temple building WOOD WANTED.— A quantity of Torontorriclay eveningMr. Hugh Mac - good green cord wood, beach or Math occupied the chair and there was maple, also block wood. Apply at a large attendance. The rules and by- Tie:me Orme& laws which will govern the association were drawn up, after which a few of Feat SALE.--Twa Ebony finished two the old boys made brief reminiscent story show cases, silver mountings 7 addresses. It was decided to hold a feet long, 1 cobs ter scale capacity 7 lbs. cost $13 for $5, 1 safe 130x34 weigh- ing 1300 lbs, 1 eight drawer cabinet made of oak with clock enclosed, suit- able for dress makers or tailor, at a low price. J. P. Or.A.Ban. J Muir, and I. Armstrong. ••••.10•11•4•110.111.• LNSUItANCIS ions for 1000, but in the celebration of NST ELLIOT, the holidays some have forgotten this ery important matter. You will lease bear in mind that the publisher Agen for the Weareusi Assaf:us:cm Co. as to pay postage in advance ou your ?ANY, of Taranto ; also tor the FIRENIX F paper each week. NSURANZU CONEPANY, 1don England The Electric Light Co. have had he kiaLtiN.."2. INSURANCE ComeAkr, ot En and. their Insurance claim satisfactorily ad- zation meeting of the Huron Old oys dinner at an early date, and also to hold an excursion of Huron, old boys to the Western county some time dur- ing the coming summer. The follow- ing officers were elected: President, J. S. Willison ; Vice-president, D. Weis - miller; Secretary. E. Floody ; Trees - flux Osszne-On Thursday last a ueer,H. Beattie; Executive Committee young son of mine host Oantelon, of Messrs. Hugh MacMath, Rev. J. A. the Metropolitan hotel, while playing , Turnbull, Dr. Sloan, D. M. Johnston, with other boys on the street, zn Ex- Dr. J. R llhiott Walter Scott, G. A eter North, was rue down by a far- Smith, Thos. McGillicuddy, M. Park- mer's horse. The boy was knocked inson, W. Prendergast W. Murray, down and trampled upon, and severely W. C. McKay, G. W. Gibson, W. R. cut on the leg. Several stitches were Miller, Hs E. Johnston, W. E. Groves required to close the wound. and. J. A. Allan. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. — At the AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.—The an - last meeting of the Sons of England. nual meeting of the Stephen and Us - Benevolent Society, the following sin. borne Agricultural Society was held. cers were elected for the current year: here on Wednesday with A. Bishop, President, Robb N Bowe; past-pres, Esq, as chairman, There was a muds . W Sweet ; vice pres, Robt Dinney ; larger attendance than on former oc- Chaplain, Bro Hartnoll; Sec'y, Bro. casions. The secretary read the audi- Kemp; Trea,s, Bro Senior ; Committee tors report It showed assets to the men, Chris Dinney, Geo Davis, N D amount of $2825.80, and liabilities Hurdon, W Dearing, W Sanders, T 3428.00, the assets consisting of land Heaman ; Inner guard, Bro Crocker; value $1,800,buildings $900,cash $25.30" Outer guard, Bro Spackman; Trustees, miscellaneous $100. The liabilities Bros Hattnolf, Rowe and Spackman ; are :-Accounts unpaid $6 ; inert - Medical officer, T A Amos ; Auditors, gage on land $100 ; interest $22. II Spackman, N D Hurdon, W Sweet ; During the year $1141.08 were receiv- Caretaker, Bro Crocker. ed, while $1115.78 :were expended, leaving a balance of $25.30 on hand. STA.Ttert Lenon, DOOMED.—Mr. A. During the year the society paid 'W. Campbell,the Ontario Good Roads' 3127.50, principal and interest on loan. esteerneil citzens of Exeter. Their re - Instructor, has concluded, from returns Number of members 1899 was 291 moval from Exeter will be regretted received, that the people of Ontario It will thus be seen that the Society by a large circle of friends, and by the are pretty generally tired of the sta- is in a prosperous condition. The members of Main st. Methodist church lute labor system. Conderanations of following officers were electod for of which body' they were valued metn- trhe system have come in front 140 dif- 1900: ---President, Rich. Coats,Irsborne: bers' terent returns. Many towns and vice_president,Jas. Ballantyne,te. Persons who are in the habit of townships are going to vote upon the question, including the following : Or- illia,, Nelson, Dawn, Ra,ina, grant, Tuckersmith, ICapella, Alberinarle, Turnberry, Edwardsburg and South 1\l'orwich, The following have abolish- ed the statute labor system entirely ; North Monaghan, Saltfleet, Toronto Gore, Sarnia, North Grimsby, Bin- andBarton, The following mu- nicipalities have already committed themselves : Monk, Clinton, Stamford, of it. isonment 1899 years have now been thromelecl. ; , ., 0 ' v Euphetnia, East Zorra, Reach, Gordon, Young and Ancaster. pr justed, and have commenced the erect -I ion of the new Power House to replace the one recently destroyed by fire. They expect to have their entire sys- tem in operation within a few weeks.. Rev. Salton, of Centralia, preached Ladies' flannelette Night Gowns Ladies' Gowns, well -made, stripe designs so, 75, 85c Ladies' Gown, in plain pink trimmed with frill em- broidery $x.00 Men's Night gowns all sizes at 5 o and 75c A large pile of remnants of print, flannelettes, wrap- perettes, Good table oils, etc., that are being cleared at a ow price, 1 HIGHEST PRICE FOR PRODUCE Butter i6, Eggs 17, Tallow ,5c, Lard 9c, Turkeys 8; Geese 7; Ducks 7c, Chicken 5c, potatoes per bag 40n. CARLoING BROS a i A. coevict, sentenced to imprison- " Roosevelt, The despatch announcing C IES pardoned last Saturday by Governor ' GR rnent for life at Slug Sing in 1877, was the fact says he left for Port, Jervis "with friends." There must he more good in human nature than is always obvious, when a man who has been' shut away front the world for twenty- F OUIt d PROVISIONS two years still bas friends who retain Fresh id and Cheap thew interest in him and thew anxiety I to serve him. At our House. LOOKela ER The R. PICKAR,D Direct Importers EXETER leAR t1 RL ditional I eels on 5th page,) urix.yR.atz, P., was in town on Sate Oh, where! 014 where 1 is the hoe - key drib ? Joseph Davis is confined to his b ea through illness. W. H. Moneur was in Guelph this week on business. Richard Dayi? has returned. £otm visiting friends in Detroit. John Treble we are sorry to state still confined to his roam. The Missionary Society will me at Mrs. W. G. Bissett's this (Thnrsday afteritoon. Miss Norma Bottler entertained a number of young friends on Wednes- day evening. 11. Bishop Se Son have put into their store a hot water beating system, which works admirably. The Stratford Turf Association claim July 24 as the dates for their trottiiN meeting for 1000, An interesting event took pace on Wednesday last at the residence of David Neill, Downie, when his niece, Miss Clara. A. Cowan, was married to Henry S. Morrow. 5. W. Broderick's cheap sale of Boots and Shoes has been a great suc- cess. We have placed a. lot of shoes on the tables, which we are selling at half price, at the store next door north of the post office, Exeter. J. W. BRODERICE. A patriotic concert in aid or the .Rd Cross Society will be held in the Opera House, Exeter, on Monday in Main, sL church, on Sunday even evening, Jany 22nd. The program ing last, to a. large audience. The dis- = will consist of tableauussongs, instrn- course was highly interesting. Rev. mentals, recitations, etc. Everybody Mr. Milyard preached anniversary should attend. See bills and. programs sermons at Eden, afterncon and even- for particulars. ing for Mr. Salton The spring sittings of the. Assize Attention of parents of pupils in the Court for the county of Huron will be primary: departmeuts of the Public held in Goderich on Monday, March school is kindly called. to the regular 19th, for the trial of actions with a attendance of children, if possible, dur- jury. before Mr. Justice Falconbrige, ing the stormy season. Great loss to and oft Monday, May 28th, for the the whole class as well as to the pupils trial of non -jury cases, before Mr concerned is incurred. Those who Chief Justice Meredith. cannot go regularly are advised to - The new century will open on a absent themselves until spring. Tuesday and close on a Sunday next W. C. Hueston has purchased th year. Tt will have the greatest num- Our Tweeds, Worsteds, Coatings, Pantin.gs, Overcoatings, Cottonades, Denims, usiness of 5. G. Jones. He will pa ber of leap years possible -24. The Shirting, Tickings, Sheetings, -P.`actory Cottons, Bleached Cottons, Towellings and Tablings 15 Large quantities of wood is being marketed. Dry wood is worth from $3.75 to $4.00, awl green wood, $8,25 to $8.50. LA.DIES' AID Pnrsn'iersIntatt anuncir -Mr. Wm. Patterson,Oanacia's orator i 1 t f atio al e tion an wherever announced faces teat as- semblages. Ileum him in his Irish wit and humor in his famous lecture "From Toronto to Belfast via. Salt Lake City." Opera House Thursday, Jan 18th. Reserved seats 25 cts. Chilcl- en 15 cts. Plan at Mr. Grieye's. s a ec urer on n r pu EAST SIDE MAIN STREET. (OPPOSITE PLANING 1E1.1.0 We have in stock dressed and matched Siding, Flooring & Ceiling also dressed p100 1, 1i, 16 and 2 Inches. "hiugles lath and cedar posts alwa on'hand. A large stock a rileaned currants for 50c. We shall hereafter offer a special bargain every Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday. Changed every week. This week we are offering 3 lbs of fine raisins and 4 lbs barn lumber, ;lust arrived. CALL and EXAMINE. JAS. WILLIS, PROP] W.Trevethick P. .1.111.11111.111111111111111111111111111111•1 116111.••••••••••••••••••••••, •••••••••••••••011.• CLEA f1aintains Its 1 N SALE Hold on the Public. This week we mention a few lines only among the many as our time is so fully taken up, 6 ends Eiderdown for children's cloaks. regular price 60c per yard, for 30c.,, 8 white and colored quilts and counterpanes at prices that will compel you to purchase. 3 silk etched, all wool table covers, green and cardinal etched on both sides, reg. price $3.25 for $2 eath. There are a few ends of cloaking suitable for girls ulsters or long coats at a terrible sacrifice. 111111•11•••••• the hipbest prices for clover, alsike an year 1904 will be the first one, then timothy seeds, also for butter, eggs every fourth year after that to and in- are for you at prices that you wWill be deligill not have offered you hted with. the cutalitafter our sale closes.—Don't miss ,call and be convinced. J. G. Jones three times have five Sundays -in 1920 and other farna produce. Give him eluding the year 2000. Febuary will our offer. has consented to remain with him till 948 and 1970. the lst March, or later and he will be Remember the Thames Road anniver- leased to see any of.his old customers. sary on Sunday and Monday next. The first savings bank in connection ev. J. A. Anderson, of Goderich, will ith the Public Schools of Toronto is reach on Sunday at 11 and 7 o'clock. about to be opened in Dufferin School. The annual tea will be given on Mon - A very thorough system has been or- day. A platform meeting will be ad- ganized, and if the experiment in the dressed by Rev's. Anderson, Waddell, Dufferin School is successful the School of Elimville, Martin, Brown and Ten Board intends to extend the' savings Eyck, of Exeter. This is an event bank system throughout the city. De- tO which all look forward. posits from one cent and. upwards will "What Ian Maclaren :is in Scotc he received. umor, Wm. Patterson, Canada' James Parkinson has purchased a rator, is in Irish wit," -Boston Daily handsome residence on Pall Mall street lobe. Hear Canada's eloquent Ora - London, from John White, of that or, Wm. Patterson, in his popular city and will move to London next nd entertaining lecture "Froin Tor - week. Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson and nto to Belfast via Salt Lake City." daughter, and Mrs. Reid and daughter on't miss him or you'll be sorry whet have been residents of Exeter for some he's gone. Here on Thursday Jan' years, and are among the most highly 8th, in Gidley's Opera House uude resbyterian Ladies' Aid. Reserve eats 25 cts. children 15 cts. Plan at It: Grieve's. For the benefit of half a dozen or more correspondents who are inclined to spend time and patience arguing it can be stated once more that the nine- teenth century has not passed -will not end until the last moment in next De- ceinber-and the twentieth century will not begin until Jan. 1, 1901, The borne ; 2nd Vice-pres., John Hunter, ITsborne. Direetors:-E Christie, J. H Grieve, W Bawden, Exeter; W D Sanders. W Elliott, Stephen ; D Mc- Innes, J Allison and j Delbridge, Us - borne; P McTaggart, Hay. Auditors: --A Bishop and IT. Huston, The by-law put before the ratepayers ofBlyth,for the putting downof grano- lithie walks was carried by a majority of 67, the vote standing 18-19, show- ing that the people were fully in favor pueching, mutilating or defacing coins should remember that there is quite a severe penalty attached to such of- fences. Sec. 469 of the Criminal Code says: "Every one is guilty of an in- character °represents nothing. There dictable offence and liable to one year's was no 0 year -there are no blanks in inaprisoxmaent who defaces any cur- time. The first century began with rent gold, silver or copper coin, by the birth of Christ, and it required 100 stamping thereon any names or words, full years to complete it. and each whether such coin is, or is not, thereby succeeding century was filled by 100 diminished or lightened, and after- complete years, consequently the nine - wards tenders the same," cl-liPPing teenth century will not be completed coins is punishable by seven yearsim- until 1900 years have passed Only Our Crockery-, China and Glassware has sold splendidly. We have left 3 97 piece dinner setts 9.50 for 7.00 ; 7.50 for 5.75 , 6.50 for 5.00. A FEW IDAIR In Men's and Boy's Long Boots, good stock, well made, all must be sold at half' price. In Ladies' fine wear such as Oxfords, laced and buttoned boots, we have great values atand below cost. . In. Mens fine wearGentlemen dont let our offer pass you The stock is number one and styles are right. Prices are meeting the approval of all,who come wanting a bargain. To our customers and the public in.general, I ask you not to allow this offer, to pass unnoticed. Come in and see for yourselvesEiainine the goods, AND BE CONVINCED. The balance of our Ready-made Clothing will de offered at prices that will catch you bung along your small boys and your large boys and fathei-.s come yourselves. N. B.—We want first class butter 18e, fresh eggs 18e, launiber one dried apples 6c, and all - the fowl You can bring. r:3 K Nc:11•Sp. A few drily Ladies' Black cashmere Shawls with heLtiitiful black silk knottc(I fringe. You esIttSsess...." _