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Exeter Times, 1900-1-11, Page 5
ONEY TO LOAN. to 5�'. _ at from 41E, LLI.OApply to ,& GLADMAN. Barrli;tere Solicitors. &c„ Main St., Exeter, - T MONEY TO LOAN. We have unlimited private 'funds for invest- ment upon farm or village property at lowest rates or interest. DICKSON & CARLING ,Exeter:. KINSMANt. L, 1)..5, AND H. DR:KINSMAN. I . D. S. D, D..B., Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Dentist. Teeth extracted without 7pain or bad after effects. Office in Fan. son's block. West side of Main treat. Exeter i ANUtiRS.ON• iia. ®' S-1,• 0. S• ) DENTIST. ' Honor teraduate of the Toronto University. and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All bridge work, Crowns, as d Plate work done in the neatest possible manner. A harmless ausesthetic for painless extraction. Tirestrietest attention given to the preserve. Ion. of the natural teeth. Office opposite Casa rel Rotel, Exeter„ Ontario, t ►+ HOOPER, Licensed Aue- tioneer'for the County of Huron. Sales eon ducted -in all parts. and for convenience Can be arranged tarot this office, Satisfaction 8r an teed. Charges atoderate. Exeter P. 0. NOTICE ar APPLICA a ION In the Surrogate :Court of the Comity of Huron, In the matter of the tsuatrdtanship of Lorne McTaggart, the infant child of 3ames Leonard AfaTatggart. of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Heron, physician, decea,s- Notioe i$ hereby ^leen that after the expira- tion of twenty ld yafrom thefiret publication of flits noose, application will be made to the Soiree -ate Court of the Comity of Huron for a grantor letters of guanitanshipof tate above named- infant, to oratio Neleon McTaggart of the Tor nehip of Tuckersntith, umere/taut, the itrrndfetherof the said infant, COLLINS c STAN -WRY eolicitorn for the A pplicaot, hated'be:30th day otDecember. ISM NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of,Tohlm 1 tluaan late of tiro village of Exeter in the County of Huron, Physician, deceased, Purmant le Chapter 129 of the R'avlse[l Stautes of Onterie 1897, not IVO is Hereby given thatell creditors and others basing claims a -st in the estateof Johndm: Il. 0 Eremite= kite of Y,ayn the village o iu of ExeterCounty r alto . E t n thea Rum. gt1 Physician, who died mar about the third or October. A. D. ISM, are. on or before the prat da' ofFobrnarjA, D.1900 toisend by peeepre. veld to I`lessre. Dickson & Carling,Solicitors; a o S r tit Executors of the setddecdaseitheir !hria¢Tau names surnames,r4, addresses and descriptionsthe full particulars of theirr claims; n statement of Choir accounts and the nature of the securities (if an) held by them and that sifter the da • last aforesaid the Fate Executors will proceed to distribute the et$ of f the slid cad anonfitloparticsauklt] d there- to having regard only to such •claims of Ivhich notice shalt bay° been given as above required and rho said Executors will be liable for the rteldassets' or any part thereof to any Person orperson:t of whose claim or claims notice shall nor, have been received at the thno of such 41s• tributton. NOTICE TO DEBTORS Alinements. notes See. clue or owing to the firm of Hyndman. & Headman, Physi cin s, whichsid fila has been dissolved, bythe d actio m fad e i nl tau c f the i locos~ dJol n H t mat m st a• , bolaid on or before tho'nest day or Alarch A, 1).1900 to IL K. Iiyndman. Physician. who is authorized to receive and discharge the sante and all necout & .rem remaining unpaid atlar1 th 4 seta last mentioned d n o bo placed incour t for collection. at Exeter this 27th day of Deoontbor A. D, 7899. DIORSON & GARLINQ,. Seers for Executors, CUT THIS OUT Lind rand us with 5 tents in silver. and you will get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX OF t1700DS thnt will bring .you in MORE MONEY, in ono month, than anything else in America. A. W. KINNBY, E. T.. Salon -Yarmouth, N. S. NOTICE The annum meeting of the 'Osborne and Bib - bort Mutual Fire insurance Company will bo bold in the Public u is Hall,Farquhar, ar, oa Monday February 5th at one o'clock p. m. Business,rocoivinggtho Directors and Secrotary Treasurers and Auditors annual reports. Tlie election of Two DIrectors, Two Auditors and other business in the interest of the company, JOHN ESS11'1Y. THOS. CAMERON, President. Scoretary TENDERS WANTED The Directors of the W.13. & C. Asso'n. will receive tenders for the butter milk made at the factory, for the three years beginingg Fob. 1st 1900, until Tuesday evening Jan. lGth 1900. If you tender please answer this question. How much will you give for the butter milk from each ton of butter made at tho factory for three years beginning Fob. 1st 1900. JOSH JOHN, Secy. Exeter Municipal Council The council met pursuant to statute at Town Hall, on Monday, Jan Stb, at. 11 o'clock and took and subscribed to the several declarations of office in the presence of the Clerk, viz W. G. Bissett, Reeve; I. Armstrong, J. Evans, W. H. Levett and J. Muir, Councillors. The minutes of the•. last meeting of the 1899 council were read, confirmed and signed. Armstrong -Muir -That Geo. H. Bissett be Clerk for 1900, salary same as last year. Carried Armstrong- Lovett That W. S. Balkwill he auditor for 1900. Carried. Evans -Muir- ThatThos Gregory be' the other auditor for 1000, Car- ried. By.law No. 1 and 2, 1900, to appoint a clerk and auditors were read a first time, second and third time and finally passed Le tett- M :Aluir- That Thos. Hazle- wood, J. McLaughlin and A. E. Ten- nant, together with the Reeve rand Clerk, m costmtnt e a Boar m d e€Heal Health 10 for 1900.. Carried. Muir -Evans -That Dr. T. A. Arrros be Medical : Realth ()Meer .. for 1900. Carried. A letter from the Chairman of the Sick Children's Hospital Trust Board was laid before the council, asking a donation,and on motion of J no, Evans, seconded by. J. Muir, a giant of ten dollars was made. de. f • J,it lied: Muir -Lovett -That the Clerk be in. structed to order six copies of the Municipal World for the use of Coun- cil. Carried. Armstrong b. Muir - That the Clerk instruct the Treasurer to remit the annual payment to the Wateroas En- gine Works n-gine'.•Works Co. on fire engine. Car- ried. Arrnstron--Levett-'That Council . i ,. g adjourn to I'ri da 1 y the 12th Jany at 7.30 'I.30 o'clock. Carried. Geo. I3. B1ssrrT,-Clerk, .R L'7; !' . 't .iii • The Prodigal's Return, THE BEST WORD ON SOUTH AF TIMES Just got a Tette" here from Joe, our 'boy, that said he'd got Disgusted lith; on the farm. an' guessed he'd a t r iak trot. e o. Into the ba+y rushin' world. and try to make a name That in the corrin' years 'II be close coupled up with fame, He'd got a irresistable desire to gather wealth, An' said that if he' belt his grip on his sur. pride' health Re'd some day take us all to town to, wear sore boughten clothes, An' with the uppeateneers pack an elevated nose. We tried to turn hien from his course with calnmadvisia' words.. But might as welt have chattered to the little dickie bird: i Fur Joe was sot in ail his way, and when he'd axed a int, .A. stroke o'lightning, conldn't knock his `1Y.Hrl: petits 0111 u ,Vint,. And so we told him he could go, but warned hien of the snares The city anus lays to ketch the stranger unawares, But he jest laughed our fears away, an' said with bitin" scorn The sharper that could do him had neglee. ted to be born. I drawed n• hundred dollars from the pile I had in bank,. An' toll hint fur to shore it down securely in his Bank. An' then be kissed his ma good-bye, an' Both oofi s e Aglltitnm^ au grip. attack of trenxblin• of the lipp, At night dant/ ori onr bended knees we'd speak a word for Joe. An' axed the Lord to stay with pini where Ilut never message , did `we get from him that venSo full of golden' 'Ironies: tin this hero letter canoe today. ITC writeS far nmo to meet Mn* as the deppo down i o rt lie mC An` bring along he of brown coat ho w' d to wear tit Monte. An` have Itis mother patch the pants he lef t a•tiangin' here. That's sort a• busted at the knees an' sbat- toeed in the rear HCaieawants ho striped vest be gave his brothcr•Fete, An' .I trust fetch a piero' chaos ; he's in hie nailed feet, •.An`takealongsgate nudeoelutht,.+ eu` auris, an' such as that, Likewise .his el' blue woolen shirt : he say be's got abet y 1 BORRZST BdSK8ll.V LLE --I1 Exeter, en lace 911. the wife of $. Basket's -Me. ora son, H0G-On-din3rdcon, Stephen ou Jou. etlt the wile or S. T Hogarth, of a son. ROW0LIFF9+.-On Janette, the wife of David Rowelilt•e of a daughter. MARRIED D 11101 IAb .-7'G HNIP-At, the resldeuce of the bridegroom, lot 10, west centre. south Trail!. on the 28 ult , i!1 r Wee Blekle to 'miss Tttr» nip. all of F.,grearelville. B Qi3LAN-$IMQX$.10llublin,onthe let lust.. nt the residence of the bride'e parent's, by the Rev. J, 'r. leerrin, ;Air. Adam Herman, to c \It•.9..., a � 'ur it S t m ona.b oth of1/11011n. S1ti 1 E 17 B sA1F Flt-- l , t !1 a4 the residence e ce o f the bride's; talents it'oodliam, on Jan •'rad, by llev W. J. Waddell. A'htttleld L. Switzer to Minnie E, Sawyer. both of Woodham, STt3AItT� A1U1tgW S-Itt the residence of the bride's • a r parents Hayfield Ia ch P d !road on4 y Wee. 5 + a t d m lana nm.st 'Miss n. lrs H 'illi. . ct. daughter of Jahn Aa t droty Arthur rlht • Reston, Alan. s' n u. Stuart, of LOUOK--SleilitIEN` .M the residence of the bride's mother, Vlinton,ou Jan. Ise, by Rev, .1. 1', Parke, kc Arthur Lauds . ,at cit o f Ottawa, r. Vt a to Miss t ss Illlnncl►. yawnggcat dau beer of dint ;11cl3rlcn, Halttt'l3---CrtUZllsl¢ .'in illnusbard on I)ee. 27, 1899 by the Rev. T. E. Harrison,. of Gran. ton, Miss Minnie Crosier and Me. i.dmund. F. Harrah. of Nirkton. PYM-..WILES--1n St. Marys. on Christmas Day. Dec. 2Stb. 1810*, bytete Rev. G. W. Efendorson, Miss LizziWillos and Mr. John P tit. both of 8t MAXI'S, ,113Ei.t-llUUTcH1;I.LAAt et James cunrclt, St, Alarys, New Yenta l:a by ltev.ain 7.ay- Alissa ir. om, zic S' A lite t 1 L 1 civ andAir. Ir. H N. . Abell. o. 13i?ta17--By-.I3y the Rev. S. G. E dmuds,. 13.D., at the Methodist parsonogr, Wellburn. on Dec. 27. IRO, William Thos, Bt i; and Ailt�'s Louisa Elisabeth Brow b NDtitogtBiala :+hnrtl •• ecx I)-COLLINS-At the familyresidenco, 3.23 Iiorton street, on Dezember 27th. 1800 by, the Itas+ Jos.Edge,Jo1*n (`,Gould to Lucretia C. Collins, daughter of Asa Conine, both of this city, DIED ,, W. TAYLOR -7n Clinton,R t Gon Dee. Ca SO �l , h 1 , I or Y , aged 79 •e r years. ITA Nl>:5- In S Aiarvs t. , on Friday, Dec. '?9tlm. John Baynes,nged i119 years, 9 months and 21 do�ya MCAlUItRAY-In Logan, on Deo. 20 tit the wife of Mr. Mr. James Alcllurray, aged 5$ years tend 2 months. Ai(ALLISTER-lu Clinton, on Jan. 1st, Eliza Campbell, relict or the lata A. McAllister, egad 73 years and 11 months. On Friday evening the Forresters, of Varna, gave a farewell oyster supper to Air. Barnwell, before leaving for his school in Kirkton. Jets. Wallis, of time lake shore road, dioderich township, has entered suit for damages against L. Aldsworth, for alleged loss arising from diversion of a water course. Aldsworth has entered a set-off, and the matter will come up at the High Court of Justice, which opens in Goderich on the 2Sth of May nest. On Monday morning when Ike Brownlee, gr,•Sumi»er Hill, went to at- tend to the cattle on Lindsay farm, he noticed the stack' had Melt oyer. He cout ted the cattle and one was missing Ha dug the straw out a little and coin- ing to the feet of the animal he tied a rope on them and hitched his hor se to it, and drew it out. Leaving it for dead he went to attend to his work. When hen he came back it had come to and had get to its feet. A serious mistake occurred Tburs- day evening in Mitchell which :might have caused fatal results. Mrs. John Coppin, jr., has been suffering from rheumatism and bas the attendance of a nurse. Two bottles were in use, one containing a medicine and the other a liniment. By mistake the liniment was given, instead of the medicine with a serious .result, Mrs. Coppin has recovered from the effects of the accident. What is this deadly lydditee Noth- ing but molten picric acid run into the shell and allowed to sere Once, _before the military scientists came on the scene, picric acid (which consists . of caxholic acid treated with nitric acid) was used merelyas a harmless little dye ; it could dye thingsa saffron col lei Before it is melted d i e tis yellow' in eolol ; after, it has a brownish hue. Then the . inventor carne - e l m ?bonganddis covered that if fired by a detonator it acts as a violent explosive, and so the new' explosive rna s pressed into the p vi m service of England, France, ace Austria and Italy. , , FOR OV Il FIFTY OPPIR rlrTY YEARS Aet Oen :1 ND WELL-TRWREMEDY.-Mr9 Winslow's Soothing oothin Syrup h g S a9 been used P for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their' children while teething, with perfect' success It seethes the child, softens the gums. allays al. pain, cures wind colic. and is the best; remedy for.:Diarrhoea. .. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by' druggists in every part' of the world. 25' cents a bottle. Its value uo is incalculable. caIcui ble a Be sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL • The council of the county of Huron will meet in the council chamber in town of Glade- rich on Tuesday the 23 hist., at 3 o'clock p. nm:' _Dated Jan,.8th: 1900 W. I�ANI3, Clerk - Past Record MARKETS. RICA, Exeter, JA.` CUR) t0?m,, 1�0). The war in South Africa has caused lahoat per bushel a3 to Gt several publishers to advertise forth Oats......... 25 _n Lmfe Bardet' 25 to 3G coming histories of that country.We have several of the prospectus: books before us, One is from the pen of as newspaper correspondent who was in South Africa a short time ago, but is not there at, ail note, Another is a rehash of Livingstone's and Stanley's travels, with a few engravings and pages added. Apparently newspaper reports and paste and scissors are re- lied on to make up neargy all such forthcoming books on. South Africa. But we are glad to know that; South Africa, with the added interest of the war, Is going to be the subject of one first class book by the best known authors of the present day, and that the same is not being run through with lightning speed, but has been in preparation for several years.. John Clarke Ridpath, L. L. U., author of "Cyolopaedia of Universal History," "Life aind Times of Gladstone," "Isis- tory of the World, etc,, is uudoebted- ly the hest American historian, living, and the ieclual of any historian of any land. He is assisted by Edward S. El- lis, U. A.., author of the Standard His- tory of the United States, a work that, has made Mr. Ellis a world wide repu- tation, A considerable part had al- rendy been written when hostilities commenced, WI A great number of photographs and drawings obtain;d while official resources were easy of atCCe,•ca , s ek Nxn•'became a• certainty, arra nl;@-' Itll,ei.a ,.ere made for direct corres- pondence as to the progress of events. The work will excell all others as a record Of the war, and be incompar- able in other respects. It will be pro- fusely and handsomely illustrated. There will be about 150 full page. half tone engrat•yin.gs, executed in a style superior to heat of the largest American magazines, andceitainly in striking 4 and beautiful contrasts to the illustrations in the other picaepectuses that we have seen, 'These will com- prise scenes m South Africa, and sketches of the great battles -many of which have been set,h froth. South Africa direct to the publishers- life like portraits of Lord Roberta, Lord Kitchener, Col. Otter. Gen Joubert; Paul Itruger rind outer prominent commanders of the British and Boer forces, Of special Interest will be the~ section on dello tewl to the Canadian contingent, which will1 be 'from tile e pen of ilia. J. A. Cooper, managing ed- itor of the Canadian Magazine sand one of the ablest writers to time Do, miniThere .h ea'e svlll he twenty full 1 page illustrations lel' ' i Pthe first 01,11. adieu contingent, and equal justice will be done the secouti contingent ROW Ill course of orgaanizatlou. A comparison r son o f the prospectus of this book by the side of several others before us, shows at a elaneo its great superiority in paper, printing, engrav- ing and binding, and ye t the price ie no higher than the others. The work is being published jointly by two of the largest and wealthiest publishing firms itt the United States,. and Canadian Ct a itn dt I edition ion is being is sued by The 'World Publishing Company.. of Guelph, Canada ; a firm that pub- lishes on]F the heels a firm that has exported millions of books to foreign countries, that has sent five hundred men to Australia, mut' that leas had a branch house in South Africa for the last nineteen years, which gives it an immense advantage over any rival publishers in securing fi photographs and material, an article from its representative being a special feature. The niaps contained in the work are the best we have yet seen of South .Africa. Surely a fortune awaits the publishing firm and a rich harvest for the agents on such a book and at such a time. The call for agents by the World Publishing Company of Guelph, Ont., for this great work will he found in another column. -Guelph Herald, Dee. 20. EXETER ROLLER fl I ILS WOOD WANTED ALWAYS READY FLOUR Wholesale & Retail CHOPPED FEED. Barley, Peas, Oats, ars Corn Big Stock on Hand Prices Right. JOSiPH COBBLEDICK MANAGER. LEVITT'S CAL. AND SEE ALL OUR NEW Fancy Ooods • Xmas and New Years are over but the still have lots o fett r and p F. useful articles for the e o l e . p P GAMES OF ALL KINDS. Triangleo, the newest game out, is a very fasinating game and affords great amusementr fo the long winter Y een- ings. Also' Carroms and Crokinole boards 75c, round or square; 5 and 10c games, child's sleighs and rocking horses, toys, China, Glass and Ebony ware, Lamps, Granite . toilet setts, boilers, kettles, shoe andstove of p ish, ink lead pencils, school bags, castor and machine oil, matches, ate. FRESH OYSTERS and F'P,UITS. Lev�t .t '' ' ii . t Sr �1p AGENT F0.1. PARISIA" STEAM LAUNDRY, ?. NDRY, P.Cae - saving • Butter.,,,. ,•-., ,27 to 17 t'7 F. .1 - TarkeYs, - 9 10 8: Geese..,.,,+. ,.,, 7 rq 5 Chickens per lA 8 to. a �} , 9 Ducks,.,,,. •.... .+,7 to 1r ain 1s Celery Compound, 1'1'iC.t „ 13 to re YDried Agples,. >, . to a Pork dressed .., . .. $5.00 to. 460 Is now and Will Ever be the Great Home Medicine. The past record of Peine's Celery Compound will live long in the 'hearts of tens of thousandsof our Canadian men and women. They can never forget the fact, that it was Paine's Celery Compound that brought back strength, health and new, vigorous life after failures with the many common advertised remedies, as well as with physicians and hospital treatment. Amongst the most notable rend mar- vellous records of cures affected by ssaines' Celery Compound in the year i just closed are the eases of thousbIUs who had been given up by physicians as hopeless. These hopeless cases were then and women suffering from kidney and liver diseases, S tA , cftrott tieS ,11e4tnxti£n nervous prostration and long standing dyspepsia --:ell on the brink of the dark grave. At the eleventh hour when hope had fled, and deep black despondency reig- ned sapreme, Paine'sOelery Compound was recommended by 601110 good friend sill as last resort. It did not require weeks or months for Paine's Celery Compound to show it powers and virtues. .A few hours or days sufficed to convince every suffers er that he or she had in truth found a medicine that could cope withdisease and death. The past record of life saving is main- tained and fortified 1Iy thousands of the strongest testimonials written by men and women now enjoying the full blessings of good health, This glorious past record of Nines Celery ('Yotnpaund as a disease banish- er has given the wondrous medicine a place in the majority of hollies of Can- ada,v: '9 •. where 1.ntm1 vna. as "The home erre' pbysieian,'#The bo,l,e protector at:'ainst disease. Are you a sufferer from any of the troubles mentioned above; yAre you weaknervous + Are vou sleepless p e leas cIcspontlent or morose? Have yon per- iodical headache, poor' appetite or faul- ty digestion: If so, try what Paire's Celery Compound can do Inc you. A,: bottle or two will give you satisfaction and delight. Five Packs of Cards Free - Ono pack, May L 0, 1'. Uonme; One pack. •I%scort, Ono pack 'Flirtation, Unopa.ek'lioltl• teethe' One pack 'Otr Sofa Just IioldsTwo,' Samples 1cs of 20 other s r P t les � t illio 1 b o]. full of no• r dms o n m. Sone tl uo. •~livor Poro�ff :� pp tae. A.Av.KINN EY,1,'1'., Salem -Yarmouth, N. S. GIVE A YOUTH resolution rand at thand a course in Business and Short fog- . •rY- reetKaga 1.014 and who shall place Iimits.to his career. Catalogues free. J. W. W STE0 1;111', Principal MeatMarket IY1a let The undersigned has opened up o new meat market one door South of Garllnu's store where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN T. MANNING LOU & jojts WANTEOEI Highest • Prices Paid., CUSTOM S 'WING DONE AT LOWEST PRICES. Sutherland Innes Co. LTD. Late Got9ld's: Mill, Exeter, Ont. New B!acksmith Shop Tile undersigned wishes to aunounce that he has opened upa blacksmith business.; n "Da is old Main St. where he will be prepared to do all kinds of General QlbXittl SC BLA C,ICSM IT HiN G. HORSESNOEING A SPECIALTY. A GALL SOLICITED Jas. Russel ,--,..'*., London, ,JANUARY 10th. 1909 Wbeat per beettel. .,., .. 00 tp 67 ms to 29 .,,.Sltgeo ...57 to 40 Itye ..,.. .,..id to 1s 0 to GG Corms .... ..-, „. 4'L to 41 ...,,-Gi to 70 Butter,:,,„14 to 14 Eggs . ...... ., 15 to 10 DuTurkeys per 15... , ... . - :1© to 70 Geese perte..... 9 two. 10 Chickens .,a to 76 Cheese.....- "F'" 8 to. 10 Potatoes Dor bag.,, .St, tel: 00` $ Hay per ton ,. 6.00 to $ 7.00 Pork'' per cwt.,. -, .. $1.50 to $5.00 , Peas ,... Barley Buckwheat Blemishes. There is no other remedy equal to B. B. B. for making the blood pure, rich, and red, and the skin clear and smooth. Here's proof from om $ertha, J. Tozer, North Esk, N.B. "I have had pimples on m, face for three years, and about tw y 3 � Q years I took an attack of d-tervousness. I got so bad I could not sleep and lost hely appetite and, was vett' weak and miserable. I was taking different kinds of medicines but seemed to be getting worse. A friend advised me to try I3urdock Blood Bitters, I did o, taking in all four bottles. As a result IE good well, ,v r h�.aa a aPPeti teimF face is fr oe fr ?ll pimples,1 eSa my skin Clear and my health is in every way perfect." THE Clot • UtsT10 t, Constantly aO 1; it L 1 pursues it Is ('misy enough of solution, rl, t110 1 lI . though when you are ,lb10 to avail yourself of our offal. We are Showing a fin(' range of Black Worsted in twills, vane - dans and clays (bought before' the heavy advance l Il 1J11Ct' and selling at the old prices.) Nice suits for $14 in faliev worsted suiting. We show tt big range at moderate prices in Scowl). and Canadian tweeds We ca17 a large and well t't. StttC as- sorted sort 1 k . Prices eS to suit all. A. large stock; of the lat- est goods voa oercfor singt fronlc$l0 up. GIVE US A CALL and see what we can do for you. J. H. Grieve. MERCHANT TAILOR WEAK, FAINT FEELINGS. Serious Conditions that htilbural's Heart and Nerve Pills can Readily Cure. One of the indications of serious heari trouble is the sensation of weakness or faintness that comes on at times. Sometimes it is simply a dizzy feeling that passes off, Or it maybe a state of un- consciousness with hands and feet cold and countenance ghastly pale. y These symp- toms indicate a weakened heart. They are unmis- takable evidences of the engine of life breaking down. `I *.7� only o one rel able remedy for restoring strength and vitality to weakened hearts and relieving all the distressing ' ssin erre oma~. It is ; g 9 ilbmmrn Heart and. Nerve Pills. M s The case of Mrs. A. Stratton, Frederic- ton, N.B., amply proves thus. Here is her statement "I suffered• very much from an im- poverished condition of the blood, coupled with extreme nervousness. A dizzy sen- sation on arising quickly yor coming down stairs often troubled me, and my breath was so short that 1 could not walk up stairs. The least exertion caused my heart to flutter and palpitate Violently, and Iaomei sometimes felt a smothering g sen= sation oh going to sleep. ]i dootored back and forth for myy weak- ness, but , I got no: relief from any Medicine until I tried Milburn's# Heart and Nerve Pills and I can say that they helped me wonderfully. Sometimes a imes my lace and arms would swell and nU u troubles s eedily p ► butall restoring p yielded to i1s� restoring in$uences of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and I at now strong and well, 1 not use thorn long until I regained the e.. aping of healthful, refreshing sleep and it will always be a pleasure to MO to recommend them to others." Che St On every " dater Shoe ", put there by the makers as a guarantee a$ wear value * a pr'otec'. tion against extortionate profits. Many then would readily pay more .for a "Slater Shoo" were not the price stamped' ora the solo ---this stamp gives the actual market value of the shoe determined by the manufac- turers. Made in twelve foot -model, shapes, all sizes, widths, leathers, colors and styles. very pair Good- year welted. $3.5o and .$5,00, E. J. SPAC'KMA r1, SOLE • 11 `,A.I AGM,. OY MONEY N �O .r• 1 Any man w1io wears he J. D. King ng Co.'s xis P:'ir',o! r ubbers a.kes mon v -mune ' .ill jingle in his pt,a:-tt, Search the world (Ivt~r owl yon 41 find nothing' bt.Lts."r ti,:tr , nothing. Proof Rubtt'.~r ,, because 7;,4.- there is rot1d,:lS l'f ,,ter. Any progressiv'l deakr can tel you all about $.11:1;Proof, if not, write tea the J., D. King Co.., and they will tell you. You can't afford to be 'without them, because they axe the best, See that Stub Proof is STAMPED on the bottom of each shoe. The J. D. KING CO., Limited, .. TAlYntPr:Xontrea. WinIli e . Sale Forin Exeter b - H. Bishop & Son. o � lop Fine TailoringMr. i . .r' Dunsntnre, totcher, of ..e• D e 'a en r ous IDotvnie tis tier kzlll,n Trailani el whentin far D, lici{al Tlle < tat.dressed weighed Ftt potiuds, was 7 feet 10inhes in length anti iesu U efte You require A BLACK suit veru often at this thno otthe year. We aro to fit you out in the finest style.elellc t quality �+'root£�s cloeestprices. edding A Sults A Specialty ctal t. F JAS SNELL PALL AT THE FAMILY Meat Market For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, LARD and SNORED MEATS A fine selection of BEEF, LAMB, FRESH PORK, and all kinds of Fr'esth anti salted Meert on hand. Note the address, one door north of The 12. Pickard Co's store. LOUIS DAY, PROP SCHOOL BOOKS A FULL LINE OF NEW BOOKS FOR School O"iening AND ALL THE CHILD- RENS HILD RENS NEEDS AT Brownings. Where the Scholars are used Well. TRY R. N. ROSE FOR Rurriiture YOU WILL GET SATISFACTION EVERY TIME.GET SQiENING`'I�ICE To TUB. Dri&s. -.4 rich lady cured nI liner Deafness and Noises in the Head . i. i Nieholsons Artificial 1 k'ar Drums ' byDr.. IC els ns�,it fie as ! o has sent £1,000 to hie Institute, so that deaf people enable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. A•p�- ply to Dept. A. S. V. the institute, 7*) Eighth Avenue, New '1York,U, S. A. Fighting the Fir Hard life the plucky firemen lead; out inall sorts ,of weather, losing sleep, eatehing cold and d stlaininl; their r th 'backs, Hard to ;Tuve strong, well kidneys under such eondrtions. That's why firemen, polieemen and others, who are exl:osetl to the weather, are so often troubled with 'R eak, Lame Backs and with Urinary Troubles, ®MAN'S Kidney Pills are helping hundreds of Buell to health. Mr. John Robinson, chief of the fra department, Dresden, Ont., says: ' Prior to taking these pills: I had kid- ney trouble -which caused severe pain in the small of my back and in both sides. I had a tired feeling and neverseemed to be able to get rested. However, 1 com- menced the use of Doamx's Kidney Phis, Iand after taking three boxes am completely. cured. I have now no backache or urinary trouble, and the tired feeling is com- pletely gone. In fact, I am well a�txtl strong." A Man is always in The S 1M If he wears `one of W JOHN'S neatly f tting Stahl~ He is a sure fitter. His prices are away down. His goods are the best -• Call and examine hisgoods before buying;your -. JOHNS -5.- SUIT W. - �. The Tailor- AND ailor By the Best and I gnore the the est In the end you will find Furnish it cheapest. . ll i r'rt sh th a t va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, - Table Chairs, Sr Etc. .Jnderfak In RIGHT UP-TO-DflTE IN RLL LINES. R. N. ROW Web have I" ttyon want it. 1 Take a look at our full line .Of FURNITURE and you ;Will find whatYt7 ou are lodki ng feta; S C lD FURNITURE AND LUNDER,T.AR:IR 5' Opera Henze Mock.