HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-1-11, Page 3NI( 'at T H EXETER TIMES CANA IANS IN BATTLE. !Toronto Company Receive Their Baptism of Fire—Help to Defeat the Boers. E A a e°spat h33Uf ri.olMES LROn :o n°11Zt :-T h e ritics, in sueuniog up the probabilities a Geaeral letiller making Another at- tack, estimate his force at gearly 30,- 03 men, with 66 guns, including six hewitzer's against General 4onbert'a 25.000 men and 63 guns, but whoae, posi- tion and redbilny will more time, eoun- terbalance the eumerical superiority a the British. The eritio of the Morn- ing Post labours daily to prepare the Puono for heavy -losses, fie says.:- " One General Buller aethiout Ids obe jeot will be to win decisive battle. Ins tA, despateli from Belmont, Cape Cel- GEN, BULLER SOON TO ADVANCE. atm, will be to inflict the greatest pos- oxiy, eayse-A forte oonmg sistoe 10 Gen. leuller continues Ins night bogie '^h1]Q t10 ' • 'f 11 hardmentand patrol surprises- As rae, to cror oripple the ;Jeer army, canaeatele at the Toronto neeeneon, .s. e ush and 2,(x) fineenniandern, nommanded by the Tugela River jaagata eeeeeese and tt Will, be neraesaans for thet purpose does not spare his own force." cat weirards, two .gunn and a horse. stretther-bearers have again beee that he r.quisitioned at Durban and Pieter- J ' WORRYING THE ENEMY. Winston Churehill sends the tollowe ing to the London Morning, Post, dat- ed Camp Frere; "The leereased activity a the Bri- tish, cavalry hes proved very satieface Col. Plieher, left 13 anionn op, Sunday It la reported at Durben that the Y n. a e . BA noon ou. a waren westward), cover- captured German eleanier Bundesrali e had on board five hig Sae; fiftY tgn be ei:deladYiej;dti:7.4ttubg voTanlAy'llipal°r! iota ao mats before sunset. ; ot abell toed 183 tratned ertilleryineia. tinnier place or town, but by the coin- totee, eacamp4a at coak.a tarot.. Nothing further bas been heard from attendees in the field getting tired of where the troops weee, welcomed ea- 3sre:t.lkat'Irr*O0Nmyhtieohllalgshereear arl'aede. etrurant . their losees. The kiting a high offie - cials of the Boer army. I believe,. m thusiestivally. At six o'clociu nientaa the Beare on. Wednesday morning. ze --ie . tile ea y mire and certain way of ar- mention the force aftproecbed a epot " far as !dna)" her° there '4 """ "iriviug at peece. where a laager of the Boors was roe .6matZ fQ"e' tberet 4 • Feeaseleas werrying of tbe Boers by ported., I Wat,,aDER BOER TAEDAER MBA the Britiala la the last few days has Col Pileher, on ea:preaching the pc...! A despatch from Sterkstreom ata'PA;I:ved 1.44•Y ertOtire- aittaa, wbiah waa "kw at nfrung aeunees that nwanetet, the Been emu, ddydthtdilone etttre.achrdeets am tiaily plandaut at stenteheta, has died et eatennitig tit att sureottone along; the kop,jea, detached Afajar de Rouges:goat Mils beyond Tugela river. but their hie wounda. work within rang;• a the British naval gime is most uncertant business. battery, ander alajor B.ougernont, maritzburg, there, is a dispessttion to forty mounted infantry, under Vent, ix Neve ths1 t tb.F.. British advaane w Ryan. anti 200 of the Cornwall Light r-c't he lung delayed. Infantry, the wbole comomeded by iffINS ON laIE '1313NPESRA'Ut' 11 it Il the gnus. Toroutos, and mounted T. enteial despatch freers Itenetrurg, lufaatry, to -work towarda .tbe riga, 'dated Taesday, says a suPply train making a turnbag movement himself v1414014 A loewootive Iva° set 1414°' time within, tbe larttisli line near Coleswita the Quecnolanders towarda the 1 ,,,, - d ,, e 33 long 4,0 prooeeaeo. So near the Boer ri pesition. t... position that it was impossible to re= a ataneeuvre was a complete sae- 1 corem: it, aud, British gunat tberefore cesa. The British shells were thefirst ; destroyed the trucks It is ameaeet- holleation of the presence of the 1 trornn, ed tbieltV1In314ht,,C1,111t14ittCrIt"' The tenet British casualties about The iterera left their Jaeger end (Van^ leolesberg in two days, tare six rtien d. fire, but the taucemaaridere tune.; lolled pd twenty wounded. P1et1140 tbe rottrervdt• the laager Iv" „ The le,test a.dvieee from, the Coles - captured, with forty priseners. berg district tend to modify the esti- THE NEWS IN II iiiil8Hf11 THE WRY LATEST FROM ALL THE. WORLD OVER. ititereatlag Items •AbOut Our Own Cctuntry, Great Britain, the flatted States, and All Parts 0 the wobe. deeraasea 20 per mots in tbe last year, VA according to a raped made to the AR Ivan DemisewieN aHussian, ilfeisarfinagilubree Prices of Oman, Cattle, more s_atisfac.,Ory ..assftnetts tone hwiorausi odlt b xiSxd?Fazanc‘i,sroor, Cheese, Ike. In the Leading' Marts, to attempt, the life of the Czar." Over =5,660 is to be -Paid out in To t J Mu, 0, 44, 0. -Thee was nateli New York, Boston. and Phi.adelPhia IV • A Is I tbe Government early la ine new year as interest and, dividend payments, Pol'athag the western Cattle Market A New Yea* eneepetey has been hero thgAe Morning. The teede has not awarded a eantraet for electrio fee& qeite got we the holidae, eeeling, het we had eneote quick sales of good stuff -gee, and the indications are that there well ba a, Mere ie1y geaer demean'. „. Shippius catele is in fair demaad at from 41-4 to 4 31-40 per 11). Choi,ce era for the Wasgow tramways, at Condensed And Anaerted for Eaey a755.£00, or atanC09 below. the loweet Reading, British offer, John a Chicago detective, was run over and ps'obab:y fetaila ine jured by a train. at Chicago on Tues- xj:T.-thlieetzsaaiInd,two men tbrew him Ile- avineweatteabiltleabreedeaCoAtv:baalActpeo:ia:thaarYnew" a Negotiations are in elpgress with Tbe Hudson Bay Comieloy bas step - Aaron Wolfecilan bas returetn1 to the Led a carload of Cauadian horses to meage agetit et a New et ellt te to, the New Zealand Govereoneut. surance 'company $10,090 paid out by Tbe rioepfner Refining Company, of tbe company to his heirs uuder the Hamilton, wiil inereise its works awl belief' that he bad died at Los Aa - doable Re capital etaelt, now a66te060. getes, Cal. Owen Sound is to be the beedquare GENERA.ne ters ef atiether steamship). nue. wialah Tbe, we ot Aguinaldo, the Filipine will eompete for the Sault Ste. Made leader, is dead. ,and north sbore business. A labeur convention at Vancouver are CARRIED TIIE BABIEnt Ae. tteepeteh from Pelment. Cape Cali Weelneeley, aysnettotoael ent. It ie offenally annottetted, neing only on a raidiog expeditiou, and for , military rvasena lacing unable to, ix.. nPy Douglas. aetutanently. bas evecue ated tbe town. brtangian elf tne loyalists. lie haa now r.eturned safe - When he announcea tbe necessity a evaeuating the peace. the itsliebitanta of DOUalagi declared their lives were Tbe itrittsh eesnalltes were rwor?en 'mate To Oen. Preach's success, Tile not worth five minutes' purchase at - killed. three wouudedt and ono lo'ss" ; predicted eceupatiou of Coleeberg had, tee the troopa Jetta Colonel. Pileber tog. The wbole torte worliad what're .4140, been nttetapushen yesterdan therefore iuvitea them to accompany ably. The two nr•rs killed belonged evening, while tbe Been' gems. hira to Delman. The preparations to the Queensland contingent. ..anced to ha,ve been eilenced, were were speeenn (tomtaleted. bat the still active. ehtelea of the town were totally in- anequate to eonvey the refugees, eo MO= 3.1A.X.IMS. ha troOliS gave up the trattepert wag - Tim War Office has authorized the gt Qns to the weeeen and ebibtrett. DYSENTERX IFS D The 'War Oifieejlas is ilea a nesse tient by General Whitt at Lautysnat on Deeember 01, is winch he Mates I tbat dt :watery and fever are on the, inerease in Ws camp. BRITISII PRISONERS. The War Office publithee a. telegrem received frum the Boer comenanount- general at Peetoria under date of Deaember ;40, in rept) to a. request from the Britian commander at Live p Town far particulars as to the condi- L bon of tho wounded English soldiers ; The Beer commander furnishes the now held as prisonera by the Boers. Information del -Baal.. W. telegratn states that nine of tbe woundal Bri.ish prnon ,rs r st 11 in the hosantal at Pretoria and otliers are being taken care Or in the Boer hospital at Dundee. TREACHERY IN PRENCE'S CAMP. A despatch from Itensburg, Cape Colony says -A train conta'n ng SUP - 'plies, to \villas eng;ne Was at.tach- ed, started moving within the British lines on Meaday, and ran down an inenne towards tbe Boer lines. It was fottati that. the train could not be st op - pod, and the British gunners were therefore ordered to destroy It to Pre- vent the supplies from falling into the hands of the Boers .Their aim was ac- curate, tinu the care and their contents were soon worthless. What started the train is unkn.own, but treathery is sus - elected. One man has been' arrested in connection with the matter. LOYA.I4 PECIBLE OF DOUGLAS. A. despateh from Landoll :tape- . Lacking news from the Britisb camps in South Africa, whose future action can alone have an important effeet on the larger Issues of the campaxgn, the British public is making the post of Col. Pileher's Miniature battle, Un- • beunded tribute is pall to thet prowess ot the Canadians und Australians, and graphic accounts are published of the enthusiasm m Douglas as the victori- ous troops entered, that place. The represeatative a the Associated Press with the elearg coluann says: The immediate result of Col. Pit- cher's SUCoaSS is the entire dispersal ot the rebels, who have been i govern. - mg the country for the past six weeks, After Sunnyside was captured the Tororaos occupied the tenger for the night, and joined the main bedyr the following morning, bringing the whole of the Boer tents, wagons and loot, end leaving the Ciornwalls in garrison at Sunnyside. The British 'force then started Ms Douglas, the Torontos bringing up the rear, in ,wagons. In theeafternoon the troops entered the town unopposed, and amid extra- ordinary scenes. The inhabitants were overjoyed, and crowded about the sol- diers, shaking hands with them, and when they learned that their deliver- ers were Canadians and Australians, the enthusiasm beca.rne frenzied. . There were deafening cheers as the troops traversed the main street, and ie was almost impossible for them to make progress, the crowds being so eager to shake hands with the Colon- ials. • It appears that the landrost and all the mounted rebels evecuated the place on the previous night. The unmount- ed rebels are reported to be entrench.: • • • • edf in the vicinity. Quantitres of am- munition were captured and destroy - THE PRISONERS ARE REBELS, dessoatce from the Modder River intimates that the Sunnyside prisoners will not be treated as prisoners of war, but as British subjects caught in open rebellion. At the ldodder River camp the C 0 ' duet of the colonials is greatly ad- mired, and all are delighted that they have struk.k the first blow on the western frontier since the battle of Mageisfontein. 11 is believed' the re- lief. of Kuruman will quickly follow. vamps -nem of the ue,v. battery a at ed to the London volunteer cows with, Viet:era and Maxim% and /ma ordered' one hundred ot these 12 1 -2 -pounder' quick -firers- built immediately. The officers and men ot the new battery will be. supplied from the Honourable Artillery Canipaity. Light ad dome ro g have been called out. Seven of these will servo iu replacing; the regulars sent to Smith Africa,. The Hort. 1,nd-1-my Robert Oreville, equerry t� the Prince of Wales. has obtained, the Princes permissioa WSW to the front. Remaly he haa Wen dcting as Lord Salisbury's secretary stead ot Mr. Sebomborg who has gone to South, .A.friea. Among the tinnottacements of Uwe who volunteered an 'Wednesday appear the names of a hundred or more SO.al of gentlemen. May of these are Scotch. • All parts of Englan,1 and Scotland 'report lively volunteering, a Jeadieg feature being the great sums. raised by private subscriptions tor volunteer equipment. Some, of the counties bave given as nign an all.000, ' It .is com- puted that the provinees have, :timely raised nearly 46C0.000, while London Is raising 4120,000 for the city corps. . NEEDS MORE MEN. The War Office on Wednesday' af- ternoon issued a despatch r,eceived from Gen French, saying his 'Position was the same as oni the previous day, a with small reinforcements he could dislodge the. Boers from Coles- tnrg and, it the meantime, he con- tinued. ma nocuvering, A dental& from Cape Town, says : -A despatch to the Times from. Rens- burg, says that Tuesday night the British set fire to the &mats of the runaway train whielt has been wreck- ed by the British artillery when it was seen that the train, withal vas loaded with provisions, would other- wise into the hands of the Boers. The New South Wales troops, who were detailed to set the tracks on fire, worked under a heavy sbell and rifle Lire. A party of Boers were trying' to loot the wrecked train, but were com- pelled to retire by the British artillery. The shrapnel shells burst over the en- emy, doing coneiderable damage. Many riderless horses were seen running about alter the fire be- gan. The Boers sought shelter at Flew - man's siding, but welt -directed shell- ing compelled. them to abandon tine plane. The enemy took a field gun at a aoilop through a, pees opposite the Biiiish right. The British inimeelate- ly shelled the gun, but the enemy made no reply. "C" CO. .aCTED AS AN' ZSCORT. Ins Canadians acted as an escort, o the refugees, carried bablee for the iyounen. awl kept everybetay lively hy singing tbey manthed pluck:11y along. in spite or eore feat, OreaS100- ed by the iteavy. sand. - Tee force receive I Mama Buller% coagintulations an the suecess of time xpedition with great siZnatfactiort. REINFORCEMENTS FOR FRENCH, ReInforeeMents of infantry and ar- tillery have Wen despatched to Gime- rat Prennh from Da Aar, 1.'here ts great satisfaction hare at the news that Da Aar lms beta ab'e to send General French reinforeement-s of guns and infantry, of which he appears to be tio mueli in need. Geneva Fren h awned that with sliglat rezeforee- molts he could take the town. The ughtlug in the Wile is incessant. The despatch .tidds "The Boers are practically surround- ed, and if there were more British troops here we salad cut their lines of commu.nication. "The booming of " cannon can be heard from the centre at Colekop. The Berkshii:es have been reinforced. The Inniskillings, Tenth Hussars, and 413 Ilerse Artillery, command the left of the p.ositi on. The '0' Horse Ar- tillery, Mounted Infantry, New Zea- landers, and barineers, under Col. Porter, are on .the extreme right. Gen. Bra bazon is in. command.. "Our troops are playing the Boers at their own game, but they are un- appreciative." The Drikisla casualties to Gen: French's force up to the afternoon of Jan, 3 were five men killed !..and 24 wounded. A detachment of 25 New Zealanders had a narrow escape while advancing on Coleeberg. They were directed to occupy a kopje, but met with a hot re- ception frona a concealed force of Boers. Another body of British troops, seeing their danger, doubled to the rescue of the New Zealanders and, their retreat was successfully accom- pasbed, under, cover of the guns on the hills westward. Colekop is now the principal scene of the fighting, The:British supply train wrecked contained 22,000 rations and a supply FLOT1f4LA. OP WARSIIIPS. A. despatch frum London, says:-Tbe anneunces that the Itria- elats torpedo guaboat !farrier, winch was ordered to watch euspieioue tor - alga vessels dealing in contraband goods, nes armed at Aden. It has Wen deelded that a small flotilla of. warshipa shall mainiaiuext on duty watehillg ail South Afriean, bunts. BERCHIYIER TO COMMAND. officers or C. vtivel D. Squurdrous ar the' Second Contingent to Sontb Selected, A despatch from Ottawa says: - Officers of the Western Mounted Rifles, "0" and "D''' Squadron% of the seoond Canadian contingent, have been chosen, as follows :- lia Command-Coramissioner L. W. Eterchmer, N'. W. M. P. - Setaind in Command -Lieut. -Col. S. B. Steele, N. W. id. P. . Adjutant -Inspector N. taker, N. W. M. P. Transport Officer -IL W. B. Eustace, Moosomin. Quartermaster - nnspector J. B. Allan, N. W. M. P. Veteriaary - Surgeon -Robert. Rid- dell, V.S., Calgary, Majors -James Walker, late in- spector N.W.Id.P., Calgary, and Supt. Joseph Howe, NeWaVI,P. Captains -Supt. G. E. Sanders and Inspsctor A. E. R. Chuthbert, N.W.31.1e, Lieutenaiits-Inspecters J. D. Moo- die, J. V. Begin, R. J. A. Davidson, -A. C. Macdonell, T. A. Wroughton, .N.W. Mae.; Capt. Inglis, Calgatey; Lieut. John Taylor, Manitoba Dragoons, T.W. Chalmers, Edmonton, ex -policeman. This completed the roster of officers, Lieut. -Col. Steele has left for Regina to assist in organizing the force. DyspepSla and Indigestion, orrunon disease$, but hard to Ctire With ordinary remedies, yield reaciily to Manley's Celery -Nerve Compound. mr.n.oucks.000,396v—ar v es,t„ namItton, oot,, *nee wee troubled with eyspp. .111040th:el for A 11;13,g Vale 'could get irQ relief until Mantey'eColery-NeveCompo n 4vhich cared me, end I cennot speak too highly in praise." Cf,rinis win realize 50 per R. BY AO groalr,S ail the, butcher cattle 4Ohi Pik -44y, but there was uod enTaleY for the beet etuff, quieklo at steady it nue c anged nriote; for the ehoien butcher eattio here 4 tr,t 410,4c ferIb.Wee essid Millers arid lace worners ia France olaLgrana bu&s stoc milkere,; arAl feettere were eractieallY une/eang- d. "Small atter was in demand and , 0441 u ell at 4 Might advative npricea; Clued v‘tal calves better are wanted. the gredea. Doge are ant:Longed; for etiolea begs t et top print is 4 4 -no; ligatt bog. dentanding higher wages and has leeided to petition the Prevlacial shorter hours, Governmeet to 310VE the law of Vora, b„bouw. 04.aut, „travails at, tha Pulsory arbitration in caSee of Indus- eaFit-,„ trial dtsputes. New Catedonia. %.14ereY Burtowor a nalAiltwl boy' Terrifie stornei have caused great agvl twelve neat's, was droweed n. MURDERED A MISSIONARY. nee. Mr. 'Croons Captured by Boxers and Milled. A. despatch from Pekin, says :-The Rev. Mr. Brooks, of the Chserch Mi- sionary Society, at Ping -Yin, in the Proviece Shaneeung, was captured in that vicinity and murdered an 1)eo- ember, 3, by members Of a eeditioue soseety called “f3oxers," Who have been active lately, destroying many villages" and killing native. thrtstians. The Governor of the province had despa de a farce of cavalry to the scene of • the disturnances, but the soldiers ar- rived. too late to save Mr. Brooks. SIX HUNDRED LIVES LOST. Awhil :EITeet of the Eartlihnuf a to despiateh . from St. Pe burg says latest reports from Achal- kalek, in • the, 'Government • ofk reigns, shew that six hundred. lives Wgre 'lost during the earehqeakes which 1-i;iited ttmt district on Mondaa.. mange to shipping. and .SOS4 of life. Pruiay in tile bay in an attempt to ett the mite% $ea, inert Fritz Plank. the• noted singer. rough the tee, env Ins younger brother, who got vIc, twat catch or seats in tbeNortb A Y u 3,3 I lis.aire at Carisruee. as. fataa Intered by a -rap In A 4e1 eon fat hens are won, lartagnig 1.er ov many fat hogs are during the past iseasell Wrie 35,314. as The Inaprent of Chloe inenta apple nravarnd with a. fntai far tun _re. ont,. to kin th, reformer, utte.y.e,w,.,,, „Voabwing the range, of quota - ceding year of .4.9.55,-) v She leas offered a reward. tioim wbith aril largely 80Milltiti fteifir by Ceeadiau twilling vessels coming to, tAtitle. rtl'he pews of fabulansly rieti gold Two American. clowne were killed by quart?. being found on Sulphur Creek. the Alt °f traPe4e °di" Si; 113/419114"' 931 IL"v's • 44(0 4 7;1 /Minuet', eneeet do. ti 4 4 Dvar DaW804. is confirmed by the Dale. day. Then 'were Mill brother% eon papers, but Tile Situ thinks it Is i Thera has been fanner rioting in 13,4 C.4z IMt4. gi4c4. . 3.•,0 Orel OalY locat deposit of circumscribed Sbast-Tang provinve, una rAlFren-b and nl`laenert lat'.3." • • 1:''0 0.e.- a. tel, ar • American missions Ita,ve been intruell. tti'''tc'^'"* °Wt. -o The nfinueepolle and Ontario Bridge Almost three million, pereonn in In- t *amen- and, Lanib,i. CeloPatt.v. with a capital or f$ will buil Ito International bridge over ;Way river for the Port Arthur. On. auto an/ Wee ern Rai way. now build- ing lueen Port Artlior and Winui- Peg. The rims that the buberde p1:14stse bas reached Iftwall has caused p,ase alarm la British Columbia, and all the health oaken. have been 130t0f..e41 to take every precaution. agninet the landing of eases at arty of the sen - r. W. l'ircLean. ex-Illtdsan Thy officer. who was reported lost in the far northern niave Lake country, hes aturned to. Winnipeg Ile reports luta g discovered copper ore in the Atha- basca region, and say n bis perty suf- fered no privations olviog to the abun- dance of game tbe north. The directore of tne Mink of Mont., real heve aubtortbed :109 guineaft, equal to S10 091). ou behalf of ttle bank, d among themaelven personally 1.54 0 guineas, en- SUM, making 917,509 alto.. nether, towards the natriotio fund he- thJ r:lima in Great Itritaia for tbe e' an 4 soatiers' tontines and b- er f tom tbe war. ° Biltieh Columbia bas taken f:re maim, for both wheat and oats in the contest in wbleb Prof. Robertson, Do- minion Commiesioner of Agrieulture, Pareonally offered $10) in 21 prizes to boya and girls for the 100 beads) of wheet and oats bearing the largest !lumber of seeds.; The sum of 610,050 tuthrntoamyrettinrlata. ncl for prizes for the next The Mattawan Iron Co.. will agree Lor a bonus of n25,003 from the town of Fort William, to ereet within its limits two furnaces capable of melt- ing 60 tons of copper ore per day, also for a bonaus a 01),00 the rota - patty will erect a charcoal iron blast turrioce with a capacity of 50 tons of pig iron per 24 hours botb indus- tries to be exempted from taxation for a. period of ten years. GREAT BRITADT. The body of the Duke of Westmin- ster has been eremated. Baron Ludlow, a judge of the Court of Appeal, is dead at London. Lord Bennet, who succeeds to the title of Eirl of Tankerville, i 4 an evan- gelist. • Dr. Benjamin F. C. Costello% one of the best known of English edutation- ists, is dead at London. Eight persons were killed and many injured. in railway wrecks in England last week, caused. by fog. Preparations are in progress in England und America for the celebra- tion in .1901 of the milennial anniver- sary of the death of King Alfred the Great. UNITED STATES. Buffalo, N.Y., is to have a union sta- tion to cost $1,500,000. Smallpox is on the increase Among the Indians in .Snuth Dakota. The Panama Canal Compa.ny of Am- erica, with a capital of 3150,000,000, has been incorporated at Trenton, i N.3. Commerciel failures in the 'United! State e last week numbered 220,against 258 a year ago. ' -Twenty bodies have been recovered from- the Baznell mine disaster nexte Brownsville, Pa. Four men were killed in a wreck on the Northern Pacific Railway near. Missoula, lYfontana. le. B. Livingston, a blind war veter- an of Baltiraore, is held there for the murder of les wife. • . Sohn M. Brown aged 106, and for 28 years an, inmate of the Mercy Hos- pital, Chleag,o, is dead. It is said the lefolineux trial in New York will be Lhe most expensive homi- cide case ever teled in the eotintry. Prof. Jemes Munyon will establish ' at „Phi 1 a del elite an -industrial school for orphaned girls at a cost of 32,000,000. Capt. jaeob Jay Baedergrift,. one of the wealthiest and most, ptomin- eAnt men in Piasburg; Pa., is dead there. . I -lot sulpteer geysers have cappeared near San Jacinto,. Cal., since the de- struction of that ealege by, oarth- tpaaies Four men were killed and several injured in a wreck on the Northern Pacific Railroad, six miles east ofnaear Mouth, Mont. Seals .ein the Pribyloft islands have dia are reeeivitag femme relief. Toe tleververaeot spenaiug neerty two iantis of ruaeca daily. TmI F see 1.71 , tee rain,. ey le eonnt.eted. Get mon firate have •e•eureil the eetairecta to bard steamers 40 run frank TallteinW311 to Vladivostock and "Vokedruna. Th 6 FICCUCit Got eminent, win rote the tneuaton in Paris formerly CC1151,01 IA by the late *Jr, Evane, the wealthy Am= erican dentist. The nation's guests will trio it during the Exposition. • $10,000 IN CASH PRIZES. ••••••.=•• ;Items Per the rictql rieleett t t'nutpreitlaii• A detteateh from Ottawa says: -By the kinoineas of a generous friend Commissioner Robertson Is able to ofe fer 310,003 in cash adzes for the selec- don.o seed-graia on fame in all. the protinces on a pion uhich snoutd lead to great innerovemeat tbe crolls throughout the wbole country. The =petition in every province will be to all boys aad girls in it, who have not peened their eighteenth birthday, before the lat of aanuary, 1900. There be separate coutpe- titions for aeon 1.rovince, anti the ;Ion b -West 'remit. ()ries are to be eon, tattered 05 Otret orovinee for this pur- peed The, main competition mill continue for three years, dAti Ole trims will be auarded to those who obtain. the larg- e t number of marks on the following , A. Any acre at oats on the farm at bich the competitor livee may be se- lected for 1000, one nineit. 1% 1 be award- ed every it ;mud in weight of grain ot good qautity obtained from the acre in, 1960. B. Before the grain is nareested in Ma) epaantity of large heads shall be selected loyieleit enough heavy plump sed e to saw. orte acre in 1901; and two marks vitt be awarded for every pound in weight of grain of good quality ob- tained from the acre in 1901. (C) Before the grein. is harvested in 1901, a quantity of large heads shall be selected to yield enough heavy peterap seeds to saw one etre in 1902, and three marks be awarded for every pound in w.C.ght of grain of geed quality obtained from the acre in 1902, (D) The competitor who obtains the largest number of marks in the total of the three years will rezeive the first prize in the provinee, the corapetitor who obtains the second largest' num- ber of marks the seemed prize, and so on for ten prizes in every province. (2) There will be also prizes for wheat on -the same plan. (E) The following show the prizes for oue, province: - Prize. Oats. Wheat. 1. . . e100 3100 2 • '75 75 3. • . • 50 50 4 . 25. 25 5. • 15 15 10 10 7. 5 5 0. 5 . 5 5 5 10... • 5 5 Totals . .3295 3295 (r9°3295 (0) There.will be sets of prizes .as above for Ontario, Quebec, New, Bruns- wick Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Is- land, Manitoba., the Nerth-West Ter- ritoriee, ancl Britieh eespec- tively• ee e alai 0 ael-2 neje% pper4 os4vt‘. 3t0 4 .1.;t14'10, per k'Wt. . raft Cows, eatikera aad VAIN& Calm, 4 *teeth 'Y42:4 101 hugs, per tette 40) 4 37Ie g per cat, 4(» 40j ( ' Loge, per Ai. atet 1-2 1114 'j\ruw, *Ma. 3,-Weeet, -Oteteitie sut etoitZttlit-At eery Meal leeteiy, Kites wore practicady a, pater- larat prieee were eeeedy et waste queet. Ited and wia.te On - trio in tanned at O.) to ens. tueurutug nearn.-4s to Inc mita gown wheat, a .1.2 to AN, 0113.4th•.alaititobis .h4.1. 1 bard, gone 76c, Toxuato and went, 17.i, awl te n. k, 41.1014104 154t4 1.)%s nauad, .13 lam, opting wheat, till the aleiltann, tu24 at lei 1-ee. Enporters bid aalai per 'WI. for streiget roller in buyers' bags, eittddie friagins, and h adera as attao. laistleed-anarce. Bran is quoted at 312 to It12.40 and sh,orts at a14 to L-1.54 wait. Corn -quiet. No. 2 Ataeriean yellow, quoted at 41o. track, Torun:Ai; und. =teed at 40 1-2e; (Jauad.an corn dull at. a) I-1. to 400, tram. Toronto. Peas -Demand quiet., Car tuts sold to -day at rim north and west, and a tgle east. Barasy-Quiot. Car lots of No. 2,mid- elle fre.glas, sold at 88e; and No. J. was queted at 40e. Itye-Demand light. Price a shade better; car lots 41) wine, and 503-1e east. Oats -Rather firmer. White eat , 25c, north anl west, 25 1-2 bid, middle, freenias; and 26e. Itid east; mixed 1-2e lots. Buenwbeat-Fasy. Car tote, east,100 asked, and west Itie asked. Oatmeal -Rolled oats, in bags, track, Toronto, 0.25; and in wood, 33.35 per bbl. Jan. 9. - Wheat - Na. 1 hard, (lash, 66 7 -Se; No. 1 Northern, cash, 65 3-13t; May, 08 3-8e; July, 60 1-2c; bio. 2 Noethera, o2 7-6e; No. 3 spring, 59 3 -Se. 31baneapolis, Jan. 9.-Whi at, in store -No. 'Northern, Jan.. 65 34c; May, 64 3-4.e; July, jit tt -S. On. track. - No. 1 head, 66 3-1e; No. 1 Northern, 65 3-4e; No. 2 Northern, 63 1 -le. Chitago, Jan, 9. -On a heavy demand. and light °timings provitioas show - eta a strength ana activity far out- , Alining the grant markets to -day, May pork closing at 22 1-2 tonne; May tare, 12 1-2 to 150, and May ribs, 1504 higher. Wheat was depressea by the Liverpool weakness, but steadied on „war news and eirength of ,provitions„ • lauteato, Jan. a -Spiting- wheat -En- quiry good; Limits unchanged; No. 1 hard, 76 140; No; 1 Northern, 74 n -4c; 'Wine er wheat -Unsettled ; no enquiry; No. 2 rod, 71e; No. 1 white, 70 1-2o bid. Corn -Active enquiry; firm; No. 3 yellosv, 37e; No. 4 yellow, 3e, 1-2o; No. 2 corn, 36 34e; No. 3 ,eorn, 301-4 to 36 1-2c. Oats -Dull; No. 2 white, ; No. 3 white, 29 to 291-4e; No. 2 C a a con§ms LOSING FAVOR. L has been Whispered that many he graveful, lithe figures a society owe their beauty and supplenesa to the abandonment of corsets, Wnetner this be tree or not, it is a fact that some one itt wearing the dainty little SALM girdles alad very low out bona - less bectices which pne eees displayed, in the corset shops. The lateet etet 01 gaws makes tins puasible,. Tbose who weer princee•se pewee, however. while they ax's said to ferego (Millet& W44r lasted a honed bediee which file the figure and even drama It in Paulen' frtlat Peek to bin. eintoat. Vela isnot a depaantre of nygiette, although dontalese tile women who wear tbeas boned aborainationa tbink then are maktug s great gOTICOSSioti When they g170 up.the heavy stays, . CZEMA 4-rETTER :ALT:RHEUM LiEVED. IN I DAY THE SELPlSII THING. No mamma, sobbee,.. the. unhappy young wife. George cloden't love nte.• foirnd it out last night. 011, my poor child, the mother ex- claimed, what has happened? Ah, I see it all. You founa a letter in his. poeket I? . It wasn't that, the miserable young Woman answered, he came home and told me that he hed had his life in- stired.,' ? Well, if he reallyeloved me, wouldn't he have had mind insured instead of selfishly going and having all this pro- tection upon himself etLin mixed, 27c; No. 3 mixed, 26 3-4c. Rye -Wet; No. 2, in stare, 57 1-2c. Floua -Firm. NEWFOUNDLAND DISPUTE. Motions Clvendt netweisa England and Franco lo Be Extended. A despatch from Paris says :-The opinion hat been expressed in official circles to a representative of the As- sociated Press that the =otitis vivendi between Great Britain and France regarding Newfoundland will be ex- te,ndeet fer another year., , There seems to be no disposition up- on' the' part of France to take advan- tilge of Great Britain's uncomfortable situation in the Transvaal to force an unfair settlement of a matter not re- garded as vital. France is in the po- sition of being willing to sell her fish- ing rights, but she considers it 'proper for Great Britain to make the first proposition. Thus the matter 'stands in abeyance., • A Georgetown, Demerara, despatch says the Demerara Electric Co.'s ap- plitation to construct and operate elec- trictramways and lighting plants there has been granted. Sir Wm. Van Horne, Senator lirtnamond and others are interested). neanglaatelteatee, • DISIA11110 ItittjEVXD IY OMB APs, PL,ICATIQP Vir OR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT. 33 CENTS, • i• a marroaotie our* for ell soupb Cita+ gusting and disfiguring direness as Eo- xama. tarn Rising% Terser,. natters' read =lid Head. 'Ulcers, Blotches'. Xt curers al eruptions of the skin ands:nolo* sir soft and white. -27, Sole by C. Lutz, Exetor. Pt AMPS: ea. nsIKAK The Leading Specialists at America 20 Years in Detroit. k,„ 2501000 Cured. WECURESTRICTURE Thousands et ening, and zniddle.arod rueuaretroublodwithtlibt disesso--mauy unoonscionslr. They unybreve a Pewee ing sensation, small, twisting Omen," sharp cutting tmins at times, slight die. charge, difficulty in onnutenoing, weak organs,Andasions, and all the symptoms of nervefis debility -they have STRI0- TUBE. Don'tletdectormexperimentan You, by cutting, stretching, or tearing you. Ithiswill net our* you, asltwIU re- turn. Our NEW eleITIIOD TlthIAT- MENT &bairns fee stricture tissue; heneereneventhesirieturepormenently. It eannever return. No pain, no suffer- ing. ao detention from business by our method. Thesexualorganso.restrengte- ened., The nerves aro invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns. WECURE GLEET Thousands of young and middleaged teen are having their sexual vigor and vitality continually sapped bg this dis- ease. They are frequently unconscious of the cause of these symptoms. Gen ena Weekness„ Unnatural Discharges, Fail- ing Manhood. Nervousness, Poor Mem- ory. Irritability„ut times Smarting Sen- sation. Sunken Eyes. with dark circles, Weak Reels, General Depression, Lack of Ambition, Veristocale, Shrunken Part& eto. GLEET and STRICTURE maybe the cause. Don't consult family doctors, as they have no experience in these. special diseases -don't allow Quacks to experiment on you. Consult Specialists,whhavemadealife stuily of Diseases of MonandWomen. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will pon- tively, cure you. One thousand dollars for a ease we accept for treatment and oannoteure. TormsmOdemto foram:we. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and curer EMISSIONS, VARICOCELE, smmas, GLEET. STRIOTITILA IMPOTBNOY, SECRET DRAINS.IINNATURAL DISOHARG- ES.KIDNEYandBLADDERDiseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call, write for qtlESTIOX BLANK for ROME TREATMENT. MIRO. N. KENNEDY & KERGAN Cori Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. DETROIT, MIC -RticeS. READ ,iAKERIE KEVEP FAILfi o GAO'. Sentn-litta 4,efr5LtmAA ER$10 La33VegvineeggaWMVPIWS' I Pylly-Peetoral A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS et: Very valuable Remeety in 311 affections of the , THROAT or LUNGS Large -Bottles, 2:5c. paws tk:LAWILTIgGE CO., Limited Prop's, of Perry Davis' Pain -Killer Air-C•ittgtrmititCcikte0 maxi !NIMES. O ARY