HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-1-11, Page 1TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO, 21, HURON (;l`i IY..�.,1.#.1.J1..1L E E&AZETT E. EXETER. ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING ,TAN UARY nt11,1 OO Ei OP We all iLook Well eneall. sSutherland, Notary Public. Cosmos'• Sneer, Commissioer, HrInsurance agg nL and Iesuror olIarriage Licenses. Legal ecu _._.._�.. meets carefully drawn at reasonable rates In buying our Fall and Winter stock we Were careful to select the best value in the :latest tip,to,date• goadz�e are satisfied that our choice pleasedour customers. e have left a few lines Which we have decided to clear out at cost. Kindly glance over the list it may interesest you. Prints Alilel'iea1 Reg 1Oc s 6 iwide, reg 121 to clear: at 8c. 1 English prints on on Bargain counter at clic. lingorwoar cc ii066 Men's all wool, reg 60c, to clear at 40e. Men's Fleece lined, reg 6220, to Blear at 150. l vool, reg IOW 1. 1444444444444 -20e now 2 pr 25c. MEN'S-KLONDIKE GOATS SPECIAL AT $I 25 OVERALLS .�, SPEGI,AaLATIOC Lined Kid gloves, reg Bae, clearing at 50c. A few Ladies' Jackets at cost. These mantles are from thet of lQhe S makers and in the newest styles. C; t5.. '^ --4 C+�,tTli,�,Rar��7l• OUT rl 4w -.PRICES. RDWARE J �� 11e t r + 1�►;. Cook N PRICE. �Wo wid.suit yorru ALL. .IND See our New XwGllt SaWS Fully Warranted. Loweat Prices. AXES Prices 'Lower Than Ever. H. Bishop & Son Kirkto:n r is visiting his brother in the village.-- Mitchell Mrs. A. 13rethour still cantiiiues vera Bain .—S, Brown lost 5.k valuable worse, it dropping dead on the road.— 'The young bachelors' ball, on the 27th ult., passed of with .success. The ,company came from far maid near and spent an - enjoyable time.—R. A. Daw- eson iiaa secured the situation of engin- eer in the woollen mill at St. Marys.— Miss Lizzie Shier is home from Lin- wood for the holidays. She returned on uesda to her duties h T e John Ur y ul•art s eldest daughter whohas d bee so seriously ill is on a, fair way to r covery.—Mr. Wm, Brown, our villa ,carriage maker, has been considerably under the weather from a serious at- tack of Ia grippe,—Mrs. P. Barr who has been residing in the village for sev- eral years has removed on to the 3rd line of Blanshard into the house of Mr, Robt Fletcher. The house vacat- ed by yrs. Barr will be occupied by Mr. J. F. Stinson. We welcome Mr. Stinson to our Burg, -Drs. A. K. Fer- guson and Oarr each sport a new cut- ter purchased from Mr. W. Brown on .Saturday last, Mr. Brown having dis- posed of four on Saturday. This speaks well for our carriage maker.— .Jas Kirk is spending a portion of the winter under the parental roof. It is nineteen years since Mr. Kirk left for -the prairie Province, locating near flamiota and in a very fine portion .of the country. It 3s needless to say he bas prospered for all in that ,vicinity ale so.—J. Duffield, of Mount Forest, `Testimonial of T. Cudmnre, TOWNSHIP OF OSBOR E. Several months ago I began to use. English Stock Food for calves and found it so beneficial that I have con- tinued its use ever since. Lately I fed into small • pigs that were not doing well. They began at once to thrive .and are now doing remarkably well. I freely recommend English Stock Food to stock raisers,.] consider it an .excellent article and well worth the money. THOS. CUDMORE. :Bold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Price 50c per bag CUTTI R CUTTERS OUTT{RS. W. IL Persons has a lot of hand -some Cutters which he is selling very- • •cheap. �• Intending purchasers will do well .to call and inspect them before buying :,elsewhere. LARGEST OEALET S IN OWN. Two doors south of the TOWN HALL. W H. PARSONS low, hopes for her speedy recovery are the wishes of her friends and neigh - 1 born,—The engine and boiler are now in place in the new mill and the mill- wrights will soon be on so that we inay look for our mill to be running in the course of a very short time. Sexsmith Mr. Wm. Patterson, of Toronto, lectures inys idle Opera p era House, Exe- ter, Thursday San. 18th, on "From Toronto to Belfast via Salt Lake City. Reserved seats 25cts, children 15 cts. Plan at J. Grieve's. BRIErS.—The church shed has been considerably improved, there is now room for twenty-four horses, while there used to be room for onlysix rigs. —W. H. Johnston and family visited friends near Hills Green,ouNewYear's Day.—John Northcott• and two of his sisters spent their Christmas holidays with: friends in and around Thedford. —Mrs. Geddes, of London is at present Visiting her son George and other friends in this yicinity.— C. H. Rus- sell, of Toronto, spent his Christmas holidays with his parents here. -0. E. Aldsworth spent a few days with friends on the Sauble line recently. The Misses McArter, of Brussels visited friends here a short time ago. -George Geddes sold a valuable Young horse few days ago for which he realized good figure.—John O'Brien and famil spent a few days ` with friends here lately. John Campbell has moved in- to the house which he built last sum- mer. BSI-tn.—David Hodge, of Listowel, brought his little girl to Mitchell to be buried in .[Knox church cemetery. Mr. Bodge formerly lived in Mitchell.— James Miller, merchant, from iafanito- t ba, is back once more to his old home. Re commenced his business career in the Ontario House, Mitchell. The cow i is master of the situation in Mitchell for another year, and those who pulled down their fences will have s a to put them up again, which is quite an o— ence.—Rev. Sohn; Kenner received word Friday of the death of his sister, n Hamilton.—Walter Whyte anti, aughter from Manitoba, are visiting riends in town for a few weeks.-- arles Hurlburt has commenced, teaching school near Brodhagen for the coming year.—Mrs. Elliott is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Anderson, in Exeter.—Mrs. Harry Gutteridge, from Manitoba, is back for a few week's vis- it to her old. home.—Miss Edith Archer hasreceived an appointment in a school east of Toronto. :There seems to be a great demand for the offices of clerk, treasurer and constable for next year. As the salaries of all three do not amount to $900, they are hardly worth looking after. Osborne Council Mr. Win. Patterson, of Toronto, lectures in Gidley's Opera House, Eke-, ter, Thursday Jan. lSth, on "Promo, Toronto to Belfast via Salt Lake City. Reserved seats 25cts, children 15 cts. Plan at J. Greive's. ELIMvxx.LE,` Janury Sth, 1900. Zion. 4- Council met on above date pursuant t ;statute and organized as follows: Reeve, Wm H Delbridge ; Councillors, Joseph Hawkins, John Moir, Richard Grimm and Alfred Hinkin, The following., officers were appoint- ed at the salaries named, and the ap- pointments confirmed by 'by-Iaw : Morley, clerk, $100; P Coates, treas- urer, $70; Wm Miners, assessor, $50; T Veal, caretaker, $5. The collector was not appointed. The Board of Health is composed of the Reeve, 'Clerk, Paul Madge for three yearsJamesHandford for tvvo years, andWillia•no Hazlewood for one year, H K Hyndman, M D, Medical Health Officer, and Jaynes 0 Tufts, Sanitary Inspector. The M H'O' to re- ceive $3 per day and the otherinem- Board 1.50 hers of theper day y 'cvtYen on duty. I Auditors—Joshua Johns and Wm Turnbull. I Fenceviewers—J Copeland, A. Cole, m Moir,R Delbiul e R Doupe, am Pi e James b , p , ZJaxE • r 1. Poundkeepers---.C. Godbolt, J Hazel- wood, R Keddy, G Rook, 1 Passmore, S Campbell, W Gilfillan and'RHunter. It was 'necided to 'M invite '' r A W Campbell, Provincial Road Commis- sioner, to lecture in the Town Hll, on the hest methods of road constritetion and maintenance. A donation of $5 was made +;o the Hospital for Sick Children A few orders were granted and the Council adjourned to meet 'I;'ebruary 3rd, at one o'clock. 'F. AloRI E 11 erk. (eidcli:tionalcorrespotadence on age 4.) BRIEFS. —Mrs. S. Horne, Mrs, Wm. Brock and Miss Martha Jaques are i spending their holidays with friends at Palmerston. -Miss Elizabeth Taylor I is calling on friends in this- vicinity.-` M. Hern son of Wm Hera, of the North-west is visitingwith friends in 'this vicinity . -Mr. ands Mrs. P, Hern I gave some of their friends a grand fowl. supper one evening last week. Agrand time was spent in games and progres- sive crokinole: These feast -gatherings are the order ofthe day.—S. Peart S e rt is very busy hauling material for his new. house. ' He intends making extensive improvements to his house, his family getting too large for the present one. —Frank Cornish lost a valuable horse last week • it was a heavy loss for him just starting farming. -Some of Zion's, young' men, accompanied by their guides attended the supper at Eden on,. Mondaynight.—Don't 1for et the I d I uca i n5. s rt n nSunday,tob o l e n5. o e t . preached by Rev, Mr. Andrews of Ful- larton.—David Parkinson has purchas- ed agrand new piano for his children. -A eetin of te Creamer Co. was S' Y held on Thursday. There was a Large attendance of patrons and consider- able interest manifested in the affairs of the Company. The old Officers and Managers were re-elected. The -Cream- ery during the year has, done a large - and profitable business. Not one in twentyare free fef m some little ailment caused by inaction of the liver. Use Carter's Little Liver Pills, .The result will be a plc ,strut surprise. They give positive retie:, Money to loan on real estate et low rates of in terest.J J. DOffi.ceCOOtat the. Post Oleo. HensaIL H. (Late with emcee & Prondtootl.Rarrister Senator.. Nota, Public. Ilensall, Ont. rfil A, Sellers., D S., D. D. S..13onor Graciaateot1oronto tlniversity.I)entistst . Teeth extracted without Pain or bad effects. Pince in Petty's Bleck, Ilensall, .At Zurich event Monday, cemmencing Mesr';tin. r. Wm. Patterson, of Torout e lures in Gidley's Opera. House, Exe- ei', Thursday Jan. 1Stb, on "From Toronto to Belfast via Salt Lake City" Reserved seats 25 cents, children 15 eras. Plan at J. Grieve's. Rzl~lrs.-- Ii. J. Twitchell, late lana man had an operation perform upon his person on Sunday for a, en- dicitie. He was up town on Saturday, and was taken so di Sunday morning that the onw n s eraatia . as deemed ece s- p ary at once. Re is iia a very low state. ---J. E. McOonell is in Niagara this week on business.—The R. Piekard Co. have opened, a general store in R. Bell's block. It is under the uutnage meat of Messrs. Hendee and Hooper, pe , two obliging and wide-awake clerks. They are assisted by Mr. Carlisle.— The new council were sworn iu en Monday as follows:. -Reeve, G. F. Ar- nold; councillors. Smallaconbe, lUiller, Beverley and Scott. J. W. Ortwein is in Seaforth, bis business here is con- ducted by his daughter.-. firs, 'Vance and daughter have returned to their home in Toronto after three weeks' visit among friends in and around the village. -The skating rink is being ''ell Iratronized,—hlrs. O. A. .cDonell en- tertained a. few friends on Monday evening.--Jaiares Beverley has moved his furniture stock into the new store opposite Bell's block. --R, Bell expects to move his family to Seaforth next week,—Cook Bros. have added a 1,1100 dynamo their ''r •n light d n Ili to tl ci electric light Wants—Hensel! ]las organized a hoc- key club and are now open for chal- lenges. --The Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph's Orpbanage, , London. pail Hensall visit on Ct slaY.na te a number attended the tea-zneeting at Bethesda Tuesday night. TheHensall Methodist choir furnished the music.. —Miss Ida Troyer, of Hills Green, is visiting her .sister. Mrs. R. Jarrott, this week.—Miss Nellie Bell and Miss Tena Swan returned to London last week to renew their studies.—Joseph Norris, who spent the holidays here, has returned. to Detroit,—Mrs, Short, of Parkhill, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnstop, of Willow Hall Farm. has returned home. --Dr. Goon, of Clinton, was in the village on Sunday in consultatione —Miss Doughty, who has been th . guest of her cousin, Mrs, C..5.. Mc- Donell, for the past few weeks, re- turned to her home in Galt on Tues- day.—Mrs. (Rev..) E, A. Fear, of At- wood, formerly of this village, was here last week calling on friends. She was the guest of Mrs. Laramie.—Miss Maggie Buchanan is home from Mani- toba on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buchanan.—Cecil Ross, son of Gavh Ross, returned to London ou Monday, to resume his studies at the Medical College.—Mr. Johns, of Guelph, was in the village last week. —On Sunday next Rev. D. B. Smith and Rev. W. J. Doherty exchange services, the former preaching special sermons on behalf of Foreigu Missions, and holding a celebration of the Holy Communion.—On Sunday, Jan. 21st, the Bishop of"Huron, Dr. Baldwin, will preach in St.' Paul's church at 3 p.m Mrs, Alfred Harper and sous, of Preston, Manitoba, are visiting Ber- nard Thompson.—George Joint was in Seaforth on Tnesday.—Mr. Metro, of Blake, has moved into Trueman Brint- nell's house, and has taken an imple- ment agency.—Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Mc- Donell were in Seaforth on Tuesday.— Miss Bawden, of Blyth, has been the guest of Mrs. F. 0. !4CDone11.—G. C. Petty, of the Hensall Packing House, is not only buyingin hogs in this vi- cinity, but having them shipped in from other places.—We have to chron- icle this week the death„of Mrs. Wm.Whitesides, which occrred at her ome hereon Sabbath last, after a se- ere and painful illness of over a year. -he deceased was a native of the coon- y of Antrim, Ireland, and together ith her husband, who still survives er, emigrated to this country about 5 years ago, and located in the' town of Seaforth, where they continued to reside until six years ago when they moved to Hensall. Mrs. Whitesides up to the time of her illness, a year ago, was possessed of very good health and for a woman over 66 years of age was rewakably smart and active, but her illness was of such a severe nature that during the past year that she had. wasted very much away, and required constant medical attendance and nurs- ing, and in tonne. tion with the latter, too much credit cannot be given to her daughter, Miss Violet, for the' very faithful attendance almost night and clay, that she gave her mother during the past,mouths. Mrs. Whitesides leaves to mourn their loss her husband, five sons and ,three daughters. The funeral sermon , was preached in the Methodist church on Tuesday after- noon last by the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Jewitt,,, the Revs. J. S. Henderson and G: Long also taking part in the service. Theremains were interred in the Roclgerville cemetery. The attend- ance was large-in-aridvery :mu ghsym- pathy is felt for the bereaved husband and family.—The Rev. Dr. Moffatt, of Toronto; agent for the Upper Canada Bible and 'Tract Society, preached in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sab- bath bath evening lest.—The Misses Smith,. of (lolspie, who were here visitin relatives and friends, have ret.uened home.-aeMiss Amy Murdock has pur- chased a very handsomeNewcombe piano which took first prize at the Toronto Exhibition.—Charles WVilsou, l of Zurich, ilk tends moving into; our village theforepart of next week purchased the dwelling now occu- j pied by Mrs. Reith on the west side of the railway track. Cre 1ttQn rOLLI 'S 6G' STA-Nal/MC V LAW OFFICES, Money to Loan.) EXETER, ONT, L. 0, L. Disizazc r N: nixc. The annual District n)ecting of the Bid- dulph District Loyal Orange Lodge, was held at Crediton on Taiesday. There was 9, good attendance, the fol lowing afacexs were elected;—Win Lewis, Dist. Master ; Jas. Kenniston, Deputy :Master ; Wm, Anderson. Rec. Sec. ; "l:Vm Turner, Chaplain; Harty ills, Fin. Sec. ; Frank Ryan, Trees- er ; Francis Davis Jr., D. of C, ; en. J. Davis Lecturer. The next mal ,meeting will be held in Luean, Anderson. Miss ertie Aisthorp, of St. Mary' visited her sister, Mrs. James, Walks, last week. ---Miss Mamie Anderson, of �I•holidays. S _l, s n o St, tr is at home forlace ataxy's,. -Miss Grs Switzerhas ane t o f Mary's, where she has secured a sztum tion.—The re -opening in connection. with the Anderson Methodist church avill take place on Januaary 14th stud 15th. Rev. Mr, Miilyard. of Exeter, willp reach at both services on Sun- day. On Monday evening a fowl sup- per will be served ; addresses will be delivered by Rev. \'Form. Conway, of Fuilarton, Rev. W. J. Waddell, of Elimville, and others, music by the St. Mary'. axchestraa, L;ucan. Bnutas,--•Patties are the ardor of the day. Irving Hodgins entertained a large number ou Friday evening of last week; also as load of merry -makers went to E'hin hunter's,. of L"sborne, and danced into the wee 51115.' hours. Others are on the list for the neat' fu- ture. --L. D. Stanley is now eu4 aged with J. Park as clerk, The C. O. F. banquet promises to excel anything i n 8 ever gotten up in Lucan. Inv'mttiou have been sent to almost—I would say —the four corners. Speeches and songs will he delivered by first-class talent. McManus' string band will is i. forb dispense music t e v. a ening.—W. Reid shipped a carload of tine horses to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. R. is a bustler.—We will now in the course of a day or so have our incandescent 1 ights in full glory. Cromarty T.Hamilton left Wednesday n G. H y cast for Toronto to resume his position as! traveller for the firm of Jas. Muir & Co., of Quebec,—Norman McKenzie is spending a few holidays here before resuming his studies in Knox; College, Toronto.—John McLean sr., another of the aged residents of Hib'; bort was buried on Friday last in Rny's cemetery, Fullerton, he had reached the advanced age of ninety two.—Our new teacher andoun bride have got settled and seem to have won 5.laaace in the hearts of the people whom the have Piet already. We sincerely hope thatthey will succeed well here, -.Mrs. John McCulloch is still very 111 being confined to bed for the past few days. Manufacturing Co. fox this District.. 1We feel sure that Bill will make an "ideal” age:t,--- The electric lights have been put in nearly all the busi- ness places in town. All that is lack- ing is a morning service. Helen 'Market Depot 1900 ''� 1900 The S. S. Anniversary services held hast Sunday and Monday were a great success. On Sunday Rev. Milyard, of Exeter, preached excellent sermons. On Monday night a large .crowd en- joyed the rich treat the ladies had pro- vided. in the basement of the new sebool house. The entertainment was; extra good. Pastor Salton called to the chair the Superiatendent of the t W. school Mr. x. Bt swe it, vho calledoff ? very lap mai really good program. The chief attraction: was the singin_ by the Crediton choir, The rendered some One selections; aft', Stanlake, oL Sodom also pleased the audience with' itis popular songs. The young people of the schoolg oi very t two fine up dialogues, and. the speaking of the .Revs Waddell, Husear and Dr Rivers,; wasp ata€o highly appreciated. Proceeds 3 amounted to about $35.00, — Edgar Buswell has assumed charge of our Public School. j'Yee e 1v ho h p ill make his m:uk as a .teacher; 14 Stephen hCot col it council of file town s ip © Stephen convened at • O Desire To THANKSRETURN To our old customers and many new One8. offer special prices in every 4e art inent. pA full lino of Hardware always on band, also a well assorted awl fresh stock of gro- ceries, Dry Goods. Boots R Shoes. All kinds of Produce for which highest rices will he paid. p I SS Ba Sas —Harry Coates, of London, has been spending the holidays Mader' the mental roof with his father who : has been very ill plat we:are pleased: to report that. he is somewhat better, James Heywood .has reeved into the thc� Town P - Hall. Crediton: Jan. Stll,aat the hour of t house recently vacated li - Vni. Rcrlrl>l- il ibedo'cloto t el, h iiew council soil-' son. --The household effects of Johtz. lowing officer were duly appointed ;-- y pttblie Sanction itt Charles Brown. treasurer and care -1 el Tutralis, on Frida 14th. -_• lobt.. taker Jos ui •• W uods hats ureliasecua team of liorses eplz G roan, Assessor, John � Drokenshire and Henry Dayle, Audi- froze W in. Skinner and Rvbt. Skinner tars. A meeting of the li.aard of ]wealth respectively. -1 Rev..:1fr. Andrews, of decided that iu future, no awedicat air 4 FuhIaarttrn will preach Edueattiunid ser - other attendance will he paid for by • mobs iii Ehmville on Siludaay next. the Oouneil when #11e raate.patyera xvere our annual January thaw liars left able to pay the expenses. 13y -laws 1Tai. i the roads in a very bad shape. - - 1 . 2 iwbct daily passed nand signed 1 Geo Andrew had a bee drawing nod. l on Mondaylast and of ho all •tPie . por ti C n p Q i e S, ff r Tlie full vg p g a� in ordetwere passed: J. Scliavartr„ 3 cttl'- the sand required for the addition he veru, $2, Hospital of Sick Children i is hutting to his barn.— Several of rharit , $5i ; David Gillis, chcanity $l.l.- i our villagers attended the teal, meet - 20; J. G. Young c Son, hardware $1.63, ing and concert at Eden on Monday John Barry. Gravel contract blek 1 E. eve and report a pleasant tune.. •— S. R., $la".do : James Baxter, Statute t Robt. Woods is putting in a furnace labor etc, $1.25 - Mrs P Cook, charity, in the house recently purchased. from John Halls. $.i ; James Baxter, repairing bridge,50;. C Loucliner, tile SIM; Gottlieb Brown tat collector $90 ; Joseph Lawson, cov- ening two river bridges, $59 ; 1i 'Liner, HiIIis Green, gravel 40e ; Chester Prouty, 1st .k gra- tuity, $25: August Heist tile tale BR1EE4; —Jahn Hudson returned to Council adjourned d tMidi ' r� a meet tlewa Ids et;r ]1 n i 11 !; tt on 3littrsdap Hall on March nth at 1 p. n, in last. after spending a couple of weeks HENRY EMBER, Clerk. with bis parents and friends around here.—William Logan treated the w. boys to a shake -down on Friday night f ,. The. sale of Turkish Scalp Food is Inst.- D;tvid Anderson now wears at Tepidly increarsinei For restoring the 4 Smiling face, occasioned by his wife natural color of the hair, and as au in- vigorating hair dressing, it is the best on the market.. Give it a trial. Sold by C. Luta, 50c per bottle, 0 bottles for No one knows better than those who have used. Carter's Little Liver Pills, Ilgie and Norman Workman were what relief they havegiven when taken cutting logs on the farm of Alexander for dyspepsia, dizziness, pain in the Smith, they had the good fortune to side, constipation, and disordered find a bee tree well filled with honey. stomach. which was quite an agreeable surprise, Zurich. The Council elect met on .Tan'y Sth. The followingsubscribed persons rt to the statutory declarations of office and qualification :—A. G. Ehnes, Reeve; Wm. Stelk, P. Lamont, W. B. Battler, and Wm. Consit, Councillors. The 'following have been appointed officers for the current year : Fred. Hess, sr. clerk, salary $125 • Fred Kibler, treas- urer, salary $90; Hy Lipphardt, asses - ser, salary $60; Ches. Troyer, collector 560; Mrs. Reinhart, caretaker, $20 ; David Spencer member of the Board of Health, Dr. Oampbell, Medical H. 0, Jas, Bonthron and H Zimmerman Sanitary Inspectors. The following communications were laid before the Council :—J Ross Rob- ertson, re Hospital for Sick Children ; Dr. Rice, re Consumptive Sanitarium, and Joseph Wrigley, clerk of Dumfries recattle guards on railways. No ac- tion was taken in either communicate tion. The following accounts were order- ed to be paid : Fred Hess, sr., register- ing births, marriages and deaths .$14, do., postage $2.91, do., election expens- es $6 ; Robt Bell, lumber $3.25 ; Joel Baechler, work on sideroad $5.. The following registrations have been received by the Division Regis tray of Hay for the last six months :— births 41, males 28, females 13 ; deaths 18, 'males 12, females 6; marriages 11. The Council will meet again on the 5th clay of March, at 10 a. m. FRED. HESS, SR. Clerk taste, INSURANCE MEETINCT.-The an- nual meeting of the Hay Mutual Fire. Insurance Company was held in the Town Hall, here, on Tuesday last. A great number of farmers were present. R. McMordie was elected a, new direc- tor in the place of W. Battler. NOTES.- Council met on Monday Neatly all the old officers wers a oint- . ed for the coming year D. Gotts Gotts- chalk has tnoved his confectionery in- to M. Kestle's old stand.—M. Switzer and wife, of Cavalier, Dakota, are visiting relatives and old acquaintances here. News also reached us of the death of Sam Heist, of Cavalier, Dako- ta. He was clerk in D. S. Faust's store a number of years ago.—Revival s have rnsetinga Lve commenced in the I Evangelical choreh A good attend- ance marks the interest taken in diem. -Chas. Fritz has .bougjit the shop lie now occupies from Peter Bender.—Mr.. and Mrs. 'CV.' Finlrl einer ` returned hone 1ist week -after a visit to their parents. ---E. J. Hagan our popular school teacher whet with what might nave been a serious accident one day last week. The horse became unman- ageable' and upset him in the ditch. Luckily>Ed. came oot of it unscratched. -Some of our people attended a, party in Stanley the other night, They re- port haying an excellent titue.-Wm. McCloy visited our town .on Friday ptesenti.rig him with a flue baby boy.— Mrs. Sherritt, of the Nortlx Wesi;.is at present visiting her parents, Mr. ` :a Mrs. John Jarrott. It is eighteen years since Mrs. Sherritt was in these arts.—On Satgrday last while John K SIT 5 8 HOCKEY AND SPRING HOCKEY' STIR AND PUCKS For the remainder of the seasi5n we will sell these goods at greatly . reduced P prices. CARVERS We are showing the best line of carvers ever offered for the money, 5in Stagy Buck horn and celluloid handles also a few 3 ieceett i s s I z handsome cases. Get phot Guns Rifles arid Ammunition. Ey buying NOW you can save I3IG dol lars. These GOODS are all new STOCK STOVES & RRNOBS.. If you require a new stove you. should not fail to take` t.] il, e of the bargains we are giving during this month, W. J. 7 ladil► lasts hear' that he las been a _ Ia We 1 Store.. �stdool Portia of R. Z''Ie�l�al cl Co's � fol e, pointedgeneral<agent, for the Deering melt eats c EXETER'!