HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-12-28, Page 8147 TB 11445 <'s ents th1 M „onsiderable fancy goods left over from Xmas must go out during the New Year. Holiday -if you require any lian3y Goods for pre be your opportunity. tfiDI$FUR 6fiftS E'have twenty Ladies' Black Astrachan Fur Capes. We are offering this week at 815, $16, $17, $18 and 0. ,•They are likely to go oiit quick at these prices if you want a bargain, call soon. for NI en's good natural fur coat, the best value we ever offered, worth in .00. any•rtgular store $1 J A. STEWART fteases e$zazessesese For tilarriage Licenses, IN THE y p e Wedding Riteig€s, [ tlfellow9s Block t 69ratclies, C1ocles, I - CALL JewelryON 0 Spectates, Etc TicC� ON a ��a� ri la� Ila. 11" IC KS atur da -.�.. ---1 ----- Now Now for New Year's. A good, old-fashioned Christmas after all. This week we will offer the balance of our stock Bin. John E. Dignan and d•tughte r of 'Fancy Goods bought, sail and vicinity. s Mr.and � for the wholesale trade a Mrs. Pollock of Brandon 1 ` are at present visibing friends in Hen - Man. were the guests of Mr. John. n. at Special prices. Dignan, Friday last. Our regular customers John T. 1'ax'kinson, of Elimville, is engaged to -teach S. S. No. ].0, London and these and the sons township, fox' the coming year. and daughters of those a Th n b fl 1 ere wt a ve new moons in the g W first three months of 1900 ; and four who have been our pat- teen new unoons during the year . _ , rons for` the last 35 years Mrs, Samuel B:andford, of ° Snow • flake; Manitoba, is en an extende•R are invited to take the visit with her mother, Mesa • Gould, benefit of this sale London. .. 1 A Large Stock of Toys thus making two men cover the ce ground usually cared for.by three. The G. T.R. is dropping off a hand on each section for the winter months, J. G SGG, S The le. Pickard Co. will open a gen EXETER. eral store in Hensall, about the 5th of January, in Bell's block. The store osesszseeseeseaeeteseEetecieZeeeeegefieee they have secured is one of the finest in Huron County. J. G. Stenbury, barrister, of Exeter, left last week on a trip to Cuba. where he goes to purchase land for Toronto and London capitalists. He will be ab- sent about 10 days. Rev. Mr. Milyard, son of Rev. Mil - yard, who is attending McGlil College, Montreal; will preach in Main st. chdreh next Sunday. He will preach Missionary sermons. The Electric Light 'Co. have pur- chased two engines from Robt 13e11,Jr. They intend running the two when INSURANCE. KN ST ELLIOT, e A gon for the WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- PANY, of Toronto; also for the PaolNlx FixE NSURANOE COMPANY, of London, England ; Ile 'L MANCE INSURRANCE COKPANY, Of Eng and. TFiURST)AY, DECEMBErae8th, 1809 �����®® full isrequired �9pp 5� morninwser'vi'end light runs. for (Additional locals on 5th page.) A Happy New Year.. The Christu)as number of the Far pier's Advocate is well written nn. splendidly illustrated, containing sev Com )linients of the season ? enty-one pages. of matter, with . an ar- Theays are on the stretch. tistic and striking colored frontispiece. The number is well worth preserving. Rev, • Mr. Scott, of Alyrner, gave a lecture in James St., church, on Tues- day evening last,: his subject being. "Davy Crockett's Motto : on the theme. "Besure you're right, then go ahead., The night was cold. and the attendance The methodist twentieth century small. The lecture, however, was of a fund, has now reached the total of most interesting and instructive chat - fund, atter. A correspondent writes Christmas A Public Library has been started in connection with St,' Patrick's R. C, has come, but the maple syrup season chu ch, Bid'dtll b. gob here first. Some of the enterpris- Miss Yellow, who has been spendinging London township farmers tapped the past two months in London has their trees during the past week, returned home for a short time. among them being Chas. Attwood and Tltereason 1910 is not a leap OswaldRobb, of Merton. They made a Iarge: quant-ity of first-class wale is that,.according to the Gregorian p calendar, all centurial years that are 63'11.1P - not multiples of 400 are not to he made leap years. P ' S T1s., residence of S. J. ,ontlierland president of the Sutherland -Innes Co. . " 1 ,.%!raii,ec�), Chatham, «a5 entered Satur- day mox`ning and a valuable seal skin jacket, in the pockets of which' was considerable trioney, was carried off. PCave you noticed the advertisement have the fence out I h,r, on cn west of town ? "'No, hut if you will send the fence around to ray' house some da;yI will read it over and see what you are deal, ing in, Fact is, I',n reading news- papers and don't get touch time to -,, study feneeology, The Ontario Government has issued a pamphlet on the San Jose Seale, The pamphlet states that the scale Public schools open on January 3rd. Bogs are worth $4.10 on the; Local market. W. E.Gundyis a candidate for coun- cillor in Rid etown. Miss Cicely Page, of Wingham.. is in � town this week visiting friends. Deli, Davisnt 'a s the holidays �s in l l Y Detroit. MIs: Diivid Rozle spent Xiniee in rldruay. Mrs. J. V, Cracker sport Xtnas in Oshawa, Miss Maud Jeckell visited in Aylmer this week, Miss le. NIeFa,11s is visiting her tether. in Satrl'ort h. Bari cm Hooper wits it) Iugelsell for Oht.'istwas. Mies Lila Johns yet Untied t`r'out) Man - Ito ba artItoba hist week.. DI. and ell's. Anderson ,;pent Oh,'ist• riles in Mitchell. Miss Lowe,of Us)oeue, is visitirrg friends in Detroit. W. G. Bisset t eolicits your vote and inch once foe Reeve. lUiss Armst i•orig,. of Toronto, is visit- ing at Vv L,evitt's. • Mies tlart'ish has returned to Geared Bend for the winter. The snow plow was used for the first time on Monday. James 'CVhite, of Aylrner, visited at James Je titan's last week. Fairy strop rubbers, 4 to 5e for 20c ,pr, pair nt J. F. Creenecies, Use Dix Little Liver Pills, and Dix Kidney Pills, sold by C. Lutz. A. J. Rollins has returned hone from Sarnia, 'Detroit and Rochester, Mich. Miss \Vinnie2'aylor, of Michigan, is visiting tier mother, Mis. Thomas alis- sett. A blizzard struck town. It came from the west and north. The wind blew in hurricane gusts, and the enow fell in hig soft flakes until there were four and a half inches on the level. This gave us sleighing for Uhistmas, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all who could thus avail themselves. Sat- iurclay bicycles were running. The following names s of persons nominated for the Exeter Council on Friday evening, will go on the ballots: -For Reeves W. G Bissett,� , olio l:ttylor ; Poe Councillors, John'`Wt7od; ,Tues Evans, Irvine Armstrong, W. E. Leyett, Obits Rowe, IL S. Howard, Sno Muir. Mr. Rowe informs the Thins that he is net in the field. Mr. Fisher, flnterio San Rise Scale inspector, has started a new system of has been in Ontario for eight or nine . • ating orchards a years, though it was notreported until treating a chards for c seals and 1897 It sounds a note of watrutr ' and will on ate heerattons throughout �` � the inter, The'new. treatment has prescribes` a course of treatment. The been/tried with ,., varying success in New should be thoroughly pruned, all ierse and Ohio and Mr. Fisher it useless limbs and twigs being removed. twills to give it athorou ttrial in'Cu -T� n whale oil sow or crodepatrot tao.It consists of spraying soap so - elm to be med. i, It eions> and kerosene, l One great ' dvanta e: in 'usin bix 1 ; g�. AA little xeilectioii :should'. convince r, d Blond >?ifl Is that, r and tl vc Fle r .� eo Ny I e that s- on tt thisI t 've bit the 99th n down' Y sits biotic dot resoft and, shelve- ;, •„ta of the nineteenth earl ' /fore ", ;� r ri fury, and Ps ible. Many ' ,fore. dtl., . t y pi s on t11 that : i ' j s+�: as t testees a hundred ,seals to N areleso. r et s r e l raw f market ttt,tuled. p p y e n make one . rt century i.. c t twill r take I 0 ce 0 Q Ili a ikile a , t y 1 ll a d in s� nrl I are hard, , g , pseglxe+iztw ,years to make nineteen atsnt>rries,iieirce ly more or less tt leless. - Tib . then] by its the 1000 •y-ea,�swill end one year Crushing one ivitc. the thutnb or (nit, this g ,. . cn from the end l� tl�I , knife, ,Dbt e'• s year, the new it �vlth. a. Nerve wort .Stood a nturytvrll co melee One year fromx ills are sold bys i.11Lttt7. Price 25 and the be innin kelt 1)°''x'. with Sate 1,1001 Mr. Hoggartb, of Cromarty: has leased W. Elder's farm near Rodger -- vine. Rev. Mr. Brown and Rev. Mr. Mar- tin will exchange pulpits next Sabbath morning; Mr. and 'its. Wm. Grigg and child- ren of London, spent Xmas visiting his parents here. Miss McLennan and Miss Pothering - ham, of Blanshard, visited Miss Verde Levitt host week. W. G. Bissett is a candidate for the Reeveship, and asks your vote and in- fluence ip his behalf. John Evans states that he is in the field for councillea, and solicits the votes and influence of all friends. Remember the Firemen's concert this (Thursday) evening. It promises to be the best ever given in Exeter. Tho three retiring trustees were re-elected by acclamation, viz :-W. J. Carling,H. E. Hueston and P. Frayne. Miss Akain and her brother, Master Frank, of Clinton, are the guests of Miss Cantelon, of the Metropolitan hotel. Rev. Wm. Gauld, 1Vtfssiouary from Formosa, Tapas, ..will„'preach in the Presbyterian church of ;Sunday even- ing next. Keep the boys feet warts when you can get a one bnckle felt over shoe for 20c pr. pair ; 11 pre. left, only size 4, at J. P. CLARI.E's. Rey E. Mii.yarcl who isvisiting his father, addressed the Epworth League of blain et. church Tuesday ie a very pleasing manner. J. W. Broderick intends- opening a boob & shoe business in , Mrs. John's block, next tothe Poste0ffice, abou, 1st January, Perfumes, Toilet fats, and Purses suitable for Xmas ,p ' ] resents at Li tz Drugstore. Also' full line of hale rushes, shaving mugs, brushes, toilet oap, etc. '' oho God, son of Richard Gould, Ea , ryas tnarrietl yesterday to Mis:, Luc to Collins, daughter of A. Col: lis,'London. Miss Gould attended ns, f the wedding. J..,]?. Clarke appreciates advertising. Hp says bis clearing out sale has been s, yiceesstul beyond all expectations. /He 11 a 30 dn;ys from Jan'y 1st to sell 'the balance of his stock. ' A young pian of, London „township WAS fined $10 •turd costs by Reeve Braithwaite. of Luce, the other day for having used cancelled postage stamps on a letter in June last. The Ladies' Society of the Gwen church have secured the Rev. Win. Patterson, of Cooke's Church,Toronto, to deliver ie lecture on the 18th Jitn'y. A concert will begiyen in connection. with it. The sale of Turkish Scalp Food i• it 12'L li rstc n rapidlyince <Lsin Fore t e natural color of the hair, and as an in vigorating hair dressiug, it is the best' on the market. Give it a ,trial. Sold by C. Lutz, 50c per bottle, 6 bottles fo 50. r The Globe says the members of the Presbyterian Church in Canada will have every reason to feel gratified at the success of the twentieth century farad. For the current year the corn mittee asked from the Sabbath scho., the shut of $10,000; already upwards $9,300 has been subscribed, and t total asked will be easily reached. I is hoped that in connection with these mite boxes next year at least $50,000 will be raised. Rev, Dr. Campbell, moderator of the ,general . assembly; says that although only a limited num- ber of congregations ' have thus far been visited, there is abundant evi- dence that the scheme will be a ,narlc- ed success, and that the amount eb- twined will considerably exceed $1,00- 000, the sum aimed at in the orignal plans for the raising " of the fund. More than $17,000 has already been subscribed by the ministers alone. This includes several amounts 'from missionaries in India, Corea and even in the New Hebrides. . At the annual meeting held in Exeter last Friday evening, resolution was. unanimously' passed in favor of raising a. contribution for the benefit of the soldiers of the Canadian 0ontingene in South Africa: The money contt'ib- tited is to he forwarded to the central fund 'for final judicious distribution. Throughout the country numerous municipalities are taking similar, -ac- tion, It is to be hoped that the: press throughout the country may so advo- cate the Cause, that the action of Ex- eter'may become general. The cause is certainly commendable: and should be warmly supported. It is the duty of Canadians to manifesttheirloyalty by contributing foe the benefit of the soldiers. Many of them have relatives and families dependent upon them and y I perhaps- maixy may. return n a drsa'bl- ed condition.We trust the conttibu- $lass towy be generous, Messrs.Thos. Etiy, Geo. McLeod, and 0. Lutz; tis treastreL, were appointed fas �. tn n- mittee to receive contributions.' We would suggest and strongly urge each township council, to, Vote a contribu- tion.:`to this fund ito the amount of say $25.l We believe the .people tit large next Year:', x'l;anlel':.. ti ewla p Dot iftle �. da itis such action S'' t1 1 �y p p li(F ; j:S,l Ili ma +y GG t)M M�Ppy„11! try®r ■ � ti i?.i Yr�■G■rYrl ■ ■4■e■4p�yp gr*.n,4MNtl 199.19991R� i+ M�p�MG�GKOMMI ■RMIRR t r'q ilea Y17/ f.- Mtrttttttt /ttttt tttttMISIMtttttt 19 NI Mee �I�lua. Osee 11110.,1 a,� ;llurma ,1 r■MMg FrsYM sd jrGrpYai,G,g644iGGp4a a■ ■■r FeVe1991, '9,e lV FOR ei GIFTS. are shoaling a Jargo range Silk,Linen and Lawn Handl Crockery; eto., suitable for p Gents' Neck Ties. E are showing ' a magnificent range ' of goods suitable for Christmas presents, including Lamps. China - .ware, Glassware, Furs, Gloves, liankerchiefs, Cut- lery, Stationery, &c., &c,, and at prices which are within the reach of everybody. Lamps for Xmas. Fancy decorated night lamps, in va- rious tints, very pretty and useful, and good value for EsOc Our Leader Lamp, a beauty; porce- Dinnerware for Xmas. Fancy decorated 97 -piece Dinner Setts, great variety of designs and col- orings, $6 50 97 -piece Dinner Setts, in blue and pink effects. These -nods are especial 1 'n bawl, andlac artistically1 \, ai bo , shade 1 aced. A great seller, for See 2Ey ly good value and sl lendid sellers for $750 Beautiful hand -painted Vase and 07 -piece Gilded Dinner Setts, in beau - Banquet Lamps, in great variety of tiful designs and colorings, at 6$$, design, at from *2 SO to ss iii $9, $10 and 612 611aaaar138040aa a2sM1,100496s 0aaSa i4 4 4 a00 XMAS GROCERIES-'''? 21- 'lbs BBcedpath's extra standard granulated sugar for $1.00. 3 lbs finest selected Velencia raisins for 25c 2 lbs now mixed nuts, good assortments, for 25c 4 lbs choice mixed candy for tic Fine Elemefigs,best brand, per lb, 15c M1 kinds \of Peels, Spices, Essences, &e., at closest prices. HANDKERCHIEFS Furs for Xmas. 44SS FOR XMAS Ladies' and children's fine silk Initial Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c Ladies' fine Japanese silk hand. kerchiefs, hem -stitched, fine goods special value, 25c Ladies' beautiful lawn handker- chiefs, heat -stitched and embroid- ered at 5, [0; 15, 20 and 25c. Gents' white sil handkerchiefs hemstitched, plain and twilled, at 25c, 50c, 750 and Sr Gents' silk and wool Neck Muf- flers, in new designs and great value at 4.0c, 50c; 75c and $1.25 ,. We are clearing out the bal- ance of our fur stock at bargain prices. We have had a splendid trade in ' this line and want to be entirely cleared out by the first day' of January If you want a Jacket, Cape or anything in the fur line; call and see us. We will make it pay you. See our Stock of Fine Stationery. The R. PIO A D CO. Direct Importers W. J. Heilman was in London for Christmas. x A few more days and the 20th Oe fury will begin. The days are getting longer to t extent of a minute per day. Electric lights were turned on Wed- nesday for the first time since the fire. The power is supplied from Ross & ayiol S factory., 'ianc W. TEL Levett solicit r your vote influence for councillor. He has not time to call on all, but will promise to serye the village well. A quiet but pretty wedding took.# place at the residence of Mr. Goerge Brooks on Christmas day, it being the marriage of his youngest daugh- ter Mary, to Mr. Alexander Gauld of London': The bride was attired in a handsome travelling suit of brown cloth. Miss tinily Brooks, was the brides -maid anti Mr. - of Logan, cousin of the bride, was grooms- man, The .resents were nutnerous and useful. P Theg rooms parents, brother and sister, from London at- tended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs Gaulcl left on Tuesday night. for Lon- don where they will visit friends prior to leavingfor their home in Cleve- land. leveland. limong the nearly persons who spent aiid are spending the Christmas holi- days ntan•n we noticed the following: -Miss Eves Carling-, Mr. and Mars. W. .1. 'Verity, and family, Messrs. Ed. and, Herb Pickard, Ed. Dyer and wife, incl William McLaughlin, A. 1l (silos and wife of Brantford; Alf: Baiter and wife, Jobe Salter, London ; ]''red Treble, St. Marys • Luther:< Howard, Galt ; W. 1 y Moncur, Guelph'; Ecl, Stewart, Miss Annie Brooks, Detroit ; Miss Lily Rollins, Rochester, Mich. ; Miss Norma Bobier, Ed. Crocker, Ed. Iiiacrett, Lily Hardy, Toronto ; Miss \Voollatt, Wa terloo ;1+rank Willis, Port Elgin ; Me. and Mrs. IL Seldon, LnL e 'soil ;Miss IL Parsons, Detroit ; E. , olliclt, _Brant- ford, ant Dr. Follie'k of St. Maeys Ernest Gregory, tistovSel; Pare. Theo..: Stveet, St. Oathrlrines lvlr. Dennis and faity: Strathroy ; ab i Dennis, London ; Prescott Ross, 'Toronto o , Me., and Mrs, Vivian, Mitchell; ; M iss 1enxale London; Mrs, Barnes, Lan s• Liss MaudWelsh,Stratford; ,M1eLillian Welsh, London, :Null Dignan, Travers City, Miall.;Bruce. Dignan Toronto Ed, Bishop, Toronto;. M, Brr,wning, Toronto: Mrs. Wade,, Sarnia; Mr. and Mis Abell, Seaford); MVlyrtlt;llrtl1aWay, fl1thtoil, GI ,EAT SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOE -J. W. Broderick will occupy the store next door north of the Post Office on or about the lst of January, 1900, with a nicely assorted stock of Boots and Shoes which has been pur- chased at a low rate on the dollar. We intend to sell cheap. Wait f' r bargains. T. W. BRtDERIc1 . FOR SALE. -At half cost price, two beautiful silver -mounted show cases, 2 •toreys high, costing each $52 and $57. iso two large 10 -drawer walnut and ak cabinets at a low figure ; one' bunter scale, 71b., all •brass, cost $13,: o1 $5''; one platform scale, capacity 200 Lbs., swing beam, cost 328, for $S ; one Wilson platform, 6O0,lbs. capacity, for $6 ; one. Gipson -s tfe, weight 1300, lbs., 6 drawers, perfect in every par- ticular, costing $110, for half price. Move quick; for sale at J. P, Cnieni&S. We Have just placed into stook a .. Gents' Neck Ties,' in the llewertt sl ' ,4s�„ 1.71 'i g End Ties,, in reel ane ; l�l;�oJ , E®-- mauve, blue and white, J0 Gents each. A large quantity of Four -in -ii ndn,tn 25 cents each. Ladies . nd ChiWWren.s., .7-3.-_-.. • Children's Hdkfs,' fancy printed patterns, 2 fo Ladies' hem stitch white Iatvt i dlt£s,'5 �= Ladies' fancy border Hdkfs, to, 13, r Lades'„fancy silk IIdkfs, small sirs White he''st tcli Idkfs,ray', 4d o - Grocery. Department complete, Highest price paid for Produce. :A: Ducks- 7c, Chickens. 5, Potatoes pe Eggs '17c, D. Apples Gc. . The R . Picard Co. have a big oder for produce, butter, eggs,.. and dried apples, theyare paying special prices for same during this month. YAIR.P EAST SIDE MAIN STREET. (OPPOSITE PLANING MILL.) We have in stock dressedand matched Siding, Flooring &Saila g also dressed pine 1, lee 1e and 2 inches. Shingles, lath and cedar posts always on band. A large stock of barn lumber just arrived, CALL and EXAMINE. OUR and PROV; Fresh, 14Tev and.: - At. our Honse We shall herea special bargain every day, Friday and 'Sa Changed' every This week we area 3 lbs of fine raisins '}ia cleaned currants for Y r:'; AS.WILLIS + 1 r tNc VtIish YOU fill F'PY And We Will Advise You to m' Use .vf the CiFZEAP11 LEARING R. Anderson, who :formerly resided ' in Hensall and who went to the North- west, is now in London, where his wife reside. Robert is very low from the effects of fever, and no hopes are en- tertained cif his recovery." Scott Vorhies, 85ears of awe, and y b ears a Baldwin, for many y resident of B d , Mich., went into Osecola .county ori Monday last and returned the next day with a bride, who is but 15 years of age. The old gentleman has been paying his addresses to the child, Min- nie Haywood, for about three years, Her parents consented to ; the mar- riage. Voon WANTED. -'A quantity of good green eord wood, beach or maple, also block ' wood. Apply it TI l ' Omen. ernOmen. Exeter Municipai cannon. Council met ab call Of t eeve at Town Hall, Dec. 214. All present. Minutes of preFions .meeting read and cenfirrnedi,,, Mee -14-• Mir-eTbieb the following accounts be passed and orders dramei Treasurer .Cr asi e: -Di ksorl ter sa�iY for i c e r Carling, drafting y-liutvs, �c, re.irt' y Taylor Bela) pavements, $88.40 ; James Taylor drawing tile, :$1.50.; Sohn Gillespie, Wont an station street ,75c ; Creech, charity to Mrs; Sutton, $3 00.-Clar-. �'%ed.• Taylor.'-- A,rinstrong -.chat- Council adjourn to meet at tall of Xteeye,--1, Carried, •rtio, lI. `Bisiw'I:', Olerk 1 enia rE have been rushed with customers and .r SO manyhad to leave unserved but we did Saturday last crowded us beyond d our most xpectations. Commenced again on Monday, y, .all , This sale means d,' 1 ristinas Dayand so Tuesday. i, �' u because we will Make it very interesti n . tell neighbors that you have pure ighbors,yourg us that your needs ,ma b A will soon'b(, withY,, ,. d remember that we do not advertise an artiol stock unless sold in "th' meantime. ave not in SLO 5 Men'first t - 0 class `Rubber coats from �.2 � .t , s •.r Gi"n t=;l at€L 1."e11tlC.11lc 0 . ffe_ ec ilea �; } onl.y large Goat 'Robe, regular alar price J;QQ for willbe offered at half lrr�o. All Fur Goods Uvil a 1 ' , n: i titin Ladies',Gent's and iTde-xc o e attires11 C i l rate.. Tweeds, OVGiCOatli s1f1irt�Js ate a Slt l , 'r ll. Hundreds . + lGG' cr1 ai i will navel get such a t;l1�,1, Y01 over cowitei:'s. have passed U (u1:` C ) 11 only Dinner sett 97 pieces 9.50 wily dinner sett 97 pieces 1.75' . ,f . 0fio ' ,., 2 only edge line and �SJ,T� ig 4 , el ma tea,s sett, So come aloncr right eai'I3r we have Only rl y,,:',�, , rom So o . We mast push ast Ilii hr i,.. t) 11i� Y5( 11 of u 1. fit o closing i , r' . ` Wan Y e You to. : lila. �.