Exeter Times, 1899-12-28, Page 7with ilea Ili enee, end Her with cot °ern', the rya G Ate vtlio caenot pie who are ill d very often their r guide, We know a aaved a pe - earl be taken patient in a , btlt RON serly, Nev- anytbing L steak. Fried. eediess to say sick person. dekires things tbeydionlY seend caartot ;put our - of the patients We ow they elsould feel, of how they do feel. ires raisy be just eeds. Above all feod daintily and t. His appetite le eti by the a.ppearanee ol which the food its • be too good Llyte. late' g influs Li deria• r est ;tars 3r Woe eivilian s teli, e tele ins Y. he era tel he eiy14; ix tried ofth seise Imber r CLY—SiX e yene of the meets en go AA They thout ex•ed mend" fait came ;15,011 if *tat itag a' le 1, r .7.001- t 1i0P, IC 0% pay, eons iverr e of that a as- ause • o t .0 )08 tali sid ?, ere ing the the ind are eid the a tie ar t to tbe wreck study to try en are ed froxn cia, eyes, tic panne d an al - extra acid d bunions •id of them better foot - air, exer- =tint. Coughs Lr otinees of preven- re worth pounds of cure. to clieeleate small evils lest elep into the serious and in - le. A sound mind in a sound makes life a joy and blessing. Me ailment is like the protrud- i he shoe, or the thorn lodg- othiage We mialake if we • aa. Chriatian •virtue to en - which can be cured. It is nlon ae physician in ward - 'curing malanies. 'RAN AT LIGIITNING SPEED RUNAWA'2 TRAIN ON THE CANADI- AN PACIFIC RAILWA.Y. Teo crew slung to Car s'ops-iit•ipidity neve wince cite Eaglet) Moved rfreelln eat tee linterreal 69(tetteini0r9'--Tarribto Experience or the )somooet Fire' RED HANDS, t Ted hands a little chloride y a few grains --maybe add - ordinary soft water used ug. All rings and jewelry oved,Iniwever, as the chlor - discoloring effeet. Washing •water is also very effective. in, which must be of the best mild be boiled in plenty of 'at a teacupi of meal to a a matt. A. speed. of 150 utiles an hour IS A possibility of .the fieture, when, aeriel e.avigation has been perfeeted, and. when oubinarine ex'att next along in ocean dej3tb at double the speed of the imperial ,Limited. When swaI2 a sneed. is obtained. now-andays, it is 'by and the mast dangerous curves on( the aceiden.t, not by design, and usually Bruce division at such a speed and( yet ' says he firmly believes , tbat wiea, 'tile train reached the but - tom of the mouatein it was going in the rieighborbood of 150 Miles an hour. The beet evident* of high rate of speed at sylitch the (menus mese have travelled is found in the eondition of the under machinery, whicils wee simpe Iy torn to pieees by the ereessive rate at whieh it was forced to( mots to keep pee° with the in'onikling aide rods. ENGINE IN THE SHOPS. After a, delay ef several. hours an.. other 'locomotive arrived, and towed the runaway tied its train to Toronto Sunotion, where the damaged engine Is Ltow undergoing re4paire. The crew are yet wondering how the train travellel over the worst piece of road se r -foe an hour;. then 1 along at a tremendous pace. Easter u e the liquid for tf 14'8.8,h- and faster the engine bounned along, enrt,noattinge ''..-31,9-f.....,_ iine henvy 'tars behind swaying and sla-77151 athieci to tan 434td lashing around the curves. enlaances the whitening BRAKEMEN IN PERIL. The brakemen who were feverishly throwing on brakes could no longer stand upright. From end to end of the ears they crawled on their stom- achs, until with the rush oil the wind and the peueding of the cars eas they battered along in the rear of the run- away monster, they dare net stir; but gripped the footboard with both hands and held on with all their strength. DRIVEN FROM THEIR POSTS. "She's loose," shouted Mahoney to his fireman, who was busily seconding his efforts to stop the wild career of the l000motive. Over the 641 in the tender they scrambled and back upon the train, leaving the wild thing in front to pursue its own course. • The front end brakeman joined them, and the trio crawled back as far away from the locomotive as they possibly could. Four car /engths back thes pressure of the wind, increasing in strength with each plunge of the run- away, compelled them to use all' their strength to bling to the tops ofil the box cars, which, despite their loads, pitched and tossed in the wake of the heavy engine like a disnaaatled ship d an t inehe rails. \V hen they something else Is broken beside re, rema were alarmed by the whistle, it was oords. Sucli velocity was obtained last week on the Bruce division of the Canadian P,aoilie Railroad - at least. naraes Malone,y, of 'Toronto ;Function, a freight engineer, says it was - and as result the company is out WO for repairs and 01,000, the estimated value of the ;services • of one of its best engineers for a fortnight, And Ma- loney did not reeeive the usual( cash )onus for the ,red'ord-breaking trip, elide:Tv -- • NO TIMEKEEPERS ',MERE. • The ru.n was misanctioned, in fact unexpected by the railroad company and consequently was not made under the supervision of the proper time- keepers and other authorities. The trip was not made on a spec:tally pre- pared tea*, but. at that a.enard'suit- able course ctuld, not have been ob- tained, unless, indeed, a PerPallkiionlar track had beenerected and the, train dropped from the top. in short, last week a freight locomo- tive, No. 433, under charge of 'Driver Maloney, ran away at the to of Caledon Mountain, and wouncl up; at a• stand. still at Mono road, the top oi the next emlnence, c raj. tely strie- ped of all the smaller machinery be- tween the driving wheels. WILD DASH DOWN THE MOTJN- TALN. The train had not passed. the top of the mountain a qtrarter of a mile when Maloney noticed that the losomotive was ploughing ahead at terrific rate too late to jump, so they were fOreed, to stick to the train and trust to; luck. Any veteran engineer will tell Yalu that General Bullar's job la South Africa is parlor croquet compared with an attempt to eebclue a locomotive on a rani:page. • •• BRITAIN IR IN THE RIGHT. Whitt littsis op In Ho milt Arraort ears About. Use Prevent consoles. • The Boston Herald publishes a letter from Right Rev. Anthony Ginghran. Roman Catholic Bishop et' Kimberley. T'ne Bishop is 40 years oft age, end( has been Bishop at Kimberley 14 years. He has been labouring to harmonize dif- ferences between the' whites •and blacks, In his letter he says :- "Chamberlain's indictment of the Transvaal Government was 'perfectly f,air. I have no hesitation in saying se, and I have had 13 year& to study this question. I am not an English- men, as you know, nor are my sympa- thies in general with England; battle this case I do believe that England will do eredit to our common! human- „ity by forcing a small State calling itself a republie to give equal rights to all. • THEY WANTED ENGLA.ND. "Whatever one may call England's title to interfere in this matter, it is certain that in former years most of the Boers, their President at their head, asked England to come to their aid and take over the State. , "Those who invested their money.in of speed. He shut off steam, put on the country had no hope of lever hav.. ina a voice in the government/ ot the the ale brakes, wbistled for the hand I -- country, anu yet the Ultlanders were brakes and applied all the ordillarY 1 twice as numerous,- at least as the ori - methods of slackening speed, but I ginal usurpers For in my mind I do without success, Every fresh effort I not give Lo the Boers oft the Transvaal the title of nationality. They simply seemed to spur the obstinate initehine into greater efforts. • The big locomotive tugged and rtinautisn. that implies proscription for a strained and whipped the long traia killed the Kailas fifty years ago e and they took their place. There is nothing ICE FOR THE HANDS. which Ls made with n old and tried family Ugh ,hands, and is very .three draohms of •ite beeswax, and • \dd. two ounces • t the mixture in- • <Ucepan ot boiling • at into asmooth ete- white and almost terve' Ad.• While it is in ante little jars. r �Nirves; that quiver, th's cold cleaver sets them est I • wasted, has love oultast- '1, blasted, but dies when oken, made heaven a poken, for Beatrice; , on her, would! they have er, nibrone her, in P.aradiee ored, or sweetly savor- vored a wedded bard; row singte, on cliff, or that mingle are mostly sweeter than lost, but cl her feet are whom none' arose is what lame en- s loss is his Mary's -nee iden, lost 'Thee 6`; dear a;yed ixi her human love's, fated to die unrest - 111 any tome. -Vela tgain in Heaven, et on -Lille rude shore, aver to livenorever, exittet • sever • and be no A. S. RAIVXSAY, E W00.1.)9,7 BUILDING. ant Building in Welling - land, ice the largest wood - in the woridgeela Welt ;tome oiler ;New Zealand st etydry house is con- ood. Large ohu tehe e and sixates premisa " are belle material. t OLENT GA.RDENER, -No mere milk? What's oow has etopped giv- Why? `• dry, mum. the werld (Loan: yen in a gale. AROUND THE HORSESHOE. • Around •the dangerous • Horseshoe Curve the train sped at a velocity which Mahoney declares was close to 150 miles an hour, the helpless crew: clinging to the tops of the cars, ex4 pecting every instant to find theme selves mixed up in a chaos of splintern ed • box • cars, twisted and broken trucks and the boulders • along the track. • Above the deafening roar of the wind in his ears the engineer heard a rattlieg and snapping sound, and. an occasional deep -toned cra:sh from the iron maniac ahead. Each csecond he expectel the huge steel axles under the locomotive would snap and allow the big driving wheels to go bowlieg off al their side , an separate mis- sions of destruction, letwingo the big boiler to drop between the rails and bring the speeding mass up shorb and wrecking eery oar in the train, ; THE TJP-GRADE SAVED THEM•. At, times the jerking and swaying motion was absent and the peostrate men were in terror lest the engine, followed by tbe whole train, had left the steel rails. The crashing and snapping continued and the train mov- ing at tremendous speed etruck the up grade. Far a While the advent of the ascent seemed to bacrease rather than diminieh the velocity of the torpedo upon rails, but gradually the speed entekened, and at Mono road the breaks seizec1 hold of the oar wheele and the train was brought to a stand- still ENGINE WORKS RIPPED OUT. The engine was a weeek as fat as fulnes was concetned *la 1 nee EX (9 0 0 "Inner motion," that part of a locorao- tivrde machinery situated between the driving vs/well and the fez -Ward truoks, had dieappeared, The terrific speed at- tained by the driving rods had been oo nruell tor the strength of the email steel parts and they had. torn theta - selves free, fixing themselves against the boiler and fotwited trticksi and were Scattered along the runaway's trail. 4 • TE1E INDUCEMENT. "As to Oom Paul Kruger, when, one considers that the President of the small republic, which has only 80,000 inhabitants or thereabouts, receives a salary as large as that ca the President of the United States, one can imagine that patriotism is not: the very xirst characteristic of his life, "I have always held that a man, in any country has the same reght, as an- other if he conducts himself • as he ought, and that there should. be no dis- tinction beyond that which is neces- sary to test his sincerity. Let the United States be the model for repub- lies in this matter. There must not be at the end of the 19th century' a gov- ernment calling • itself a republic, while it is in reality a closet oligarchy, ABOUT THE 130Elle • "The Boer is brave. Of that, 1 have no doubt; but he is ignorant and. pre- judiced to an alarming extent. On that account I do not condemn him, for his fathers had to strike out into thedes- art and lived as those who are cut off from civilization. His•prejudioe shows setself principally as regards the Callao - lie Church; and, secondly, as regards the civilized habits of European na- tions. • The Catholic Church is his bugbear. Catholics are heathens to him. They • worship snakes and Wooden images, "To my mind a. war is the( best( way to end the unrest and. insecurity that torment and paralyze the country here at present. We shall .suffer from it; probably we shall suffer a geesitlittl, but in the end the country will gain, and gain immensely. TIMBIS "The history of the isainilnir t do not know, bat ae IL la eermitted to be hung so 'prominently in the recent. tioa room, it is to be eel:mimed that tne President and hie friends regard it tie a faithful likeness, and are eon- neetlently proud 02 it, "It is ether that neither Kruger nor his It/antis knew anything of art, for the picture WAS an exaggerated reproduetion of every derect in the President's homely features, the low, narrow, enintelleetual brow, overs Yes; and heaves inasteive expanse of face beneatn. The man himself was inmost beautiful in comparison with the monster on the canvas, and really could nor help pitying hipi for hie innocent adraltation of a thing that ought to be cast into the fire., "Bet presently the President spoke --a mouthful of strange, guttural vvords-in a volee that was like a loud gurgle, and -as the great jaws and oheeks ami mouth heaved and opened I stole a glance at the pioture and it did not seem to me then as if the painter had. libelled the man. At any rate, the explosive dialect so expand- ed the cheeks and widened the raouth that I perceived some reserablanee to the brutal picture.” • OOM PAUL'S PORTRAIT. What Stanley Thought of the E'resideat's •Treasured Oil Patuttng. • Kruger possesses "phis houte at Pre- toria a portrait; of himself which Sir Henry Stanley, when he saav it, be- fore seeing the President, thought must libel the original very molly. In. one of his letters, written by Sir Heary to the joureal "South Africa," just about two years ago, hedescribes his meeting with Oom Paul and the pic- ture very graphically. He was "for- tunate enough" to obtain an interview with the President at the early hour of 5.30a. La., Oom being juse about to depart on an electiosieering tour. "As he was fatly dressed," wrote Dr, Stanley, as he then was, "in the usual black suit and little old-fashimied t0 hat, and eraoking on the verandah of his homes, the old President eatiet have risen, from bed an hour earlier at least, and though all the cloaks in this region are fully thirty minutes behind. time, '5 a. m., is a remarkably early hour to begin business. t "MS g'00(1. morningin English slip- ped frem him tuaeonscieusly, and after a ,ehalte lianas he led the way to a epacious saloon, wherein the first thing that attraated my attention was a large and tboarse oil painting of hire. It happened thal the seat shawls Ina placed Mr. Kruger and his picture drreetly in a liee 141 XrColt.; a Me, and / Was thus forced to coraparet the olds ginal with, the coPY$ , BO! }TEA° ..OF BOER WAR. TRUMPETER OF THE FIFTH LANCERS SHOWS GREAT BRAVERY. Attacked by Three littera - Sheets Them Down With a Revolver Conlin% 'Worthy of a Victoria Cross. • Every campaign in whieh England engages develops some individual act ot heroism that stirs the Britisb Mood throughout the entire empire and sets tongues gcnng 111 ceaseless praise of the hero. The latest instance of this was furnished by Piper Fincliater in the war against the Hill tribes of India. At Dargai, where the Highlanders were • charging the tribesmen, Riper Find - tater was shot, but falling, continued to pay on his hOrlipipe the charge. His • regiment, stirred by his bravery, went ori up the hill and captured the poitt attacked, and Findlatei eeturned to England 1.0 be personally honored by the Queen herself. It was expected that, true to .Eiaglish • precedeut, the `Boer war would call forth some similar act. • But no one expected it would. be as soon as it has. John James Sbarlock, of the Fifth Royal lancers, is the hero, and he is a trumpeter in the service. He is a mere lad of sixteen summers, but he did a day's work of svhich any man of mature years would be proud. And justly so. • AT ELANDSLAAGTE. It was in the fight at Elandslaagte, when the Lancers were so severely set upon, by the Boers. They were hard pressed, and it devolved upon Trum- peter Shuriock to sound orders on the bugle. As he raised the instrument Lo his lips he was set upon by 'three Boers at once. He saw he could not blow the blast, so he slutig his horn again and drew his revolver. It took the coolest kind of work to avoid the first assailants. As he dodged the blow aimed at him he fired his weapon point -hank in the facev, of the burly charger. Down the fellow jell in a heap at his feet. With an instant's hesitation he turnea to the next and shot him clean through the heart, and as the third engaged him he warded. off the point of the bayonet with his open hand and shot the fellow through the • shoulder. Then, without the slightest delay, he sounded' the order that held the Lancers firm and kept them from any possibility of retreat that might 'have ended in dishonor COOLNESS AND COURAGE. LJ. required the nicest courage to wi1istamd such an attack successful- ly. ' It not only took the nicest courage bu it took the nicest: accuracy of aim w1h a revolver. Had he missed any Shot he must have paid the for - it with his life. It would have cost im more, perhaps, that which be valu- • ed more than his life. His wound was qui e a severe Dee, but it was soon d sed in the hospital, and he is now rig nicely with the prospeet of a istinguished service ahead of ;aim and Victoria cross. The little fellow is a born soldier, eing bred in the service. He is the son of a. trooper m the Fifth Lament who lost his life by an aceident in the service several years before. He en- listed in the army when he was four- teen years of age, with thefull consent a hie widowed ro.other, who is herself the daughter of Sergeant John Fro- gett, a soldier with a record of thirty- one years' including distinguished service:• SI 0111Y141(ER's sToRY tweed ShOemaker Who Statee • Was Cured of Beckache by Dodd's Kidney PIlle, No Reason to Doubt it. Ule is Hut Opo el 9 • Thetisanyt-noni's Kidney Pille M - Wars cure leaekeclue DONT'S FOR NURSES. a Don't let stale flowers remain in a sick charaber, Don't appear anxious, however great your anxiety. Don't be unmindful of 3rouriset1f if you are in the responeible position of nurse, To do faithful work you must have proper food and stated hours of reet. ONCE REMOVED., (Raynor -I hear • there is a new baby next door to you, Shylne-You -don't hear it hall as often as I do. Tweed, Nev. 27. There is e shoemaks er in this tosva who is one among the thousands who have been cured of 13aektiehe by Dodd's Kidney Pills. The shoemaker's work sitting • beat over the beeeh, or last all clay is witurally a. strain on the back, but that of itself is never the cause of the real Back - Backache a the genuinely paixi- Itul aed, distressing kind is caused by disorder of the kidneys. In feet this acbe or pain is eituated direetly in the kidneys as tbe sufferer will find if he tries to rub the pain away with lini- ents, as he would were it a mere tiffness of the muscles. W. 5. Busby, oft Tweed, thought his case was oc the latter kind. He bore with it for yearee thinking it in- eeparable from his work, Filially, how- ever, he found bis mistake, 1 -Te writes: - "1 heve long been troubled witn severe pains in my back( and I always thought that the cause was from my constant work on the benoh.I found out my kidneys were affected and once Iwas certain of that I resorted to Dodd% Kidney Pills. I am' happy to say three boxes left me clear of Back - eche. I can highly recommend them to any person afflieted with that forra of Kidney Disease." • GIVES FITS. Henx--Tbere's only one way to get decent clottes from a tailor, and that is to never Pay him. • • Joitx-How does that work? • Why, thee he gives you fits. , HIGH HEELS IN, PERSIA. High heels, it is said, owe their ori- gin to Persia, where they were intro- duced to raise the feet from the burn- ing sands of that country. 13e Cured of catarrh. It Ls vita easy to mire yourself of Catarrh or A,stlema u: you use Catarrh- • ozone, the medicated. air treatment for • all diseases of the nasal and respira- tory organs cansed by germ life. Ca- tarrhozoee will cure -absolutely cure -Catarrh, and is a very pleasant rem- edy that can, be used witbout one n. - ger or risk whatever. When initialed it rapidly volatilizes, andfinds its way to the very seat of the disease, where it kills the ralerobe life that causes Ca- tarrh and at the same time restores all irritated membranes to their normal condition, effecting- sa permanent mire. you simply • breathe e Catarrhozoae does the rest. One trial will demon- strate its worth. For salfeat all drug- gists or by mail, •price $1.110, For trial outfit send 10c in stamps to X, O. Poi- son & Co., 518 Kingston; Ont.' When the first baby appears on the scene the happy parents forget that there are about ten naillion more in the world about the same age and just as cute. ' • iBlernishes.`;{.7,:= Complexion ISAnalytical Chemist, 489 Queen St, W., Toronto, end one cent stamp for °Iranian W. r:IIRQIIHART „An enterprising dime -museum man- ager advertises for a hen.peeked hus- band to complete his poultry exhibit. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used,:by mothers for their children teething. It soothee the elind, softens the gums, allays pain, cures wind collo, and is the best remedy for diarrhma 25o. a bob. 1le,4 Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and oak for "Mrs. Winalow're Soothing Syrup. 'traveler says ham' plays about the same part in a rainvay. sandwich that trestle •does in a horse trade•. • TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Ougglets refund the money if it fails to ewe. c. • L. W. Grove's signature is on each box. AN spinster of uncertain years who reeeltly married a man named Hope spe s tef him as the Hope long defer- rer 59 Payne, of Granby, Que. 61 Pharaoh 110c. Cigar Manufacturer. 'Women are queer creatures. One may laugh itt you 11 you are ride and sralle on you if you are poor. How's ThiS ? We offer One Rundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F'. CHENEY St CO., Toledo, O. Viro, the undersigned, have known P. J. charley for the last 19 years, and believe him perfectly honore.ble in all business transact. lone and financially able to carry out any obli- gation made by their firm. Wasi & Truysx_,_ Wholesale DrUffEiet;vS. Toledo, 0. WALOING, KiNNAN & Isisatvin, hole4ale Druggists, Toledo, O. leaira Catarrh Cure le taken internally, act- ing directly upon the blood and Fnucons env tides of tho syneat. Price, 750. nor bottle. Sold by all drung HU. Testimonials free. Hairs Panaiy Pills are the beet. ALWAYS THE OTHER 801". It seams to me that Willie gets into an awful lot of fights. I wonder who is to blame for it all? The other boy, ahvay,e the other boy, replied Willie's Mother, with eon- -viction, SVi1hie eays so himself. irabrernosgrordtlterrastookriateemestirtsrainirreetweloataismtlarmindintriessearismonrlirnerrensvcrertmr, 4448 REVEI.A ION TO Lead Package. CEYLON 1 30,40, so and 6oc.. 12 a man reanzes how eareless be( is tabout paying 'melt what be borroWe 1 be seldonas leads anything. Toscauel 10••c. HERNANtatc In nine caess out of a possible ten a wife has perfeet confidence in her husband after anarriage-for about twenty-four lsours. O'KEEFE'S MALT Invigontel arid Strrngthens. • LLOYD WOOD, Toronto. GENERAL AGENT. Mjxay a man's reputation fox' good - nes is founded upon his ability to con- ceal is badness. Monmeat. HOTEL DIRECTORY. Tho " Balmoral," Fres Bus Rotel Carslake Em°Pemn 0 front $1 a day up 0 p G.T.R.Station, Montreal. Geo, Carelake 5 Co., Crop 8. vs AJ HOTtliE_Atosiii--con.go Avenue. Family Hotel rates $1.66 Per day. ST. JAMES' HOTEL...Opposite Depot, two blocks from C. P. Railway. Firet-olass Commercial House Modern ins- provensante-Ratee moderate. - ; If you -would live to a ripe old age don't try to live mere than one day at a time. TETI, P. G loos OALVERT's Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Dint. merit, 'Tooth Potsdam, otm, baVe been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. 'Their regular use prevent infer:U. one diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on Application. F. C. CALVERT & CO.) MANCHESTER, - ENGLAND, Teachers Wanted To send for oar complete SHEET MUSIC CATALOGUE and SPECIAL NATE OF DISCOUNT. We are equipped to Whaley, Royce a co., 158 Yong, St., TORONTO, ONT. Sausage Casings--irgva,Pgrer,;°,,t= erloan Hog Cesiese—rellable goods at rieht tens, PARK, BLACKWELL e DO., Toronto. Carterg. COLD CURE leo.' Cures in n jiffy. PJ.o • Cormacx & Co„ Agents, Montreal. THE DES MOINES INOUBATOR—Dest and oheapeei o. Rolland, sole agent, for theDouilnion. Send 301. stamp for catalogue. 373 St. Paul Street, Montreal Rooks Rosaries Cr • cifIxes, Soapulare, • tef Iloilo Prayer , " Retions Pictures, statuary, and Church Ornaments, Bdurtedons1 Works. Mail orders receive prompt tette*. 11. & SADLIER & 00., Montreal. pOMMON SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed Bugs, Rata and Aloe. Sold by all Druggists, or 381 Queen W. Toronto. WANTED—Men to travel, salary or ore:emission; expert. enee unnecessary., Write LUXE BROS. CO., Montreal. WANTED—Salesmen ; "Arberine" protects fruit treat fxom animate ;$30.00 week. ARBORINE CO., Montreal. WILL Instantly relieve a tickling cough Dr. Draw% compound Syrup of Lloorioe-ask Dri•ggiqs for it-sentby mull on rec ipt of 25o. Drynen Modica; Dispensary, Elontreal's permanently cures ESEl throat, stomach Catarrh of nose, and bladder. 50o 9;11 a box. Write for particulars, The Indian Catarrh Oure 0o.,146 St. James -ab. Montreal. CATARACTS (absorbed without operation), Bron china Asthma, and Over -fatness, cured by eafe, sure and potent remedies, Absolutely harmless Particulars and terms address, DR. GRANT, 33 Seneca St., Buffalo, New York. 39;esr LEAD, CM,PEI2:1, BRASS' olesale only. Long Distance Telephono1720. WILLIAM ST., TORONTO. PO LTRY, BUTTER, ECUS, APPLES, Mid tiler PRODUCE, to ensure best results consign to The Dawsog Commission Co., Limited, Cor.Weet-Market a Oolborne St., Toronto, OA& Cereal Coffee:Health Dr' ilk. Pure,Wholesoree, Nourisks Ing, 15o th. , or 2 lbs. for 25a. ROICCO la. equa a to tec_ooffee, For Sale by ail Grocers, or send lee for i -lb. pease( o the 14010aoM gG.co„ipietieeti.,:oronto. Ag0.tawteineveryooalty:„aEAvsRBnA:DMaomin tosh mar hardone & is guaanteed Water - prow. Ask for %take no other. Bea- ver Rubber mobbing Co., Montreal, ' ME. All parts of Can( daily. Latent Int water eurige,41 altingeoett Der• any other cooke A.LITOM aT/C • 101 Coll TORONTO Cutting 51011001 2 to all desIrons of expiring a Cutting and Fitting Gentlemea' Particulars, • 113 191 onto. ROOFING and Sheet idotail17071iDs DOTING SLATE. in Black, Red or Greou. SLA.TB SLA(I(130.A.1jp5 (We supp41 public and High Sehools,Toronto). Rooting fait, Paoli, cosi Tar, eto. ROOFING TILE (See biew City a.ours & pinieger%,Toobar.onst,oilmilo;_,.nteso biyuro,n1:67:radpia(),0v2motigeire:07esipl.:tenTtgoesr,00renrotootil pieterialeisehlpsomititso, irtlepaert of_ the country. Phono 1964 Dyeing Cleaning 1 For the very best mend your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." Look for agent in your tome or seed direct. iliuntreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. BALDNESS CUBED. ROSE'S " Nair Grower" positively and perr manently cures Baldness, Hair FallinDI Out, Dandruff, etc., and. renders the hair soft glossy and beautiful- Testimonials from leading Torero to gentlemen. Price 8110 per bottle ROSE & CO., 225 itonoesralles Are., Toronto, TUBULAR= SKATES or Pieseure Guaranteed Cast Steel. The Strongest, Lightest arid Fastest Skate iu the world, Mole in all lengtha. Pricer, amp ete with Boots, 0.00. Order from FRED. IVRY, e 170 Ray St., Toronto, cheapest and Best Covering In the World. Mica P1PEBTER Covering Steam and Hot and Cold Water Pipes, Cold Storage Pipes. Kitchen Boilers, eto. For perticulara apply to MICA BOILER COVERING CO., Waited, Toronto, Montreal, and London, Eng. Michigan Land for•Sale. g 000 ACRES 0000 FARMING LANDS-ARENAD 171; Teem. Ogemaw and Crawford Counties. Titleper. feat. On aliehigan Central, Detroit & Maokinatt anti Loon Lake Itailrojds, at prices ranging from 82 to SS P8 acre. These Lands are Close to Enterprising New Towne, Churches, Schools, etc., and will be sold on ost reasonable tenon. Apply to 21.11.• PIERCE, A gent, Week Bay City, Minh. ,L Or W. CURTIS, Whittemore, Mich, • Manufacturers Comince b Toronto WILL FIND VERY DESTRA.BLE FLATSSteam Heated, Steam Power, , Elevator and all conveniences. TRUTH BUILDING, 73 Adelaide St. West, TORONTO. Dominion Line • STEAIAMASINLIPS Portland, Me., to Liverpool, calling at Halifax Westbound. ; Large and fast Steamers Vancouver Doxiiinion, Cambroman. Rates of paesage r—First Cabin, 850 upwards; Seam. Cabin, $35; Steerage, *22.50 and $23.50. For further information apply to local agents, or DAVID TORRANCE 500., General Agents, 17 Si. Sacrament St. Montreal, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. 9 GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. BREAKFAST—SUPPER. The A r ach oF Indigesti n usismiti NDIGESTION is very insidious. The appetite becomes poor, caprl. cious, or is altogether lost. Pain, accompanied by nausea and flatus. lence follows the taking of food; nutrition being arrested, the blood becomes impoverished, and then • appear various nervous affections, such as headache, dizziness, sleepleesness •neuralgia hysteria • and the collection oi o Madonnas NORTNEY STEAM PUMP --6 x 4, 7 inch stroke, in good working order,. capac- ity about 200 horse power. Price $75, FEED WATER HEATER -65 horse power, in good order. Price $25. • ONE No. 3 STURTEVANT FAH -24 inch, in perfect order, Price $25. • ONE No. 4 BUFFALO FAN -- 17 inches high, upright discharge, in excellent order. Price $35. S. FRANK WILSON, Tawrx, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto, CAIVAD/i, t1tAi4 NT Loan awl Savings Corapa,ny. • INeoakeltatrAn 1855. 'rho oldest and Largest Oanodlan Mort gaga Corporation* Capital, - 11400,000 • Reserve Pit I141 •I 20o,o(So Head Officle-Torefito St, Y0 Otto Drafich Offloos--WinnIpng, Man., Vancouver, 13.0, rinneeirs nnotrrom. lutenist allowed. •17110119NTUR11it ISRVIDD for 1, 3, 3, sr 5 yens, With Interest °moons atiesebed, atelenn MIST on 5(010191 01 real tenni nevnielletr Govorrinurnt Mid stuulairal Donde, Tor farther particulars apPly to J. IGSRBURT MASON. •Menashit DirepVr, Termite. distressing sirtoms to which the name et It}i” and "heart trouble' bas been debility" The liver is speedily affected, and then we have coastipatiotice„re foul tongue, offensive breath, depreigeni of spirits and sallow skin. THE 0311E IS EMPLIDITY ITEELE : Or Ward'e e' Pb ,I&Berc • ALWAYS TOUCH THE SPOT. Price 50 Cents per box, live boson $2.00, All intents*, OY BAP% WilliMn5 SO 00, Toronto, Ont, altS, ft. ARNETT, Manager. JOHN J. MAIN, Stint, and Trees The Canadian Heine Safety 1) OILER I Esplanade, Toronto Opp. SI?erbourilo St., Nigh Class Water Ttibe •Steam ' Boilers) fer Ali PressUreso Duties and Nei. SE/NO POR DESCRWTIVE CA1'AIL008JU. R010101108 aSeeS•lletra , lintled. • {$1511GEFolgilo.r/niCild', 14°1'4' 1; WITY:tIrgh;111411t/. ! of reroute, ho 0%4' ttlkb one