HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-12-28, Page 5OTIS all, :ataxy Public, Convey r, Fire Insurance agent ge Licenees. Ioa1 doeti n at reaeoriable rates state at low tato of in t office, Hensel'. ds for invest- rt./potty at lowest N & CARLING, Exeter. HI.NSIVIAN, L. D. 8, ANI) DR. A. U. RINSIVIAN, L. a:Q. D. S., Honor Gralduate of Torolito University. Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad. lifter circlets. 0111Oe n Fan - son's block. -West side of Main ilxeter , 8ON. (WO, L. 0.6 ) pENTIBT. dilate of the Toronto IThilversity. College a Dental Surgeons a 1bilawl work, Crowns, st d. Plate the neatest PosSible manner. 4. uoastlietio for painless extraction. t attention given to the proservat- atural teeth. Offiee opposite Ceial Exeter, Ontario. )OPER, Licensed Auc- rr'the County LA Huron, Sales mi- ll parts. mullet 'convenience can be or at this office, Satisfaction ;platen- ges moderate. Exeter P. 0, 101i Moue torest. il. J. (Late wi ow & Proncifoot) Barrister -- Solicitor. N ry Public, Hensall, OXit. re A. Sellery, L. D. S., D. D. 8,, Honor Quail. -ate a Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extraoted without pain or bad eireets, Office iri Potty's Block, Roman. At Zurich icverY Monday, oommenoing May 30th. BRISIPS.-The friends of Dr. Neil Meaecbine will regret Isis death which oceurred at Boldridge, Nebraska, the 21st• inst., in his 42nd year. The de- ceased formerly practised in Thorn - dale, hut for several years bas resided in U. S. At Boidridge he we very successful in his profession. He leaves a, widow and one daugbter. He had one brother, Donald IlicXechine, of London -Mr. and Mrs. John McAllis- ter and her son and daughter were in Seaforth last week attending the sit - ver wedding of their daughter, Mrs. A. Forbes,- Henry •Pylsas, of Chisel - horst has sold his dwelling Isere, lately owned by Wm. Pengally, to Chas. Wilson, of Zurich. -Jas vie:Arthur was k in Toronto this week visiting relatives. • -Messrs, Willis & Shepherd made a - large shipment of hogs this week,- Gavin R. Moir, of Quebec is here visit - STRAY lug his mother, -Dr. Sellery spent the ORIDO onto the premises a itobt. Oreery, lot P, eon, 11, Usborne, on or about 28th November, a heifer. °weer can have same by proving property and paying expenses. ROST. URAERY, J1, Winchelsea, P.O. eventh annual meeting of the share. ncl patrons a the Winchelsea Cream & A ssociation will be held in the Taw u - all, Elirnville, on Thursday Jan, Ith, 1900, lOommeneing at one o'clook p. in., to receive official reports, pay dividends, elect officers, and general business. You are rospectifully nested Lobe present. ELBRIDGE,JOSHUA JOHNS, President. • Secretary OTICE Notice iaborby given that the 25th AN- NUAL MEETING a:af the members ot THE IlAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY will be hold at the TOWN HALL, ZURICH on Tuesday, January- 9th 1900, at, one o'clock P. M. BUSI.NESS:--Receiving the Directors' and r tary's Annual Reports. Election of Dir - and other business for the good and e of the Company. Allmembers are re- d to attend. ERRITT, Esq. HENRY EMBER, President, • SeeretarY. 1-10USE AND LOTS FOR '1 SALE, The undersigned •Execerors a the estate of the late Daniel Seeke of the township of Ilay, offer for sale a house and stable and the ilVe ad - mining 'village loth, in tho village of Dashwood. The house and stable are frame and are ad- mirably situated. For further particulars apply to john R. Goetz Esq, or August Schroeder Esq., Dashwood., Ont., the Executors of Daniel Sack ,s deceased, or to their Solicitors, 1VIessrs. DOLLINL & STANSURY, Exeter, Ont. NOTICE OF APPLICATION In the Surrogate Court of theCounty Huron., n the matter of the Guardianship Lorne McTaggart, the infant child ames Leonard Mc:Taggart. of the neireeernith, in the p of uiaty of Huron, physician, deceas otice is hereby given that after the expire - of twenty days from the first pnblication this notice, application wllbe made to the rrogate Court of the County of Huron for a nt of letters of guardianship of the above ed infant, to Horatio Nelson MeTaggart of Township of Tuckersmith. merchant, the relfather of the said infant. COLLINS & STANBURY ,• Solicitors for the Applicant. Dated the99th clay of December, 1899. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Daniel Sack% le te of the Township of sHay in the County of Huron, retired farmer eceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Taro- . visiobs of chapter 129 Revised Statutes of Ont. 1897 that all persons having claims againstithe estate of the said Daniel Sacks, deceased -Who died on or about the 8th day of January are required on or before the the let day Miry 190e to send post prepaid to Jen. R. Esq. Dashwood P. 0. Ont., one of the ors of the said Daniel Sacks, deceased, names and addresses and occupation h particularLkof their olahrts and state, nts of their accounts and the nature of their uritics (if any) heldby them. lid -notice is hereby given that after the day Of January 1900 the Executers Will ceed to distribute the assets of the said eased among the parties entitled there - having i-ssrard only to the claims of said John K. GoelZ and the said Exo- ors shall not be liable tot the said assets 05 ny part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims, notice shallnot have boon receiv- ed by their at the time otsuch dietribution. COLLINS & STANDulav,Exerars, ONT. • Solicitors for the Executors. Dated this 7th day of December', 1899 OUSE AND LOT FOR ch notice shnhlhaVl3 been 'emus° y SALE. good storey and a half frame house on ron street east A.pply to MISS VDSPER S. SANDERS, Telegraph Office, Exeter, OTICE TO CREDITOR'S John Hyndman lato of the village f Exeter in the County of Huron, liysician, deceased. umlaut to Chapter 120, of • the Revised tutes of 0 min 1307, noticeis hereby given tact s and others having claims insi the es , Of John I-Tyne/nen late of Village of Exeter in tne County of lEfuron, Bitten, mem died on or about tho thitd of bor. A. D. 1815, are, on or beforo the first of Febtuary A. D. 1900 tolsend by nest Pre- to Mossre. Dfcicson & Carling, Solicitore ei Executors of the said deoeased their 'an names end surnames, addresses and lone. the full Particulars of their elahns at ef their at:counts and the nature of ities (If any) hold by rhem and that day last aforoaid the said EMI:inters ocood to dietributo the assets of the • imaged aniong the parties entitled there - sing regard only to such claims Of which •ce shall have beee given as abort) required 1 the said Executoth will he liable for the timts or any part thereof to any person mons of whose claim or claime notice Shall have boon received at the time of each die- bu eon. NOTICE TO DESPOILS 411 aer,onuts, notes &c., duo or owing to the 0. of Hy:Amen & Hyndman, Plivietans, Well said firm hes been diegoived by the eath et the s.aid deeeaserneem Dyndman,must hewn! on or before tho first day of March A Bil0D0 telt IC Hytelman, Physician, who is ;Intim Steel to le e.ve and disehargo ,Clie game And, all a ecount Sca, tainattilaig Unpaid atterithe $40,10,, teat mentioned data will be inaectl in court, itot crilection Dated at, Meter this 27th day o. Deeember A. ae, 1809. DientSON & CARLING, Seers for Exemiters first part of this week visiting his par- ents. -Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Colwill, arid Miss Hagen attended the wedding of Mss Steinbach, at Zurich, on Monday evening last. -The many friends of Miss Bella Sparks will be pleased to bear that she is convalescent. -Miss Doughty, of Galt,is visiting her cousin Mrs.0.1.A. McDonel 1.-Oharles Nicholls, of London, and his sister spent Xmas clay with their sister, 136Ers. Urquhart. - Mr. and Mrs. R. Twitchell spent Xmas with his parents in Seaforth.- Joe Norris, of Detroit Dental College is enjoying the holidays with his sister. v. W. I. Doherty spent Xmas at •Iiotneiri London. -H. J, D. Cook and Miss Nellie Shirra were joined in wedlock last evening, -The R. Pickard Co.,of Exeter, will open a general store in R. Bell's block on 5th January. Locals ANOTHER. SWINDLE. -.A. farmer liv- ing a short distance from Woodstock, has lately fallen a yietine to an ingeni- ous swindle, the particulars of which the Woodstock Times publishes. Some time ago a respectable looking intlivid- ual approached this farmer, at his home, with a sample of stock food which, he designated Chicago Stock Food. He had a variety of testitnoni- als, ainongst them some which lie claimed had been given by government experimental stations. He succeeded, in persuading his victim, to take a small quantity at 80 cents per poued, then wrote out an order, which the unsuspecting farmer signed. • A. short time atm the latter received 600 pounds of the stock food, whieb be took away from the station under the impression that it was the 'supply which the agent bad sold to the farmers of the neigh- borhood, and which he would, take away from his place and distribute nmongst his various patrons. Imagine CUT TtliS CHJT AotI4 \vitt, 5 °eine in savers end yv wfll 41001.)n" flint will bring Yon In 14101tO ax.osalt, ru one month, illan anything ease Amerlea, w, ICINNEY, Itl, T., S.aleni-Yormetith N, oisfyilasi.xlien a stranger the farmer s day wita a called at his farm the 14,..er for which he- promissorynote for $18 n is the old demanded payment. ' it .\ story, the signature is hiS°7 hand- story, and the goods fo , wine • the payment calls are in his ossessisre L He will simply be obliged tP,,±a37 t!P J. a. Woodavard, Lockport, N. Y., subject, note without redress.aawrate.dtrehines. what for .anril how to run." . R. tMcMordie, Hippen, oat.- ltIXEITE uron county NOteS A 000f1 Man Gone, WI A R I Henry Rath, who many years ago Dwight L. Moody the famoue even - .res, Denten is twee saay mill east of the ',look farm, gelist, died itt East Northfield, alitess wines. por a„,4441 r Friday, •He was (32 years of age. A owe- • • Jists4ey Butter.. Began... Geese Fulleri on, died at the home ,of his daughter, Mts. (Dr.) Scott, Seaford), Dee, 28, in the 85th year his age, A. pretty home weelding took place at the residence of George Ovegg, Spring Bank Fararii. Howick,en Dec.13,, when Jais youngest daughter, Estella IVTay,was united in marriage ti.. Arthur Da rrock, The Palmerston carriage factory has had an offer from Goderich to move the factory from Palmerston to that place. The offer is a very favorable one, but $o far the directors have made no decision, Police Magistrate Seeger, is taking action against the town of Goderieh iu eonsequence of its failure to provide him with police court accoininoclatioo. A writ has been issued by E. 0 Cam- pion, Q. C., on behalf of :Sir. Seeger, for $400 damages, and also for it man - derails to compel the town to establish it police office. His Lordship Mr, Justice McMahon intends presenting during the early summer months books sufficient to start libraries at Mount Carmel, at the intersection of the townships of Mc- Gillivray and Stephen, and in the township of Ashfield. The spirit manifested by Judge McMahon in the establishment of these libraries is one worthy. of ernulatien, and the good work should amend. The death is announced oE John ni»sley, Winghein, after it month's Goblii,t to bed, Deceased had just paSseu Lab 57th year, and was the eldest son of Edward Dinsley, of Olin - ton. Be was born at Providence, R. I., and came to Wingliain with hie parents when quite young. A, tin- smith by trade, he carried on business for himself for some time, moving to Wingliarn about 24 years ago, when he engaged in the hotel business and has been there ever since. • The London, England, School Board bas been considering the question of providing free dinners for underfed children in elementary schools. The argument urged in favor of the meas- ure is that since the people have undertaken the duty of paying for the education of the children of the work- ing classee they are Also under the obligation of feeding the children when they are underfed. Es N. Hannaer, one of Barries oldest residents, met with a serious and prob- ably fatal accident at the station there Saturday evening. Mr. Hamner was going to Toronto to spend Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Black- • mode. Mr. Hanmer accompanied her into the train, which started before he could get oft In juruping he slipped and fell under the moving train, one of his legs being taker off above the ankle, and the other so badly mangled Abet it had to be amputeted. SOUTH HURON FARMERS' 4-"INsmtrrE. The regular meetings of the South Huron Farmers Institute will be held, as follows, viz : Brucefield, Jatirt, 6, 19P0 One o'clock p, re. Dixon's hall. J. S. Woodward, LockpgrtY., subject, "Profitable beef making. 3'. S. Woodward. Lockport, N, Y., "Dorn how best grew and -use it," J. Crealy, Seaforth, Ont.. "Cream- ories'and how to make them profitable." "Our export bacon trade to be discussed. • EVENING MEETING. 7,30 °Week p J. S. Woodward, subject, "A lay sermon." Exeter Town at11, Jet 6th One o'clock, p. m. Mr. Render has returned to town. Arg.uciacrinonie as and present. Our export bacon trade: 13 Miss Urquhart attende the wed- , EVEN/NG MEETING. ding of H. J. D. Cook and Miss Shirrs, 7.30 o'clock p, uh of Hensel], yesterday. J. S. Woodward -A lay sermon. The assembly on Thursday evening N. B. .-A lady speaker is expected to address last was a decided success some 30 eaeh in eeting. At each evening meeting a literary and musical programme will be pro - couples be present. . , vided. -nee_ R. B. MoLEAN It. GARDINER The Latest News is. Sec. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and. natural, They.gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure' to please. Try them, Jos. Ped dell, it fanner, living a short. distance west of Simcoe, became in- toxicated while in town Saturday, and on bis way home drove into the river with a horse and rig. Peddell and the horse were both drowned. He leaves a wife and large family.. Detective Rider, of London, nabbed William 'Wardell, a young farm labor- er froin Lucart, set) the street there Saturday. Wardell was riding it bicy- cle which be is alleged to have coins into possession of dishonestly. On December 20th Edward Anderson, of London, left his bicycle in front of Gleeson's barber shop, and when he sought it later the wheel bad disap- peared. Wardell is said to have trad- ed the iniesing wheel' at Centralia. He was remanded to the 27th inst. An interesting case \ens tried at tbe High Court of -Justice in Woodstock, -Dec, 19. al messy v. ' Murray, was an action 'brought by Alexander Murray against David, Donald and Helen Murray, ail of West, Zorra,to set aside a will of their mother, the late Marga- ret Murtay, made April 30th, 1897, NN, hereby all her property went to de- fendants. The plaintiff, Alexander Murray, claimed that the deceased was mentally unsound when she made the will and that it was directly con- trary to her expressed intention when she wets in possession of her faculties. The velue of the propertyin dispute is in the imighborhood of $3,000. Justice Ferguson dismissed the action with costs le the plaintiff,. MARRIED , GAIILD-I3ROOKS-At, the residence of the brlde'e parents Exeter, on Christ. Mae day, by the' Rev. W. IL Martin, B. D. Alexander H., Gauld, of Leedom' to Mary A. yonttgost daughter of George Brooks. BAGSIIAW- ROSS- At Cannington, on the 23h itisr. by the Rev, Mr. Cameros, as t the realtleatee of the bride's parents Ay. D. Bag- :411am, min pal of the Cio 1 tranahni 110 8011001' tile to Miss De , daughter of Daudet Ross, of Canningte a. COOK-SSIRRA-In Hay, on the 27t1t inst., by theRey J. S. XIOnaorgo/ .1 at the residence o: tae bride's mother. H. J. D. COok, hart liter et Hornell, to 11/liss Nellie, datightor of the late Vielio1 Shorra. IMILL1011-41,AR1iIS-At the parsonage. Staira co. 2tet, by Rev. Mr. Nethereott, Mr. Win Mee tO011184,Nollie Ilona., daughter of Sue Harrel both *1 Ushorile. SPEIARIN-sw OK- On Wedinaget0 Dee, 20th at the residenee of IVIrs. Sleek, Sth tine:Miens- , hard, by the Rev. air. Harrison, 02 Greaten C4co. W. Seaman and Mae Sleek, &WOW' of the late joliii Slack. pet bY return ot ill at GOLDEN BO OF EXETER ROLLER niLLS WOOD WANTED ALWAYS READY • FLOOR Wholes le & Retail CHOPPED FEED. Barley, Peas, Oats. Corn Big Stock on Hand • Prices Right. JOS,2:PH COBBLEDICK MANAGER. LE. I1TT'S Ai CAL'. AND SEE ALL OUR NEW Fancy oods 3 DAYS TILL NEW YEA'RS, And this is he place to. bny your nice pr05en4s. Our stock was never so complete as it is at present with all kinds of Handsome Goods as well as toys of all kinds. Our stock of dolls is something thet can't beat in the county, We have got thetn at all prices from le up to $5, levely dressed doll for 25e, books of all kinds from good authors, with stilt covets at 15c and 25c, and children's story boolle from lc np to 50c. All kinds of fancy boxes, our Opel ware is something lovely. Toilet bottles from 50e lip te $2, a great variety to ohoose from. Xmas Cards and ()Mandel% to no end. Oarnes of all kinds Carroms, Orokinole boatels and small games. Levitt's Fair AGENT FOR PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. VOLUM two SOI1S and a daughter sus- , vive. The cenee of death was a general ! breaking ilowo due to °vet work. A F'enian Revival. New York, Dee, 20.-A. special from Worcester, Mass„ says Division No, 26 of the Ancient Order of Hibernian, has voted unanimously in favor of an invasion of Caneda if the opportune Moment ebould arrive. President James Noonan had spoken on the Boer war, and urged all to be ready for ac- tion if an emergency should arise. Then he called for a show of bands from all in favor of a raid on Canada, and who would go. Everyone of the hundred or more of the inen present raised bis hand in a tumelt of enthusi- asm. The officers of the division were appointed a committee to consult with officers of other Irish societies, and arrange it mass meeting to express sympathy for tbe Boers. There are over L500 members of the Riberniana here. Washington, Dec. 26. -It is assumed by Government officials that about 8,000 Americans have gone to South Africa to assist the Boers. These ex- peditions have been arranged so clev- erly that wbile officials have been morally convinced as to the ultimate destination of the adventurers, there twaesalno legal ground on eyhich to hol hd 11 is uudexstood that Lord. Paunce- fote bas cabled to his home Govern- ment the absointe necessity of guard- ing the Canadian frontier, The cheese and butter trade brought Canada about $20,500,000 this year, which is a gain of fully 54,500,000 over last season. This makes it the "high water -mark" year in the history of tine country. A patriotic tabby gave birth to a lit- ter of seven kittens in one of the pil- lars of the Dewey ascii , An energetic New Yorker stationed himself on the corner of a crowded street and sold 250 alleged Dewey kittens at $1.50 apiece, before the police interfered and stop- ped the business. This shows how modern legal restraints tend to foster monopoly. But for police intervention every American citizen might have en- joyed all the pleasure of possessing an original Dewey arah kitten. FOR O'VER F [FT Y YEARS AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REDIEDY.—MEL Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their childrea while...tedthing, with perfect success Lt soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. Five Packs of Cards Free - Ono pack, 'May I. 0, U. Home,' One pack 'Escort,' One paok 'Flirtation,' One pack 'Hold - to -light,' One <pack `Otr Sofa Just Holds Two.' Samples of 20 other styles with book full of no- tions. Sone 5c. silver for Postage. A. W. KlaNNEY, E. T., Sttlem—Yarrnouth, N: S. GIVE A YOUTH resolution and a course in Business and Short hand at the S r 40). zwed 14,0NT. and who shall place limits.to his career.- ' Catalogues free. J. W. WESTERVELT, Prindlial EAN eat M rket The undersigned has opened up it new meat market. one door Soon of Garlina's Store where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on band. A CALL SOLICITED. JOliN T. f1ANN1NG LOOS & Iolts WANTED. Highest Pvices Paid. CUSTOM SAWING DONE AT LOWEST PRICE'S. Sutherland hues Co. LTD. Late Gould's Mill, Exeter, Ont. New lacksmith Shop Tlie undersigned wishes to announce that he has opened up a blacksmith business in Dayis' old stand, Main St., where he will be prepareel to do all kinds of Get -lex -al iobbitirg Terkeys Chickens per It, Ducats Wool........... Dried Appe.. Pork dressed „. 2711s, 1,95. ol to 05 21 to 26 35to 40 53 co 50 ,10 to 19 17 to 17 9 co p, ,., 7 to . 3 to 5 7 to 7 131015 to 5 $5.00 to 5,50 Exeter, DECEMBER 2711i, 1190 Wheat per baseel,.. ... 55 10 7 to 29 Peas.... BarlOY litezkwheat Ogre'. Beane ...... titter Dfitte Turkeys per lb. 8eese per th Molten . . 011eez3e POGALOOS per tag Hay per ton , Pork Dor ewt • • • • 'OLACKSMITHING .11ORSESHOEING.. \7111. ::SPE01•11141l.. A 0A14,...$0,L10.1TE:0 Jas Russel LO A Soli Soren 17 to 4 ...11 o ds Q 1,0 00 .2 to 41 r„'.. to 70 .1. ;.0 14 o10 70 LIJ 12 • , 5 to 10 ....fa to 75 to 10 .05 tol 00 6.00 to $ 7.50 84.50 to $5.00 • When it comes to healing up old running sores of long standing there is no remedy equal to Burdock Blood Bitters. " Bathe the sore with the B.B.B.— that relieves the local irritation. Take the B.B.B, internally—that clears the bloo•d of all impurities on which sores thrive. Miss D. Melissa Burke, Grind- stone, Magdalen Islands, P. Q., says: "It is with pleasure I speak in favor of B.B.B. which cured me of a running sore on my leg. I consulted three doctors and they gave me salve to put on, but it did no good. Finally my leg became a solid running sore. la fact for nearly a month I could not put my foot to the floor. "I was advised to use B.B.B. and did so. Three bottles healed up my leg en- tirely so that I have never been troubled with it since." THE Clothing ES ION ^ Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. Wo are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills. vene- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the oid prices.) Nice suits for $14: in fancy worsted suiting-. We show a 'M mod moderate prices Scoi,ch ant edradkan.tweeds we cary a large and war strs=i sorted stock. Prices to suit all. A. large stock of the lat- est goods voa oercfor singt from $1,0 up. GIVE US A CALT.i and see what we eau do for you. J. H. Grieve. MERCHANT TAILOR Women's Ailments, Women are corn- :. ing to understand that the Baekaehes, Headaehes, Tired Feelings and Weak a. Spells from whieh they suffer are due to wrong attion of ▪ • the kidneys. The poisons that , ought to be carried off ere sent back into the blood, taking with them it niul- titiide of pains and aches. MAWS Kidney drive away pains and aches, make women healthy and happy --able to enjoy life. Mrs. C. H. Gillespie, 204 Britain Street, St. John, N.B., says: "Some time ago I had ri violent attack of Ea Grippe. From this, eevere kidney trouble arose, for which I doctored with a number of the best physicians in. St, John, but reeeived little relief. Hearing Doon's Kidney Pills highly spolcim of, I • begun their Imo and hi it short time found them to be a perfect cure. Before taking these pills I suffered sech torture that I could tot turn over hi, bed without assist- ance. Doartis Xidney Pills have rescued ne frona thig terrible condition, and have rentoired, every pain and echo, The slightest flaw u thQ ieat oer manship-a stitch missed -a slip of ;the kuife, only discernible to an expert condemns the shoe that started toward the " Slater " goal to the ordinary, ' ° tameless, 'unwarranted army of footwear sold to whoever 'will buy them. The "Slater Shoe" is made in twelve shapes, all leathers, colors, widths sizes and. styles. Every pair Goodyear ?Welt- ed, name and price stamped on the soles. $3.50 AND $5.00, E. 1. SPACKIVIAN, SOLE LOCAL AGM', MONEY'S MONEY %,Any man who wears the J. D. King Co,ls Stub Proof Rubbers makes money—money - that will jingle in his pocket, - Search the world over and you • cr-3 cPwill find nothing better than $tub c,..% pivot Rubbers, because there is nothing better. Any progressive dealer can tell you all about Stub Proof, if not, write to the J. D. King Co., and. they will tell you. Yott can't afford to be without them, because they are the best. See that Stub Proof is STAMPED on the bottom of each shoe. The J. D. KING CO., Limited, - Toronto. Montreal. Winnipeg. `,11,7,z• 1•111•1•1•111=NY a For Sale in Eieter by II. Bishop & on. Fine Tailoring irnillatif WM* The two-year-old son of J. W. Davidson, of Medford, while p aying on the floor of its parents' home Satur- day, swallowed a bean. A physician was called, but tl:e child died before help could arrive. To THE DEAF. -A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholsons .Artificial Ear Drums has sent 1,000 to -his Institute, so a BLACK .ilt that deaf people mable to procure the Yon require very pElar to rpuercipstmAn.yshavv.etibbeenini. sftrietueie,A78PD' often at this time of the year. We are prepared y to Goodsclosest prices. Eighth Avenue, New York,U. S. A. fit you out in the finest style. t Best quality Wedding Fruits A Specialty JAS SNELL ALL AT THE FAMILY Meat 81' For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA. and SA -USAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS as:fine selection of BEE14"; and all kinds of - - Fresh randk`e,siteci [Nie,ett on hand. Note tivs address, one door north of The R. Pickard Co's store. 0010, WOOD'S NORWAY 4s050 PiNE 1 - roiso ------ i• on faAryeos:-i-ii'Llnlge 0;f:1l ..0etie^gha kindsereepolf-linoixa°°gal;itgirlyiesmaaneiddiclYeefftelnt licatli- • naliy than any other ice 25,. LOWS Dayputip Laxa-Liver Pills cure Const - tion artd Dyspepsia. Do not gripe, Price 28e. SCHOOL BOOKS —.camel& Assfam......... A FULL LINE OF NEW BOOKSPOE SCh0 I Oqening AND ALL THE CHILD - RENS NEEDS AT Brownings. Where the Scholars are used well. TRY R. N. BOWE FOR Furniture A Man is always in The SWIM If he wears one of W JOHN'S neatly fitting Suit% Ile is a sure fitter. His price:, are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine bis goods before buying"your FALL SUIT W, JOHNS, By the Best i and—won-- ignore the Rest In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Sett!;, Tables, Chairs, Etc. Y°V. Wiljggy8,gsrgi:,FACTION JOET SOMETHING We have it, you want it. Undertaking Ta1 a look at oaunriftill line ?IfFTJRNITtYRE ! 111611T UP-TO-DfITE (find Whatyou you aro looking for 1111 LINES. if S COOLEY SON II N.- ROWEI VUBNITOR141 onttNDIi1RTA IMPS Oper work 'while you sleep IrithOttt curing Dyspepsia, Sick and constipation and make you in the toorning, Price 251.