HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-12-14, Page 1""'• '4.-7A7e7?"77-"'
USOilli ~Md._ PrOSqllt
1-1andiker chiefs
?Ohildrens beliefs with fancy colored
borders at 2, 3, and 5c.
25 doz childrens hem stitched hdkfs
with silk embroidered corners, special
at 5c each. ,
50 doz fine lawzi liclkfs with
lace eage and beautiful open worked
.corners at 5c. •
25 doz fine hemstitched hdkfs,
•P special 7 for 25c.
50 doz ladies' embroidered hdkfs,
„gooa vale° at 12e, now 3 for 25c.
• 18 doz Ladies fancy enibroidered
hakfs, with handsome edges selling at
:2 for 25e. '
5 doz gent's fancy bordered silks, the
,newest touch 25c, '
Men's plain hem stitched silks at 25,
-40 and50e.
Meris9 Ties
We are showing a full range of
Xmas necksvear in puffs, flowing ends
Sour -in -hands andbows -from 15 to 50c.
Men's fleece lined shirts and dra,wees
at 45c.
Mons heavy all wool shirts end draw-
ers, special at 50e.
We are selling all our 75c underwear
at 60c Come when you want it and
see for yourself.
Children's vest at 10, 12e and 15.
Ladies' Vests 12, 15, 20, 25 to 50.
Ladies' drawers at 25,50 and 65c.
Infants kid bootees in tans, browns,
red and black, wool lined at 50c.
Infants satin bootees, in light blue
pink and light brown, with down brim-
ming at 75e.
Misses rubbers 30c.
Ladies' rubbers 55 and 60c.
Boy's rubbers 50 and 60.
Men's rubbers 60 and 90.
Men's overshoes 1.35 to 1.80.
Ladies' slippers 20 to 1.00.
Ladies' Felt boots, snap 75c.
GLOV E98 Men's heevy boots at 08c.
Men's long boots 2,35 to 3.25, „
Snap in Ladies' ringwood gloves, Men's heavy stubb proof rubber
-worth 25c now 19c. boots every pair warranted; See
Ladies' French kid gloves, all sizes, them.
at 1.00. This is the only guaranteed All kinds of boots for all kin dso f
gloye at the price. See them. I feet at all kinds of prices.
Ladies' Cashmere gloves, fleece lined • e
.at and 35c. j X READY-MADE CLOTHING x
Lhdies' astrachan gauntlets, snap at
irfen's"eill wool ulsterseet 4.98.
Mis,ses' grey gaentlets,kid faced and Men's heavy snits at 4.25.
fleece lined at 50 and 75c. Men's odd pants all prices.
Men's heavy driving gauntlets black Men's odd vests 75 and. 1.00.
only at 1.50. , Boy's 2 piece suits at 1.75 and 2,25.
Men's undressed swede gloves, the I Boy's 3 piece suits 3.50 and 5.00.
best value yet at 50c. Boy's long pant suits 4.19. '
Special in old ladies' hoods, good Boy's reefers at 2.98.
eleavy wool hoods at 65c. Boy's short pante 25 to 85c. .
_All mantles cleared out at reduced prices.
Special prices on all hosiery,
A_ large shipment of the latest up-to-date Cook and
Heating Stoves made by McClary. We shall give you now
until Xmas
Our new stock just arrived
ates amongst which are to be-Neen
the New HOCkey. Come and
ee it. Prices lower than ever.
A Large Stock of
Lanterns, Axes, X -Cut saws, Chow Chains, Etc.
These goods have been bought right and will be sold right.
• -NI it'd Ire I
Bann's. -Word was receivedManclay
of the death of August Fisher, who
lived in Mitchell until about two years
Ago. He worked for Mr. Walter Thom -
.son in the store house and was well
Eked by the eomnaunity,. He was
about twenty eight years of age. -Mr.
McItoberte of the Public School has
been lard up with pleurisy and will
not likely teach till New- Yea,rs.-The
Whyte Packing Co. will counneace
, ?With a fell staff next, week, as the pork
market is looking. betten-Mr. Green-
wood, son of Mt. Philip Greenwood, ate
•our towa, has been elected a member
,of the Manitoba Legislature.
Clearing Sale
411111W COMB, NIMS, Plows, qoilo
A Ilaki UARY Ist.
10 per cent diecnunt on all cash sale,
ae thee/ meet be cleaved out
by that time,
Jas. Murray
51"tetetee, Noy.2), '00,
13nnees.-James and William Car-
rick, William Wareen and Miss Bea-
trice Warren were called to Goderich
on Saturday last, as witnesses on the
trial of Sinith and Perry, tvho were
charged with stealing jewelry and
money from the premises oe James
Carrick, -Quite a number attehclecl the
anniversary in gain Se Church, Exe-
ter, on Sunday and Monday of last
week. -C. Aldworth has coinpleted his
ditch contract He had a Iarge gang
of men on his last job.---AlbertGeddee
and France Essay called on friends
here on Sunday laele-Sohn Gould has
purchased a colt from Tenny Brothers.
Miss Nellie O'Brien entertained
feW of her friends on Friday evening.
A Pleasant time was spene by all. -
John Campbell is able to go about
again, and hopes soot to be able to do
his work. ---John Duncan has retureed
froin Toronto, where he had been vis-
iting his daughter, who was very ill,
but is now sonie better. -Mr. and Mrs.
Johnston entertained friends from
Ashfield a few days ago,
13ranion has sold his farm on the
toWnline near Prospeet, Hill CO E.
Slack for the sum of $2,250, The farm
contains 52 aeree, and on ie ate sit,,
nated a large stone 'Mese ancl a bath.
Ivir. Slack takes possession at once. •
G. 3. SuChr1aiid, Notary Public, Convey
aucer, Commissioner, Fire • insurance a_gent
and Usurer of Min•riage Licenses. 'Legal eeee
meats carefully drawn at reasonable rates
Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in
Wrest. Office at the Post Milo°. Hensall.
re 3. D. cOOKE, „
(Late with Garrow 8s Proudfoot). Barrister
Solicitor. Notary Public, Rensall. Ont.
FA. senora L. D. S., D. D. S.. Honor Ceradu.
-ate et Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth
extractedwithoutnsin or bad effects. Office
in Petty's Block, Homan. At Zurich every
Monday, comnaencing May nth.
Beaevs.-Wedding bells aro begin-
uing to ring„several nuptial events are
on the tapis.-A number of young
people enjoyed a pleasant evening at
the home of George Turner, of Bruce -
field, on Thursday evening lase -Mr,
Herring has in anticipation the start-
ing of a canning factory here next
summer. -Hugh McDonald, of Chisel-
hurst has moved to e ewn, into the
residence vacated by(e, T. Berry, the
latter having ruedi
evnte tis fine new
recidence.- William Ohathea-n is visit
ingrelatives in Teeswater.-Mrs. Crich,
of Brussels, is visiting Mrs, Twitchell,
-J. Bennett has purchased a foundry
in Essex and moved his family there.
Miss Marshall, who has been aesisting
Miss Sloan as milliner the past season,
has returned to her uncles', C. A. Red-
mond, township of Hay. -Rev. Mr.
Stewart, of Clinton, was in the village
on Monday.- W. ,T. Crawford and
Miss Steinbach sang a yery nice duett
in Carmel „church on Sunday evening
last. -W. J. Miller, who has been pre-
centor in Ceimel church for several
years, has tendered his resignation,
owing to business engagements pre-
venting his givienroper attention to
the duties thus devolving npon him. -
Miss Steinbach who has acted in the
capacity of organist has also tendered
her resignation, both to take effect lst
January. -An addition has been built
to theskatingrink.-Mrs. Shirra and
daughter Miss Nellie, returned from
Toronto on Saturday, where they had
been visiting. -On Thursday evening
last Reeve Urquhart gave a compli-
mentary supper at his home, in honor
of Mr. Herring who has run the evapor-
ator, and who leaves for his home! in
Dunnville a few days. Guests to
the number of about 80 were present,
and a pleasant evening was spent by
all, in games, speeches and music. -
Mrs, Robertson, of Chiselburst was in
the village on Monday, calling on her
daughter, Miss Robertson, on her way
to Ailsa Craig, to attend the funeral of
her mother, Mrs. McEwen. - Miss
Sheffer has returned from a week's
visit with friends in Seaforth.-J, P.
Marsha,11, of Rogerville, has been con-
fined to his room for some weeks. -J.
Malcom, of Calder, was in the village
last week renewing acquaintances. -
Wm. Bell and G. J. Sutherland were
in Seaforth last week on business.--
Robt. S. Carlisle, who spent several
months in Manitooa, returned home
on Friday. He reports a pleasant fall
in the prairie province. -Alonzo Ort-
wein, who has been working in Lon-
don for some time has returned home,
and taken a position in his father's
store. -Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh, of
Seaforth, yisited here on Sunday. -A
number of nabobs, from- Montreal,
carne here on Saturday by special train
and drove to St, Joseph, where they
visited until Sunday afternoon, and
returning took the special for Mon-
treal. They report a pleasant tinae at
the hands of Monsieur Oontine.-The
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be
dispensed in Carmel Church on Sun-
day morning next. Preparatory ser-
monswill be preached on Friday after-
noon by Rev. D. L. Dewar, of
Ailsa Craig. -Mrs. Balfour, of Kippen,
visited her cousin, Mrs. 0. A. McDon-
ell, for a couple days last week. -Rev.
Mr. Brownlee, of Granton preached
an excellent sermon in Se. Paul's
church on Sunday evening last. At
the close of the service he administer-
ed Sacrament. Rev. Doherty took
Mr. Browulee's work on the Granton
circuit. -Mr. Bewden, of Licari, visit-
ed at Willow Hall nn Sunday. --Wm.
McCloy has given upthe local agency
of the Massey -Harris Co., and intends
travelling as general agent. -Messrs.
Willis & Shepherd made a large ship-
ment of hogs from this station on
Monday. They report the price ad-
load of young folks
started for the fowl supper recently
held in Exeter. They had not gone
far when the 'bus capsized, and they
were compelled to take refuge in a
farmer's house, where they enjoyed a
fish instead of &fowl supper, They re-
port a pleasant time. Fish has since
advanced in price. -Our merchants
are distributing fancy calendars. -H.
Willert shipped a carload of hogs lest
St. Marys
BunDEB. ,-- Dan Stewart, who has
been employed in the Maxwell works
for the past three years, left Monday
ifor Ingersoll, where he has received a
position as foreman in the core room
of the Noxon Manufacturing Co. Dan.
was secretary of Knox oherch Sunda-
school,- Robert Hicks has recently
sold his coal and wood business to D.
Martin for a good round sum, posses-
sion to be given immediately.
13anws.--The Sodomites intend hold-
ing their annual Christthes tree en-
teeteinetieet on Thursday Dec, 21st.
The persons interested in it are melt-
ing every effort to make it a success. -
Mr. Silas Seanletke 81.!,, had one of his
horses die a few daysago.-Mr. Fred
Green has improved the appearance of
his house very much by residing it, -
Mr, Isaac's new barn is almost complet-
ed. It is one of the best barns in these
parts, -In the the of last week Mt.
Hattie lost his organ and ail the valu-
ables up stmts.-Mr. Satirize' Statilake
is recovering Alowly from his recent
Your Papers for 1900
Balance of year free for Weekly
Times and Mail and Etrepire......$1 75
" Globe ....... ... . . 1 50
" Family Herald • 1 75
London FessPress 1 75
" Toronto San, ... . . 1 30
" Montreal 1Viteess1 60
Teems and Mail end Beeeiree • .-$4. 25
" Ev'g Mail and Empire 8 25
" Globe... , .. . 4 25
" " evening edition 3 25
" London, Free Press.4 00
Free Press, ev'g edie'n 3 00
A i
" Toronto World,,.. . . 3 00
" e," Toronto News1 50
" " Toronto Star... .... , 1 75
• Times, Exeter.
13RdoFs.--Mrs. Tucker is at present
spending a few days with her
sister, Mrs. F. D. Hetchison.- Miss
Lizzie McIlhargey, of McGillivray,
will spend the winter wibh her sister
Mrs. Frank Carlin. -Miss Polly Grigg
returned to Seaffa.-The congregation
of Graee church are practicing for
their tree. -Rev. 3. 0, Nethercott will
finish his sermon on the -war next Sun-
day evening.- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Warden eeterteined the young people
at their home on Thursday evening
last, all report having spent a pleasant
evening. •
BRIEFS. -J. Graham and John Sum-
mer returned from Manitobelast week.
The Northwest has agreed with them,
judging from their appearance. -John
Eisler purchased the fifty acre farm
from Gustm Delete last week for the
sum of $2,100.- Mr, Frank Kahle has
been suffering lately with a sore leg,
froni wind*, cancer has been removed.
-Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Earl, moved
baek to Howick last week, where
they will reside in future. -Henry
Kenoke, has been re-engaged to teach
S. S. No. 3, for • the ensuing year
Theresa Kelly, of Kinkora, is en-
gaged to teach the school now being
taught by Miss Maggie Doherty,
the scouts, --II, Brown. spent Sunday
at home.
BRIES.,-21. Hyde has disposed of
his two hundred acre farm to Mr.
Munro, who resides near Britton. -On
Thursday morning, 111rs, Wm. Merrick
was suddenly called to Toronto, owing
to the Serious illness of her daughter
Berra. -Miss 3. A. Nortoo spent Sun-
day at her home in Listowel.
Central ia
lhanve.-Mr. and Mrs, A. Hicks are
raniply on the inend.-Mrs. A. Redden
on Monday cut her arm severely. She
was engaged dressing poultry- for the
Parsons Produce Co,, when by a leis -
stroke of the large knife, she made an
ugly cut in her left arm near the elbow
I)r. Browning dressed the wound. -
The Parsons Produce Co. had consid-
erable poultry spoil during the soft
weather on account of being unable to
procure cars for shipment, The Grand
Trunk during this fall have used ship-
pers along this line most shamefully
in not supplying the demand for cars.
BnIEFs. - Mrs. Aisthorp, of St,
Marys, was the guest a her daughter,
Mrs. Jernes Walks, last week. -Rev.
Mr. Ball is holding a series of revival
services here. -Miss Jennie Anderson
who has been visiting friends in Kirk -
ton has returned home -Mrs Thos
Pearn, of St. Marys, is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. John Stephen.-- Miss
Edith Sperling is visiting friends in
Strathroy.-Charles Atkinson has been
laid up the past week with 'a lame
back. -Miss Elia Murray visited her
sister. Mrs. Hazlewood, of Kirkton,
last week. -Wm. Brown and A. Bleee
attended church here Sunday evening
-Wm. Mossip, of St. Thomas, who
has the contract of painting the church
commenced work on Tuesday morn-
Sa-repta •
Raiws.-Seth Brown is busy draw-
ing away his father's grain, as Mr.
Brown, sr., intends to move to St.
Thomas with 'his son-in-law. What
does that mean, Seth? -Tom Atchison
is home from Manitoba; he states that
the crops aed wages were very good.
He does not intend to go back any
more. Why? may we ask. -A sur-
prise party was giyen at John Betch-
en, s onF ria ay ast ;th e young peop1
all enjoyed tlieniselves.-Edward Neeb
. has moved to Dashwood; sorry to lose
BamPs.-.Tohr. "eIcIntyre, of the llth what is our loss is Dashwood's gain.--
Ed, as he was a very good citizen, but
1%,311P-ztm ii.);01Tose8 erecting The Bea.ver'hoys are busy breaking in
large and commodious outlauildines their colts. -The Betchen boys have
the corning eurnmer.-Harry, eldest
son of Edward, Haynes, is very sick
with pneumonia ---William Pridhem,
who has been eonfined to the house for
a couple of weeks with sciatica, we are
glad to hear, will soon be around again.
-The Farmers' Institute will rneet in
the hall here on Feb. 3rd, when there
will be two meetings held, one in the
afternoon and one in the evening. -
The Ladies' Aid will give an "At
Home" in the hell here. on Jen. 5th,
when a good time is expected. Corne
one, come all. Admission. 15c and 20c.
-The Baptists, of Fullerton, intend
holding their annual Ohristmas tree on
the evening of the 25th.
BniEvs.---John Rattenbury left on
Monday for Mildmay to learn the du-
ties of station agent with John Rose,
the G. T. R. agent at that place. -We
are sorry to say that Sandy Walker is
not improving very rapidly, and at
time of writing slight hopes are eater-
tained for his recovery. -T, O. Delgeby,
who is quite a chicken fancier, has a
stock of fine Black Minorcas, and of -
fere a few of the best young cockerels
for sale. -The Checker Club has been
reorganized for the season and would
like to hear from surrounding clubs,
Clinton by all ateatts preferred. It
Doc Bruce, Doc Agnew, ,T, B. Hoover,
and Jimmie Cook, of the Hub, bare
any more conceit as to their ability in
checker board manoeuvres let them
come down here. We promise them a
good time, plenty to eat, enough to
drink and a series of games they will
enjoy. -We understand our "wood
king," Hugh McGregor, has raised
hard word to $L75 per cord. In Clin-
ton and Seaforth they are glad to get
it at $2 25, so we are not so badly off
after all. -Mr. Oak, of Yankee Land,
has taken a position with john Snider
as harness maker,
Betrees-Recent rains have been very
disagreeable but are. welcome to the
farmers,as most of them were scarce of
water, -Messrs. ()ouch & Roy will soon
have completed their poultry business
for this season, having handled $4,000
worth in two weeks, employing (in-
cluding buyers) 55 hands most of- the
Lime. -Leslie Robinson intends taking
a course in the Business College at an
early date. -Miss M. Wynn is again
very ill. -The Sunshine Sunday school
are diligently preparing for a grand
en tertaininent, to be held on Christmas
Howlett, of McKillop,
who spent the past week with Miss
Alice Miller, returned home on Sunday
last, -A number of our young folks
aetencled the oyster supper and social
bop, held at Thomas Coward's, on
Wednesday evening. --Mr. Dickens, of
Sahatsbery, and Miss G. Humber, of
Ellinville, were the guests of Miss Ella,
Robinson on Sunday last. -John Rich-
ardson received a telegram on Satur-
day evening last, stating the death of
his cousin, Wesley Campbell, jr„ of
Haanilton.-Win. Denny and Ed. Pow-
ell are doing a rushing business now,
having some 150 cords of wood to cat
in the next theee weeks. --Wm. Wash-
burn and. :Meter, Mee. Orr, of London
West, who spent a few days with rela-
tives in this neighborhood, returned to
London on Tuesclity evening. Mr.
Washburn tolls 8011'10 interest IA Ao-
rtae of the recent War in the Philipino
Islands, Where he Acted eeeeptain Of
taken a contract for cutting 100 cords
of wood. from Mr. Kellernaann.-Mr.
Rader has again sold two of his cattle
for the sum of 220;$beat that who
COLLINS &STANBURY.-Barristers Con-
veyancers, Notaries. etc., Exeter, Ont. 'R. R.
Collins ;and. J. G. Stanbury B. A. (late with
McCarthy, Osier & Co.,Toronto.
Pola,n, of this vil-
lage, and Miss Josephine Tuffin, of
Staffa, drove to _Hensel' on Wednes-
day of last week and were joined in
wedlock by Rev. G. Jewett. Their
• many friends here wish them all hap-
piness. --Nomination day is drawing -
near, but we bear very little of new
asp ira,n ts for municipal bonors. -The
copious showers of rain which fell on
Monday and Tuesday were welcomed
by the farmers as many of their wells
were dry. -The Messrs Ballantyne
have commenced cutting Vrood again.
and any wie requiring wood -cutters
cannot do litter than employ them as
they do good work. --Don't forget tile
concert on Wednesday evening Decem-
ber 20th, in the Stone School house. -
Mr. Joseph Vance delivered ten very
fine hoes to Mr. Sheppard , Hansa% on
Monday, of this week. -Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. MeClocklin, of the Huron Road,
Mitchell, spent a few days renewing -
old acquaintances in the vicinity of
Plugtown.-Mr. Win. Polen has taken
to himself a wife, in the person of Miss
G. Tuffin, and has settled for the. pre-
sent in the corner store lately vacated
by Mr. Blanch.
BRIEFS. -Sohn Morley delivered 9
hogs to J. White, St, Marys, on Fri-
day last that weighed 1330 lbs, beiag
Only six months and nine days old.
We think John is a good feeder. -
Matthew Batten is digging a well for
Wm. Brock (honey). We understand
that Matt is a very successful well
digger. -Who did we see delving along
the townline on Sunday evening. It
must have been Fred back from the
west. --We missed our old friend Mr.
McGee from his weal place on Tues-
day and Friday, he being confined to
the house through sickness. -Mrs.
Sutherby is on the sick Ilse -Solomon
Jacques' new stables are now conaplet-
ed and are the most no -to -date stables
in this vicinity. -Joseph Motley in-
tends eaising, bis hams the coining
season. -Mrs. Treble and. daughter,
visited friends in this neigborhood on
Sunday last. -Remember the concert
et Zion on the 22nd as it promises to
be a good cine. -Wm. Ogden and fam-
ily moved to IVoocIstoek on 'Wednes-
day of last week. He hasrented
his blacksmith shop here to Me.
.Tatnes el (Tree, of Woodeittne who has
taken possessiegn-Jabez Millson lot
a valuable horse last week.
(Too late for last week.)
Barteese-efteltestle's new house will
be about completed when the kitchen
is moved up. -.A. couple of Exeter boys
Visited Mends in this piece last Sun-
day. They must have been takitI
peep at those pretty maidens which
ate so often spoken WM, !,
Brook is at present on the sick list. --I
is slowly hetoVering,---Win, Ogde J. ilEANIAN
Patrick McGee who has been very sic
rented his blAcksniitb. shop Mr.
stook on Wednesday.
McIlrea inteteds movi 6°6' ' t door north of R, Piekard Co's Store, EXETER
Beimrs, -The different stores are al-
eeacly assuzeing their Christmas op-
pearance.- It is said that a branch of
the Dashwood bakery is to be started
in town. Surely Zurich people will be
well supplied with the staff of life, -
A number of Exeter boys visited our
village Sunday last -Fred. Hess, $r•s
has this year produced the mose styl-
ish and, nobby cutters seen in this dis-
trict for many years. He has a good
stock to select from and we feel certain
he can please the most exacting. -A
good deal of interest was shown by ( X"
our villagers when the Montreal nen-
OW 600118
of varleas kinds, suitable for
as• and Wedding gifts
lionaires passed through here on their
way to St. Joseph. They returned
Sunday afternoon to Hensall, where a
special train awaited them. -Mrs.
Lean, from Kippezevisited at T. Deich-
er.t's Sunday. -.T. P. Walters spent
Saturday and Sunday in town. -John
Prang and Sol Jacobi are attending
court in Goderich as jurors. -Geo, Eil-
ben Orediton, visited at Chris, ElIber's
Sunday and Monday. -Miss Nettie
Fulton has returned to Bewail. Zu-
rich young people will greatly miss
BRIDFS.-Changeable weather is our
portion. -Bert Clarke has "articled"
himself as a barber apprentice at
our loeal tonsorial parlors. Beat is a
clever boy and will no doubt prove an
adept at clipping hair and pushing
whiskers. -- Several of our "sports"
took their guns and resorted to the
lake on Tuesday last to be ready for
the ducks early Wednesday morning.
We have not yet heard of their success
but if there are any ducks to be had
our boys always get their share. -Jos.
Morlock's sale was held on Wednesday
last and despite the wintry weather
there was a good attendance and good
rices were realized for everything.
Jos. leaves soon for Chicago where he
has secured a good position in a hinge
factory. -Bills are out for the coming
School concert which is to be held in
our Town Hall, oreevening of the 2Ist.
Dec. This is the event of the season
in public school circles. The trustees
are heartily co-operating with the
teachers and sparing no pains to make
this concert a great success. This is
as it should be. -Mr. and Mrs. leforlock
left on Friday: last for an extensive
visit wi h their sons and daughters, ,
residing in Michigan and near Chicago.
We wish them a pleasant time. -Wm. j
Lewis, sr. is suffering from a heavy1
cold this week, contracted while at-
tending to his practise through this
very changeable weather. -Where is
there ore maa in. the village who did
not know a week ago that the Ailani-
toba and our local bye -elections were
going to result just as they have. He
is a scarce article. Hon. Thos. Green-
way could get useful pointers from
some of us on how to run a govern-
mente-Rev. Crompton occupied the
pulpit irt iL Ek church last Sunday
morning and Rev. Hussar in the even -
lug, both of whom preached helpful
sermons. -Rev. Litt is continuing the
special meetings this week in the Evan-
gelical church. He should have the
faithful support of eyery member.
May raueli good result. -Council meets L
Also a choice lot of new fruits
for the holiday season.
Highest prices paid for butter, eggs
and poultry,
Fresh oysters always on hand.
again on Friday next to wind up the
business for the year. Who will fiI1 the
chairs next year? -The entertainment
held in M. E. church on Tuesday even-
ing last under the auspices of the Ep-
worth League, was a decided success,
It consisted of solos, duets, trios, reci-
tations and speeches. Any single
number on the program was well
worth the admission fee. We trust
this is but the beginning of a series of
tech co-nceits to be given during the
winter. -Have you bought your Xmas
presents yet? May as well, it's the
only way you'll get one.
BRIEPS.-I. Weber, our popular ho-
tel keeper, has gone to Berlin. to enjoy
a few days' vacation. -Miss B. Gairen,
of Detroit, is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
McCann, of Irislitown.-Peter Nevens
of Port Colborne, is visiting friends in
town. -Philip Carlin, of St. Colurnbaia
was visiting friends in Stratford since
last issue. -Dr. and Airs. Michell are
the happy possessors of a, young Son, -
Mrs 3 madagan met with a very pain-
ful accident by a bed sprain of- her
(Additional correspondence on page 4.)
This is to certify that 2 heve used
'English atoek Food, manufactured -by
C. Lutz, for calves milch cows and.
young pigs, and in a:11 cases have found
it most satisfactory. The calves have
grown faster and done better than ever
before ; the iniich, eows have improved
in condition. The flew of milk has in.
creased 20 per cent. and is of greater
richness, the young pigs haye done
better on English Stock Food than I
ever knew thein to do before. English
Stock Food is a most excellent and val-
na,ble article, and should be used by
ell stock raisers. It only requires to
be given a trial in order to prove its
merits. It is cheap as compared. with
other stock food. I have much pleas-
ure in recommending it to stock eels-
ers. • AsnAereet DEAIUNO-
For sale by C. Lutz Price 50c
C"THRISTMAS is now only a few days off and you have
r: yet to..ptychase many gifts, You will save time
and money by visiting the New Hardware where you will
find ND OLD but new up-to-date, .useful and appropri-
ate Christmas Gifts.
We have these in Buck Horn, Stag and Celluloid Handles
also 3 piece setts in handsome cases.
Pocket Knives for everybody from 5e up.
Table Cutlery
A big assortment of Table and Dessert li-nives and Forks at
prices that sell.-
MII•MIPS.I.FOIMI*1•M•Onr •••••••••••••••••In....
Scissors, Shears, Razors, Butcher and Barber supplies,
nit our Googs arc Markcci in math nOurcs.
A,Big shipment of Hockey -11.1d. Spring Skates just veeivoil