HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-12-6, Page 840941elefele.4414
15c for good well -bound Seavy.Books,
the kind that sells for 25c at'-„leen,k
4c for China Pig Banks. Tilley please
the little folks. They're money savers.
95e for a lovely Chenille Table Cover.
New rieh effects and perfect colors.
$1.50 for a large Dining -Table Tap-
estry Cover. A great bargain.
50c, 606 and 75c for very fine Bleach-
ed Table Linen. Just the thing for
81, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.25 per
dozen for a choice lot of Linen Table
Napkins. They make useful presents.
$1.35 per pair for a line of Lace
Curtains, 3i yds long. We picked
them up at a. bargain. You'll be sur-
prised when you see them ; they're a
snap, sure.
Tog. B.....4....x.A.v..4H)a IiJs, •
10 CAIi STI R13
CIIRISTIVIAS is nearly here, and we are ready' with a most
complete stook of useful and serviceable goods for Xmas
• 75 cts buy S Girls' Grey Carl Gauntlet
Mitts, pure buckskie face. Just the
thing fur Xmas.
05 ets buys Ledies' Meek Curl Gaunt-
let, Mitts; good lookers and good, Wear -
$3.75 buys Ladies' Black Astrachan
Fur Ganntlete. Lovely Xmas box.
$.1 buys Ladies' Grey Persian Lamb
Fur Gauntlet Mitts. Would you like
a pair for Xmas?
$5 for a Lady's Coon Juliet Neck
Ruff, trimmed with 6 tails and 2 heads.
Very suitable for Xmas gift.
$3.75 for a Lady's Bleck Opposana
Fur Neck Ruff, trimmed with 6 tails
and 2 heads. A lovely present.
$2.50 for a Lady's Black Cooney Fur
Neck Ruff, trimmed with 6 tails and 2
$1,76 for re young lady's •Grey Fur
Neck Reif, trimmed with 6 tails. .A.
85c and $1 for Black or Grey Fur
Neck Bus. Very nice Xmas gifts.
$5 for a very swell Sealette Caperme,
all edged with black fur. Very stylish
and great value. See them.
$9.50 for a very fine Elect. Seal Oap-
eriue, would be good value at $12, but
Xmas is corning and away this lot goes
at $9.50.
$12 for a very swell Elect. Seal Oap-
erine, trimmed at -back with heads and
tails and front trimmed with heads
and tails. This is a money saver.
$16 for our best Elect. Seal Oaperine,
all edged with genuine sa,ble—thetinest
and most swell Oaperine that a e offer.
$7,50 for a Black Astrachan Fur
Caperine, with storm collar. A bar-
$22, $24, $27, $30 and $32 each for
Ladies' Black Astrachan Fur Jackets.
All new stylish garments, and each
price the best that can be produced for
the money.
$35 each foe ladiesvery choice nat-
ural Coon Jaekets, up-to-date in style
aud the best wearing coat a lady can
$35 each for Ladies' Electric Seal Fur
Jackets. These are the most stylish
fur jackets we have ever offered. Come
quick, if you want one, as we can't re-
peat this line less than $50.
$6, $7 and $8 for Ladies' Curl Capes,
fur trimmed and beautifully lined,
$1.00 per pair for Ladies' Black or
Colored Kid Gloves. Every pair guar-
5c, 8c and 10c each for Ladies' Farley
Enabroidered aud Lace-Trl m reed Hata d -
30c per yard for pure China Silk, 20
different shades. Just the thing for
fancy work for Xmas gifts.
Stewart's Big Cash Store is a
good place to buy all kinds of
Xmas goods.
Suppose you see our centre window for some of the choicest
lines of Dinner Sets and Fancy Crockery that can be produced in
Exeter. We sell lots of Crockery, because we sell good goods cheap.
Come and see all the nice things
at the Big Cash Store. You're
welcome to come as often as you
wish. You'll not be asked to buy.
The Big Store is full of big bar-
gains. Remember, one price
• only, and that the lowest.
eteasm's Youn ORANCE.—Iust op-
ened twenty of the choicest Astra-
chan Fur Capes that we hstve ever
They are froul the best fur nian-
ufaeturers in the Dominion.
If you want a Fur Cape, perhaps
it would be well to see this lot, as
they are sure to go quick—$15, $16
$17, $18 and $19. •Remember, as
soon as any of these lines are out
we cannot repeat them.
.1 A
Agen for the NVESTRN a.sstraaarcE COM-
eAere, &Toronto ; also for the PI:COMM Fran
NSURANOZ COMPANY, of London, England;
he 4.1. LUXOR txsuaaxcx COMPANY, of Eng
1 Time We
° This is the
aFancy Goods Stock,and now
vi that our shelves and. count-
ers are laden with the pret-
tiest goods that we are able
to find in the best markets,
our store is especially attrac-
made to look prettier than a
S Charming Gifts.
. ready for your inspection.
•• i
To look through our fine
assortment is a pastime, to price
the goods is a pleasure, to pos-
M sess them is a privilege.
. the nobby and the FOR CHRISTMAS in the
' S
• A Large Stook of Toys
tw k.l. GRIGG
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
Wettches, Cioctc,
Specteeces, Etc
R. FilliCIKS
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Additional locals on 5th page
"OurLady of the Snow"! And this
• is December.
.1 Jas .Bonthron, of Toronto visited R.
H. Collins this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dauncey, of Ailsa
Craig visited friends in town on Mon-
Joseph Dauncey, a Stephen, has
leased his farm to Nelson Kestle
Mr. Dauncey reserving the house and
An effort is belug made to organize
a poultry association in Exeter, and a.
meetIng to that end will be held in the
town hall on Friday evening, at 7:30.
Mrs. Manning, mother-in-law of
Dr Amos. of Exeter, who was. report-
ed ill a few weeks ago, died on Friday,
at the home of her daughter in Al-
Oephas Pym opened his fine new
residence in Usborpe, on Thursday
last, by a house-warming. Several
from Exeter were guests, and report a
pleasant time.
The 100 acre farm being lots 32 and
33 con. 14, Grey, belonging to 'Isaac
Matthew, now residing in Listowel,
has been sold to Thomas Taylor for
$7,000. He had the farm rented to
W. C. Dowding.
At a -meeting of the Exeter L 0 L
this week, the followirig officers were
elected: W M, T Williams; W D M.,
W J Oke•'Treas.,(11 Lambrooke; Rec-
Sec'y, D Dew; Fin Sec ,T Brintnelh
Chap, J White; 1st Cone'L H Dickson;
Lecturer, A Sutton,
What might have been a serious ac-
cident happened to Harry Sweet,, of
Goderich township, last week. While
drivingalong the Maitland his hat
caught n ar tree and in a vain endeavor
to catch it fell off, the wagon -wheel
passing over his head, leaving an ugly
On Friday evening Addle, second
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Mitch-
ell, 6th con. of Colborne, passed from
life into eternity, Adclie left home on
Saturday week to take care of her
cousin, Mrs. Mugford, of the Maitland
concession, and on Wednesday morn-
ing she was take ty ill.
Percy H. Torn, son of J. E. Torn,
public school inspector, competed in
the sports of the Western. Univestity,
London, last week, and tied with an-
other siatdent for the championship
each of them will receive& gold medal.
Mr. Tom was firet in the running high
jump, mile walk, half mile nice, and
with a partner in the fatigue race ;
second in putting the 12 pound sho
and third in the running hop step an
PIMP. Pole vault, quarter nille rac
and shoe race.
Use Turkish Scalp Food for the hair
Sold by U. Lutz,
kiki4he Twenty-five club intend.giving
ball in the Opera House, on Dec. 21st.
E. jory intends erecting ' a bank
barn. Ile is asking for tenders by ad-
vertisement in another column.
.he residence of William Harris, of
Lake Road, near Dashwood, was burn-
ed to the ground Wednesday morning..
A defective chimney was the cause. i
On December 4th we . experienced I
the first real winter.. Snow fell to
the depth of three inches and the
thermometer dropped below zero.
A. reflection of a fire was SOSII here
On Friday. It was M. Carroll's barn
ma the Roman line, Biddolph, that was
destroyed; a lantern upsetting in the
stable caused the -fire.
The Christian Endeavor of the
Presbyterian church held a successful
entertainment on Friday ovening P„,
Gardiner 12,,,ve a fitie address on
"'South Attica," while J. Senior, S,
Popplestone and M. Vincent sang
Splendid selections,
Use Dix Little Liver Pills, Sold by
'Santa Claus will soon be getting, his
•reindeer ready, •
Alex. Dow has added anOther fine
jersey cow to his herd.
• Percy Cann left for Grand Rapids,
on Monday last.
Mr. and IVIrs..tolin Braeineeof Brant-
ford, are visiting friends in town.
The Will of Gardiner vs. ROSS takes
place iu GOCISPiChorTtleSday next.
James Russell this week moved into
Wm. Dearing's residence on Elizabeth
• Mr. and Mrs. J., 0. Ovens of vaple
(aLiov.dge, visited friends in town on Sun -
Mrs, H. Samwell on Tuesday even-
ing pleasantly entertained • a few
Fred Delbriclge left Hatniota on
Monday for his home in Winchelsea,
On b.
Wes. Hueston has been engaged as
book-keeper for J. G. Jones, Produce
The annual excursions from Manito-
ba to Ontario commenced on the 4th
of December.
Several of the tanks used for fire
peotectran throughout the town are
being renewed.
Dr. W. E. Browning leaves to -day
for Minnesota, as mentioned last week
to practice medicines.
The first, real snow storm on Mon-
day. It has been snowing since and
we now have sleighing.
Harry Schroeder, who has beet
running- a shoe business in Dashwood
left for Berlin last week.
It's about time to think of Christ-
mas presents, as two weeks from next
Monday will be the holiday.
The 0ouncil will meet on December
15th to pass accounts and close the
business of the financial year.
Kiss Shannon of Clinton and Mr.
Yeo, of Mt. Forest, are guests of Miss
Cantelore of the Metropolitan.
Miss Maud Jeckell, who has been
nursing the Delbridge family in Us -
borne, through the fever, has returned
Messrs. Dr. Rollins and D. McInnes
are in Goderich this week attending
the December sittings of the County
Dr. Browtaing has made a vast im-
provement in the appearance of his
residence, by putting in a foundation
of stone.
John Spackman, Who some months
;Leo fractured one of his ankles at
&need Bend, is able to walk down
town daily.
The Council met on Friday evening.
They instructed the commissioner to
open the drain on John street, and put
in 6 -in. tile.
Rev. Locke, of Chatham, who con-
ducted the anniversary services of
Maiu St. Methodist church, called on
many old friends.
We are sorry to report that John
Treble is still confined to his room
through illness. We hope soon to an-
nounce his recovery.
Rev. R. J. Treleavemof the Colborne
street Methodist church, Brantford,
has accepted the cordial invitation of
his people to remain as their pastor
for fifth year. As an evidence of their
esteem, his salary has been increased
from $1,200 to $1,550
F. S. Scott, of Brussels has sold Dun
can Sillers 100 acre farm, lot 4, con
15 Grey, to Edward Nolan, of Hullet
the price being $4550. It is a go
farm with a new brick house. De M
Calluni is the present tenant. Mrsi
lers resides now in Dakota.
Miss Lizz:e binitb, who taught, in
Fare; o liar section suecessfully for sev-
eral years as an assistant teacher, and
who is now teaching in Norfolk coun-
ty, is n.potted to be engaged hi the
Woodham school for the ensuing year
at a good salary.
A Goderich correspondent writes :
Rev. Jasper Wilson received the con-
gratulations on Sunday last of his
clever family upon it being the anni-
versary of his birth. We are glad to
add that Mrs. Wilson is convalescen
and we trust that her recovery will be
W. Cuclmore, the well-known hay
dealer, of Kippen, has during the past
summer shipped 1,225 English tons to
Glasgow. The war in South Africa
has very seriously affected this busi-
ness, by increasing ocean freight, rates,
and it is impossible to ship hay to
make money out of it.
George Lowe's auctioft sale, in Us -
borne. on Friday, was a decided suc-
cess. Everything brought good prices.
The farmwas sold to Wm. J. Otte, a
neighbor, for $5,550.. It contains 100
acres and has fair buildings. M and
Mrs. Lowe will go to Dakota, ere
several of their children live. Thome
Cameron wielded the hammer.
Owen Flynn has sold to Dominick
Reynolds his farm of 50 acres, on the
ath con. of Hullete, for something in
the neighborhood of 82,000, :and has
bought, the Andy Reid faxen, on the
7tb, 100 acres, for something about
$5,000. John McKnight," of the 3rd,
has sold his farm of 100 acme to his
son-in.law, R. Tucker, of Usborne, and
is looking for another one to buy.
A Constance correspondent writes;
Ben. Reid sold his farm of 100 acres to
his eeighbor, Owen Flynn, for the sum
of. $4,900; Mr, Reid purposes going
West, &tuxes Martin is giving up
farming here, and intends moving to
Exeter, where he will make his home
for the present; we are sorry to lose
them from our midst. H. Taylor has
purehased Mr. Martin's fern), mad will
move thereon shortly.
There is an increased demand
throughout the country for farm pro-
perty at improved prices, aed those
who wish to purchase will do well to
secure what they want, before prices
go higher, as they are sure to do so.
Quite a number of farms have recently
changed hands hereabouts, at fair
prices, and others are looking about
with a view to investing. Many are
the inquiries for real estate, and every-
thing points to a con tinned revival in
investments of this character.
NoTiot,—Oolicetor Creech will be at
the town hall on Saturday text from
1 30 to 4 p. ni., and on Tuesday Wed-
escla,y ancl Thursday from 9 to 12, and
1e30 to 6, to receive taxes. After the
Ath 5 per cent will be added to al
axes unpaid.
STEAW r0R, quantit of
newly threshed oat straw for sale
cheap, at $2 per loftd,—L. MoTa,eic
This week we draw your attention to a few
!Wens Underclothing
Artie fleeced shirts and drawers 50e.
Union shirts and drawers 40c.
Heavy Union shirts and drawers 50.
Wool fleeced shirts and, drawers 85c.
Also extra large sizes in.
I fleeced aaul wool goods.
Ladies' Underwear
• Big selling is the order of the day at this store, and no.
wonder with such prices as these, and such a stock to choose
Read these prices,
21 lbs Redpath's extra Standard Granulated
Rising Sun Stove Polish, large size •
Eddy's best matches per box ....
Choice Red Sahnon per tin ..
3 lb Tin best Cream Sodas
6 bars white Castile Soap for
6 bars white Oatmeal Soap .... .
4 Packages Corn Starch for
8 Bars best Yellow Soap for .. . . 0 • • • • 4 • ft • • • • • • 2 5
13 lbs best Green Coffee for .
Best Cloths Pins per doz -
rI lbs Tilson's Rolled Oats for •. • •
Ladies heavy vests 25c, suits 50c.
Ladies' fleeced vests, 60c. suits 1.20.
• Also a large assortment of
Union and wool undercloth-
ing in medium or extra large
Ladies' heavy wool hose ha plain my
ribbed 25c,
• A better line in plain or ribbed 35e.
Ladies' fine ribbed wool hose 45c.
We also have a complete
line of Children's hose. The
above lines are made by A.,
Burritt & Co., of Mitchell,
which will speak for the qual-
ity as this make is well known
to the public.
Sugar for ...$i.00 Merl's L'eatiler Coats'
• ••• •• –07 We have a line of Men's Coa tsjustthe thing for a tea,ra-
• • • • • • • • ster or any person who has out door work to do. They are
• I I Yz made of leather on one side and Corduroy on the other and
" 22 are reversable, price L(3.00 to $7.0025 .
Ask to see our English flannelettes at 10, 12i-, 14, 17
and 20c,
Highest prices paidfor Poultry, Butter, Eggs, dried Apples,
. Et.
• • 4 6 a 14 44 4 .25
• 25
.6 • • • IP • 6 .4 • • • • • • • .•
• • • Or
0 0 40925
Beautiful Kid Gloves embroidered backs for . 39
Heavy Cashmere Hose for ••. 25
5. D. King's $2.5o and $3.50 Ladies' Boots for............. r.4
Ladies' $7.50, Sro,00 and $12 oo Mantles for . 2.
Largest size spools San Silk ....
•8 skeins .Filo Floss Twisted Embroidery, etc. etc. usually
sold at 5c per skein, ...... .
Men's fleece Lined Underwear regular price 75c for ....
Dress Goods regular 35, 40 and 5pc, your choice for 25
Good quality Union Carpets . .... ..
25 yds, 38 in. Grey Cotton .... . 0 • 4 • • • • • 1 • 00 (OPPOSITE PLANING MILL.)
We have in stock dreseed and matched
We want a quantity of Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples,'
Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chicken, and are paying top Siding; Flooring & Ceiling
also dressed ping 1, 1+, l
market prices. e
and 2 inches.
It is estimated that between 60,000
and 70,000 barrels of apples have been
ehipped out of Bruce this fall. No
other county ineOntario except Huron
as done so well in apples.
The le. Pickard Co. have a
big order for produce, butter,
'eggs, and dried apples, they are
paying special prices for same
during this month.
1.4U114113EIR )
• Direct Importers
corning again. T. P. Smith, Eye Spec-
ialist ete. will be at the Commercial
Hotel Dec. 15th and 16th, Friday and
Saturday. Two days only. Full stock
of Attilicial Eyes is added to out
tock. •
REmonEwnete—The undersigned
rhes to state that she is prepared to
model and repair all kinds of Ladies'
ir coats, capes, caps, etc, Old fashion -
d furs made into caperines, or other
esired styles. Gents' far coats and
eps also repaired. Prices reasonable
1 esidence 8 doors north of the rector
M. 13..weveme s
Use Dix Kidney Pills. Sold by C.
R. S. Langis in Brighton this week
apple business.
Geo. Sarnwell has returned home
freosms. Toronto, where he was on busi-
nJohn Davis left Hamiota on Wed-
nesday's eastern train for his home in
Kirkton, Ont.
Israel Smith has leased the north
half of Mrs. ,Tohns' store, north of the
post office, and will move thereto
.Parties having accounts against cor-
porations should present them to the
clerks so that they may- be itecluded i
tp,heecfi. in5a.ncial statements to be issu
The death octurved on Nov. 28th, at
S. Thomas, of William Henry Meek,
litteeof Strathroy, from paralysis. De-
ceased was in the eighty-fifth year.
He leaves one son, Fred. W. ieeek,
formerly of Exeter.
If winter sets in with frost and
hea,vy snow storms, maiay farmers will
be badly off for water for their stock.
Never within the recollection of the
oldest -inhabitant has there been so
many wells dry at this season of the
During the summer months Mr Bul-
len has had charge of the Clinton, Exe-
ter and Ilderton water tanks, but
commencing now, and continuing
for the winter, a man will be in charge
of each of these. Mr. Quark, Kincar-
dine, who wasthere last year, will again
look after the Clinton tank and Mr.
Buller) after the Exeter one.
It is eveclicted by well posted stock-
men that the next perceptible sear -
cite in western live stock will ap-
pear among range horses, for they
are going very rapidly and nothing is
being bred to replace those that are
shipped to market in such large num-
bers. Thd
e. world has suddenly devel-
oped a great appetite for horses, and
buyers aro not partiallui as to the
quality. Anything with a leg at
each corner seems to go, and United.
States cavalry officers who are bey -
mg are not nearly so fastidious in
their tactics as they were six months
"I am using. Lute's Poultry Powder,
d have no hesitation in stating that
itis a most excellent powder for poul-
try. it cortaitai, intrenees the egg I
supply, and promotesthe vigor and. III
health 'of the poultry.. ',X Would strong-
ly recommend poaltry raisers to give 11
it a trial " Then'
Fresh, New and Cheap
At our House.
We shall hereafter offer a
special bargain every Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday.
Changed everyweek.
• This week we are offering
bargains in tea—don't forget
Shingles, lath and cedar posts always to secure some.
on hand. A large stock of
• barn lumber just arrived. • —MIFF SED—
W. Trevethjok
12En .1441:44:44444.444:::
The saLe CommenCed tobeginMon.day of this week commenced in earnest ?Jr
' People from far and near eager to secure- -the promised bargains are g.oing. :away. r:411
thoroughly satisfied with their purchases and that we have fulfilled our word, - when 1,11
„ 11111 we said, •
This sale will continue through December with a full force of helpers, so do
not miss .the chance of getting values —new and seasonable goods The sale
▪ proceed without reserve and DO NOT FORGET THAT. WE ARE NOT -SELL,
IN MG BY 'AUCTION AS SOME HAVE BEEN TOLD but we are offering yott.un.
g questionable values at and below cost over our counters:
"-eatteeillatipliesee. --04Kajlireee,
11111111i , W° have neither time nor space to mention the lines in stock, only to say 5191 l
that wehave a large range of Dress Goods in fancies, black and colored Cashmeres, Pli
ill black, navy blue, brown and fawn Serges,Tweed Suitings,plaid Dress Goods,Sateens .,
Summer Fabrics, Muslins, Lawns, Embroideries, Silks, Satins, Ribbons,3.aces, 111Pillii1111
. . .
Hosiery and half Hose for I aches , Children s and Gentleman's wear. -Tweeds,
Worsteds, Pantings, Flannels, Flannelettes„ Cottonades, Denims. :Jill
111,11 Uner5lotilino, ll Grda&S, Gredt Italues.
111, 6llriraou9s, en 5 SIMS.
Usr & Pants at a Urea; Sfird1156.
• 4,a7.,mmor.s.tikvm=setm.k-nt40140:12,44i4monmacrocnvirslimeD.M.,".
oats Shoeso itihrss, ft Man Sto
1 r
Hats,, Caps, Furs,. all must go, erocltory, 'Glassware, Dinner and 'Toilet PI
jijSetts, We want the public to Share the benefit's of this offer. Pri es marked
iijI in plain figures,
taltifotto- #Me,m1p1t,
44440 4:44444
elpItoileppr vr,vrq:.
▪ 111i1d4E111
.141 m t 1114 1 t 14