Exeter Times, 1899-12-6, Page 5MONEY TO LOAN, At from II to 6%,.vLALpIpa to r,m)iviAx, Barristers, o1cMQrs, &c., Main $t., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN, 1,1(., have unlimited private funds for hi"VoSt" mut upon ,Carm Or Tillage property at loweSt rates of interest, DICKSON & OAHLING, Exeter. -oy KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND DR. .&. E, KINSMAN, D. D, S. D. D. S„Iionor Graduate of Toronto Uinversity, Dentist, Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Office an Fan - son's block, WeSt side of Main treet, Exeter' �W.ANOVISON. (O.- O. • I...D. 8 ) DENTIST, ilonotIOraduate a the Toronto UniversitY, and ktoyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All bridge work, Crowns, d Plato work done in the neatest possible manner. A harmless •ancesthetic for painless extraction. The strictest attention given to the preservat- ion of the naturai teeth. Offico opposite ;Oen t ra1 Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. A. A HOOPER, ,.. Licenqed•Atm. tioueer for the County of Heron. Sales con- 11Qted:1n all parte. and for convenience can be ,,:" arranged for at this office, Satisfaction guarail. 'teed, Charges moderate. Exeter P. 0, FARM. FOR SALE. • The undersigned Executor.' of the estato.of the late Francis Hohlbein, offer for sale, lot No 21, concession 10, of the township of Ste- phen. This farm contains 75 acres, all in good cultivation. There is on the promises a two. storey frame house, a bank born, with wind - which forces water into barm2 ever living •wells, is all tile undordrained, ana well fenced, good healing orchard, 1+ miles from school, •miles from the flourishing village of Dasli- wood. Address Edwin Deitrioh, St Clemens, Wellington Co., or Frank liohlbein, St. P.O. t CUT THIS OUT and sendns with 6 cents in silver, and you will get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX or -vioons ch.t will bring you in MOBC 1VI.oxiar, in , one month, than anything else In America., A. w. KINNEY, E. T., - Salem -Yarmouth, $ 4•1••••••••...0•1Wamaft ••••••••••••••••••••... EXETER ROLLER IIILLS WOOD WANTED ALWAYS'READY FL Wholesale & -f7.441111.7-4 f etail CHOPPED FEED. Barle-y, Peas, Oats, Corn Big Stock on Hand Prices Right. ..10Sre:PH COSBLEDICK MANAGER. ,tee TE lts Highest Prises Paid. CUSTOM SAWING DONE AT LOWEST PRICES. SthiaOFINO8 CO. LTD. Late Gould's Mill, Exeter, Ont. , The undersigned wishes to announce that be .has opened . up a blacksmith business in Dayis' old stand, Main St., where he -will be prepared to do all kinds of Geraeral jobbitig BLACKS/1111E1H MORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. A CALL SOLICITED Jas. Russel Money hi thy 4r* --Purse If you have not got the verse then ' nome to us and we can supply you. One of the ways to keep money in yonr purse is on the savings you make when buying your Holiday Goods. We will have a very elegant stook for yea to select from and it is not too early for you to think about, your ;eraser:Is, especially so if you have a doll to dress for some of the little ones, Our doll stock is an unusually complete and well assorted one, all, sizes and kinds. Some of one Dressed Dolls are marvels of elegance and beauty. If you are interested We invite your inepeption assuring ion oe a large and select variety at prices which we think ebow you an Advantage. Oiltert the Cheapest, Alwityla the Eitot, Levitt s Far U ale° rn COunCi Conneil met Dee. 2:10, all the menl- ber,s were present. Minutes of pre- vious meeting were read, approyed and eigried by the Reeve. The nomixiations for Reeve and Couneillors to serve in the YfunleipalitY for 1000, will be held at the Town Hall Blimville. on Friday Dec, 22od at one o'elock. If polls are necessary they Will be held from 9 a. ten to 5 p rn, on Mouday, January 1st, 1900, as fol- lows :- Div. No 1, at' BIInIV11IC, F. Morley R. 0, ; Div. No. 2, at lot 0, N. T. E. George Lowe, D. R. 0. ; Div. No. 3, at lot 2, con. 10, Henry, Brown, D. Re O. ; Div. No. 4, at Public Hall, Farquhar, Alex, Duncan D. R. 0, By-law No. 9 confirming the above was passed, signed and sealed. By-law No. 9 1808 providing for ap- pointing auditors ha December was repealed, .A,uditore will be appointed at first meeting in January, A large number of orders were granted in payment of accounts, and Council adjourned to meet Deo. 15th at ohe o'clock. F. MORLEY, Clerk. John T. Westcott was paid the re- ward of $2o.00 offered for the arrest and conviction of any person or per- sons stealing property from any resi- dent of the Municipality. A Reply to Ratepayer. Mo. Eneron,--Ratepayer seems think that there is some difficulty hiring a teacher for Zion scho There should not be any difficulty two is a. majority. Now if the inaj ity rule it will certainly be a benefit the section. Ratepayer says that o of the Trustees canvaesed, the sectio now that canvass was a farce. canvassed part of the section a guessed at the other part. Ratepay does not seem to understand t difference between a cheap teacher a an inferior teacher. Now it is n dollars and cents we are after, but t benefit of the children of the sectio I claim we can hire a man that wou do as good a work at three hundred the present teacher at four hundr dollars; this is what I call a cheap teacher, but not an inferior teache Ratepayer says "I an in favor of good teacher" and so am I, that Is what I have been advocating for years. Now, Ratepayer thinks it is an injus- tice to turn the present teacher away. If Ratepayer was paying a hired man two huedred dollars O year would it be an injustice to turn him away at the end of his term if he could hire another that would do same work and do it as good for one hundred a year. Rate- payer says "I have not written this letter to bit anyone." Ratepayer must be an ignoramus or else thinks other people are. Now Mr. Editor it is not prominencle we are after but the bene- fit of the children of the section. Ratepayer seems te be after the bene- fit of the man. :If Ratepayer wishes to reply to this lit him be manly and sign his . name. Thanking you for your space, Mr. Editor, I remain yours truly, • Wm. TA11.0R. tO 01, 510 Or - to ne n, He nd er he nd ot he n. Id as ed er r. Crediton. CorecEitee-e-A grand school concert will be held in the Town Halt Cred- iton, on Thursday, Dec. 21st. An ex- cellent program, consisting of drills choruses, dialogues and recitations will be given by the pupils of Crediton Public school. During the evening Public school leaving and entrance certificates will be presented. Instru- mental music by the (reditou orches- tra. Program to cominence at 8.30 p. m. (Received too late for last week.) BRIEFS. -D. Sweitzer has purchased. a new Heintzman piano from Agent Madill, of Exeter, tend hadeet.placed in his residence one day last week. - Rev. and Mrs, Hussar pleasantly- en- tertained the ;members of the choir. at the parsonage on Wednesday evening last. A most enjoyable evening was spent. -Rev. Salton, of Centralia, as- sisted Rev. Hussarron Sunday evening last. Subscriptions were taken up for the "20bh Century. Fund," and met with most encouraging success. Ore- diton's parsonage debt is now practi- cally provided for. -Special revival services are being continued in the Evangelical °buret), and are proving very helpful and encouraging. -X. P. Walters, representing the Dominion Life Assurance Co., has been doing business in our vicinity. --We under- stand that Joseph Morlock intends leaving for Chicago soon, as be bas se- cured a lucrative position over there. We will be sorry to have you leave us, Joseph. -Messrs. Zwicker and Young are advertising their .respective linsi- nesses by erecting several pain ted signs throughout the surrounding neighborhood. Advertising pays. - Joseph Heist wears a smiling counten- ance these days -another girh-Our local blacksmithshave decided toreturn to the old scale of prices, not having found the recent raise to work satis- factorily. -The local advocates of the Boer's cense seem to be unusually quiet these clays.. What bias happen., ed ?-Our local sports who attended the shooting match at Khiva, sustain- ed their reputation as good shots. BRIEPS.-Win ter set in on Monday. -Comacil met in Town Hall here on Monday last and were kept busy until late at night. For an account of the proceedings see Clerk's report in an- other column, -Rev. E. Crompton of Carlisle assisted Rev. Hussar in the service. last Sunday evening. The Rey. gentleman is spending this week with his daughter Mrs. R. E. Walker. -On Thursday last Mrs. A J. Clarke was hurriedly called to the bed -side of her mother, Mr. Gilbert. of Ilderton, who has been afflieted with a cancer for some time past. She grew steadily worse until Friday row Laing vvben she passed peacefully away. • The bereav- ed have the sympathy of a very large circle of f ds. -Tb ere Was a quiet little gathering oh 'taco* at the home of Richard Baker last Monday even- ing,, it being the occasion of the "ehrietening' of his infant dangli ter, Those present report a most enjoyabe time and hope for it return of a simi- lar oCCasiOn.•- Misses Beaver spent Sunday with friends in Exeter. -An ()Yea of more than passing itterest, took place on Wednesday ast at the 1Vtawhinney 'homestead in Stepben tp., it being the oecasion of it double wed- ding, The, oontencting parties being Miss Maggie MoWhieney and Mr, ofee-7"-'7' THE EXETEE Martin, and Ms 8 Paltny and a anleS LawS0O, 411, of Stephen in. Bev, Unssar performed the ceremony bo bis Most happy manner in the presence of the near relatives of the contractio parties. We WW1 them it, pleasan voyage through life.- Gee Bloomfield attended the District Teachers' °en, von th on held in Exeter on Saturday lest. •lie was elected President of the association at its last session. -The Epworth League of M. E, church pur- pose holding it splendid literary and nensieal entertainment in the body of the church on Tuesday evening Dec ta. A choice program consisting ef solos, duets, choruses, recitations, speeches, &c, by the best local talent. There shonld be a large attendance. Silver collection at the door in aid of the League. RETURNING OP FICERS. -The Ceuneil have appointed the following deputy retaining • officers.- Div, • 1, Jainee Dennis ; Div. 2, W. D. Weeks ; Div. 3, 3. T. Westcott ; .Div. 4, George H. Eissett. • APPLES THREE PENCE A BARREL. - Late advices frona Liverpool state that Canadian apples are arriving in very bad conditiou and are selling at from three pence to seven shillings per bar- rel, All aroond there is a loss of oyer it dollar per barrel on vvli at bas been sold lately. Thus it was with a recent consigmnent from this county, though a few barrels of Rings sold at fifteen shillings and six pence each. This is win!. stock, mark you, and all the He appear to be spoiling. The English papers state that some of the Canadian stock was poorly packed, and go even so •far as to say that old will work great havoc to a growing sort of work, buteven a few instances branch of Canadian trade. posed that there has been much otthat boots have beenknown to be found in the middle of barrels. It is not sup - THE Sogocm WATER es Goo, -As eoine complaints were made regarding the water that the children drink at the Public. School, Exeter, the Trus- tees sent a sample to Dr. Pyne, Do- minion Analyst, Toronto. The fol- lowing is Dr. Pyne's letter. Toronto,Dec, lst. 1899. Analysis of a sample of wellwator sent me by Mr. FL E. Huston, Exeter Ont, • Physical Ex. Color : blue grey; Appearance ; fairly clear ; • Odour on heating: imperceptible • Chemical Ex:- " In parts of 1,000,000 Total solids 280,000 Volatile matter 50,000 - Scarcely darkened during. incineration of Total solids Chloino asChlorides Nitrogen as Nitrites Nitrogen as Nitrates Free Ammonia .5000 none none .0000 A1butnenoid2Ammonia .0016 Oxygen consumed in 15 min. .0020 Oxygen consumed in 4 hrs, .0142 IVrierescopicalEx.-Nothing• to be seen but a few- harmless micro-organisms. Water is fit for potable purposes. The only thing I would recommend as to avoid surface drainage. This I would do by bricking the top of the well some 10 or 12 feet, and thou noveran,g the external surface of the brick work with some imper- vious cement. Signed. A. It. PYbTE, MB. Dominion Analyst. MAIN ST. ANNIVERSARY. --The anni- versary of Main St. Methodist Church, on Sunday and Monday, was among the most successful in the history of the church. The Sunday services were largely attended, and highly interest- ing and instructive. Special sermons were preached by Rev. H. W. Locke, of Chatham, an erstwhile pastor, in his inimitable, eloquent and impressive style, while the church choir rendered appropriate music. On Monday, a fowl supper was served to a large crowd. It is said to have been one of the best teas of the kind ever given in Exeter, and the ladies came in for a goodly share of praise for the part they thus performed. The platform meet- ing in the :auditorium of the church was also in keeping with the success of the affair. Excellent and timely ad- dresses were given by Revs. Locke, of Chatham; Martin,Brown and TenEyck of Exeter, while the singing was fur- nished by the choir, assisted by Misses Ida Johns and M. V. White, who contributed solos in superior style. Rev. Milyard occupied the chair in a happy manner. .Proceeds, includin .social on Tuesday evening, ainounte to $130, Exeter Public School. • The following is the school report for the month of November: - RoomI.-Class A -Herbert Gregory, Edna McCallum, Laura Jeckell,Russell Frayne. Class B- Willie Muir, Cora McPherson, Lorraine Hooper, Nina Carling and Evalyn Gill (equal). No. on Toll, 30; average attendance, 3L -S. S. T. A. BOYD, Teacher. Room IL-Senr. IV.- Millie Martin, Wirnaie Carling. Ruby Davidson, Vera Snell, Winn ie I1 ward, Dolly Dickson. Jr. IV.-Ulara Res, Jessie Cameron, Mary Parsons, Ethel Arrostrong,Alyin E Farmer. On roll, 42; aver. attendanee, 37,---0. VosPEa. Teacher. Room III. -Senn III -john Gardin- er, George Jones, Herby Horrell, Mel- vin Sonthcott, Edna Dow, Viola Dav- idson. Junr. III. -Fred. Trevethick, Elmore Senior and Fred. Smith (equal). Jimmy Bawdon, Jenny Taylor, Olive Gonld, Edna, Bissett. No. on roll, 52; average attendance, 42. -MAY Teacher, • Room I V. -Sen r. III -Edith Moncnr, 011ie Quance. Vera Rowe, Annie Brown, Martha Oarling, May Wood. Itt-Oharlie Long, Hazel Divan, Martha Snell, Willie Beer, Liva un - ter and Garnet Welsh (equal), Delia Wilson. No. on roll, 54.3; average at- tendance 44.-H. E. WALROND Teach- er,7 7 ROOM -Sr. II -Millie Biseett, • Berta, Snell, Ethel Cobbledick. Junr. IE. -Hector Heywood, Bertie Muir, Alonzo 'Heywood. No. on roll, at; av- erage attendance, 52.-H. D. Parmat,E, TeRaleOlzar. V L-Seur. It -Hugh McKay, Clarence Easterbrook, Frank Damien. Jo nr, IT--IViargaret, Makins, Albert Lang, Emma Hall, No. ori roll 61. average attendance, 52-3. M. ROB. ERTSON, Teacher. ROOM 7. -Sen ior II -Florenee Ander- son, Geetrude Sheer°, Harry Rendle. Mid. It -Violet Wood, Lilian Amos, Edna l'revethick. NO. on roll, 58; av- erage attendance, 6L --A. W. aOtee Teacher, Thomas Clarke has disposed of his 100 acre farm, north half con 9, to Joe- eph Ardel), 7th am. of Grey, receiving $4,0 for it. The new comer gets poesession next March. Mr. Clark will team° hlacksmithing agaio • TIME BRIDFs.- The local ditehers ha gone out of the business for 1899 it hadit very long and successful seiev it, anti it ,great Many tile have been buried, -Weeley ,Artas trong of Thames Road took the.grand Wilmer degree in the Chosen Exeends on Friday eve laSt. --Mr. and Mrs, Herdman attended the "house warming" at Oephas Pyof last week. -By the way we think that Elluiville would be benefited greatly if we had it shoernalter.- The literary given by the Epworth League was it decided success every part being well rendered, P. Gardiner of Winchelsea P. S., gave a very fine address on the Trausvaal, aud it large lumber were also present from the Sunshine ap- poi n Wien uncil Meeting was held on Saturday last and a, lerge amount of money was taken in by taxes, and the usual quota of expenditure dealt with. Only it few more week's till Municipal elections, and already we hear the remark, wonder who is going to fill' the chairs for 1900 P -The fine weather combine is busted, and al- ready snow has taken quite a drop alad no doubt it will be alright if it stays down for the oext few months. -The last contingent of the Elimville boys to tbe Northwest have returned and are looking as if the trip was a beneficial one as far as health is con- cerned.--Robt. Tenny has left Small Hunter and gone to bis houie near Hensall. Bert Beaver, of Orediton, has been engaged to take his place for the uext year. Michael Beaver has &so hired. with Wm Robinson who -will in a, few weeks move on to 3. Kelland's farm in Blanshard. IVIARkaT ve ud Exeter, DECEMBER, Wit 1800. of Wheat per bushel.01 to 05 26 to 27 Barley. , 96to 80 Peas.- ...5I to 60 Batter ....... -la to17 loggs- • 17 to 19 Turke'yf'3''• 8 to 9 eese , Chickens per its ,...,. D treks W eta.- Dried Apples.. Porlt dressed..., . • A commercial traveller named Mat- thews, who was driving from Bayfield to Clinton the other night, claims that -a bear came out of a bush near Bayfield and crossed the road ahead of him. • • He said it was light en- ongh to distinguish the animal, which frightened 1115 horse ; having a piece of wood moulding in bis pocket he threw it and bit the bear, which growled and passed on, London was the scene of a brutal murder at an early hour Suuday morn- ing. Asa result, John Cavanagh is in jail, charged with the awful crime of killing his widowed mother, The man charged. with the crime is a life-long resident of London. He has not borne it reputation for viciousness, and al- though a man of large physique, he has not been regarded as an unruly fellow. In .his earlier days he had some esca-pades. About twenty-five years ago he was alleged to have been a.dministaing a beating to -his wife, and when the police arrived on the scene be jumped from a second story window and escaped. The only theory the police have been able to unearth for the crime is that Cavanagh, who was drinking, went home at a late hour for more Money with which to buy liquor. Meeting with it refusal he is supposed to have, in a frenzy, at- tacked his mother, -who was in bed, tnd inflicted the Wounds which caused er death. BEFORT. - The following is a correct report, of S. S. No. • 5 Mc- Gillivray for the month of November, Names are in order merit. Report is based on workand attendance of pu pils.--Class 5, E ttie Coughlin, Clover Short, Nora Coughlin, Pearl Wilson; Class 4; .Cora 'Short, Georgeda Scott, Tommy Lightfoot, Mary McGrory, Josephine Coughlin, Willie Lewis, Lilly Lightfoot, Edward Faulder, Joe Doyle ; Class 3, Leo Coughlin, Roselle Lightfoot, Samm Scott, Harry Lewis Olive Short ; Sr. Class 2, Pearl Short, Jannet Maguire, Nellie Lewis, Gladys Short, Erwin Scott ; jr. Class 2, Arnold Caughline Allie Wilson, Lottie Welsh; Pt. II Class. Adrain Coughlin, Motile Lightfoot, Raymond Coughlin, Adeline Hoffman ; Class I, Clara Lewis, Ed- ward Jones, Fred Lewis, Francis Glaven, Elija. Hodgins. Chester Morley Erwin Scott, Willie Maguire. Aver- age attendance 35, H. LANs, Teacher, FOR OVER FIFTY- YEARS AN OLD AND WOLL-TRIED REMEDY.--MrS. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years byrnillions of mothers for their children -while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bo sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. TO CONTE W.TORS.. Tenders for the erection of. a bank barn with stone foundation 9.5 x 85 will be received by the undersigned up to December 10th. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications can be seen atlot 39, con. 2, Stephen, 2-1 E. JOEY, Exeter R 0. Five Packs of as Free, Ono pack, 'May I. C. II, lime,' One neck 'Escort,' (inc pack 'Flirtation;' One pack Tfold- to-light,' Ono pack 'Otr Sofa Just Holds Two.' Samples of 20 other styles with book fun of no- tions. Sena 6c. silver for pastas°. A. W. KINNEY', E. T. •Salem -Yarmouth, N. S. • — GIVE A YOUTH resolution and a course in Business and Short hand at the AeatVid and who shall place limits.to his career. Catalogues free. J. W 131STERVELT Principal ••••••••....1 MEAN Meat Market The undersigned has opened tip a. new meat market one door South ot Garlinlltore where he will keep the choicest of riaeatS constantly oil habd. A CALL SOLIOITIIID. JOHN F. riANNING 5 to 0 5 to 6 to 0 ,. 13 to 15 , 5 to 5 - $5.00 to 5.50 Exeter, DECEMBER Oth 1899 Wheat per biuhel,.. Oats. . .... Barley-. , Buckwheat' Eye . OW% Beans Butter . ER's ...... Ducks - Turkeys pert.. . Geese 061 11 Ohickeng , ... 8 to 10 Potatoes per bag-. ,80 tot 00 Hay Por ton „ . . ..$ 0.00 to $ 7.50 Pork per cwt, $4.50 to $5.00 :0 07 ....28 to 20 51 to 05 -57 to 40 40 to 45 ,.., 0 in 60 42 to 41 05 to 70 14 to 14 ...... . 15 Lo 10 „ GO to 70 10 to 12 ...... 9 to 30 00 to 75 • le 11 1 s h es. There is no other remedy equal to B.13.13. for making the blood pure, rich and red, and the skiri clear and smooth. Here's proof from Bertha J. Tozer, North Esk, N.B. "I have had pimples on my face for three years, and about two years ago I took an attack of nervousness. I got so bad I could not sleep and lost my appetite and was very weak and miserable. I was taking different kinds of medicines but seemed to be getting worse. A friend advised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, I did so, taking in all four bottles. As a result I sleep well, have a good appetite, my face is free from pimples, my skin clear and my health is in every way perfect." 'PH -I lE Cl thirig Constantly pursues pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the oid prices.) Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suiting. We show a big range at moderate prices in 8coGch and Canadian tweeds we cary a large and well as- sorted stock. Prices to suit all. A large stock of the lat- est goods voa oerefor singt from $10 up. GIVE US A OALT4 and see what we can do for you. J. H. Crieve. MERCHANT TAILOR WEAK, FAINT FEELINGS. Serious Conditions that Milhara's Heart and Nerve Pills ean Readily Cure. One of the indications of serious heart trouble is *the sensation of weakness 01 faintness that comes on at times. Sometimes it is simply a dizzy feeling that passes off, or it may be it state of un- eonsciousness with hands and feet cold and countenance 1‘0 .4/1 1 ghastly pale. 11 1, ee ea, 1.• These syrap- M ,r, toms indicate a I 5i1' '--jj weakened heart. ',11 3 They are unmis- takable evidences of the engine of life breaking down. Now theme's only one reliable romedy for restoring, strength mad vitality to weakened hearts and relieving all the distressing symptoms. It is Miiburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. The case of Mrs, A. Stratton, Frederic- ton, N.B., amply proves this. Here is her statement: "I suffered 'very much from an im- poverished condition of the blood, eoupled with extreme nervousness. A dizzy sen- sation on arising quiekly or coining down stairs, often troubled me, and may breath avas so short that I could not walk up stairs, The least exertion winged my heat to flutter and palpitate violently, and I sometimes felt a smothering sen- sation on going to Sleep. I dootoeed back and forth for my weak- negs, but X got no relief trona any medicine untilX tried. Milbern's theta and NerVe Pills, and can Say that they helped me wooderfully. Soinet1rae9 my fad and arms would swell and puff, but all these troubles speedily yielded to the restoring influeneeso MilburnYO Heart and Nerve Pills, and I am now strong and well. I did not use the longuntilI regained the blessing of healthful, refreshing sleep and it will always be sa pleasure to tee to receirinund them to °there." • -zee romi"4"mimP4-tioxog"Pmautt5 ca44c#00gowma#41.4004coo As SOIlle are Tovay. Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes yeu nervoas, irritable ; spoil your texope your eoncentration. 'Von can't expect to go the even tenor of you way in a shoe that cripples. "Slater Shoes" are made to fit feet -to cover every tender joint comfortably -make you forget you lzave a petty foot, They fit the first time they're WO111, and ever after, becenee the stretch. and shrink has been for ever taken out of them while six days on the lasts. Twelve shapes, all sizes, thx 'widths, all colors, styles and leathers. Goodyear welted, stamped 011 the soles tit name and price,43.o and $5.00. mak c ' Iszie csamsw-044-eatuff, esiona*Hritssoaseram494 .c7;:re4,-1=, :•O E. J. SPACKMANASQLE LOCAL AGENT, MONEY'S MONEY 1 Any man who wears the J. D. King Co.'s Stub Proof Rubbers makes money—money that will jingle in his pocket, 41'3 `61) Search the world over and you , • F., find nothing better that Stub • Ppoof Rubbers, because there is nothing better. Aty prOccreSSitre dealer can tell you all about StucProof,, if not, write to the J. D. King- Co., and they will tell you. You can't afford to be without them, because they are the best. See that Stub Proof is STAMPED on the bottom of eacb, shoe. The 3. D. KING CO., Limited, Toronto._ Montreal, Winnipeg. For Sale in:Exeter by H. Bishop & Son. Fm Tail rin You require a 13L ACK suit Tory often at this time of the year. We are prepared to fit you out in the finest style.. pest quality CoedsThe Crow closest -prices. • Wm. Broadfoot, of the Mill road, Tuckersmith has bought the 50 acre farm known as "Tea Walkers," on the Mill road, paying somewhere about 83,000 for 11. To TEE DEAR -A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums has sent 411,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people linable to proeure the - Ear Drums may have them free. Ap- ply to Dept. A. S. V. the Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, New York,17. S. A. . Wedding Suits A Specialty JA SNELL CALL AT THE FAMILY t ark t. For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS A fine selection of BEEF, LAMB, e FRESH PORK, and all kinds of Fr•esh udg,eltecit [Meats on hand. of Croup. It strikes terror to a mother's heart to have her child wake up at night witil a oronpy cough. Child oan scarcely speak, can. hardly breathe -seems to be choking. . There is no time for delay -apply hot poultices to the throat and upper part of the chest, and give Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup -nothing like it for giving prompt relief -will save a child when nolthirisn.g welsine ung, Promo, Ont., says: "One year ago our little boy had a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs and croup, which left a bad wheeze in his chest. "We were advised to use Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which we did, and it cured him completely. "Now we always keep this remedy in the house, as it excels all others for the severestkindsofcoaghs or colds." Note the address, one door north of 1 14axa.-Liver Pine are the most per - The R. Pi•ckard Co's store. 1 99 •ist-zetremedyneoinknown tiot hu sen cure sand°f 1.1) 111 S B4 yy PROP Headache' Do not gripe or sicken. A Man is always in The SWilt If he wears one of W JOHN'S neatly fitting SttitS Be is it sure fitter. • His price:, are away down.. His goods are the best. I u°yai inigonToduerxamine his goods before -4fterma-,FALL SUIT W, .3 tiNS9 The Tailor. SCHO A FULL LINE OF NEW pooKs FOR School isiening AND ALL THE CHILD - RENS NEEDS AT Brownings. Where the Scholars are used well. TRY R. N. ROWF FOR Furniture YOU WILL GET SATISFACTION EVERY TX VIE, efereesaveeelle Undertaking MN UP-TO-DATE IN fill LINES. R. N. ROWE By the Best and-Aga:it-- Ignore the Rest In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs, Etc, HET SOMETHING NIOL,..4., We have it, you want it. Take a look at our frill line of FURNITURE and you wit! find what you are looking for 8 CIDLEY SON FIJIINITUII11 AND *ONDRETAHERS Opera Rouse Block,