HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-12-6, Page 1TWENTY—SEVENTH YEAR NO. 17. 01' ZETTE. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING DECEMBER 6th 1899. Hensaii. 181-10r N it-HUI-IEST PRICE PAID FORRO DUCE U561111 -111d8 HIGHEST PRICE PeskPA'AoDUCE rosonts. ilMt OR THE NEXT THREE WE @KS Wk il WILL GIVE FREE WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF $2 50 OR OVER ONE OF OUR HANDSOME 26in. DOLLS. t...1••••• G. J. Setherland, Notary Public, Convee ancor, Commissioner, Fire Ineuranee agent and essurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal deice ments carefully drawn at xeasonable rates Moine' to loan on real estate at low rates of in Wrest. Office at tee Post office, Hansa% H. T. D. COOKt. (Late with Ctarrow 8e Proudfoot) Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public), Hemel. Ont. 'fie A. Senery, L. D. S., D. D. S,. Honor Gradu ••••• • ate ot Toronto university, Dentists. Teeth extracted withouepain or bad erects. Office in Petty's mock, Hansen. At Zurich every Monday, commencing May 30th. BRIEFS.—. -James Beverley has ex- changed his res idence for Thos. Bell's Min new block on St. and Mr.Beverley will move his usiness thereto as soon as completed. He will live over the store.—Rev. Mr. Sawyer, of Bruce - field, preached in Carmel church in the morning and, Rev. Mr. Gauld of Formosa. in the evening. Each preached an impressive sermon. Rev. Mr. Henderson preached in Bruce- fleld.—Mrs. Lang has sold the lot ad- joining her own residence, to Heney elsh, who intends erecting a fine MOTHERS KEEP THIS IN MIND Childrens bdkfs with fancy colored borders at 2, 3, and 5c. 25 doz childrens hem stitched hdkfs with. silk erabroidered corners, special at 5c each. 50 doz ladies' flue lawn hdlrfs with •lace edge and beautiful open worked „corners at 5c. 25 doz ladies' fine hemstitched hdkfs. .special 7 for 25c. 50 doz ladies' embroiderea hdkfs, good value at 12i, now 3 for 25c. • 18 doz Ladies fancy enibroidered hdkfs, with handsome edges selling at _2 for, 25c. 5 don gent's fancy bordered silks, the newest touch 25c. ie Men's plain hem stitched silks at 25, 40 and 50c. ,s ° 141tenS9 Ties We are showing a full rano of X mas neckwear in puffs, flowing ends four-in-hands and bows from 15 to 50c. GLOVED& Snap in Ladiesringi,vood gloves, • worth 25e now 19e. Ladies' Frenchkid gloves, all sizes, at 1.00. This is the only guavanteed _glove at the price. See them. • Ladies' Cashmere gloves, fleece lined et 25 and 35c. Ladies' astraehan gauntlets, snap at Misses' een'ey gauntlet kid faced and • fleece lined at 50 and 75c. Men's heavy driving gauntlets black ,tonly at 1.50. Men's undressed swede gloves, the best value yet at 500. Special in old, ladies' hoods, good „heavy wool hoods at 65c. • Uraderwea 1-- Men's fleece lined shirts and draweis at 4 . Mens heavy all wool shirts and draw- ers special at 50c. I''e are selling all our 75c underwear at 60c Oorne when you want it and see for yourself. • Ohildren's vest at 10, 12i and 15. Ladies' 'Vests 12e, 151 20, 25 to 50. Ladies' drawers at 25, 50 and 65c, • Eloots 'Infants kid bootees in tans, browns, red and black, wool lined at 50c. • Infants satin bootees, in light blue pink and light brown, with down trim- ming at 75c. Misses rubbers 300. Ladies' rubbers 55 and. 60c. Boy's rubbers 50 and 60. Nien's rubbers 60 anc1.90. Men's overshoes 1.35 to 1.80. Ladies' slippers 20 to 1.00. Ladies' Felt boobs, snap 750. 1 Men's heavy boots at 98c. Men's long boots 2.35 to 3.25. Men's heavy stubb proof rubber boots every pair warranted, See them. All kinds of boots for all kinds of feet at all kinds of prices: • x READY-MADE CLOTHING x Men's:all wooLifisters at 4.98. Men's• heavy suits at 4.2e. . Men's ocld pants all prices. Men's odd vests 75 and 1.00. . Boy's 2 piece suits at 1.75 and 2.25. Boy's 3 piece suits 3.50 and 5.00. Boy's long pane suits 4.19. Boy's reefers at 2.98. Boy's short pants 25 to 85c. .A.11 mantles cleared out at reduced prices. Special prices istva residence thereon in the spring,—Jos- eph. sou of Benjamin Kaiser who has been in tbe Klondike fot• some time is visiting his father here.— Miss Phalen is visiting friends in Stratford, --Mr. Bell was in Seaforth Wednesday on business. E. J. McRobert, of London was in Hensall Monday on Insurance busieess.—John Pope has moved into T. W. Bennett's cottage.—R. Thos. Wilson of London, lectured in Carmel church on Tuesday evening on '30' years with the South, Sea cannibals' illustrated by lime light views. The lecture proved interesting and instruc- tive and was much appreciated by those present. —Mr. and. Mrs. T. Mc- Intosh of Seaforth, spent Sunday visit- ing friends in the village. Miss M. Sheffer returned with them and will visit friends in Seaforth for a few days. —Mr. and Mrs. S. ,Rannie on their way home from Berlin visited their son herethis week.—Miss Mary McKay left here on Tuesday to visit friends in Kippen and Egmondville, on her way to attend the wedding of Mr. Finlayson of McKillop, a brother of John Finlayson, of Seaforth, and for- merly of Hensall, to a young lady of McKillop.—Thos. Welsh was in Lon- don Tuesday on business.—Mrs T. Murdock and daughter, Miss Amy and sister Miss Martha Hunter, were in London the forepart of the week at- tending the funeral of a friend,'a young Mr. Allison, who died quite suddenly. —A number of the Odd Fellows of this village intend visiting London to -day to take part in the dedicatory services in connection with tbe opening of a new I. 0. 0. F. hall at that city.— Miss Ida Cook, of South River, and brother visited at Henry Cook's last week. They were attending the fun- eral of their late grandmother Mrs. Reinhardt Cook, of Zurich. Miss Cook will remain for a, short time.— Lammie has purchased the frame building on the corner of King St. and London road trom Root Pat- erson and moved it onto a lot on ueen street, he intends remodeling id moving into the same shortly.— revious to their departure for Barrie few friends visitedl the home of Mr. nd Mrs. Wm. Elder, and presented Tr Elder with a secretary, while Mrs lder wasgiven an arm chair, as a oken of respect and esteem.— Mr and frs H Beek and daughter leave to - ay (Thursday) for Minnesota and Ia,nitoba, where they will spend a eonth visiting their sons. The trip is also made in the hope of benefiting Mrs Beek's health.—Rev Mr Brownlee of Lucan,will preach in StPaul's church on Sunday nexb and administer sacra- ment in the dvening. WEDDING BELLS.—On Wednesday at 4 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's father, James Bonthron, of the township of Hay, his third daughter, Miss Joan, was joined in wedlock wibli Sain'l Steacy, of this village. The cere- mony was performed by Rey. J. S. Henderson,in the presence of the more intimate friends of the contra,cting parties. The wedding march Was played by Mrs. S. Miller'. of Cromarty, sister of the groom. The bride was at- t R a on all hosiery, a 1 E Son 3 t d 11, SELECT • • • Yon Papas for MO, Balance of year free fonWeetly Papers. THE WEEKLY PAPERS. • TrteRs and. Ma,i1 and Empire $1 75 "• Globe 1 50 " Family Herald • 1 75 " " London Fress Press175 " " l'oronto Sun. 1 30 " re Montreal Witness... . 1 60 THE DAILY PAPERS. Teems and Mail. and Empire$e 25 " " • Ev'g Mail and Empire 3 25 " ,Globe • 4 25 "• " evening edition 325 London Free Press4 00 " Free Press, ev'g edit'n 3 00 " Toronto World:. 3 00 " Toronto News. , 1 50 • " " Toronto Star— 1 75 Address 4' JOHN WHITE & SON, Teems, Exeter. Varqnhar .,--Pieeriege. —Our mild autumn weather • has been replaced b.? the sturdy blus- terer, winter, a,nd the earth bas once more donned her white robe.—Mr. Howard, of Port Huron, and Thomas Pausal), of Fullerton, visited at John McDougalI's on Tuesday of last week. —The toncert id S. S. No. 3, Usborne, to beheld on December 20bh promises a great success. The pupils, teacher - and all who take part ave sparing no penis' to make everything a success. The principal feature of the evening will be the performances of Win Mc- Leod, comic singer and actor of Sea - forth. • lelreiVf.cLeod has been highly appeciated as a singer wherevet he has been,and none shonld miss the op. pottnnity of bearing him. Pow Hots Polpers Plows HQ u , u PLOWS, FIt01\1 NOW UP TO ..11 A N '2 A R I( 1st. 10 per cent CliSO011dt 011 all eash eeles, ee they Must be cleared out by that time, Jas. Murray [4't1 ttt21), 10f). • Mt. Ca rm el. A CHANGE. —A change in the pastor • ate of the R. 0. Church has been an- nounced to take place New Year's. Father Traher, who has had charge of this mission for several years will be moved to London South, while Father Tiernan, late secretary to Bishop Welsh, who has been in Rome for some monbhs, will take Father Tra- her's place here. Father Hogan will also be sent as a curate. Both are highly esteemed, and Mb. Carmel and. St. Peter's parishes are to be compli- mented upon their new. pastors. • McGillivray Weireoneee—The residence of Stuart Ovens, of the 2nd con. of McGillivray, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Thursday evening last, • when his daughter Florence was unit- ed in marriage to James W. .Patterson also of 1V1cGillivray. The nuptial knot, tied by the Rev. IE. J. Fair, of the Lucan Meehodist Church, was witness- ed by a select gathering of the rela- tives and friends of the young conple, After the .ceremony a dainty repast was served, followned by music arid a pleasant. sociel evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Patterson start married life with the siucere 'good wishes of a host of friends. They will take up house itt McGillivray township. The presents which were numerous and costly, bore tangible evidence of the high esteem in which the. young people are held. Ste p h en. 00 TIMM MIDETING.-00dOCii Conven- ed at Orediton, December 411, at the Town Hall, tit 10 a.m., all members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Hicks and Wil- lett moved, that By-law No. 11, for holding., nominations, after being read the thliel' time, be passed. Carried. Sweitzer and Yearley moved, that 13y. hew No. 12, for a ppointing places for holding elections and reburning officers, being read the third time, be passed. Cerried. Clerk was instructed to Mite T Martin re road allowance; the Canada Co, re fence award. of Boyle's' and S Sanders' re Morlock's tile, on concession 4. The following' deputy -returning officers WON) appoint- ed : No, 1, Newton Baker; No. 2, Char- les Braun; No. 3, Henry tabor; No, 4, Henry Boyle; No, 5, Daniel 13tichan- non; No. 0, 0 $tade' NO, 7, Chas Wil - eon; No. 8, TInCines '1410141rd. A large niimber of accounts were passecl,whieh wilt appear in financial statement. Council will meet again on December 15th, at 10:30 tenteeeilfeettev Eirenent, Clerk, tired in a bridal robe of green and looked charnaing. The presents were ntunerous and testified to the esteem in which the. young couple are ,held. In the evening guests assembled co the number of about 100 and spent a few hems in social chat and amusement. Miss Bonthron is highly esteemed and will be welcomed to tbe village. They will reside in Geo. Ingrarn's dwelling. There will be quite a few changes ,of teachers in this section nt New Year's. D Brintriel of No. 1, Tuckersmith, is . giving up that 'school and his place will be taken by Miss Murray. now of No, 10, Hay, :it a salary of $325. Miss Teckell has been engaged by No, 10 at same salary as is paid Miss Murray. Robert Beatty, who has been in charge of No. 14, Stanley, for five years, will go to what is known as the "Brick- yard" sehool, near Egitionclville, at a salary of $400. A Mr. Gilmore, now teacher neer-Wingham, will replace him T. Doig, now principal of the "Brickyard" school, retires from the profession and will go farming, haeng rented two late one the homestead and the other what is known as Robb's farrn. Salaries are being slightly in- creased arotind here. ZUrich BRIE.N.—Win ter has started. in ear- nest. — LiPoine, of the Richmond House, London, held a sale here Settle - day. Good prices were obtained.— Quite a niunber attended the funeral of Win M 601 n ey, of Stanley, Satur- day lasb.--Totn /telly was laid all from work by sickness for a couple of deers. We have. seen no electric light but they are corning bye and bye.—Nearly fifty loads of brick paseed through here Iasi; week, on their way to out rival town, St. Josopb.--Council met on Monday ; already we hear oe elec- tions,•--Lonis wears a happy sinile, its girle:—A number of our sperte Intend to take in the shooting match t Blake On TildrSday,*, Merry Weber took pate in a ehooting mateli ee Ciande- boyl, killing eine hirde out of ton, ob, tteining first money. Hay CouNom.--Ciouncil met on, Monday the eth inst, All present. The fol, lowing have been appointed Deputy Returning Officers • Poll, sub Division No. 1, Wm Russell, 2,Wm Thomp- son, No. 3, F. Hees Sr, No, 4, D Sure- rus, No. 5, EGO Sureraa, No 0, J No. 7, Oh Troyer. A number or ac- counts were paid. Ciouncil will meet again on Friday the 15th inst. at 2 o'clock p. ni. Central la BramPs.--We are sorry to report hut little change in the condi- tion of Andrew Hicks, who has been low with the fever. I•le does not seem to gain strength as his friends would like to see —Robb Lucker is still ill. --Messrs John Parsons end Willlanl Essery, each intend building new homes in the spring. --Thos. Wood has gone to theMuskoko lumber woods. —William Anderson has been elected. superintendent of the Sunday school Shipka in the stead of Wes. Huston, who re- signed,—.De Parsons Produce Co. are BRIEFS. —The anntial Xmas enter- making extensive shipments of poul- thine/tent in connection with the try from this place,—We had. the Meehodist Sunday school, will be held first real taste of winter on Mondity• on December 20th, end as there is an —Several trona here attended the'anni EVexrestaerryaSnergoOilayo.f Main st. church • BrtaErs,—Mr Mills, shoemaker, and excellent program being prepared the one niissing this will miss the event of the season.—H. Wing and J. Hannan, Sr., were in Exeter Tuesday on busi- ness.—J. 141cIntosh spent Sunday in Parkhill with his parents, we suppose. --Tames Hanna,n, Jr., spent Monday at Gra,nd Bend shooting, but, did not bring home much game. . a Lucan. (Received too late for last week,)BalieFs.—The evaporator has at last closed, after doing a good business.— The High school entertainment, which took place on Friday evening last, was in every way a success. Miss Roblyn and Miss Jessie Alexander, who were billed to appear, gave unbounded sat- isfaction, Judging from the hearty en- cores they received. After the enter- tainment the diplomas were given to the successful scholars.—A wedding took place Wednesday moenine.e, last in the R. O. Church, the contract- ing parties being Miss Ryder, from near Cedar Vale, and Mr. Near.—The Ladies' Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church here, went to Granton on Friday, the 24th ult., where a meeting was held. and mis- sionary work discussed. After the rneeting all sat down to a suenptuous supper, and all apparently enjoyed themselves. —McLean Bros. gave an entertainment in the Town Hall on Monday last. --What is the matter with the Garrick Club of Exeter ap- pearing here in the near future? Zion •-- Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, of Strath- roy, spent Saturday and Sunday with their son, Albert.—Mrs. and Miss Har- ris called on Mrs. Squires last week-- John Peart a,nd S, Skinner returned from their visiting and hunting expe- dition. Some say that John lookspale since he came back.—William Cornish Staffa. -- BetIRFs.—S. Webb was Walton last week attendieg the funeral of his cousin, Miss Martha ;,Grigg.—Mrs. F. Hearech and family, who have been visiting Mrs. Hearsch's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Hutchison, retnrned to their home in Saginaw on Monday last. Miss Lillie Hetehison accompanied them.— J. Worclen's new brick residence will soon be completed. —The Methodist Sunday school have decided to hold their Christmas tree on Monday, Dec. 11 5 .--Janies Hill is at present under the doctor's care.—Miss .Mand Bryan left last, Friday for Michigan, where she intends to spend about four weeks with friends. '1 Russekla.le. Annie Anderson were married in To ronto, and returned to this village to set up house -keeping last Monday night.—The annual Sunday school meeting of the Methodist Church was held the other evening. William An derson was elected superintendent for next year, and all the other officers were re•elecbed. It was decided to bola the anniversary and tea on the 31st of Decenaber and the 1st of Janu- ary, 1900. Tea on New Year's day. Preparations are now going on for the annivegreery.—Anclrew Hicks and wife, We are glad to say, are both doing well, and great hopes are now entertained of their speedy recovery. Thomas Mur- ray and Robert Luker are both still confiued to the house, but somewhat better. —The church was well filled last Sunday night, when Mr Salton preach- ed a loyal and patriotic sermon on the war and soldiers.—W 0 Huston has re- moved to Exeter. His loss will be greatly felt especially in church work. —W J Parsons' industry of fowl pack- ing and shipping is booming at present. A.bout 12 women and several men are constantly ernployed.—Mrs Vail and her sister, Miss Jones, are visiting in Detroit.—Jesse ,Elston is running the grain business very successfully in the absence of.4 Hicks.—T Ward has gone to Muskoka; we wish them success.— The Rey Salton preaches missionary sermons on the Elitieville circuit next Sunday. The Rev Phillips will occupy the pulpit here. &Rom REvoRT.—The following is a correct report of Centralia, Public School for the month of December. Names are in order of naerit. Sr. Division :—V, Albert Callas, Polly Windsor, Lillian Elliott, Almena, Huxtable, Katie ElliottLillian Salton; Sr. IV, Olintoia Hogarth, Edith Bunt, Perry Windsor, Elude, Baker, Aggie intends retiring from farming, holding Hepburn, Earl Mitchell, Alvin& Wil- ing his auction sale on Tuesday next. son ; IS, Bruce Mitchell, George He will rent hip faxen to a suitable ten- Hepburn • Sr. III, ifinie Baynharn, ant. Mr. Cornish's health is failing. ie alfas, Clara, Fairhall; Pearl This is a, good chance for some one.— .QucL'Walker, Ruby Hicks, Meno Susie Langard, daughter of George No. of names on roll 25. Av. attend- Larigard, is seriously ill with typhoid ance 22.5. fever. Tames Squires is also laid up at Jr. Division.—Rosy Wilson, Hector present—Ephreem Hern raoved Mr. Mitchell, Alvin Baker, Enema Hill, Sinclair, of Grantee), to Stratford, he Warren Mitchell, Fred (Jotted, Miner having secured a situation' in the car Motz. Attie Ita,ggitb, Frank Boyle; shops.—Miss Louise Hern spent last Sr. II, Elva Windsor, Chas. Seamen, week with friends in Exeter.—Miss O. Vale, Russel Bloomfield ; Pb. A, Jennie Brit -flacon -the has decided to re- Gladys Essery, Murray Elliott, Melin-, main in Zion for the winter, having no da Callas, Jos. Heanien, Wilf e.E1 intentions of going to London at pees- Hodgins, Enos Windsor; B ent, city life having no attractions for Wilson, Melvin Callas, Jno ey ; Lr her.—The curly -headed boy, about the Jr. II, Rebecca McCoy,Winnie ssery, size of a man, is often seen traveling Verne Wilson lora Hepburn, Nellie south again. We wish him success. Cotten, Vee eardown, Elzworth (From:mailer correspondent.) Ridley, Major RI Olara Dempsey; BniEns.—It is wibh regret, we learn Pb. I, Samuel McCoer,PFrank Mitchell, of the serious illness of Susie, daughter Gifford Hogarth, Gordon Wilson,Chas of George Lingard. We hope to hear Grafton. Av. attendance 32. of her speedy recovery.—We welcome W. B. BAGSFIANIr , Mrs. Crossley, of Port Rope, again to our midst, and wish her a pleasant 0. Al. wAtatnn j- leachers. visit.—Mrs. Joseph Peart of Exeter, is spend'ing the week with her sons.— Several Zionites took in the concert at Woodhann held under the auspices of the 0. 0, F., on Wednesday evening, a,nd report having had a good time. Among them we noticed David and Jonathan proceeding along the high- way through the rain and mud wth the la,ntern. They no doubt thoughe that it would be convenient to have it, along, owing to David's hat having a BetLEFs.—We are sorry to bea,r ot - th,e sacl accident which happened to Mrs. Wiley, an old lady living near here, who fell down stairs and broke her arm, besides receiving other inju— ries. She is now rapidly recovering - under the medicalskin of Dr, Hackney, fondness for blowing off and getting lost His bead has evidently. not swelled sufficiently as yet to make it a tight tit.—Some of our young• men were so well used at Forest on the eveming of the 10th ult. that it is diffi cult to turn their thoughts elsewhere. What is the attraction, boys. Bayfield. Banexs.-0 Y. B. Lodge No. 31, held their meeting on Saturday evening last for the privpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, when the follow- ing officers were elected: W. Osmond, Milton Woods, D.M.; George Howard, Rec. Sec.; .4. E. Erwin, Treas; Wallace Johnston, Ohap.; Benj. Spenc- er, D. of C.; Fred. Atwood, lst Com- initteeman; George Sanderson,2nd do.; Daniel Spencer, .3rd do.; Ed. Reid, 4th do.; Joseph McBee -ten 5th do. Aftee the business of the year WAS settled up, the ledge was found to be in prOSpOra OdS CodditiOd, Wibb a large member- ship,—Sacramen t was administered in St. Andrew's Church on Sunday last. A large congregation was present in from you in 1900, when we will bring the niorning.—Jo mes Donaldson, who offu much larger contest than thiS is engaged putting in lights in Wroxe- „oar. ter, was home for a few days lest ' Yoevs, very truly, week.—Alex. Ferguson and Frank leregan were visiting friends in Olin ton The owners and patF. A . Tram). patrons of the Mas- on Monday last. --john Newcome, of coda cheese fettoey have reason to Goderich, visited friends in town 0111 con,,.,toixonts thomseives in having such Monday of this weelK.--The St. An -at efficient and experienced maker. drew's Smiday sahool is getting up it Christreas tree and entertainment for Many old friends in Perth county ancl Ohristnias. .Agood program will be especially in the township of ath- Provided,—On Monday evening last herb will learn with extreme regreb the members of L.0. 1. No. 21 and 0.1 of the death at his home near Me- Y.B. No. 31 held he oyster supper in Canna, Grand Forks comity, North the Orange Hall, when a pleasant thee [Dakota, of Mr. Archie Mactiaren. was spent by all present-- Won Pe ricer. , The deeeased was Mr. MeLaren's last and Ed. Baker left last week foe W tar- vomeining un1e out of six brothers ton, where they ibtend going into the of hie father, He pasied away on lumber woods for the and Tuesany, Nov, 0, aged 15 years, The Thos. Swells, of Goderieb, Passed ' deceased was born in Lanark, Ontario, throtigh town on Monday lest, on their and moved with his family to Nhvbli Way to visit ha St. Joseph. --The Chuvch Dakota in '81 since which time lio bed of England Sunday eehool, is arranging beenengaged hi farming. Three at present for a gMnd Obeiettuas en- daughters and one son are left to tertaininent, when a grand peogram mourn the logs of a kind teed noble will be rendered. father. A. Muscoda, Wis., correspondent says: WalterFero, who was employed in a cheese ;factory in Oentralia, On- tario, for some years, came here in the spring of 1897 and has had charge of the M uscoda cheese factory since that time. It has thirty patrons and is in running operation about eleven months in the year, and at the present time is handling in the neighborhood of 10,000 pounds of -milk ner day. The Genesee Salt Clo. and the Creamery Package Co. held o contest, open to all makers of any kiud of cheese. Mr. Pero com- peted. He selected a sample of his cheese made on the 7th of October last. Lase week he received the follow- ing letter and score card, the contents of which were gratifying: SCORE CARD. Exhibit No. 23. Date, Nov. 4, '09. Flavor. •• 45 Tex tare 31 •29e Color • . .15 15 Make-up. • 10 10 Total............. ..... 100 95 Chicago, Ill., No. 13. 1899. WATER FERO, ESQ„ DEAR Sat Allow me to congratu- late you on winning sweepstakes in our contest. There is nothing i can say other than what Mr. Baer has said except that we cut tip your cheese and find it very elegant. You will receive a check from our people for $30.00, our sweepstakes prize, and also one of $20. from the Creamery Package Mfg. 0o. llope this will pay yon for entering the contest and we wilt hear further 0• 6006 • A SELECT ASSORTMENT OF CHIN'AWARE of various leinds, suitable for X-mas and Wedding gifts JUST RECEIVED. Also i choice lot of new fruits for -the holiday season. Highest prices paid for butter, eggs and poulery, Fresh oysters always on baud, CALL AND GET PRICES. Ross —The congregation of Mt e Pleasant' ea. --------- purpose building a new church next summer, for which they hove already collected the handsome sum ef $2,700, which, with about $300 • more will complete the building.—The 0.0.0.F. intend giving a, farewell entertainment to Mr. and Mrs. John Harmer, this (Thursday) evening, Dec. 71h, who are leaving to take up their residence one mile and a quarber east of Devon.—On Wednesday evening of last week Richard Kellington and Miss Bttie Davis, youngest daughter of Barnabas Davis, drove to Kirkton and were united for life. Rev. 7. Ball, a former pastOr in the Methodist Church here, tied the all important knot. --Edward Haynes, Mrs. H. Rogers and Mrs. D. Gordon, who have been very sick with pneumonia, we are glad to learn are recovering. Mitchell BRIEFS.—Mrs. T. Couch and Mrs. John Roy, from Winelaelsea, were in town last week on a, visit. —William Hodge passed to the great beyond last Tuesday evening, Nov, 28th, at six o'clock, after a very short illness. as he was in town less than two weeks ago. He has been a resident of a faxen near Mitchell for a long time and was greht- ly respected by a large circle of friends. He was a faithful member of thel meth- odtst Church, and had passed the three score and ten mark by three years. iii He leaves besides his widow, a famly of four sons and two daughters to mourn the loss of husband and father. —Kenneth Oameron, son of Mr. Alex. Cameron, has gone eoletatta,wa, where e has secured a eefluation, and Mr. Robert McKay,of Shelhorne has taken his place here. —A Hottrculturae So- ciety is going to Ie started in town this winter so as to be ready to- plant flowers on the streets in she spring.— The St. Marys Argus says the Mit. chell Town Council passed the peti- tion to move the St, Marys Registry office to Stratford for political reas- ons. There was no politics thought off in the business. It was because it would suit us better and we could hay° our work done quicker as St. Marys is a slow place and business is not done rapidly.—At, a meeting of the friends of Trinity-Churcli last week, it was re- solved to get an expert to rebuild the organ, which does not give satisfac- tion.—Harry Pierce will return frog' Detroit and commence business in Mr. Beggs' shop. He should do a very good business. 40 The death of Wm. McClinchey of the Goshen line, Stanley, occurred. Thursday, He and a daughter recent- ly visited a married daughter in Michi- an, and while there the daughter ied of typhoid fever ; he brought the renlains home where they were buried, from. He was one of the most highly respected and oldest residents of antdmheeytthe fever and died there- from. TESTIMONIAL OF ABR HAM DEARING. This is to certify that I have used English Stock Food, manufactured -by C. Lutz, for calves, milch cows eand young pigs, and in all cases have foliiid it most satisfactory. The calves have grown faster and done better than ever before; the milch cows have improved in condition. The flow of milk has in- creased. 20 per cent and is of greater richness; the young pigs have done better on English Stock Food than I ever knew them to do before. English Stock Food is a most excellent and val- uable article, and should be used by all stock raisers. It only requires to be given a trial in order to prove its merits. It is cheap es compared. with other stock food. • I have much pleas- ure in recommending it to stock. rais- ers. ABRAICAM DEARING. For sale by C. Lutz. Price 50c. The ilMI•11•91PLIIIIranUM, The king of BASE - Burners not the Ch eapest but the FiS/T Burns Less COAL. Gives More -1'•11411, . than any btherstove on the MARKET. E IS NOTHINO BET .1%, AND WE CARRY THE than the EST line of Stoves„ Ranges and Furnaces that are made, in Canada. The cold weather is now here and you find you require a new stove. We are here to supply your wants, our stock of 'Wood and coal Cooks, Ranges, 13ase-burners, Heaters a,rid Box Stoves,is COM.- plete, you will MVO money by making, your wants known at the New,Hardware., NABLE Such as es-, Cow SEIISO Des, Lanterns,Guns Rifles and Animunition. liese goods are selling it as our prices are right, eArIAN st, do north of1. Pielrar i Cos Store.